Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2015 Kumaresan Rajeswaran
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener;
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
import android.animation.LayoutTransition;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.animation.TimeInterpolator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener;
import android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView;
import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager;
import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
import android.widget.TextView;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

 * The workspace is a wide area with a wallpaper and a single page.
 * The page contains a number of icons, folders or widgets the user can
 * interact with. A workspace is meant to be used with a fixed width only.
public class Workspace extends ViewGroup implements DropTarget, DragSource, View.OnTouchListener,
        DragController.DragListener, LauncherTransitionable, ViewGroup.OnHierarchyChangeListener {

    private static final String TAG = "LeanLauncher.Workspace";

    private static final int CHILDREN_OUTLINE_FADE_OUT_DELAY = 0;
    private static final int CHILDREN_OUTLINE_FADE_OUT_DURATION = 375;
    private static final int CHILDREN_OUTLINE_FADE_IN_DURATION = 100;

    private static final int BACKGROUND_FADE_OUT_DURATION = 350;

    private static final float ALPHA_CUTOFF_THRESHOLD = 0.01f;

    static final boolean MAP_NO_RECURSE = false;
    static final boolean MAP_RECURSE = true;

    // These animators are used to fade the children's outlines
    private ObjectAnimator mChildrenOutlineFadeInAnimation;
    private ObjectAnimator mChildrenOutlineFadeOutAnimation;
    private float mChildrenOutlineAlpha = 0;

    // These properties refer to the background protection gradient used for AllApps and Customize
    private ValueAnimator mBackgroundFadeInAnimation;
    private ValueAnimator mBackgroundFadeOutAnimation;

    private LayoutTransition mLayoutTransition;
    private final WallpaperManager mWallpaperManager;
    private IBinder mWindowToken;

    private static boolean sAccessibilityEnabled;

    private CellLayout mWorkspace;

     * CellInfo for the cell that is currently being dragged
    private CellLayout.CellInfo mDragInfo;

     * Target drop area calculated during last acceptDrop call.
    private int[] mTargetCell = new int[2];
    private int mDragOverX = -1;
    private int mDragOverY = -1;

    static Rect mLandscapeCellLayoutMetrics = null;
    static Rect mPortraitCellLayoutMetrics = null;

     * The CellLayout that is currently being dragged over
    private CellLayout mDragTargetLayout = null;
     * The CellLayout that we will show as glowing
    private CellLayout mDragOverlappingLayout = null;

     * The CellLayout which will be dropped to
    private CellLayout mDropToLayout = null;

    private Launcher mLauncher;
    private IconCache mIconCache;
    private DragController mDragController;

    // These are temporary variables to prevent having to allocate a new object just to
    // return an (x, y) value from helper functions. Do NOT use them to maintain other state.
    private int[] mTempCell = new int[2];
    private float[] mDragViewVisualCenter = new float[2];
    private float[] mTempCellLayoutCenterCoordinates = new float[2];
    private Matrix mTempInverseMatrix = new Matrix();

    private SpringLoadedDragController mSpringLoadedDragController;
    private float mSpringLoadedShrinkFactor;
    private float mOverviewModeShrinkFactor;
    private Rect mViewPort = new Rect();

    // State variable that indicates whether the pages are small (ie when you're
    // in all apps or customize mode)

    enum State {

    private State mState = State.NORMAL;
    private boolean mIsSwitchingState = false;

    boolean mAnimatingViewIntoPlace = false;
    boolean mIsDragOccuring = false;

    /** Is the user is dragging an item near the edge of a page? */
    private boolean mInScrollArea = false;

    private HolographicOutlineHelper mOutlineHelper;
    private Bitmap mDragOutline = null;
    private static final Rect sTempRect = new Rect();
    private final int[] mTempXY = new int[2];
    public static final int DRAG_BITMAP_PADDING = 2;

    private Point mDisplaySize = new Point();

    private final Canvas mCanvas = new Canvas();

    // Relating to the animation of items being dropped externally
    public static final int ANIMATE_INTO_POSITION_AND_DISAPPEAR = 0;
    public static final int ANIMATE_INTO_POSITION_AND_REMAIN = 1;
    public static final int ANIMATE_INTO_POSITION_AND_RESIZE = 2;
    public static final int COMPLETE_TWO_STAGE_WIDGET_DROP_ANIMATION = 3;
    public static final int CANCEL_TWO_STAGE_WIDGET_DROP_ANIMATION = 4;

    // Related to dragging, folder creation and reordering
    private static final int DRAG_MODE_NONE = 0;
    private static final int DRAG_MODE_REORDER = 1;
    private int mDragMode = DRAG_MODE_NONE;
    private int mLastReorderX = -1;
    private int mLastReorderY = -1;

    private float mCurrentScale;
    private float mNewScale;
    private float mOldBackgroundAlpha;
    private float mNewBackgroundAlpha;
    private float mTransitionProgress;
    private Animator mStateAnimator = null;
    private int mTouchState = PagedView.TOUCH_STATE_REST;

    private Runnable mDeferredAction;
    private boolean mDeferDropAfterUninstall;
    private boolean mUninstallSuccessful;

    private final Runnable mBindPages = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

     * Used to inflate the Workspace from XML.
     * @param context The application's context.
     * @param attrs The attributes set containing the Workspace's customization values.
    public Workspace(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

     * Used to inflate the Workspace from XML.
     * @param context The application's context.
     * @param attrs The attributes set containing the Workspace's customization values.
     * @param defStyle Unused.
    public Workspace(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

        mOutlineHelper = HolographicOutlineHelper.obtain(context);

        mLauncher = (Launcher) context;
        final Resources res = getResources();
        mWallpaperManager = WallpaperManager.getInstance(context);

        LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance();
        DeviceProfile grid = app.getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile();
        TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.Workspace, defStyle, 0);
        mSpringLoadedShrinkFactor = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_workspaceSpringLoadShrinkPercentage) / 100.0f;
        mOverviewModeShrinkFactor = grid.getOverviewModeScale();



        // Disable multitouch across the workspace/all apps/customize tray

    // estimate the size of a widget with spans hSpan, vSpan. return MAX_VALUE for each
    // dimension if unsuccessful
    public int[] estimateItemSize(int hSpan, int vSpan, boolean springLoaded) {
        int[] size = new int[2];
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            // Use the first non-custom page to estimate the child position
            Rect r = estimateItemPosition(mWorkspace, 0, 0, hSpan, vSpan);
            size[0] = r.width();
            size[1] = r.height();
            if (springLoaded) {
                size[0] *= mSpringLoadedShrinkFactor;
                size[1] *= mSpringLoadedShrinkFactor;
            return size;
        } else {
            size[0] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            size[1] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            return size;

    public Rect estimateItemPosition(CellLayout cl, int hCell, int vCell, int hSpan, int vSpan) {
        Rect r = new Rect();
        cl.cellToRect(hCell, vCell, hSpan, vSpan, r);
        return r;

    public void onDragStart(final DragSource source, Object info, int dragAction) {
        mIsDragOccuring = true;

    public void onDragEnd() {
        mIsDragOccuring = false;

     * Initializes various states for this workspace.
    protected void initWorkspace() {
        LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance();
        mIconCache = app.getIconCache();


        Display display = mLauncher.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();

    private void setupLayoutTransition() {
        // We want to show layout transitions when pages are deleted, to close the gap.
        mLayoutTransition = new LayoutTransition();

    void enableLayoutTransitions() {

    void disableLayoutTransitions() {

    public void onChildViewAdded(View parent, View child) {
        if (!(child instanceof CellLayout)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("A Workspace can only have CellLayout children.");
        CellLayout cl = ((CellLayout) child);

    public void onChildViewRemoved(View parent, View child) {

    protected boolean shouldDrawChild(View child) {
        final CellLayout cl = (CellLayout) child;
        return cl.getVisibility() == VISIBLE
                && (mIsSwitchingState || cl.getShortcutsAndWidgets().getAlpha() > 0 || cl.getBackgroundAlpha() > 0);

    boolean isTouchActive() {
        return mTouchState != PagedView.TOUCH_STATE_REST;

    public void removeAllWorkspace() {
        // Disable all layout transitions before removing all pages to ensure that we don't get the
        // transition animations competing with us changing the scroll when we add pages or the
        // custom content screen

        // Remove the pages and clear the screen models

        // Re-enable the layout transitions

    public void addNewWorkspace() {
        // Log to disk
        Log.e(TAG, "11683562 - addNewWorkspace(): " + getChildCount());

        if (mWorkspace != null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Screen already exists!");

        mWorkspace = (CellLayout) mLauncher.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.workspace_screen, null);

        // Add an all apps Icon


    public CellLayout getScreen() {
        return mWorkspace;

    // At bind time, we use the rank (screenId) to compute x and y for hotseat items.
    // See implementation for parameter definition.
    void addInScreenFromBind(View child, long container, int x, int y, int spanX, int spanY) {
        addInScreen(child, container, x, y, spanX, spanY, false);

