Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.bigdata.dastor.db;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;

import com.bigdata.dastor.concurrent.JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor;
import com.bigdata.dastor.concurrent.NamedThreadFactory;
import com.bigdata.dastor.concurrent.RetryingScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import com.bigdata.dastor.config.CFMetaData;
import com.bigdata.dastor.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import com.bigdata.dastor.db.commitlog.CommitLog;
import com.bigdata.dastor.db.commitlog.CommitLogSegment;
import com.bigdata.dastor.db.filter.*;
import com.bigdata.dastor.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import com.bigdata.dastor.dht.AbstractBounds;
import com.bigdata.dastor.dht.Bounds;
import com.bigdata.dastor.dht.Range;
import com.bigdata.dastor.service.StorageProxy;
import com.bigdata.dastor.service.StorageService;
import com.bigdata.dastor.thrift.SliceRange;
import com.bigdata.dastor.utils.*;

public class ColumnFamilyStore implements ColumnFamilyStoreMBean {
    private static final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor cacheSavingExecutor = new RetryingScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(
            "CACHE-SAVER", Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);

    private static Logger logger_ = Logger.getLogger(ColumnFamilyStore.class);

     * submitFlush first puts [Binary]Memtable.getSortedContents on the flushSorter executor,
     * which then puts the sorted results on the writer executor.  This is because sorting is CPU-bound,
     * and writing is disk-bound; we want to be able to do both at once.  When the write is complete,
     * we turn the writer into an SSTableReader and add it to ssTables_ where it is available for reads.
     * For BinaryMemtable that's about all that happens.  For live Memtables there are two other things
     * that switchMemtable does (which should be the only caller of submitFlush in this case).
     * First, it puts the Memtable into memtablesPendingFlush, where it stays until the flush is complete
     * and it's been added as an SSTableReader to ssTables_.  Second, it adds an entry to commitLogUpdater
     * that waits for the flush to complete, then calls onMemtableFlush.  This allows multiple flushes
     * to happen simultaneously on multicore systems, while still calling onMF in the correct order,
     * which is necessary for replay in case of a restart since CommitLog assumes that when onMF is
     * called, all data up to the given context has been persisted to SSTables.
    private static ExecutorService flushSorter_ = new JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor(1,
            Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
            new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()),
            new NamedThreadFactory("FLUSH-SORTER-POOL"));
    private static ExecutorService flushWriter_ = new JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor(1,
            DatabaseDescriptor.getAllDataFileLocations().length, Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
            new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(DatabaseDescriptor.getAllDataFileLocations().length),
            new NamedThreadFactory("FLUSH-WRITER-POOL"));
    private static ExecutorService commitLogUpdater_ = new JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor("MEMTABLE-POST-FLUSHER");

    private static final int KEY_RANGE_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE = 256 * 1024;

    private Set<Memtable> memtablesPendingFlush = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<Memtable>();

    private final String table_;
    public final String columnFamily_;
    private final boolean isSuper_;

    private volatile Integer memtableSwitchCount = 0;

    /* This is used to generate the next index for a SSTable */
    private AtomicInteger fileIndexGenerator_ = new AtomicInteger(0);

    /* active memtable associated with this ColumnFamilyStore. */
    private Memtable memtable_;

    // TODO binarymemtable ops are not threadsafe (do they need to be?)
    private AtomicReference<BinaryMemtable> binaryMemtable_;

    /* SSTables on disk for this column family */
    private SSTableTracker ssTables_;

    private LatencyTracker readStats_ = new LatencyTracker();
    private LatencyTracker writeStats_ = new LatencyTracker();

    private long minRowCompactedSize = 0L;
    private long maxRowCompactedSize = 0L;
    private long rowsCompactedTotalSize = 0L;
    private long rowsCompactedCount = 0L;
    private Runnable rowCacheWriteTask;
    private Runnable keyCacheWriteTask;

    // BIGDATA: refer to CFMetaData, for fast reference of some parameters.
    private final CFMetaData cfMetaData;

    // BIGDATA: the status of this CF, status and statusTimestamp should be set at same time.
    public final static int CF_STATUS_NORMAL = 0;
    public final static int CF_STATUS_RESETING = 1;
    private int status = CF_STATUS_NORMAL;
    private long statusTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

    ColumnFamilyStore(String table, String columnFamilyName, boolean isSuper, int indexValue) throws IOException {
        // BIGDATA: 
        cfMetaData = DatabaseDescriptor.getCFMetaData(table, columnFamilyName);
        assert cfMetaData != null;

        table_ = table;
        columnFamily_ = columnFamilyName;
        isSuper_ = isSuper;
        memtable_ = new Memtable(this);
        binaryMemtable_ = new AtomicReference<BinaryMemtable>(new BinaryMemtable(this));

        if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
            logger_.debug("Starting CFS " + columnFamily_);
        // scan for data files corresponding to this CF
        List<File> sstableFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
        Pattern auxFilePattern = Pattern.compile("(.*)(-Filter\\.db$|-Index\\.db$)");
        Pattern tmpCacheFilePattern = Pattern.compile(table + "-" + columnFamilyName + "-(Key|Row)Cache.*\\.tmp$");
        for (File file : files()) {
            String filename = file.getName();

