Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


This file is part of the Zeidon Java Object Engine (Zeidon JOE).
Zeidon JOE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zeidon JOE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Zeidon JOE.  If not, see <>.
Copyright 2009-2010 QuinSoft

package com.arksoft.epamms;


//import java.lang.Math;
//import java.text.NumberFormat;
//import java.util.*;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableDouble;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;

//import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ActivateFlags;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.CursorPosition;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.TaskQualification;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.Task;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.View;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.vml.VmlOperation;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.vml.zVIEW;
//import com.quinsoft.zeidon.utils.JoeUtils;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.zeidonoperations.ZDRVROPR;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.zeidonoperations.KZOEP1AA;

 * @author QuinSoft

public class ZGlobal1_Operation extends VmlOperation {
    private final ZDRVROPR m_ZDRVROPR;
    private final KZOEP1AA m_KZOEP1AA;

    public ZGlobal1_Operation(TaskQualification taskQual) {
        m_ZDRVROPR = new ZDRVROPR(taskQual);
        m_KZOEP1AA = new KZOEP1AA(taskQual);

    // .Function Name: >>>SetAttributeFromCurrentDateTime
    // .Description: Set an Attribute to Current Date Time
    // .Return Value: int
    //    (Same as SetAttributeFromString() )
    // .Parameter:
    //    Data type       Name        (I/O/U) Description
    //    View            View          (I)   View for Attribute
    //    String          entityName    (I)   Name of Entity
    //    String          attributeName (I)   Name of Attribute
    // .Detail description
    public int SetAttributeFromCurrentDateTime(View View, String entityName, String attributeName) {
        String stringTimeStamp = null;
        int rc;

        stringTimeStamp = m_KZOEP1AA.SysGetDateTime(stringTimeStamp);
        rc = SetAttributeFromString(View, entityName, attributeName, stringTimeStamp);
        return rc;

    // .Function Name: >>>DecimalSumOf
    // .Description: Compute the sum of a double attribute over all
    //               instances of an entity
    // .Return Value: BigDecimal - sum
    // .Parameter:
    //    Datatype        Name            (I/O/U) Description
    //    View            View              (I)   View for Entity
    //    String          entityName        (I)   Name of Entity
    //    String          attributeName     (I)   Name of Attribute
    //    String          stringParentName  (I)   Name of Parent Entity
    // .Detail description
    public Double DecimalSumOf(View vSum, String entityName, String attributeName, String stringParentName) {
        Double decimalSum;
        Double decimalValue = null;
        int RESULT;

        decimalSum = 0.0;

        RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity(vSum, entityName, stringParentName);
        while (RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED) {
            decimalSum += GetDecimalFromAttribute(decimalValue, vSum, entityName, attributeName);
            RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity(vSum, entityName, stringParentName);

        return decimalSum;

    // Sets the cursor to the latest entity based on a date/time stamp
    // attribute.  The attribute passed should be a date/time stamp, but
    // could be any attribute with ascending collating sequence.
    public int SetCursorLatestEntity(View view, String entityName, String attributeName) {
        OrderEntityForView(view, entityName, attributeName);
        SetCursorLastEntity(view, entityName, "");
        return 0;

    public int GetIntFromAttrByContext(MutableInt lValue, View view, String stringEntity, String stringAttribute,
            String stringContext) {
        GetVariableFromAttribute(lValue, 0, zTYPE_INTEGER, 0, view, stringEntity, stringAttribute, stringContext,
        return lValue.intValue();

    public int GetStrFromAttrByContext(StringBuilder sbValue, int lOrigLth, View view, String stringEntity,
            String stringAttribute, String stringContext) {
        MutableInt k = new MutableInt(0);
        int lLth;
        // String  string;

        // If the Context value is null, use the default Context.
        if (lOrigLth < 10000)
            lLth = lOrigLth;
            lLth = 10000;

        if (stringContext == null)
            GetVariableFromAttribute(sbValue, k, zTYPE_STRING, lLth, view, stringEntity, stringAttribute, "",
            GetVariableFromAttribute(sbValue, k, zTYPE_STRING, lLth, view, stringEntity, stringAttribute,
                    stringContext, 0);

        return k.intValue();

    public int SetAttrFromIntByContext(View view, String stringEntity, String stringAttribute, int lValue,
            String stringContext) {
        int rc;

        rc = SetAttributeFromVariable(view, stringEntity, stringAttribute, lValue, zTYPE_INTEGER, 0, stringContext,
        return rc;

    public int AddToAttrFromIntByContext(View view, String stringEntity, String stringAttribute, int lValue,
            String stringContext) {
        int rc;

        rc = AddToAttributeFromVariable(view, stringEntity, stringAttribute, lValue, zTYPE_INTEGER, 0,
        return rc;

    // .Function name: >>>GetEnvVariable
    // .Description: Get an environment variable
    // .Return value: int
    //    0 - OK
    //    else Error
    // .Parameter:
    //    Data type,      Name             (I/O/U) Description
    //    String          stringReturnWert   (O)   value of the env var (returned)
    //    String          stringVariableName (I)   name of the env var
    //    int             nMaxReturnLth      (I)   max. length of stringReturnWert
    public String GetEnvVariable(String stringReturnValue, String stringVariableName, int nMaxReturnLth) {
        stringReturnValue = m_KZOEP1AA.SysGetEnvVar(stringReturnValue, stringVariableName, nMaxReturnLth);
        return stringReturnValue;

    // .Function Name: >>>StrToInt
    // .Description: Convert an String to an Integer
    // .Return Value: int
    //    (Integer Value of String )
    // .Parameter:
    //    Data type,      Name,       (I/O/U) Description
    //    String          stringStr         (I)   String to convert
    // .Detail description
    public int StrToInt(String string) {
        return Integer.parseInt(string);

    // .Function Name: >>>StrToDecimal
    // .Description: Convert an String to a Decimal
    // .Return Value: BigDecimal
    //             0 - OK
    //             else: invalid string
    // .Parameter:
    //    Data type,      Name,       (I/O/U) Description
    //    String          stringStr         (I)   String to convert
    // .Detail description
    public Double StrToDecimal(String stringStr) {
        if (stringStr == null)
            return 0.0;

        if (stringStr.equals(""))
            return 0.0;

        return Double.valueOf(stringStr);

    // .Function Name: >>>CodeToChar
    // .Description: Returns the Char for the given code
    // .Return Value: zVOID
    // .Parameter:
    //    Data type,      Name,       (I/O/U) Description
    //    String          stringStr     (O)   String, which contains the char
    //    int             sCode         (I)   Code for Char
    // .Detail description
    public String CodeToChar(String stringStr, int sCode) {
        char[] arrayChar = new char[2];

        arrayChar[0] = (char) (sCode & 0x00ff);
        arrayChar[1] = (char) 0;
        arrayChar[2] = 'x'; // testing to ensure array bounds checking occurs at run time
        return stringStr = arrayChar.toString();

    // .Function Name: >>>CharToCode
    // .Description: Returns the code of the first char in string
    // .Return Value: int - code for char
    // .Parameter:
    //    Data type,      Name,       (I/O/U) Description
    //    String          stringStr         (I)   String with char on first pos
    // .Detail description
    public int CharToCode(String stringStr) {
        int nCode = 0;

        nCode = (int) stringStr.charAt(0);
        return nCode;

    public int GetDateAttributeDifferenceInDays(MutableInt miDays, View srcView, String srcEntityName,
            String srcAttributeName, View tgtView, String tgtEntityName, String tgtAttributeName) {
        DateTimeRecord SourceDate = null;
        DateTimeRecord TargetDate = null;
        String stringSourceDate = null;
        String stringTargetDate = null;
        int lDays = 0;

        // read the attributes
        stringSourceDate = GetStringFromAttribute(stringSourceDate, srcView, srcEntityName, srcAttributeName);
        stringTargetDate = GetStringFromAttribute(stringTargetDate, tgtView, tgtEntityName, tgtAttributeName);

        UfStringToDateTime(stringSourceDate, SourceDate);
        UfStringToDateTime(stringTargetDate, TargetDate);

        // subtract the values
        lDays = UfDateTimeDiff(lDays, TargetDate, SourceDate, zDT_DAY);

        return lDays;

    public int GetEntityNameFromStructure(String stringInternalEntityStructure, StringBuilder returnEntityName) {
        return 0;

    public String GetEntityNameFromStructure(String stringInternalEntityStructure, String returnEntityName) {
        // returnEntityName = stringInternalEntityStructure;
        // return returnEntityName;
        return stringInternalEntityStructure;

    public int AddWorkingDaysToDate(View tgtView, String tgtEntityName, String tgtAttributeName, int lWorkingDays) {
        int lRegularDays;
        int lRemainder;
        int nRC;

        // Convert Working Days to Regular Days and add them to a Date Attribute.
        // To determine regular days, we will take working daYS and
        // simply multiply by 7/5, using remainder and not fraction.
        // Thus 8 working days is divided by 5 to get 1 with remainder 3.
        // We multiply the 1 by 7 and add the 3 to get 10.
        lRegularDays = lWorkingDays / 5;
        lRemainder = lWorkingDays - (lRegularDays * 5);
        lRegularDays = (lRegularDays * 7) + lRemainder;

        nRC = AddToAttributeFromVariable(tgtView, tgtEntityName, tgtAttributeName, lRegularDays, zTYPE_INTEGER, 0,
        return nRC;

    public int CompareAttributeByShortString(View view, String entityName, String attributeName,
            String compareValue)

        String stringTempString = null;
        int nLth = 0;
        int nRC;

        stringTempString = GetVariableFromAttribute(stringTempString, nLth, zTYPE_STRING, 254, view, entityName,
                attributeName, "", 0);

        // nLth = stringStringValue.length( );
        nRC = stringTempString.compareTo(compareValue);
        return nRC;

    //  Method Name: ActivateWorkObjectFromFile
    // Activate a work object from a file
    public int ActivateWorkObjectFromFile(zVIEW vWorkView, String stringFileName, String stringLOD_Name,
            View ViewToWindow) throws IOException {
        int file;
        int nRC;

        // First make sure the file exists. If not, return an error code.
        file = m_KZOEP1AA.SysOpenFile(ViewToWindow, stringFileName, COREFILE_READ);
        if (file == -1)
            return -1;

        m_KZOEP1AA.SysCloseFile(ViewToWindow, file, 0);

        // Next Activate the OI from the file just created.
        nRC = ActivateOI_FromFile(vWorkView, stringLOD_Name, ViewToWindow, stringFileName, zSINGLE);
        return nRC;

    } // ActivateWorkObjectFromFile

    //  Method Name: AddDaysToDate
    // Add Days To a Date Attribute
    public int // TODO
            AddDaysToDate(View view, String entityName, String attributeName, int days) {
        int nRC;

        nRC = AddToAttributeFromVariable(view, entityName, attributeName, days, zTYPE_INTEGER, 0, "Day");
        return nRC;

    //  Method Name: AddMonthsToDate
    // Add Months To a Date Attribute
    public int // TODO
            AddMonthsToDate(View view, String entityName, String attributeName, int months) // Days or Months?
        int nRC;

        nRC = AddToAttributeFromVariable(view, entityName, attributeName, months, zTYPE_INTEGER, 0, "Month");
        return nRC;
    } // AddDaysToDate

    /**  these do not seem to be used in Zencas ... good thing because of the global buffer usage.
    //  Method Name: ReadLineToLongPointer
    // Read a line passing the pointer back as a LONG
    public int
    ReadLineIntoGlobalBuffer( View  ViewToWindow, int hFile )
       int nRC;
       nRC = SysReadLine( ViewToWindow, lpBufferArea, hFile );
       return nRC;
    } // ReadLineToLongPointer
    public int
    SetAttributeFromTabField( View   mCustO,
                         String lpEntityName,
                         String lpAttributeName,
                         int    lFieldPosition )
       StringBuffer sb;
       String lpNext;
       int    k;
       int    nRC;
       // Position on field based on Field position, assuming fields are delineated by tabs.
       sb = lpBufferArea;
       for ( k = lFieldPosition; k > 1; k-- )
     for ( lpNext = sb; *lpNext != '\t'; lpNext++ )
     sb = lpNext + 1;
       // Find next tab to change to string end.
       for ( lpNext = sb; *lpNext != '\t'; lpNext++ )
       *lpNext = 0;
       // Set the Attribute value.
       nRC = SetAttributeFromString( mCustO, lpEntityName, lpAttributeName, sb );
       // Set string end back to tab.
       *lpNext = '\t';
       return nRC;

    //  Method Name: SeparateName
    // Separate a name into first and last names
    public int SeparateName(String fullName, StringBuilder firstName, StringBuilder lastName) {
        // String lpNext;
        int k = 0;
        int nLth = fullName.length();

        String s = fullName.trim(); // remove whitespace from beginning and end of FullName

        // Eliminate any "Mr." or "Ms." characters in front of the name and then point to first non-blank.
        if (s.charAt(k) == 'M' && (s.charAt(k + 1) == 'r' || s.charAt(k + 1) == 's') && s.charAt(k + 2) == '.') {
            k = 3;
            while (s.charAt(k) == ' ')

        // put original string into an array of chars
        // char[] charArray = new char[ nLth + 1 ];  // we are eliminating characters, so this should be plenty of room
        int j = 0;
        int nLastBegin = 0;
        // int nFirstEnd = 0;
        while (k <= nLth) {
            if (nLastBegin == 0) {
                if (s.charAt(k) == ' ' || s.charAt(k) == '\t') {
                    // nFirstEnd = k;
                    firstName.insert(j++, '\0'); // terminate first name
                    nLastBegin = k + 1;

                    // Skip to next non-blank or end of string.
                    while (s.charAt(nLastBegin) == ' ' || s.charAt(nLastBegin) == '\t')

                    j = 0; // process last name
                    while (nLastBegin <= nLth)
                        lastName.insert(j++, s.charAt(nLastBegin++));

                    break; // out of outer while loop
                } else {
                    firstName.insert(j++, s.charAt(k++)); // process the First Name (all chars to the first blank)

        return 0;
    } // SeparateName

    /** fortunately these next two methods are not used anywhere
       //  Method Name: GetViewFromBlobAttribute
       // Get a view from a blob attribute
       public int
       GetViewFromBlobAttribute( View  pvRetrievedView,
                      View  vOI_View,
                      String stringOI_EntityName,
                      String stringOI_AttributeName )
          int nRC;
          int lLth;
          lLth = sizeof( vOI_View );
          nRC = GetBlobFromAttribute( pvRetrievedView, lLth, vOI_View, stringOI_EntityName, stringOI_AttributeName );
          return 0;
       } // GetViewFromBlobAttribute
       //  Method Name: SetBlobAttributeFromView
       // Set a blob attribute from a view.
       public int
       SetBlobAttributeFromView( View  vOI_View,
                         String stringOI_EntityName,
                         String stringOI_AttributeName,
                         View   ViewToSet )
          int nRC;
          nRC = SetAttributeFromBlob( vOI_View, stringOI_EntityName, stringOI_AttributeName,
                              ViewToSet, sizeof( ViewToSet ) );
          return nRC;
       } // SetBlobAttributeFromView

    //  Method Name: AddressFormatToMultiLine
    // can be used for display or labels
    public int AddressFormatToMultiLine(String stringMultiLineAddress, String stringLine1, String stringLine2,
            String stringLine3, String stringCity, String stringState, String stringPostalCode) {
        String stringFirstPart = null;

        if (stringLine1.isEmpty() == false)
            stringFirstPart = zsprintf(stringFirstPart, "%s\n", stringLine1);

        if (stringLine2.isEmpty() == false)
            stringFirstPart = zsprintf(stringFirstPart, "%s%s\n", stringFirstPart, stringLine2);

        if (stringLine3.isEmpty() == false)
            stringFirstPart = zsprintf(stringFirstPart, "%s%s\n", stringFirstPart, stringLine3);

        stringMultiLineAddress = zsprintf(stringMultiLineAddress, "%s\n%s, %s %s", stringFirstPart, stringCity,
                stringState, stringPostalCode);
        return 0;
    } // AddressFormatToMultiLine

    //  Method Name: dAdressLabel
    // multiline address (without name)
    public String fnAdressLabelText(View vAnyObject, // BASED ON LOD "any object with entity that has address attributes"
            String stringInternalEntityStructure, String stringInternalAttribStructure, String stringReturnText) {
        String entityName = null;
        String stringAttribName = null;
        String stringMultiLineAddress = null;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
        String stringAttn = null;
        String stringCity = null;
        String stringState = null;
        String stringZipCode = null;
        String stringZipCodeFormatted = null;
        String stringCountry = null;
        StringBuilder stringSep = null; // set to /r/n or "; "

        zstrcpy(entityName, stringInternalEntityStructure);
        zstrcpy(stringAttribName, stringInternalAttribStructure);
        if (ZeidonStringCompare(stringAttribName, 1, 5, "dLine", 1, 5, 33) == 0)
            zstrcpy(stringSep, "; ");
            zstrcpy(stringSep, "\r\n");

        stringMultiLineAddress = "";
        stringAttn = "";
        sb.setCharAt(0, '\0');

        if (IsValidAttribute("AttentionLine1", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            GetStringFromAttribute(sb, vAnyObject, entityName, "AttentionLine1");

        if (sb.length() != 0) {
            stringAttn = zsprintf(stringAttn, "Attn:  %s%s", sb, stringSep);
            sb.setCharAt(0, '\0');

        if (IsValidAttribute("AttentionLine2", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            GetStringFromAttribute(sb, vAnyObject, entityName, "AttentionLine2");

        if (sb.length() != 0) {
            stringAttn = zsprintf(stringAttn, "%s         %s%s", stringAttn, sb, stringSep);
            sb.setCharAt(0, '\0');

        if (stringAttn.length() != 0)
            ZeidonStringCopy(stringMultiLineAddress, 1, 0, stringAttn, 1, 0, 2000);

        if (IsValidAttribute("Line1", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            GetStringFromAttribute(sb, vAnyObject, entityName, "Line1");

        if (sb.length() != 0)
            zsprintf(stringMultiLineAddress, "%s%s%s", stringMultiLineAddress, sb, stringSep);

        if (IsValidAttribute("Line2", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            GetStringFromAttribute(sb, vAnyObject, entityName, "Line2");
            sb.setCharAt(0, '\0');

        if (sb.length() != 0)
            stringMultiLineAddress = zsprintf(stringMultiLineAddress, "%s%s%s", stringMultiLineAddress, sb,

        if (IsValidAttribute("Line3", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            GetStringFromAttribute(sb, vAnyObject, entityName, "Line3");
            sb.setCharAt(0, '\0');

        if (sb.length() != 0)
            stringMultiLineAddress = zsprintf(stringMultiLineAddress, "%s%s%s", stringMultiLineAddress, sb,

        stringCity = GetStringFromAttribute(stringCity, vAnyObject, entityName, "City");
        //GetStringFromAttribute( stringState, vAnyObject, entityName, "State" );
        stringState = GetVariableFromAttribute(stringState, 0, zTYPE_STRING, 120, vAnyObject, entityName,
                "StateProvince", "State", 0);
        if (stringState.length() == 0) {
            if (IsValidAttribute("InternationalRegion", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
                stringState = GetVariableFromAttribute(stringState, 0, zTYPE_STRING, 120, vAnyObject, entityName,
                        "InternationalRegion", "", 0);