     * Adds the specified child in the specified screen. The position and dimension of
     * the child are defined by x, y, spanX and spanY.
     * @param child The child to add in one of the workspace's screens.
     * @param x The X position of the child in the screen's grid.
     * @param y The Y position of the child in the screen's grid.
     * @param spanX The number of cells spanned horizontally by the child.
     * @param spanY The number of cells spanned vertically by the child.
     * @param insert When true, the child is inserted at the beginning of the children list.
    void addInScreen(View child, long container, int x, int y, int spanX, int spanY, boolean insert) {
        if (container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) {
            if (getScreen() == null) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Skipping child, screen not found");
                // DEBUGGING - Print out the stack trace to see where we are adding from
                new Throwable().printStackTrace();

        final CellLayout layout;
        layout = getScreen();
        child.setOnKeyListener(new IconKeyEventListener());

        ViewGroup.LayoutParams genericLp = child.getLayoutParams();
        CellLayout.LayoutParams lp;
        if (genericLp == null || !(genericLp instanceof CellLayout.LayoutParams)) {
            lp = new CellLayout.LayoutParams(x, y, spanX, spanY);
        } else {
            lp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) genericLp;
            lp.cellX = x;
            lp.cellY = y;
            lp.cellHSpan = spanX;
            lp.cellVSpan = spanY;

        if (spanX < 0 && spanY < 0) {
            lp.isLockedToGrid = false;

        // Get the canonical child id to uniquely represent this view in this screen
        ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) child.getTag();
        int childId = LauncherAppState.getInstance().getViewIdForItem(info);

        if (!layout.addViewToCellLayout(child, insert ? 0 : -1, childId, lp, true)) {
            // TODO: This branch occurs when the workspace is adding views
            // outside of the defined grid
            // maybe we should be deleting these items from the LauncherModel?
            Log.d(TAG, "Failed to add to item at (" + lp.cellX + "," + lp.cellY + ") to CellLayout");

        if (child instanceof DropTarget) {
            mDragController.addDropTarget((DropTarget) child);

    private void addAllAppsIcon() {
        // Add the Apps button
        LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(getContext());
        TextView allAppsButton = (TextView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.all_apps_button, mWorkspace, false);
        Drawable d = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.all_apps_button_icon);
        allAppsButton.setCompoundDrawables(null, d, null, null);


        CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = new CellLayout.LayoutParams((mWorkspace.getCountX() - 1) / 2,
                mWorkspace.getCountY() - 1, 1, 1);
        lp.canReorder = false;
        mWorkspace.addViewToCellLayout(allAppsButton, -1, allAppsButton.getId(), lp, true);

     * Called directly from a CellLayout (not by the framework), after we've been added as a
     * listener via setOnInterceptTouchEventListener(). This allows us to tell the CellLayout
     * that it should intercept touch events, which is not something that is normally supported.
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        return (workspaceInModalState() || !isFinishedSwitchingState());

    public boolean isSwitchingState() {
        return mIsSwitchingState;

    /** This differs from isSwitchingState in that we take into account how far the transition
     *  has completed. */
    public boolean isFinishedSwitchingState() {
        return !mIsSwitchingState || (mTransitionProgress > 0.5f);

    protected void onWindowVisibilityChanged(int visibility) {

    public boolean dispatchUnhandledMove(View focused, int direction) {
        // when the home screens are shrunken, shouldn't allow side-scrolling
        return !(workspaceInModalState() || !isFinishedSwitchingState())
                && super.dispatchUnhandledMove(focused, direction);

    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
        switch (ev.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) {
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
            if (mTouchState == PagedView.TOUCH_STATE_REST) {
                final CellLayout currentPage = mWorkspace;
                if (currentPage != null) {
        return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev);

    public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        return super.onGenericMotionEvent(event);

    protected void reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary() {
        final int clCount = getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < clCount; i++) {
            CellLayout cl = (CellLayout) getChildAt(i);
            ShortcutAndWidgetContainer swc = cl.getShortcutsAndWidgets();
            final int itemCount = swc.getChildCount();
            for (int j = 0; j < itemCount; j++) {
                View v = swc.getChildAt(j);

                if (v != null && v.getTag() instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo) {
                    LauncherAppWidgetInfo info = (LauncherAppWidgetInfo) v.getTag();
                    LauncherAppWidgetHostView lahv = (LauncherAppWidgetHostView) info.hostView;
                    if (lahv != null && lahv.isReinflateRequired()) {
                        // Remove the current widget which is inflated with the wrong orientation

    public void announceForAccessibility(CharSequence text) {
        // Don't announce if apps is on top of us.
        if (!mLauncher.isAllAppsVisible()) {

    void showOutlines() {
        if (!workspaceInModalState() && !mIsSwitchingState) {
            if (mChildrenOutlineFadeOutAnimation != null)
            if (mChildrenOutlineFadeInAnimation != null)
            mChildrenOutlineFadeInAnimation = LauncherAnimUtils.ofFloat(this, "childrenOutlineAlpha", 1.0f);

    void hideOutlines() {
        if (!workspaceInModalState() && !mIsSwitchingState) {
            if (mChildrenOutlineFadeInAnimation != null)
            if (mChildrenOutlineFadeOutAnimation != null)
            mChildrenOutlineFadeOutAnimation = LauncherAnimUtils.ofFloat(this, "childrenOutlineAlpha", 0.0f);

    public void setChildrenOutlineAlpha(float alpha) {
        mChildrenOutlineAlpha = alpha;
        for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
            CellLayout cl = (CellLayout) getChildAt(i);

    public float getChildrenOutlineAlpha() {
        return mChildrenOutlineAlpha;

    private void animateBackgroundGradient(float finalAlpha, boolean animated) {
        final DragLayer dragLayer = mLauncher.getDragLayer();

        if (mBackgroundFadeInAnimation != null) {
            mBackgroundFadeInAnimation = null;
        if (mBackgroundFadeOutAnimation != null) {
            mBackgroundFadeOutAnimation = null;
        float startAlpha = dragLayer.getBackgroundAlpha();
        if (finalAlpha != startAlpha) {
            if (animated) {
                mBackgroundFadeOutAnimation = LauncherAnimUtils.ofFloat(this, startAlpha, finalAlpha);
                mBackgroundFadeOutAnimation.addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() {
                    public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
                        dragLayer.setBackgroundAlpha((Float) animation.getAnimatedValue());
                mBackgroundFadeOutAnimation.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator(1.5f));
            } else {

    private void setChildrenBackgroundAlphaMultipliers(float a) {
        for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
            CellLayout child = (CellLayout) getChildAt(i);

    protected void onAttachedToWindow() {
        mWindowToken = getWindowToken();

    protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {
        mWindowToken = null;

    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
        Log.d(TAG, "OnLayout> " + getChildCount());
        if (getChildCount() == 0) {

        int offsetX = mWorkspace.getMeasuredWidth();
        int offsetY = mWorkspace.getMeasuredHeight();

        // Update the viewport offsets
        mViewPort.offset(offsetX, offsetY);

        final View child = getChildAt(0);
        if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
            child.layout(0, 0, child.getMeasuredWidth(), child.getMeasuredHeight());

    protected void onResume() {
        AccessibilityManager am = (AccessibilityManager) getContext()
        sAccessibilityEnabled = am.isEnabled();

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

        // Call back to LauncherModel to finish binding after the first draw

    protected boolean onRequestFocusInDescendants(int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) {
        return !mLauncher.isAllAppsVisible() && super.onRequestFocusInDescendants(direction, previouslyFocusedRect);

    public int getDescendantFocusability() {
        if (workspaceInModalState()) {
            return ViewGroup.FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS;
        return super.getDescendantFocusability();

    public void addFocusables(ArrayList<View> views, int direction, int focusableMode) {
        if (!mLauncher.isAllAppsVisible()) {
            super.addFocusables(views, direction, focusableMode);

    public boolean workspaceInModalState() {
        return mState != State.NORMAL;

    private void updateChildrenLayersEnabled(boolean force) {
        boolean small = mState == State.OVERVIEW || mIsSwitchingState;
        boolean enableChildrenLayers = force || small || mAnimatingViewIntoPlace;


    public void buildPageHardwareLayers() {
        // force layers to be enabled just for the call to buildLayer
        if (getWindowToken() != null) {

    protected void onWallpaperTap(MotionEvent ev) {
        final int[] position = mTempCell;

        int pointerIndex = ev.getActionIndex();
        position[0] += (int) ev.getX(pointerIndex);
        position[1] += (int) ev.getY(pointerIndex);

                ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP ? WallpaperManager.COMMAND_TAP
                        : WallpaperManager.COMMAND_SECONDARY_TAP,
                position[0], position[1], 0, null);

     * This interpolator emulates the rate at which the perceived scale of an object changes
     * as its distance from a camera increases. When this interpolator is applied to a scale
     * animation on a view, it evokes the sense that the object is shrinking due to moving away
     * from the camera.
    static class ZInterpolator implements TimeInterpolator {
        private float focalLength;

        public ZInterpolator(float foc) {
            focalLength = foc;

        public float getInterpolation(float input) {
            return (1.0f - focalLength / (focalLength + input)) / (1.0f - focalLength / (focalLength + 1.0f));

     * The exact reverse of ZInterpolator.
    static class InverseZInterpolator implements TimeInterpolator {
        private ZInterpolator zInterpolator;

        public InverseZInterpolator(float foc) {
            zInterpolator = new ZInterpolator(foc);

        public float getInterpolation(float input) {
            return 1 - zInterpolator.getInterpolation(1 - input);

