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 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.widget.GridView;
import android.widget.ListView;


import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

 * Manages the contextual collection state when the user is navigating between elements or touch
 * exploring. This class implements a state machine for determining what transition feedback should
 * be provided for collections.
public class CollectionState {

    /** The possible collection transitions that can occur when moving from node to node. */
    public @interface CollectionTransition {

    /** Bitmask used when we need to identify a row transition, column transition, or both. */
    @IntDef(flag = true, value = { TYPE_NONE, TYPE_ROW, TYPE_COLUMN })
    public @interface RowColumnTransition {

    /** The possible heading types for a table heading. */
    public @interface TableHeadingType {

    /** Whether the collection is horizontal or vertical. A square collection is vertical. */
    public @interface CollectionAlignment {

    /** Transition to a node outside any collection from a node also outside any collection. */
    public static final int NAVIGATE_NONE = 0;
    /** Transition to a node inside a collection from a node that is not in that collection. */
    public static final int NAVIGATE_ENTER = 1;
    /** Transition to a node outside any collection from a node that is within a collection. */
    public static final int NAVIGATE_EXIT = 2;
    /** Transition between two nodes in the same collection. */
    public static final int NAVIGATE_INTERIOR = 3;
    public static final int TYPE_NONE = 0;
    public static final int TYPE_ROW = 1 << 0;
    public static final int TYPE_COLUMN = 1 << 1;
    public static final int TYPE_INDETERMINATE = 1 << 2;
    public static final int ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL = 0;
    public static final int ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL = 1;

    static final String EVENT_ROW = "AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo.rowIndex";
    static final String EVENT_COLUMN = "AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo.columnIndex";
    static final String EVENT_HEADING = "AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo.heading";

    private static final String CLASS_LISTVIEW = ListView.class.getName();
    private static final String CLASS_GRIDVIEW = GridView.class.getName();

    private @CollectionTransition int mCollectionTransition = NAVIGATE_NONE;
    private @RowColumnTransition int mRowColumnTransition = TYPE_NONE;
    private AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat mCollectionRoot;
    private AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat mLastAnnouncedNode;
    private ItemState mItemState;
    private SparseArray<CharSequence> mRowHeaders = new SparseArray<>();
    private SparseArray<CharSequence> mColumnHeaders = new SparseArray<>();
    private int mCollectionLevel = -1;
    private boolean mShouldComputeHeaders = false;
    private boolean mShouldComputeNumbering = false;

    private static final NodeFilter FILTER_COLLECTION = new NodeFilter() {
        public boolean accept(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node) {
            int role = Role.getRole(node);
            return role == Role.ROLE_LIST || role == Role.ROLE_GRID;

    private static final NodeFilter FILTER_HIERARCHICAL_COLLECTION = new NodeFilter() {
        public boolean accept(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node) {
            return FILTER_COLLECTION.accept(node) && node.getCollectionInfo() != null
                    && node.getCollectionInfo().isHierarchical();

    private static final NodeFilter FILTER_FLAT_COLLECTION = new NodeFilter() {
        public boolean accept(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node) {
            return FILTER_COLLECTION.accept(node)
                    && (node.getCollectionInfo() == null || !node.getCollectionInfo().isHierarchical());

    private static final NodeFilter FILTER_COLLECTION_ITEM = new NodeFilter() {
        public boolean accept(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node) {
            return node != null && node.getCollectionItemInfo() != null;

    private static final NodeFilter FILTER_WEBVIEW = new NodeFilter() {
        public boolean accept(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node) {
            return node != null && Role.getRole(node) == Role.ROLE_WEB_VIEW;

