Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/*      */ package;

/*      */
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import com.appdynamics.common.util.concurrent.ConcurrencyHelper;
/*      */ import com.appdynamics.common.util.configuration.Reader;
/*      */ import com.appdynamics.common.util.datetime.TimeKeeper;
/*      */ import com.appdynamics.common.util.unit.ByteSizes;
/*      */ import com.appdynamics.common.util.var.SystemVariableResolver;
/*      */ import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
/*      */ import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
/*      */ import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
/*      */ import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
/*      */ import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
/*      */ import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import java.util.ArrayList;
/*      */ import java.util.Collections;
/*      */ import java.util.HashMap;
/*      */ import java.util.HashSet;
/*      */ import java.util.Iterator;
/*      */ import java.util.List;
/*      */ import java.util.Map;
/*      */ import java.util.Map.Entry;
/*      */ import java.util.Set;
/*      */ import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
/*      */ import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
/*      */ import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
/*      */ import java.util.concurrent.Future;
/*      */ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
/*      */ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
/*      */ import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchTimeoutException;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.ListenableActionFuture;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.IndicesAliasesRequestBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.IndicesAliasesResponse;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.get.GetAliasesRequestBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.get.GetAliasesResponse;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.exists.types.TypesExistsRequestBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.exists.types.TypesExistsResponse;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.delete.DeleteMappingRequestBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.delete.DeleteMappingResponse;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.get.GetMappingsRequestBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.get.GetMappingsResponse;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.put.PutMappingRequestBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.put.PutMappingResponse;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkItemResponse;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkResponse;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.count.CountRequestBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.count.CountResponse;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteRequest;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.client.AdminClient;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.client.Client;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.client.IndicesAdminClient;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.AliasMetaData;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MappingMetaData;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.ImmutableOpenMap;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.UnmodifiableIterator;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.common.compress.CompressedString;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.common.hppc.cursors.ObjectCursor;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexException;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MergeMappingException;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.index.query.BoolFilterBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilteredQueryBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.index.query.RangeFilterBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.index.query.WrapperFilterBuilder;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.indices.IndexMissingException;
/*      */ import org.elasticsearch.indices.TypeMissingException;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import org.joda.time.DateTime;
/*      */ import org.slf4j.Logger;
/*      */ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

/*      */
/*      */ @Singleton
/*      */ public class ElasticSearchEventService implements EventService, ElasticSearchMetaService
/*      */ {
    /*  143 */ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ElasticSearchEventService.class);
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*  150 */ public static final String[] EXCLUDED_FIELDS = { "_appliedUpdates" };
    /*      */ public static final String PROPERTIES = "properties";
    /*      */ public static final String TYPE = "type";
    /*      */ public static final String DATE = "date";
    /*  154 */ public static final ImmutableMap<String, String> TIMESTAMP_PROPERTIES = ImmutableMap.of("type",
            "date", "format", "dateOptionalTime");
    /*      */
    /*      */ public static final String STRING = "string";
    /*      */
    /*      */ public static final int MOVE_BATCH_SIZE = 500;
    /*      */
    /*      */ public static final int MOVE_BULK_RETRIES = 5;
    /*      */
    /*      */ public static final String INDEX_SUFFIX_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss";
    /*      */
    /*      */ public static final int HOT_LIFESPAN_DAYS_PADDING = 1;
    /*      */
    /*      */ public static final String META_DATA_DAILY_DATA_VOLUME_CAP_FIELD = "dailyDataCapVolume";
    /*      */
    /*      */ final EventTypeMetaDataService eventTypeMetaDataService;
    /*      */
    /*      */ final ClientProvider clientProvider;
    /*      */
    /*      */ final IndexNameResolver indexNameResolver;
    /*      */
    /*      */ final RollingIndexController rollingIndexController;
    /*      */
    /*      */ final ObjectListParser.Factory objListParserFactory;
    /*      */
    /*      */ final TimeValue callTimeout;
    /*      */
    /*      */ final EventServiceConfiguration eventServiceConfiguration;
    /*      */
    /*      */ final AccountManager accountManager;
    /*      */
    /*      */ final ConfigurationPropertyFactory configurationPropertyFactory;
    /*      */ final Timing timing;
    /*      */ final ElasticSearchUpsertProcessor upsertProcessor;
    /*      */ final ElasticSearchADQLQueryProcessor queryProcessor;
    /*      */ final IndexCreationManager indexCreationManager;
    /*      */ final EventTypeCache eventTypeCache;
    /*      */ final RelevantFieldQueryProcessor sigValueProcessor;
    /*      */ final ClusterLock lock;
    /*      */ final HiddenFieldsService hiddenFieldsService;
    /*      */ final String uniqueQueryIdPrefix;

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public ElasticSearchEventService(EventTypeMetaDataService eventTypeMetaDataService,
            ClientProvider clientProvider, IndexNameResolver indexNameResolver,
            RollingIndexController rollingIndexController, EventServiceConfiguration eventServiceConfiguration,
            ObjectListParser.Factory objListParserFactory, AccountManager accountManager, Timing timing,
            ConfigurationPropertyFactory configurationPropertyFactory, @EsCallTimeout TimeValue callTimeout,
            IndexCreationManager indexCreationManager, EventTypeCache eventTypeCache, ClusterLock lock,
            HiddenFieldsService hiddenFieldsService)
    /*      */ {
        /*  198 */ this.eventTypeMetaDataService = eventTypeMetaDataService;
        /*  199 */ this.clientProvider = clientProvider;
        /*  200 */ this.indexNameResolver = indexNameResolver;
        /*  201 */ this.rollingIndexController = rollingIndexController;
        /*  202 */ this.objListParserFactory = objListParserFactory;
        /*  203 */ this.timing = timing;
        /*  204 */ this.configurationPropertyFactory = configurationPropertyFactory;
        /*  205 */ this.callTimeout = callTimeout;
        /*  206 */ this.eventServiceConfiguration = eventServiceConfiguration;
        /*  207 */ this.indexCreationManager = indexCreationManager;
        /*  208 */ this.eventTypeCache = eventTypeCache;
        /*  209 */ this.accountManager = accountManager;
        /*  210 */ this.lock = lock;
        /*  211 */ this.hiddenFieldsService = hiddenFieldsService;
        /*  212 */ this.upsertProcessor = new ElasticSearchUpsertProcessor(this, callTimeout,
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  216 */ this.queryProcessor = new ElasticSearchADQLQueryProcessor(clientProvider, indexNameResolver,
        /*  217 */ this.sigValueProcessor = new RelevantFieldQueryProcessor();
        /*  218 */ this.uniqueQueryIdPrefix = (ElasticSearchEventService.class.getSimpleName() + "-"
                + SystemVariableResolver.getHostName() + "-" + SystemVariableResolver.getProcessId() + "-");
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public ClientProvider getClientProvider()
    /*      */ {
        /*  224 */ return this.clientProvider;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ public IndexNameResolver getIndexNameResolver()
    /*      */ {
        /*  229 */ return this.indexNameResolver;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ public void registerEventType(int requestVersion, String accountName, String eventType, String body)
    /*      */ {
        /*  234 */ registerEventType(requestVersion, accountName, eventType, body, null);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ public void updateEventType(int requestVersion, String accountName, String eventType, String body)
    /*      */ {
        /*  239 */ eventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(eventType);
        /*  240 */ accountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(accountName);
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  243 */ JsonNode existingEventType = getEventType(requestVersion, accountName, eventType);
        /*  244 */ if (existingEventType == null) {
            /*  245 */ throw new EventTypeMissingException(accountName, eventType);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*  248 */ ObjectNode bodyNode = ElasticSearchQueryHelper.parseJsonQueryToObjectModel(body);
        /*      */
        /*  250 */ mergeOrCopyObject(existingEventType, bodyNode, "metaData");
        /*      */
        /*  252 */ EventTypeMetaData metaData = preProcessBodyNodeAndReturnMetaData(requestVersion, accountName,
                eventType, bodyNode, null);
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  256 */ mergeOrCopyObject(existingEventType, bodyNode, "properties");
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  260 */ JsonNode newMergedEventType = existingEventType.deepCopy();
        /*      */
        /*  262 */ copyField("metaData", bodyNode, (ObjectNode) newMergedEventType);
        /*  263 */ copyField("properties", bodyNode, (ObjectNode) newMergedEventType);
        /*      */
        /*  265 */ EventTypeMetaData existingMetadataOnServer = getEventTypeMetaData(accountName, eventType);
        /*  266 */ int lifespan = getHotLifespanInDays(accountName, eventType, metaData);
        /*  267 */ metaData.setHotLifespanInDays(Integer.valueOf(lifespan));
        /*  268 */ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            /*  269 */ log.debug(
                    "\nEvent type old:\n[{}]\nEvent type new:\n[{}]\nMetadata old:\n[{}]\nMetadata new:\n[{}]",
                    new Object[] { existingEventType, newMergedEventType, existingMetadataOnServer, metaData });
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  273 */ stripExplicitAnalyzedStrings(newMergedEventType);
        /*  274 */ if ((existingEventType.equals(newMergedEventType))
                && (existingMetadataOnServer.equals(metaData)))
        /*      */ {
            /*  276 */
                    "Update call to event type [{}] for account [{}] has been ignored as there is no change",
                    eventType, accountName);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ else {
            /*  279 */ upsertEventType(accountName, eventType, bodyNode, metaData);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public void updateEventTypeMetaDataAndAliasFilter(List<AccountConfiguration> accountConfiguration)
    /*      */ {
        /*  287 */ List<EventTypeMetaData> updatedMetaDataList = this.eventTypeMetaDataService
        /*      */
        /*  289 */ for (EventTypeMetaData metaData : updatedMetaDataList)
        /*      */ {
            /*  291 */ updateSearchAliasIfChanged(metaData);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private void stripExplicitAnalyzedStrings(JsonNode node)
    /*      */ {
        /*  301 */ if ((node.isObject()) && (node.get("index") != null)
                && (node.get("index").asText().equals("analyzed"))) {
            /*  302 */ ((ObjectNode) node).remove("index");
            /*  303 */ return;
            /*      */ }
        /*  305 */ Iterator<JsonNode> nodeIterator = node.elements();
        /*  306 */ while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) {
            /*  307 */ JsonNode childNode = (JsonNode);
            /*  308 */ stripExplicitAnalyzedStrings(childNode);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private int getHotLifespanInDays(String accountName, String eventType, EventTypeMetaData metaData) {
        /*  313 */ int lifespan = metaData.getHotLifespanInDays().intValue();
        /*  314 */ AccountLicensingConfiguration acctLicense = (AccountLicensingConfiguration) this.accountManager
                .findAccountLicensingConfiguration(accountName, eventType).orNull();
