Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011 Booz Allen Hamilton.
 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership. Booz Allen Hamilton
 * licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.bah.culvert.constraints;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.UUID;

import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.KeyValue;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;

import com.bah.culvert.adapter.DatabaseAdapter;
import com.bah.culvert.adapter.TableAdapter;
import com.bah.culvert.constraints.filter.Filter;
import com.bah.culvert.constraints.filter.FilteredConstraint;
import com.bah.culvert.constraints.filter.ResultFilter;
import com.bah.culvert.constraints.write.Handler;
import com.bah.culvert.iterators.SeekingCurrentIterator;
import com.bah.culvert.transactions.Get;
import com.bah.culvert.util.Bytes;

 * SQL-style join on a single column.
 * <p>
 * This implements the inner join semantics: returns row when there is a match
 * in all the result sets.
 * <p>
 * Currently the implementation takes the results set from the 'left' constraint
 * applied to the sent table and then does a select on the specified columns
 * from those results. The output is then dumped into a temporary table. The
 * temporary table then runs the Remote JoinOp on the server to pull in matching
 * values from the "other" table. The results of the join on each remote server
 * are then dumped into an 'output' table and iterated over.
public abstract class Join extends Constraint {

    private DatabaseAdapter database;
    private TableAdapter leftTable;
    private Constraint left;
    private CColumn leftColumn;
    private String rightTable;

     * For use with {@link #readFields(DataInput)}
    public Join() {


     * Join the specified constraints based on the specified column.
     * <p>
     * The left constraint is first applied to the table in
     * {@link #getResultIterator()}, and the the specified column in
     * {@link #leftColumn} are used to extract the desired columns from the 'left'
     * side of the join. The right table constraint is then applied and the
     * resulting values are then used for the 'right' side of the join. Where
     * values match for the left and right side of the join, a value is returned
     * in the output table.
     * @param db Database to use when creating the temporary table
     * @param leftTable from which to retrieve necessary columns
     * @param left Constraint to apply on the table before running the join.
     * @param leftColumn column to select from the table and join the results of
     *        the constraint on
     * @param rightTable to operate on
    public Join(DatabaseAdapter db, TableAdapter leftTable, Constraint left, CColumn leftColumn,
            String rightTable) {
        this.database = db;
        this.leftTable = leftTable;
        this.left = left;
        this.leftColumn = leftColumn;
        this.rightTable = rightTable;

     * Sent table will be the one from which we pull the first result set into the
     * temporary table. All subsequent tables will be queried using a remoteOp.
    public SeekingCurrentIterator getResultIterator() {

        // then create the output table to iterate over the whole result set
        TableAdapter output = Join.createOutputTable(this.database,
                getAllTableNames(this.leftTable, this.rightTable));

        // apply the left side of the join and dump it to an output table
        this.left.writeToTable(output, new JoinWriteHandler(this.leftTable, this.leftColumn));

        doRemoteOperation(output, Join.getOutputColumn(this.rightTable));

        // do a select * from the table
        return new FilteredConstraint(new ResultFilter(output, CRange.FULL_TABLE_RANGE),
                new OnlyMultipleRowsFilter()).getResultIterator();
        // TODO find a way to clean up this output table to ensure we don't create
        // extra tables that we don't have to.

     * Do the remote call on the output table. This should involve a call to
     * {@link TableAdapter#remoteExec(byte[], byte[], Class, Object...)}. By the
     * end of the method, the output table should be populated with the complete
     * output data.
     * <p>
     * The output table will already be populated with data from the left side of
     * the join - rowid: value joining on | CF: tableName | CQ: original table row
     * id | value: empty
     * @param outputTable
     * @param rightColumn
     * @param rightOutputColumn
    protected abstract void doRemoteOperation(TableAdapter outputTable, byte[] rightOutputColumn);

     * Get all the table names
     * @param table main table
     * @param subConstraints to use
     * @return array of names of tables
    private final static String[] getAllTableNames(TableAdapter leftTable, String... rightTables) {
        Set<String> names = new TreeSet<String>();

        for (String table : rightTables) {
        return names.toArray(new String[0]);

     * Create the output table based on the sent table names.
     * <p>
     * The resulting table has the schema:
     * <p>
     * Row | Column Family | Column Qualifier <br>
     * original value | "[original table name].rowID" as bytes | original row id
     * @param table that is being filtered
     * @param constraints that will be applied
     * @return a table to dump all the results
    private final static TableAdapter createOutputTable(DatabaseAdapter database, String... tables) {
        // create the output column families
        List<CColumn> columns = new ArrayList<CColumn>(tables.length);
        for (String name : tables)
            columns.add(new CColumn(getOutputColumn(name)));

