Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  See the file "LICENSE.TXT" for the full license governing this code.


import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.MethodUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Default patcher implementation that does patching of the object with the specified patch 
 * operations list.
public class DefaultPatcher implements Patcher {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultPatcher.class);

    // make sure these methods are in Patchable interface
    private static final String STANDARD_PATCH_OBJ_GETTER = "getPatchObjectByKey";
    private static final String STANDARD_ADD_METHOD = "addValue";
    private static final String STANDARD_REPLACE_METHOD = "replaceValue";
    private static final String STANDARD_REMOVE_METHOD = "removeValue";

     * @see DefaultPatcher#patch(Object, List) for exceptions
    public void patch(Object objectToPatch, PatchOperation patchOperationList) throws PatchException {
        List<PatchOperation> list = new ArrayList<>();
        patch(objectToPatch, list);

     * This implementation assumes that caller has validated patchOperationList.
     * @throws RuntimeException on what are deemed programming errors related to this Patcher. 
     *         PatchExceptions otherwise
    public void patch(Object objectToPatch, List<PatchOperation> patchOperationList) throws PatchException {

        if (objectToPatch == null) {
            throw new PatchException(ErrorCodes.ERR_NULL_PATCHABLE);

        if (patchOperationList == null || patchOperationList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new PatchException(ErrorCodes.ERR_NO_PATCH_OP);

        try {
            for (PatchOperation patchOperation : patchOperationList) {
                if (patchOperation == null) {

                Operation operation = patchOperation.getOperation();
                switch (operation) {
                case ADD:
                    handleAddOperation(objectToPatch, (AddOperation) patchOperation);
                case REPLACE:
                    handleReplaceOperation(objectToPatch, (ReplaceOperation) patchOperation);
                case REMOVE:
                    handleRemoveOperation(objectToPatch, (RemoveOperation) patchOperation);
                    throw new PatchException(ErrorCodes.ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PATCH_OP);
        } catch (PatchException | RuntimeException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception ex) { // handle remaining checked exception hierarchy
            throw new PatchException(ErrorCodes.ERR_UNKNOWN, ex);

    private void handleAddOperation(Object objectToPatch, AddOperation operation)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, PatchException {

        LOGGER.debug("processing operation: {}", operation);

        PathTokens pathTokens = operation.getPathTokens();
        // navigate until we reach leaf token (i.e exclude leaf token)
        Object result = getDescendantObject(objectToPatch, pathTokens, pathTokens.getLastTokenParentIndex());
        if (result == null) {
            throw new PatchException(ErrorCodes.ERR_INVALID_DESCENDANT_OBJ);
        invokeAddMethod(result, pathTokens.getLastToken(), operation.getValue());

    private void handleReplaceOperation(Object objectToPatch, ReplaceOperation operation)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, PatchException {

        LOGGER.debug("processing operation: {}", operation);

        PathTokens pathTokens = operation.getPathTokens();
        // navigate until we reach leaf token (i.e exclude leaf token)
        Object result = getDescendantObject(objectToPatch, pathTokens, pathTokens.getLastTokenParentIndex());
        if (result == null) {
            throw new PatchException(ErrorCodes.ERR_INVALID_DESCENDANT_OBJ);
        invokeReplaceMethod(result, pathTokens.getLastToken(), operation.getValue());

    private void handleRemoveOperation(Object objectToPatch, RemoveOperation operation)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, PatchException {

        LOGGER.debug("processing operation: {}", operation);

        PathTokens pathTokens = operation.getPathTokens();
        // navigate until we reach leaf token (i.e exclude leaf token)
        Object result = getDescendantObject(objectToPatch, pathTokens, pathTokens.getLastTokenParentIndex());
        if (result == null) {
            throw new PatchException(ErrorCodes.ERR_INVALID_DESCENDANT_OBJ);
        invokeRemoveMethod(result, pathTokens.getLastToken());

     * object corresponding to path key at descendantIndex
    private Object getDescendantObject(Object objectToPatch, PathTokens pathTokens, int descendantIndex)
            throws PatchException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {

        if (pathTokens == null || pathTokens.isEmpty()) {
            throw new PatchRuntimeException(ErrorCodes.ERR_INVALID_PATH_TOKENS_OBJ);

        if (descendantIndex < -1 || descendantIndex >= pathTokens.size()) {
            throw new PatchRuntimeException(ErrorCodes.ERR_INVALID_DESCENDANT_INDEX,

        if (descendantIndex == -1) {
            return objectToPatch;

        int index = 0;
        Object parentObject = objectToPatch;
        Object descendantObject = null;

        while (index <= descendantIndex) {

            String token = pathTokens.get(index);

            if (parentObject == null) {
                throw new PatchException(ErrorCodes.ERR_INVALID_PARENT_PATH_OBJ,
                        "unable to retrieve descendant object from null parent while processing token: " + token);

            descendantObject = null;

            if (parentObject instanceof Patchable) {
                Patchable tmp = (Patchable) parentObject;
                descendantObject = tmp.getPatchObjectByKey(token);