     * ZInterpolator compounded with an ease-out.
    static class ZoomOutInterpolator implements TimeInterpolator {
        private final DecelerateInterpolator decelerate = new DecelerateInterpolator(0.75f);
        private final ZInterpolator zInterpolator = new ZInterpolator(0.13f);

        public float getInterpolation(float input) {
            return decelerate.getInterpolation(zInterpolator.getInterpolation(input));

     * InvereZInterpolator compounded with an ease-out.
    static class ZoomInInterpolator implements TimeInterpolator {
        private final InverseZInterpolator inverseZInterpolator = new InverseZInterpolator(0.35f);
        private final DecelerateInterpolator decelerate = new DecelerateInterpolator(3.0f);

        public float getInterpolation(float input) {
            return decelerate.getInterpolation(inverseZInterpolator.getInterpolation(input));

    private final ZoomInInterpolator mZoomInInterpolator = new ZoomInInterpolator();

    * We call these methods (onDragStartedWithItemSpans/onDragStartedWithSize) whenever we
    * start a drag in Launcher, regardless of whether the drag has ever entered the Workspace
    * These methods mark the appropriate pages as accepting drops (which alters their visual
    * appearance).
    private static Rect getDrawableBounds(Drawable d) {
        Rect bounds = new Rect();
        if (bounds.width() == 0 || bounds.height() == 0) {
            bounds.set(0, 0, d.getIntrinsicWidth(), d.getIntrinsicHeight());
        } else {
            bounds.offsetTo(0, 0);
        if (d instanceof PreloadIconDrawable) {
            int inset = -((PreloadIconDrawable) d).getOutset();
            bounds.inset(inset, inset);
        return bounds;

    public void onDragStartedWithItem(PendingAddWidgetInfo info, Bitmap b, boolean clipAlpha) {
        int[] size = estimateItemSize(info.spanX, info.spanY, false);

        // The outline is used to visualize where the item will land if dropped
        mDragOutline = createDragOutline(b, DRAG_BITMAP_PADDING, size[0], size[1], clipAlpha);

    public void exitWidgetResizeMode() {
        DragLayer dragLayer = mLauncher.getDragLayer();

    Animator getChangeStateAnimation(final State state, boolean animated, ArrayList<View> layerViews) {
        return getChangeStateAnimation(state, animated, 0, layerViews);

    public boolean isInOverviewMode() {
        return mState == State.OVERVIEW;

    public boolean enterOverviewMode() {
        if (mTouchState != PagedView.TOUCH_STATE_REST) {
            return false;
        enableOverviewMode(true, true);
        return true;

    public void exitOverviewMode(boolean animated) {
        enableOverviewMode(false, animated);

    private void enableOverviewMode(boolean enable, boolean animated) {
        State finalState = Workspace.State.OVERVIEW;
        if (!enable) {
            finalState = Workspace.State.NORMAL;

        Animator workspaceAnim = getChangeStateAnimation(finalState, animated, 0);
        if (workspaceAnim != null) {
            workspaceAnim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
                public void onAnimationEnd(Animator arg0) {

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

        if (getChildCount() == 0) {

        // We measure the dimensions of the PagedView to be larger than the pages so that when we
        // zoom out (and scale down), the view is still contained in the parent
        int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
        int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
        int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
        int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);

        if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED || heightMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED) {

        // Return early if we aren't given a proper dimension
        if (widthSize <= 0 || heightSize <= 0) {

        mViewPort.set(0, 0, widthSize, heightSize);

        Log.d(TAG, "Workspace.onMeasure(): " + widthSize + ", " + heightSize);

        // disallowing padding in paged view (just pass 0)
        final View child = getChildAt(0);
        if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
            final int childWidthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(widthSize, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
            final int childHeightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(heightSize, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
            child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);
        setMeasuredDimension(widthSize, heightSize);

    int getOverviewModeTranslationY() {
        LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance();
        DeviceProfile grid = app.getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile();
        Rect overviewBar = grid.getOverviewModeButtonBarRect();

        int availableHeight = mViewPort.height();
        int scaledHeight = (int) (mOverviewModeShrinkFactor * mViewPort.height());
        int offsetFromTopEdge = (availableHeight - scaledHeight) / 2;
        int offsetToCenterInOverview = (availableHeight - overviewBar.height() - scaledHeight) / 2;

        return -offsetFromTopEdge + offsetToCenterInOverview;

    private void setState(State state) {
        mState = state;

    State getState() {
        return mState;

    private void updateAccessibilityFlags() {
        int accessible = mState == State.NORMAL ? ViewCompat.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES

    private static final int HIDE_WORKSPACE_DURATION = 100;

    Animator getChangeStateAnimation(final State state, boolean animated, int delay) {
        return getChangeStateAnimation(state, animated, delay, null);

    Animator getChangeStateAnimation(final State state, boolean animated, int delay, ArrayList<View> layerViews) {
        if (mState == state) {
            return null;

        AnimatorSet anim = animated ? LauncherAnimUtils.createAnimatorSet() : null;

        // We only want a single instance of a workspace animation to be running at once, so
        // we cancel any incomplete transition.
        if (mStateAnimator != null) {
        mStateAnimator = anim;

        final State oldState = mState;
        final boolean oldStateIsNormal = (oldState == State.NORMAL);
        final boolean oldStateIsOverview = (oldState == State.OVERVIEW);
        final boolean stateIsNormal = (state == State.NORMAL);
        final boolean stateIsSpringLoaded = (state == State.SPRING_LOADED);
        final boolean stateIsNormalHidden = (state == State.NORMAL_HIDDEN);
        final boolean stateIsOverviewHidden = (state == State.OVERVIEW_HIDDEN);
        final boolean stateIsOverview = (state == State.OVERVIEW);
        float finalBackgroundAlpha = (stateIsSpringLoaded || stateIsOverview) ? 1.0f : 0f;
        float finalOverviewPanelAlpha = stateIsOverview ? 1f : 0f;
        float finalWorkspaceTranslationY = stateIsOverview || stateIsOverviewHidden ? getOverviewModeTranslationY()
                : 0;

        boolean workspaceToAllApps = (oldStateIsNormal && stateIsNormalHidden);
        boolean overviewToAllApps = (oldStateIsOverview && stateIsOverviewHidden);
        boolean allAppsToWorkspace = (stateIsNormalHidden && stateIsNormal);
        boolean workspaceToOverview = (oldStateIsNormal && stateIsOverview);
        boolean overviewToWorkspace = (oldStateIsOverview && stateIsNormal);

        mNewScale = 1.0f;

        if (state != State.NORMAL) {
            if (stateIsSpringLoaded) {
                mNewScale = mSpringLoadedShrinkFactor;
            } else if (stateIsOverview || stateIsOverviewHidden) {
                mNewScale = mOverviewModeShrinkFactor;

        final int duration;
        if (workspaceToAllApps || overviewToAllApps) {
            duration = HIDE_WORKSPACE_DURATION; //getResources().getInteger(R.integer.config_workspaceUnshrinkTime);
        } else if (workspaceToOverview || overviewToWorkspace) {
            duration = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.config_overviewTransitionTime);
        } else {
            duration = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.config_appsCustomizeWorkspaceShrinkTime);

        final CellLayout cl = mWorkspace;
        float initialAlpha = cl.getShortcutsAndWidgets().getAlpha();
        float finalAlpha;
        if (stateIsNormalHidden || stateIsOverviewHidden) {
            finalAlpha = 0f;
        } else {
            finalAlpha = 1f;

        // If we are animating to/from the small state, then hide the side pages and fade the
        // current page in
        if (!mIsSwitchingState) {
            if (workspaceToAllApps || allAppsToWorkspace) {
                if (allAppsToWorkspace) {
                    initialAlpha = 0f;

        float oldAlpha = initialAlpha;
        float newAlpha = finalAlpha;
        if (animated) {
            mOldBackgroundAlpha = cl.getBackgroundAlpha();
            mNewBackgroundAlpha = finalBackgroundAlpha;
        } else {

        final View overviewPanel = mLauncher.getOverviewPanel();
        if (animated) {
            LauncherViewPropertyAnimator scale = new LauncherViewPropertyAnimator(this);
            float currentAlpha = cl.getShortcutsAndWidgets().getAlpha();
            if (oldAlpha == 0 && newAlpha == 0) {
            } else {
                if (layerViews != null) {
                if (oldAlpha != newAlpha || currentAlpha != newAlpha) {
                    LauncherViewPropertyAnimator alphaAnim = new LauncherViewPropertyAnimator(
                if (mOldBackgroundAlpha != 0 || mNewBackgroundAlpha != 0) {
                    ValueAnimator bgAnim = LauncherAnimUtils.ofFloat(cl, 0f, 1f);
                    bgAnim.addUpdateListener(new LauncherAnimatorUpdateListener() {
                        public void onAnimationUpdate(float a, float b) {
                            cl.setBackgroundAlpha(a * mOldBackgroundAlpha + b * mNewBackgroundAlpha);

            Animator overviewPanelAlpha = new LauncherViewPropertyAnimator(overviewPanel)
            overviewPanelAlpha.addListener(new AlphaUpdateListener(overviewPanel));