        // For ZipCodes larger than five characters, we want to format them with a
        // dash, if they don't already have a dash.
        stringZipCode = GetVariableFromAttribute(stringZipCode, 0, zTYPE_STRING, 11, vAnyObject, entityName,
                "PostalCode", "", 0);
        if (stringZipCode.length() > 5 && stringZipCode.charAt(5) != '-')
            stringZipCodeFormatted = stringZipCode.substring(0, 4) + "-" + stringZipCode.substring(5, -1);
            stringZipCodeFormatted = stringZipCode;

        stringCountry = "";
        if (IsValidAttribute("Country", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            GetStrFromAttrByContext(sb, 50, vAnyObject, entityName, "Country", "Country");

        if (sb.equals("US") == true)
            stringCountry = "";
            stringCountry = sb.toString();

        if (stringCity.length() != 0)
            stringMultiLineAddress = zsprintf(stringMultiLineAddress, "%s%s, %s %s %s", stringMultiLineAddress,
                    stringCity, stringState, stringZipCodeFormatted, stringCountry);
            stringMultiLineAddress = zsprintf(stringMultiLineAddress, "%s%s %s %s", stringMultiLineAddress,
                    stringState, stringZipCodeFormatted, stringCountry);

        stringReturnText = ZeidonStringCopy(stringReturnText, 1, 0, stringMultiLineAddress, 1, 0, 255);

        return stringReturnText;
    } // fnAdressLabelText

    //  Method Name: dAdressLabel
    // multiline address (without name)
    public int /* DERIVED ATTRIBUTE */
            dAdressLabel(View vAnyObject, // BASED ON LOD "any object with entity that has address attributes"
                    String stringInternalEntityStructure, String stringInternalAttribStructure, int nGetOrSetFlag) {
        String stringMultiLineAddress = null;
        String entityName = null;

        entityName = zstrcpy(entityName, stringInternalEntityStructure);
        if (CheckExistenceOfEntity(vAnyObject, entityName) != 0) {
            return 0;

        stringMultiLineAddress = fnAdressLabelText(vAnyObject, stringInternalEntityStructure,
                stringInternalAttribStructure, stringMultiLineAddress);

        StoreStringInRecord(vAnyObject, stringInternalEntityStructure, stringInternalAttribStructure,

        return 0;
    } // dAdressLabel

    //  Method Name: dAdressLabel
    // multiline address (with name)
    public int /* DERIVED ATTRIBUTE */
            dAdressLabelFull(View vAnyObject, // BASED ON LOD "any object with entity that has address attributes"
                    String stringInternalEntityStructure, String stringInternalAttribStructure, int nGetOrSetFlag) {
        String entityName = null;
        String stringMultiLineAddress;
        String string = null;
        String stringCompanyName;

        entityName = zstrcpy(entityName, stringInternalEntityStructure);
        if (CheckExistenceOfEntity(vAnyObject, entityName) != 0) {
            return 0;

        stringMultiLineAddress = "";
        stringCompanyName = "";
        if (IsValidAttribute("CompanyName", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            stringCompanyName = GetStringFromAttribute(stringCompanyName, vAnyObject, entityName, "CompanyName");

        if (stringCompanyName.length() != 0)
            stringMultiLineAddress = zsprintf(stringMultiLineAddress, "%s\r\n", stringCompanyName);

        string = fnAdressLabelText(vAnyObject, stringInternalEntityStructure, stringInternalAttribStructure,

        stringMultiLineAddress = ZeidonStringConcat(stringMultiLineAddress, 1, 0, string, 1, 0, 2000);

        StoreStringInRecord(vAnyObject, stringInternalEntityStructure, stringInternalAttribStructure,

        return 0;
    } // dAdressLabelFull

    //  Method Name: PersonName_LastFirstMiddle
    // Person's name formatted Last Name first
    public int /* DERIVED ATTRIBUTE */
            PersonName_LastFirstMiddle(View vAnyObject, // BASED ON LOD "any object with entity that has "NAME" attributes"
                    String stringInternalEntityStructure, String stringInternalAttribStructure, int nGetOrSetFlag) {
        String stringLastFirstMiddle;
        String entityName = null;
        String string;

        entityName = zstrcpy(entityName, stringInternalEntityStructure);
        stringLastFirstMiddle = "";
        string = "";

        // Last Name
        if (IsValidAttribute("LastName", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            stringLastFirstMiddle = GetStringFromAttribute(stringLastFirstMiddle, vAnyObject, entityName,

        // First Name
        if (IsValidAttribute("FirstName", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            string = GetStringFromAttribute(string, vAnyObject, entityName, "FirstName");

        if (string.length() != 0) {
            stringLastFirstMiddle = ZeidonStringConcat(stringLastFirstMiddle, 1, 0, ", ", 1, 0, 101);
            stringLastFirstMiddle = ZeidonStringConcat(stringLastFirstMiddle, 1, 0, string, 1, 0, 101);
            string = "";

        // Middle Name
        if (IsValidAttribute("MiddleName", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            string = GetStringFromAttribute(string, vAnyObject, entityName, "MiddleName");

        if (string.length() != 0) {
            stringLastFirstMiddle = ZeidonStringConcat(stringLastFirstMiddle, 1, 0, " ", 1, 0, 101);
            stringLastFirstMiddle = ZeidonStringConcat(stringLastFirstMiddle, 1, 0, string, 1, 0, 101);
            if (string.length() == 1)
                stringLastFirstMiddle = ZeidonStringConcat(stringLastFirstMiddle, 1, 0, ".", 1, 0, 101);

            string = "";

        // Suffix
        if (IsValidAttribute("Suffix", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            string = GetStringFromAttribute(string, vAnyObject, entityName, "Suffix");

        if (zstrlen(string) != 0) {
            stringLastFirstMiddle = ZeidonStringConcat(stringLastFirstMiddle, 1, 0, " ", 1, 0, 101);
            stringLastFirstMiddle = ZeidonStringConcat(stringLastFirstMiddle, 1, 0, string, 1, 0, 101);
            string = "";

        StoreStringInRecord(vAnyObject, stringInternalEntityStructure, stringInternalAttribStructure,

        return 0;
    } // dAdressLabel

    //  Method Name: PersonName_FirstMiddleLast
    // Person's name formatted Last Name last
    public int /* DERIVED ATTRIBUTE */
            PersonName_FirstMiddleLast(View vAnyObject, // BASED ON LOD "any object with entity that has "NAME" attributes"
                    String stringInternalEntityStructure, String stringInternalAttribStructure, int nGetOrSetFlag) {
        String stringReturnName;
        String entityName = null;
        String string;

        entityName = zstrcpy(entityName, stringInternalEntityStructure);
        stringReturnName = "";
        string = "";

        // Last Name
        if (IsValidAttribute("FirstName", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            GetStringFromAttribute(stringReturnName, vAnyObject, entityName, "FirstName");

        // Middle Name
        if (IsValidAttribute("MiddleName", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            GetStringFromAttribute(string, vAnyObject, entityName, "MiddleName");
        if (zstrlen(string) != 0) {
            ZeidonStringConcat(stringReturnName, 1, 0, " ", 1, 0, 101);
            ZeidonStringConcat(stringReturnName, 1, 0, string, 1, 0, 101);
            if (zstrlen(string) == 1)
                ZeidonStringConcat(stringReturnName, 1, 0, ".", 1, 0, 101);

            string = "";

        // Last Name
        if (IsValidAttribute("LastName", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            GetStringFromAttribute(string, vAnyObject, entityName, "LastName");

        if (zstrlen(string) != 0) {
            ZeidonStringConcat(stringReturnName, 1, 0, " ", 1, 0, 101);
            ZeidonStringConcat(stringReturnName, 1, 0, string, 1, 0, 101);
            string = "";

        // Suffix
        if (IsValidAttribute("Suffix", stringInternalEntityStructure) == 0)
            GetStringFromAttribute(string, vAnyObject, entityName, "Suffix");

        if (zstrlen(string) != 0) {
            ZeidonStringConcat(stringReturnName, 1, 0, " ", 1, 0, 101);
            ZeidonStringConcat(stringReturnName, 1, 0, string, 1, 0, 101);
            string = "";

        StoreStringInRecord(vAnyObject, stringInternalEntityStructure, stringInternalAttribStructure,

        return 0;
    } // dAdressLabel

    //  Method Name: zTrim
    //  trim whitespace from front and back
    //  Remove whitespace at the beginning and end of a string.
    public int zTrim(StringBuilder stringStringInOut) {
        String s = StringUtils.trim(stringStringInOut.toString());
        stringStringInOut.replace(0, stringStringInOut.length(), s);
        return 0;
    } // zTrim

    public String zTrim(String stringStringInOut) {
        return stringStringInOut.trim();
    } // zTrim

    //  Method Name: SetDecimalPrecisionRounded
    public Double SetDecimalPrecisionRounded(Double pdDecimalValue, int ulNumberOfDecimals) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ulNumberOfDecimals > 0 ? ulNumberOfDecimals + 5 : 25);

        SysConvertDecimalToString(pdDecimalValue, sb, (int) ulNumberOfDecimals);
        MutableDouble d = new MutableDouble(pdDecimalValue);
        SysConvertStringToDecimal(sb.toString(), d);
        return d.toDouble();

    } // SetDecimalPrecisionRounded

    //  Method Name: RemoveLeadingBlanksFromAttrib
    public int RemoveLeadingBlanksFromAttrib(View view, String stringEntity, String stringAttribute) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);
        MutableInt i = new MutableInt(0);
        int k;

        // Remove any leading blanks from the attribute.

        GetVariableFromAttribute(sb, i, zTYPE_STRING, 253, view, stringEntity, stringAttribute, "", 0);
        if (sb.charAt(0) == ' ') {
            k = 1;

            while (sb.charAt(k) == ' ')

            SetAttributeFromString(view, stringEntity, stringAttribute, sb.substring(k));

        return 0;

    } // RemoveLeadingBlanksFromAttrib

    //  Method Name: RemoveLeadingZerosFromAttrib
    public int RemoveLeadingZerosFromAttrib(View view, String stringEntity, String stringAttribute) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);
        MutableInt i = new MutableInt(0);
        int k;

        // Remove any leading zeros from the attribute.

        GetVariableFromAttribute(sb, i, zTYPE_STRING, 253, view, stringEntity, stringAttribute, "", 0);
        if (sb.charAt(0) == '0') {
            k = 1;

            while (sb.charAt(k) == '0')

            SetAttributeFromString(view, stringEntity, stringAttribute, sb.substring(k));

        return 0;

    } // RemoveLeadingZerosFromAttrib

    /** doesn't seem to be used in Zencas (that's a good thing).
    //  Method Name: GetButtonHeaderName
    //  this can only be used inside the button action for the new list box
    public String
    GetButtonHeaderName( View   ViewToWindow,
                    String stringButtonHeaderName )
       zstrcpy( stringButtonHeaderName, ( (String) GetActionParameters( ViewToWindow ) ) );
       //stringButtonHeaderName = (String) GetActionParameters( ViewToWindow );
       return 0;
    } // GetButtonHeaderName
    //  Method Name: GetWindowsUserName
    public String
    GetWindowsUserName( String stringUserName,
                   int ulMaxLengthOfName )
       int lth;
       lth = ulMaxLengthOfName;
       if ( GetUserName( stringUserName, lth ) == 0 )
     stringUserName = "";
       return stringUserName;
    } // GetWindowsUserName
    //  Method Name: CallObjectOperation
    public int
    CallObjectOperation( View   returnView,
                    View   ViewToWindow,
                    String stringObject,
                    String stringOperationName )
       String stringOperation;
       String stringPrefix;
       zFARPROC_DYNOBJ lpfnDynRoutine;
       int  nRC = -1;
       LPLIBRARY hLibrary;
       hLibrary = 0;
       zstrcpy( stringPrefix, "o" );
       zstrcat( stringPrefix, stringObject );
       zstrcat( stringPrefix, "_" );
       zstrcpy( stringOperation, stringPrefix );
       zstrcat( stringOperation, stringOperationName );
       lpfnDynRoutine = (zFARPROC_DYNOBJ)
     GetOperationDynamicCallAddress( ViewToWindow, &hLibrary,
                                     "LODOPS_R", stringOperation, "Reports" );
       if ( lpfnDynRoutine )
     nRC = (*lpfnDynRoutine)( returnView, (View ) ViewToWindow );
       return nRC;
    } // CallObjectOperation
    // FindItemByName - enumerates the subkeys of a given key and the associated
    //    values.
    // hKey - key whose subkeys and values are to be enumerated
    public String
    FindItemByName( HKEY    hKey,
               String  stringValueName,
               DWORD   dwReturnType,
               String  stringReturnData,
               DWORD   dwMaxReturnLth )
       char     stringKey;
       char     stringClass = "";           // buffer for class name
       DWORD    dwClassName = MAX_PATH;     // length of class string
       DWORD    dwSubKeys;                  // number of subkeys
       DWORD    dwMaxSubKey;                // longest subkey size
       DWORD    dwMaxClass;                 // longest class string
       DWORD    dwValues;                   // number of values for key
       DWORD    dwMaxValue;                 // longest value name
       DWORD    dwMaxValueData;             // longest value data
       DWORD    dwSecurityDescriptor;       // size of security descriptor
       DWORD    dwType;
       FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;            // last write time
       DWORD k, j;
       DWORD dwRC;
       int lRC;
       zBOOL bFound = FALSE;
       char  stringValue;
       DWORD dwValue = MAX_PATH;
       char  stringBuff;
       // Get the class name and the value count.
       RegQueryInfoKey( hKey,                  // key handle
                   stringClass,           // buffer for class name
                   dwClassName,          // length of class string
                   null,                  // reserved
                   &dwSubKeys,            // number of subkeys
                   &dwMaxSubKey,          // longest subkey size
                   &dwMaxClass,           // longest class string
                   &dwValues,             // number of values for this key
                   &dwMaxValue,           // longest value name
                   &dwMaxValueData,       // longest value data
                   &dwSecurityDescriptor, // security descriptor
                   &ftLastWriteTime );    // last write time
       // Enumerate the child keys, looping until RegEnumKey fails. Then
       // get the name of each child key and copy it into the list box.
       SetCursor( LoadCursor( null, IDC_WAIT ) );
       for ( k = 0, dwRC = ERROR_SUCCESS; dwRC == ERROR_SUCCESS; k++ )
     dwRC = RegEnumKey( hKey, k, stringKey, MAX_PATH );
     //if ( dwRC == (DWORD) ERROR_SUCCESS )
     //   TraceLineS( "IDE_CLASS?: ", stringKey );
       SetCursor( LoadCursor( null, IDC_ARROW ) );
       // Enumerate the key values.
       SetCursor( LoadCursor( null, IDC_WAIT ) );
       if ( dwValues )
     for ( j = 0, dwRC = ERROR_SUCCESS; j < dwValues; j++ )
        dwValue = MAX_PATH;
        stringValue = "";
        dwRC = RegEnumValue( hKey, j, stringValue,
                             &dwType, // &dwType,
                             null,    // &bData,
                             null );  // &bcData
        if ( dwRC != (DWORD) ERROR_SUCCESS &&
           wsprintf( stringBuff,
                     "Line:%d 0 based index = %d, dwRC = %d, "
                     "ValueLen = %d",
                     __LINE__, j, dwRC, dwValue );
           //TraceLineS( "Debug", stringBuff );
        stringBuff = "";
        if ( dwType == dwReturnType && zstrcmp( stringValueName, stringValue ) == 0 )
           bFound = TRUE;
           lRC = RegQueryValueEx( hKey,               // handle to key
                                  0,                  // reserved must be null
                                  &dwType,            // value type
                                  (LPBYTE) stringReturnData, // data buffer
                                  &dwMaxReturnLth );  // data buffer size
           if ( zstrlen( stringValue ) == 0 )
              zstrcpy( stringValue, "(Default)" );
           //TraceLineS( "Found Key ===> ", stringValue );
        // Add each value to a list box.
        if ( zstrlen( stringValue ) == 0 )
           zstrcpy( stringValue, "(Default)" );
        wsprintf( stringBuff, "%d) %s ", j, stringValue );
        // TraceLineS( "???:  ", stringBuff );
       SetCursor( LoadCursor( null, IDC_ARROW ) );
       return bFound );
    public String
    GetRegistryImagingValue( String stringValueName,
                        String stringCLSID_ID,
                        DWORD   dwReturnType,
                        String  stringReturnData,
                        DWORD   dwMaxReturnLth )
       HKEY  hConnect;
       HKEY  hClassesRoot;
       HKEY  hSoftware;
       HKEY  hKeyClasses;
       HKEY  hKeyCLSID;
       HKEY  hKeyID;
       HKEY  hKeyLocalServer;
       int nRC = -1;
       *stringReturnData = 0;  // initialize
       int lRC = RegConnectRegistry( null, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hConnect );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegConnectRegistry", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // open the local key
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 0, 0, KEY_READ, &hClassesRoot );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hClassesRoot, "Software", 0, KEY_READ, &hSoftware );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx hSoftware", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the CLSID here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hSoftware, "Classes", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyClasses );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx Classes", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the CLSID here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyClasses, "CLSID", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyCLSID );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx CLSID", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the CLSID here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyCLSID, stringCLSID_ID, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyID );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx hKeyID", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyID, "LocalServer32", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyLocalServer );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx hKeyLocalServer", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       nRC = FindItemByName( hKeyLocalServer, stringValueName, dwReturnType,
                        stringReturnData, dwMaxReturnLth );
       return nRC;
    public String
    GetRegistryImagingPrintValue( String stringValueName,
                             String stringCLSID_ID,
                             DWORD   dwReturnType,
                             String  stringReturnData,
                             DWORD   dwMaxReturnLth )
       HKEY  hConnect;
       HKEY  hClassesRoot;
       HKEY  hSoftware;
       HKEY  hKeyShell;
       HKEY  hKeyClasses;
       HKEY  hKeyPrint;
       HKEY  hKeyCommand;
       HKEY  hKeyTif;
       int nRC = -1;
       *stringReturnData = 0;  // initialize
       int lRC = RegConnectRegistry( null, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hConnect );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegConnectRegistry", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // open the local key
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 0, 0, KEY_READ, &hClassesRoot );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hClassesRoot, "Software", 0, KEY_READ, &hSoftware );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx hSoftware", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get thr CLSID here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hSoftware, "Classes", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyClasses );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx Classes", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the TIF.Document here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyClasses, "TIFImage.Document", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyTif );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx TIF.Docuement", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the shell here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyTif, "shell", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyShell );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx shell", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the print key here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyShell, "print", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyPrint );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx print:", ":failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyPrint, "command", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyCommand );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx command ", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       nRC = FindItemByName( hKeyCommand, stringValueName, dwReturnType,
                        stringReturnData, dwMaxReturnLth );
       TraceLineS( stringValueName, stringReturnData );
       return nRC;
    public String
    GetRegistryImagingViewValue( String stringValueName,
                            String stringCLSID_ID,
                            DWORD   dwReturnType,
                            String  stringReturnData,
                            DWORD   dwMaxReturnLth )
       HKEY  hConnect;
       HKEY  hClassesRoot;
       HKEY  hSoftware;
       HKEY  hKeyShell;
       HKEY  hKeyClasses;
       HKEY  hKeyPrint;
       HKEY  hKeyCommand;
       HKEY  hKeyTif;
       int nRC = -1;
       *stringReturnData = 0;  // initialize
       int lRC = RegConnectRegistry( null, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hConnect );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegConnectRegistry", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // open the local key
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 0, 0, KEY_READ, &hClassesRoot );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hClassesRoot, "Software", 0, KEY_READ, &hSoftware );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx hSoftware", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get thr CLSID here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hSoftware, "Classes", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyClasses );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx Classes", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the TIF.Document here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyClasses, "TIFImage.Document", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyTif );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx TIF.Docuement", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the shell here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyTif, "shell", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyShell );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx shell", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the print key here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyShell, "open", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyPrint );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx open:", ":failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyPrint, "command", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyCommand );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx command ", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       nRC = FindItemByName( hKeyCommand, stringValueName, dwReturnType,
                        stringReturnData, dwMaxReturnLth );
       TraceLineS( stringValueName, stringReturnData );
       return nRC;
    public String
    GetRegistryHTMLViewValue( String stringValueName,
                         String stringCLSID_ID,
                         DWORD   dwReturnType,
                         String  stringReturnData,
                         DWORD   dwMaxReturnLth )
       HKEY  hConnect;
       HKEY  hClassesRoot;
       HKEY  hSoftware;
       HKEY  hKeyShell;
       HKEY  hKeyClasses;
       HKEY  hKeyPrint;
       HKEY  hKeyCommand;
       HKEY  hKeyHtml;
       int nRC = -1;
       *stringReturnData = 0;  // initialize
       int lRC = RegConnectRegistry( null, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hConnect );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegConnectRegistry", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // open the local key
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 0, 0, KEY_READ, &hClassesRoot );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hClassesRoot, "Software", 0, KEY_READ, &hSoftware );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx hSoftware", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get thr CLSID here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hSoftware, "Classes", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyClasses );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx Classes", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the hKeyHtml here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyClasses, "htmlfile", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyHtml );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx htmlfile", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the shell here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyHtml, "shell", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyShell );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx shell", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the print key here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyShell, "open", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyPrint );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx open:", ":failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyPrint, "command", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyCommand );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx command ", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       nRC = FindItemByName( hKeyCommand, stringValueName, dwReturnType,
                        stringReturnData, dwMaxReturnLth );
       TraceLineS( stringValueName, stringReturnData );
       return nRC;
    public String
    GetRegistryGeneralValue( String stringValueName,
                        String  stringFileType,
                        String stringCLSID_ID,
                        DWORD   dwReturnType,
                        String  stringReturnData,
                        DWORD   dwMaxReturnLth )
       HKEY  hConnect;
       HKEY  hClassesRoot;
       HKEY  hSoftware;
       HKEY  hKeyShell;
       HKEY  hKeyClasses;
       HKEY  hKeyPrint;
       HKEY  hKeyCommand;
       HKEY  hKeyHtml;
       int nRC = -1;
       *stringReturnData = 0;  // initialize
       int lRC = RegConnectRegistry( null, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hConnect );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegConnectRegistry", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // open the local key
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 0, 0, KEY_READ, &hClassesRoot );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hClassesRoot, "Software", 0, KEY_READ, &hSoftware );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx hSoftware", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get thr CLSID here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hSoftware, "Classes", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyClasses );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx Classes", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the hKeyHtml here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyClasses, stringFileType, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyHtml );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx stringFileType", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the shell here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyHtml, "shell", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyShell );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx shell", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the print key here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyShell, "open", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyPrint );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx open:", ":failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyPrint, "command", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyCommand );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx command ", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       nRC = FindItemByName( hKeyCommand, stringValueName, dwReturnType,
                        stringReturnData, dwMaxReturnLth );
       TraceLineS( stringValueName, stringReturnData );
       return nRC;
    public String
    GetRegistryPrintValue( String stringValueName,
                      String  stringFileType,
                      String stringCLSID_ID,
                      DWORD   dwReturnType,
                      String  stringReturnData,
                      DWORD   dwMaxReturnLth )
       HKEY  hConnect;
       HKEY  hClassesRoot;
       HKEY  hSoftware;
       HKEY  hKeyShell;
       HKEY  hKeyClasses;
       HKEY  hKeyPrint;
       HKEY  hKeyCommand;
       HKEY  hKeyHtml;
       int nRC = -1;
       *stringReturnData = 0;  // initialize
       int lRC = RegConnectRegistry( null, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hConnect );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegConnectRegistry", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // open the local key
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 0, 0, KEY_READ, &hClassesRoot );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hClassesRoot, "Software", 0, KEY_READ, &hSoftware );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx hSoftware", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get thr CLSID here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hSoftware, "Classes", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyClasses );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx Classes", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the hKeyHtml here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyClasses, stringFileType, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyHtml );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx stringFileType", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the shell here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyHtml, "shell", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyShell );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx shell", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the print key here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyShell, "print", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyPrint );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx print:", ":failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyPrint, "command", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyCommand );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx print command ", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       nRC = FindItemByName( hKeyCommand, stringValueName, dwReturnType,
                        stringReturnData, dwMaxReturnLth );
       TraceLineS( stringValueName, stringReturnData );
       return nRC;
    public String
    GetRegistryCLSID( String  stringReturnData, String stringClassName )
       HKEY  hConnect;
       HKEY  hClassesRoot;
       HKEY  hCLSID;
       HKEY  hKeyCLSID;
       DWORD dwReturnTypeCLSID = REG_SZ;
       DWORD dwMaxReturnCLSIDLth = 128;
       int nRC = -1;
       int lRC = RegConnectRegistry( null, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hConnect );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegConnectRegistry", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // open the local key
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 0, 0, KEY_READ, &hClassesRoot );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hClassesRoot, stringClassName, 0, KEY_READ, &hCLSID );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx Failed for: ", stringClassName );
     return nRC;
       // get thr CLSID here
       lRC = RegOpenKeyEx( hCLSID, "CLSID", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyCLSID );
       if ( lRC != ERROR_SUCCESS )
     TraceLineS( "RegOpenKeyEx CLSID", " failed" );
     return nRC;
       // get the CLSID Value
       nRC = FindItemByName( hKeyCLSID, "", dwReturnTypeCLSID, stringReturnData, dwMaxReturnCLSIDLth );
       TraceLineS( "CLSID ReturnValue", stringReturnData );
       return 0;
    public String
    GetImagingPath( View  vSubtask, int lFlag, String stringTarget )
       char   stringReturn;
       char   stringCLSID;
       int nRC = FALSE;
       stringReturn = "";  // initially empty
       if ( lFlag == 1 )   //open for edit
     GetRegistryCLSID( stringCLSID, "TIFImage.Document" );
     GetRegistryImagingValue( "", stringCLSID, REG_SZ, stringReturn, sizeof( stringReturn ) );
       if ( lFlag == 2 ) //open for print
     GetRegistryCLSID( stringCLSID, "TIFImage.Document" );
     nRC = GetRegistryImagingPrintValue( "", stringCLSID, REG_EXPAND_SZ, stringReturn, sizeof( stringReturn ) );
     if ( nRC == FALSE )
        nRC = GetRegistryImagingPrintValue( "", stringCLSID, REG_SZ, stringReturn, sizeof( stringReturn ) );
       // zstrcpy( stringTarget, stringReturn );
       if ( lFlag == 3 ) //open for view
     GetRegistryCLSID( stringCLSID, "TIFImage.Document" );
     nRC = GetRegistryImagingViewValue( "", stringCLSID, REG_EXPAND_SZ, stringReturn, sizeof( stringReturn ) );
     if ( nRC == FALSE )
        nRC = GetRegistryImagingViewValue( "", stringCLSID, REG_SZ, stringReturn, sizeof( stringReturn ) );
       zstrcpy( stringTarget, stringReturn );
       return 0;
    public String
    GetHTMLPath( View  vSubtask, int lFlag, String stringTarget )
       char   stringReturn;
       char   stringCLSID;
       int nRC = FALSE;
       stringReturn[0] = 0;
       lFlag = 3; // set flag to 3 as that is all we currently support
       if ( lFlag == 3 ) //open for view
     GetRegistryCLSID( stringCLSID, "htmlfile" );
     nRC = GetRegistryHTMLViewValue( "", stringCLSID, REG_SZ, stringReturn, sizeof( stringReturn ) );
     TraceLineS( "Flag 3 stringCLSID !", stringCLSID ) ;
     TraceLineS( "Flag 3 Return !", stringReturn ) ;
     if ( nRC == FALSE )
        // for win98 in case we are not in win2K
        nRC = GetRegistryHTMLViewValue( "", stringCLSID, REG_EXPAND_SZ, stringReturn, sizeof( stringReturn ) );
        TraceLineS( "Flag 3C stringCLSID !", stringCLSID ) ;
        TraceLineS( "Flag 3C Return !", stringReturn ) ;
        TraceLineS( "RIGHT BEFORE STRCopy:", stringReturn ) ;
       zstrcpy( stringTarget, stringReturn );
        TraceLineS( "RIGHT AFTER STRCopy", "") ;
       return 0;

