Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This code was * developed as part of the Haystack ( research * project at MIT. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without * limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* * Created on Jun 12, 2004 * */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EventObject; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.apache.commons.collections.functors.InstanceofPredicate; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput; import org.eclipse.ui.part.FileEditorInput; import org.openrdf.model.Literal; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.Value; import com.architexa.diagrams.RSECore; import com.architexa.diagrams.draw2d.NonEmptyFigure; import com.architexa.diagrams.draw2d.NonEmptyFigureSupport; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.Artifact; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.ArtifactFragment; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.ArtifactRel; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.Comment; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.DerivedArtifact; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.DirectedRel; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.RootArtifact; import; import; import; import; import; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.ReloPlugin; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.agent.ReloBrowseModel; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.agent.ScriptManager; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.commands.LoadCommand; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.graph.GraphLayoutManager; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.modelBridge.ReloDoc; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.ui.ReloEditor; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.ui.ReloView; import com.architexa.diagrams.utils.RelUtils; import com.architexa.intro.preferences.LibraryPreferences; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.architexa.rse.BuildStatus; import; /** * @author vineet * */ public class ReloController extends ArtifactEditPart implements BasicRootController, IRSERootEditPart { static final Logger logger = ReloPlugin.getLogger(ReloController.class); public ReloBrowseModel bm = null; private IFigure feedbackLayer; public ReloController() { //ConsoleView.setVariable("rc", this); } @Override public ReloBrowseModel getBrowseModel() { return bm; } public RootArtifact getRootArtifact() { return (RootArtifact) this.getModel(); } public ReloDoc getReloDoc() { return (ReloDoc) this.getModel(); } @Override public void setParent(EditPart parent) { super.setParent(parent); EditDomain editDomain = getRoot().getViewer().getEditDomain(); if (editDomain instanceof DefaultEditDomain) { ReloEditor editor = (ReloEditor) ((DefaultEditDomain) editDomain).getEditorPart(); bm = (ReloBrowseModel) editor.getRootModel().getBrowseModel(); } else if (editDomain instanceof ViewEditDomain) { ReloView view = (ReloView) ((ViewEditDomain) editDomain).getViewPart(); bm = (ReloBrowseModel) view.getRootModel().getBrowseModel(); } else { logger.error("Unable to understand EditDomain - type: " + editDomain.getClass(), new Exception()); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.gef.editparts.AbstractGraphicalEditPart#createFigure() */ @Override protected IFigure createFigure() { Figure f = new FreeformLayer() { @Override public String toString() { return "{ReloController.createFigure()->Figure}"; } }; f.setOpaque(true); f.setLayoutManager(new GraphLayoutManager(this, getRoot(), ScriptManager.selection)); IFigure label = new Label(" \n Drag packages, classes, or methods from the Package Explorer " + "into the diagram to explore and understand code." + "\n Or, use the expandable Palette on the right side of the diagram " + "to design."); this.nonEmptyFigure = new NonEmptyFigure(label); NonEmptyFigureSupport.instructionHighlight(label, 10); feedbackLayer = getLayer(LayerConstants.FEEDBACK_LAYER); feedbackLayer.setLayoutManager(new FlowLayout(false)); feedbackLayer.add(this.nonEmptyFigure); return f; } private NonEmptyFigure nonEmptyFigure; private Label warning; public void addUnbuiltWarning() { warning = new Label(""); warning.setLayoutManager(new ToolbarLayout()); NonEmptyFigureSupport.instructionHighlight(warning, 10); feedbackLayer.add(this.warning); warning.setText(" \n Some elements in this diagram