Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Adaptris Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.adaptris.core; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.validation.Valid; import javax.validation.constraints.Max; import javax.validation.constraints.Min; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Range; import org.apache.commons.pool2.PooledObject; import org.apache.commons.pool2.PooledObjectFactory; import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.DefaultPooledObject; import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool; import com.adaptris.annotation.AdapterComponent; import com.adaptris.annotation.AdvancedConfig; import com.adaptris.annotation.ComponentProfile; import com.adaptris.annotation.DisplayOrder; import com.adaptris.annotation.InputFieldDefault; import com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper; import com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper; import com.adaptris.core.util.ManagedThreadFactory; import com.adaptris.util.FifoMutexLock; import com.adaptris.util.NumberUtils; import com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias; /** * A Workflow that pools ServiceCollections. * <p> * Pooling of <code>ServiceCollection</code>s is useful in situations where the services are considered the bottleneck for the * throughput of messages (e.g. local FS to local FS, but with a slow JdbcService or WebServicesQueryService to extract data for * lookups). * </p> * <p> * If you specify min-idle, max-idle and pool-size to be equal to each other then you will effectively end up with a fixed size pool * of the size requested. There are some instances where a fixed size pool is desirable, such as when the service list that is being * pooled takes a significant amount of time to become ready to use (e.g. multiple database connections/JMS connections over a WAN). * By making a pool size fixed you only pay the cost of initialisation once when the workflow is first started. Of course, using a * fixed size pool can cause its own problems if long-lived connections are terminated silently by the remote system. If you are * using {@link com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection} within the service-collection, then it is advised that you use a fixed size pool; otherwise as * workers are deactivated then this could cause the underlying connection instance to be closed, which will cause issues for other * objects sharing the connection. * </p> * <p> * If <code>stop()</code> is invoked then any messages that are currently being processed will be allowed to finish, however any new * messages that enter the workflow via <code>onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage)</code> before the * <code>AdaptrisMessageConsumer</code> is succesfully stopped will be treated as <b>bad</b> messages and sent directly to the * configured {@link com.adaptris.core.ProcessingExceptionHandler}. * </p> * * @config pooling-workflow * * * @author lchan * @author $Author: lchan $ * @see ProcessingExceptionHandler */ @XStreamAlias("pooling-workflow") @AdapterComponent @ComponentProfile(summary = "Workflow with a thread pool handling the service chain", tag = "workflow,base") @DisplayOrder(order = { "poolSize", "minIdle", "maxIdle", "threadPriority", "disableDefaultMessageCount" }) public class PoolingWorkflow extends WorkflowImp { /** * The default maximum pool size. * */ public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_POOLSIZE = 10; /** * the default minimum idle size. * */ public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_IDLE = 1; /** * The default max idle size. */ public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE = DEFAULT_MAX_POOLSIZE; /** * The default thread lifetime. * */ private static final TimeInterval DEFAULT_THREAD_LIFETIME = new TimeInterval(1L,; /** * The default shutdown wait. * */ private static final TimeInterval DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_WAIT = new TimeInterval(1L,; /** * The default wait time for pool initialisation * */ private static final TimeInterval DEFAULT_INIT_WAIT = new TimeInterval(1L,; private static final Range PRIORITY_RANGE = Range.between(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY, Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); private transient boolean priorityWarningLogged = false; @InputFieldDefault(value = "10") private Integer poolSize; @InputFieldDefault(value = "1") private Integer minIdle; @InputFieldDefault(value = "10") private Integer maxIdle; @AdvancedConfig @InputFieldDefault(value = "1 minute") @Valid private TimeInterval threadKeepAlive; @AdvancedConfig @InputFieldDefault(value = "1 minute") @Valid private TimeInterval shutdownWaitTime; @AdvancedConfig @InputFieldDefault(value = "1 minute") @Valid private TimeInterval initWaitTime; @AdvancedConfig @InputFieldDefault(value = "5") @Min(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY) @Max(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY) private Integer threadPriority; private transient ExecutorService threadPool; private transient GenericObjectPool<Worker> objectPool; private transient FifoMutexLock poolLock; private transient AdaptrisMarshaller serviceListMarshaller; private