    //  Method Name: FindStringInAttribute
    //    Find a string within a string attribute. Not case sensitive.
    public int FindStringInAttribute(String stringSearchString, View view, String entityName,
            String attributeName) {
        String stringAttributeValue = null;
        String stringFoundValue;

        // Look for a match on the string stringSearchString within the attribute.
        // Return 0 if found.
        // Return -1 if not found.
        stringAttributeValue = GetStringFromAttribute(stringAttributeValue, view, entityName, attributeName);
        stringFoundValue = zstrstr(stringAttributeValue, stringSearchString);
        if (stringFoundValue == null)
            return -1; // the string was not found
            return 0; // the string was found

    } // FindStringInAttribute

    public int ConvertExternalValueOfAttribute(StringBuilder sbReturnedString, String srcString, View lpView,
            String entityName, String attributeName) {
        // TODO - Convert code from "C"
        return (0);

       public String
       GetGeneralPath( View  vSubtask, int lFlag, String stringFileType, String stringTarget )
          char   stringReturn;
          char   stringCLSID;
          int nRC = FALSE;
          stringReturn = "";
          lFlag = 3; // set flag to 3 as that is all we currently support
          if ( lFlag == 3 ) //open for view
     GetRegistryCLSID( stringCLSID, stringFileType );
     // nRC = GetRegistryHTMLViewValue( "", stringCLSID, REG_SZ, stringReturn, sizeof( stringReturn ) );
     nRC = GetRegistryGeneralValue( "", "rtffile", stringCLSID, REG_SZ, stringReturn, sizeof( stringReturn ) );
     TraceLineS( "Flag 3 stringCLSID !", stringCLSID ) ;
     TraceLineS( "Flag 3 Return !", stringReturn ) ;
     if ( nRC == FALSE )
        // for win98 in case we are not in win2K
        nRC = GetRegistryGeneralValue( "", "rtffile", stringCLSID, REG_EXPAND_SZ,
                                       stringReturn, sizeof( stringReturn ) );
        TraceLineS( "Flag 3C stringCLSID !", stringCLSID ) ;
        TraceLineS( "Flag 3C Return !", stringReturn ) ;
          TraceLineS( "RIGHT BEFORE STRCopy:", stringReturn ) ;
          stringTarget = zstrcpy( stringTarget, stringReturn );
          TraceLineS( "RIGHT AFTER STRCopy", "" ) ;
          return stringTarget;
       //  Method Name: ConvertExternalValueOfAttribute
       //    Convert an external value for an attribute to its internal value.
       public int
       ConvertExternalValueOfAttribute( String lpReturnedString,
                                String srcString,
                                View   lpView,
                                String entityName,
                                String attributeName )
          zVIEW  wXferO;
          zVIEW  vDynamicT;
          zVIEW  vQualObject;
          zVIEW  zqFrameOrig;
          zVIEW  zqFrame;
          LPVIEWENTITY lpEntityDef;
          LPVIEWATTRIB lpAttributeDef;
          LPDOMAIN     lpDomain;
          String  DataType;
          String  Msg;
          String  SavedTableName;
          String  stringYearIndicator;
          int  lInternalTableValue;
          int nLth;
          int nRC;
          GetViewByName( wXferO, "wXferO", lpView, zLEVEL_TASK );
          lpReturnedString = "";
          lpEntityDef = String MiGetEntityDefForView( lpView, entityName );
          if ( lpEntityDef == 0 )
     return -16;
          // Position on attribute.
    #ifdef VIEWENTITY_OD
          lpAttributeDef = String zGETPTR( lpEntityDef->hFirstOD_Attrib );
          nRC = 1;
          while ( lpAttributeDef > 0 && nRC > 0 )
     if ( zstrcmp( lpAttributeDef->stringName, attributeName ) == 0 )
        nRC = 0;
     if ( nRC > 0 )
        lpAttributeDef = String zGETPTR( lpAttributeDef->hNextOD_Attrib );
          lpAttributeDef = String zGETPTR( lpEntityDef->hFirstAttributeDef );
          nRC = 1;
          while ( lpAttributeDef > 0 && nRC > 0 )
     if ( zstrcmp( lpAttributeDef->stringName, attributeName ) == 0 )
        nRC = 0;
     if ( nRC > 0 )
        lpAttributeDef = String zGETPTR( lpAttributeDef->hNextAttributeDef );
    // #endif
          if ( nRC > 0 )
     MessageSend( lpView, "", "Data Conversion",
                  "The attribute specified was not found.",
                  zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 );
     return -1;
          // If input is null, simply return because output has already been set to null.
          if ( *srcString == 0 )
     return 0;
          nLth = zstrlen( srcString );
          // Process depending on whether or not the Domain is a Table.
          lpDomain = (LPDOMAIN) zGETPTR( lpAttributeDef->hDomain );
          if ( lpDomain->cDomainType == 'T' )
     if ( *(lpDomain->stringDomainOper) == 0 )
        // The domain is a static table so convert the value through the table interface.
        if ( lpDomain->cType == zTYPE_INTEGER )
           nRC = TableEntryExtToInt( &lInternalTableValue, lpView, lpDomain, 0, srcString );
           zltoa( lInternalTableValue, lpReturnedString );
           nRC = TableEntryExtToInt( lpReturnedString, lpView, lpDomain, 0, srcString );  // Internal value is STRING.
        if ( nRC < 0 )
           zstrcpy( Msg, "Invalid input value for attribute, " );
           zstrcat( Msg, attributeName );
           zstrcat( Msg, "." );
           MessageSend( lpView, "", "Data Conversion",
                        zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 );
           return -1;
        if ( zstrcmp( lpDomain->stringName, "FAISIR_DynamicTableSingle" ) == 0 )
           // Get Year Indicator value as GeneralParameter in zqFrame object.
           // If we get to this section of code, we must have come from zqFrame and the lpView is actually
           // the zqFrame view.
           // (This is very similar to the code in DomainC.)
           GetViewByName( zqFrameOrig, "zqFrame", lpView, zLEVEL_TASK );
           CreateViewFromView( zqFrame, zqFrameOrig );
           nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( zqFrame, "GeneralParameter", "AttributeName", "YearIndicator", "" );
           if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
              *stringYearIndicator = 0;
              GetStringFromAttribute( stringYearIndicator, zqFrame, "GeneralParameter", "Value" );
           if ( *stringYearIndicator == 0 )
              MessageSend( lpView, "", "Data Validation",
                           "A YearIndicator value must be specified as a General Parameter in the Query.",
                           zMSGQ_DOMAIN_ERROR, 0 );
              return zCALL_ERROR;
           zstrcpy( SavedTableName, "X_" );
           zstrcat( SavedTableName, lpDomain->stringName );
           zstrcat( SavedTableName, stringYearIndicator );    // Build the concatenated name.
           // Either get existing view or activate new one.
           nRC = GetViewByName( vDynamicT, SavedTableName, lpView, zLEVEL_TASK );
           if ( nRC < 0 )
              // Set up Qualification object for YearIndicator.
              SfActivateSysEmptyOI( vQualObject, "KZDBHQUA", lpView, zMULTIPLE );
              CreateEntity( vQualObject, "EntitySpec", zPOS_AFTER );
              SetAttributeFromString( vQualObject, "EntitySpec", "EntityName", "FAISIRDomain" );
              CreateEntity( vQualObject, "QualAttrib", zPOS_AFTER );
              SetAttributeFromString( vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "EntityName", "FAISIRDomain" );
              SetAttributeFromString( vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "AttributeName", "YearIndicator" );
              SetAttributeFromString( vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Value", stringYearIndicator );
              SetAttributeFromString( vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Oper", "=" );
              // Activate the Domains for the YearIndicator.
              nRC = ActivateObjectInstance( vDynamicT, "mFAISIRD", zqFrame, vQualObject, zMULTIPLE );
              DropView( vQualObject );
              if ( nRC < 0 )
                 MessageSend( lpView, "", "Data Validation",
                              "A YearIndicator value must be specified as a General Parameter in the Query.",
                              zMSGQ_DOMAIN_ERROR, 0 );
                 return zCALL_ERROR;
              SetNameForView( vDynamicT, SavedTableName, 0, zLEVEL_APPLICATION );
              CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vDynamicT, vDynamicT, 0 );
              SetNameForView( vDynamicT, SavedTableName, lpView, zLEVEL_TASK );
           // Position on correct table entry.
           nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vDynamicT, "FAISIRDomain", "Name", attributeName, "" );
           if ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
              nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vDynamicT, "FAISIRDomainValue", "ExternalDescription", srcString, "" );
           if ( nRC < 0 )
              zstrcpy( Msg, "Invalid input value for attribute, " );
              zstrcat( Msg, attributeName );
              zstrcat( Msg, "." );
              MessageSend( lpView, "", "Data Conversion",
                           zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 );
              return -1;
           GetStringFromAttribute( lpReturnedString, vDynamicT, "FAISIRDomainValue", "InternalStringValue" );
           DropView( zqFrame );
           // The domain is a regular dynamic table so use the object in memory or activate it.
           zstrcpy( SavedTableName, "X_" );
           zstrcat( SavedTableName, lpDomain->stringName );
           nRC = GetViewByName( vDynamicT, SavedTableName, lpView, zLEVEL_TASK );
           if ( nRC < 0 )
              nRC = GetViewByName( vDynamicT, SavedTableName, lpView, zLEVEL_APPLICATION );
           if ( nRC < 0 )
              // The table wasn't in memory, so call the dynamic table routine to load it.
              // Note that we will call the routine with an invalid request type, which will load
              // the table but not take action.
              SfActivateSysEmptyOI( &vQualObject, "KZDBHQUA", lpView, zMULTIPLE );
              CreateEntity( vQualObject, "EntitySpec", zPOS_AFTER );
              SetAttributeFromString( vQualObject, "EntitySpec", "EntityName", "Domain" );
              CreateEntity( vQualObject, "QualAttrib", zPOS_AFTER );
              SetAttributeFromString( vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "EntityName", "Domain" );
              SetAttributeFromString( vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "AttributeName", "Name" );
              SetAttributeFromString( vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Value", lpDomain->stringName );
              SetAttributeFromString( vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Oper", "=" );
              nRC = ActivateObjectInstance( &vDynamicT, "DOMAINT", lpView,
                                            vQualObject, zSINGLE | zLEVEL_APPLICATION );
              SetNameForView( vDynamicT, SavedTableName, lpView, zLEVEL_APPLICATION );
           // Locate the entry in the table by external value and return the internal value.
           nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vDynamicT, "DomainValue",
                                               srcString, 0 );
           if ( nRC < 0 )
              zstrcpy( Msg, "Invalid input value for attribute, " );
              zstrcat( Msg, attributeName );
              zstrcat( Msg, "." );
              MessageSend( lpView, "", "Data Conversion",
                           zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 );
              return -1;
           GetStringFromAttribute( lpReturnedString, vDynamicT, "DomainValue", "InternalStringValue" );
     // If Domain Type is not Table, use data type for conversion through wXferO attribute.
     DataType = lpDomain->cType;
     if ( DataType == 'L' )
        nRC = SetAttributeFromVariable( wXferO, "Root", "WorkInteger",
                                       srcString, zTYPE_STRING,
                                       nLth, 0, zUSE_DEFAULT_CONTEXT );
        if ( nRC >= 0 )
           GetStringFromAttribute( lpReturnedString, wXferO, "Root", "WorkInteger" );
           return -1;
     if ( DataType == 'T' )
        nRC = SetAttributeFromVariable( wXferO, "Root", "WorkDate",
                                        srcString, zTYPE_STRING,
                                        nLth, "M/D/YYYY", 0 );
        if ( nRC >= 0 )
           GetStringFromAttribute( lpReturnedString, wXferO, "Root", "WorkDate" );
           return -1;
     if ( DataType == 'D' )
        nRC = SetAttributeFromVariable( wXferO, "Root", "WorkDate",
                                        srcString, zTYPE_STRING,
                                        nLth, "M/D/YYYY", 0 );
        if ( nRC >= 0 )
           GetStringFromAttribute( lpReturnedString, wXferO, "Root", "WorkDate" );
           return -1;
     if ( DataType == 'M' )
        nRC = SetAttributeFromVariable( wXferO, "Root", "WorkDecimal",
                                        srcString, zTYPE_STRING,
                                        nLth, 0, zUSE_DEFAULT_CONTEXT );
        if ( nRC >= 0 )
           GetStringFromAttribute( lpReturnedString, wXferO, "Root", "WorkDecimal" );
           return -1;
        zstrcpy( lpReturnedString, srcString );
          return 0;
       } // ConvertExternalValueOfAttribute