may not have been indexed." + "\n To update your index, go to the menu: Architexa->Update Indexes"); } @Override protected IFigure createFigure(IFigure curFig, int newDL) { // we implement createFigure() so we don't need this here return null; } @Override protected void refreshVisuals() { super.refreshVisuals(); if ((getViewer().getControl().getStyle() & SWT.MIRRORED) == 0) ((ConnectionLayer) getLayer(LayerConstants.CONNECTION_LAYER)).setAntialias(SWT.ON); } public void performUndoableLayout() { IFigure f = this.getFigure(); GraphLayoutManager glm = (GraphLayoutManager) f.getLayoutManager(); glm.undoableLayout(); } public GraphLayoutManager getLayoutMgr() { return (GraphLayoutManager) this.getFigure().getLayoutManager(); } public Command getLayoutCmd() { return getLayoutMgr().getLayoutCmd(); } /** * Returns the editor part for this controller * */ public ReloEditor getReloEditor() { EditDomain editDomain = getRoot().getViewer().getEditDomain(); if (editDomain instanceof DefaultEditDomain) { return (ReloEditor) ((DefaultEditDomain) editDomain).getEditorPart(); } else { // caller needs to support when we are not opening in an editor return null; } } /** * Returns the file for the editor part of this controller * */ public IResource getReloEditorResource() { ReloEditor editor = getReloEditor(); if (editor == null) return null; IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput(); if (input instanceof FileEditorInput) { return ((FileEditorInput) input).getFile(); } return null; } // XXX Examine for Removal - Called by outdated command's undos public void hideRel(AbstractReloRelationPart relEP) { ArtifactRel rel = (ArtifactRel) relEP.getModel(); ArtifactEditPart srcAEP = (ArtifactEditPart) relEP.getSource(); if (srcAEP != null && srcAEP.isActive()) RelUtils.removeModelSourceConnections(srcAEP.getArtifact(), rel); ArtifactEditPart dstAEP = (ArtifactEditPart) relEP.getTarget(); if (dstAEP != null && dstAEP.isActive()) RelUtils.removeModelTargetConnections(dstAEP.getArtifact(), rel); logger.debug(rel.tag + " Hiding " + rel.relationRes + ": " + rel.toString()); } // called by AddNodeAndRelCmd undo, Delete Command, and Hide Action for Relationships public void hideRel(ArtifactRel rel) { RelUtils.removeModelSourceConnections(rel.getSrc(), rel); RelUtils.removeModelTargetConnections(rel.getDest(), rel); logger.debug(rel.tag + " Hiding " + rel.relationRes + ": " + rel.toString()); } // AddRel Functionality moved to ReloDoc // public void addRel(ArtifactFragment srcArtFrag, ArtifactRel rel, ArtifactFragment dstArtFrag) { // ModelControllerManager.addModelSourceConnections(srcArtFrag, rel); // ModelControllerManager.addModelTargetConnections(dstArtFrag, rel); // } public ArtifactRel addRel(ArtifactFragment srcArtFrag, URI relationRes, ArtifactFragment dstArtFrag) { RootArtifact.addRel(srcArtFrag, relationRes, dstArtFrag); ArtifactRel rel = new ArtifactRel(srcArtFrag, dstArtFrag, relationRes); // addRel(srcArtFrag, rel, dstArtFrag); return rel; } public ReloArtifactRelEditPart addRel(ArtifactEditPart srcAEP, URI relationRes, ArtifactEditPart dstAEP) { RootArtifact.addRel(srcAEP.getArtifact(), relationRes, dstAEP.getArtifact()); ArtifactRel rel = new ArtifactRel(srcAEP.getArtifact(), dstAEP.getArtifact(), relationRes); // addRel(srcAEP.getArtifact(), rel, dstAEP.getArtifact()); return this.findEditPart(rel); } public ArtifactRel addRel(Artifact srcArt, URI relationRes, Artifact dstArt) { ArtifactFragment srcAF = createOrFindArtifactEditPart(srcArt).getArtifact(); ArtifactFragment dstAF = createOrFindArtifactEditPart(dstArt).getArtifact(); return addRel(srcAF, relationRes, dstAF); } // XXX Examine for Removal public void reConnectRel(ArtifactEditPart newSrcAEP, ReloArtifactRelEditPart relEP, ArtifactEditPart newDstAEP) { ArtifactEditPart oldSrcAEP = (ArtifactEditPart) relEP.getSource(); ArtifactEditPart oldDstAEP = (ArtifactEditPart) relEP.getTarget(); if (newSrcAEP != oldSrcAEP) { RelUtils.removeModelSourceConnections(oldSrcAEP.getArtifact(), relEP.getArtifactRel()); RelUtils.addModelSourceConnections(newSrcAEP.getArtifact(), relEP.getArtifactRel()); } if (newDstAEP != oldDstAEP) { RelUtils.removeModelTargetConnections(oldDstAEP.getArtifact(), relEP.getArtifactRel()); RelUtils.addModelTargetConnections(newDstAEP.getArtifact(), relEP.getArtifactRel()); } //ArtifactRel rel = relEP.getArtifactRel(); //logger.debug(rel.tag + " Creating " + rel.relationRes + ": " + rel.toString()); } public