            // if token is numeric, action to apply depends on previous descendant object
            if (descendantObject == null && StringUtils.isNumeric(token)) {
                if (parentObject instanceof java.util.List) {
                    List tmpList = (List) parentObject;
                    descendantObject = tmpList.get(Integer.parseInt(token));
                } else if (parentObject instanceof java.util.Map) {
                    Map tmpMap = (Map) parentObject;
                    descendantObject = tmpMap.get(token);

            // last effort
            if (descendantObject == null) {
                descendantObject = invokeAccessorMethod(parentObject, token);

            parentObject = descendantObject;

        return descendantObject;

    private List<MethodData> generateMethodData(List<String> methodNames) {
        List<MethodData> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String methodName : methodNames) {
            dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName));
        return dataList;

    // given a json node, generates a list of possible method parameterTypes and their arguments
    private List<MethodData> generateMethodData(List<String> methodNames, JsonNode valueNode) {

        List<MethodData> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
        if (valueNode.isTextual()) {
            for (String methodName : methodNames) {
                dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, String.class, valueNode.asText()));
        } else if (valueNode.isNumber()) {
            for (String methodName : methodNames) {
                if (valueNode.isIntegralNumber()) {
                    dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Long.TYPE, valueNode.asLong()));
                    dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Long.class, valueNode.asLong()));
                    dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Integer.TYPE, valueNode.asInt()));
                    dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Integer.class, valueNode.asInt()));
                    dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Short.TYPE, (short) valueNode.asInt()));
                    dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Short.class, (short) valueNode.asInt()));
                } else {
                    dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Double.TYPE, valueNode.asDouble()));
                    dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Double.class, valueNode.asDouble()));
                    dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Float.TYPE, valueNode.asDouble()));
                    dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Float.class, valueNode.asDouble()));
        } else if (valueNode.isBoolean()) {
            for (String methodName : methodNames) {
                dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Boolean.TYPE, valueNode.asBoolean()));
                dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, Boolean.class, valueNode.asBoolean()));


        // default
        for (String methodName : methodNames) {
            dataList.add(new MethodData(methodName, JsonNode.class, valueNode));

        return dataList;

    // Note: ensure object is not null
    private void invokeAddMethod(Object object, String fieldName, JsonNode valueNode)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, PatchException {

        if (object instanceof Patchable) {
            Patchable patchable = (Patchable) object;
            patchable.addValue(fieldName, valueNode);

        if (StringUtils.isNumeric(fieldName) && object instanceof java.util.List) {
            List tmpList = (List) object;
            // WARN: inserting JsonNode into list
            tmpList.add(Integer.parseInt(fieldName), valueNode);

        if (object instanceof java.util.Map) {
            Map tmpMap = (Map) object;
            // WARN: adding (String, Json) entry to Map, type of Map not known.
            tmpMap.put(fieldName, valueNode);

        // first try to find set+CapitalizedField or add+CapitalizedField
        List<String> methodNames = new ArrayList<>();
        methodNames.add("set" + StringUtils.capitalize(fieldName));
        methodNames.add("add" + StringUtils.capitalize(fieldName));

        List<MethodData> methodDataList = generateMethodData(methodNames, valueNode);

        // final try, standard method
        List<Class<?>> argTypes = new ArrayList<>();

        List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();

        MethodData standardMethodData = new MethodData(STANDARD_ADD_METHOD, argTypes, params);

        invokeMethodFromMethodDataList(object, methodDataList);

    // Note: ensure object is not null
    private void invokeReplaceMethod(Object object, String fieldName, JsonNode valueNode)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, PatchException {

        if (object instanceof Patchable) {
            Patchable patchable = (Patchable) object;
            patchable.replaceValue(fieldName, valueNode);

        boolean isFieldNameNumeric = StringUtils.isNumeric(fieldName);

        if (isFieldNameNumeric && object instanceof java.util.List) {
            List tmpList = (List) object;
            // WARN: inserting JsonNode into list
            // NOTE: not add, but set.
            tmpList.set(Integer.parseInt(fieldName), valueNode);

        if (isFieldNameNumeric && object instanceof java.util.Map) {
            Map tmpMap = (Map) object;
            // WARN: removing string key from Map, key type of Map not known.
            // WARN: adding JsonNode into Map
            tmpMap.put(fieldName, valueNode);

        // first try to find replace+CapitalizedField
        List<String> methodNames = new ArrayList<>();
        methodNames.add("replace" + StringUtils.capitalize(fieldName));
        // next, set + capitalizedField
        methodNames.add("set" + StringUtils.capitalize(fieldName));
        List<MethodData> methodDataList = generateMethodData(methodNames, valueNode);

        // final try, standard method
        List<Class<?>> argTypes = new ArrayList<>();

        List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();