     * Base interface for internal collection item state. It should be kept private because
     * clients of the CollectionState should not need polymorphism for ListItemState/TableItemState.
     * On the other hand, polymorphic behavior is quite useful for simplifying some of our internal
     * logic.
    private interface ItemState {
         * @return The row-column transition from the {@code from} state to the current state.
         *         If the {@code from} state and the current state are of incompatible types,
         *         should return {@code TYPE_ROW | TYPE_COLUMN}.
        public @RowColumnTransition int getTransition(@NonNull ItemState from);

    public static class ListItemState implements ItemState {
        /** Whether the list item is a heading. */
        private final boolean mHeading;
        /** The index of the list item. */
        private final int mIndex;
        /** Whether the index should be displayed; used to work around a framework bug pre-N. */
        private final boolean mDisplayIndex;

        public ListItemState(boolean heading, int index, boolean displayIndex) {
            mHeading = heading;
            mIndex = index;
            mDisplayIndex = displayIndex;

        public @RowColumnTransition int getTransition(@NonNull ItemState from) {
            if (!(from instanceof ListItemState)) {
                return TYPE_ROW | TYPE_COLUMN;

            ListItemState otherListItemState = (ListItemState) from;
            if (mIndex != otherListItemState.mIndex) {
                return TYPE_ROW | TYPE_COLUMN;

            return TYPE_NONE;

        public boolean isHeading() {
            return mHeading;

        public int getIndex() {
            if (mDisplayIndex) {
                return mIndex;
            } else {
                return -1;

    public static class TableItemState implements ItemState {
        /** Indicates whether the table cell is a row, column, or indeterminate heading. */
        private final @TableHeadingType int mHeading;
        /** The row name, or {@code null} if the row is unnamed. */
        private final CharSequence mRowName;
        /** The column name, or {@code null} if the column is unnamed. */
        private final CharSequence mColumnName;
        /** The row index. */
        private final int mRowIndex;
        /** The column index. */
        private final int mColumnIndex;
        /** Whether the indices should be displayed; used to work around a framework bug pre-N. */
        private final boolean mDisplayIndices;

        public TableItemState(@TableHeadingType int heading, CharSequence rowName, CharSequence columnName,
                int rowIndex, int columnIndex, boolean displayIndices) {
            mHeading = heading;
            mRowName = rowName;
            mColumnName = columnName;
            mRowIndex = rowIndex;
            mColumnIndex = columnIndex;
            mDisplayIndices = displayIndices;

        public @RowColumnTransition int getTransition(@NonNull ItemState other) {
            if (!(other instanceof TableItemState)) {
                return TYPE_ROW | TYPE_COLUMN;

            TableItemState otherTableItemState = (TableItemState) other;
            int transition = TYPE_NONE;
            if (mRowIndex != otherTableItemState.mRowIndex) {
                transition |= TYPE_ROW;
            if (mColumnIndex != otherTableItemState.mColumnIndex) {
                transition |= TYPE_COLUMN;

            return transition;

        public @TableHeadingType int getHeadingType() {
            return mHeading;

        public CharSequence getRowName() {
            return mRowName;

        public CharSequence getColumnName() {
            return mColumnName;

        public int getRowIndex() {
            if (mDisplayIndices) {
                return mRowIndex;
            } else {
                return -1;

        public int getColumnIndex() {
            if (mDisplayIndices) {
                return mColumnIndex;
            } else {
                return -1;

    public CollectionState() {

    public @CollectionTransition int getCollectionTransition() {
        return mCollectionTransition;

    public @RowColumnTransition int getRowColumnTransition() {
        return mRowColumnTransition;

    public @Nullable CharSequence getCollectionName() {
        return AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.getNodeText(mCollectionRoot);