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  317 */ if ((acctLicense != null) && (acctLicense.getDataRetentionPeriodDays() != null)) {
            /*  318 */ lifespan = acctLicense.getDataRetentionPeriodDays().intValue();
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*  321 */ return lifespan;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private void mergeOrCopyObject(JsonNode existing, ObjectNode updated, String fieldName) {
        /*  325 */ ObjectNode metaDataNode = getObjectNodeOrNull(updated, fieldName);
        /*  326 */ Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> iter;
        if (metaDataNode == null) {
            /*  327 */ updated.put(fieldName, existing.get(fieldName));
            /*      */ } else {
            /*  329 */ ObjectNode existingMetaData = getObjectNodeOrNull(existing, fieldName);
            /*  330 */ if (existingMetaData != null) {
                /*  331 */ for (iter = existingMetaData.fields(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    /*  332 */ Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> node = (Map.Entry);
                    /*  333 */ if (metaDataNode.get((String) node.getKey()) == null) {
                        /*  334 */ metaDataNode.put((String) node.getKey(),
                                ((JsonNode) node.getValue()).deepCopy());
                        /*      */ }
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private ObjectNode getObjectNodeOrNull(JsonNode node, String fieldName) {
        /*  342 */ JsonNode nodeToFetch = node.get(fieldName);
        /*  343 */ if ((nodeToFetch == null) || (nodeToFetch.isNull())) {
            /*  344 */ return null;
            /*      */ }
        /*  346 */ return (ObjectNode) nodeToFetch;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private static void copyField(String fieldName, ObjectNode from, ObjectNode to) {
        /*  350 */ JsonNode fromNode = from.get(fieldName);
        /*  351 */ if (fromNode != null) {
            /*  352 */ to.setAll(ImmutableMap.of(fieldName, fromNode.deepCopy()));
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ public void bulkUpdateEventType(final int requestVersion, String eventType, final String body)
    /*      */ {
        /*  358 */ final String finalEventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(eventType);
        /*  359 */ List<String> accountNames = getAllAccountNamesForEventType(eventType);
        /*  360 */
                "Performing bulk update for event type [{}] - will update a total of [{}] accounts with mappings [{}]",
                new Object[] { eventType, Integer.valueOf(accountNames.size()), body });
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  364 */ int numberOfRetries = 3;
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  367 */ int maxAllowedFailures = 100;
        /*  368 */ final AtomicInteger totalFailures = new AtomicInteger(0);
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  372 */ ExecutorService batchProcessors = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
        /*  373 */ List<Future<Exception>> batches = new ArrayList();
        /*  374 */ for (final String accountName : accountNames) {
            /*  375 */ batches.add(batchProcessors.submit(new Callable()
            /*      */ {
                /*      */ public Exception call() throws Exception {
                    /*  378 */ for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
                        /*      */ try {
                            /*  380 */ ElasticSearchEventService.log
                                    .info("Updating account [{}] and event type [{}]");
                            /*  381 */ ElasticSearchEventService.this.updateEventType(requestVersion, accountName,
                                    finalEventType, body);
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */ catch (EventTypeMissingException | IndexMissingException
                                | TypeMissingException e) {
                            /*  384 */
                                    "While performing bulk update for event [{}] and account [{}], event type was not found - probably means there was no index with the corresponding mapping data. Actual error [{}]",
                                    new Object[] { finalEventType, accountName, e.getMessage() });
                            /*      */
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */ catch (Exception e)
                        /*      */ {
                            /*      */
                            /*  390 */ if ((e.getCause() instanceof MergeMappingException)) {
                                /*  391 */
                                        "Standard update failed due to merge mapping exception, forcing rollover for account [{}] and event type [{}]",
                                        accountName, finalEventType);
                                /*      */
                                /*      */
                                /*  394 */ ElasticSearchEventService.this.forceRollover(accountName, finalEventType,
                                /*      */ } else {
                                /*  396 */ ElasticSearchEventService.log.error(
                                        "Bulk update for account [{}] and event type [{}] failed with exception [{}] - sleeping and retrying - try {} of {}",
                                        new Object[] { accountName, finalEventType, e.getMessage(),
                                                Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(3) });
                                /*      */
                                /*      */
                                /*      */
                                /*  400 */ if ((totalFailures.getAndIncrement() > 100) || (i == 3)) {
                                    /*  401 */ return e;
                                    /*      */ }
                                /*  403 */ ConcurrencyHelper.sleep(1000 * i);
                                /*      */ }
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */ }
                    /*  407 */ return null;
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }));
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*  412 */ for (Future<Exception> batch : batches) {
            /*  413 */ Exception e = (Exception) ConcurrencyHelper.getOrCancel(batch, 300, log);
            /*  414 */ if (e != null) {
                /*  415 */ throw Throwables.propagate(e);
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*  419 */ ConcurrencyHelper.stop(batchProcessors, log);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private void forceRollover(String accountName, String eventType, String body) {
        /*  423 */ GetAliasesResponse getAliasesResponse = (GetAliasesResponse) getClientProvider()
                        new String[] { this.indexNameResolver.resolveInsertAlias(accountName, eventType) })
        /*      */
        /*  425 */ if (getAliasesResponse.getAliases().size() == 0) {
            /*  426 */
                    "Cannot force rollover for account [{}] and event type [{}] as there is no insert alias",
                    accountName, eventType);
            /*      */
            /*  428 */ return;
        /*  429 */ if (getAliasesResponse.getAliases().size() > 1) {
            /*  430 */ log.warn(
                    "Error in logic - expected to find one and only one active insert index for account [{}] and event type [{}], but found the following: [{}]",
                    new Object[] { accountName, eventType,
                            Joiner.on(",").join(getAliasesResponse.getAliases().keysIt()) });
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  434 */ String indexName = (String) getAliasesResponse.getAliases().keysIt().next();
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  437 */ MappingMergeStrategy mergeStrategy = new MappingMergeStrategy()
        /*      */ {
            /*      */ public JsonNode merge(JsonNode originalMapping, JsonNode updatedMapping) {
                /*  440 */ ObjectNode mergedMapping = (ObjectNode) updatedMapping.deepCopy();
                /*  441 */ Iterator<String> types = originalMapping.fieldNames();
                /*  442 */ while (types.hasNext()) {
                    /*  443 */ String type = (String);
                    /*  444 */ if (mergedMapping.get(type) != null) {
                        /*  445 */ ElasticSearchEventService.this.mergeOrCopyObject(originalMapping.get(type),
                                (ObjectNode) mergedMapping.get(type), "properties");
                        /*      */ }
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */
                /*  449 */ return mergedMapping;
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /*  452 */ };
        /*  453 */ ForcedRolloverRequest rolloverRequest = new ForcedRolloverRequest();
        /*      */
        /*  455 */ ObjectNode esMapping = ElasticSearchQueryHelper.parseJsonQueryToObjectModel(body);
        /*  456 */ esMapping.remove("metaData");
        /*  457 */ rolloverRequest.setIndex(indexName);
        /*  458 */ rolloverRequest
        /*      */
        /*  460 */ rolloverRequest.setEventTypeMappingOverride(esMapping);
        /*  461 */ rolloverRequest.setMappingMergeStrategy(mergeStrategy);
        /*      */
        /*  463 */
                "Updating event type mapping for account [{}] event type [{}] through forcing an index rollover.",
                accountName, eventType);
        /*      */
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /*  467 */ this.rollingIndexController.forceRollover(rolloverRequest);
            /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
            /*  469 */ throw new EventTypeRegistrationFailure(
                    String.format("Failed to update event type mapping for all accounts with event type [%s]",
                            new Object[] { eventType }),
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public JsonNode getEventType(int requestVersion, String accountName, String eventType)
    /*      */ {
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /*  479 */ eventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(eventType);
            /*  480 */ accountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(accountName);
            /*      */
            /*  482 */ verifyEventTypeRepairingIndicesIfNecessary(requestVersion, accountName, eventType);
            /*      */
            /*  484 */ JsonNode mappingData = getEventTypeMappingData(accountName, eventType);
            /*  485 */ if (mappingData != null)
            /*      */ {
                /*  487 */ EventTypeMetaData metaData = this.eventTypeMetaDataService
                        .getEventTypeMetaDataNoCache(accountName, eventType);
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /*  490 */ ((ObjectNode) mappingData).put("metaData",
                        (JsonNode) Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.convertValue(metaData, JsonNode.class));
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*  494 */ return mappingData;
            /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
            /*  496 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ public boolean eventTypeExists(int requestVersion, String accountName, String eventType)
    /*      */ {
        /*      */ try {
            /*  503 */ eventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(eventType);
            /*  504 */ accountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(accountName);
            /*      */
            /*  506 */ if (this.eventTypeCache.accountNameEventTypeExistsWithCurrentInsertClient(accountName,
                    eventType)) {
                /*  507 */ return true;
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /*  510 */ EventTypeMetaData eventTypeMetaData = getEventTypeMetaData(accountName, eventType);
            /*  511 */ if (eventTypeMetaData == null) {
                /*  512 */ return false;
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*  516 */ boolean returnValue = true;
            /*  517 */ if (!verifyTypeInIndex(accountName, eventType)) {
                /*  518 */ returnValue = repairIndex(requestVersion, accountName, eventType, eventTypeMetaData);
                /*      */ }
            /*  520 */ this.eventTypeCache.storeAccountNameEventType(accountName, eventType);
            /*  521 */ return returnValue;
            /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
            /*  523 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private void registerEventType(int requestVersion, String accountName, String eventType, String body,
            EventTypeMetaData existingMetaData)
    /*      */ {
        /*  529 */ eventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(eventType);
        /*  530 */ accountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(accountName);
        /*      */
        /*  532 */ if ((existingMetaData == null) && (eventTypeExists(requestVersion, accountName, eventType))) {
            /*  533 */ throw new EventTypeAlreadyExistsException(accountName, eventType);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*  536 */ ObjectNode bodyNode = ElasticSearchQueryHelper.parseJsonQueryToObjectModel(body);
        /*      */
        /*  538 */ EventTypeMetaData metaData = preProcessBodyNodeAndReturnMetaData(requestVersion, accountName,
                eventType, bodyNode, existingMetaData);
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  541 */ upsertEventType(accountName, eventType, bodyNode, metaData);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private boolean shouldDefaultNotAnalyzedStringFields(int version) {
        /*  545 */ return version >= 2;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private boolean repairIndex(int requestVersion, String accountName, String eventType,