    //  Method Name: AddSpacesToString
    //    Insert spaces within a Zeidon string name where capital letters exist.
    public String AddSpacesToString(String stringZeidonName) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(stringZeidonName);
        int k;

        for (k = 1; k < sb.length(); k++) {
            if (sb.charAt(k) >= 'A' && sb.charAt(k) <= 'Z') {
                sb.insert(k, ' ');

        return sb.toString();

    } // AddSpacesToString

       //  Method Name: GetDataTypeForAttribute
       //    Return the Data Type for an attribute
       public int
       GetDataTypeForAttribute( String stringDataType,
                        View   lpView,
                        String entityName,
                        String attributeName )
          LPVIEWENTITY lpEntityDef;
          LPVIEWATTRIB lpAttributeDef;
          int nRC;
          lpEntityDef = String zGETPTR( MiGetEntityDefForView( lpView, entityName ) );
          if ( lpEntityDef == 0 )
     return -16;
          // Position on attribute.
       #ifdef VIEWENTITY_OD
          lpAttributeDef = String zGETPTR( lpEntityDef->hFirstOD_Attrib );
          nRC = 1;
          while ( lpAttributeDef > 0 && nRC > 0 )
     if ( zstrcmp( lpAttributeDef->stringName, attributeName ) == 0 )
        nRC = 0;
     if ( nRC > 0 )
        lpAttributeDef = String zGETPTR( lpAttributeDef->hNextOD_Attrib );
          lpAttributeDef = String zGETPTR( lpEntityDef->hFirstAttributeDef );
          nRC = 1;
          while ( lpAttributeDef > 0 && nRC > 0 )
     if ( zstrcmp( lpAttributeDef->stringName, attributeName ) == 0 )
        nRC = 0;
     if ( nRC > 0 )
        lpAttributeDef = String zGETPTR( lpAttributeDef->hNextAttributeDef );
          if ( nRC > 0 )
     MessageSend( lpView, "", "GetDataTypeForAttribute",
                  "The attribute specified was not found.",
                  zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 );
     return -1;
          // Set single character datatype followed by a string terminator.
          *stringDataType = lpAttributeDef->hDomain->cType;
          *(stringDataType + 1) = 0;
          return 0;
       } // GetDataTypeForAttribute

    int ParseOutEntityAttribute(String entityDotAttribute, StringBuilder entityName, StringBuilder attributeName) {
        int k;
        int lSkipLth;

        // Initialize entityName and attributeName.
        entityName.replace(0, -1, entityDotAttribute);
        attributeName.delete(0, -1);
        // entityDotAttribute is pointing to the first character of the entity name on entry to this routine.
        // Parse out Entity Name

        for (k = 0; k < entityName.length(); k++) {
            char ch = entityName.charAt(k);
            if (ch == '.' || ch == ']' || ch == '}') {
                entityName.setCharAt(k, '\0');
                if (ch == '}')
                    return -2;

                if (ch != ']') // there is an attribute, so keep going
                    int j = 0;

                    // Parse out Attribute Name
                    ch = entityDotAttribute.charAt(k);
                    while (ch != ']' && ch != '}') {
                        if (ch == '}')
                            return -2;

                        attributeName.setCharAt(j, ch);
                        ch = entityDotAttribute.charAt(k);

                    attributeName.setCharAt(k, '\0');

        lSkipLth = k + 1; // TODO not sure this translation to java is exactly right for SkipLth
        return lSkipLth;

    int ConvertCharacterString(StringBuilder sbTarget, StringBuilder sbSource, StringBuilder sbOrigMemory,
            int nFileType) // 1-Text   2-HTML
        char ch;
        int lTabCount;
        int i; // index to sbTarget
        int j; // index to sbSource
        int k;

        // This code checks for "carriage return/line feed" combinations in the
        // text and inserts the correct \par and \tab strings in the target text.
        // pchTarget = *sbTarget;

        // First, determine if the start of the text is preceded by tab characters and if so, count them.
        lTabCount = 0;

        /** TODO - figure this out and implement java version
        String pchBack = sbOrigMemory - 5;
        while ( zstrncmp( sbOrigMemory, "\\tab", 4 ) == 0 )
           pchBack = pchBack - 5;

        // Copy the characters, inserting \par and \tab strings as necessary for new lines.
        for (i = 0, j = 0; (ch = sbSource.charAt(j)) != '\0'; j++) {
            // Search for carriage return/line feed and insert \par and \tab strings.
            if (ch == 13 && sbSource.charAt(j + 1) == 10) {
                // Copy carriage control and line feed characters.
                sbTarget.setCharAt(i++, sbSource.charAt(j++));
                sbTarget.setCharAt(i++, sbSource.charAt(j++));

                // Insert \par and \tab characters.
                if (nFileType == 1) {
                    i = zstrcpy(sbTarget, i, "\\par ");
                } else {
                    i = zstrcpy(sbTarget, i, "<br />");

                for (k = 0; k < lTabCount; k++) {
                    i = zstrcpy(sbTarget, i, "\\tab ");
            } else {
                sbTarget.setCharAt(i++, sbSource.charAt(j++));

        sbTarget.setCharAt(i++, '\0');

        return (0);

       CopyWithInsertMemoryArea( zVIEW   vResultSet,
                         StringBuilder sbTemplateMemory,
                         int     nTemplateMemoryPosition,
                         String  stringInnerLoopEntityName,
                         String  pchEmbeddedImages,
                         int     nFileType )  // 1-Text   2-HTML
          StringBuilder sbLoopEntityName;
          StringBuilder sbEntityName;
          StringBuilder sbAttributeName;
          StringBuilder sbVariableBuffer;
          int    nTemplateMemoryLth;
          int    lRBracketPos;
          int    lSkipLth;
          int    k;
          int    nRC;
          nTemplateMemoryLth = sbTemplateMemory.length( );
          for ( k = nTemplateMemoryPosition; k < nTemplateMemoryLth; k++ )
     if ( sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k ) == '[' )
        lRBracketPos = zstrchr( sbTemplateMemory, ']' );
        if ( lRBracketPos >= 0 )
        sbTemplateMemory.setCharAt( lRBracketPos, '\0' );
           if ( (zstrchr( sbTemplateMemory, '<' )) >= 0 || (zstrchr( sbTemplateMemory, '>' )) >= 0 || (zstrchr( sbTemplateMemory, '/' )) >= 0 )
              sbTemplateMemory.setCharAt( lRBracketPos, ']' );
              lRBracketPos = 0;
              sbTemplateMemory.setCharAt( lRBracketPos, ']' );
        if ( lRBracketPos >= 0 && sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k + 1 ) == 'Z' && sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k + 2 ) == ':' )  // "[Z:"
           if ( sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k + 3 ) == '#' )  // "[Z:#"
              if ( sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k + 4 ) == 'C' )  // "[Z:#C"
                 // Just set the cursor to the next entity.
                k += 6;
                nTemplateMemoryPosition = k;
                 SetCursorNextEntity( vResultSet, stringInnerLoopEntityName, "" );
                 if ( sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k + 4 ) == 'S' && sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k + 5 ) == ':' )  // "[Z:#S:"
                    // Parse out the Loop Entity name.
                  k += 6;
                  lSkipLth = ParseOutEntityAttribute( sbTemplateMemory.substring( k ), sbLoopEntityName, sbAttributeName );
                    if ( lSkipLth < 0 )
                       return lSkipLth;
                    k += lSkipLth;
                    nTemplateMemoryPosition = k;
                    // Identify the beginning and end of the data area to be repeated in variables:
                    //   pchMemoryLoopStartArea and pchMemoryLoopEndArea.
                    while ( sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k ) != ']' && nTemplateMemoryPosition < nTemplateMemoryLth )
                    while ( zstrncmp( sbTemplateMemory, nTemplateMemoryPosition, "[Z:#E]", 6 ) != 0 && nTemplateMemoryPosition < nTemplateMemoryLth )
                    nTemplateMemoryLth = sbTemplateMemory.length( );
                    // Process the looping on the specified Entity Name.
                    nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vResultSet, sbLoopEntityName.toString( ), "" );
                    while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
                       // Perform the normal mapping code here.
                       nRC = CopyWithInsertMemoryArea( vResultSet, sbTemplateMemory, nTemplateMemoryPosition,
                                                       sbLoopEntityName.toString( ), pchEmbeddedImages, nFileType );
                       if ( nRC < 0 )
                          return( nRC );
                       nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vResultSet, sbLoopEntityName.toString( ), "" );
                    // Skip repeating area and the [Z:#E] characters ending the loop.
                    k += 6;
                    nTemplateMemoryPosition = k;
                    // The else condition is ignored as an error.
                    while ( sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k ) != ']' && k < nTemplateMemoryLth )
                    nTemplateMemoryPosition = k;
              // Get the Entity and Attribute Names.
              // We save original memory position in pchOrigMemory so the
              // subroutine can search for preceding tab characters.
              k += 3;
              lSkipLth = ParseOutEntityAttribute( sbTemplateMemory.substring( k ), sbEntityName, sbAttributeName );
              if ( lSkipLth < 0 )
                 return lSkipLth;
              k += lSkipLth;
              nTemplateMemoryPosition = k;
              // Get the data from the object.
              if ( CheckExistenceOfEntity( vResultSet, sbEntityName.toString( ) ) >= zCURSOR_SET )
                 if ( zstrcmp( sbAttributeName.toString( ), "StudentAccountNotClearedText" ) == 0 )
                    zstrcpy( sbVariableBuffer, "Stop" );    // DonC ???
                 GetStringFromAttributeByContext( sbVariableBuffer, vResultSet,
                                               sbEntityName.toString( ), sbAttributeName.toString( ), "", 1000 );
                 if ( sbVariableBuffer != null )
                    ConvertCharacterString( pchMemoryNew, sbVariableBuffer, pchOrigMemory, nFileType );
           // Just copy the character
           *pchMemoryNew = *sbTemplateMemory;
     // <IMG SRC="cid:message-root.1.d:\10c\a\tz\image1.gif" ALT="image1.gif">
     if ( pchEmbeddedImages && sbTemplateMemory[ 0 ] == '<' &&
          zstrnicmp( sbTemplateMemory.substring( 1 ), "IMG SRC=", 8 ) == 0 &&
          zstrncmp( sbTemplateMemory.substring( 10 ), "cid:message-root.", 17 ) == 0 )
        zstrncpy( pchMemoryNew, sbTemplateMemory, 27 );
        pchMemoryNew += 27;
        sbTemplateMemory += 27;
        while ( sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k ) != '\0' &&
                sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k ) != '.' &&
                sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k ) != '"' )
           // Just copy the character
           *pchMemoryNew = *sbTemplateMemory;
        if ( sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k ) == '.' )
           sbTemplateMemory++;  // skip past '.'
           lSkipLth = zstrlen( pchEmbeddedImages );
           if ( lSkipLth > 0 )
              pchEmbeddedImages[ lSkipLth++ ] = ';';
           while ( sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k ) != '\0' && sbTemplateMemory.charAt( k ) != '"' )
              pchEmbeddedImages[ lSkipLth++ ] = *sbTemplateMemory;
           pchEmbeddedImages[ lSkipLth ] = 0;
        // Finally copy the terminating quote.
        *pchMemoryNew = *sbTemplateMemory;
        // Just copy the character.
        *pchMemoryNew = *sbTemplateMemory;
          if ( pchMemoryNew - pchStartMemoryNew > lTotalOutputSize )
     MessageBox( 0, "CopyWithInsertMemoryArea Overwrite Buffer",
                 "Memory Overwrite", MB_OK );
          *sbMemoryNew = pchMemoryNew;
          return 0;

    int ReadFileDataIntoMemory(View vResultSet, String stringDocumentFile, long hDocumentMemory,
            StringBuilder sbDocumentData) throws IOException {
        int hDocumentFile;
        int lDocumentLth;

        hDocumentMemory = 0;
        lDocumentLth = 0;

        hDocumentFile = m_KZOEP1AA.SysOpenFile(vResultSet, stringDocumentFile, COREFILE_READ);
        if (hDocumentFile < 0) {
            // IssueError( vResultSet, 0, 0, "Can't open Document file." );
            return -1;

        lDocumentLth = m_KZOEP1AA.SysGetFileSize(vResultSet, hDocumentFile);

        // Exit if the document file is empty.
        if (lDocumentLth == 0) {
            m_KZOEP1AA.SysCloseFile(vResultSet, hDocumentFile, 0);
            return 0;

        // hDocumentMemory = SysAllocMemory( sbDocumentData.toString( ), lDocumentLth, 0, zCOREMEM_ALLOC, 0 );  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
        // DrAllocTaskMemory( ppvDocumentData, lDocumentLth );
        // TraceLine( "ReadFileDataIntoMemory: 0x%x   Size: %d",
        //            (int) *ppvDocumentData, lDocumentLth );

        // **ppvDocumentData = 0;
        m_KZOEP1AA.SysReadFile(vResultSet, hDocumentFile, sbDocumentData, lDocumentLth);
        m_KZOEP1AA.SysCloseFile(vResultSet, hDocumentFile, 0);

        if (sbDocumentData == null) {
            // SysFreeMemory( hDocumentMemory );
            // DrFreeTaskMemory( *ppvDocumentData );
            // phDocumentMemory = 0;
            sbDocumentData = null;
            lDocumentLth = 0;
            IssueError(vResultSet, 0, 0, "Read Error on Document file");
            return -1;

        return lDocumentLth;

    public int ParseBooleanExpression(View zqFrame) {
        //zPCHAR pchValue;
        //zPCHAR pchNext;
        String szBooleanExpression = null;
        StringBuilder sbBooleanExpression = null;
        String szConditionValue = null;

        // Parse the Boolean Expression and create each component value as an entity Component.

        GetStringFromAttributeByContext(sbBooleanExpression, zqFrame, "BooleanExpression", "TextValue", "", 254);
             // Skip to first nonblank.
             for ( pchNext = szBooleanExpression;
        *pchNext == ' ' && *pchNext != 0;
        pchNext++ )
             // Loop through all parameters.
             while ( *pchNext != 0 )
                // Find next parameter
                if ( *pchNext == ')' || *pchNext == '(' )
        pchValue = szConditionValue;
        *pchValue = *pchNext;
        *pchValue = 0;
        if ( *pchNext == ')' )
           pchNext++;    // We need to do the skip here for close paren
                  for ( pchValue = szConditionValue;
             *pchNext != ' ' && *pchNext != 0 && *pchNext != ')';
             pchNext++ )
           *pchValue = *pchNext;
        *pchValue = 0;
                CreateEntity( zqFrame, "Component", zPOS_AFTER );
                SetAttributeFromString( zqFrame, "Component", "Value", szConditionValue );
                if ( *pchNext != 0 && *pchNext != ')' )
                // Skip to next nonblank.
                while ( *pchNext == ' ' && *pchNext != 0 )
        return 0;

    //  Method Name: MergeSingleRS_EntryWithTemplate
    //    Insert OI variable data in Template
    //    lFlags  0 - No Attachment / Mime Type Text
    //            1 - Has Attachment
    //            2 - Mime Type HTML
    //           16 - Prompt if there are any recipients that do not have
    //                an email address specified
    public int MergeSingleRS_EntryWithTemplate(View vResultSet, String TemplateFileName, String OutputFileName,
            String stringEmbeddedImages, StringBuilder stringReturnedMergedText, int lMaxReturnedLth, int nFileType)
            throws IOException // 1-Text   2-HTML
              long  hFileTo;
              StringBuilder sbTemplateMemory = new StringBuilder( );
           // String stringMemoryEndOrig = null;
           // String stringMemoryEndNew;
              int  nTemplateMemoryPosition;
              int  hTemplateMemoryUnused = 0;
              int  selMemoryNew;
              int  lTemplateLth;
              int  lTotalOutputSize;
              int  lLthNew = 0;
              int  ulRC;
              int  nRC;
              int  nLth;
              // Get memory for output file.
              // The size of the new memory will add 8000 bytes of variable data to the
              // template size to account for merged data.
              lTemplateLth = ReadFileDataIntoMemory( vResultSet, TemplateFileName,
                                         hTemplateMemoryUnused, sbTemplateMemory );
              // Exit if the template file is empty or if there is an error opening it.
              if ( lTemplateLth <= 0 )
                 MessageSend( vResultSet, "", "Template File Merge",
                  "The Template File could not be opened.\nCheck that the file name specified is valid.",
                  zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 );
                 return null;
           // stringMemoryEndOrig = cbMemoryStartOrig + lTemplateLth;  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
              lTotalOutputSize = lTemplateLth + 8000;
           // selMemoryNew = SysAllocMemory( sbMemoryStartNew, lTotalOutputSize, 0, zCOREMEM_ALLOC, 0 );
           // StringBuilder sbMemoryStartNew = new StringBuilder( lTotalOutputSize );
           // DrAllocTaskMemory( (zCOREMEM) &stringMemoryStartNew, lTotalOutputSize );
           // TraceLine( "MergeSingleRS_EntryWithTemplate: 0x%x   Size: %d",
           //            (int) stringMemoryStartNew, lTotalOutputSize );
              // Perform the normal mapping code here.
              nTemplateMemoryPosition = 0;
              stringEmbeddedImages = "";
              nRC = CopyWithInsertMemoryArea( vResultSet,
                                  nTemplateMemoryPosition, "",
                                  nFileType );
           // SysFreeMemory( hTemplateMemoryUnused );
           // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringMemoryStartOrig );
              if ( nRC < 0 )
                 MessageSend( vResultSet, "", "Template File Merge",
                  "A Merge error occurred.\nCheck the Template file for invalid data or recreate the file.",
                  zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 );
                 return null;;
              // End file.
              stringMemoryEndNew = nTemplateMemoryPosition;
              stringMemoryEndNew = "";
           // stringMemoryEndNew++;  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
              // Write the merged resulting data in memory out to the file.
           // lLthNew = (int) (stringMemoryEndNew - stringMemoryStartNew);  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
              hFileTo = SysOpenFile( vResultSet, OutputFileName, COREFILE_WRITE );
              if ( hFileTo < 0 )
                 SysFreeMemory( selMemoryNew );
              // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringMemoryStartNew );
                 MessageSend( vResultSet, "", "Template File Merge",
                  "The Output File could not be opened.\nCheck that the file directory specified is valid.",
                  zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 );;
                 return -1;
           // WriteFile( hFileTo, stringMemoryStartNew, lLthNew, ulRC, 0 );  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
              SysCloseFile( vResultSet, hFileTo, 0 );
              // Returned the Merged text.
              if ( lMaxReturnedLth < lLthNew )
                 nLth = lMaxReturnedLth;
                 nLth = lLthNew;
           // zstrncpy( pReturnedMergedText, stringMemoryStartNew, nLth );  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
              SysFreeMemory( selMemoryNew );
           // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringMemoryStartNew );
        return 0;