        MethodData standardMethodData = new MethodData(STANDARD_REPLACE_METHOD, argTypes, params);

        invokeMethodFromMethodDataList(object, methodDataList);

    // Note: ensure object is not null
    private void invokeRemoveMethod(Object object, String fieldName)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, PatchException {

        if (object instanceof Patchable) {
            Patchable patchable = (Patchable) object;

        boolean isFieldNameNumeric = StringUtils.isNumeric(fieldName);

        if (isFieldNameNumeric && object instanceof java.util.List) {
            List tmpList = (List) object;

        if (isFieldNameNumeric && object instanceof java.util.Map) {
            Map tmpMap = (Map) object;

        // first try to find remove+CapitalizedField
        List<String> methodNames = new ArrayList<>();
        methodNames.add("remove" + StringUtils.capitalize(fieldName));

        List<MethodData> methodDataList = generateMethodData(methodNames);

        // final try, standard method
        List<Class<?>> argTypes = new ArrayList<>();

        List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();

        MethodData standardMethodData = new MethodData(STANDARD_REMOVE_METHOD, argTypes, params);

        invokeMethodFromMethodDataList(object, methodDataList);

    private Object invokeAccessorMethod(Object object, String fieldName)
            throws PatchException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {

        Class<?> clazz = object.getClass();

        boolean isFieldNameNumeric = StringUtils.isNumeric(fieldName);

        if (isFieldNameNumeric && object instanceof java.util.List) {
            List tmpList = (List) object;
            return tmpList.get(Integer.parseInt(fieldName));

        if (isFieldNameNumeric && object instanceof java.util.Map) {
            Map tmpMap = (Map) object;
            return tmpMap.get(fieldName);

        // try to find get+CapitalizedField
        // TODO: improve this to convert from snake_case to CamelCase
        List<String> methodNames = new ArrayList<>();
        methodNames.add("get" + StringUtils.capitalize(fieldName));

        List<MethodData> methodDataList = generateMethodData(methodNames);

        Set<String> triedMethodNames = new LinkedHashSet<>();

        for (MethodData methodData : methodDataList) {
            Method method;
            if (methodData.hasParameters()) {
                method = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(clazz, methodData.methodName,
                        methodData.getParameterTypes().toArray(new Class<?>[0]));
                if (method != null && methodData.hasArguments()) {
                    return method.invoke(object, methodData.arguments.toArray());
            } else {
                method = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(clazz, methodData.methodName);
                if (method != null) {
                    return method.invoke(object);


        String exMsg = getExMsgForMethodsNotFound(clazz,
                triedMethodNames.toArray(new String[triedMethodNames.size()]));
        throw new PatchException(ErrorCodes.ERR_METHOD_TO_PATCH_NOT_FOUND, exMsg);

    private void invokeMethodFromMethodDataList(Object object, List<MethodData> methodDataList)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, PatchException {

        Class<?> clazz = object.getClass();
        Set<String> triedMethods = new LinkedHashSet<>();

        for (MethodData methodData : methodDataList) {
            Method method;
            if (methodData.hasParameters()) {
                int size = methodData.getParameterTypes().size();
                method = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(clazz, methodData.methodName,
                        methodData.getParameterTypes().toArray(new Class<?>[size]));
                if (method != null && methodData.hasArguments()) {
                    method.invoke(object, methodData.getArguments().toArray());
            } else {
                method = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(clazz, methodData.methodName);
                if (method != null) {


        throw new PatchException(ErrorCodes.ERR_METHOD_TO_PATCH_NOT_FOUND,
                getExMsgForMethodsNotFound(clazz, triedMethods.toArray(new String[triedMethods.size()])));


    private String getExMsgForMethodsNotFound(Class<?> clazz, String... varargs) {
        String methods = StringUtils.join(varargs, ", ");
        return "Couldn't find one of these methods: " + methods + " in " + clazz;

    private static class MethodData {

        private String methodName = null;
        private List<Class<?>> parameterTypes = new ArrayList<>();
        private List<Object> arguments = new ArrayList<>();

        public MethodData(String methodName, Class<?> clazz, Object object) {
            this.methodName = methodName;

         * @param clazzList  when null, method doesn't take any parameters
         * @param objectList when null, method doesn't take any parameters
        public MethodData(String methodName, List<Class<?>> clazzList, List<Object> objectList) {
            this.methodName = methodName;
            if (clazzList == null) {
                this.parameterTypes = null;
            } else {
            if (objectList == null) {
                this.arguments = null;
            } else {

         * This is to be used for methods without any parameters.
        public MethodData(String methodName) {
            this.methodName = methodName;
            this.parameterTypes = null;
            this.arguments = null;

        public boolean hasParameters() {
            return parameterTypes != null;

        public List<Class<?>> getParameterTypes() {
            return parameterTypes;

        public boolean hasArguments() {
            return arguments != null;

        public List<Object> getArguments() {
            return arguments;
