Source code

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 * Copyright 2015 Smart Society Services B.V.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
package com.alliander.osgp.shared.usermanagement;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


import org.apache.cxf.configuration.jsse.TLSClientParameters;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.ClientConfiguration;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.WebClient;
import org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider;

 * This class offers a web client for the web-api-user-management web service.
public class OrganisationManagementClient extends AbstractClient {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OrganisationManagementClient.class);

    private static final String CONSTRUCTION_FAILED = "OrganisationManagementClient construction failed";

    private String organisationsPath = "/organisations";
    private String organisationPath = "/organisations/";
    private String addNewOrganisationPath = "/organisations/add";
    private String removeOrganisationPath = "/organisations/remove";
    private String activateOrganisationPath = "/organisations/activate";
    private String changeOrganisationDataPath = "/organisations/change";

     * Construct a UserManagementClient instance.
     * @param keystoreLocation
     *            The location of the key store.
     * @param keystorePassword
     *            The password for the key store.
     * @param keystoreType
     *            The type of the key store.
     * @param baseAddress
     *            The base address or URL for the UserManagementClient.
     * @throws OrganisationManagementClientException
     *             In case the construction fails, a
     *             OrganisationManagementClientException will be thrown.
    public OrganisationManagementClient(final String keystoreLocation, final String keystorePassword,
            final String keystoreType, final String baseAddress) throws OrganisationManagementClientException {

        InputStream stream = null;
        boolean isClosed = false;
        Exception exception = null;

        try {
            // Create the KeyStore.
            final KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType.toUpperCase());

            stream = new FileInputStream(keystoreLocation);
            keystore.load(stream, keystorePassword.toCharArray());

            // Create TrustManagerFactory and initialize it using the KeyStore.
            final TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory

            // Create Apache CXF WebClient with JSON provider.
            final List<Object> providers = new ArrayList<Object>();
            providers.add(new JacksonJaxbJsonProvider());

            this.webClient = WebClient.create(baseAddress, providers);
            if (this.webClient == null) {
                throw new UserManagementClientException("webclient is null");

            // Set up the HTTP Conduit to use the TrustManagers.
            final ClientConfiguration config = WebClient.getConfig(this.webClient);
            final HTTPConduit conduit = config.getHttpConduit();

            conduit.setTlsClientParameters(new TLSClientParameters());
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(CONSTRUCTION_FAILED, e);
            throw new OrganisationManagementClientException(CONSTRUCTION_FAILED, e);
        } finally {
            try {
                isClosed = true;
            } catch (final Exception streamCloseException) {
                LOGGER.error(CONSTRUCTION_FAILED, streamCloseException);
                exception = streamCloseException;

        if (!isClosed) {
            throw new OrganisationManagementClientException(CONSTRUCTION_FAILED, exception);

     * Get all organisations.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a list of organisations.
     * @throws OrganisationManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String getOrganisations(final String organisationIdentification, final String token)
            throws OrganisationManagementClientException {

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance().path(this.organisationsPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).get();

        String organisations;
        try {
            organisations = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new OrganisationManagementClientException("get organisations response exception", e);

        return organisations;

     * Get an organisation.
     * @param organisationIdentificationToGet
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation to get.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing an organisation.
     * @throws OrganisationManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String getOrganisation(final String organisationIdentificationToGet,
            final String organisationIdentification, final String token)
            throws OrganisationManagementClientException {

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance()
                .path(this.organisationPath + organisationIdentificationToGet)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).get();

        String organisation;
        try {
            organisation = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new OrganisationManagementClientException("get organisation response exception", e);

        return organisation;

     * Add a new organisation.
     * @param newOrganisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation to add.
     * @param name
     *            The organisation name of the organisation to add.
     * @param prefix
     *            The prefix for the organisation [NOT USED].
     * @param functionGroup
     *            The platform function group of the organisation to add.
     * @param enabled
     *            The enabled state of the organisation to add.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a succesMessage or errorMessage.
     * @throws OrganisationManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String addNewOrganisation(final String newOrganisationIdentification, final String name,
            final String prefix, final Credentials credentials, final String organisationIdentification,
            final String token) throws OrganisationManagementClientException {

        final AddNewOrganisationRequest addNewOrganisationRequest = new AddNewOrganisationRequest(
                newOrganisationIdentification, name, prefix, credentials);

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance().path(this.addNewOrganisationPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).post(addNewOrganisationRequest);

        String apiResponse;
        try {
            apiResponse = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new OrganisationManagementClientException("add new organisation response exception", e);

        return apiResponse;

     * Remove a.k.a. deactivate an organisation.
     * @param organisationIdentificationToRemove
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation to remove.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a succesMessage or errorMessage.
     * @throws OrganisationManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String removeOrganisation(final String organisationIdentificationToRemove,
            final String organisationIdentification, final String token)
            throws OrganisationManagementClientException {

        final RemoveOrganisationRequest removeOrganisationRequest = new RemoveOrganisationRequest(

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance().path(this.removeOrganisationPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).post(removeOrganisationRequest);

        String apiResponse;
        try {
            apiResponse = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new OrganisationManagementClientException("remove organisation response exception", e);

        return apiResponse;

     * Activate an organisation.
     * @param organisationIdentificationToActivate
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation to
     *            activate.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a succesMessage or errorMessage.
     * @throws OrganisationManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String activateOrganisation(final String organisationIdentificationToActivate,
            final String organisationIdentification, final String token)
            throws OrganisationManagementClientException {

        final ActivateOrganisationRequest activateOrganisationRequest = new ActivateOrganisationRequest(

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance().path(this.activateOrganisationPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).post(activateOrganisationRequest);

        String apiResponse;
        try {
            apiResponse = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new OrganisationManagementClientException("activate organisation response exception", e);

        return apiResponse;

     * Change an organisations data.
     * @param organisationIdentificationToChange
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation to change.
     * @param newOrganisationIdentification
     *            The new organisation identification for the organisation.
     * @param newOrganisationName
     *            The new organisation name for the organisation.
     * @param functionGroup
     *            The new platform function group for the organisation.
     * @param organisationIdentification
     *            The organisation identification of the organisation issuing
     *            the request.
     * @param token
     *            The authentication token.
     * @return A JSON string containing a succesMessage or errorMessage.
     * @throws OrganisationManagementClientException
     *             In case the response is null, the HTTP status code is not
     *             equal to 200 OK or if the response body is empty.
    public String changeOrganisationData(final String organisationIdentificationToChange,
            final String newOrganisationIdentification, final String newOrganisationName,
            final Credentials credentials, final String organisationIdentification, final String token)
            throws OrganisationManagementClientException {

        final ChangeOrganisationRequest changeOrganisationRequest = new ChangeOrganisationRequest(
                organisationIdentificationToChange, newOrganisationIdentification, newOrganisationName,
                credentials.getFunctionGroup(), credentials.getExpiryDateContract(), credentials.getEmailAddress(),

        final Response response = this.getWebClientInstance().path(this.changeOrganisationDataPath)
                .headers(this.createHeaders(organisationIdentification, token)).post(changeOrganisationRequest);

        String apiResponse;
        try {
            apiResponse = this.checkResponse(response);
        } catch (final ResponseException e) {
            throw new OrganisationManagementClientException("change organisation data response exception", e);

        return apiResponse;