            EventTypeMetaData eventTypeMetaData)
    /*      */ {
        /*  550 */"Repairing current active index for account [{}] and event type [{}]", accountName,
        /*  551 */ String searchAlias = this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType);
        /*  552 */ GetAliasesResponse aliasesResponse = (GetAliasesResponse) this.clientProvider
                .getSearchClient(accountName).admin().indices().prepareGetAliases(new String[] { searchAlias })
        /*      */
        /*  554 */ List<String> indicesInOrder = indicesAsOrderedList(aliasesResponse.getAliases().keysIt());
        /*  555 */ if (indicesInOrder.isEmpty()) {
            /*  556 */ return false;
            /*      */ }
        /*  558 */ for (String index : indicesInOrder) {
            /*  559 */ GetMappingsResponse mappingsResponse = (GetMappingsResponse) this.clientProvider
                    .getSearchClient(accountName).admin().indices().prepareGetMappings(new String[] { index })
            /*      */
            /*  561 */ ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData> mappingsByType = (ImmutableOpenMap) mappingsResponse
            /*  562 */ if (mappingsByType != null)
            /*      */ {
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /*  566 */ MappingMetaData mappingMetaData = getMappingMetaData(accountName, eventType, index,
                /*  567 */ if (mappingMetaData != null)
                /*      */ {
                    /*      */
                    /*      */ try
                    /*      */ {
                        /*  572 */ ObjectNode mappingNode = (ObjectNode) Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER
                        /*      */
                        /*  574 */ ((ObjectNode) mappingNode.get(mappingMetaData.type())).remove("dynamic");
                        /*  575 */ registerEventType(requestVersion, accountName, eventType,
                                mappingNode.get(mappingMetaData.type()).toString(), eventTypeMetaData);
                        /*      */
                        /*      */
                        /*  578 */ fixSearchAliasForOldIndexManagementIfNecessary(accountName, eventType, index);
                        /*      */ } catch (IOException e) {
                        /*  580 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e);
                        /*      */ }
                    /*  582 */ return true;
                    /*      */ }
        /*  584 */ return false;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private void fixSearchAliasForOldIndexManagementIfNecessary(String accountName, String eventType,
            String index) {
        /*  588 */ if (!this.indexNameResolver.isOldIndexManagementIndex(index)) {
            /*  589 */ return;
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*  592 */ String filterForOldIndex = getFilterForOldSearchAlias(accountName, eventType, index);
        /*  593 */ if (filterForOldIndex == null) {
            /*  594 */ log.warn(
                    "Unable to get search alias for old index management index [{}] for account [{}] and event type [{}]",
                    new Object[] { index, accountName, eventType });
            /*      */
            /*  596 */ return;
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  600 */ GetAliasesResponse currentSearchAliases = (GetAliasesResponse) ((GetAliasesRequestBuilder) getClientProvider()
                        new String[] { this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType) })
                .setIndices(new String[] { this.indexNameResolver.resolveBaseIndexName(accountName, eventType) }))
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  603 */ Preconditions.checkState(currentSearchAliases.getAliases().size() == 1,
                "Expected to find only one index for the current insert index");
        /*      */
        /*  605 */ String concreteIndexName = (String) currentSearchAliases.getAliases().keysIt().next();
        /*  606 */ List<AliasMetaData> aliasMetaDatas = (List) currentSearchAliases.getAliases().valuesIt().next();
        /*  607 */ for (AliasMetaData aliasMetaData : aliasMetaDatas) {
            /*  608 */ if (this.indexNameResolver.isSearchAlias(aliasMetaData.alias())) {
                /*      */ try {
                    /*  610 */ String currentFilter = aliasMetaData.getFilter().string();
                    /*  611 */ if (!currentFilter.equals(filterForOldIndex))
                    /*      */ {
                        /*      */
                        /*  614 */ WrapperFilterBuilder[] oldAndNewSearchAliasFilters = new WrapperFilterBuilder[2];
                        /*  615 */ oldAndNewSearchAliasFilters[0] = FilterBuilders.wrapperFilter(filterForOldIndex);
                        /*  616 */ oldAndNewSearchAliasFilters[1] = FilterBuilders.wrapperFilter(currentFilter);
                        /*  617 */ if (!((IndicesAliasesResponse) this.clientProvider.getInsertClient(accountName)
                                        this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType))
                                        this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType),
                        /*      */ {
                            /*      */
                            /*      */
                            /*      */
                            /*      */
                            /*  623 */ log.error(
                                    "Update of search aliases failed to acknowledge for account [{}], event type [{}], and index [{}]",
                                    new Object[] { accountName, eventType, concreteIndexName });
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */ }
                    /*      */ } catch (IOException e) {
                    /*  627 */ throw Throwables.propagate(e);
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private String getFilterForOldSearchAlias(String accountName, String eventType, String index) {
        /*  634 */ GetAliasesResponse aliasesResponse = (GetAliasesResponse) ((GetAliasesRequestBuilder) getClientProvider()
                        new String[] { this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType) })
                .setIndices(new String[] { index })).execute().actionGet();
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  637 */ List<AliasMetaData> aliasMetaDatas = (List) aliasesResponse.getAliases().get(index);
        /*  638 */ for (AliasMetaData aliasMetaData : aliasMetaDatas) {
            /*  639 */ if (this.indexNameResolver.isSearchAlias(aliasMetaData.alias())) {
                /*      */ try {
                    /*  641 */ return aliasMetaData.getFilter().string();
                    /*      */ } catch (IOException e) {
                    /*  643 */ throw Throwables.propagate(e);
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*  647 */ return null;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private MappingMetaData getMappingMetaData(String accountName, String eventType, String index,
            ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData> mappingsByType) {
        /*      */ String docType;
        /*      */ String docType;
        /*  653 */ if (this.indexNameResolver.isOldIndexManagementDynamicType(index)) {
            /*  654 */ docType = this.indexNameResolver.oldIndexManagementDynamicEventTypeDocType(accountName,
        } else {
            String docType;
            /*  655 */ if (this.indexNameResolver.isOldIndexManagementStaticType(index)) {
                /*  656 */ docType = this.indexNameResolver.oldIndexManagementStaticEventTypeDocType(accountName,
                /*      */ } else
                /*  658 */ docType = this.indexNameResolver.getDocType(accountName, eventType);
            /*      */ }
        /*  660 */ return (MappingMetaData) mappingsByType.get(docType);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private boolean verifyTypeInIndex(String accountName, String eventType) {
        /*  664 */ String insertAlias = this.indexNameResolver.resolveInsertAlias(accountName, eventType);
        /*  665 */ String docType = this.indexNameResolver.getDocType(accountName, eventType);
        /*      */ try {
            /*  667 */ ImmutableOpenMap<String, ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData>> mappings = ((GetMappingsResponse) ((GetMappingsRequestBuilder) this.clientProvider
                    .getInsertClient(accountName).admin().indices().prepareGetMappings(new String[] { insertAlias })
                    .setTypes(new String[] { docType })).execute().actionGet()).mappings();
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*  672 */ if (mappings.size() < 1) {
                /*  673 */ return false;
                /*      */ }
            /*  675 */ Preconditions.checkState(mappings.size() == 1,
                    "Expected exactly one record for the insert alias [%s], account [%s], and event type [%s], but was [%s]",
                    new Object[] { insertAlias, accountName, eventType, Integer.valueOf(mappings.size()) });
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*  678 */ String indexName = (String) mappings.keysIt().next();
            /*  679 */ return !this.indexNameResolver.isOldIndexManagementIndex(indexName);
            /*      */ } catch (IndexMissingException e) {
            /*  681 */ log.debug("Index missing, returning false. [" + e.getMessage() + "]");
        /*  682 */ return false;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private JsonNode getEventTypeMappingData(String accountName, String eventType) throws IOException
    /*      */ {
        /*  687 */ String searchAlias = this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType);
        /*      */
        /*  689 */ EventTypeMetaData metaData = this.eventTypeMetaDataService.getEventTypeMetaData(accountName,
        /*  690 */ if (metaData == null) {
            /*  691 */ throw new EventTypeMissingException(accountName, eventType);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*  694 */ String docType = this.indexNameResolver.getDocType(accountName, eventType);
        /*  695 */ ImmutableOpenMap<String, ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData>> allMappingMetaData = getIndexMetaData(
                accountName, eventType, docType);
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  698 */ List<String> indices = indicesAsOrderedList(allMappingMetaData.keysIt());
        /*  699 */ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            /*  700 */ log.debug("indices: {}", indices);
            /*      */ }
        /*  702 */ if (!indices.isEmpty()) {
            /*  703 */ ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData> mappingMetaDataForIndex = (ImmutableOpenMap) allMappingMetaData
            /*  704 */ if (mappingMetaDataForIndex == null) {
                /*  705 */ log.debug("No mappingMetaDataForIndex found for accountName [{}], eventType [{}]",
                        accountName, eventType);
                /*      */
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ else
            /*      */ {
                /*  710 */ MappingMetaData mappingMetaData = (MappingMetaData) mappingMetaDataForIndex.get(docType);
                /*  711 */ if (mappingMetaData == null) {
                    /*  712 */ log.warn(
                            "Mapping metadata not found for account [{}] and event type [{}], this could be a benign race condition between event registry and insertion.",
                            accountName, eventType);
                    /*      */
                    /*      */
                    /*  715 */ throw new EventTypeMissingException(accountName, eventType);
                    /*      */ }
                /*  717 */ CompressedString compressedSource = mappingMetaData.source();
                /*  718 */ if (compressedSource == null) {
                    /*  719 */ throw new NullPointerException(
                            "Expected metaData source to NOT be null for account [" + accountName
                                    + "], event type [" + eventType + "], search alias [" + searchAlias + " - "
                                    + mappingMetaDataForIndex.toString());
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /*  724 */ String mappingMetaDataString = compressedSource.string();
                /*  725 */ JsonNode fullMappingData = Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.readTree(mappingMetaDataString);
                /*      */
                /*  727 */ ObjectNode mappingData = (ObjectNode) fullMappingData.get(docType);
                /*  728 */ this.hiddenFieldsService.pruneHiddenFieldsFromMapping(accountName, eventType,
                /*      */
                /*  730 */ return mappingData;
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ } else {
            /*  733 */ log.debug("No doctype [{}] found for accountName [{}], eventType [{}]",
                    new Object[] { docType, accountName, eventType });
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  737 */ throw new EventTypeMissingException(accountName, eventType);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private ImmutableOpenMap<String, ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData>> getIndexMetaData(
            String accountName, String eventType, String docType)
    /*      */ {
        /*  742 */ String insertAlias = this.indexNameResolver.resolveInsertAlias(accountName, eventType);
        /*  743 */ log.debug("Insert alias [{}], doc type [{}]", insertAlias, docType);
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*  747 */ Client insertClient = this.clientProvider.getInsertClient(accountName);
        /*  748 */ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            /*  749 */ log.debug("Insert client: {}, for cluster {}", insertClient,
