Source code

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 * Copyright 2012 Booz Allen Hamilton. See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  Booz Allen Hamilton licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.bah.bahdit.main.plugins.fulltextindex.iterators;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.IteratorEnvironment;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.SortedKeyValueIterator;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.WrappingIterator;

import com.bah.bahdit.main.plugins.fulltextindex.FullTextIndex;
import com.bah.bahdit.main.plugins.fulltextindex.utils.CosineSimilarity;
import com.bah.bahdit.main.plugins.fulltextindex.utils.Utils;

 * The RankCalculator is used for the first iteration in search.  It takes a 
 * term row and filters out the documents that do not contain all the n-grams. 
 * It scans a document and if all the terms are found, condenses the document 
 * down to one row, putting all the terms found in the document into a HashMap 
 * and calculating the cosine similarity of the document.  Then, the cosine 
 * similarity is then combined with the Pagerank of the document to create a 
 * final normalized ranking for the document.  The row is then serialized and 
 * placed in the value field.
 * Use Case:
 * - Providing a ranking of a document, based currently on cosine similarity 
 * and Pagerank.  We compute the cosine similarity of all documents in relation 
 * to a search vector and provide the pre-calculated Pagerank.  These two 
 * factors are combined to create the overall rank of the doucment.  The next 
 * iterator then takes the cosine similarities and ranks the documents 
 * (in order of greatest to least).
 * Properties to be supplied:
 * max n-grams = the biggest n-gram wanted
 * query = the search query as a string
 * sample table = needed for TF-IDF calculations
 * Pagerank table = contains pre-calculated ranks for each document
public class RankCalculator extends WrappingIterator {

    // used to find max pagerank to normalize values from 0 to 1
    private static final String MAX_PR = "[[MAX_PR]]";
    private static final String DELIMITER = "[ ]";

    private SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> source;
    private Set<String> ngrams;
    private Key topKey;
    private Value topValue;
    private String query;
    private ArrayList<String> queryTerms;
    private HashMap<String, Double> queryRatios;
    private HashMap<String, Integer> sampleTable;
    private HashMap<String, Double> pagerankTable;
    private boolean first = true;
    private boolean reportLast = true;
    private double maxPR;

    public Key getTopKey() {
        return topKey;

    public Value getTopValue() {
        return topValue;

    public boolean hasTop() {
        return topKey != null;

     * Combines the next range of rows with the same document column family
    public void next() throws IOException {
        // if the first time called, ignore.  This is because seek() will call 
        // execute(), which is one more than necessary.
        if (first)
            first = false;

     * Calls rank() to get to the next() function.  Sets the topKey and 
     * topValue variables.
    public void seek(Range range, Collection<ByteSequence> seekColFam, boolean inclusive) throws IOException {, seekColFam, inclusive);

     * Creates a new RankCalculator and gets the query and query vector for 
     * comparing to the document vectors
     * @param source
     * @param options - the query will be stored in here
     * @param env
    public void init(SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> source, Map<String, String> options,
            IteratorEnvironment envir) throws IOException {

        super.init(source, options, envir);

        // get the max n grams
        int n = Integer.parseInt(options.get(Search.MAX_NGRAMS));

        // get the query from the options map
        query = options.get(Search.QUERY);
        queryTerms = Utils.createNGrams(query, n);
        queryRatios = CosineSimilarity.queryRatios(queryTerms, query);

        // get the sample table from the options map
        String sample = options.get(FullTextIndex.FT_SAMPLE);
        byte[] bST = null;
        try {
            bST = sample.getBytes(FullTextIndex.ENCODING);
            sampleTable = (HashMap<String, Integer>) Utils.deserialize(bST);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            sampleTable = null;

        // get the pagerank table from the options map
        String pagerank = options.get(Search.PAGERANK_TABLE);
        byte[] bPR;
        if (pagerank == null)
            pagerankTable = null;
        else {
            bPR = pagerank.getBytes(FullTextIndex.ENCODING);
            try {
                pagerankTable = (HashMap<String, Double>) Utils.deserialize(bPR);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                pagerankTable = null;