    } // MergeSingleRS_EntryWithTemplate

    //  Method Name: InsertOI_DataIntoTemplate
    //    Insert OI variable data in Template
    //    lFlags  0 - No Attachment / Mime Type Text
    //            1 - Has Attachment
    //            2 - Mime Type HTML
    //           16 - Prompt if recipient(s) does not have email address
    public int InsertOI_DataIntoEmailTemplate(View ViewToWindow, View vResultSet, String stringSMTPServer,
            String stringEMailUserName, String stringEMailPassword, String stringSenderEMailAddress,
            String stringSubjectLine, String stringAttachmentFileName, String stringTemplateFileName,
            String stringAltFileName, String stringRootEntityName, int lFlags) throws IOException {
        String stringEmbeddedImages; // should be WAY more than enough
        String stringRecipientEMailAddress = null;
        int nHasAttachment;
        int nMimeType;
        int lConnection;
        // int  hFileTo;
        String stringMemory;
        String stringMemoryNew;
        String stringMemoryNewHold = null;
        String stringMemoryStartEmailBody;
        StringBuilder sbMemoryStartOld = new StringBuilder(256);
        String stringMemoryEndOld;
        String stringMemoryStartArea = null;
        String stringMemoryEndArea = null;
        long selMemory = 0;
        long selMemoryNew;
        int lTemplateLth;

        String stringAltMemory;
        String stringAltMemoryNew;
        String stringAltMemoryNewHold = null;
        String stringAltMemoryStartEmailBody;
        StringBuilder sbAltMemoryStartOld = new StringBuilder(256);
        String stringAltMemoryEndOld;
        String stringAltMemoryStartArea = null;
        String stringAltMemoryEndArea = null;
        long selAltMemory = 0;
        long selAltMemoryNew = 0;
        long lAltTemplateLth;
        long lAltTotalOutputSize = 0;
        int lAltLthNew;

        int lSelectedCount;
        int lCurrentCount;
        int lTotalOutputSize;
        int lLthNew;
        boolean bNoEmailAddress = false;
        // zULONG ulRC;
        int nRC;

        if ((lFlags & 0x00000001) != 0)
            nHasAttachment = 1; // has attachment
            nHasAttachment = 0; // no attachment

        if ((lFlags & 0x00000002) != 0)
            nMimeType = 2; // HTML
            nMimeType = 1; // Text

        // The size of the new memory will add 8000 bytes of variable data to the
        // template size.
        lSelectedCount = 0;
        nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName, "");
        while (nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED) {
            nRC = GetSelectStateOfEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName);
            if (nRC == 1) {
                stringRecipientEMailAddress = GetStringFromAttribute(stringRecipientEMailAddress, vResultSet,
                        "Person", "eMailAddress");
                if (stringRecipientEMailAddress.isEmpty() == false)
                else {
                    String lastName = null;
                    String firstName = null;
                    String middleName = null;

                    if (bNoEmailAddress == false) {
                        bNoEmailAddress = true;
                        TraceLineS("EMail NOT sent Subject: ", stringSubjectLine);

                    lastName = GetStringFromAttribute(lastName, vResultSet, "Person", "LastName");
                    firstName = GetStringFromAttribute(firstName, vResultSet, "Person", "FirstName");
                    middleName = GetStringFromAttribute(middleName, vResultSet, "Person", "MiddleName");
                    stringRecipientEMailAddress = lastName + ", " + firstName + " " + middleName;
                    TraceLineS("  No EMail address for: ", stringRecipientEMailAddress);

            nRC = SetCursorNextEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName, "");

        if (bNoEmailAddress && (lFlags & 0x00000010) != 0) {
            if (OperatorPrompt(vResultSet, "EMail not sent to recipient(s)",
                    "See Zeidon Trace for list ... Continue?", TRUE, zBUTTONS_YESNO, zRESPONSE_NO,
                    0) == zRESPONSE_NO) {
                return 0;

        // We'll just exit here if nothing was selected.
        if (lSelectedCount == 0)
            return 0;

        lTemplateLth = ReadFileDataIntoMemory(vResultSet, stringTemplateFileName, selMemory, sbMemoryStartOld);

        // Exit if the template file is empty or if there is an error opening it.
        if (lTemplateLth <= 0) {
            IssueError(vResultSet, 0, 0, "Can't open Template file.");
            return 0;

        lAltTemplateLth = 0;
        if (nMimeType == 2) // HTML
            if (stringAltFileName != null && stringAltFileName.isEmpty() == false) {
                //? lAltTemplateLth = ReadFileDataIntoMemory( vResultSet, stringAltFileName, selAltMemory, sbAltMemoryStartOld );

            // Exit if the alt template file is empty or if there is an error opening it.
            if (lAltTemplateLth > 0) {
                lAltTotalOutputSize = lAltTemplateLth + 8000;
                //?   selAltMemoryNew = SysAllocMemory( stringAltMemoryNewHold, lAltTotalOutputSize, 0, zCOREMEM_ALLOC, 0 );
            } else {
                // IssueError( vResultSet, 0, 0, "Can't open Alt Template file." );
                // return 0;

        lTotalOutputSize = lTemplateLth + 8000;
        //? selMemoryNew = SysAllocMemory( stringMemoryNewHold, lTotalOutputSize, 0, zCOREMEM_ALLOC, 0 );

        // DrAllocTaskMemory( (zCOREMEM) &stringMemoryNewHold, lTotalOutputSize );
        // TraceLine( "InsertOI_DataIntoEmailTemplate: 0x%x   Size: %d",
        //            (int) stringMemoryNewHold, lTotalOutputSize );

        lConnection = m_ZDRVROPR.CreateSeeConnection(stringSMTPServer, stringSenderEMailAddress,
                stringEMailUserName, stringEMailPassword);

        // For each selected item, map the repeatable data in the template to the output buffer.
        lCurrentCount = 0;
        nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName, "");
        while (nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED) {
            nRC = GetSelectStateOfEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName);
            if (nRC == 1) {
                GetStringFromAttribute(stringRecipientEMailAddress, vResultSet, "Person", "eMailAddress");
                if (stringRecipientEMailAddress.isEmpty() == false) {
                    if (lAltTemplateLth > 0) {
                        stringAltMemoryNew = stringAltMemoryNewHold;
                        stringAltMemoryEndOld = sbAltMemoryStartOld.subSequence(lTemplateLth, -1).toString();

                        // Initialize Output values.
                        stringAltMemoryStartEmailBody = stringAltMemoryNew;
                        lAltLthNew = 0;

                        // Copy the first brace that starts the file.
                        // stringAltMemory = cbAltMemoryStartOld.toString( );  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
                        // stringAltMemoryNew = stringAltMemory;
                        // stringAltMemory++;
                        // stringAltMemoryNew++;

                        // Set the start of repeatable area (one per document copy) as
                        // second character in Template file.
                        // stringAltMemoryStartArea = stringAltMemory;

                        // Set the end of repeatable area as one character before the last
                        // character in Template file.
                        // stringAltMemoryEndArea = stringAltMemoryEndOld - 1;
                        stringAltMemory = stringAltMemoryStartArea;

                        // Perform the normal mapping code here.
                        //? nRC = CopyWithInsertMemoryArea( vResultSet, stringAltMemoryStartArea, stringAltMemoryEndArea,
                        //?                                 stringAltMemoryNew, "", stringAltMemoryNewHold,
                        //?                                 lAltTotalOutputSize, "", 1 );
                        if (nRC < 0)
                            return nRC;

                        // Finally copy the closing brace to the output file.
                        stringAltMemoryNew = stringAltMemoryEndArea;
                        // stringAltMemory++;  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
                        // stringAltMemoryNew++;

                        // lAltLthNew = (int) (stringAltMemoryNew - stringAltMemoryStartEmailBody);
                    } else
                        stringAltMemory = "";

                    stringMemoryNew = stringMemoryNewHold;
                    // stringMemoryEndOld = cbMemoryStartOld + lTemplateLth;  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed

                    // Initialize Output values.
                    stringMemoryStartEmailBody = stringMemoryNew;
                    lLthNew = 0;

                    // Copy the first brace that starts the file.
                    //  stringMemory = cbMemoryStartOld;  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
                    //  stringMemoryNew = stringMemory;
                    //  stringMemory++;
                    //  stringMemoryNew++;

                    // Set the start of repeatable area (one per document copy) as
                    // second character in Template file.
                    //  stringMemoryStartArea = stringMemory;

                    // Set the end of repeatable area as one character before the last
                    // character in Template file.
                    //  stringMemoryEndArea = stringMemoryEndOld - 1;
                    stringMemory = stringMemoryStartArea;

                    // Perform the normal mapping code here.
                    stringEmbeddedImages = "";
                    //? nRC = CopyWithInsertMemoryArea( vResultSet, stringMemoryStartArea, stringMemoryEndArea,
                    //?                                 stringMemoryNew, "", stringMemoryNewHold,
                    //?                                 lTotalOutputSize, stringEmbeddedImages, nMimeType );
                    if (nRC < 0)
                        return nRC;

                    // Finally copy the closing brace to the output file.
                    // stringMemoryNew = stringMemoryEndArea;  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
                    // stringMemory++;
                    // stringMemoryNew++;

                    // lLthNew = (int) (stringMemoryNew - stringMemoryStartEmailBody);  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed

                    m_ZDRVROPR.CreateSeeMessage(lConnection, stringSMTPServer, stringSenderEMailAddress,
                            stringRecipientEMailAddress, "", "", stringSubjectLine, nMimeType,
                            stringMemoryStartEmailBody, stringAltMemory, stringEmbeddedImages, nHasAttachment,
                            stringAttachmentFileName, stringEMailUserName, stringEMailPassword);

                    // SysOpenFile( stringAttachmentFileName, COREFILE_DELETE );

            nRC = SetCursorNextEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName, "");

        //? SysFreeMemory( selMemory );
        //? SysFreeMemory( selMemoryNew );
        if (lAltTemplateLth != 0) {
            //? SysFreeMemory( selAltMemory );
            //? SysFreeMemory( selAltMemoryNew );

        // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringMemoryStartOld );
        // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringMemoryNewHold );

        return 0;

    } // InsertOI_DataIntoEmailTemplate

    //  Method Name: InsertOI_DataIntoTemplateFile
    //    Insert OI variable data in Template File
    public int InsertOI_DataIntoTemplateFile(View ViewToWindow, View vResultSet, String stringOutputFileName,
            String stringTemplateFileName, String stringAltFileName, String stringRootEntityName)
            throws IOException {
        int hFileTo;
        String stringMemory;
        String stringMemoryNew = null;
        String stringMemoryStartNew;
        StringBuilder sbMemoryStartOld = new StringBuilder();
        String stringMemoryEndOld;
        String stringMemoryStartArea = null;
        String stringMemoryEndArea = null;
        long selMemory = 0;
        int selMemoryNew;
        int lTemplateLth;
        int lSelectedCount;
        int lCurrentCount;
        int lTotalOutputSize;
        int lLthNew;
        int nRC;

        // The size of the new memory will try to allow for the number of select
        // copies to be made of the input template.  It will thus add 50000 bytes
        // of variable data to the template size and multiply that by the number
        // of items selected.
        lSelectedCount = 0;
        nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName, "");
        while (nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED) {
            nRC = GetSelectStateOfEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName);
            if (nRC == 1)

            nRC = SetCursorNextEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName, "");

        // We'll just exit here if nothing was selected.
        if (lSelectedCount == 0)
            return 0;

        lTemplateLth = ReadFileDataIntoMemory(vResultSet, stringTemplateFileName, selMemory, sbMemoryStartOld);

        // Exit if the template file is empty or if there is an error opening it.
        if (lTemplateLth <= 0) {
            IssueError(vResultSet, 0, 0, "Can't open Template file.");
            return 0;

        lTotalOutputSize = (lTemplateLth + 50000) * lSelectedCount;
        //? selMemoryNew = SysAllocMemory( stringMemoryNew, lTotalOutputSize, 0, zCOREMEM_ALLOC, 0 );
        // DrAllocTaskMemory( (zCOREMEM) &stringMemoryNew, lTotalOutputSize );
        // TraceLine( "InsertOI_DataIntoTemplateFile: 0x%x   Size: %d",
        //            (int) stringMemoryNew, lTotalOutputSize );

        stringMemoryEndOld = sbMemoryStartOld.subSequence(lTemplateLth, -1).toString();

        // Initialize Output values.
        stringMemoryStartNew = stringMemoryNew;
        lLthNew = 0;

        // Copy the first brace that starts the file.
        // stringMemory = cbMemoryStartOld.toString( );  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
        // stringMemoryNew = stringMemory;
        // stringMemory++;
        // stringMemoryNew++;

        // Set the start of repeatable area (one per document copy) as second character in
        // Template file.
        // stringMemoryStartArea = stringMemory;

        // Set the end of repeatable area as one character before the last character in Template file.
        // stringMemoryEndArea = stringMemoryEndOld - 1;

        // For each selected item, map the repeatable data in the template to the output buffer.
        nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName, "");
        lCurrentCount = 0;
        while (nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED) {
            nRC = GetSelectStateOfEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName);
            if (nRC == 1) {
                // If this is any page but the first, add in the page break
                // characters.
                if (lCurrentCount > 1) {
                    // TODO  what's the problem with this line??? zstrcpy( stringMemoryNew, "\x0D\x0A\\par \\page \\hich\\af0\\dbch\\af28\\loch\\f0 " );
                    stringMemoryNew = stringMemoryNew + 41;

                stringMemory = stringMemoryStartArea;
                // Perform the normal mapping code here.
                //? nRC = CopyWithInsertMemoryArea( vResultSet, stringMemoryStartArea, stringMemoryEndArea,
                //?                                 stringMemoryNew, "", stringMemoryNew, lTotalOutputSize, "",    // no embedded images
                //?                                 1 );  // Text
                if (nRC < 0)
                    return nRC;

            nRC = SetCursorNextEntity(vResultSet, stringRootEntityName, "");

        // Finally copy the closing brace to the output file.
        // stringMemoryNew = stringMemoryEndArea;  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
        // stringMemory++;
        // stringMemoryNew++;

        // lLthNew = (int) (stringMemoryNew - stringMemoryStartNew);
        //? SysFreeMemory( selMemory );
        // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringMemoryStartOld );
        hFileTo = m_KZOEP1AA.SysOpenFile(ViewToWindow, stringOutputFileName, COREFILE_WRITE);
        if (hFileTo < 0) {
            //? SysFreeMemory( selMemoryNew );
            // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringMemoryNew );
            IssueError(vResultSet, 0, 0, "Write Open Error");
            return -1;

        // WriteFile( hFileTo, stringMemoryStartNew, lLthNew, ulRC, 0 );  TODO  This is all wrong ... recode correctly in Java when needed
        m_KZOEP1AA.SysCloseFile(ViewToWindow, hFileTo, 0);
        //? SysFreeMemory( selMemoryNew );
        // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringMemoryNew );

        return 0;

    } // InsertOI_DataIntoTemplateFile

    //  Method Name: ReadLine5000
    //    Read a line into a 5000 character string
    public int ReadLine5000(View ViewToWindow, StringBuilder sbLineBuffer, int FileHandle) throws IOException {
        int nRC = 0;

        nRC = m_KZOEP1AA.SysReadLine(ViewToWindow, sbLineBuffer, FileHandle);
        if (sbLineBuffer.length() == 0)
            return 0;

        if (sbLineBuffer.length() > 5000) {
            TraceLineS("////////////* > 5000", "//////////*");
            sbLineBuffer.setCharAt(5000, '\0');

        // return sbLineBuffer.length( );
        return nRC;

    } // ReadLine5000

    //  Method Name: ConvertLineToEntity
    //    Convert data in a comma or tab delimited record to attribute values in an entity.
    public int ConvertLineToEntity(View vTarget, View vXOD, String stringRecord, String stringDelimiterType,
            int lMaxRecordLth) {
        /** TODO
              String  cDelimiter;
              String  stringDataValue;
              String  entityName;
              String  attributeName;
              String  stringTab;
              String  stringDate;
              String  stringDataValue;
              String  stringRecordEnd;
              int nRC;
              zstrcpy( stringTab, "x09" );
              if ( stringDelimiterType.charAt( 0 ) == 'T' )
                 cDelimiter = stringTab[ 1 ];
                 cDelimiter = stringTab[ 1 ];
              stringRecordEnd = stringRecord + lMaxRecordLth;
              GetStringFromAttribute( entityName, vXOD, "ENTITY", "NAME" );
              // Loop for each Attribute in the Entity, parsing the record string and setting the Attribute.
              nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vXOD, "ATTRIB", 0 );
              while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET && stringRecord < stringRecordEnd )
                 GetStringFromAttribute( attributeName, vXOD, "ATTRIB", "NAME" );
                 stringDataValue = stringDataValue;
                 stringDataValue = "";
                 while ( *stringRecord != 9 && stringRecord < stringRecordEnd )
        *stringDataValue = *stringRecord;
                 *stringDataValue = 0;
                 if ( CompareAttributeToString( vXOD, "ATTRIB", "TYPE", "T" ) == 0 &&
          zstrlen( stringDataValue ) <= 8 )
        // Attribute is Date, so convert properly.
        if ( zstrlen( stringDataValue ) == 7 )
           zstrcpy( stringDate, "0" );
           zstrcat( stringDate, stringDataValue );
           zstrcpy( stringDate, stringDataValue );
        // A value of "0" is really null.
        if ( zstrcmp( stringDate, "0" ) == 0 )
           stringDate = "";
        SetAttrFromStrByContext( vTarget, entityName, attributeName, stringDate, "MMDDYYYY" );
        // Attribute is treated as simple Text.
        SetAttributeFromString( vTarget, entityName, attributeName, stringDataValue );
                 nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vXOD, "ATTRIB", "" );
        return 0;
    } // ConvertLineToEntity

    public int SetAttrFromStrByContext(View view, String entityName, String attributeName, String value,
            String context) {
        view.cursor(entityName).getAttribute(attributeName).setValue(value, context);
        return 0;

    //  Method Name: GetCurrentApplicationName
    public int GetCurrentApplicationName(StringBuilder stringReturnedString, int lMaxLength, View ViewToWindow) {
        // LPAPP  stringApp;

        return SfGetApplicationForSubtask(stringReturnedString, ViewToWindow);

    // GetCurrentApplicationName

    //  Method Name: DBQualEntityByString
    public int DBQualEntityByString(View vQualObject, String entityName, String attributeName, String operationName,
            String value, int bExists) {
        if (entityName.length() == 0)
            entityName = null;

        if (attributeName.length() == 0)
            attributeName = null;

        if (operationName.length() == 0)
            operationName = null;

        if (value.length() == 0)
            value = null;