            // For animation optimations, we may need to provide the Launcher transition
            // with a set of views on which to force build layers in certain scenarios.
            overviewPanel.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null);
            if (layerViews != null) {

            if (workspaceToOverview) {
            } else if (overviewToWorkspace) {
                overviewPanelAlpha.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator(2));


            anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
                public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                    mStateAnimator = null;
        } else {

        if (stateIsNormal) {
            animateBackgroundGradient(0f, animated);
        } else {
            animateBackgroundGradient(getResources().getInteger(R.integer.config_workspaceScrimAlpha) / 100f,
        return anim;

    static class AlphaUpdateListener implements AnimatorUpdateListener, AnimatorListener {
        View view;

        public AlphaUpdateListener(View v) {
            view = v;

        public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator arg0) {

        public static void updateVisibility(View view) {
            // We want to avoid the extra layout pass by setting the views to GONE unless
            // accessibility is on, in which case not setting them to GONE causes a glitch.
            int invisibleState = sAccessibilityEnabled ? GONE : INVISIBLE;
            if (view.getAlpha() < ALPHA_CUTOFF_THRESHOLD && view.getVisibility() != invisibleState) {
            } else if (view.getAlpha() > ALPHA_CUTOFF_THRESHOLD && view.getVisibility() != VISIBLE) {

        public void onAnimationCancel(Animator arg0) {

        public void onAnimationEnd(Animator arg0) {

        public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator arg0) {

        public void onAnimationStart(Animator arg0) {
            // We want the views to be visible for animation, so fade-in/out is visible

    public void onLauncherTransitionPrepare(Launcher l, boolean animated, boolean toWorkspace) {

    public void onLauncherTransitionStart(Launcher l, boolean animated, boolean toWorkspace) {

    public void onLauncherTransitionStep(Launcher l, float t) {
        mTransitionProgress = t;

    public void onLauncherTransitionEnd(Launcher l, boolean animated, boolean toWorkspace) {

    private void onTransitionPrepare() {
        mIsSwitchingState = true;

        // Invalidate here to ensure that the pages are rendered during the state change transition.

    private void onTransitionEnd() {
        mIsSwitchingState = false;

    public View getContent() {
        return this;

     * Draw the View v into the given Canvas.
     * @param v the view to draw
     * @param destCanvas the canvas to draw on
     * @param padding the horizontal and vertical padding to use when drawing
    private static void drawDragView(View v, Canvas destCanvas, int padding) {
        final Rect clipRect = sTempRect;
        if (v instanceof TextView) {
            Drawable d = ((TextView) v).getCompoundDrawables()[1];
            Rect bounds = getDrawableBounds(d);
            clipRect.set(0, 0, bounds.width() + padding, bounds.height() + padding);
            destCanvas.translate(padding / 2 - bounds.left, padding / 2 -;
        } else {
            destCanvas.translate(-v.getScrollX() + padding / 2, -v.getScrollY() + padding / 2);
            destCanvas.clipRect(clipRect, Op.REPLACE);

     * Returns a new bitmap to show when the given View is being dragged around.
     * Responsibility for the bitmap is transferred to the caller.
     * @param expectedPadding padding to add to the drag view. If a different padding was used
     * its value will be changed
    public Bitmap createDragBitmap(View v, AtomicInteger expectedPadding) {
        Bitmap b;

        int padding = expectedPadding.get();
        if (v instanceof TextView) {
            Drawable d = ((TextView) v).getCompoundDrawables()[1];
            Rect bounds = getDrawableBounds(d);
            b = Bitmap.createBitmap(bounds.width() + padding, bounds.height() + padding, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
            expectedPadding.set(padding - bounds.left -;
        } else {
            b = Bitmap.createBitmap(v.getWidth() + padding, v.getHeight() + padding, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

        drawDragView(v, mCanvas, padding);

        return b;

     * Returns a new bitmap to be used as the object outline, e.g. to visualize the drop location.
     * Responsibility for the bitmap is transferred to the caller.
    private Bitmap createDragOutline(View v, int padding) {
        final int outlineColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.outline_color);
        final Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(v.getWidth() + padding, v.getHeight() + padding,

        drawDragView(v, mCanvas, padding);
        mOutlineHelper.applyExpensiveOutlineWithBlur(b, mCanvas, outlineColor, outlineColor);
        return b;

     * Returns a new bitmap to be used as the object outline, e.g. to visualize the drop location.
     * Responsibility for the bitmap is transferred to the caller.
    private Bitmap createDragOutline(Bitmap orig, int padding, int w, int h, boolean clipAlpha) {
        final int outlineColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.outline_color);
        final Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

        Rect src = new Rect(0, 0, orig.getWidth(), orig.getHeight());
        float scaleFactor = Math.min((w - padding) / (float) orig.getWidth(),
                (h - padding) / (float) orig.getHeight());
        int scaledWidth = (int) (scaleFactor * orig.getWidth());
        int scaledHeight = (int) (scaleFactor * orig.getHeight());
        Rect dst = new Rect(0, 0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight);

        // center the image
        dst.offset((w - scaledWidth) / 2, (h - scaledHeight) / 2);

        mCanvas.drawBitmap(orig, src, dst, null);
        mOutlineHelper.applyExpensiveOutlineWithBlur(b, mCanvas, outlineColor, outlineColor, clipAlpha);

        return b;

    void startDrag(CellLayout.CellInfo cellInfo) {
        View child = cellInfo.cell;

        // Make sure the drag was started by a long press as opposed to a long click.
        if (!child.isInTouchMode()) {

        mDragInfo = cellInfo;
        CellLayout layout = (CellLayout) child.getParent().getParent();

        beginDragShared(child, this);

    public void beginDragShared(View child, DragSource source) {

        // The outline is used to visualize where the item will land if dropped
        mDragOutline = createDragOutline(child, DRAG_BITMAP_PADDING);

        // The drag bitmap follows the touch point around on the screen
        AtomicInteger padding = new AtomicInteger(DRAG_BITMAP_PADDING);
        final Bitmap b = createDragBitmap(child, padding);

        final int bmpWidth = b.getWidth();
        final int bmpHeight = b.getHeight();

        float scale = mLauncher.getDragLayer().getLocationInDragLayer(child, mTempXY);
        int dragLayerX = Math.round(mTempXY[0] - (bmpWidth - scale * child.getWidth()) / 2);
        int dragLayerY = Math.round(mTempXY[1] - (bmpHeight - scale * bmpHeight) / 2 - padding.get() / 2);

        LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance();
        DeviceProfile grid = app.getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile();
        Point dragVisualizeOffset = null;
        Rect dragRect = null;
        if (child instanceof BubbleTextView) {
            int iconSize = grid.iconSizePx;
            int top = child.getPaddingTop();
            int left = (bmpWidth - iconSize) / 2;
            int right = left + iconSize;
            int bottom = top + iconSize;
            dragLayerY += top;
            // Note: The drag region is used to calculate drag layer offsets, but the
            // dragVisualizeOffset in addition to the dragRect (the size) to position the outline.
            dragVisualizeOffset = new Point(-padding.get() / 2, padding.get() / 2);
            dragRect = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom);

        // Clear the pressed state if necessary
        if (child instanceof BubbleTextView) {
            BubbleTextView icon = (BubbleTextView) child;

        if (child.getTag() == null || !(child.getTag() instanceof ItemInfo)) {
            String msg = "Drag started with a view that has no tag set. This "
                    + "will cause a crash (issue 11627249) down the line. " + "View: " + child + "  tag: "
                    + child.getTag();
            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);

        DragView dv = mDragController.startDrag(b, dragLayerX, dragLayerY, source, child.getTag(),
                DragController.DRAG_ACTION_MOVE, dragVisualizeOffset, dragRect, scale);


    public boolean transitionStateShouldAllowDrop() {
        return ((!isSwitchingState() || mTransitionProgress > 0.5f)
                && (mState == State.NORMAL || mState == State.SPRING_LOADED));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean acceptDrop(DragObject d) {
        // If it's an external drop (e.g. from All Apps), check if it should be accepted
        CellLayout dropTargetLayout = mDropToLayout;
        if (d.dragSource != this) {
            // Don't accept the drop if we're not over a screen at time of drop
            if (dropTargetLayout == null) {
                return false;
            if (!transitionStateShouldAllowDrop())
                return false;

            mDragViewVisualCenter = getDragViewVisualCenter(d.x, d.y, d.xOffset, d.yOffset, d.dragView,

            // We want the point to be mapped to the dragTarget.
            mapPointFromSelfToChild(dropTargetLayout, mDragViewVisualCenter, null);

            int spanX = 1;
            int spanY = 1;
            if (mDragInfo != null) {
                final CellLayout.CellInfo dragCellInfo = mDragInfo;
                spanX = dragCellInfo.spanX;
                spanY = dragCellInfo.spanY;
            } else {
                final ItemInfo dragInfo = (ItemInfo) d.dragInfo;
                spanX = dragInfo.spanX;
                spanY = dragInfo.spanY;

            int minSpanX = spanX;
            int minSpanY = spanY;
            if (d.dragInfo instanceof PendingAddWidgetInfo) {
                minSpanX = ((PendingAddWidgetInfo) d.dragInfo).minSpanX;
                minSpanY = ((PendingAddWidgetInfo) d.dragInfo).minSpanY;

            mTargetCell = findNearestArea((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], minSpanX,
                    minSpanY, dropTargetLayout, mTargetCell);
            float distance = dropTargetLayout.getDistanceFromCell(mDragViewVisualCenter[0],
                    mDragViewVisualCenter[1], mTargetCell);

            int[] resultSpan = new int[2];
            mTargetCell = dropTargetLayout.performReorder((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0],
                    (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], minSpanX, minSpanY, spanX, spanY, null, mTargetCell, resultSpan,
            boolean foundCell = mTargetCell[0] >= 0 && mTargetCell[1] >= 0;

