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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.addthis.hydra.kafka.consumer;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import com.addthis.bundle.core.Bundle;
import com.addthis.hydra.kafka.KafkaUtils;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework;
import org.apache.kafka.common.Node;

import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Connector;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import kafka.api.OffsetRequest;
import kafka.api.PartitionOffsetRequestInfo;
import kafka.cluster.Broker;
import kafka.common.ErrorMapping;
import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition;
import kafka.common.UnknownTopicOrPartitionException;
import kafka.consumer.ConsumerConfig;
import kafka.consumer.KafkaStream;
import kafka.javaapi.OffsetResponse;
import kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadata;
import kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadataRequest;
import kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadataResponse;
import kafka.javaapi.consumer.ConsumerConnector;
import kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer;

public final class ConsumerUtils {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConsumerUtils.class);

    // example and default values taken from:
    public static Map<String, TopicMetadata> getTopicsMetadataFromBroker(SimpleConsumer consumer,
            List<String> topics) {
        TopicMetadataRequest request = new TopicMetadataRequest(topics);
        TopicMetadataResponse response = consumer.send(request);
        Map<String, TopicMetadata> topicsMetadata = new HashMap<>();
        for (TopicMetadata metadata : response.topicsMetadata()) {
            if (metadata.errorCode() != ErrorMapping.NoError()) {
                String message = "failed to get metadata for topic: " + metadata.topic() + ", from broker: "
                        + + ":" + consumer.port();
                Throwable cause = ErrorMapping.exceptionFor(metadata.errorCode());
                log.error(message, cause);
                throw new RuntimeException(message, cause);
            topicsMetadata.put(metadata.topic(), metadata);
        return topicsMetadata;

    public static Map<String, TopicMetadata> getTopicsMetadataFromBroker(String kafkaHost, int kafkaPort,
            List<String> topics) {
        SimpleConsumer consumer = null;
        try {
            consumer = new SimpleConsumer(kafkaHost, kafkaPort, 100000, 64 * 1024, "get-metadata");
            return getTopicsMetadataFromBroker(consumer, topics);
        } finally {
            if (consumer != null) {

    public static Map<String, TopicMetadata> getTopicsMetadata(CuratorFramework zkClient, int seedBrokers,
            List<String> topics) {
        Iterator<Node> brokers = KafkaUtils.getSeedKafkaBrokers(zkClient, seedBrokers).values().iterator();
        Map<String, TopicMetadata> metadata = null;
        RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException();
        // try to get metadata while we havent yet succeeded and still have more brokers to try
        while ((metadata == null) && brokers.hasNext()) {
            try {
                Node broker =;
                metadata = getTopicsMetadataFromBroker(, broker.port(), topics);
            } catch (Exception e) {
        if (metadata != null) {
            return metadata;
        throw exception;

    public static Map<String, TopicMetadata> getTopicsMetadata(String zookeepers, int seedBrokers,
            List<String> topics) {
        CuratorFramework zkClient = null;
        try {
            zkClient = KafkaUtils.newZkClient(zookeepers);
            return getTopicsMetadata(zkClient, seedBrokers, topics);
        } finally {
            if (zkClient != null) {

    public static TopicMetadata getTopicMetadata(CuratorFramework zkClient, int seedBrokers, String topic) {
        Map<String, TopicMetadata> metadatas = getTopicsMetadata(zkClient, seedBrokers,
        return metadatas.get(topic);

    public static TopicMetadata getTopicMetadata(String zookeepers, int seedBrokers, String topic) {
        Map<String, TopicMetadata> metadatas = getTopicsMetadata(zookeepers, seedBrokers,
        return metadatas.get(topic);

    public static Broker getNewLeader(SimpleConsumer consumer, String topic, int partition) {
        TopicMetadata metadata = getTopicsMetadataFromBroker(consumer, Collections.singletonList(topic)).get(topic);
        return metadata.partitionsMetadata().get(partition).leader();