        // add qualification
        CreateEntity(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", zPOS_AFTER);
        SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "EntityName", entityName);
        if (bExists == TRUE) {
            SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Oper", "EXISTS");
            CreateEntity(vQualObject, "SubQualAttrib", zPOS_AFTER);
            SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "SubQualAttrib", "EntityName", entityName);
            SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "SubQualAttrib", "AttributeName", attributeName);
            SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "SubQualAttrib", "Value", value);
            SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "SubQualAttrib", "Oper", operationName);
        } else {
            SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "AttributeName", attributeName);
            SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Value", value);
            SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Oper", operationName);

        return 0;
    } // DBQualEntityByString

    /**  TODO when we get some time
       //  Method Name: ParseBooleanExpression
       public int
       ParseBooleanExpression( View   zqFrame )
          String  stringValue;
          String  stringNext;
          String  stringBooleanExpression;
          String  stringConditionValue;
          // Parse the Boolean Expression and create each component value as an entity Component.
          stringBooleanExpression = GetStringFromAttributeByContext( stringBooleanExpression,
                                                             zqFrame, "BooleanExpression",
                                                             "TextValue", "", 254 );
          // Skip to first nonblank.
          for ( stringNext = stringBooleanExpression;
        *stringNext == ' ' && *stringNext != 0;
        stringNext++ )
          // Loop through all parameters.
          while ( *stringNext != 0 )
     // Find next parameter
     if ( *stringNext == ')' || *stringNext == '(' )
        stringValue = stringConditionValue;
        *stringValue = *stringNext;
        *stringValue = 0;
        if ( *stringNext == ')' )
           stringNext++;    // We need to do the skip here for close paren
       for ( stringValue = stringConditionValue;
             *stringNext != ' ' && *stringNext != 0 && *stringNext != ')';
             stringNext++ )
           *stringValue = *stringNext;
        *stringValue = 0;
     CreateEntity( zqFrame, "Component", zPOS_AFTER );
     SetAttributeFromString( zqFrame, "Component", "Value", stringConditionValue );
     if ( *stringNext != 0 && *stringNext != ')' )
     // Skip to next nonblank.
     while ( *stringNext == ' ' && *stringNext != 0 )
          return 0;
       } // ParseBooleanExpression

       //  Method Name: WinShellExecute
       public int
       WinShellExecute( View   vSubtask,
                String stringFileOrExeName,
                String stringFileOpenCommand,
                String stringExeParams )
          //HWND hWnd;
          int hWnd;
          int lControlReturn;
          int hInstance;
          GetWindowHandle( hWnd, lControlReturn, vSubtask, "" );
          //GetWindowHandle( PTR UNSIGNED int, // Window Return
          //                PTR UNSIGNED int,  // ControlReturn
          //                View,      // Subtask
          //                String );  // CtrlTag
          if ( stringFileOpenCommand != null && stringFileOpenCommand.isEmpty( ) == false )
     TraceLineS( "WinShellExecute FileOpenCommand: ", stringFileOpenCommand );
          if ( stringFileOrExeName != null && stringFileOrExeName.isEmpty( ) == false )
     TraceLineS( "WinShellExecute FileOrExeName: ", stringFileOrExeName );
          if ( stringExeParams != null && stringExeParams.isEmpty( ) == false )
     TraceLineS( "WinShellExecute ExeParams: ", stringExeParams );
          hInstance = (zULONG) ShellExecute( (HWND) hWnd, stringFileOpenCommand,
                                     stringFileOrExeName, stringExeParams,
                                     null, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
          if ( hInstance > 32 )
     TraceLineI( "WinShellExecute Success - Result: ", hInstance );
     return 0;
     TraceLineI( "WinShellExecute Failed Result: ", hInstance );
     return hInstance;
           return 0;
       } // WinShellExecute

    public String GetRTFPath(View vSubtask, int lFlag, String stringTarget) {
        String stringReturn;
        String stringCLSID = null;
        int nRC = FALSE;

        stringReturn = "";
        if (lFlag == 2) // open for print
            stringCLSID = GetRegistryCLSID(stringCLSID, "rtffile");
            stringReturn = GetRegistryPrintValue("", "rtffile", stringCLSID, REG_SZ, stringReturn, 0);

            TraceLineS("RTF-Print-Flag 3 stringCLSID !", stringCLSID);
            TraceLineS("RTF-Print-Flag 3 Return !", stringReturn);
            if (stringReturn == null) {
                stringReturn = GetRegistryPrintValue("", "rtffile", stringCLSID, REG_SZ, stringReturn, 0);
                TraceLineS("RTF-Print-Flag 3 stringCLSID [win98]!", stringCLSID);
                TraceLineS("RTF-Print-Flag 3 Return [win98]!", stringReturn);

        if (lFlag == 3) // open for view
            GetRegistryCLSID(stringCLSID, "rtffile");
            stringReturn = GetRegistryGeneralValue("", "rtffile", stringCLSID, REG_SZ, stringReturn, 0);

            TraceLineS("RTF-Flag 3 stringCLSID !", stringCLSID);
            TraceLineS("RTF-Flag 3 Return !", stringReturn);
            if (stringReturn == null) {
                // for win98 in case we are not in win2K
                stringReturn = GetRegistryGeneralValue("", "rtffile", stringCLSID, REG_EXPAND_SZ, stringReturn, 0);
                TraceLineS("RTF-Flag 3C stringCLSID [win98]!", stringCLSID);
                TraceLineS("RTF-Flag 3C Return [win98]!", stringReturn);

        zstrcpy(stringTarget, stringReturn);
        return stringTarget;

    public int StartEmailClientForListReus(View vResult, String entityName, String attributeName,
            String contextName, String stringScope, int bUseOnlySelectedEntities, int bUseParentSelectedEntities,
            String stringSubject, String stringCopyTo, // comma separated list
            String stringBlindCopy, // comma separated list
            String stringBody, String stringAttachment, String stringEmailClient, int lFlags,
            String stringBlindCopyFlag) // reserved
        String stringParentEntity = null;
        String s = null;
        int lEntityCnt;
        int ulAttributeLth = 0;
        int lTotalSize;
        int lLth = 0;
        int lRC;

        if (bUseParentSelectedEntities != 0)
            stringParentEntity = MiGetParentEntityNameForView(stringParentEntity, vResult, entityName);

        lEntityCnt = CountEntitiesForView(vResult, entityName);
        ulAttributeLth = GetAttributeDisplayLength(ulAttributeLth, vResult, entityName, attributeName, contextName);
        lTotalSize = lEntityCnt * (int) ulAttributeLth; // a starting point
        CharBuffer cbMemory = CharBuffer.allocate(lTotalSize + 1);
        // DrAllocTaskMemory( cbMemory, lTotalSize + 1 );

        // For each entity, append the specified data to the list.
        // lRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vResult, entityName, stringScope );
        lRC = SetEntityCursor(vResult, entityName, "", zPOS_FIRST, "", "", "", 0, stringScope, "");

        while (lRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED) {
            if (bUseOnlySelectedEntities == 0
                    || ((bUseOnlySelectedEntities != 0) && GetSelectStateOfEntity(vResult, entityName) != 0)
                    || ((bUseParentSelectedEntities != 0)
                            && GetSelectStateOfEntity(vResult, stringParentEntity) != 0)) {
                s = GetVariableFromAttribute(s, 0, zTYPE_STRING, lTotalSize - lLth - 1, vResult, entityName,
                        attributeName, contextName,
                        contextName != null && contextName.isEmpty() == false ? 0 : zUSE_DEFAULT_CONTEXT);
                lLth = zstrcpy(cbMemory, lLth, s);
                while (lLth > 0 && cbMemory.charAt(lLth - 1) == ' ') {
                    cbMemory.put(lLth, '\0');

            // lRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vResult, entityName, stringScope );
            lRC = SetEntityCursor(vResult, entityName, "", zPOS_NEXT, "", "", "", 0, stringScope, "");
            if (lRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED) {
                // lLth = zstrlen( stringMemory );
                if (lTotalSize - lLth < (int) ulAttributeLth) {
                    s = cbMemory.toString();

                    lEntityCnt *= 2;
                    lTotalSize = lEntityCnt * (int) ulAttributeLth;
                    cbMemory = CharBuffer.allocate(lTotalSize + 1);
                    zstrcpy(cbMemory, 0, s);

                if (lLth > 0 && cbMemory.charAt(lLth - 1) != ',') {
                    cbMemory.put(lLth++, ',');
                    cbMemory.put(lLth, '\0');

        if (stringBlindCopyFlag.charAt(0) == 'Y') {
            // Email Addresses are to be put in Blind Copy parameter.
            TraceLineS("Blind Copies: ", cbMemory.toString());
            lRC = m_ZDRVROPR.StartEmailClient(stringBlindCopy, // Regular send parameter
                    stringSubject, stringCopyTo, // comma separated list
                    cbMemory.toString(), // Blind Copy parameter
                    stringBody, stringAttachment, "", lFlags); // reserved
        } else {
            // Email Addresses are to be put in regular Send parameter.
            TraceLineS("Regular Copies: ", cbMemory.toString());
            lRC = m_ZDRVROPR.StartEmailClient(cbMemory.toString(), // comma separated list
                    stringSubject, stringCopyTo, // comma separated list
                    stringBlindCopy, // comma separated list
                    stringBody, stringAttachment, stringEmailClient, lFlags); // reserved

        // DrFreeTaskMemory( (String) cbMemory );
        return lRC;

    public int StartEmailClientForList(View vResult, String entityName, String attributeName, String contextName,
            String stringScope, int bUseOnlySelectedEntities, int bUseParentSelectedEntities, String stringSubject,
            String stringCopyTo, // comma separated list
            String stringBlindCopy, // comma separated list
            String stringBody, String stringAttachment, String stringEmailClient, int lFlags) // reserved
        int lRC;

        // Call reusable routine.
        lRC = StartEmailClientForListReus(vResult, entityName, attributeName, contextName, stringScope,
                bUseOnlySelectedEntities, bUseParentSelectedEntities, stringSubject, stringCopyTo, stringBlindCopy,
                stringBody, stringAttachment, stringEmailClient, lFlags, "");
        return lRC;

    public int StartEmailClientForList(View vResult, String entityName, String attributeName, String contextName,
            int nScope, int bUseOnlySelectedEntities, int bUseParentSelectedEntities, String stringSubject,
            String stringCopyTo, // comma separated list
            String stringBlindCopy, // comma separated list
            String stringBody, String stringAttachment, String stringEmailClient, int lFlags) // reserved
        int lRC;

        // Call reusable routine.
        lRC = StartEmailClientForListReus(vResult, entityName, attributeName, contextName, "",
                bUseOnlySelectedEntities, bUseParentSelectedEntities, stringSubject, stringCopyTo, stringBlindCopy,
                stringBody, stringAttachment, stringEmailClient, lFlags, "");
        return lRC;

    public int StartBlindEmailClientForList(View vResult, String entityName, String attributeName,
            String contextName, String stringScope, int bUseOnlySelectedEntities, int bUseParentSelectedEntities,
            String stringSubject, String stringCopyTo, // comma separated list
            String stringBlindCopy, // comma separated list
            String stringBody, String stringAttachment, String stringEmailClient, int lFlags) // reserved
        zVIEW mUser = null;
        String stringBlindEmailAddress = null;
        int lRC;

        // Get the Target Email Address from mUser, unless a BlindCopy is passed.
        if (stringBlindCopy == null) {
            stringBlindEmailAddress = "";
            GetViewByName(mUser, "mUser", vResult, zLEVEL_APPLICATION);
            lRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity(mUser, "Employee");
            if (lRC >= 0)
                GetStringFromAttribute(stringBlindEmailAddress, mUser, "Employee", "eMailAddress");
            if (stringBlindEmailAddress.isEmpty()) {
                lRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity(mUser, "Student");
                if (lRC >= 0)
                    stringBlindEmailAddress = GetStringFromAttribute(stringBlindEmailAddress, mUser, "Student",

                if (stringBlindEmailAddress.isEmpty()) {
                    stringBlindEmailAddress = GetStringFromAttribute(stringBlindEmailAddress, mUser, "Person",
        } else
            stringBlindEmailAddress = zstrcpy(stringBlindEmailAddress, stringBlindCopy);

        // Call reusable routine.
        lRC = StartEmailClientForListReus(vResult, entityName, attributeName, contextName, stringScope,
                bUseOnlySelectedEntities, bUseParentSelectedEntities, stringSubject, stringCopyTo,
                stringBlindEmailAddress, stringBody, stringAttachment, stringEmailClient, lFlags, "Y");
        return lRC;

    //  Method Name: StartEmailClientWithFiles
    //    Start Email Client passing in file names for body and attachment
    public int StartEmailClientWithFiles(View AnyView, String stringEmailAddress, String stringSubjectLine,
            String stringCopyToEmailAddress, String stringBlindCopyEmailAddress, String stringBodyFileName,
            String stringAttachmentFileName, String stringEmailClientOverride, int ulFlags) throws IOException {
        // Read the data from the Body and Attachment files into memory and call StartEmailClient
        // with those values.
        StringBuilder sbBodyMemoryStart = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder sbAttachmentMemoryStart = new StringBuilder();
        long hBodyMemory = 0;
        long hAttachmentMemory = 0;
        int lFileLth = 0;

        // Read the Body into memory.
        hBodyMemory = ReadFileDataIntoMemory(AnyView, stringBodyFileName, hBodyMemory, sbBodyMemoryStart);
        // Exit if the file is empty or if there is an error opening it.
        if (hBodyMemory == -1) {
            IssueError(AnyView, 0, 0, "Can't open Email file.");
            return -1;

        // If there is an attachment file, also read it into memory.
        // Then call StartEmailClientWithFiles with or without an attachment.
        if (stringAttachmentFileName.isEmpty() == false) {
            hAttachmentMemory = ReadFileDataIntoMemory(AnyView, stringAttachmentFileName, hAttachmentMemory,
            // Exit if the file is empty or if there is an error opening it.
            if (lFileLth <= 0)
                return -1;

            m_ZDRVROPR.StartEmailClient(stringEmailAddress, stringSubjectLine, stringCopyToEmailAddress,
                    stringBlindCopyEmailAddress, sbBodyMemoryStart.toString(), sbAttachmentMemoryStart.toString(),
                    stringEmailClientOverride, 0);
            //? SysFreeMemory( hAttachmentMemory );
            // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringAttachmentMemoryStart );
        } else {
            m_ZDRVROPR.StartEmailClient(stringEmailAddress, stringSubjectLine, stringCopyToEmailAddress,
                    stringBlindCopyEmailAddress, sbBodyMemoryStart.toString(), "", stringEmailClientOverride, 0);

        //? SysFreeMemory( hBodyMemory );
        // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringBodyMemoryStart );
        return 0;

    // StartEmailClientWithFiles

    //  Method Name: IsEmailAddressValid
    //    Validates an email address
    boolean IsEmailAddressValid(String stringEmailAddress) {
        // TODO return ValidateEmailAddressFormat( stringEmailAddress ) ? true : false;
        return true;

        /** #if 0
           // Contains at least one character preceding the "@"
           // Contains a "@" following the preceding character(s)
           // Contains at least one character following the "@", followed
           // by a dot (.), followed by either a two character or three
           // character string (a two character country code or the standard
           // three character US code, such as com, edu etc)
           String stringAt;
           String stringDot;
           String string;
           if ( zstrchr( stringEmailAddress, ' ' )  ||
                zstrchr( stringEmailAddress, '\t' ) ||
                zstrchr( stringEmailAddress, '\n' ) ||
                zstrchr( stringEmailAddress, '\r' ) )
              return FALSE );
           stringAt = zstrchr( stringEmailAddress, '@' );
           if ( stringAt )
              stringDot = zstrchr( stringAt, '.' );
              stringAt = zstrchr( stringAt + 1, '@' );
              if ( stringAt == 0 && stringDot )
        stringDot = zstrrchr( stringDot, '.' );
        if ( stringDot[ 1 ] && stringDot &&
             ((stringDot[ 3 ] == 0) ||
              (stringDot[ 3 ] && stringDot == 0)) )
           string = (String) stringEmailAddress;
           while ( *string )
              if ( *string > (char) 127 )
                 return FALSE );
           return TRUE );
           return FALSE );
        #endif **/

    //  Method Name: SendEmailForFiles
    //    Start Email Client passing in file names for body and attachment
    public int SendEmailForFiles(View ViewToWindow, View ResultSet, String stringSmtpServer,
            String stringRecipientEMailAddress, String stringSenderEMailAddress, String stringEMailUserName,
            String stringEMailPassword, String stringSubjectLine, String stringBodyFileName,
            String stringAltTextFileName, String stringEmbeddedImages, String stringAttachmentFileName,
            int nMimeType, // 1-Text, 2-HTML
            int lConnection) {
        // String stringBodyMemoryStart;
        CharBuffer cbAtBodyFileName = CharBuffer.allocate(256);
        CharBuffer cbAtAltTextFileName = CharBuffer.allocate(256);
        // int  selBodyMemory;
        // int  lFileLth;
        zVIEW zqMDocOLST = null;
        zVIEW wXferO = null;
        int nRC;

        // TraceLine( "SendEmailForFiles Server: %s   Sender: %s   Recipient: %s"
        //            "   Subject: %s   Mime Type: %d"
        //            "   User: %s   Password %s",
        //            stringSmtpServer, stringSenderEMailAddress, stringRecipientEMailAddress,
        //            stringSubjectLine, nMimeType, stringEMailUserName, stringEMailPassword );

        // First make sure the email address is valid. If not exit with return code of 2.
        if (IsEmailAddressValid(stringRecipientEMailAddress) == false)
            return 2;

        GetViewByName(zqMDocOLST, "zqMDocOLST", ResultSet, zLEVEL_TASK);
        GetViewByName(wXferO, "wXferO", ViewToWindow, zLEVEL_TASK);

        if (stringBodyFileName != null) {
            if (stringBodyFileName.isEmpty() == false && stringBodyFileName.charAt(0) != '@') {
                cbAtBodyFileName.put(0, '@');
                zstrcpy(cbAtBodyFileName, 1, stringBodyFileName);
            } else
                zstrcpy(cbAtBodyFileName, 0, stringBodyFileName);
        } else
            cbAtBodyFileName.put(0, '\0');

        if (stringAltTextFileName != null) {
            if (stringAltTextFileName.isEmpty() == false && stringAltTextFileName.charAt(0) != '@') {
                cbAtAltTextFileName.put(0, '@');
                zstrcpy(cbAtAltTextFileName, 1, stringAltTextFileName);
            } else
                zstrcpy(cbAtAltTextFileName, 0, stringAltTextFileName);
        } else
            cbAtAltTextFileName.put(0, '\0');

        // Read the data from the Body and Attachment files into memory and call
        // StartEmailClient with those values.