            // Don't accept the drop if there's no room for the item
            if (!foundCell) {
                return false;

        return true;

    public void onDrop(final DragObject d) {
        mDragViewVisualCenter = getDragViewVisualCenter(d.x, d.y, d.xOffset, d.yOffset, d.dragView,

        CellLayout dropTargetLayout = mDropToLayout;

        // We want the point to be mapped to the dragTarget.
        if (dropTargetLayout != null) {
            mapPointFromSelfToChild(dropTargetLayout, mDragViewVisualCenter, null);

        boolean resizeOnDrop = false;
        if (d.dragSource != this) {
            final int[] touchXY = new int[] { (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1] };
            onDropExternal(touchXY, d.dragInfo, dropTargetLayout, false, d);
        } else if (mDragInfo != null) {
            final View cell = mDragInfo.cell;

            Runnable resizeRunnable = null;
            if (dropTargetLayout != null && !d.cancelled) {
                long container = LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP;
                int spanX = mDragInfo.spanX;
                int spanY = mDragInfo.spanY;
                // First we find the cell nearest to point at which the item is
                // dropped, without any consideration to whether there is an item there.

                mTargetCell = findNearestArea((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], spanX,
                        spanY, dropTargetLayout, mTargetCell);

                // Aside from the special case where we're dropping a shortcut onto a shortcut,
                // we need to find the nearest cell location that is vacant
                ItemInfo item = (ItemInfo) d.dragInfo;
                int minSpanX = item.spanX;
                int minSpanY = item.spanY;
                if (item.minSpanX > 0 && item.minSpanY > 0) {
                    minSpanX = item.minSpanX;
                    minSpanY = item.minSpanY;

                int[] resultSpan = new int[2];
                mTargetCell = dropTargetLayout.performReorder((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0],
                        (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], minSpanX, minSpanY, spanX, spanY, cell, mTargetCell,
                        resultSpan, CellLayout.MODE_ON_DROP);

                boolean foundCell = mTargetCell[0] >= 0 && mTargetCell[1] >= 0;

                // if the widget resizes on drop
                if (foundCell && (cell instanceof AppWidgetHostView)
                        && (resultSpan[0] != item.spanX || resultSpan[1] != item.spanY)) {
                    resizeOnDrop = true;
                    item.spanX = resultSpan[0];
                    item.spanY = resultSpan[1];
                    AppWidgetHostView awhv = (AppWidgetHostView) cell;
                    AppWidgetResizeFrame.updateWidgetSizeRanges(awhv, mLauncher, resultSpan[0], resultSpan[1]);

                if (foundCell) {
                    final ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) cell.getTag();
                    // update the item's position after drop
                    CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) cell.getLayoutParams();
                    lp.cellX = lp.tmpCellX = mTargetCell[0];
                    lp.cellY = lp.tmpCellY = mTargetCell[1];
                    lp.cellHSpan = item.spanX;
                    lp.cellVSpan = item.spanY;
                    lp.isLockedToGrid = true;

                    if (cell instanceof LauncherAppWidgetHostView) {
                        final CellLayout cellLayout = dropTargetLayout;
                        // We post this call so that the widget has a chance to be placed
                        // in its final location

                        final LauncherAppWidgetHostView hostView = (LauncherAppWidgetHostView) cell;
                        AppWidgetProviderInfo pinfo = hostView.getAppWidgetInfo();
                        if (pinfo != null && pinfo.resizeMode != AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_NONE) {
                            resizeRunnable = new Runnable() {
                                public void run() {
                                    DragLayer dragLayer = mLauncher.getDragLayer();
                                    dragLayer.addResizeFrame(info, hostView, cellLayout);

                    LauncherModel.modifyItemInDatabase(mLauncher, info, container, lp.cellX, lp.cellY, item.spanX,
                } else {
                    // If we can't find a drop location, we return the item to its original position
                    CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) cell.getLayoutParams();
                    mTargetCell[0] = lp.cellX;
                    mTargetCell[1] = lp.cellY;
                    CellLayout layout = (CellLayout) cell.getParent().getParent();

            final CellLayout parent = (CellLayout) cell.getParent().getParent();
            final Runnable finalResizeRunnable = resizeRunnable;
            // Prepare it to be animated into its new position
            // This must be called after the view has been re-parented
            final Runnable onCompleteRunnable = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    mAnimatingViewIntoPlace = false;
                    if (finalResizeRunnable != null) {
            mAnimatingViewIntoPlace = true;
            if (d.dragView.hasDrawn()) {
                final ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) cell.getTag();
                if (info.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET) {
                    int animationType = resizeOnDrop ? ANIMATE_INTO_POSITION_AND_RESIZE
                            : ANIMATE_INTO_POSITION_AND_DISAPPEAR;
                    animateWidgetDrop(info, parent, d.dragView, onCompleteRunnable, animationType, cell, false);
                } else {
                    int duration = -1;
                    mLauncher.getDragLayer().animateViewIntoPosition(d.dragView, cell, duration, onCompleteRunnable,
            } else {
                d.deferDragViewCleanupPostAnimation = false;

    public void onDragEnter(DragObject d) {
        mDropToLayout = null;
        CellLayout layout = getCurrentDropLayout();

        if (!workspaceInModalState()) {

    /** Return a rect that has the cellWidth/cellHeight (left, top), and
     * widthGap/heightGap (right, bottom) */
    static Rect getCellLayoutMetrics(Launcher launcher, int orientation) {
        LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance();
        DeviceProfile grid = app.getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile();

        Display display = launcher.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
        Point smallestSize = new Point();
        Point largestSize = new Point();
        display.getCurrentSizeRange(smallestSize, largestSize);
        int countX = (int) grid.numColumns;
        int countY = (int) grid.numRows;
        if (orientation == CellLayout.LANDSCAPE) {
            if (mLandscapeCellLayoutMetrics == null) {
                Rect padding = grid.getWorkspacePadding(CellLayout.LANDSCAPE);
                int width = largestSize.x - padding.left - padding.right;
                int height = smallestSize.y - - padding.bottom;
                mLandscapeCellLayoutMetrics = new Rect();
                mLandscapeCellLayoutMetrics.set(grid.calculateCellWidth(width, countX),
                        grid.calculateCellHeight(height, countY), 0, 0);
            return mLandscapeCellLayoutMetrics;
        } else if (orientation == CellLayout.PORTRAIT) {
            if (mPortraitCellLayoutMetrics == null) {
                Rect padding = grid.getWorkspacePadding(CellLayout.PORTRAIT);
                int width = smallestSize.x - padding.left - padding.right;
                int height = largestSize.y - - padding.bottom;
                mPortraitCellLayoutMetrics = new Rect();
                mPortraitCellLayoutMetrics.set(grid.calculateCellWidth(width, countX),
                        grid.calculateCellHeight(height, countY), 0, 0);
            return mPortraitCellLayoutMetrics;
        return null;

    public void onDragExit(DragObject d) {
        // Here we store the final page that will be dropped to, if the workspace in fact
        // receives the drop
        if (mInScrollArea) {
            mDropToLayout = mDragOverlappingLayout;
        } else {
            mDropToLayout = mDragTargetLayout;

        // Reset the scroll area and previous drag target



    void setCurrentDropLayout(CellLayout layout) {
        if (mDragTargetLayout != null) {
        mDragTargetLayout = layout;
        if (mDragTargetLayout != null) {
        setCurrentDropOverCell(-1, -1);

    void setCurrentDragOverlappingLayout(CellLayout layout) {
        if (mDragOverlappingLayout != null) {
        mDragOverlappingLayout = layout;
        if (mDragOverlappingLayout != null) {

    void setCurrentDropOverCell(int x, int y) {
        if (x != mDragOverX || y != mDragOverY) {
            mDragOverX = x;
            mDragOverY = y;

    void setDragMode(int dragMode) {
        if (dragMode != mDragMode) {
            if (dragMode == DRAG_MODE_NONE) {
                // We don't want to cancel the re-order alarm every time the target cell changes
                // as this feels to slow / unresponsive.
            mDragMode = dragMode;

    private void cleanupReorder() {
        mLastReorderX = -1;
        mLastReorderY = -1;

     * Convert the 2D coordinate xy from the parent View's coordinate space to this CellLayout's
     * coordinate space. The argument xy is modified with the return result.
     * if cachedInverseMatrix is not null, this method will just use that matrix instead of
     * computing it itself; we use this to avoid redundant matrix inversions in
     * findMatchingPageForDragOver
    void mapPointFromSelfToChild(View v, float[] xy, Matrix cachedInverseMatrix) {
        xy[0] = xy[0] - v.getLeft();
        xy[1] = xy[1] - v.getTop();