            /* look for and remove orphans. An orphan is a -Filter.db or -Index.db with no corresponding -Data.db. */
            Matcher matcher = auxFilePattern.matcher(file.getAbsolutePath());
            if (matcher.matches()) {
                String basePath =;
                if (!new File(basePath + "-Data.db").exists()) {
          "Removing orphan %s", file.getAbsolutePath()));

            if (((file.length() == 0 && !filename.endsWith("-Compacted"))
                    || (filename.contains("-" + SSTable.TEMPFILE_MARKER)))) {

            if (tmpCacheFilePattern.matcher(filename).matches()) {
      "removing incomplete saved cache " + file.getAbsolutePath());

            if (filename.contains("-Data.db")) {
        Collections.sort(sstableFiles, new FileUtils.FileComparator());

        /* Load the index files and the Bloom Filters associated with them. */
        ssTables_ = new SSTableTracker(table, columnFamilyName);
        Set<String> savedKeys = readSavedCache(
                DatabaseDescriptor.getSerializedKeyCachePath(table, columnFamilyName), false);
        List<SSTableReader> sstables = new ArrayList<SSTableReader>();
        for (File file : sstableFiles) {
            String filename = file.getAbsolutePath();
            if (SSTable.deleteIfCompacted(filename))

            SSTableReader sstable;
            try {
                sstable =, savedKeys, ssTables_);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                logger_.error("Corrupt file " + filename + "; skipped", ex);

    protected Set<String> readSavedCache(File path, boolean sort) throws IOException {
        Set<String> keys;
        if (sort) {
            // sort the results on read because cache may be written many times during server lifetime,
            // so better to pay that price once on startup than sort at write time.
            keys = new TreeSet<String>(StorageProxy.keyComparator);
        } else {
            keys = new HashSet<String>();

        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (path.exists()) {
            if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
                logger_.debug("reading saved cache from " + path);
            ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(path)));
            Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
            while (in.available() > 0) {
                int size = in.readInt();
                byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
                keys.add(new String(bytes, UTF8));
            if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
                logger_.debug(String.format("completed reading (%d ms; %d keys) from saved cache at %s",
                        (System.currentTimeMillis() - start), keys.size(), path));

        return keys;

    // must be called after all sstables are loaded since row cache merges all row versions
    public void initRowCache() {
        String msgSuffix = String.format(" row cache for %s of %s", columnFamily_, table_);
        int rowCacheSavePeriodInSeconds = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableMetaData(table_)
        int keyCacheSavePeriodInSeconds = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableMetaData(table_)

        try {
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
  "loading%s", msgSuffix));
            for (String key : readSavedCache(DatabaseDescriptor.getSerializedRowCachePath(table_, columnFamily_),
  "completed loading (%d ms; %d keys) %s", System.currentTimeMillis() - start,
                    ssTables_.getRowCache().getSize(), msgSuffix));
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            logger_.warn("error loading " + msgSuffix, ioe);

        rowCacheWriteTask = new WrappedRunnable() {
            protected void runMayThrow() throws IOException {
        if (rowCacheSavePeriodInSeconds > 0) {
            cacheSavingExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(rowCacheWriteTask, rowCacheSavePeriodInSeconds,
                    rowCacheSavePeriodInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        keyCacheWriteTask = new WrappedRunnable() {
            protected void runMayThrow() throws IOException {
        if (keyCacheSavePeriodInSeconds > 0) {
            cacheSavingExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(keyCacheWriteTask, keyCacheSavePeriodInSeconds,
                    keyCacheSavePeriodInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    public Future<?> submitKeyCacheWrite() {
        return cacheSavingExecutor.submit(keyCacheWriteTask);

    public Future<?> submitRowCacheWrite() {
        return cacheSavingExecutor.submit(rowCacheWriteTask);

    public void addToCompactedRowStats(Long rowsize) {
        if (minRowCompactedSize < 1 || rowsize < minRowCompactedSize)
            minRowCompactedSize = rowsize;
        if (rowsize > maxRowCompactedSize)
            maxRowCompactedSize = rowsize;
        rowsCompactedTotalSize += rowsize;

    public long getMinRowCompactedSize() {
        return minRowCompactedSize;

    public long getMaxRowCompactedSize() {
        return maxRowCompactedSize;