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*  752 */ GetMappingsRequestBuilder builder = (GetMappingsRequestBuilder) insertClient.admin().indices()
                .prepareGetMappings(new String[] { insertAlias }).setTypes(new String[] { docType });
        /*      */
        /*      */ GetMappingsResponse mappingsResponse;
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /*  757 */ mappingsResponse = (GetMappingsResponse) builder.execute().actionGet();
            /*      */ } catch (IndexMissingException e) {
            /*  759 */ log.debug("Index was missing, refreshing and trying again");
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*  762 */ ElasticSearchServiceHelper.refreshAndWaitForIndexReadiness(insertClient,
                    new String[] { insertAlias });
            /*  763 */ mappingsResponse = (GetMappingsResponse) builder.execute().actionGet();
            /*      */ }
        /*  765 */ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            /*  766 */ log.debug("mappings: keys: {}",
            /*      */ }
        /*  768 */ return mappingsResponse.getMappings();
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public ImmutableOpenMap<String, ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData>> getSearchAliasMetaData(
            String accountName, String docType, String searchAlias)
    /*      */ {
        /*  774 */ Client client = this.clientProvider.getSearchClient(accountName);
        /*      */
        /*  776 */ GetMappingsRequestBuilder builder = (GetMappingsRequestBuilder) client.admin().indices()
                .prepareGetMappings(new String[] { searchAlias }).setTypes(new String[] { docType });
        /*      */ GetMappingsResponse mappingsResponse;
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /*  780 */ mappingsResponse = (GetMappingsResponse) builder.execute().actionGet();
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ catch (IndexMissingException e)
        /*      */ {
            /*  784 */ ElasticSearchServiceHelper.refreshAndWaitForIndexReadinessRetrying(client,
                    new String[] { searchAlias });
            /*  785 */ mappingsResponse = (GetMappingsResponse) builder.execute().actionGet();
            /*      */ }
        /*  787 */ return mappingsResponse.getMappings();
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public void deleteEventType(String accountName, String eventType)
    /*      */ {
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /*  803 */ eventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(eventType);
            /*  804 */ accountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(accountName);
            /*      */
            /*  806 */ String indexName = (String) Preconditions
                    .checkNotNull(this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType));
            /*      */
            /*  808 */ this.eventTypeMetaDataService.deleteEventTypeMetaData(accountName, eventType);
            /*  809 */ this.eventTypeCache.removeAccountNameEventType(accountName, eventType);
            /*      */
            /*  811 */ deleteEventTypeDocTypeMapping(accountName, eventType, indexName);
            /*  812 */ deleteEventTypeAliasMappings(accountName, eventType, indexName);
            /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
            /*  814 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private void deleteEventTypeDocTypeMapping(String accountName, String eventType, String indexName)
    /*      */ {
        /*  821 */ Client client = this.clientProvider.getInsertClient(accountName);
        /*      */
        /*  823 */ String docType = this.indexNameResolver.getDocType(accountName, eventType);
        /*  824 */ if (((TypesExistsResponse) client.admin().indices()
                .prepareTypesExists(new String[] { indexName }).setTypes(new String[] { docType }).execute()
        /*      */ {
            /*  826 */ if (!((DeleteMappingResponse) client.admin().indices()
                    .prepareDeleteMapping(new String[] { indexName }).setType(new String[] { docType }).execute()
            /*      */ {
                /*  828 */ log.error("Delete index request for index [" + indexName + "] was not acknowledged");
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private void deleteEventTypeAliasMappings(String accountName, String eventType, String indexName) {
        /*  834 */ Client client = this.clientProvider.getInsertClient(accountName);
        /*      */
        /*  836 */ if (!((IndicesAliasesResponse) client.admin().indices().prepareAliases()
                .removeAlias(indexName, this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType))
                .removeAlias(indexName, this.indexNameResolver.resolveInsertAlias(accountName, eventType)).execute()
        /*      */ {
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*  840 */ log.error("Removal of aliases [{}, {}] for index [{}] was not acknowledged",
                    new Object[] { this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType),
                            this.indexNameResolver.resolveInsertAlias(accountName, eventType), indexName });
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public void publishEvents(int requestVersion, String accountName, String eventType,
            ObjectListParser parser, String requestId)
    /*      */ {
        /*  849 */ publishEvents(requestVersion, accountName, eventType, parser.getPayloads(),
                parser.getPayloadOffset(), parser.getPayloadLength(), requestId);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public EventTypeMetaData getEventTypeMetaData(String accountName, String eventType)
    /*      */ {
        /*  856 */ return this.eventTypeMetaDataService.getEventTypeMetaData(accountName, eventType);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public void publishEvents(int requestVersion, String accountName, String eventType,
            final byte[] payloads, final int payloadOffset, final int payloadLength, final String requestId)
    /*      */ {
        /*  863 */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            /*      */ try {
                /*  865 */ final String eventTypeFinal = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(eventType);
                /*  866 */ final String accountNameFinal = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(accountName);
                /*  867 */ verifyEventTypeRepairingIndicesIfNecessary(requestVersion, accountName, eventTypeFinal);
                /*      */
                /*  869 */ final String docType = this.indexNameResolver.getDocType(accountNameFinal,
                /*  870 */ Callable<BulkRequestBuilder> builderCallable = new Callable()
                /*      */ {
                    /*      */ public BulkRequestBuilder call() throws Exception {
                        /*  873 */ String indexName = ElasticSearchEventService.this.indexNameResolver
                                .resolveInsertAlias(accountNameFinal, eventTypeFinal);
                        /*  874 */ ObjectListParser parser = ElasticSearchEventService.this.objListParserFactory
                                .make(payloads, payloadOffset, payloadLength);
                        /*      */
                        /*  876 */ Client client = ElasticSearchEventService.this.clientProvider
                        /*  877 */ BulkRequestBuilder builder = client.prepareBulk();
                        /*      */
                        /*  879 */ int itemId = 0;
                        /*  880 */ JsonNode json;
                        while ((json = parser.nextObject()) != null) {
                            /*  881 */ if (ElasticSearchEventService.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                /*  882 */ ElasticSearchEventService.log.debug(
                                        "Adding to bulk publish operation: [{}]",
                                        new String(payloads, parser.getRootObjectOffset(),
                                                parser.getRootObjectLength(), Charsets.UTF_8));
                                /*      */ }
                            /*      */
                            /*      */
                            /*      */
                            /*      */
                            /*  888 */ json = ElasticSearchEventService.this.ensurePickupTimestamp(json);
                            /*  889 */ json = ElasticSearchEventService.this.ensureEventTimestamp(json);
                            /*  890 */ IndexRequestBuilder irb = client.prepareIndex(indexName, docType)
                            /*      */
                            /*      */
                            /*  893 */ if (requestId != null) {
                                /*  894 */ irb.setId(requestId + "-" + itemId++);
                                /*      */ }
                            /*  896 */ IndexRequest indexRequest = (IndexRequest) irb.request();
                            /*  897 */ builder.add(indexRequest);
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */
                        /*  900 */ return builder;
                        /*      */ }
                    /*  902 */ };
                /*  903 */ handleBulkRequest(accountNameFinal, eventTypeFinal, payloads, payloadOffset,
                        payloadLength, builderCallable);
                /*      */
                /*  905 */ return;
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ catch (BulkFailureException e) {
                /*  908 */ if (i == 0) {
                    /*  909 */ for (BulkFailure bulkFailure : e.getFailures())
                    /*      */ {
                        /*      */
                        /*  912 */ if (bulkFailure.getMessage().contains("TypeMissingException")) {
                            /*  913 */ this.eventTypeCache.invalidateEventTypeMetaData(accountName, eventType);
                            /*  914 */ break;
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */
                        /*      */ }
                    /*      */ } else
                    /*  919 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e);
                /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
                /*  921 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e);
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public void moveEvents(int requestVersion, String accountName, String sourceEventType,
            MoveEventTypeRequest request)
    /*      */ {
        /*  929 */ accountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(accountName);
        /*  930 */ sourceEventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(sourceEventType);
        /*      */
        /*  932 */ verifyEventTypeRepairingIndicesIfNecessary(requestVersion, accountName, sourceEventType);
        /*      */
        /*  934 */ final String sourceIndex = this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName,
        /*  935 */ final String targetEventType = this.indexNameResolver
        /*  936 */ final String targetIndex = this.indexNameResolver.resolveInsertAlias(accountName,
        /*  937 */ final String sourceDocType = this.indexNameResolver.getDocType(accountName, sourceEventType);
        /*  938 */ final String targetDocType = this.indexNameResolver.getDocType(accountName, targetEventType);
        /*  939 */ final Client client = this.clientProvider.getInsertClient(accountName);
        /*  940 */ final Set<String> unmovedDocIds = new HashSet(request.getDocIds());
        /*      */
        /*  942 */ ElasticSearchHelper.Listener<SearchHit[]> indexListener = new {
            /*  943 */ final Set<String> movedDocIds = new HashSet();
            /*  944 */ final Set<String> failedDocIds = new HashSet();

            /*      */
            /*      */ public void onStart()
            /*      */ {
                /*  948 */ this.movedDocIds.clear();
                /*  949 */ this.failedDocIds.clear();
                /*      */ }

            /*      */
            /*      */ public ElasticSearchHelper.ListenerResponse onBatch(SearchHit[] hits)
            /*      */ {
                /*  954 */ BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequestBuilder = client.prepareBulk();
                /*  955 */ Set<String> batchDocIds = new HashSet();
                /*  956 */ for (SearchHit hit : hits) {
                    /*  957 */ IndexRequest indexRequest = (IndexRequest) client
                            .prepareIndex(targetIndex, targetDocType).setSource(hit.getSource()).setId(hit.getId())
                    /*      */
                    /*  959 */ bulkRequestBuilder.add(indexRequest);
                    /*  960 */ batchDocIds.add(hit.getId());
                    /*      */ }
                /*  962 */ BulkResponse bulkResponse = (BulkResponse) bulkRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet();
                /*  963 */ if (bulkResponse.hasFailures()) {
                    /*  964 */ ElasticSearchEventService.this.extractFailedDocIds(bulkResponse, this.failedDocIds);
                    /*  965 */ ElasticSearchEventService.log
                            .error("bulk indexing failures: " + bulkResponse.buildFailureMessage());
                    /*  966 */ return ElasticSearchHelper.ListenerResponse.RESTART;
                    /*      */ }
                /*  968 */ this.movedDocIds.addAll(batchDocIds);
                /*  969 */ return ElasticSearchHelper.ListenerResponse.CONTINUE;
                /*      */ }

            /*      */
            /*      */ public void onEnd()
            /*      */ {
                /*  974 */ ElasticSearchEventService.this.deleteMovedDocs(client, sourceIndex, sourceDocType,
                        this.movedDocIds, unmovedDocIds);
                /*      */ }

            /*      */