     * @return Either {@link Role#ROLE_LIST} or {@link Role#ROLE_GRID} if there is a collection,
     *         or {@link Role#ROLE_NONE} if there isn't one.
     * */
    public @Role.RoleName int getCollectionRole() {
        return Role.getRole(mCollectionRoot);

    public CharSequence getCollectionRoleDescription(Context context) {
        if (mCollectionRoot == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return Role.getRoleDescriptionOrDefault(context, mCollectionRoot);

    public int getCollectionRowCount() {
        if (mCollectionRoot == null || mCollectionRoot.getCollectionInfo() == null || !mShouldComputeNumbering) {
            return -1;

        return mCollectionRoot.getCollectionInfo().getRowCount();

    public int getCollectionColumnCount() {
        if (mCollectionRoot == null || mCollectionRoot.getCollectionInfo() == null || !mShouldComputeNumbering) {
            return -1;

        return mCollectionRoot.getCollectionInfo().getColumnCount();

    public @CollectionAlignment int getCollectionAlignment() {
        if (mCollectionRoot == null || !mShouldComputeNumbering) {
            return ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL;
        } else {
            return getCollectionAlignmentInternal(mCollectionRoot.getCollectionInfo());

    public static @CollectionAlignment int getCollectionAlignmentInternal(
            @Nullable CollectionInfoCompat collection) {
        if (collection == null || collection.getRowCount() >= collection.getColumnCount()) {
            return ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL;
        } else {
            return ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL;

    public boolean doesCollectionExist() {
        if (mCollectionRoot == null) {
            return false;

            // If collection can be refresh successfully, it still exists.
            return mCollectionRoot.refresh();
        } else {
            // Assume that the collection is still there since refresh() returns false for < API 18.
            return true;

     * Guaranteed to return a non-{@code null} ListItemState if {@link #getRowColumnTransition()}
     * is not {@link #TYPE_NONE} and {@link #getCollectionRole()} is {@link Role#ROLE_LIST}.
    public ListItemState getListItemState() {
        if (mItemState != null && mItemState instanceof ListItemState) {
            return (ListItemState) mItemState;

        return null;

    private static ListItemState getListItemStateInternal(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat collectionRoot,
            AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat announcedNode, AccessibilityEvent event, boolean computeHeaders,
            boolean computeNumbering) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
            return getListItemStateKitKat(collectionRoot, announcedNode, computeHeaders, computeNumbering);
        } else {
            return getListItemStateJellyBean(event);

    private static ListItemState getListItemStateJellyBean(AccessibilityEvent event) {
        if (event == null) {
            return null;

        Parcelable parcelable = event.getParcelableData();
        if (parcelable instanceof Bundle) {
            Bundle bundle = (Bundle) parcelable;

            // There's no reliable way of determining whether a list is vertical or horizontal from
            // the events, so assume that it's a vertical list.
            if (bundle.containsKey(EVENT_ROW)) {
                int rowIndex = bundle.getInt(EVENT_ROW, -1);
                boolean heading = bundle.getBoolean(EVENT_HEADING, false);
                return new ListItemState(heading, rowIndex, true /* displayIndex */);

        return null;

    private static ListItemState getListItemStateKitKat(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat collectionRoot,
            AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat announcedNode, boolean computeHeaders, boolean computeNumbering) {
        if (collectionRoot == null || collectionRoot.getCollectionInfo() == null) {
            return null;

        // Checking the ancestors should incur zero performance penalty in the typical case
        // where list items are direct descendants. Assuming list items are not deeply
        // nested, any performance penalty would be minimal.
        AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat collectionItem = AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils
                .getSelfOrMatchingAncestor(announcedNode, collectionRoot, FILTER_COLLECTION_ITEM);

        if (collectionItem == null) {
            return null;

        CollectionInfoCompat collection = collectionRoot.getCollectionInfo();
        CollectionItemInfoCompat item = collectionItem.getCollectionItemInfo();

        boolean heading = computeHeaders && item.isHeading();
        int index;
        if (getCollectionAlignmentInternal(collection) == ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL) {
            index = getRowIndex(item, collection);
        } else {
            index = getColumnIndex(item, collection);

        return new ListItemState(heading, index, computeNumbering);