    public long getMeanRowCompactedSize() {
        if (rowsCompactedCount > 0)
            return rowsCompactedTotalSize / rowsCompactedCount;
            return 0L;

    public static ColumnFamilyStore createColumnFamilyStore(String table, String columnFamily) throws IOException {
         * Get all data files associated with old Memtables for this table.
         * These files are named as follows <Table>-1.db, ..., <Table>-n.db. Get
         * the max which in this case is n and increment it to use it for next
         * index.
        List<Integer> generations = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        String[] dataFileDirectories = DatabaseDescriptor.getAllDataFileLocationsForTable(table);
        for (String directory : dataFileDirectories) {
            File fileDir = new File(directory);
            File[] files = fileDir.listFiles();

            for (File file : files) {
                String filename = file.getName();
                String cfName = getColumnFamilyFromFileName(filename);

                if (cfName.equals(columnFamily)) {
        int value = (generations.size() > 0) ? (generations.get(generations.size() - 1)) : 0;

        ColumnFamilyStore cfs = new ColumnFamilyStore(table, columnFamily,
                "Super".equals(DatabaseDescriptor.getColumnType(table, columnFamily)), value);

        MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
        try {
            String mbeanName = "com.bigdata.dastor.db:type=ColumnFamilyStores,keyspace=" + table + ",columnfamily="
                    + columnFamily;
            mbs.registerMBean(cfs, new ObjectName(mbeanName));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        return cfs;

    private Set<File> files() {
        Set<File> fileSet = new HashSet<File>();
        for (String directory : DatabaseDescriptor.getAllDataFileLocationsForTable(table_)) {
            File[] files = new File(directory).listFiles();
            for (File file : files) {
                String cfName = getColumnFamilyFromFileName(file.getName());
                if (cfName.equals(columnFamily_))
        return fileSet;

     * @return the name of the column family
    public String getColumnFamilyName() {
        return columnFamily_;

    private static String getColumnFamilyFromFileName(String filename) {
        return filename.split("-")[0];

    public static int getGenerationFromFileName(String filename) {
         * File name is of the form <table>-<column family>-<index>-Data.db.
         * This tokenizer will strip the .db portion.
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(filename, "-");
         * Now I want to get the index portion of the filename. We accumulate
         * the indices and then sort them to get the max index.
        int count = st.countTokens();
        int i = 0;
        String index = null;
        while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
            index = (String) st.nextElement();
            if (i == (count - 2)) {
        return Integer.parseInt(index);

     * @return a temporary file name for an sstable.
     * When the sstable object is closed, it will be renamed to a non-temporary
     * format, so incomplete sstables can be recognized and removed on startup.
    public String getFlushPath() {
        long guessedSize = 2 * DatabaseDescriptor.getMemtableThroughput() * 1024 * 1024; // 2* adds room for keys, column indexes
        String location = DatabaseDescriptor.getDataFileLocationForTable(table_, guessedSize);
        if (location == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Insufficient disk space to flush");
        return new File(location, getTempSSTableFileName()).getAbsolutePath();

    public String getTempSSTableFileName() {
        return String.format("%s-%s-%s-Data.db", columnFamily_, SSTable.TEMPFILE_MARKER,

    /** flush the given memtable and swap in a new one for its CFS, if it hasn't been frozen already.  threadsafe. */
    Future<?> maybeSwitchMemtable(Memtable oldMemtable, final boolean writeCommitLog) throws IOException {
         *  If we can get the writelock, that means no new updates can come in and 
         *  all ongoing updates to memtables have completed. We can get the tail
         *  of the log and use it as the starting position for log replay on recovery.
        try {
            if (oldMemtable.isFrozen()) {
                return null;

            final CommitLogSegment.CommitLogContext ctx = writeCommitLog ? CommitLog.instance().getContext() : null;
   + " has reached its threshold; switching in a fresh Memtable at " + ctx);
            final Condition condition = submitFlush(oldMemtable);
            memtable_ = new Memtable(this);
            // a second executor that makes sure the onMemtableFlushes get called in the right order,
            // while keeping the wait-for-flush (future.get) out of anything latency-sensitive.
            return commitLogUpdater_.submit(new WrappedRunnable() {
                public void runMayThrow() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
                    if (writeCommitLog) {
                        // if we're not writing to the commit log, we are replaying the log, so marking
                        // the log header with "you can discard anything written before the context" is not valid
                        CommitLog.instance().discardCompletedSegments(table_, columnFamily_, ctx);
        } finally {
            if (memtableSwitchCount == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                memtableSwitchCount = 0;

    void switchBinaryMemtable(String key, byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
        binaryMemtable_.set(new BinaryMemtable(this));
        binaryMemtable_.get().put(key, buffer);

    public void forceFlushIfExpired() throws IOException {
        if (memtable_.isExpired())

    public Future<?> forceFlush() throws IOException {
        if (memtable_.isClean())
            return null;

        return maybeSwitchMemtable(memtable_, true);

    public void forceBlockingFlush() throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
        Future<?> future = forceFlush();
        if (future != null)

    public void forceFlushBinary() {
        if (binaryMemtable_.get().isClean())