     * Convert the 2D coordinate xy from this CellLayout's coordinate space to
     * the parent View's coordinate space. The argument xy is modified with the return result.
    void mapPointFromChildToSelf(View v, float[] xy) {
        xy[0] += v.getLeft();
        xy[1] += v.getTop();

    static private float squaredDistance(float[] point1, float[] point2) {
        float distanceX = point1[0] - point2[0];
        float distanceY = point2[1] - point2[1];
        return distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY;

     * This method returns the CellLayout that is currently being dragged to. In order to drag
     * to a CellLayout, either the touch point must be directly over the CellLayout, or as a second
     * strategy, we see if the dragView is overlapping any CellLayout and choose the closest one
     * Return null if no CellLayout is currently being dragged over
    private CellLayout findMatchingPageForDragOver(DragView dragView, float originX, float originY, boolean exact) {
        // We loop through all the screens (ie CellLayouts) and see which ones overlap
        // with the item being dragged and then choose the one that's closest to the touch point
        final int screenCount = getChildCount();
        CellLayout bestMatchingScreen = null;
        float smallestDistSoFar = Float.MAX_VALUE;

        for (int i = 0; i < screenCount; i++) {
            CellLayout cl = (CellLayout) getChildAt(i);

            final float[] touchXy = { originX, originY };
            // Transform the touch coordinates to the CellLayout's local coordinates
            // If the touch point is within the bounds of the cell layout, we can return immediately
            mapPointFromSelfToChild(cl, touchXy, mTempInverseMatrix);

            if (touchXy[0] >= 0 && touchXy[0] <= cl.getWidth() && touchXy[1] >= 0 && touchXy[1] <= cl.getHeight()) {
                return cl;

            if (!exact) {
                // Get the center of the cell layout in screen coordinates
                final float[] cellLayoutCenter = mTempCellLayoutCenterCoordinates;
                cellLayoutCenter[0] = cl.getWidth() / 2;
                cellLayoutCenter[1] = cl.getHeight() / 2;
                mapPointFromChildToSelf(cl, cellLayoutCenter);

                touchXy[0] = originX;
                touchXy[1] = originY;

                // Calculate the distance between the center of the CellLayout
                // and the touch point
                float dist = squaredDistance(touchXy, cellLayoutCenter);

                if (dist < smallestDistSoFar) {
                    smallestDistSoFar = dist;
                    bestMatchingScreen = cl;
        return bestMatchingScreen;

    // This is used to compute the visual center of the dragView. This point is then
    // used to visualize drop locations and determine where to drop an item. The idea is that
    // the visual center represents the user's interpretation of where the item is, and hence
    // is the appropriate point to use when determining drop location.
    private float[] getDragViewVisualCenter(int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset, DragView dragView,
            float[] recycle) {
        float res[];
        if (recycle == null) {
            res = new float[2];
        } else {
            res = recycle;

        // First off, the drag view has been shifted in a way that is not represented in the
        // x and y values or the x/yOffsets. Here we account for that shift.
        x += getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dragViewOffsetX);
        y += getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dragViewOffsetY);

        // These represent the visual top and left of drag view if a dragRect was provided.
        // If a dragRect was not provided, then they correspond to the actual view left and
        // top, as the dragRect is in that case taken to be the entire dragView.
        // R.dimen.dragViewOffsetY.
        int left = x - xOffset;
        int top = y - yOffset;

        // In order to find the visual center, we shift by half the dragRect
        res[0] = left + dragView.getDragRegion().width() / 2;
        res[1] = top + dragView.getDragRegion().height() / 2;

        return res;

    private boolean isDragWidget(DragObject d) {
        return (d.dragInfo instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo || d.dragInfo instanceof PendingAddWidgetInfo);

    private boolean isExternalDragWidget(DragObject d) {
        return d.dragSource != this && isDragWidget(d);

    public void onDragOver(DragObject d) {
        // Skip drag over events while we are dragging over side pages
        if (mInScrollArea || !transitionStateShouldAllowDrop())

        Rect r = new Rect();
        CellLayout layout = null;
        ItemInfo item = (ItemInfo) d.dragInfo;
        if (item == null) {

        // Ensure that we have proper spans for the item that we are dropping
        if (item.spanX < 0 || item.spanY < 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("Improper spans found");
        mDragViewVisualCenter = getDragViewVisualCenter(d.x, d.y, d.xOffset, d.yOffset, d.dragView,

        final View child = (mDragInfo == null) ? null : mDragInfo.cell;
        // Identify whether we have dragged over a side page
        if (workspaceInModalState()) {
            layout = findMatchingPageForDragOver(d.dragView, d.x, d.y, false);
            if (layout != mDragTargetLayout) {

                boolean isInSpringLoadedMode = (mState == State.SPRING_LOADED);
                if (isInSpringLoadedMode) {
        } else {
            layout = getCurrentDropLayout();
            if (layout != mDragTargetLayout) {

        // Handle the drag over
        if (mDragTargetLayout != null) {
            // We want the point to be mapped to the dragTarget.
            mapPointFromSelfToChild(mDragTargetLayout, mDragViewVisualCenter, null);

            ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) d.dragInfo;

            int minSpanX = item.spanX;
            int minSpanY = item.spanY;
            if (item.minSpanX > 0 && item.minSpanY > 0) {
                minSpanX = item.minSpanX;
                minSpanY = item.minSpanY;

            mTargetCell = findNearestArea((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], minSpanX,
                    minSpanY, mDragTargetLayout, mTargetCell);
            int reorderX = mTargetCell[0];
            int reorderY = mTargetCell[1];

            setCurrentDropOverCell(mTargetCell[0], mTargetCell[1]);

            float targetCellDistance = mDragTargetLayout.getDistanceFromCell(mDragViewVisualCenter[0],
                    mDragViewVisualCenter[1], mTargetCell);

            final View dragOverView = mDragTargetLayout.getChildAt(mTargetCell[0], mTargetCell[1]);

            boolean nearestDropOccupied = mDragTargetLayout.isNearestDropLocationOccupied(
                    (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], item.spanX, item.spanY, child,

            if (!nearestDropOccupied) {
                mDragTargetLayout.visualizeDropLocation(child, mDragOutline, (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0],
                        (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], mTargetCell[0], mTargetCell[1], item.spanX, item.spanY,
                        false, d.dragView.getDragVisualizeOffset(), d.dragView.getDragRegion());
            } else if ((mDragMode == DRAG_MODE_NONE || mDragMode == DRAG_MODE_REORDER)
                    && (mLastReorderX != reorderX || mLastReorderY != reorderY)) {

                int[] resultSpan = new int[2];
                mDragTargetLayout.performReorder((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1],
                        minSpanX, minSpanY, item.spanX, item.spanY, child, mTargetCell, resultSpan,

            if (!nearestDropOccupied) {
                if (mDragTargetLayout != null) {

    public void getHitRectRelativeToDragLayer(Rect outRect) {
        // We want the workspace to have the whole area of the display (it will find the correct
        // cell layout to drop to in the existing drag/drop logic.
        mLauncher.getDragLayer().getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(this, outRect);

     * Drop an item that didn't originate on one of the workspace screens.
     * It may have come from Launcher (e.g. from all apps or customize), or it may have
     * come from another app altogether.
     * NOTE: This can also be called when we are outside of a drag event, when we want
     * to add an item to one of the workspace screens.
    private void onDropExternal(final int[] touchXY, final Object dragInfo, final CellLayout cellLayout,
            boolean insertAtFirst, DragObject d) {
        final Runnable exitSpringLoadedRunnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                mLauncher.exitSpringLoadedDragModeDelayed(true, Launcher.EXIT_SPRINGLOADED_MODE_SHORT_TIMEOUT,

        ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) dragInfo;
        int spanX = info.spanX;
        int spanY = info.spanY;
        if (mDragInfo != null) {
            spanX = mDragInfo.spanX;
            spanY = mDragInfo.spanY;

        final long container = LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP;

        if (info instanceof PendingAddWidgetInfo) {
            final PendingAddWidgetInfo pendingInfo = (PendingAddWidgetInfo) dragInfo;
            final ItemInfo item = (ItemInfo) d.dragInfo;
            boolean updateWidgetSize = false;
            int minSpanX = item.spanX;
            int minSpanY = item.spanY;
            if (item.minSpanX > 0 && item.minSpanY > 0) {
                minSpanX = item.minSpanX;
                minSpanY = item.minSpanY;
            int[] resultSpan = new int[2];
            mTargetCell = cellLayout.performReorder((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1],
                    minSpanX, minSpanY, info.spanX, info.spanY, null, mTargetCell, resultSpan,

            if (resultSpan[0] != item.spanX || resultSpan[1] != item.spanY) {
                updateWidgetSize = true;
            item.spanX = resultSpan[0];
            item.spanY = resultSpan[1];