            /*      */ public boolean handleRetryFailure()
            /*      */ {
                /*  979 */ throw new MoveEventsException(
                        "Failed to insert documents into destination index [" + targetIndex + "] for event type ["
                                + targetEventType + "] after [" + 5 + "] " + "retries",
                        this.failedDocIds, unmovedDocIds);
                /*      */
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*  984 */ };
        /*  985 */ int end = 0;
        /*  986 */ while (end < request.getDocIds().size()) {
            /*  987 */ int start = end;
            /*  988 */ end += 500;
            /*  989 */ end = Math.min(request.getDocIds().size(), end);
            /*  990 */ List<String> subList = request.getDocIds().subList(start, end);
            /*  991 */ QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders.idsQuery(new String[] { sourceDocType })
                    .addIds((String[]) subList.toArray(new String[subList.size()]));
            /*      */
            /*  993 */ ElasticSearchHelper.fetchResults(client, queryBuilder, new TimeValue(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS),
                    500, 5, indexListener, new String[] { sourceIndex });
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private void deleteMovedDocs(Client client, String sourceIndex, String sourceDocType,
            Set<String> movedDocIds, Set<String> unmovedDocIds)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1002 */ if (movedDocIds.isEmpty()) {
            /* 1003 */ return;
            /*      */ }
        /* 1005 */ unmovedDocIds.removeAll(movedDocIds);
        /* 1006 */ Set<String> movedButNotDeletedDocIds = new HashSet(movedDocIds);
        /* 1007 */ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            /*      */ try {
                /* 1009 */ BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequestBuilder = client.prepareBulk();
                /* 1010 */ for (String id : movedDocIds) {
                    /* 1011 */ DeleteRequest indexRequest = (DeleteRequest) client
                            .prepareDelete(sourceIndex, sourceDocType, id).request();
                    /* 1012 */ bulkRequestBuilder.add(indexRequest);
                    /*      */ }
                /* 1014 */ BulkResponse bulkResponse = (BulkResponse) bulkRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet();
                /* 1015 */ if (bulkResponse.hasFailures()) {
                    /* 1016 */ extractFailedDocIds(bulkResponse, movedButNotDeletedDocIds);
                    /* 1017 */ log.error("bulk deletion failures: " + bulkResponse.buildFailureMessage());
                    /*      */ } else {
                    /* 1019 */ movedButNotDeletedDocIds.removeAll(movedDocIds);
                    /* 1020 */ return;
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
                /* 1023 */ log.error("Caught exception while trying to execute bulk delete: " + e.getMessage());
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /* 1027 */ String msg = "Failed to delete moved documents from source index [" + sourceIndex
                + "] and type [" + sourceDocType + "] - bulk response failures occurred in spite of retrying [" + 5
                + "] times. DocIds that were moved but not deleted: ["
                + Joiner.on(",").join(movedButNotDeletedDocIds) + "], docIds that were not moved: ["
                + Joiner.on(",").join(unmovedDocIds) + "]";
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /* 1031 */ log.error(msg);
        /* 1032 */ throw new MoveEventsException(msg, movedButNotDeletedDocIds, unmovedDocIds);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private void extractFailedDocIds(BulkResponse bulkResponse, Set<String> movedButNotDeleted) {
        /* 1036 */ movedButNotDeleted.clear();
        /* 1037 */ for (BulkItemResponse itemResponse : bulkResponse.getItems()) {
            /* 1038 */ if (itemResponse.isFailed()) {
                /* 1039 */ movedButNotDeleted.add(itemResponse.getId());
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private JsonNode ensureNodeValue(JsonNode json, String nodeName, String nodeValue) {
        /* 1045 */ JsonNode node = json.get(nodeName);
        /* 1046 */ if (node == null) {
            /* 1047 */ if ((json instanceof ObjectNode)) {
                /* 1048 */ ((ObjectNode) json).put(nodeName, nodeValue);
                /*      */ } else {
                /* 1050 */ Map<String, Object> map = (Map) Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.convertValue(json,
                        new TypeReference() {
                /* 1053 */ map.put(nodeName, nodeValue);
                /* 1054 */ json = (JsonNode) Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.convertValue(map, JsonNode.class);
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /* 1057 */ return json;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private JsonNode ensureEventTimestamp(JsonNode json) {
        /* 1061 */ return ensureNodeValue(json, "eventTimestamp", TimeKeeper.currentUtcTimeIso8601());
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private JsonNode ensurePickupTimestamp(JsonNode json) {
        /* 1065 */ return ensureNodeValue(json, "pickupTimestamp", TimeKeeper.currentUtcTimeIso8601());
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ public long getCount(int requestVersion, String accountName, String eventType, DateTime from,
            DateTime to)
    /*      */ {
        /*      */ try {
            /* 1071 */ eventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(eventType);
            /* 1072 */ accountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(accountName);
            /*      */
            /* 1074 */ verifyEventTypeRepairingIndicesIfNecessary(requestVersion, accountName, eventType);
            /*      */
            /* 1076 */ Client client = this.clientProvider.getSearchClient(accountName);
            /* 1077 */ String searchAlias = this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType);
            /* 1078 */ ESUtils.refreshIndices(client, new String[] { searchAlias });
            /*      */
            /* 1080 */ FilterBuilder timeFilter = FilterBuilders.rangeFilter("pickupTimestamp").from(from).to(to)
            /*      */
            /* 1082 */ FilteredQueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders
                    .filteredQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery(), timeFilter);
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1085 */ long count = ((CountResponse) client.prepareCount(new String[] { searchAlias })
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1089 */ log.debug(
                    "Counted [{}] documents for account [{}] event type [{}] with date range [{} : {}]",
                    new Object[] { Long.valueOf(count), accountName, eventType, from, to });
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1092 */ return count;
            /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
            /* 1094 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public void verifyEventTypeRepairingIndicesIfNecessary(int requestVersion, String accountName,
            String eventType)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1101 */ for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
            /*      */ try {
                /* 1103 */ if (!eventTypeExists(requestVersion, accountName, eventType)) {
                    /* 1104 */ throw new EventTypeMissingException(accountName, eventType);
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ catch (Exception e) {
                /* 1108 */ if ((e instanceof EventTypeMissingException)) {
                    /* 1109 */ throw ((EventTypeMissingException) e);
                    /*      */ }
                /* 1111 */ if (i == 3) {
                    /* 1112 */ throw Throwables.propagate(e);
                    /*      */ }
                /* 1114 */ ConcurrencyHelper.sleep(500 * i);
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ public void upsertEvents(int requestVersion, List<? extends Upsert> upserts)
    /*      */ {
        /*      */ try {
            /* 1122 */ this.upsertProcessor.process(requestVersion, upserts);
            /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
            /* 1124 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private List<String> getAllAccountNamesForEventType(String eventType) {
        /* 1129 */ List<String> accountNames = new ArrayList();
        /* 1130 */ eventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(eventType);
        /*      */ SearchResponse response;
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /* 1134 */ FilteredQueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders.filteredQuery(
                    FilterBuilders.boolFilter().must(FilterBuilders.termFilter("eventType", eventType)));
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1137 */ response = this.eventTypeMetaDataService.getRawEventTypeMetaDataForFilter(queryBuilder);
            /*      */ } catch (IndexMissingException e) {
            /* 1139 */ return accountNames;
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /* 1142 */ if (response.getHits().totalHits() > 0L) {
            /* 1143 */ for (SearchHit hit : response.getHits().getHits()) {
                /*      */ try {
                    /* 1145 */ accountNames.add(hit.getSource().get("accountName").toString());
                    /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
                    /* 1147 */ throw Throwables.propagate(e);
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /* 1152 */ return accountNames;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ public void searchEvents(int requestVersion, String accountName, String eventType,
            String searchRequest, OutputStream out)
    /*      */ {
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /* 1159 */ eventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(eventType);
            /* 1160 */ accountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(accountName);
            /*      */
            /* 1162 */ verifyEventTypeRepairingIndicesIfNecessary(requestVersion, accountName, eventType);
            /*      */
            /* 1164 */ searchIndex(accountName, eventType, searchRequest, out);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ catch (Exception e)
        /*      */ {
            /* 1168 */ String clusterName = "Unavailable";
            /*      */ try {
                /* 1170 */ String tempClusterName = this.clientProvider.getSearchClient(accountName).settings()
                /*      */
                /* 1172 */ if (tempClusterName != null) {
                    /* 1173 */ clusterName = tempClusterName;
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ } catch (Exception ignored) {
                /* 1176 */ e.addSuppressed(ignored);
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /* 1179 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e,
                    "Failed to search account [{}] on clusters [{}] with event type [{}] on search request [{}]",
                    new Object[] { accountName, clusterName, eventType, searchRequest });
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public void multiSearchEvents(int requestVersion, String accountName, String searchRequest,
            OutputStream out)
    /*      */ {
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /* 1188 */ accountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(accountName);
            /* 1189 */ JsonNode[] nodes = multilineToJson(searchRequest);
            /* 1190 */ verifyAndReplaceMultiSearchHeaders(requestVersion, accountName, nodes);
            /*      */
            /* 1192 */ Client client = this.clientProvider.getSearchClient(accountName);
            /* 1193 */ MultiSearchRequestBuilder multisearchRequestBuilder = client.prepareMultiSearch();
            /* 1194 */ for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i += 2) {
                /* 1195 */ JsonNode header = nodes[i];
                /* 1196 */ JsonNode search = nodes[(i + 1)];
                /*      */
                /* 1198 */ String index = find("index", header);
                /* 1199 */ String eventType = find("eventType", header);
                /*      */
                /* 1201 */ String searchType = find("search_type", header);
                /* 1202 */ SearchRequestBuilder request = client.prepareSearch(new String[] { index })
                        .setStats(new String[] { getUniqueQueryId(accountName, searchType) });
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /* 1206 */ processAndSetRequest(search.toString(), request, accountName, eventType);
                /*      */
                /* 1208 */ multisearchRequestBuilder.add(request);
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1212 */ MultiSearchResponse response = (MultiSearchResponse) multisearchRequestBuilder.execute()
            /*      */
            /* 1214 */ XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder(out);
            /* 1215 */ builder.startObject();
            /* 1216 */ response.toXContent(builder, ToXContent.EMPTY_PARAMS);
            /* 1217 */ builder.endObject();
            /* 1218 */ builder.close();
            /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
            /* 1220 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e,
                    "Failed to multi-search account [{}] on search request [{}]",
                    new Object[] { accountName, searchRequest });
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private String getUniqueQueryId(String accountName, String searchType)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1227 */ return this.uniqueQueryIdPrefix + accountName + "-" + searchType + "-"