        // get the max page rank of the table for normalizing
        Double max_PR = pagerankTable != null ? pagerankTable.get(MAX_PR) : null;
        maxPR = max_PR != null ? max_PR : 0.0;

        this.source = source;

        // creates ngrams from the query
        this.ngrams = new HashSet<String>(Utils.createNGrams(query, n));

     * Finds the documents that contain all the search terms
     * If a document contains those terms, it is put into a Map and the cosine 
     * similarity of the document is calculated and combined with the Pagerank to 
     * return a normalized ranking.  The key and the cosine similarity are then 
     * returned as a single row.
    private void rank() throws IOException {

        // if true, signals that we've scanned a whole column family and it matches
        boolean foundDoc = false;

        // also make sure we don't run out of records
        while (!foundDoc && source.hasTop()) {

            HashMap<String, Double> terms = new HashMap<String, Double>();
            Set<String> searchTerms = new HashSet<String>(ngrams);

            Key firstKey = source.getTopKey();
            Key currentKey = source.getTopKey();
            Value currentValue = source.getTopValue();

            while (inSameDocumentAndTerm(currentKey, firstKey)) {

                String term = currentKey.getColumnQualifier().toString();

                // split by commas (i.e. "40 0.4" -> ["40", "0.4"])
                String groupedValues = null;
                try {
                    groupedValues = (String) Utils.deserialize(currentValue.get());
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

                String[] values = groupedValues.split(",");

                // get term and ratio, calculate tf-idf and place in hashmap for later
                try {
                    Double ratio = Double.parseDouble(values[1]);
                    terms.put(term, ratio);
                } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

                // move source to next, resets current key and value to be the new
                // top key and value
                currentKey = currentSourceTopOrNull(firstKey);

                if (currentKey == null)

                currentValue = source.getTopValue();

            // all of the search terms have been accounted for
            if (searchTerms.size() == 0) {

                foundDoc = true;

                // calculate cosine similarity with our hashmap
                Double cosim = CosineSimilarity.computeCosineSimilarity(terms, queryRatios, queryTerms,

                String cf = firstKey.getColumnFamily().toString();
                String url;
                if (cf.indexOf(DELIMITER) == -1)
                    url = cf;
                    url = cf.substring(0, cf.indexOf(DELIMITER));
                Double pagerank;
                if (pagerankTable == null || pagerankTable.size() == 0 || maxPR == 0.0
                        || pagerankTable.get(url) == null)
                    pagerank = 0.0;
                // get the pagerank and normalize to span 0 to 1
                    pagerank = pagerankTable.get(url) / maxPR;

                // linearly combine the cosine similarity and Pagerank
                Double rank = Utils.rank(cosim, pagerank);

                topKey = new Key(firstKey);
                topValue = new Value(Utils.serialize(rank));

        // set top key and value to null after the last document has been reported
        if (!source.hasTop()) {
            if (reportLast && foundDoc)
                reportLast = false;
            else {
                topKey = null;
                topValue = null;

     * Makes sure the execute method is still the same rowid and document
    private boolean inSameDocumentAndTerm(Key currentKey, Key firstKey) {

        boolean notNull = (currentKey != null);
        boolean sameRow = currentKey.getRow().equals(firstKey.getRow());
        Text currentCF = currentKey.getColumnFamily();
        Text firstCF = firstKey.getColumnFamily();
        boolean sameCF = currentCF.equals(firstCF);

        return notNull && sameRow && sameCF && source.hasTop();

     * Advances the source pointer and returns the next key, if the key is part 
     * of the same document as the first key to which it is being compared.
     * Otherwise, return null.
    private Key currentSourceTopOrNull(Key firstKey) throws IOException {

        if (source.hasTop()) {

            if (source.getTopKey().equals(firstKey, PartialKey.ROW_COLFAM)) {

                return source.hasTop() ? source.getTopKey() : null;

            return null;
        return null;