Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2015 Adaptris Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;

import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils;

import com.adaptris.annotation.AdvancedConfig;
import com.adaptris.annotation.AffectsMetadata;
import com.adaptris.annotation.InputFieldDefault;
import com.adaptris.annotation.InputFieldHint;
import com.adaptris.annotation.Removal;
import com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage;
import com.adaptris.core.CoreException;
import com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil;
import com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper;

 * Base implementation for capturing data from an {@linkplain com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage} and storing it in a jdbc database.
public abstract class JdbcDataCaptureServiceImpl extends JdbcServiceWithParameters {

    @InputFieldHint(style = "SQL", expression = true)
    private String statement = null;
    @InputFieldDefault(value = "false")
    private Boolean saveReturnedKeys = null;
    @Removal(version = "3.9.0")
    private String saveReturnedKeysColumn = null;
    @Removal(version = "3.9.0")
    private String saveReturnedKeysTable = null;
    @InputFieldDefault(value = "")
    @InputFieldHint(style = "BLANKABLE")
    private String rowsUpdatedMetadataKey;

    protected transient DatabaseActor actor;

    private static transient boolean warningLogged = false;

    public JdbcDataCaptureServiceImpl() {
        actor = new DatabaseActor();

    protected void initJdbcService() throws CoreException {
        if (!isBlank(getSaveReturnedKeysColumn()) || !isBlank(getSaveReturnedKeysTable())) {
            LoggingHelper.logWarning(warningLogged, () -> {
                warningLogged = true;
            }, "saveReturnedKeysColumn/saveReturnedKeysTable is deprecated; surely your JDBC driver supports Statement#RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS by now");

    protected void startService() throws CoreException {


    protected void stopService() {

    protected void closeJdbcService() {

     * SQL statement to perform.
     * @param s the statement.
    public void setStatement(String s) {
        statement = s;

     * The configured Statement.
     * @return the SQL statement.
    public String getStatement() {
        return statement;

    public boolean saveReturnedKeys() {
        return BooleanUtils.toBooleanDefaultIfNull(getSaveReturnedKeys(), false);

     * Store any return value from the SQL statement as metadata.
     * @param save the falg.
    public void setSaveReturnedKeys(Boolean save) {
        saveReturnedKeys = save;

     * Get the configured flag.
     * @return the flag.
    public Boolean getSaveReturnedKeys() {
        return saveReturnedKeys;

     * The column that forms the return value for the SQL statement.
     * <p>
     * This is only applicable of the JDBC driver in question doesn't support {@link Statement#RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS}
     * </p>
     * @param col the column
     * @deprecated since 3.6.2 {@link Statement#RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS} has been available since java 1.4, surely your JDBC driver is
     *             newer than that!
    @Removal(version = "3.9.0")
    public void setSaveReturnedKeysColumn(String col) {
        saveReturnedKeysColumn = col;

     * Return the column that forms the return value for the SQL statement.
     * <p>
     * This is only applicable of the JDBC driver in question doesn't support {@link Statement#RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS}
     * </p>
     * @return the column
     * @deprecated since 3.6.2 {@link Statement#RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS} has been available since java 1.4, surely your JDBC driver is
     *             newer than that!
    @Removal(version = "3.9.0")
    public String getSaveReturnedKeysColumn() {
        return saveReturnedKeysColumn;

     * The table the contains the return value for the SQL statement.
     * <p>
     * This is only applicable of the JDBC driver in question doesn't support {@link Statement#RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS}
     * </p>
     * @param table the table
     * @deprecated since 3.6.2 {@link Statement#RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS} has been available since java 1.4, surely your JDBC driver is
     *             newer than that!
    @Removal(version = "3.9.0")
    public void setSaveReturnedKeysTable(String table) {
        saveReturnedKeysTable = table;

     * Get the table that contains the return value.
     * <p>
     * This is only applicable of the JDBC driver in question doesn't support {@link Statement#RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS}
     * </p>
     * @return the table.
     * @deprecated since 3.6.2 {@link Statement#RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS} has been available since java 1.4, surely your JDBC driver is
     *             newer than that!
    @Removal(version = "3.9.0")
    public String getSaveReturnedKeysTable() {
        return saveReturnedKeysTable;

    public String getRowsUpdatedMetadataKey() {
        return rowsUpdatedMetadataKey;

     * Set the metadata key which will contain the number of rows updated by this service.
     * <p>
     * The precise value will depend on the statement(s) being executed; this is simply an aggregation
     * of the values returned by {@link Statement#executeUpdate(String)}.
     * </p>
     * @param key the metadata key, if set this metadata will contain the number of rows affected.
    public void setRowsUpdatedMetadataKey(String key) {
        rowsUpdatedMetadataKey = key;

    protected void updateMetadata(AdaptrisMessage msg, long value) {
        if (!isBlank(getRowsUpdatedMetadataKey())) {
            msg.addMetadata(getRowsUpdatedMetadataKey(), String.valueOf(value));

    protected void saveKeys(AdaptrisMessage msg, Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Statement savedKeysQuery = null;

        try {
            if (saveReturnedKeys()) {
                if (!actor.isOldJbc()) {
                    rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
                    ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
                        String name = rsmd.getColumnName(i);
                        String value = rs.getObject(name).toString();
                        msg.addMetadata(name, value);
                } else {
                    savedKeysQuery = createStatement(actor.getSqlConnection());
                    rs = savedKeysQuery.executeQuery(
                            "select max(" + saveReturnedKeysColumn + ") from " + saveReturnedKeysTable + ";");
                    String value = rs.getObject(saveReturnedKeysColumn).toString();
                    msg.addMetadata(saveReturnedKeysColumn, value);
        } finally {

    protected DatabaseActor configureActor(AdaptrisMessage msg) throws SQLException {
        Connection c = getConnection(msg);
        if (!c.equals(actor.getSqlConnection())) {
        return actor;

    protected void prepareService() throws CoreException {

    protected class DatabaseActor {
        private PreparedStatement insertStatement = null;
        private String lastInsertStatement = "";
        private Connection sqlConnection;
        private boolean oldJDBC;

        DatabaseActor() {


        void reInitialise(Connection c) throws SQLException {
            sqlConnection = c;

        public PreparedStatement getInsertStatement(AdaptrisMessage msg) throws SQLException {
            String currentStatement = getParameterApplicator()
            if (!lastInsertStatement.equals(currentStatement) || insertStatement == null) {
                insertStatement = prepare(currentStatement);
                lastInsertStatement = currentStatement;
            return insertStatement;

        private PreparedStatement prepare(String statement) throws SQLException {
            PreparedStatement result = null;
            if (saveReturnedKeys()) {
                try {
                    result = prepareStatement(sqlConnection, statement, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
                } catch (Throwable error) {
                    oldJDBC = true;
                    result = prepareStatement(sqlConnection, statement);
            } else {
                result = prepareStatement(sqlConnection, statement);
            return result;

        void destroy() {
            sqlConnection = null;
            insertStatement = null;

        public Connection getSqlConnection() {
            return sqlConnection;

        boolean isOldJbc() {
            return oldJDBC;