                + TimeKeeper.currentUtcTimeIso8601();
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public void queryEvents(final int requestVersion, String accountName, String queryString,
            String startTime, String endTime, int limitResults, boolean returnEsJson, OutputStream out)
    /*      */ {
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /* 1241 */ final String normalizedAccountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(accountName);
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1245 */ Function<String, EventSchema> getEventSchemaFunction = new Function()
            /*      */ {
                /*      */ public EventSchema apply(String eventType) {
                    /*      */ try {
                        /* 1249 */ ElasticSearchEventService.this.verifyEventTypeRepairingIndicesIfNecessary(
                                requestVersion, normalizedAccountName, eventType);
                        /* 1250 */ JsonNode esMapping = ElasticSearchEventService.this
                                .getEventTypeMappingData(normalizedAccountName, eventType);
                        /* 1251 */ return new EventSchema(eventType, esMapping);
                        /*      */ } catch (IOException e) {
                        /* 1253 */ ElasticSearchEventService.log.error(
                                "Failed to get event schema for account [{}] and event type [{}]",
                                new Object[] { normalizedAccountName, eventType, e });
                        /*      */ }
                    /* 1255 */ return null;
                    /*      */ }

                /*      */
                /*      */
                /*      */ public boolean equals(Object object)
                /*      */ {
                    /* 1261 */ return this == object;
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */
                /* 1264 */ };
            /* 1265 */ this.queryProcessor.query(normalizedAccountName, queryString, startTime, endTime,
                    limitResults, returnEsJson, getEventSchemaFunction, out);
            /*      */
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ catch (NumberFormatException e)
        /*      */ {
            /*      */
            /* 1271 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e,
                    "Failed to parse date time in query for account [{}] on query [{}]",
                    new Object[] { accountName, queryString });
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ catch (ParsingException e)
        /*      */ {
            /* 1275 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e,
                    "Failed to parse query for account [{}] on query [{}]",
                    new Object[] { accountName, queryString });
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ catch (Exception e)
        /*      */ {
            /* 1279 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e,
                    "Failed to query account [{}] on query [{}]", new Object[] { accountName, queryString });
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public JsonNode relevantFields(int requestVersion, String accountName, String eventType,
            String queryString)
    /*      */ {
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /* 1288 */ return this.sigValueProcessor.query(this, requestVersion, accountName, eventType,
            /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
            /* 1290 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e,
                    "Failed to query account [{}] on query [{}]", new Object[] { accountName, queryString });
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private ObjectNode parseSearchRequest(String searchRequest)/*      */ throws IOException
    /*      */ {
        /* 1298 */ return (ObjectNode) Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.readTree(searchRequest);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public Map<String, Set<String>> eventTypesByAccount()
    /*      */ {
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /* 1307 */ List<Client> clients = this.clientProvider.getAllInsertClients();
            /* 1308 */ Set<String> uniqueAliases = new HashSet();
            /*      */
            /* 1310 */ for (Client client : clients)
            /*      */ {
                /*      */
                /* 1313 */ GetAliasesResponse response = (GetAliasesResponse) client.admin().indices()
                        .prepareGetAliases(new String[] { "*___search" }).execute().actionGet();
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /* 1316 */ ImmutableOpenMap<String, List<AliasMetaData>> aliases = response.getAliases();
                /* 1317 */ for (ObjectCursor<List<AliasMetaData>> aliasMetaDataCursor : aliases.values()) {
                    /* 1318 */ for (AliasMetaData aliasMetaData : (List) aliasMetaDataCursor.value) {
                        /* 1319 */ uniqueAliases.add(aliasMetaData.alias());
                        /*      */ }
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /* 1324 */ if (uniqueAliases.isEmpty()) {
                /* 1325 */ return Collections.emptyMap();
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /* 1328 */ return buildAccountToEventTypeMap(uniqueAliases);
            /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
            /* 1330 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private EventTypeMetaData preProcessBodyNodeAndReturnMetaData(int requestVersion, String accountName,
            String eventType, ObjectNode bodyNode, EventTypeMetaData existingMetaData)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1347 */ JsonNode meta = bodyNode.remove("metaData");
        /*      */ EventTypeMetaData metaData;
        /* 1349 */ EventTypeMetaData metaData;
        if (meta == null) {
            EventTypeMetaData metaData;
            /* 1350 */ if (existingMetaData != null) {
                /* 1351 */ metaData = existingMetaData;
                /*      */ } else {
                /* 1353 */ metaData = new EventTypeMetaData(accountName, eventType,
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ else
        /*      */ {
            /* 1358 */ JsonNode dataCapNode = ((ObjectNode) meta).remove("dailyDataCapVolume");
            /* 1359 */ Long dataCapBytes = null;
            /* 1360 */ if (dataCapNode != null) {
                /*      */ try {
                    /* 1362 */ dataCapBytes = Long.valueOf(ByteSizes.parseToBytes(dataCapNode.textValue()));
                    /*      */ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    /* 1364 */ log.error(
                            "Could not resolve number of bytes for data cap for account [{}] event type [{}] with body [{}] using default.",
                            new Object[] { accountName, eventType, bodyNode, e });
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*      */ try
            /*      */ {
                /* 1372 */ metaData = (EventTypeMetaData) Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.reader(EventTypeMetaData.class)
                /* 1373 */ metaData.fill(accountName, eventType,
                /* 1374 */ metaData.setMaxDailyDataVolumeBytes(dataCapBytes);
                /*      */ } catch (IOException e) {
                /* 1376 */ throw Throwables.propagate(e);
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /* 1381 */ if ((bodyNode.get("properties") != null) && (bodyNode.get("properties").size() > 0)) {
            /* 1382 */ boolean shouldDefaultNotAnalyzedStringFields = (existingMetaData == null)
                    && (shouldDefaultNotAnalyzedStringFields(requestVersion));
            /*      */
            /* 1384 */ performEventServiceMappingTransformation(bodyNode, shouldDefaultNotAnalyzedStringFields,
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /* 1388 */ return metaData;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ public static void performEventServiceMappingTransformation(ObjectNode mapping,
            boolean shouldApplyChangesForVersion2, boolean shouldDisableAllField)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1404 */ if (mapping.get("metaData") != null) {
            /* 1405 */ mapping.remove("metaData");
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /* 1408 */ addTimestampFields(mapping);
        /* 1409 */ removeSourceSettings(mapping);
        /*      */
        /* 1411 */ if (shouldApplyChangesForVersion2) {
            /* 1412 */ ElasticSearchMappingHelper.ensureStringNotAnalyzedDefault(mapping);
            /* 1413 */ ElasticSearchMappingHelper.ensureFieldDataOptimized(mapping);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /* 1416 */ ElasticSearchMappingHelper.ensureDocValues(mapping);
        /*      */
        /* 1418 */ if (shouldDisableAllField) {
            /* 1419 */ ObjectNode allDisabledNode = Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.createObjectNode();
            /* 1420 */ allDisabledNode.put("enabled", false);
            /*      */
            /* 1422 */ mapping.put("_all", allDisabledNode);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private static void removeSourceSettings(ObjectNode eventTypeDefinition)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1439 */ eventTypeDefinition.remove("_source");
        /* 1440 */ amendSourceSettingsOnNode(eventTypeDefinition);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private static void amendSourceSettingsOnNode(ObjectNode eventTypeDefinition) {
        /* 1444 */ ObjectNode properties = (ObjectNode) eventTypeDefinition.get("properties");
        /* 1445 */ if (properties != null) {
            /* 1446 */ for (JsonNode property : properties) {
                /* 1447 */ if (property.isObject()) {
                    /* 1448 */ if ((property.has("type")) && (property.has("store"))) {
                        /* 1449 */ ((ObjectNode) property).remove("store");
                        /*      */ }
                    /* 1451 */ amendSourceSettingsOnNode((ObjectNode) property);
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private static void addTimestampFields(ObjectNode body)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1464 */ JsonNode propNode = body.get("properties");
        /* 1465 */ if (propNode == null) {
            /* 1466 */ return;
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /* 1470 */ ObjectNode eventTimestampNode = Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.createObjectNode();
        /* 1471 */ for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : TIMESTAMP_PROPERTIES.entrySet()) {
            /* 1472 */ eventTimestampNode.put((String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue());
            /*      */ }
        /* 1474 */ ((ObjectNode) propNode).put("eventTimestamp", eventTimestampNode);
        /*      */
        /* 1476 */ ObjectNode pickupTimestampNode = Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.createObjectNode();
        /* 1477 */ for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : TIMESTAMP_PROPERTIES.entrySet()) {
            /* 1478 */ pickupTimestampNode.put((String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue());
            /*      */ }
        /* 1480 */ ((ObjectNode) propNode).put("pickupTimestamp", pickupTimestampNode);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private JsonNode[] multilineToJson(String body)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1490 */ String[] lines = body.split("\n");
        /* 1491 */ List<JsonNode> nodes = new ArrayList(lines.length);
        /* 1492 */ for (String line : lines) {
            /* 1493 */ if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank(line)) {
                /* 1494 */ nodes.add(ElasticSearchQueryHelper.parseJsonQueryToObjectModel(line));
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /* 1497 */ return (JsonNode[]) nodes.toArray(new JsonNode[nodes.size()]);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private void verifyAndReplaceMultiSearchHeaders(int requestVersion, String accountName,
            JsonNode[] nodes)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1510 */ if ((nodes.length == 0) || (nodes.length % 2 != 0)) {
            /* 1511 */ throw new ServiceRequestException("Invalid.NumberOfLines",
                    "Multisearch requests must have an even number of lines and contain at least 2 lines.");
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /* 1515 */ for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i += 2) {
            /* 1516 */ if (nodes[i].get("index") != null) {
                /* 1517 */ throw new ServiceRequestException("MustNotBeSpecified.IndexField",
                        "The field 'index' must NOT be supplied in a multi search header.");
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /* 1520 */ JsonNode eventType = nodes[i].get("eventType");
            /* 1521 */ if (eventType == null) {
                /* 1522 */ throw new ServiceRequestException("MustBeSpecified.EventTypeField",
                        "The field 'eventType' MUST be supplied in a multi search header.");
                /*      */ }
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1526 */ verifyEventTypeRepairingIndicesIfNecessary(requestVersion, accountName,
            /* 1527 */ String indexName = this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName,
            /* 1528 */ ((ObjectNode) nodes[i]).put("index", indexName);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private void searchIndex(String accountName, String eventType, String searchRequest,
            OutputStream out) throws IOException
    /*      */ {
        /* 1534 */ String searchAlias = this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType);
        /* 1535 */ Client client = this.clientProvider.getSearchClient(accountName);
        /*      */
        /* 1537 */ SearchRequestBuilder req = client.prepareSearch(new String[0])