transient String currentThreadName; private transient ServiceCollection marshalledServiceCollection; public PoolingWorkflow() { super(); poolLock = new FifoMutexLock(); serviceListMarshaller = DefaultMarshaller.getDefaultMarshaller(); } public PoolingWorkflow(String uniqueId) throws CoreException { this(); setUniqueId(uniqueId); } /** * Set the size of the pool. * * @param i the size of the pool */ public void setPoolSize(Integer i) { poolSize = i; } /** * Get the size of the pool. * * @return the size. * @see #setPoolSize(Integer) */ public Integer getPoolSize() { return poolSize; } public int poolSize() { return NumberUtils.toIntDefaultIfNull(getPoolSize(), DEFAULT_MAX_POOLSIZE); } public long threadLifetimeMs() { return TimeInterval.toMillisecondsDefaultIfNull(getThreadKeepAlive(), DEFAULT_THREAD_LIFETIME); } public long shutdownWaitTimeMs() { return TimeInterval.toMillisecondsDefaultIfNull(getShutdownWaitTime(), DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_WAIT); } public TimeInterval getThreadKeepAlive() { return threadKeepAlive; } /** * Set the lifetime for threads in the pool. * <p> * Threads that have been dormant for the specified interval are discarded. * </p> * * @param interval the lifetime (default is 60 seconds) */ public void setThreadKeepAlive(TimeInterval interval) { threadKeepAlive = interval; } public TimeInterval getShutdownWaitTime() { return shutdownWaitTime; } /** * Set the shutdown wait timeout for the pool. * <p> * When <code>stop()</code> is invoked, this causes a emptying and shutdown of the pool. The specified value is the amount of time * to wait for a clean shutdown. If this timeout is exceeded then a forced shutdown ensues, which may mean messages are in an * inconsistent state. * </p> * * @param interval the shutdown time (default is 60 seconds) * @see #stop() */ public void setShutdownWaitTime(TimeInterval interval) { shutdownWaitTime = interval; } /** * Initialise the workflow. * * @see com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp#initialiseWorkflow() * @throws CoreException if the workflow failed to initialise. This exception encapsulates any underlying exception. */ @Override protected void initialiseWorkflow() throws CoreException { if (maxIdle() > poolSize()) { log.warn("Maximum number of idle workers > pool-size, re-sizing max-idle"); setMaxIdle(poolSize()); } if (minIdle() > poolSize()) { log.warn("Minimum number of idle workers > pool-size, re-sizing min-idle"); setMinIdle(poolSize()); } if (minIdle() > maxIdle()) { log.warn("Minimum number of idle workers > max-idle, max-idle modified"); setMaxIdle(minIdle()); } marshalledServiceCollection = cloneServiceCollection(getServiceCollection()); LifecycleHelper.prepare(marshalledServiceCollection); LifecycleHelper.init(getProducer()); getConsumer().registerAdaptrisMessageListener(this); LifecycleHelper.init(getConsumer()); } /** * * @see com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp#startWorkflow() */ @Override protected void startWorkflow() throws CoreException { LifecycleHelper.start(getProducer()); objectPool = createObjectPool(); threadPool = createExecutor(); populatePool(); LifecycleHelper.start(getConsumer()); } /** * * @see com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp#closeWorkflow() */ @Override protected void closeWorkflow() { LifecycleHelper.close(getConsumer()); LifecycleHelper.close(getProducer()); } /** * * @see com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp#stopWorkflow() */ @Override protected void stopWorkflow() { LifecycleHelper.stop(getConsumer()); shutdownPool(); LifecycleHelper.stop(getProducer()); } /** * Process a message from the <code>MessageConsumer</code> * <p> * If <code>stop()</code> is invoked then any messages that are currently being processed will be allowed to finish, however any * new messages that enter the workflow via <code>onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage)</code> will be treated as BAD messages and * sent directly to the configured MessageErrorHandler. * </p> * * @see AdaptrisMessageListener#onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage) * @see WorkflowImp#handleBadMessage(AdaptrisMessage) * * @param msg the AdaptrisMessage. */ @Override public void onAdaptrisMessage(final AdaptrisMessage msg) { if (!obtainChannel().isAvailable()) { handleChannelUnavailable(msg); } else { onMessage(msg); } } /** * * @see WorkflowImp#resubmitMessage(com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage) */ @Override protected void resubmitMessage(AdaptrisMessage msg) { onMessage(msg); } private void onMessage(AdaptrisMessage msg) { try { currentThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); if (poolLock.permitAvailable()) { workflowStart(msg); // workflowCompletion.add(msg, threadPool.submit(new CallableWorker(msg))); threadPool.submit(new CallableWorker(msg)); } else { log.warn("Attempt to process message during shutdown; failing it"); handleBadMessage(msg); } } catch (Exception e) { msg.addObjectHeader(CoreConstants.OBJ_METADATA_EXCEPTION, e); handleBadMessage(msg); } } /** * * @see WorkflowImp#handleBadMessage(AdaptrisMessage) */ @Override public synchronized void handleBadMessage(AdaptrisMessage msg) { super.handleBadMessage(msg); } @Override