ArtifactEditPart createOrFindArtifactEditPart(Resource res) { return createOrFindArtifactEditPart(new Artifact(res)); } public ArtifactEditPart findArtifactEditPart(ArtifactFragment af) { return (ArtifactEditPart) findEditPart(af); } public ArtifactEditPart findArtifactEditPart(Artifact art) { return (ArtifactEditPart) findEditPart(art); } @Override public AbstractGraphicalEditPart findEditPart(Object model) { if (model instanceof Artifact) { List<ArtifactFragment> possChildren = this.getRootArtifact() .getMatchingNestedShownChildren((Artifact) model); if (!possChildren.isEmpty()) model = possChildren.get(0); } return super.findEditPart(model); } // @tag rearch-review: when is this needed? public ArtifactEditPart createOrFindArtifactEditPart(Artifact art) { ArtifactEditPart aep = findArtifactEditPart(art); if (aep != null) return aep; return createArtifactEditPart(art); } // do not need to 'find' since we are now allowing duplicates when adding @Deprecated public ArtifactEditPart createOrFindArtifactEditPart(ArtifactFragment art, ArtifactFragment parentAF) { ArtifactEditPart aep = findArtifactEditPart(art); if (aep != null) return aep; return createArtifactEditPart(art, new HashMap<Artifact, ArtifactFragment>()); } public ReloArtifactRelEditPart findEditPart(ArtifactRel model) { // ignore non relo connections if (findEditPart((Object) model) instanceof ReloArtifactRelEditPart) return (ReloArtifactRelEditPart) findEditPart((Object) model); else return null; } public boolean canAddRel(ArtifactFragment srcAF, DirectedRel rel, Artifact dstArt) { ArtifactEditPart dstAEP = findArtifactEditPart(dstArt); if (dstAEP == null) { if (modelCreatable(dstArt)) return true; else return false; } // art has already been added - check if relationship is shown or not ReloArtifactRelEditPart arep; if (rel.isFwd) arep = findEditPart(new ArtifactRel(srcAF, dstAEP.getArtifact(), rel.res)); else arep = findEditPart(new ArtifactRel(dstAEP.getArtifact(), srcAF, rel.res)); if (arep == null) return true; else return false; } /** * Note: This method only places art with the right parent, it does *not* * check if art has any valid children to be place inside it,for which just * call ArtifactEditPart.assertParenthood (which can take time to go through * all the children, which is why it is not checked by default) * * @param art * @param epInit * @return */ @Deprecated public ArtifactEditPart createArtifactEditPart(Artifact art) { // check if any parent is visible (and add art as a child to that parent) Artifact parentArt = art; ArtifactEditPart parentEP = null; do { parentArt = parentArt.queryParentArtifact(getBrowseModel().getRepo()); parentEP = findArtifactEditPart(parentArt); } while (parentArt != null && parentEP == null); // either: parentArt==null or parentEP!=null if (parentArt == null) // add to top level parentEP = this; // now: parentEP!=null return ModelControllerManager.appendModelAndChild(parentEP.getArtifact(), art, parentEP.getRootController()); } /** * @param art Object of Comment type. * @return Existing or newly created edit part. */ public CommentEditPart createOrFindCommentEditPart(ArtifactFragment art) { AbstractGraphicalEditPart agep = findEditPart(art); if (agep != null) return (CommentEditPart) agep; this.getRootArtifact().addComment((Comment) art); return (CommentEditPart) findEditPart(art); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see * Mehtod has been overridden to also get comment children, * which are saved in a separate list */ @Override public List<ArtifactFragment> getModelChildren() { List<ArtifactFragment> childList = new ArrayList<ArtifactFragment>(); childList.addAll(super.getModelChildren()); childList.addAll(((ReloDoc) getModel()).getCommentChildren()); return childList; } public ArtifactEditPart createArtifactEditPart(ArtifactFragment art) { this.getRootArtifact().addVisibleArt(art); return this.findArtifactEditPart(art); } public ArtifactEditPart createArtifactEditPart(ArtifactFragment art, Map<Artifact, ArtifactFragment> addedArtToAF) { CompoundCommand cc = new CompoundCommand(); cc.add(getRootArtifact().addVisibleArt(cc, art, addedArtToAF)); cc.execute(); return this.findArtifactEditPart(art); } public boolean artCreatable(Artifact art) { return getRootArtifact().artViewable(art); } // XXX Examine for Removal - Not Used public void removeNode(ArtifactEditPart