                .setIndices(new String[] { searchAlias })
                .setStats(new String[] { getUniqueQueryId(accountName, eventType) });
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /* 1541 */ processAndSetRequest(searchRequest, req, accountName, eventType);
        /*      */ SearchResponse response;
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /* 1545 */ response = (SearchResponse) req.execute().actionGet(this.callTimeout);
            /*      */ } catch (IndexMissingException | TypeMissingException e) {
            /* 1547 */ throw new EventTypeMissingException(accountName, eventType);
            /*      */ }
        /* 1549 */ if (response.isTimedOut())
        /*      */ {
            /*      */
            /* 1552 */ throw new ElasticsearchTimeoutException("Search query timed out");
            /*      */ }
        /* 1554 */ XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder(out);
        /* 1555 */ builder.startObject();
        /* 1556 */ response.toXContent(builder, ToXContent.EMPTY_PARAMS);
        /* 1557 */ builder.endObject();
        /* 1558 */ builder.close();
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private void processAndSetRequest(String searchRequest, SearchRequestBuilder req, String accountName,
            String eventType) throws IOException
    /*      */ {
        /* 1563 */ ObjectNode requestNode = parseSearchRequest(searchRequest);
        /*      */
        /* 1565 */ if (requestNode.get("fields") == null) {
            /* 1566 */ String[] includes = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY;
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1570 */ JsonNode sourceNode = requestNode.remove("_source");
            /* 1571 */ if ((sourceNode == null) || (sourceNode.asBoolean(Boolean.TRUE.booleanValue()))) {
                /* 1572 */ if (sourceNode != null)
                /*      */ {
                    /* 1574 */ if (sourceNode.isArray()) {
                        /* 1575 */ includes = arrayOfStringsFromNode((ArrayNode) sourceNode);
                        /* 1576 */ } else if (sourceNode.isTextual()) {
                        /* 1577 */ includes = new String[] { sourceNode.asText() };
                        /*      */ }
                    /*      */ }
                /* 1580 */ ArrayList<String> excludedFields = Lists.newArrayList(EXCLUDED_FIELDS);
                /* 1581 */ for (HiddenField hiddenField : this.hiddenFieldsService.getHiddenFields(accountName,
                        eventType)) {
                    /* 1582 */ excludedFields.add(hiddenField.getFieldName());
                    /*      */ }
                /* 1584 */ req.setFetchSource(includes, Strings.toStringArray(excludedFields));
                /*      */ } else {
                /* 1586 */ req.setFetchSource(false);
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /* 1591 */ req.setExtraSource(requestNode.toString());
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private String[] arrayOfStringsFromNode(ArrayNode sourceNode) {
        /* 1595 */ String[] ary = new String[sourceNode.size()];
        /* 1596 */ Iterator<JsonNode> elements = sourceNode.elements();
        /* 1597 */ int i = 0;
        /* 1598 */ while (elements.hasNext()) {
            /* 1599 */ JsonNode elem = (JsonNode);
            /* 1600 */ ary[(i++)] = (elem.isTextual() ? elem.asText() : elem.toString());
            /*      */ }
        /* 1602 */ return ary;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private String find(String field, JsonNode node) throws JsonProcessingException {
        /* 1606 */ String fieldValue = null;
        /* 1607 */ JsonNode fieldNode = node.get(field);
        /* 1608 */ if (fieldNode != null) {
            /* 1609 */ fieldValue = fieldNode.textValue();
            /*      */ }
        /* 1611 */ return fieldValue;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private void handleBulkRequest(String accountName, String eventType, byte[] payloads,
            int payloadOffset, int payloadLength, Callable<BulkRequestBuilder> requestBuilderCallable)
            /*      */ throws Exception
    /*      */ {
        /*      */ BulkResponse resp;
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /* 1621 */ BulkRequestBuilder requestBuilder = (BulkRequestBuilder);
            /* 1622 */ resp = (BulkResponse) requestBuilder.get();
            /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
            /* 1624 */ log.error(
                    "Event Service Publish Error: account [{}], eventType [{}], payload [{}], exception [{}]",
                    new Object[] { accountName, eventType,
                            new String(payloads, payloadOffset, payloadLength, Charsets.UTF_8), e });
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1627 */ throw e;
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /* 1630 */ if (resp.hasFailures()) {
            /* 1631 */ throw
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ public List<String> indicesAsOrderedList(UnmodifiableIterator<String> indexNamesIterator)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1637 */ Ordering.natural().reverse().onResultOf(new Function()
        /*      */ {
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /*      */ @Nullable
            /*      */ public Comparable apply(@Nullable String input) {
                /* 1643 */ return input == null ? "" : input.toLowerCase();
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ void upsertEventType(String accountName, String eventType, ObjectNode bodyNode,
            EventTypeMetaData metaData)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1676 */ AccountLicensingConfiguration acctLicense = (AccountLicensingConfiguration) this.accountManager
                .findAccountLicensingConfiguration(accountName, eventType).orNull();
        /*      */
        /* 1678 */"Found licenses [{}] for account [{}] event type [{}]",
                new Object[] { acctLicense, accountName, eventType });
        /* 1679 */ metaData = this.eventTypeMetaDataService.updateEventTypeMetaDataWithLicense(metaData,
        /*      */ try
        /*      */ {
            /* 1682 */ updateIndexAliasAndTypeMapping(metaData, bodyNode);
            /* 1683 */ this.eventTypeMetaDataService.storeEventTypeMetaData(metaData, acctLicense);
            /*      */ } catch (Exception e) {
            /* 1685 */ throw ElasticSearchServiceHelper.propagateAsException(e);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private void updateIndexAliasAndTypeMapping(final EventTypeMetaData metaData,
            final ObjectNode bodyNode)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1691 */ final String accountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(metaData.getAccountName());
        /* 1692 */ final String eventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(metaData.getEventType());
        /*      */
        /* 1694 */ final String baseIndexName = this.indexNameResolver.resolveBaseIndexName(accountName, eventType);
        /*      */
        /* 1696 */ final String docType = this.indexNameResolver.getDocType(accountName, eventType);
        /*      */
        /* 1698 */ final Client insertClient = this.clientProvider.getInsertClient(accountName);
        /*      */
        /* 1700 */ this.lock.acquireAndExecute(
                        new Object[] { insertClient.settings().get(""), accountName }),
                30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new Callable()
                /*      */ {
                    /*      */ public Void call()/*      */ throws Exception
                    /*      */ {
                        /* 1705 */ boolean indexExists = ESUtils.indexExists(insertClient, baseIndexName);
                        /* 1706 */ String indexName;
                        String indexName;
                        if (indexExists) {
                            /* 1707 */ indexName = (String) ((GetAliasesResponse) insertClient.admin().indices()
                                    .prepareGetAliases(new String[] { baseIndexName }).execute().actionGet())
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */ else {
                            /* 1710 */ indexName = ElasticSearchEventService.this.indexNameResolver
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */
                        /* 1713 */ Map<String, Map<String, Object>> mappingMap = new HashMap();
                        /* 1714 */ mappingMap.put(docType,
                                Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.convertValue(bodyNode, new TypeReference() {
                        /* 1718 */ boolean updateAliases = true;
                        /* 1719 */ if (indexExists) {
                            /* 1720 */ ElasticSearchEventService.this.updateDocTypeMapping(insertClient, eventType,
                                    accountName, baseIndexName, docType, mappingMap);
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */ else
                        /*      */ {
                            /* 1724 */ updateAliases = ElasticSearchEventService.this
                                    .createIndexWithDocTypeMappings(insertClient, indexName, baseIndexName,
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */
                        /* 1727 */ if (updateAliases) {
                            /* 1728 */ ElasticSearchEventService.this.updateAliases(indexName, metaData);
                            /*      */ } else {
                            /* 1730 */ ElasticSearchEventService.log.error(
                                    "Index creation failed either because the index already existed or because index creation could not be verified/timed out");
                            /*      */
                            /* 1732 */ throw new
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */
                        /* 1735 */ String accountInsertAlias = ElasticSearchEventService.this.indexNameResolver
                                .resolveInsertAlias(accountName, eventType);
                        /* 1736 */ String accountSearchAlias = ElasticSearchEventService.this.indexNameResolver
                                .resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType);
                        /* 1737 */ ElasticSearchServiceHelper.refreshAndWaitForIndexReadiness(insertClient,
                                new String[] { accountInsertAlias, accountSearchAlias, baseIndexName });
                        /*      */
                        /*      */
                        /* 1740 */ Client searchClient = ElasticSearchEventService.this.clientProvider
                        /* 1741 */ if (insertClient != searchClient)
                        /*      */ {
                            /* 1743 */ ElasticSearchServiceHelper.refreshAndWaitForIndexReadinessRetrying(
                                    searchClient, new String[] { accountSearchAlias });
                            /*      */ }
                        /*      */
                        /* 1746 */ return null;
                        /*      */ }
                    /*      */ });
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private void updateAliases(String indexName, EventTypeMetaData metaData) {
        /* 1752 */ String accountName = AccountConfiguration.normalizeAccountName(metaData.getAccountName());
        /* 1753 */ String eventType = this.indexNameResolver.resolveEventType(metaData.getEventType());
        /*      */
        /* 1755 */ String accountInsertAlias = this.indexNameResolver.resolveInsertAlias(accountName, eventType);
        /* 1756 */ String accountSearchAlias = this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType);
        /*      */
        /* 1758 */ FilterBuilder searchAliasFilterBuilder = searchAliasFilterBuilder(metaData);
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /* 1761 */ int x = 0;
        /*      */
        /* 1763 */ for (Client client : this.clientProvider.getAllInsertClients(accountName))
        /*      */ {
            /* 1765 */ if (x++ == 0) {
                /* 1766 */ IndicesAliasesRequestBuilder rb = client.admin().indices().prepareAliases();
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /* 1769 */ rb.removeAlias("*", accountInsertAlias);
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /* 1772 */ if (searchAliasExists(client, indexName, accountSearchAlias)) {
                    /* 1773 */ updateExistingAliases(client, rb, accountSearchAlias, metaData);
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ else {
                    /* 1776 */ rb.addAlias(indexName, accountSearchAlias, searchAliasFilterBuilder);
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /* 1780 */ rb.addAlias(indexName, accountInsertAlias);
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /* 1783 */ if (!((IndicesAliasesResponse) rb.execute().actionGet()).isAcknowledged()) {
                    /* 1784 */ throw new EventTypeRegistrationFailure(accountName, eventType);
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ else
            /*      */ {
                /*      */ try
                /*      */ {
                    /* 1792 */ if (!((IndicesAliasesResponse) client.admin().indices().prepareAliases()
                            .removeAlias("*", accountInsertAlias).execute().actionGet()).isAcknowledged())
                    /*      */ {
                        /*      */
                        /* 1795 */ throw new EventTypeRegistrationFailure(accountName, eventType);
                        /*      */ }
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ catch (IndexMissingException | AliasesMissingException ignore) {
                /*      */
                /*      */
                /*      */ try
                /*      */ {
                    /* 1803 */ IndicesAliasesRequestBuilder rb = client.admin().indices().prepareAliases();