        // Read the Body into memory.
        // lFileLth = ReadFileDataIntoMemory( ResultSet, stringBodyFileName,
        //                                    &selBodyMemory, &stringBodyMemoryStart );

        // Exit if the file is empty or if there is an error opening it.
        // if ( lFileLth <= 0 )
        // {
        // The memory allocated to hold the body has been freed.
        //    IssueError( ResultSet, 0, 0, "Can't open Email file." );
        //    return -1;
        // }

        if (stringSubjectLine == null || stringSubjectLine.isEmpty())
            stringSubjectLine = " ";

        // TraceLine( "SendEmailForFiles2 Server: %s   Sender: %s   Recipient: %s"
        //            "   Subject: %s   Mime Type: %d"
        //            "   User: %s   Password %s",
        //            stringSmtpServer, stringSenderEMailAddress, stringRecipientEMailAddress,
        //            stringSubjectLine, nMimeType, stringEMailUserName, stringEMailPassword );

        // If there is an attachment file, also read it into memory.
        // Then call CreateSeeMessage with or without an attachment.
        if (stringAttachmentFileName.isEmpty() == false) {
            nRC = m_ZDRVROPR.CreateSeeMessage(lConnection, stringSmtpServer, stringSenderEMailAddress,
                    stringRecipientEMailAddress, "", "", stringSubjectLine, nMimeType, cbAtBodyFileName.toString(),
                    cbAtAltTextFileName.toString(), stringEmbeddedImages, 1, // has attachment
                    stringAttachmentFileName, stringEMailUserName, stringEMailPassword);
        } else {
            nRC = m_ZDRVROPR.CreateSeeMessage(lConnection, stringSmtpServer, stringSenderEMailAddress,
                    stringRecipientEMailAddress, "", "", stringSubjectLine, nMimeType, cbAtBodyFileName.toString(),
                    cbAtAltTextFileName.toString(), stringEmbeddedImages, 0, // no attachment
                    "", // blank attachment file name
                    stringEMailUserName, stringEMailPassword);

        // SysFreeMemory( selBodyMemory );
        // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringBodyMemoryStart );

        return nRC;

    } // StartEmailClientWithFiles

    //  Method Name: SendEmailForFilesWithCC
    //    Same function as SendEmailForFiles, except it supports CC and BCC copies.
    public int SendEmailForFilesWithCC(View ViewToWindow, View ResultSet, String stringSmtpServer,
            String stringRecipientEMailAddress, String stringSenderEMailAddress, String stringCC_EMailAddresses,
            String stringBCC_EMailAddresses, String stringEMailUserName, String stringEMailPassword,
            String stringSubjectLine, String stringBodyFileName, String stringAltTextFileName,
            String stringEmbeddedImages, String stringAttachmentFileName, int nMimeType, // 1-Text, 2-HTML
            int lConnection) {
        // String stringBodyMemoryStart;
        CharBuffer cbAtBodyFileName = CharBuffer.allocate(256);
        CharBuffer cbAtAltTextFileName = CharBuffer.allocate(256);
        // int  selBodyMemory;
        // int  lFileLth;
        zVIEW zqMDocOLST = null;
        zVIEW wXferO = null;
        int nRC;

        // TraceLine( "SendEmailForFiles Server: %s   Sender: %s   Recipient: %s"
        //            "   Subject: %s   Mime Type: %d"
        //            "   User: %s   Password %s",
        //            stringSmtpServer, stringSenderEMailAddress, stringRecipientEMailAddress,
        //            stringSubjectLine, nMimeType, stringEMailUserName, stringEMailPassword );

        // First make sure the email address is valid. If not exit with return code of 2.
        if (IsEmailAddressValid(stringRecipientEMailAddress) == false)
            return 2;

        GetViewByName(zqMDocOLST, "zqMDocOLST", ResultSet, zLEVEL_TASK);
        GetViewByName(wXferO, "wXferO", ViewToWindow, zLEVEL_TASK);

        if (stringBodyFileName != null) {
            if (stringBodyFileName.isEmpty() == false && stringBodyFileName.charAt(0) != '@') {
                cbAtBodyFileName.put(0, '@');
                zstrcpy(cbAtBodyFileName, 1, stringBodyFileName);
            } else
                zstrcpy(cbAtBodyFileName, 0, stringBodyFileName);
        } else
            cbAtBodyFileName.put(0, '\0');

        if (stringAltTextFileName != null) {
            if (stringAltTextFileName.isEmpty() == false && stringAltTextFileName.charAt(0) != '@') {
                cbAtAltTextFileName.put(0, '@');
                zstrcpy(cbAtAltTextFileName, 1, stringAltTextFileName);
            } else
                zstrcpy(cbAtAltTextFileName, 0, stringAltTextFileName);
        } else
            cbAtAltTextFileName.put(0, '\0');

        // Read the data from the Body and Attachment files into memory and call
        // StartEmailClient with those values.

        // Read the Body into memory.
        // lFileLth = ReadFileDataIntoMemory( ResultSet, stringBodyFileName,
        //                                    &selBodyMemory, &stringBodyMemoryStart );

        // Exit if the file is empty or if there is an error opening it.
        // if ( lFileLth <= 0 )
        // {
        // The memory allocated to hold the body has been freed.
        //    IssueError( ResultSet, 0, 0, "Can't open Email file." );
        //    return -1;
        // }

        if (stringSubjectLine == null || stringSubjectLine.isEmpty())
            stringSubjectLine = " ";

        // TraceLine( "SendEmailForFiles2 Server: %s   Sender: %s   Recipient: %s"
        //            "   Subject: %s   Mime Type: %d"
        //            "   User: %s   Password %s",
        //            stringSmtpServer, stringSenderEMailAddress, stringRecipientEMailAddress,
        //            stringSubjectLine, nMimeType, stringEMailUserName, stringEMailPassword );

        // If there is an attachment file, also read it into memory.
        // Then call CreateSeeMessage with or without an attachment.
        if (stringAttachmentFileName != null && stringAttachmentFileName.isEmpty() == false) {
            nRC = m_ZDRVROPR.CreateSeeMessage(lConnection, stringSmtpServer, stringSenderEMailAddress,
                    stringRecipientEMailAddress, stringCC_EMailAddresses, stringBCC_EMailAddresses,
                    stringSubjectLine, nMimeType, cbAtBodyFileName.toString(), cbAtAltTextFileName.toString(),
                    stringEmbeddedImages, 1, // has attachment
                    stringAttachmentFileName, stringEMailUserName, stringEMailPassword);
        } else {
            nRC = m_ZDRVROPR.CreateSeeMessage(lConnection, stringSmtpServer, stringSenderEMailAddress,
                    stringRecipientEMailAddress, stringCC_EMailAddresses, stringBCC_EMailAddresses,
                    stringSubjectLine, nMimeType, cbAtBodyFileName.toString(), cbAtAltTextFileName.toString(),
                    stringEmbeddedImages, 0, // no attachment
                    "", // blank attachment file name
                    stringEMailUserName, stringEMailPassword);

        // SysFreeMemory( selBodyMemory );
        // DrFreeTaskMemory( stringBodyMemoryStart );

        return nRC;

    } // StartEmailClientWithFiles

    //  Method Name: ReturnSuffixOfFileName
    public int ReturnSuffixOfFileName(StringBuilder sbReturnedSuffix, String stringFileName) {
        String stringReturnedSuffix = sbReturnedSuffix.toString();
        int nPosition;

        nPosition = zstrrchr(stringFileName, '.'); // find last period
        if (nPosition >= 0) // if we found the last period ...
            stringReturnedSuffix = stringFileName.substring(nPosition + 1); // ... we have our ext!
            stringReturnedSuffix = stringReturnedSuffix.toLowerCase();
        } else
            stringReturnedSuffix = ""; // initialize to empty extension

        return sbReturnedSuffix.length();

    } // ReturnSuffixOfFileName

    //  Method Name: SubSectionShowHideDisableTabs
    public int SubSectionShowHideDisableTabs(View mUser, View vSubtask, String stringTabTag) {
        return 0; // TODO fnSubSectionShowHideDisableTabs( mUser, vSubtask, stringTabTag );

    //  Method Name: WL_QC
    //  PURPOSE:    This routine Converts an instance of a special character in
    //              a buffer and then writes out the buffer. The character to
    //              be translated is stringTransChar and any instance of it is
    //              converted to a double quote.
    //  PARAMETERS: lFile - File handle
    //              stringBuffer - the string to be converted.
    //              stringTransChar - The character to be converted to a quote.
    //              nAddBlankLineCnt - Number of blank lines to append.
    public int WL_QC(View taskView, int lFile, String stringInput, String stringTransChar, int nBlankLineCnt)
            throws IOException {
        stringInput = stringInput.replaceAll(stringTransChar, "\"");
        m_KZOEP1AA.SysWriteLine(taskView, lFile, stringInput);
        while (nBlankLineCnt-- > 0)
            m_KZOEP1AA.SysWriteLine(taskView, lFile, "");

        return 0;


    public int FixLegacyReportDate(View wXferO, View vLegacyTranscript, String stringEntity, String stringAttribute,
            String searchString) {
        String stringBlob = null;
        String stringDate = null;
        MutableInt ulBlobLth = new MutableInt(0);
        int lSearchLth = zstrlen(searchString);

        if (lSearchLth != 0) {
            stringDate = GetStringFromAttributeByContext(stringDate, wXferO, "Root", "dCurrentDate", "MonthDDYYYY",
            // lLth = stringDate.length( );
            stringBlob = GetAddrForAttribute(stringBlob, vLegacyTranscript, stringEntity, stringAttribute);
            GetAttributeLength(ulBlobLth, vLegacyTranscript, stringEntity, stringAttribute);
            stringBlob = stringBlob.replaceAll(searchString, stringDate);

            // this could never have worked since the fixed date is not set/returned!!!  dks 2010.04.07
            return ulBlobLth.intValue();

        return zCALL_ERROR;

    //  Return number of entities written.
    public int CreateBlobsFromLegacyTranscript(View vSubtask, String stringObjectName,
            String stringLegacyAttributeName, String stringLegacyTranscriptFileSpec) {
        // TODO
        return 0; // fnCreateBlobsFromLegacyTranscript( vSubtask, stringObjectName,
                  //                                    stringLegacyAttributeName, stringLegacyTranscriptFileSpec );

    int AddAttributeToCSV(CharBuffer cb, int nLth, View lLibPers, String entityName, String attributeName,
            boolean bNumeric) {
        String s = null;

        cb.put(0, '"'); // opening quote

        // if ( bNumeric )
        // {
        s = GetStringFromAttribute(s, lLibPers, entityName, attributeName);
        nLth = zstrcpy(cb, 1, s);
        // }
        // else
        // {
        //    String stringAttrib;
        //    GetAddrForAttribute( &stringAttrib, lLibPers, entityName, stringAttribute );
        //    zstrcpy( stringBuffer, stringAttrib );
        // }

        s = cb.toString();
        if (s.indexOf('"', 1) > 0) {
            s = s.replace("\"", "\"\" "); // double any quotes ...
            s = s.substring(1); // except the first one

        s += "\","; // terminating quote plus comma
        nLth = zstrcpy(cb, 0, s);
        return nLth;

    int WriteCSV_RecordFromEntity(View lLibPers, String entityName, int lFile) throws IOException {
        CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(32000);
        int nLth;

        charBuffer.put(0, '"');
        charBuffer.put(1, entityName.charAt(0)); // S E P (Student Employee Prospect)
        charBuffer.put(2, '"');
        charBuffer.put(3, ',');
        nLth = 4;

        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, entityName, "Status", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "CampusID", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "ID", true);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "LastName", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "FirstName", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "MiddleName", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "Suffix", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "PreferedFirstName", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "Gender", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "MaritalStatus", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "HomePhone", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "WorkPhone", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "Extension", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "eMailAddress", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Person", "DateOfBirth", false);
        if (CheckExistenceOfEntity(lLibPers, "Address") == 0) {
            nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Address", "Line1", false);
            nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Address", "City", false);
            nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Address", "StateProvince", false);
            nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Address", "PostalCode", false);
            nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "Address", "Country", false);
        } else {
            charBuffer.put(nLth++, ',');
            charBuffer.put(nLth++, ',');
            charBuffer.put(nLth++, ',');
            charBuffer.put(nLth++, ',');
            charBuffer.put(nLth++, ',');

        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, entityName, "ID", false);
        nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, entityName, "eMailAddress", false);
        if (entityName.charAt(0) == 'S') {
            nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, entityName, "CurrentLevel", false);
            nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, "AdministrativeDivision", "Name", false);
            nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, entityName, "ClearingHouseGradDate", false);
        } else if (entityName.charAt(0) == 'P') {
            nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, entityName, "ExpectedEntryTerm", false);
            nLth += AddAttributeToCSV(charBuffer, nLth, lLibPers, entityName, "ExpectedEntryYear", false);

        if (nLth > 0 && charBuffer.get(nLth - 1) == ',')
            charBuffer.put(nLth - 1, '\0'); // drop terminating ',' and null terminate
            charBuffer.put(nLth++, '\0'); // ensure null termination

        m_KZOEP1AA.SysWriteLine(lLibPers, lFile, charBuffer.toString());
        return nLth;

    //  Method Name: WriteLibraryOLCN
    public int WriteLibraryOLCN(View lLibPers, int lFile) throws IOException {
        int lCnt = 0;
        int nRC;

        nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity(lLibPers, "Person", "");
        while (nRC >= zCURSOR_SET) {
            if (CheckExistenceOfEntity(lLibPers, "Student") == 0) {
                WriteCSV_RecordFromEntity(lLibPers, "Student", lFile);
            } else if (CheckExistenceOfEntity(lLibPers, "Employee") == 0) {
                WriteCSV_RecordFromEntity(lLibPers, "Employee", lFile);
            } else if (CheckExistenceOfEntity(lLibPers, "Prospect") == 0) {
                WriteCSV_RecordFromEntity(lLibPers, "Prospect", lFile);

            nRC = SetCursorNextEntity(lLibPers, "Person", "");

        return lCnt;

       TraceLastError( DWORD dwError )
          String lpMsgBuf;
          String stringBuffer;
          zULONG ulLth = sizeof( stringBuffer );
                 FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, null, dwError,
                 MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language
                 lpMsgBuf, 0, null );
          if ( lpMsgBuf && lpMsgBuf )
     TraceLineI( "Win32 Error Message: ", dwError );
     TraceLineS( "Win32 Error Message: ", (String) lpMsgBuf );
          // Free the buffer.
          LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
          InternetGetLastResponseInfo( dwError, stringBuffer, ulLth );
          if ( ulLth > 0 )
     TraceLineS( "Internet error: ", stringBuffer );
          return 0;
       public int
       FTPSendFile( View   vSubtask,
            String stringServerAddress,
            String stringUserName,
            String stringPassword,
            String stringLocalFileName,
            String stringServerFileName,
            int  lControl )
          int    nRC         = 0;
          HINTERNET hConnection = 0;
          HINTERNET hFtp        = 0;
          hConnection = InternetOpen( "ftp", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, 0, 0,
                              INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC );
          do  // purist's goto
          if ( hConnection == 0 )
     DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
     TraceLineS( "*ERROR*", "" );
     TraceLastError( dwError );
     TraceLineS( "Server Address   = ", stringServerAddress );
     TraceLineS( "User Name        = ", stringUserName );
     TraceLineS( "Local File Name  = ", stringLocalFileName );
     TraceLineS( "Server File Name = ", stringServerFileName );
     MessageSend ( vSubtask,
                   "Error creating an internet connection.",
                   zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 );
          hFtp = InternetConnect( hConnection, stringServerAddress, INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT,
                          stringUserName, stringPassword, INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP, 0, 0 );
          if ( hFtp == 0 )
     DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
     TraceLineS( "*ERROR*", "" );
     TraceLastError( dwError );
     TraceLineS( "Server Address   = ", stringServerAddress );
     TraceLineS( "User Name        = ", stringUserName );
     MessageSend ( vSubtask,
                   "Error connecting to ftp server.",
                   zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 );
          if ( !FtpPutFile( hFtp, stringLocalFileName, stringServerFileName,
                    FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, 0 ) )
     DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
     TraceLineS( "*ERROR*", "" );
     TraceLastError( dwError );
     TraceLineS( "Server Address   = ", stringServerAddress );
     TraceLineS( "User Name        = ", stringUserName );
     TraceLineS( "Local File Name  = ", stringLocalFileName );
     TraceLineS( "Server File Name = ", stringServerFileName );
     MessageSend ( vSubtask,
                   "Error sending file to the server.",
                   zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 );
          // If we get here then everything's ok, so set return value.
          nRC = 1;
          }  while ( false );  // end of purist's goto
          if ( hConnection != 0 )
     InternetCloseHandle( hConnection );
          if ( hFtp != 0 )
     InternetCloseHandle( hFtp );
          return nRC;

    //Method Name: ConvertISIR_NumberToAttribute
    public int ConvertISIR_NumberToAttribute(View tgtView, String tgtEntityName, String tgtAttributeName,
            String stringISIR_Value) {
        String stringValue;
        String stringMsg;
        char charSign;
        char charLastCharacter = 0;
        char charLastDigit = 0;
        int lValue;
        int nLth;
        int nRC;

        // Convert stringISIR_Value from a signed string to the attribute passed into the operation.
        if (stringISIR_Value == null || stringISIR_Value.isEmpty())
            SetAttributeFromString(tgtView, tgtEntityName, tgtAttributeName, "");
        else {
            nLth = stringISIR_Value.length();
            stringValue = stringISIR_Value;
            if (stringValue.compareTo("N/A") == 0)
                stringValue = null; // A value of N/A is converted to null.
                charLastCharacter = stringISIR_Value.charAt(nLth - 1);

            if (stringValue == null) {
                // The value is null, so set result to null.
                SetAttributeFromString(tgtView, tgtEntityName, tgtAttributeName, "");
            } else {
                if (charLastCharacter >= '0' && charLastCharacter <= '9')
                    charSign = '\0';
                else {
                    charSign = charLastCharacter;

                    // Convert last character to digit.
                    switch (charLastCharacter) {
                    case '}':
                    case '{':
                        charLastDigit = '0';

                    case 'A':
                    case 'J':
                        charLastDigit = '1';

                    case 'B':
                    case 'K':
                        charLastDigit = '2';

                    case 'C':
                    case 'L':
                        charLastDigit = '3';

                    case 'D':
                    case 'M':
                        charLastDigit = '4';

                    case 'E':
                    case 'N':
                        charLastDigit = '5';

                    case 'F':
                    case 'O':
                        charLastDigit = '6';

                    case 'G':
                    case 'P':
                        charLastDigit = '7';

                    case 'H':
                    case 'Q':
                        charLastDigit = '8';

                    case 'I':
                    case 'R':
                        charLastDigit = '9';

                        stringMsg = "Unexpected Sign for the following data and attribute:   Entity Name: "
                                + tgtEntityName + zNEW_LINE + "   Attribute Name: " + tgtAttributeName + zNEW_LINE
                                + "   Data Value: " + stringISIR_Value;
                        IssueError(tgtView, 0, 0, stringMsg);

                    stringValue = stringValue.substring(0, nLth - 2) + charLastDigit;

                lValue = StrToInt(stringValue);

                if (charSign == '}' || (charSign >= 'J' && charSign <= 'Z'))
                    lValue = -lValue;

                nRC = SetAttributeFromInteger(tgtView, tgtEntityName, tgtAttributeName, lValue);

        return 0;