    // Also taken from wiki wholesale:
    // You have to wonder how this wrapper isn't included as part of the standard API...
    public static long getOffsetBefore(SimpleConsumer consumer, String topic, int partition, long whichTime) {
        TopicAndPartition topicAndPartition = new TopicAndPartition(topic, partition);
        Map<TopicAndPartition, PartitionOffsetRequestInfo> requestInfo = new HashMap<>();
        requestInfo.put(topicAndPartition, new PartitionOffsetRequestInfo(whichTime, 1));
        kafka.javaapi.OffsetRequest request = new kafka.javaapi.OffsetRequest(requestInfo,
                kafka.api.OffsetRequest.CurrentVersion(), "get-offsets");
        OffsetResponse response = consumer.getOffsetsBefore(request);
        short errorCode = response.errorCode(topic, partition);
        if ((errorCode == ErrorMapping.UnknownTopicOrPartitionCode())
                || (errorCode == ErrorMapping.NotLeaderForPartitionCode())) {
            throw new UnknownTopicOrPartitionException(
                    "offset query failed - assuming partition has moved and trying again");
        } else if (response.hasError()) {
            Throwable exception = ErrorMapping.exceptionFor(response.errorCode(topic, partition));
            log.error("failed to get offset for {}-{} time {} from broker: {}:{}", topic, partition, whichTime,
          , consumer.port(),
                    ErrorMapping.exceptionFor(response.errorCode(topic, partition)));
            throw new RuntimeException(exception);
        long[] offsets = response.offsets(topic, partition);
        if (offsets.length > 0) {
            return offsets[0];
            // if no offsets before time are available, return earliest
        } else if (whichTime != OffsetRequest.EarliestTime()) {
            return earliestOffsetAvailable(consumer, topic, partition);
            // if request earliest offset returns nothing, then everything is completely borked
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException(String.format("earliest offset does not exist for %s-%d", topic, partition));

    public static long earliestOffsetAvailable(SimpleConsumer consumer, String topic, int partition) {
        return getOffsetBefore(consumer, topic, partition, OffsetRequest.EarliestTime());

    public static long getOffsetBefore(SimpleConsumer consumer, String topic, int partition, long whichTime,
            int attempts) {
        SimpleConsumer offsetConsumer = consumer;
        // try to query offset, starting with passed in consumer, but retrying with new connections to updated leader if previous attempts fail
        for (int i = 0; i < attempts; i++) {
            try {
                return getOffsetBefore(offsetConsumer, topic, partition, whichTime);
            } catch (UnknownTopicOrPartitionException e) {
                        "offset query failed, assuming {}-{} has moved off of {}:{}, getting new leader, attempt: {}/{}",
                        topic, partition,, offsetConsumer.port(), i + 1, attempts);
                // close consumer if it is a temporary one created in this method
                if (offsetConsumer != consumer) {
                // create new consumer to current leader if more attempts remain
                if (i < attempts - 1) {
                    Broker leader = getNewLeader(consumer, topic, partition);
                    offsetConsumer = new SimpleConsumer(, leader.port(), 100000, 64 * 1024,
        throw new RuntimeException(
                String.format("offset query failed for %s-%d after %d attempts", topic, partition, attempts));

    public static long earliestOffsetAvailable(SimpleConsumer consumer, String topic, int partition, int attempts) {
        return getOffsetBefore(consumer, topic, partition, OffsetRequest.EarliestTime(), attempts);

    public static long latestOffsetAvailable(SimpleConsumer consumer, String topic, int partition, int attempts) {
        return getOffsetBefore(consumer, topic, partition, OffsetRequest.LatestTime(), attempts);

    public static ConsumerConfig newConsumerConfig(String zookeeper, Map<String, String> overrides) {
        Properties config = new Properties();
        config.put("zookeeper.connect", zookeeper);
        config.put("num.consumer.fetchers", "1");
        return new ConsumerConfig(config);

    public static Pair<ConsumerConnector, Map<String, List<KafkaStream<Bundle, Bundle>>>> newBundleStreams(
            String zookeeper, Map<String, Integer> topicStreams, Map<String, String> overrides) {
        ConsumerConnector connector = kafka.consumer.Consumer
                .createJavaConsumerConnector(newConsumerConfig(zookeeper, overrides));
        return new ImmutablePair<>(connector,
                connector.createMessageStreams(topicStreams, new BundleDecoder(), new BundleDecoder()));

    public static Pair<ConsumerConnector, KafkaStream<Bundle, Bundle>> newBundleConsumer(String zookeeper,
            String topic, HashMap<String, String> overrides) {
        Map<String, Integer> topicStreams = new HashMap<>();
        topicStreams.put(topic, 1);
        Pair<ConsumerConnector, Map<String, List<KafkaStream<Bundle, Bundle>>>> connectorAndStreams = newBundleStreams(
                zookeeper, topicStreams, overrides);
        return new ImmutablePair<>(connectorAndStreams.getLeft(), connectorAndStreams.getRight().get(topic).get(0));

    public static Pair<ConsumerConnector, KafkaStream<Bundle, Bundle>> newBundleConsumer(String zookeeper,
            String topic) {
        return newBundleConsumer(zookeeper, topic, new HashMap<>());