        // create the table
        String outputTable = createOutputTableName();
        database.create(outputTable, null, columns);
        return database.getTableAdapter(outputTable);

    private final static String createOutputTableName() {
        return "join-output-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();

    protected final static byte[] getOutputColumn(String tableName) {
        return (tableName + ".rowID").getBytes();

    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        ObjectWritable ow = new ObjectWritable();
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();

        // read in left table
        this.leftTable = (TableAdapter) ow.get();

        // read in left constraint
        this.left = (Constraint) ow.get();

        // read in left column
        this.leftColumn = new CColumn();

        // read in right table
        this.rightTable = Text.readString(in);

        this.database = (DatabaseAdapter) ow.get();

    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
        // write the left table
        ObjectWritable ow = new ObjectWritable(this.leftTable);

        // write left constraint


        Text.writeString(out, this.rightTable);

        // write out the database

     * Only return results that have more than 1 keyvalue
    private static class OnlyMultipleRowsFilter extends Filter {
        public OnlyMultipleRowsFilter() {
            // NOOP

        public Result apply(Result toFilter) {
            int count = 0;
            for (@SuppressWarnings("unused")
            CKeyValue kv : toFilter.getKeyValues()) {
                if (count >= 1)
                    return toFilter;
            return NullResult.INSTANCE;


     * Handle writing the left side of the join into the output table.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: this is currently not meant to be serialized
    public static class JoinWriteHandler extends Handler {

        private final TableAdapter sourceTable;
        private final CColumn column;

        public JoinWriteHandler(TableAdapter primaryTable, CColumn column) {
            this.sourceTable = primaryTable;
            this.column = column;

        public List<CKeyValue> apply(Result row) {
            // TODO Implement apply
            List<CKeyValue> results = new ArrayList<CKeyValue>();
            String tableName = this.sourceTable.getTableName();

            // put the values in the row (rowid, cf, cq, value) -> (value,
            // "[tableName].rowID", rowid) as |row|CF|CQ||
            for (CKeyValue value : filterKeyValues(this.sourceTable, this.column, row.getRecordId(),
                results.add(new CKeyValue(value.getValue(), getOutputColumn(tableName), value.getRowId()));
            return results;

         * Filter the specified key values from the SAME row. If the specified
         * column is not present in the set of key values, it is attempted to be
         * retrieved from the sent table
         * @param table to do lookup
         * @param column to filter for
         * @param rowid of the keyValues
         * @param keyValues to filter
         * @return {@link CKeyValue}s from the specified table matching the filter
        private static Iterable<CKeyValue> filterKeyValues(TableAdapter table, CColumn column, byte[] rowid,
                Iterable<CKeyValue> keyValues) {
            // if there are no columns or a default
            if (column == null || column.compareTo(CColumn.ALL_COLUMNS) == 0)
                return keyValues;

            // otherwise, filter the specified columns
            List<CKeyValue> matching = getMatchingKeyValues(keyValues, column);
            // if no columns match, do a select on that row
            if (matching.size() == 0) {
                Get get = new Get(new CRange(rowid));
                SeekingCurrentIterator iter = table.get(get);
                // if those columns exist in the table, return the match
                // since we are only getting 1 row, only going to get 1 result
                if (iter.hasNext())
                    matching = getMatchingKeyValues(, column);
            // return the list of matching columns
            return matching;

         * Get the {@link KeyValue}s that match the specified columns
         * @param kvs to match
         * @param columns to match against
         * @return the matching {@link KeyValue}s. An emtpy list if none match.
        private static List<CKeyValue> getMatchingKeyValues(Iterable<CKeyValue> kvs, CColumn columns) {
            List<CKeyValue> matching = new ArrayList<CKeyValue>();
            for (CKeyValue kv : kvs)
                if (columnsMatch(kv, columns))
            return matching;

         * Check to see if the column matches the sent keyValue.
         * <p>
         * If column.CF == null || 0 length || match, then match.. If column.CQ ==
         * null || 0 length || match, then match. If Column.timestamp == DEFAULT or
         * < kv.timestamp, it is a match
         * @param kv to check
         * @param column to check against
         * @return <tt>true</tt> if it matches exactly, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
        private static boolean columnsMatch(CKeyValue kv, CColumn column) {
            byte[] cf = column.getColumnFamily();
            // if CF matches
            if (cf == null || cf.length == 0 || Bytes.equals(cf, kv.getFamily())) {
                // if the CQ matches
                byte[] cq = column.getColumnQualifier();
                if (cq == null || cq.length == 0 || Bytes.equals(cq, kv.getQualifier())) {
                    // TODO add timestamp checking
                    return true;
            return false;