            Runnable onAnimationCompleteRunnable = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    // When dragging and dropping from customization tray, we deal with creating
                    // widgets/shortcuts/folders in a slightly different way
                    switch (pendingInfo.itemType) {
                    case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET:
                        int span[] = new int[2];
                        span[0] = item.spanX;
                        span[1] = item.spanY;
                        mLauncher.addAppWidgetFromDrop((PendingAddWidgetInfo) pendingInfo, container, mTargetCell,
                                span, null);
                    case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT:
                        mLauncher.processShortcutFromDrop(pendingInfo.componentName, container, mTargetCell, null);
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown item type: " + pendingInfo.itemType);
            View finalView = pendingInfo.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET
                    ? ((PendingAddWidgetInfo) pendingInfo).boundWidget
                    : null;

            if (finalView != null && updateWidgetSize) {
                AppWidgetHostView awhv = (AppWidgetHostView) finalView;
                AppWidgetResizeFrame.updateWidgetSizeRanges(awhv, mLauncher, item.spanX, item.spanY);

            int animationStyle = ANIMATE_INTO_POSITION_AND_DISAPPEAR;
            animateWidgetDrop(info, cellLayout, d.dragView, onAnimationCompleteRunnable, animationStyle, finalView,
        } else {
            // This is for other drag/drop cases, like dragging from All Apps
            View view = null;

            switch (info.itemType) {
            case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION:
            case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT:
                if (info.container == NO_ID && info instanceof AppInfo) {
                    // Came from all apps -- make a copy
                    info = new ShortcutInfo((AppInfo) info);
                view = mLauncher.createShortcut(R.layout.application, cellLayout, (ShortcutInfo) info);
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown item type: " + info.itemType);

            // First we find the cell nearest to point at which the item is
            // dropped, without any consideration to whether there is an item there.
            if (touchXY != null) {
                d.postAnimationRunnable = exitSpringLoadedRunnable;

            if (touchXY != null) {
                // when dragging and dropping, just find the closest free spot
                mTargetCell = cellLayout.performReorder((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0],
                        (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], 1, 1, 1, 1, null, mTargetCell, null,
            } else {
                cellLayout.findCellForSpan(mTargetCell, 1, 1);
            // Add the item to DB before adding to screen ensures that the container and other
            // values of the info is properly updated.
            LauncherModel.addOrMoveItemInDatabase(mLauncher, info, container, mTargetCell[0], mTargetCell[1]);

            addInScreen(view, container, mTargetCell[0], mTargetCell[1], info.spanX, info.spanY, insertAtFirst);

            if (d.dragView != null) {
                // We wrap the animation call in the temporary set and reset of the current
                // cellLayout to its final transform -- this means we animate the drag view to
                // the correct final location.
                mLauncher.getDragLayer().animateViewIntoPosition(d.dragView, view, exitSpringLoadedRunnable, this);

    public Bitmap createWidgetBitmap(ItemInfo widgetInfo, View layout) {
        int[] unScaledSize = estimateItemSize(widgetInfo.spanX, widgetInfo.spanY, false);
        int visibility = layout.getVisibility();

        int width = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(unScaledSize[0], MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
        int height = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(unScaledSize[1], MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
        Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(unScaledSize[0], unScaledSize[1], Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

        layout.measure(width, height);
        layout.layout(0, 0, unScaledSize[0], unScaledSize[1]);
        return b;

    private void getFinalPositionForDropAnimation(int[] loc, float[] scaleXY, DragView dragView, CellLayout layout,
            ItemInfo info, int[] targetCell, boolean external, boolean scale) {
        // Now we animate the dragView, (ie. the widget or shortcut preview) into its final
        // location and size on the home screen.
        int spanX = info.spanX;
        int spanY = info.spanY;

        Rect r = estimateItemPosition(layout, targetCell[0], targetCell[1], spanX, spanY);
        loc[0] = r.left;
        loc[1] =;

        float cellLayoutScale = mLauncher.getDragLayer().getDescendantCoordRelativeToSelf(layout, loc, true);

        float dragViewScaleX;
        float dragViewScaleY;
        if (scale) {
            dragViewScaleX = (1.0f * r.width()) / dragView.getMeasuredWidth();
            dragViewScaleY = (1.0f * r.height()) / dragView.getMeasuredHeight();
        } else {
            dragViewScaleX = 1f;
            dragViewScaleY = 1f;

        // The animation will scale the dragView about its center, so we need to center about
        // the final location.
        loc[0] -= (dragView.getMeasuredWidth() - cellLayoutScale * r.width()) / 2;
        loc[1] -= (dragView.getMeasuredHeight() - cellLayoutScale * r.height()) / 2;

        scaleXY[0] = dragViewScaleX * cellLayoutScale;
        scaleXY[1] = dragViewScaleY * cellLayoutScale;

    public void animateWidgetDrop(ItemInfo info, CellLayout cellLayout, DragView dragView,
            final Runnable onCompleteRunnable, int animationType, final View finalView, boolean external) {
        Rect from = new Rect();
        mLauncher.getDragLayer().getViewRectRelativeToSelf(dragView, from);

        int[] finalPos = new int[2];
        float scaleXY[] = new float[2];
        getFinalPositionForDropAnimation(finalPos, scaleXY, dragView, cellLayout, info, mTargetCell, external,

        Resources res = mLauncher.getResources();
        final int duration = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_dropAnimMaxDuration) - 200;

        // In the case where we've prebound the widget, we remove it from the DragLayer
        if (finalView instanceof AppWidgetHostView && external) {
            Log.d(TAG, "6557954 Animate widget drop, final view is appWidgetHostView");
        if ((animationType == ANIMATE_INTO_POSITION_AND_RESIZE || external) && finalView != null) {
            Bitmap crossFadeBitmap = createWidgetBitmap(info, finalView);
            dragView.crossFade((int) (duration * 0.8f));
        } else if (info.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET && external) {
            scaleXY[0] = scaleXY[1] = Math.min(scaleXY[0], scaleXY[1]);

        DragLayer dragLayer = mLauncher.getDragLayer();
        if (animationType == CANCEL_TWO_STAGE_WIDGET_DROP_ANIMATION) {
            mLauncher.getDragLayer().animateViewIntoPosition(dragView, finalPos, 0f, 0.1f, 0.1f,
                    DragLayer.ANIMATION_END_DISAPPEAR, onCompleteRunnable, duration);
        } else {
            int endStyle;
            if (animationType == ANIMATE_INTO_POSITION_AND_REMAIN) {
                endStyle = DragLayer.ANIMATION_END_REMAIN_VISIBLE;
            } else {
                endStyle = DragLayer.ANIMATION_END_DISAPPEAR;

            Runnable onComplete = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (finalView != null) {
                    if (onCompleteRunnable != null) {
            dragLayer.animateViewIntoPosition(dragView, from.left,, finalPos[0], finalPos[1], 1, 1, 1,
                    scaleXY[0], scaleXY[1], onComplete, endStyle, duration, this);

    public void setFinalTransitionTransform(CellLayout layout) {
        if (isSwitchingState()) {
            mCurrentScale = getScaleX();

    public void resetTransitionTransform(CellLayout layout) {
        if (isSwitchingState()) {

     * Return the current {@link CellLayout}, correctly picking the destination
     * screen while a scroll is in progress.
    public CellLayout getCurrentDropLayout() {
        return mWorkspace;

     * Calculate the nearest cell where the given object would be dropped.
     * pixelX and pixelY should be in the coordinate system of layout
    private int[] findNearestArea(int pixelX, int pixelY, int spanX, int spanY, CellLayout layout, int[] recycle) {
        return layout.findNearestArea(pixelX, pixelY, spanX, spanY, recycle);

    void setup(DragController dragController) {
        mSpringLoadedDragController = new SpringLoadedDragController(mLauncher);
        mDragController = dragController;

     * Called at the end of a drag which originated on the workspace.
    public void onDropCompleted(final View target, final DragObject d, final boolean isFlingToDelete,
            final boolean success) {
        if (mDeferDropAfterUninstall) {
            mDeferredAction = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    onDropCompleted(target, d, isFlingToDelete, success);
                    mDeferredAction = null;

        boolean beingCalledAfterUninstall = mDeferredAction != null;

        if (success && !(beingCalledAfterUninstall && !mUninstallSuccessful)) {
            if (target != this && mDragInfo != null) {
                CellLayout parentCell = mWorkspace;
                if (parentCell != null) {
                if (mDragInfo.cell instanceof DropTarget) {
                    mDragController.removeDropTarget((DropTarget) mDragInfo.cell);
        } else if (mDragInfo != null) {
            CellLayout cellLayout = mWorkspace;
            if (cellLayout != null) {
        if ((d.cancelled || (beingCalledAfterUninstall && !mUninstallSuccessful)) && mDragInfo.cell != null) {
        mDragOutline = null;
        mDragInfo = null;

    public void deferCompleteDropAfterUninstallActivity() {
        mDeferDropAfterUninstall = true;

    /// maybe move this into a smaller part
    public void onUninstallActivityReturned(boolean success) {
        mDeferDropAfterUninstall = false;
        mUninstallSuccessful = success;
        if (mDeferredAction != null) {

    void updateItemLocationsInDatabase(CellLayout cl) {
        int count = cl.getShortcutsAndWidgets().getChildCount();

        int container = Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            View v = cl.getShortcutsAndWidgets().getChildAt(i);
            ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) v.getTag();
            // Null check required as the AllApps button doesn't have an item info
            if (info != null && info.requiresDbUpdate) {
                info.requiresDbUpdate = false;
                LauncherModel.modifyItemInDatabase(mLauncher, info, container, info.cellX, info.cellY, info.spanX,

    public float getIntrinsicIconScaleFactor() {
        return 1f;

    public boolean supportsFlingToDelete() {
        return true;

    public boolean supportsAppInfoDropTarget() {
        return false;

    public boolean supportsDeleteDropTarget() {
        return true;

    public void onFlingToDelete(DragObject d, int x, int y, PointF vec) {
        // Do nothing

    public void onFlingToDeleteCompleted() {
        // Do nothing

    public boolean isDropEnabled() {
        return true;

    private void onResetScrollArea() {
        mInScrollArea = false;