protected void handleBadMessage(String logMsg, Exception e, AdaptrisMessage msg) { if (retrieveActiveMsgErrorHandler() instanceof RetryMessageErrorHandler) { log.warn("{} failed with [{}], it will be retried", msg.getUniqueId(), e.getMessage()); } else { log.error(logMsg, e); } msg.addObjectHeader(CoreConstants.OBJ_METADATA_EXCEPTION, e); handleBadMessage(msg); } /** * * @see WorkflowImp#doProduce(com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage) */ @Override public synchronized void doProduce(AdaptrisMessage msg) throws ServiceException, ProduceException { super.doProduce(msg); } /** * * @see WorkflowImp#handleProduceException() */ @Override public synchronized void handleProduceException() { super.handleProduceException(); } /** * * @see WorkflowImp#sendMessageLifecycleEvent(AdaptrisMessage) */ @Override protected synchronized void sendMessageLifecycleEvent(AdaptrisMessage msg) { super.sendMessageLifecycleEvent(msg); } private GenericObjectPool<Worker> createObjectPool() { GenericObjectPool<Worker> pool = new GenericObjectPool<>(new WorkerFactory()); long lifetime = threadLifetimeMs(); pool.setMaxTotal(poolSize()); pool.setMinIdle(minIdle()); pool.setMaxIdle(maxIdle()); pool.setMaxWaitMillis(-1L); pool.setBlockWhenExhausted(true); pool.setSoftMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(lifetime); pool.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(lifetime + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(lifetime)); return pool; } private ExecutorService createExecutor() { ExecutorService es = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new WorkerThreadFactory()); if (es instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor) { ((ThreadPoolExecutor) es).setKeepAliveTime(threadLifetimeMs(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } return es; } private void populatePool() throws CoreException { int size = minIdle(); ExecutorService populator = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); try { final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(size + 1); log.trace("Need more ({}) children as soon as possible to handle work. Get to it", size); final List<Worker> workers = new ArrayList<>(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { populator.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Worker w = objectPool.borrowObject(); workers.add(w); barrier.await(initWaitTimeMs(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (Exception e) { barrier.reset(); } } }); } barrier.await(initWaitTimeMs(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); for (Worker worker : workers) { objectPool.returnObject(worker); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CoreException(e); } finally { populator.shutdownNow(); } } private void shutdownPool() { try { poolLock.acquire(); List<Runnable> list = ManagedThreadFactory.shutdownQuietly(threadPool, shutdownWaitTimeMs()); for (Runnable l : list) { CallableWorker sd = (CallableWorker) l; handleBadMessage(sd.getMessage()); } log.trace("All children terminated; existence pointless"); objectPool.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Exception shutting down Pool : ", e); } finally { threadPool = null; objectPool = null; } poolLock.release(); } public Integer getThreadPriority() { return threadPriority; } public void setThreadPriority(Integer i) { threadPriority = i; } /** * Return the minimum idle objects in the pool. * * @return the minimum idle number */ public Integer getMinIdle() { return minIdle; } /** * Set the minimum number of idle objects in the pool. * * @param i the minIdle to set */ public void setMinIdle(Integer i) { minIdle = i; } /** * Return the maximum idle objects in the pool. * * @return the maximum idle number */ public int minIdle() { return NumberUtils.toIntDefaultIfNull(getMinIdle(), DEFAULT_MIN_IDLE); } /** * Return the maximum idle objects in the pool. * * @return the maximum idle number */ public Integer getMaxIdle() { return maxIdle; } /** * Set the maximum number of idle objects in the pool. * * @param i the maxIdle to set (default 10) */ public void setMaxIdle(Integer i) { maxIdle = i; } /** * Return the maximum idle objects in the pool. * * @return the maximum idle number */ public int maxIdle() { return NumberUtils.toIntDefaultIfNull(getMaxIdle(), DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE); } public int threadPriority() { int priority = NumberUtils.toIntDefaultIfNull(getThreadPriority(), Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); if (!PRIORITY_RANGE.contains(priority)) { LoggingHelper.logWarning(priorityWarningLogged, () -> { priorityWarningLogged = true; }, "thread-priority [{}] isn't in range {}, reset to default", priority, PRIORITY_RANGE.toString()); priority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY; } return priority; } /** * @return the initWaitTime */ public TimeInterval getInitWaitTime() { return initWaitTime; } /** * Set the amount of time to wait for object pool population. * <p> * Upon start the object pool is populated with the {@link #minIdle()} number of workers. * </p> * * @param t the initWaitTime to set, default if not specified is 1 minute */ public void setInitWaitTime(TimeInterval t) { this.initWaitTime = t; } public long