nodeAEP) { //((ArtifactEditPart) nodeAEP.getParent()).removeArtFrag(nodeAEP.getArtifact()); ArtifactEditPart.removeArtFrag(nodeAEP.getArtifact()); } public List<ArtifactEditPart> getSelectedArtifactEditParts() { List<ArtifactEditPart> allParts = getVisibleArtifactEditParts(); List<ArtifactEditPart> selectedParts = new ArrayList<ArtifactEditPart>(); for (ArtifactEditPart part : allParts) { if (part.getSelected() != EditPart.SELECTED_NONE) { selectedParts.add(part); } } return selectedParts; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<ArtifactRelEditPart> getVisibleArtifactRelEditParts() { List allChildren = new LinkedList(getViewer().getEditPartRegistry().values()); CollectionUtils.filter(allChildren, new InstanceofPredicate(ArtifactRelEditPart.class)); return allChildren; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<ArtifactEditPart> getVisibleArtifactEditParts() { List allChildren = new LinkedList(getViewer().getEditPartRegistry().values()); CollectionUtils.filter(allChildren, new InstanceofPredicate(ArtifactEditPart.class)); return allChildren; } // Note: this method return's CodeUnitEditPart's public List<ArtifactEditPart> getVisibleNonDerivedArtifactEditParts() { List<ArtifactEditPart> visAEPs = getVisibleArtifactEditParts(); CollectionUtils.filter(visAEPs, new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object elem) { if (((EditPart) elem).getModel() instanceof DerivedArtifact) { return false; } return true; } }); return visAEPs; } public void removeTopLevelCU(Artifact art) { removeModelChild(art); } /** * @see */ @Override public boolean isSelectable() { return false; } CommandStackListener animationStackListener = new CommandStackListener() { public void commandStackChanged(EventObject event) { if (!GraphAnimation.captureLayout(getFigure())) return; while (GraphAnimation.step()) getFigure().getUpdateManager().performUpdate(); GraphAnimation.end(); } }; /** * @see */ @Override public void activate() { try { super.activate(); getViewer().getEditDomain().getCommandStack().addCommandStackListener(animationStackListener); //"Loading: " + ((ReloDoc) getModel()).getItems()); ReloRdfRepository inputRepo = ((ReloDoc) getRootArtifact()).getInputRDFRepo(); if (inputRepo != null) { Value detailLevel = inputRepo .getStatement(RSECore.createRseUri("DetailNode"), RSECore.detailLevelURI, null).getObject(); if (detailLevel != null) { getRootArtifact().setDetailLevel(Integer.valueOf(((Literal) detailLevel).getLabel())); } } NonEmptyFigureSupport.rootListenToModel(getArtFrag(), nonEmptyFigure, feedbackLayer); LoadCommand loadCmd = new LoadCommand(this, getReloDoc(), getRepo()); getViewer().getEditDomain().getCommandStack().execute(loadCmd); // only command that has run till now is in loading - so don't flag dirty bit ReloEditor editor = getReloEditor(); if (editor != null) editor.clearDirtyFlag(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unexpected exception", e); } } /** * @see */ @Override public void deactivate() { BuildStatus.updateDiagramItemMap(getViewer().getEditDomain().getCommandStack().toString(), getAllChildren()); getViewer().getEditDomain().getCommandStack().removeCommandStackListener(animationStackListener); super.deactivate(); } private int getAllChildren() { // need to recursively find all children return getViewer().getEditPartRegistry().keySet().size(); } public void updateVisibility() { if (true) return; for (ArtifactEditPart aep : getVisibleArtifactEditParts()) { logger.error("Set opaque to false for: " + aep); aep.getFigure().setOpaque(false); //aep.getFigure().set aep.getContentPane().setOpaque(false); //if (aep instanceof MoreItemsEditPart) { // ((MoreItemsEditPart)aep).getMoreBtn().setOpaque(false); //} } } public boolean modelCreatable(Object model) { if (!(model instanceof Artifact)) return false; // This method called when testing if can show // a ref in a nav aid, so if model is lib code and relo preference // set to show lib code in menus or diagram, return true if (!RSECore.isInitialized(getRepo(), ((Artifact) model).elementRes) && !LibraryPreferences.isReloLibCodeHidden()) return true; return this.artCreatable((Artifact) model); } public ImageDescriptor getIconDescriptor(NavAidsEditPart aep, Object relModel) { Artifact relArt = (Artifact) relModel; return ((MoreItemsEditPart) aep).getIconDescriptor(relArt, relArt.queryType(aep.getRepo())); } public List<EditPart> getCommentEPChildren() { return new ArrayList<EditPart>(); } public void setCommentEPChildren(List<EditPart> children) { } }