    // ConvertISIR_NumberToAttribute

    //  Method Name: SetEntityCursorByInteger
    //    Does a SetEntityCursor for an Integer, since the regular SetEntityCursor doesn't work for
    //    an integeri in VML.
    public int SetEntityCursorByInteger(View view, String entityName, String attributeName, int cursorPosition,
            int lIntegerSearchValue, String stringScopingEntityName) {
        int nRC;

        nRC = SetEntityCursor(view, entityName, attributeName, cursorPosition, lIntegerSearchValue, "", "", 0,
                stringScopingEntityName, "");
        return nRC;
    } // SetEntityCursorByInteger

    public int PositionOnEntityByZID(View vLDD, String pchZID) {
        String pchDot;
        int nDot1;
        int nDot2;
        int nRC;

        if (pchZID == null || pchZID.isEmpty())
            return 0;

        nDot1 = zstrchr(pchZID, '.');
        if (nDot1 >= 0)
            pchDot = pchZID.substring(0, nDot1 - 1);
            pchDot = pchZID;

        nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString(vLDD, "MasterLabelContent", "ID", pchDot, "");
        if (nRC == zCURSOR_SET) {
            if (nDot1 < 0)
                return 1; // found MasterLabelContent

            nDot2 = zstrchr(pchZID, nDot1, '.');
            if (nDot2 >= 0)
                pchDot = pchZID.substring(nDot1, nDot2 - 1);
                pchDot = pchZID.substring(nDot1);

            nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString(vLDD, "MasterLabelSection", "ID", pchDot, "");
            if (nRC == zCURSOR_SET) {
                if (nDot2 < 0)
                    return 2; // found MasterLabelSection

                pchDot = pchZID.substring(nDot2 + 1);
                nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString(vLDD, "MasterLabelParagraph", "ID", pchDot, "");
                if (nRC == zCURSOR_SET)
                    return 3; // found MasterLabelParagraph

        return -1; // did not find proper entity

    // OPERATION: DetermineNextVersion
    // Determine the next available version.  If the current version is 1.2 and
    // version 1.3 exists, the next available version is 1.2.1, otherwise, the
    // next available version is 1.3.
    // Algorithm:  Match dots and sub-versions.  If second runs out of dots or
    //      has a greater corresponding sub-version, simply increment the final
    //      sub-version of the first version as the new version.  Otherwise, keep
    //      adding the second's sub-version on to the end if the first and, if
    //      necessary, add a new sub-version.
    public String DetermineNextVersion(String pchVersionNew, View vListVersionIn, String cpcListVersionEntity,
            String cpcListVersionAttribute) {
        // "SubregLabelContent", "Version", mSubProd, "SubregLabelContent", "Version" )
        zVIEW vListVersion = null;
        String pch;
        String pchDot1;
        String pchDot2;
        String pchDotNext1;
        String pchDotNext2;
        String szVersion = null;
        String szVersionNext = null;
        int lVersion = 0;
        int lVersionNext = 0;
        int nDot1 = 0;
        int nDot2 = 0;
        int nDotNext2 = 0;
        int nDotCnt = 0;
        int nDotCntNext = 0;
        int nRC;

        CreateViewFromView(vListVersion, vListVersionIn);
        szVersion = GetStringFromAttribute(szVersion, vListVersion, cpcListVersionEntity, cpcListVersionAttribute);
        nRC = SetCursorNextEntity(vListVersion, cpcListVersionEntity, "");
        if (nRC == zCURSOR_SET)
            szVersionNext = GetStringFromAttribute(szVersionNext, vListVersion, cpcListVersionEntity,
            szVersionNext = "";

        /* test stuff
        zstrcpy( szVersion, "1.2" );
        zstrcpy( szVersionNext, "1.3" );
        zstrcpy( szVersion, "1.2" );
        zstrcpy( szVersionNext, "1.2.1" );
        zstrcpy( szVersion, "1.2" );
        zstrcpy( szVersionNext, "2" );
        zstrcpy( szVersion, "1" );
        zstrcpy( szVersionNext, "" );
        end of test stuff */

        // Count the number of Dots and compare the sub-versions in the two versions and determine
        // where the versions quit matching up.
        pchDot1 = szVersion;
        pchDotNext1 = szVersionNext;
        do {
            nDot2 = zstrchr(pchDot1, '.');
            nDotNext2 = zstrchr(pchDotNext1, '.');
            if (nDot2 >= 0) // still more versions for first
                pch = pchDot1.substring(0, nDot2 - 1);
                lVersion = zatol(pch);
                pchDot1 = pchDot1.substring(0, nDot2 + 1);
            } else {
                lVersion = zatol(pchDot1);
                pchDot1 = null;

            if (nDotNext2 >= 0) // still more versions for second
                pch = pchDotNext1.substring(0, nDotNext2 - 1);
                lVersionNext = zatol(pch);
                pchDotNext1 = pchDotNext1.substring(0, nDotNext2 + 1);
            } else {
                lVersionNext = zatol(pchDotNext1);
                pchDotNext1 = null;

            if ((lVersionNext > lVersion + 1) || (lVersionNext > lVersion && pchDot1 != null && pchDotNext1 == null)
                    || (lVersionNext == 0)) {
                // Simply increment final sub-version of the first version.
                pchVersionNew = zstrcpy(pchVersionNew, szVersion);
                nDot1 = zstrrchr(pchVersionNew, '.');
                if (nDot1 >= 0)
                    pchDot1 = pchVersionNew.substring(nDot1 + 1);
                    pchDot1 = pchVersionNew;

                lVersion = zatol(pchDot1);
                pchDot1 = zltoa(lVersion, pchDot1); // now pchVersionNew contains the next version
                break; // we are done ... get out of loop

            if (pchDot1 == null || pchDotNext1 == null) {
                pchVersionNew = zstrcpy(pchVersionNew, szVersion);
                if (pchDotNext1 != null) // something in second version
                    lVersionNext = zatol(pchDotNext1);
                    pchVersionNew += '.';
                    pchVersionNew += zltoa(lVersionNext - 1, pchVersionNew); // now pchVersionNew contains the next version
                } else {
                    // On the last version for both ... just extend the next version
                    pchVersionNew = zstrcat(pchVersionNew, ".5");

                break; // we are done ... get out of loop

        } while (pchDot1 != null);

        return pchVersionNew;

    //  Method Name: CheckForTableAttribute
    //    Check if an attribute has a table domain
    public int CheckForTableAttribute(View lpView, String entityName, String attributeName,
            String stringObjectName) {
        zVIEW vXOD = null;
        zVIEW vXDM = null;
        StringBuilder sbFileName = new StringBuilder(0);
        String stringDomainName = null;
        String stringDomainType = null;
        int cursorPosition;
        int nRC;

        // Check if the attribute passed has a table domain.
        // A 0 indicates it does.
        // A 1 indicates it does not.

        // If necessary, activate the XOD for the requested object.
        nRC = GetViewByName(vXOD, "FindTableXOD", lpView, zLEVEL_TASK);
        if (nRC < 0) {
            GetApplDirectoryFromView(sbFileName, lpView, zAPPL_DIR_OBJECT, 300);
            zstrcat(sbFileName, stringObjectName);
            zstrcat(sbFileName, ".XOD");
            // 536870912 is ACTIVATE_SYSTEM in the following activate statement.
            ActivateOI_FromFile(vXOD, "TZZOXODO", lpView, sbFileName.toString(), zACTIVATE_ROOTONLY_MULTIPLE); // zACTIVATE_SYSTEM 536870912 );
            SetNameForView(vXOD, "FindTableXOD", lpView, zLEVEL_TASK);

        // Position on correct entity and attribute (using recursive set cursor on entity) and
        // retrieve Domain Name.
        cursorPosition = zPOS_FIRST; // TODO to get by an error zQUAL_STRING + zPOS_FIRST + zRECURS;
        SetEntityCursor(vXOD, "ENTITY", "NAME", cursorPosition, entityName, "", "", 0, "OBJECT", "");

        SetCursorFirstEntityByString(vXOD, "ATTRIB", "NAME", attributeName, "");
        GetStringFromAttribute(stringDomainName, vXOD, "ATTRIB", "DOMAIN");
        //TraceLineS( "Domain Name: ", stringDomainName );

        // If necessary, activate the XDM containing all Domain data.
        nRC = GetViewByName(vXDM, "FindTableXDM", lpView, zLEVEL_TASK);
        if (nRC < 0) {
            GetApplDirectoryFromView(sbFileName, lpView, zAPPL_DIR_OBJECT, 300);
            zstrcat(sbFileName, "zeidon.xdm");
            ActivateOI_FromFile(vXDM, "TZDMXGPO", lpView, sbFileName.toString(), zACTIVATE_ROOTONLY_MULTIPLE); // zACTIVATE_SYSTEM 536870912 );
            SetNameForView(vXDM, "FindTableXDM", lpView, zLEVEL_TASK);

        // Position on the correct Domain and retrieve the Domain Type, which is "T" for Table Domains.
        SetCursorFirstEntityByString(vXDM, "Domain", "Name", stringDomainName, "");
        stringDomainType = GetStringFromAttribute(stringDomainType, vXDM, "Domain", "DomainType");

        // Set return code base on whether or not the Domain is a Table.
        if (stringDomainType.charAt(0) == 'T')
            return 0;
            return 1;

    } // CheckForTableAttribute

    //  Method Name: ValidateAndSetState
    public int ValidateAndSetState(View view, String entityName, String attributeName, String stringStateString) {
        StringBuilder sbTableValue = new StringBuilder();
        MutableInt Pointer = null;
        int lFoundFlag = 0;
        int nRC;

        nRC = GetFirstTableEntryForAttribute(sbTableValue, view, entityName, attributeName, "", Pointer);
        while (lFoundFlag == 0 && nRC >= 0) {
            TraceLineS("//* Domain Value: ", sbTableValue.toString());
            if (zstrcmp(stringStateString, sbTableValue.toString()) == 0)
                lFoundFlag = 1;

            nRC = GetNextTableEntryForAttribute(sbTableValue, view, entityName, attributeName, "", Pointer);

        if (lFoundFlag == 0)
            return -1; // String was NOT found.
        else {
            // String WAS found.
            SetAttributeFromString(view, entityName, attributeName, stringStateString);
            return 0;

    } // ValidateAndSetState

    //  Method Name: SetStringUpperLowerCase
    //    Set characters in a string to a combination of upper and lower case, with the 1st character
    //    of each "word" in the string to be in upper case and the remainder in lower case.  Eliminate
    //    leading and trailing whitespace and multiple consecutive whitespace characters.  Also check
    //    for Roman Numeral suffix and upper case as necessary.
    public int SetStringUpperLowerCase(StringBuilder sbName) {
        String string;
        boolean bSuffix = false;
        int nBlankFound = 0;
        int nLth;
        int k;
        int j;

        // Eliminate leading and trailing blanks.
        string = sbName.toString();
        string = string.trim();

        // Force first character to be upper case
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(string.toLowerCase()); // force string to lower case
        sb.setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase(sb.charAt(0)));

        for (k = 1; k < sb.length(); k++) {
            // Eliminate multiple consecutive blanks.
            if (sb.charAt(k) == ' ') {
                j = k;
                while (sb.charAt(j + 1) == ' ')

                if (j > k)
                    sb.delete(k + 1, j);
            } else
            // if ( sb.charAt( k ) != ' ' )
                if (sb.charAt(k - 1) == ' ') {
                    char ch = Character.toUpperCase(sb.charAt(k));
                    sb.setCharAt(k, ch);

                    if (ch == 'I' || ch == 'V')
                        bSuffix = true;
                        bSuffix = false;
                } else {
                    if (nBlankFound > 1 && bSuffix) // checking for II or III or IV or V or VI or VII or VIII
                        if ((sb.charAt(k) == 'i' || sb.charAt(k) == 'v') && (sb.charAt(k + 1) == '\0'
                                || sb.charAt(k + 1) == 'i' || sb.charAt(k + 1) == 'v')) {
                            sb.setCharAt(k, Character.toUpperCase(sb.charAt(k)));
                        } else
                            bSuffix = false;
                    } else {
                        bSuffix = false; // can't start with suffix

        zstrcpy(sbName, sb.toString());
        return sbName.length();

    } // SetStringUpperLowerCase

    //  Method Name: SetAttributeFromUC_String
    //    Set Attribute from String, converting string to upper case.
    public int SetAttributeFromUC_String(View tgtView, String tgtEntityName, String tgtAttributeName,
            String srcString) {

        // Convert srcString to upper case and store it in the attribute.
        SetAttributeFromString(tgtView, tgtEntityName, tgtAttributeName, srcString.toUpperCase());

        return 0;
    } // SetAttributeFromUC_String

    //  Method Name: SetAttributeFromUC_Attribute
    //    Set Attribute from Attribute, converting the source string to upper case in the process.
    public int SetAttributeFromUC_Attribute(View tgtView, String tgtEntityName, String tgtAttributeName,
            View srcView, String srcEntityName, String srcAttributeName) {
        String srcString = null;

        // Convert source attribute value to upper case and store it in the target attribute.
        // zToUpper prototype is in TZVMLIP.H
        srcString = GetStringFromAttribute(srcString, srcView, srcEntityName, srcAttributeName);
        SetAttributeFromString(tgtView, tgtEntityName, tgtAttributeName, srcString.toUpperCase());

        return 0;
    } // SetAttributeFromUC_Attribute

    //OPERATION: InsertUsageWordsIntoString
    public int InsertUsageWordsIntoString(View view, StringBuilder sbString, // original data and return data
            int lMaxLth, String szUsageType, String szUsageKeyword, String szUsageEntityName,
            String szSeparatorCharacters) {
          zVIEW  viewT;
          String  szCurrentType[ 2 ];
          String  szCurrentName[ 51 ];
          String pchFromString;
          String pchToString;
          String pchToStringHold;
          int    lMemHandle;
          int    nUsageKeywordLth;
          int    nSeparatorCharsLth;
          int    nNameLth;
          int    nCount;
          int    nRC;
          // Insert Usage text into a position in szStringArea that is identified by a Usage Keyword.
          // The entries inserted will be separated by one or more characters as identified by the variable szSeparatorCharacters.
          // After determining the position of the insertion, we will loop through Usage entries, formatting each entry as we go.
          // Which entries we insert depend on the UsageType as follows:
          // A - Insert all Usage entries.
          // C - Insert only Claim Usage entries.
          // S - Insert only Surface Usage entries.
          // T - Insert only Application Type Usage entries.
          // U - Insert only Area of Use Usage entries.
          // Copy all characters up to the point of the keyword. If there is no keyword match, we simply copy all characters.
          // If we get a match on the keyword, insert the characters and finish copying the rest of the text.
          lMemHandle = SysAllocMemory( &pchToString, lMaxLth, 0, zCOREMEM_ALLOC, 0 );
          pchToStringHold = pchToString;
          nSeparatorCharsLth = zstrlen( szSeparatorCharacters );
          nUsageKeywordLth = zstrlen( szUsageKeyword );
          pchFromString = pchString;
          while ( *pchFromString )
             // Compare the keyword to the characters in the string.
             if ( zstrncmp( pchFromString, szUsageKeyword, nUsageKeywordLth ) == 0 )
        // There was a keyword match ... insert Usage entries.
        nCount = 0;
        nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( view, szUsageEntityName, "" );
        while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
           GetVariableFromAttribute( szCurrentType, 0, zTYPE_STRING, 2, view, szUsageEntityName, "UsageType", 0, 0 );
           GetVariableFromAttribute( szCurrentName, 0, zTYPE_STRING, 51, view, szUsageEntityName, "Name", 0, 0 );
           // Insert this entry, if the Usage entry is the same Type or "All" is requested.
           if ( szUsageType[ 0 ] == 'A' || szUsageType[ 0 ] == szCurrentType[ 0 ] )
              nNameLth = zstrlen( szCurrentName );
              // For any entry but the first or last, copy the separator characters.
              // For the first entry, don't add any characters at all.
              // For the last entry, add the characters "and".
              CreateViewFromView( &viewT, view );
              if ( szUsageType[ 0 ] == 'A' )
                 nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( viewT, szUsageEntityName, "" );
                 nRC = SetCursorNextEntityByString( viewT, szUsageEntityName, "UsageType", szUsageType, "" );
              DropView( viewT );
              if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
                 zstrcpy( pchToString, " and " );
                 pchToString += 5;
                 if ( nCount > 1 )
                    zstrcpy( pchToString, szSeparatorCharacters );
                    pchToString += nSeparatorCharsLth;
              zstrcpy( pchToString, szCurrentName );
              nNameLth = zstrlen( szCurrentName );
              pchToString += nNameLth;
           nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( view, szUsageEntityName, "" );
        pchFromString = pchFromString + nUsageKeywordLth;    // skip past keyword
        // There was no keyword match, simply copy the character.
        *pchToString = *pchFromString;
          zstrcpy( pchString, pchToStringHold );  // copy data back into original string
          SysFreeMemory( lMemHandle );

        return 0;

    } // InsertUsageWordsIntoString

    // OPERATION: SeparateNumberedStatement
    // Separate a numbered statement into the number and the rest of the
    // statement. A return code of -1 means the text didn't start with a number.
    public int SeparateNumberedStatement(String pchOriginalStatement, int lMaxLth, String pchNumberedText) {
        String pchRemainingText;
        int lMemHandle;
        int nCount;
            // Separate a numbered statement into the number and the rest of the statement.
            // A return code of -1 means the text didn't start with a number.
            lMemHandle = SysAllocMemory( &pchRemainingText, lMaxLth, 0, zCOREMEM_ALLOC, 0 );
            pchRemainingText[ 0 ] = 0;
            if ( isdigit( *pchOriginalStatement ))
               // The first character is a digit, so separate the non-blank chars from the rest.
               // First separate numbered text.
               nCount = 0;
               while ( *pchOriginalStatement != ' ' && *pchOriginalStatement != 0 )
         // Make sure text doesn't go over 5 characters.
         if ( nCount > 5 )
            SysFreeMemory( lMemHandle );
            return( -2 );
         *pchNumberedText = *pchOriginalStatement;
               *pchNumberedText = 0;
               // Skip next nonblank text.
               while ( *pchOriginalStatement == ' ' && *pchOriginalStatement != 0 )
               // Copy rest of text.
               zstrcpy( pchRemainingText, pchOriginalStatement );
               // The first character is not a digit, so return with RC -1.
               SysFreeMemory( lMemHandle );
               return( -1 );
            zstrcpy( pchOriginalStatement, pchRemainingText );  // copy data back into original string
            SysFreeMemory( lMemHandle );

        return (0);

    } // SeparateNumberedStatement

    public int WinShellExecute(View view, String szTempString_0, String string, String string2) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return 0;

    public int GetImagingPath(View view, int i, StringBuilder sbPathName) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return 0;

    public int FTPSendFile(View viewToSubtask, String szURL, String szLoginName, String szPassword,
            String szFullFileName, String szTargetFileName, int i) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return 0;

    /*  need fop imports to activate this
    public int
    TransformXslXmlToPDF( String xslFileName, String xmlFileName, String pdfFileName )
     System.out.println( "Preparing...FOP XslXmlToPDF\n" );
     // Setup directories
     File baseDir = new File( "." );
     File outDir = new File( baseDir, "out" );
     outDir.mkdirs( );
     // Setup input and output files
       // File xmlfile = new File( baseDir, "xml/xml/projectteam.xml" );
       // File xsltfile = new File( baseDir, "xml/xslt/projectteam2fo.xsl" );
     File xmlfile = new File( baseDir, "xml/test01ji.xml" );
     File xsltfile = new File( baseDir, "xml/test01ji.xsl" );
     File pdffile = new File( outDir, "test01ji.pdf" );
     System.out.println( "Input: XML ( " + xmlfile + " )" );
     System.out.println( "Stylesheet: " + xsltfile );
     System.out.println( "Output: PDF ( " + pdffile + " )" );
     System.out.println( );
     System.out.println( "Transforming..." );
     // configure fopFactory as desired
     FopFactory fopFactory = FopFactory.newInstance( );
     // configure foUserAgent as desired
     FOUserAgent foUserAgent = fopFactory.newFOUserAgent( );
     // Setup output
     OutputStream out = new pdffile );
     out = new out );
        // Construct fop with desired output format
        Fop fop = fopFactory.newFop( MimeConstants.MIME_PDF, foUserAgent, out );
        // Setup XSLT
        TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance( );
        Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer( new StreamSource( xsltfile ) );
        // Set the value of a <param> in the stylesheet
        transformer.setParameter( "versionParam", "2.0" );
        // Setup input for XSLT transformation
        Source src = new StreamSource( xmlfile );
        // Resulting SAX events ( the generated FO ) must be piped through to FOP
        Result res = new SAXResult( fop.getDefaultHandler( ) );
        // Start XSLT transformation and FOP processing
        transformer.transform( src, res );
     } finally {
        out.close( );
     System.out.println( "Success!" );
       } catch ( Exception e ) {
     e.printStackTrace( System.err );
     return -1;
       return 0;