                    /* 1804 */ boolean addedAlias = updateExistingAliases(client, rb, accountSearchAlias, metaData);
                    /* 1805 */ if ((addedAlias)
                            && (!((IndicesAliasesResponse) rb.execute().actionGet()).isAcknowledged())) {
                        /* 1806 */ throw new EventTypeRegistrationFailure(accountName, eventType);
                        /*      */ }
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ catch (IndexMissingException | AliasesMissingException ignore) {
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private boolean searchAliasExists(Client client, String baseIndexName, String accountSearchAlias)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1817 */ ImmutableOpenMap<String, List<AliasMetaData>> aliasesOnBaseIndex = ((GetAliasesResponse) ((GetAliasesRequestBuilder) client
                .admin().indices().prepareGetAliases(new String[0]).setIndices(new String[] { baseIndexName }))
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /* 1820 */ UnmodifiableIterator<List<AliasMetaData>> iter = aliasesOnBaseIndex.valuesIt();
        /* 1821 */ while (iter.hasNext()) {
            /* 1822 */ for (AliasMetaData aliasMetaData : (List) {
                /* 1823 */ if (aliasMetaData.getAlias().equals(accountSearchAlias)) {
                    /* 1824 */ return true;
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /* 1828 */ return false;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private boolean updateExistingAliases(Client client, IndicesAliasesRequestBuilder rb,
            String accountSearchAlias, EventTypeMetaData metaData)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1833 */ GetAliasesResponse aliasesResponse = (GetAliasesResponse) client.admin().indices()
                .prepareGetAliases(new String[] { accountSearchAlias }).execute().actionGet();
        /*      */
        /* 1835 */ UnmodifiableIterator<String> keysIt = aliasesResponse.getAliases().keysIt();
        /* 1836 */ boolean addedAlias = false;
        /* 1837 */ String key;
        while (keysIt.hasNext()) {
            /* 1838 */ key = (String);
            /* 1839 */ List<AliasMetaData> aliasMetaDatas = (List) aliasesResponse.getAliases().get(key);
            /* 1840 */ for (AliasMetaData aliasMetaData : aliasMetaDatas) {
                /* 1841 */ if (aliasMetaData.filteringRequired()) {
                    /*      */ try {
                        /* 1843 */ String filter = aliasMetaData.getFilter().string();
                        /* 1844 */ JsonNode filterNode = Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.readTree(filter);
                        /* 1845 */ if ((filterNode.get("bool") != null)
                                && (filterNode.get("bool").get("must") != null))
                        /*      */ {
                            /* 1847 */ ObjectNode pickupTimestampNode = null;
                            /* 1848 */ if (filterNode.get("bool").get("must").isArray()) {
                                /* 1849 */ for (JsonNode node : filterNode.get("bool").get("must")) {
                                    /* 1850 */ if (node.has("range")) {
                                        /* 1851 */ pickupTimestampNode = (ObjectNode) node.get("range")
                                        /*      */ }
                                    /*      */ }
                                /* 1854 */ } else if (filterNode.get("bool").get("must").get("range") != null) {
                                /* 1855 */ pickupTimestampNode = (ObjectNode) filterNode.get("bool").get("must")
                                /*      */ }
                            /*      */
                            /* 1858 */ if (pickupTimestampNode != null) {
                                /* 1859 */ pickupTimestampNode.put("from", buildHotLifespanFilter(metaData));
                                /* 1860 */ pickupTimestampNode.put("include_upper",
                                        metaData.getHotLifespanInDays().intValue() > 0);
                                /*      */ }
                            /*      */ }
                        /* 1863 */ rb.addAlias(key, aliasMetaData.alias(), filterNode.toString());
                        /* 1864 */ addedAlias = true;
                        /*      */ } catch (IOException e) {
                        /* 1866 */ throw Throwables.propagate(e);
                        /*      */ }
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /* 1872 */ return addedAlias;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private void updateSearchAliasIfChanged(EventTypeMetaData metaData) {
        /* 1876 */ String eventType = metaData.getEventType();
        /* 1877 */ String accountName = metaData.getAccountName();
        /*      */
        /* 1879 */ List<Client> clients = this.clientProvider.getAllInsertClients(accountName);
        /* 1880 */ String accountSearchAlias = this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType);
        /*      */
        /* 1882 */ for (Client client : clients) {
            /* 1883 */ GetAliasesResponse getAliasesResponse = (GetAliasesResponse) client.admin().indices()
                    .prepareGetAliases(new String[] { accountSearchAlias }).execute().actionGet();
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1886 */ if (getAliasesResponse.getAliases().size() >= 1) {
                /* 1887 */ List<AliasMetaData> aliasMetaDatas = (List) ((ObjectCursor) getAliasesResponse
                /*      */ try
                /*      */ {
                    /* 1890 */ String currentFilter = ((AliasMetaData) aliasMetaDatas.get(0)).filter().string();
                    /* 1891 */ String newFilter = searchAliasFilterBuilder(metaData).toString();
                    /* 1892 */ if (!Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.readTree(currentFilter)
                            .equals(Reader.DEFAULT_JSON_MAPPER.readTree(newFilter))) {
                        /* 1893 */ updateSearchAlias(client, metaData, accountSearchAlias);
                        /*      */ }
                    /*      */ } catch (IOException e) {
                    /* 1896 */ throw Throwables.propagate(e);
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ @VisibleForTesting
    /*      */ void updateSearchAlias(Client client, EventTypeMetaData metaData, String accountSearchAlias) {
        /* 1904 */ String eventType = metaData.getEventType();
        /* 1905 */ String accountName = metaData.getAccountName();
        /*      */
        /* 1907 */ if (!((IndicesAliasesResponse) client.admin().indices().prepareAliases()
                .addAlias(accountSearchAlias, accountSearchAlias, searchAliasFilterBuilder(metaData)).execute()
        /*      */ {
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1911 */ throw new EventTypeRegistrationFailure(accountName, eventType);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private boolean createIndexWithDocTypeMappings(Client client, String indexName, String baseIndexName,
            Map<String, Map<String, Object>> mappingMap)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1917 */ List<String> aliases = new ArrayList();
        /* 1918 */ aliases.add(baseIndexName);
        /*      */
        /* 1920 */ IndexCreationSettings settings = new IndexCreationSettings().setIndexMapperDynamic(false);
        /* 1921 */ return this.indexCreationManager.createIndexNotLocking(client, indexName, settings.getSettings(),
                aliases, mappingMap);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private void updateDocTypeMapping(Client client, String eventType, String accountName,
            String baseIndexName, String docType, Map<String, Map<String, Object>> mappingMap)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1927 */ if (!((PutMappingResponse) client.admin().indices()
                .preparePutMapping(new String[] { baseIndexName }).setType(docType)
                .setSource((Map) mappingMap.get(docType)).execute().actionGet()).isAcknowledged())
        /*      */ {
            /*      */
            /* 1930 */ throw new EventTypeRegistrationFailure(accountName, eventType);
            /*      */ }
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ private FilterBuilder searchAliasFilterBuilder(EventTypeMetaData metaData) {
        /* 1935 */ List<FilterBuilder> filterBuilders = new ArrayList(3);
        /* 1936 */ filterBuilders.add(FilterBuilders
                .typeFilter(this.indexNameResolver.getDocType(metaData.getAccountName(), metaData.getEventType())));
        /*      */
        /* 1938 */ filterBuilders.add(
                        .includeLower(true).includeUpper(metaData.getHotLifespanInDays().intValue() > 0));
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /* 1941 */ return FilterBuilders.boolFilter()
                .must((FilterBuilder[]) filterBuilders.toArray(new FilterBuilder[filterBuilders.size()]));
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private String buildHotLifespanFilter(EventTypeMetaData metaData)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1948 */ return "now/d-"
                + (metaData.getHotLifespanInDays().intValue() > 0 ? metaData.getHotLifespanInDays().intValue() + 1
                        : 0)
                + "d/d";
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */
    /*      */ private Map<String, Set<String>> buildAccountToEventTypeMap(Set<String> uniqueAliases)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1959 */ Map<String, Set<String>> accountToEventTypeMap = new HashMap();
        /* 1960 */ for (String alias : uniqueAliases) {
            /* 1961 */ String accountName = this.indexNameResolver.accountNameFromSearchAlias(alias);
            /* 1962 */ if (accountName != null)
            /*      */ {
                /*      */
                /* 1965 */ String eventType = this.indexNameResolver.eventTypeFromSearchAlias(alias);
                /* 1966 */ if (eventType == null) {
                    /* 1967 */ log.warn("Processing alias [" + alias + "] - found account name [" + accountName
                            + "], but couldn't resolve event type");
                    /*      */
                    /*      */ }
                /*      */ else
                /*      */ {
                    /*      */
                    /* 1973 */ Set<String> eventTypes = (Set) accountToEventTypeMap.get(accountName);
                    /* 1974 */ if (eventTypes == null) {
                        /* 1975 */ eventTypes = new HashSet();
                        /* 1976 */ accountToEventTypeMap.put(accountName, eventTypes);
                        /*      */ }
                    /* 1978 */ eventTypes.add(eventType);
                    /*      */ }
        /* 1980 */ return accountToEventTypeMap;
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ public List<String> getSearchIndexNamesForUpsert(String accountName, String eventType)
    /*      */ {
        /* 1985 */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            /* 1986 */ GetAliasesResponse getAliasesResponse = (GetAliasesResponse) this.clientProvider
                            new String[] { this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType) })
            /*      */
            /*      */
            /* 1989 */ EventTypeMetaData eventTypeMetaData = getEventTypeMetaData(accountName, eventType);
            /* 1990 */ List<String> indexNames = indicesAsOrderedList(getAliasesResponse.getAliases().keysIt());
            /* 1991 */ if (indexNames.isEmpty())
            /*      */ {
                /* 1993 */ ElasticSearchServiceHelper.refreshAndWaitForIndexReadiness(
                        new String[] { this.indexNameResolver.resolveSearchAlias(accountName, eventType) });
                /*      */
                /* 1995 */ ConcurrencyHelper.sleep(500 * i);
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ else {
                /* 1998 */ return findRelevantIndicesForParentLookUp(indexNames,
                /*      */ }
        /* 2000 */ log.warn(
                "Could not get list of search index names for account [{}] and event type [{}] - perhaps the event type has not been registered.",
                accountName, eventType);
        /*      */
        /* 2002 */ throw new EventTypeMissingException(accountName, eventType);
        /*      */ }

    /*      */
    /*      */ List<String> findRelevantIndicesForParentLookUp(List<String> orderedIndices,
            Long lookBackTimePeriodSeconds) {
        /* 2006 */ if (orderedIndices.isEmpty()) {
            /* 2007 */ return Collections.emptyList();
            /*      */ }
        /*      */
        /* 2010 */ if ((lookBackTimePeriodSeconds == null) || (lookBackTimePeriodSeconds.longValue() < 0L)) {
            /* 2011 */ return orderedIndices;
            /*      */ }
        /* 2013 */ List<String> relevantIndices = new ArrayList();
        /* 2014 */ long currentTS = System.currentTimeMillis();
        /*      */
        /*      */
        /* 2017 */ relevantIndices.add(orderedIndices.get(0));
        /*      */
        /* 2019 */ for (int i = 1; i < orderedIndices.size(); i++) {
            /* 2020 */ String indexName = (String) orderedIndices.get(i);
            /* 2021 */ long indexCreationTimeMS = this.indexNameResolver.indexCreationDateFromFullName(indexName)
            /*      */
            /* 2023 */ if (lookBackTimePeriodSeconds.longValue() >= (currentTS - indexCreationTimeMS) / 1000L) {
                /* 2024 */ relevantIndices.add(indexName);
                /*      */ }
            /*      */ }
        /* 2027 */ return relevantIndices;
        /*      */ }
    /*      */ }

/* Location:              /Users/gchen/Downloads/AppDynamics/events-service/lib/analytics-processor.jar!/com/appdynamics/analytics/processor/event/ElasticSearchEventService.class
 * Java compiler version: 7 (51.0)
 * JD-Core Version:       0.7.1