     * Guaranteed to return a non-{@code null} TableItemState if {@link #getRowColumnTransition()}
     * is not {@link #TYPE_NONE} and {@link #getCollectionRole()} is {@link Role#ROLE_GRID}.
    public TableItemState getTableItemState() {
        if (mItemState != null && mItemState instanceof TableItemState) {
            return (TableItemState) mItemState;

        return null;

    private static TableItemState getTableItemStateInternal(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat collectionRoot,
            AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat announcedNode, AccessibilityEvent event,
            SparseArray<CharSequence> rowHeaders, SparseArray<CharSequence> columnHeaders, boolean computeHeaders,
            boolean computeNumbering) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
            return getTableItemStateKitKat(collectionRoot, announcedNode, rowHeaders, columnHeaders, computeHeaders,
        } else {
            return getTableItemStateJellyBean(event);

    private static TableItemState getTableItemStateJellyBean(AccessibilityEvent event) {
        if (event == null) {
            return null;

        Parcelable parcelable = event.getParcelableData();
        if (parcelable instanceof Bundle) {
            Bundle bundle = (Bundle) parcelable;

            if (bundle.containsKey(EVENT_ROW) || bundle.containsKey(EVENT_COLUMN)) {
                int rowIndex = bundle.getInt(EVENT_ROW, -1);
                int columnIndex = bundle.getInt(EVENT_COLUMN, -1);
                boolean heading = bundle.getBoolean(EVENT_HEADING, false);
                return new TableItemState(heading ? TYPE_INDETERMINATE : TYPE_NONE, null /* rowName */,
                        null /* columnName */, rowIndex, columnIndex, true /* displayIndices */);

        return null;

    private static TableItemState getTableItemStateKitKat(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat collectionRoot,
            AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat announcedNode, SparseArray<CharSequence> rowHeaders,
            SparseArray<CharSequence> columnHeaders, boolean computeHeaders, boolean computeNumbering) {
        if (collectionRoot == null || collectionRoot.getCollectionInfo() == null) {
            return null;

        // Checking the ancestors should incur zero performance penalty in the typical case
        // where list items are direct descendants. Assuming list items are not deeply
        // nested, any performance penalty would be minimal.
        AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat collectionItem = AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils
                .getSelfOrMatchingAncestor(announcedNode, collectionRoot, FILTER_COLLECTION_ITEM);

        if (collectionItem == null) {
            return null;

        CollectionInfoCompat collection = collectionRoot.getCollectionInfo();
        CollectionItemInfoCompat item = collectionItem.getCollectionItemInfo();

        int heading = computeHeaders ? getTableHeading(item, collection) : TYPE_NONE;
        int rowIndex = getRowIndex(item, collection);
        int columnIndex = getColumnIndex(item, collection);
        CharSequence rowName = rowIndex != -1 ? rowHeaders.get(rowIndex) : null;
        CharSequence columnName = columnIndex != -1 ? columnHeaders.get(columnIndex) : null;

        return new TableItemState(heading, rowName, columnName, rowIndex, columnIndex, computeNumbering);

     * If the collection is part of a hierarchy of collections (e.g. a tree or outlined list),
     * returns the nesting level of the collection, with 0 being the outermost list, 1 being the
     * list nested within the outermost list, and so forth.
     * If the collection is not part of a hierarchy, returns -1.
    public int getCollectionLevel() {
        return mCollectionLevel;

    private static int getCollectionLevelInternal(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node) {
        if (node == null) {
            return -1;

        if (!FILTER_HIERARCHICAL_COLLECTION.accept(node)) {
            return -1;

        return AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.countMatchingAncestors(node, FILTER_HIERARCHICAL_COLLECTION);

     * This method updates the collection state based on the new item focused by the user.
     * Internally, it advances the state machine and then acts on the new state,
    public void updateCollectionInformation(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat announcedNode, AccessibilityEvent event) {
        if (announcedNode == null) {

        AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat announcedNodeParent = announcedNode.getParent();
        AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat newCollectionRoot = AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils
                .getSelfOrMatchingAncestor(announcedNodeParent, FILTER_COLLECTION);
        if (announcedNodeParent != null) {

        // STATE DIAGRAM:
        // (None*)--------->(Enter*)--------->(Interior*)--------->(Exit)
        //   ^               ^  |                                   ^ | |
        //   |               |  +---------------------------------> + | |
        //   |               + <--------------------------------------+ |
        //   + <--------------------------------------------------------+
        // * = can self loop.