initWaitTimeMs() { return TimeInterval.toMillisecondsDefaultIfNull(getInitWaitTime(), DEFAULT_INIT_WAIT); } /** * Return the total number of objects in the pool. This includes active and idle objects. * * @return the total number of objects in the pool. */ public int currentObjectPoolCount() { return objectPool.getNumActive() + objectPool.getNumIdle(); } /** * Return the number of currently active objects. These are objects that may or may not be currently be processing messages but * have been borrowed from the pool. * * @return the currently active objects. */ public int currentlyActiveObjects() { return objectPool.getNumActive(); } /** * Return the number of currently idle objects. These are objects that are currently in the pool awaiting work. * * @return the number of idle objects. */ public int currentlyIdleObjects() { return objectPool.getNumIdle(); } private ServiceCollection cloneServiceCollection(ServiceCollection original) throws CoreException { ServiceCollection result = null; result = (ServiceCollection) serviceListMarshaller.unmarshal(serviceListMarshaller.marshal(original)); LifecycleHelper.registerEventHandler(result, eventHandler); return result; } /** * Return the current number of active threads in the thread pool. This number is just a snaphot, and may change immediately upon * returning * * @return the number of threads in the threadpool. */ public int currentThreadPoolCount() { return ((ThreadPoolExecutor) threadPool).getPoolSize(); } @Override protected void prepareWorkflow() throws CoreException { } private class WorkerThreadFactory extends ManagedThreadFactory { private transient ThreadGroup threadGroup; WorkerThreadFactory() { super(PoolingWorkflow.class.getSimpleName()); threadGroup = new ThreadGroup(toString()); threadGroup.setMaxPriority(threadPriority()); } @Override protected Thread createThread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable r) { Thread t = new Thread(threadGroup, r, createName(), 0); t.setPriority(threadPriority()); return t; } } /** * The Manager private class. This is responsible for creating objects when requested by the object pool */ private class WorkerFactory implements PooledObjectFactory<Worker> { WorkerFactory() { } @Override public PooledObject<Worker> makeObject() throws Exception { Worker w = null; try { w = new Worker(); w.start(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error creating object for pool", e); throw e; } return new DefaultPooledObject<>(w); } @Override public void destroyObject(PooledObject<Worker> arg0) throws Exception { arg0.getObject().stop(); } @Override public boolean validateObject(PooledObject<Worker> arg0) { return arg0.getObject().isValid(); } @Override public void activateObject(PooledObject<Worker> arg0) throws Exception { } @Override public void passivateObject(PooledObject<Worker> arg0) throws Exception { } } private class CallableWorker implements Callable<AdaptrisMessage> { private AdaptrisMessage message; private Worker worker; CallableWorker(AdaptrisMessage msg) throws Exception { message = msg; worker = objectPool.borrowObject(); } private AdaptrisMessage getMessage() { return message; } private String getThreadName() { return currentThreadName + "(" + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ")"; } @Override public AdaptrisMessage call() throws Exception { String oldName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); Thread.currentThread().setName(getThreadName()); AdaptrisMessage result = null; try { result = worker.handleMessage(message); workflowEnd(message, result); objectPool.returnObject(worker); } catch (Exception e) { log.trace("[{}] failed pool re-entry, attempting to invalidate", toString()); try { objectPool.invalidateObject(worker); log.trace("[{}] invalidated", toString()); } catch (Exception ignoredIntentionally) { log.trace("[{}] not invalidated", toString()); } } Thread.currentThread().setName(oldName); return result; } } class Worker { private ServiceCollection sc; Worker() throws CoreException { try { sc = cloneServiceCollection(marshalledServiceCollection); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CoreException(e); } } public void start() throws CoreException { LifecycleHelper.initAndStart(sc, false); } public void stop() throws CoreException { LifecycleHelper.stopAndClose(sc, false); } public boolean isValid() { return true; } public AdaptrisMessage handleMessage(AdaptrisMessage msg) { AdaptrisMessage wip = null; try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.debug("start processing msg [{}]", messageLogger().toString(msg)); wip = (AdaptrisMessage) msg.clone(); // Set the channel id and workflow id on the message lifecycle. wip.getMessageLifecycleEvent().setChannelId(obtainChannel().getUniqueId()); wip.getMessageLifecycleEvent().setWorkflowId(obtainWorkflowId()); wip.addEvent(getConsumer(), true); sc.doService(wip); doProduce(wip); logSuccess(wip, start); } catch (ProduceException e) { wip.addEvent(getProducer(), false); handleBadMessage("Exception producing message", e, copyExceptionHeaders(wip, msg)); handleProduceException(); } catch (Exception e) { handleBadMessage("Exception processing message", e, copyExceptionHeaders(wip, msg)); } finally { sendMessageLifecycleEvent(wip); } return wip; } } }