     * We should only use this to search for specific children.  Do not use this method to modify
     * ShortcutsAndWidgetsContainer directly. Includes ShortcutAndWidgetContainers from
     * the hotseat and workspace pages
    ArrayList<ShortcutAndWidgetContainer> getAllShortcutAndWidgetContainers() {
        ArrayList<ShortcutAndWidgetContainer> childrenLayouts = new ArrayList<ShortcutAndWidgetContainer>();
        int screenCount = getChildCount();
        for (int screen = 0; screen < screenCount; screen++) {
            childrenLayouts.add(((CellLayout) getChildAt(screen)).getShortcutsAndWidgets());
        return childrenLayouts;

    public LauncherAppWidgetHostView getWidgetForAppWidgetId(final int appWidgetId) {
        return (LauncherAppWidgetHostView) getFirstMatch(new ItemOperator() {

            public boolean evaluate(ItemInfo info, View v, View parent) {
                return (info instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo)
                        && ((LauncherAppWidgetInfo) info).appWidgetId == appWidgetId;

    private View getFirstMatch(final ItemOperator operator) {
        final View[] value = new View[1];
        mapOverItems(MAP_NO_RECURSE, new ItemOperator() {
            public boolean evaluate(ItemInfo info, View v, View parent) {
                if (operator.evaluate(info, v, parent)) {
                    value[0] = v;
                    return true;
                return false;
        return value[0];

    void clearDropTargets() {
        mapOverItems(MAP_NO_RECURSE, new ItemOperator() {
            public boolean evaluate(ItemInfo info, View v, View parent) {
                if (v instanceof DropTarget) {
                    mDragController.removeDropTarget((DropTarget) v);
                // not done, process all the shortcuts
                return false;

    public void disableShortcutsByPackageName(final ArrayList<String> packages, final UserHandleCompat user,
            final int reason) {
        final HashSet<String> packageNames = new HashSet<String>();

        mapOverItems(MAP_RECURSE, new ItemOperator() {
            public boolean evaluate(ItemInfo info, View v, View parent) {
                if (info instanceof ShortcutInfo && v instanceof BubbleTextView) {
                    ShortcutInfo shortcutInfo = (ShortcutInfo) info;
                    ComponentName cn = shortcutInfo.getTargetComponent();
                    if (user.equals(shortcutInfo.user) && cn != null
                            && packageNames.contains(cn.getPackageName())) {
                        shortcutInfo.isDisabled |= reason;
                        BubbleTextView shortcut = (BubbleTextView) v;
                        shortcut.applyFromShortcutInfo(shortcutInfo, mIconCache, true, true);

                        if (parent != null) {
                // process all the shortcuts
                return false;

    // Removes ALL items that match a given package name, this is usually called when a package
    // has been removed and we want to remove all components (widgets, shortcuts, apps) that
    // belong to that package.
    void removeItemsByPackageName(final ArrayList<String> packages, final UserHandleCompat user) {
        final HashSet<String> packageNames = new HashSet<String>();

        // Filter out all the ItemInfos that this is going to affect
        final HashSet<ItemInfo> infos = new HashSet<ItemInfo>();
        final HashSet<ComponentName> cns = new HashSet<ComponentName>();
        ViewGroup layout = mWorkspace.getShortcutsAndWidgets();
        int childCount = layout.getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
            View view = layout.getChildAt(i);
            infos.add((ItemInfo) view.getTag());
        LauncherModel.ItemInfoFilter filter = new LauncherModel.ItemInfoFilter() {
            public boolean filterItem(ItemInfo parent, ItemInfo info, ComponentName cn) {
                if (packageNames.contains(cn.getPackageName()) && info.user.equals(user)) {
                    return true;
                return false;
        LauncherModel.filterItemInfos(infos, filter);

        // Remove the affected components
        removeItemsByComponentName(cns, user);

     * Removes items that match the item info specified. When applications are removed
     * as a part of an update, this is called to ensure that other widgets and application
     * shortcuts are not removed.
    void removeItemsByComponentName(final HashSet<ComponentName> componentNames, final UserHandleCompat user) {
        final ViewGroup layout = mWorkspace.getShortcutsAndWidgets();

        final ArrayMap<ItemInfo, View> children = new ArrayMap<>();
        for (int j = 0; j < layout.getChildCount(); j++) {
            final View view = layout.getChildAt(j);
            children.put((ItemInfo) view.getTag(), view);

        final ArrayList<View> childrenToRemove = new ArrayList<View>();
        LauncherModel.ItemInfoFilter filter = new LauncherModel.ItemInfoFilter() {
            public boolean filterItem(ItemInfo parent, ItemInfo info, ComponentName cn) {
                if (componentNames.contains(cn) && info.user.equals(user)) {
                    return true;
                return false;
        LauncherModel.filterItemInfos(children.keySet(), filter);

        // Remove all the other children
        for (View child : childrenToRemove) {
            // Note: We can not remove the view directly from CellLayoutChildren as this
            // does not re-mark the spaces as unoccupied.
            if (child instanceof DropTarget) {
                mDragController.removeDropTarget((DropTarget) child);

        if (childrenToRemove.size() > 0) {

    interface ItemOperator {
         * Process the next itemInfo
         * @param info info for the shortcut
         * @param view view for the shortcut
         * @param parent containing folder, or null
         * @return true if done, false to continue the map
        boolean evaluate(ItemInfo info, View view, View parent);

     * Map the operator over the shortcuts and widgets, return the first-non-null value.
     * @param recurse true: iterate over folder children. false: op get the folders themselves.
     * @param op the operator to map over the shortcuts
    void mapOverItems(boolean recurse, ItemOperator op) {
        ArrayList<ShortcutAndWidgetContainer> containers = getAllShortcutAndWidgetContainers();
        final int containerCount = containers.size();
        for (int containerIdx = 0; containerIdx < containerCount; containerIdx++) {
            ShortcutAndWidgetContainer container = containers.get(containerIdx);
            // map over all the shortcuts on the workspace
            final int itemCount = container.getChildCount();
            for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < itemCount; itemIdx++) {
                View item = container.getChildAt(itemIdx);
                ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) item.getTag();
                if (op.evaluate(info, item, null)) {

    void updateShortcuts(ArrayList<ShortcutInfo> shortcuts) {
        final HashSet<ShortcutInfo> updates = new HashSet<ShortcutInfo>(shortcuts);
        mapOverItems(MAP_RECURSE, new ItemOperator() {
            public boolean evaluate(ItemInfo info, View v, View parent) {
                if (info instanceof ShortcutInfo && v instanceof BubbleTextView && updates.contains(info)) {
                    ShortcutInfo si = (ShortcutInfo) info;
                    BubbleTextView shortcut = (BubbleTextView) v;
                    shortcut.applyFromShortcutInfo(si, mIconCache, true, true);

                    if (parent != null) {
                // process all the shortcuts
                return false;

    void widgetsRestored(ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> changedInfo) {
        if (!changedInfo.isEmpty()) {
            DeferredWidgetRefresh widgetRefresh = new DeferredWidgetRefresh(changedInfo,
            if (LauncherModel.findAppWidgetProviderInfoWithComponent(getContext(),
                    changedInfo.get(0).providerName) != null) {
                // Re-inflate the widgets which have changed status
            } else {
                // widgetRefresh will automatically run when the packages are updated.
                // For now just update the progress bars
                for (LauncherAppWidgetInfo info : changedInfo) {
                    if (info.hostView instanceof PendingAppWidgetHostView) {
                        info.installProgress = 100;
                        ((PendingAppWidgetHostView) info.hostView).applyState();

    public void getLocationInDragLayer(int[] loc) {
        mLauncher.getDragLayer().getLocationInDragLayer(this, loc);

     * Used as a workaround to ensure that the AppWidgetService receives the
     * PACKAGE_ADDED broadcast before updating widgets.
    private class DeferredWidgetRefresh implements Runnable {
        private final ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> mInfos;
        private final LauncherAppWidgetHost mHost;
        private final Handler mHandler;

        private boolean mRefreshPending;

        public DeferredWidgetRefresh(ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> infos, LauncherAppWidgetHost host) {
            mInfos = infos;
            mHost = host;
            mHandler = new Handler();
            mRefreshPending = true;

            // Force refresh after 10 seconds, if we don't get the provider changed event.
            // This could happen when the provider is no longer available in the app.
            mHandler.postDelayed(this, 10000);

        public void run() {

            if (!mRefreshPending) {

            mRefreshPending = false;

            for (LauncherAppWidgetInfo info : mInfos) {
                if (info.hostView instanceof PendingAppWidgetHostView) {
                    PendingAppWidgetHostView view = (PendingAppWidgetHostView) info.hostView;

                    CellLayout cl = (CellLayout) view.getParent().getParent();
                    // Remove the current widget