        // Perform the state transition.
        switch (mCollectionTransition) {
        case NAVIGATE_ENTER:
            if (newCollectionRoot != null && newCollectionRoot.equals(mCollectionRoot)) {
                mCollectionTransition = NAVIGATE_INTERIOR;
            } else if (newCollectionRoot != null && shouldEnter(newCollectionRoot)) {
                mCollectionTransition = NAVIGATE_ENTER;
            } else {
                mCollectionTransition = NAVIGATE_EXIT;
        case NAVIGATE_EXIT:
        case NAVIGATE_NONE:
            if (newCollectionRoot != null && shouldEnter(newCollectionRoot)) {
                mCollectionTransition = NAVIGATE_ENTER;
            } else {
                mCollectionTransition = NAVIGATE_NONE;

        // Act on the new state.
        switch (mCollectionTransition) {
        case NAVIGATE_ENTER: {
            // Only recompute workarounds once per collection.
            mShouldComputeHeaders = shouldComputeHeaders(newCollectionRoot);
            mShouldComputeNumbering = shouldComputeNumbering(newCollectionRoot);
            mCollectionLevel = getCollectionLevelInternal(newCollectionRoot);

            ItemState newItemState;
            if (Role.getRole(newCollectionRoot) == Role.ROLE_GRID) {
                // Cache the row and column headers.
                updateTableHeaderInfo(newCollectionRoot, mRowHeaders, mColumnHeaders, mShouldComputeHeaders);

                newItemState = getTableItemStateInternal(newCollectionRoot, announcedNode, event, mRowHeaders,
                        mColumnHeaders, mShouldComputeHeaders, mShouldComputeNumbering);
            } else {
                newItemState = getListItemStateInternal(newCollectionRoot, announcedNode, event,
                        mShouldComputeHeaders, mShouldComputeNumbering);

            // Row and column change only if we enter and there is collection item information.
            if (newItemState == null) {
                mRowColumnTransition = TYPE_NONE;
            } else {
                mRowColumnTransition = TYPE_ROW | TYPE_COLUMN;

            AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.recycleNodes(mCollectionRoot, mLastAnnouncedNode);
            mCollectionRoot = newCollectionRoot;
            mLastAnnouncedNode = AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.obtain(announcedNode);
            mItemState = newItemState;
        case NAVIGATE_INTERIOR: {
            ItemState newItemState;
            if (Role.getRole(newCollectionRoot) == Role.ROLE_GRID) {
                newItemState = getTableItemStateInternal(newCollectionRoot, announcedNode, event, mRowHeaders,
                        mColumnHeaders, mShouldComputeHeaders, mShouldComputeNumbering);
            } else {
                newItemState = getListItemStateInternal(newCollectionRoot, announcedNode, event,
                        mShouldComputeHeaders, mShouldComputeNumbering);

            // Determine if the row and/or column has changed.
            if (newItemState == null) {
                mRowColumnTransition = TYPE_NONE;
            } else if (mItemState == null || mLastAnnouncedNode == null
                    || mLastAnnouncedNode.equals(announcedNode)) {
                // We want to repeat row/column feedback on refocus *of the exact same node*.
                mRowColumnTransition = TYPE_ROW | TYPE_COLUMN;
            } else {
                mRowColumnTransition = newItemState.getTransition(mItemState);

            AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.recycleNodes(mCollectionRoot, mLastAnnouncedNode);
            mCollectionRoot = newCollectionRoot;
            mLastAnnouncedNode = AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.obtain(announcedNode);
            mItemState = newItemState;
        case NAVIGATE_EXIT: {
            // We can clear the item state, but we need to keep the collection root.
            AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.recycleNodes(mLastAnnouncedNode, newCollectionRoot);
            mRowColumnTransition = 0;
            mLastAnnouncedNode = null;
            mItemState = null;
        case NAVIGATE_NONE:
        default: {
            // Safe to clear everything.
            AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.recycleNodes(mCollectionRoot, mLastAnnouncedNode, newCollectionRoot);
            mRowColumnTransition = 0;
            mCollectionRoot = null;
            mLastAnnouncedNode = null;
            mItemState = null;

    private static void updateTableHeaderInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat collectionRoot,
            SparseArray<CharSequence> rowHeaders, SparseArray<CharSequence> columnHeaders, boolean computeHeaders) {

        if (!computeHeaders) {

        if (collectionRoot == null || collectionRoot.getCollectionInfo() == null) {

        // Limit search to children and grandchildren of the root node for performance reasons.
        // We want to search grandchildren because web pages put table headers <th> inside table
        // rows <tr> so they are nested two levels down.
        CollectionInfoCompat collectionInfo = collectionRoot.getCollectionInfo();
        int numChildren = collectionRoot.getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
            AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat child = collectionRoot.getChild(i);

            if (!updateSingleTableHeader(child, collectionInfo, rowHeaders, columnHeaders)) {
                int numGrandchildren = child.getChildCount();
                for (int j = 0; j < numGrandchildren; ++j) {
                    AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat grandchild = child.getChild(j);
                    updateSingleTableHeader(grandchild, collectionInfo, rowHeaders, columnHeaders);


    private static boolean updateSingleTableHeader(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node,
            CollectionInfoCompat collectionInfo, SparseArray<CharSequence> rowHeaders,
            SparseArray<CharSequence> columnHeaders) {
        if (node == null) {
            return false;

        CharSequence headingName = getHeaderText(node);
        CollectionItemInfoCompat itemInfo = node.getCollectionItemInfo();
        if (itemInfo != null && headingName != null) {
            int headingType = getTableHeading(itemInfo, collectionInfo);
            if ((headingType & TYPE_ROW) != 0) {
                rowHeaders.put(itemInfo.getRowIndex(), headingName);
            if ((headingType & TYPE_COLUMN) != 0) {
                columnHeaders.put(itemInfo.getColumnIndex(), headingName);

            return headingType != TYPE_NONE;

        return false;

     * For finding the name of the header, we want to use a simpler strategy than the
     * NodeSpeechRuleProcessor. We don't want to include the role description of items within the
     * header, because it will add confusion when the header name is appended to collection items.
     * But we do want to search down the tree in case the immediate root element doesn't have text.
     * We traverse single children of single children until we find a node with text. If we hit any
     * node that has multiple children, we simply stop the search and return {@code null}.
    static CharSequence getHeaderText(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node) {
        if (node == null) {
            return null;

        Set<AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat> visitedNodes = new HashSet<>();
        try {
            AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat currentNode = AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.obtain(node);
            while (currentNode != null) {
                if (!visitedNodes.add(currentNode)) {
                    // Cycle in traversal.
                    return null;

                CharSequence nodeText = AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.getNodeText(currentNode);
                if (nodeText != null) {
                    return nodeText;

                if (currentNode.getChildCount() != 1) {
                    return null;

                currentNode = currentNode.getChild(0);
        } finally {

        return null;

     * In this method, only one cell per row and per column can be the row or column header.
     * Additionally, a cell can be a row or column header but not both.
     * @return {@code TYPE_ROW} or {@ocde TYPE_COLUMN} for row or column headers;
     *     {@code TYPE_INDETERMINATE} for cells marked as headers that are neither row nor column
     *     headers; {@code TYPE_NONE} for all other cells.
    private static @TableHeadingType int getTableHeading(@NonNull CollectionItemInfoCompat item,
            @NonNull CollectionInfoCompat collection) {
        if (item.isHeading()) {
            if (item.getRowSpan() == 1 && item.getColumnSpan() == 1) {
                if (getRowIndex(item, collection) == 0) {
                    return TYPE_COLUMN;
                if (getColumnIndex(item, collection) == 0) {
                    return TYPE_ROW;
            return TYPE_INDETERMINATE;

        return TYPE_NONE;

     * @return -1 if there is no valid row index for the item; otherwise the item's row index
    private static int getRowIndex(@NonNull CollectionItemInfoCompat item,
            @NonNull CollectionInfoCompat collection) {
        if (item.getRowSpan() == collection.getRowCount()) {
            return -1;
        } else if (item.getRowIndex() < 0) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return item.getRowIndex();

     * @return -1 if there is no valid column index for the item; otherwise the item's column index
    private static int getColumnIndex(@NonNull CollectionItemInfoCompat item,
            @NonNull CollectionInfoCompat collection) {
        if (item.getColumnSpan() == collection.getColumnCount()) {
            return -1;
        } else if (item.getColumnIndex() < 0) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return item.getColumnIndex();

    private static boolean shouldEnter(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat collectionRoot) {
        if (collectionRoot.getCollectionInfo() != null) {
            // If the collection info reports that this is a 1x1 collection, then we discard it
            // and treat it as though we are outside of a collection.
            CollectionInfoCompat collectionInfo = collectionRoot.getCollectionInfo();
            if (collectionInfo.getColumnCount() <= 1 && collectionInfo.getRowCount() <= 1) {
                return false;
        } else if (collectionRoot.getChildCount() <= 1) {
            // If we don't have collection info, use the child count as an approximation.
            return false;

        // If the collection is flat and contains other flat collections, then we discard it.
        // We only announce hierarchies of collections if they are explicitly marked hierarchical.
        // Otherwise we announce only the innermost collection.
        if (FILTER_FLAT_COLLECTION.accept(collectionRoot)
                && AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.hasMatchingDescendant(collectionRoot, FILTER_FLAT_COLLECTION)) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * Don't compute headers if:
     * (1) API level is pre-N, and
     * (2) the collection root is not a descendant of a WebView, and
     * (3) the collection root is itself a ListView or GridView.
     * Under these circumstances, the framework ListView/GridView will mark headers as non-headers
     * and vice-versa.
    private static boolean shouldComputeHeaders(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat collectionRoot) {
        if (!BuildCompat.isAtLeastN()) {
            if (!AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.hasMatchingAncestor(collectionRoot, FILTER_WEBVIEW)) {
                // Bugs exist in specific classes, so check class names and not roles.
                if (nodeMatchesAnyClassName(collectionRoot, CLASS_LISTVIEW, CLASS_GRIDVIEW)) {
                    return false;

        return true;

     * Don't compute indices or row/column counts if:
     * (1) API level is pre-N, and
     * (2) the collection root is not a descendant of a WebView.
     * Item indices are broken in some major first-party apps that use "spacer" items in
     * collections; this check makes sure no apps in the wild are affected.
     * TODO: Re-evaluate this check before N release to see if it needs to be extended to N.
    private static boolean shouldComputeNumbering(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat collectionRoot) {
        if (!BuildCompat.isAtLeastN()) {
            if (!AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.hasMatchingAncestor(collectionRoot, FILTER_WEBVIEW)) {
                return false;

        return true;

    private static boolean nodeMatchesAnyClassName(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node,
            CharSequence... classNames) {
        if (node == null || node.getClassName() == null || classNames == null) {
            return false;

        for (CharSequence name : classNames) {
            if (node.getClassName().equals(name)) {
                return true;

        return false;