    // BIGDATA: flush binary memtable and wait complete.
    public void forceBlockingFlushBinary() throws InterruptedException {
        if (binaryMemtable_.get().isClean())


     * Insert/Update the column family for this key.
     * Caller is responsible for acquiring Table.flusherLock!
     * param @ lock - lock that needs to be used.
     * param @ key - key for update/insert
     * param @ columnFamily - columnFamily changes
    Memtable apply(String key, ColumnFamily columnFamily) throws IOException {
        long start = System.nanoTime();

        boolean flushRequested = memtable_.isThresholdViolated();
        memtable_.put(key, columnFamily);
        writeStats_.addNano(System.nanoTime() - start);

        return flushRequested ? memtable_ : null;

     * Insert/Update the column family for this key. param @ lock - lock that
     * needs to be used. param @ key - key for update/insert param @
     * columnFamily - columnFamily changes
    void applyBinary(String key, byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        binaryMemtable_.get().put(key, buffer);
        writeStats_.addNano(System.nanoTime() - start);

     This is complicated because we need to preserve deleted columns, supercolumns, and columnfamilies
     until they have been deleted for at least GC_GRACE_IN_SECONDS.  But, we do not need to preserve
     their contents; just the object itself as a "tombstone" that can be used to repair other
     replicas that do not know about the deletion.
    public static ColumnFamily removeDeleted(ColumnFamily cf, int gcBefore) {
        if (cf == null) {
            return null;

        if (cf.isSuper())
            removeDeletedSuper(cf, gcBefore);
            removeDeletedStandard(cf, gcBefore);

        // in case of a timestamp tie, tombstones get priority over non-tombstones.
        // (we want this to be deterministic to avoid confusion.)
        if (cf.getColumnCount() == 0 && cf.getLocalDeletionTime() <= gcBefore) {
            return null;
        return cf;

    private static void removeDeletedStandard(ColumnFamily cf, int gcBefore) {
        for (byte[] cname : cf.getColumnNames()) {
            IColumn c = cf.getColumnsMap().get(cname);
            if ((c.isMarkedForDelete() && c.getLocalDeletionTime() <= gcBefore)
                    || c.timestamp() <= cf.getMarkedForDeleteAt()) {

    private static void removeDeletedSuper(ColumnFamily cf, int gcBefore) {
        // TODO assume deletion means "most are deleted?" and add to clone, instead of remove from original?
        // this could be improved by having compaction, or possibly even removeDeleted, r/m the tombstone
        // once gcBefore has passed, so if new stuff is added in it doesn't used the wrong algorithm forever
        for (byte[] cname : cf.getColumnNames()) {
            IColumn c = cf.getColumnsMap().get(cname);
            long minTimestamp = Math.max(c.getMarkedForDeleteAt(), cf.getMarkedForDeleteAt());
            for (IColumn subColumn : c.getSubColumns()) {
                if (subColumn.timestamp() <= minTimestamp
                        || (subColumn.isMarkedForDelete() && subColumn.getLocalDeletionTime() <= gcBefore)) {
                    ((SuperColumn) c).remove(;
            if (c.getSubColumns().isEmpty() && c.getLocalDeletionTime() <= gcBefore) {

     * Uses bloom filters to check if key may be present in any sstable in this
     * ColumnFamilyStore, minus a set of provided ones.
     * Because BFs are checked, negative returns ensure that the key is not
     * present in the checked SSTables, but positive ones doesn't ensure key
     * presence.
    public boolean isKeyInRemainingSSTables(DecoratedKey key, Set<SSTable> sstablesToIgnore) {
        for (SSTableReader sstable : ssTables_) {
            if (!sstablesToIgnore.contains(sstable) && sstable.getBloomFilter().isPresent(key.key))
                return true;
        return false;

     * Called after the Memtable flushes its in-memory data, or we add a file
     * via bootstrap. This information is
     * cached in the ColumnFamilyStore. This is useful for reads because the
     * ColumnFamilyStore first looks in the in-memory store and the into the
     * disk to find the key. If invoked during recoveryMode the
     * onMemtableFlush() need not be invoked.
     * param @ filename - filename just flushed to disk
    public void addSSTable(SSTableReader sstable) {

     * Add up all the files sizes this is the worst case file
     * size for compaction of all the list of files given.
    long getExpectedCompactedFileSize(Iterable<SSTableReader> sstables) {
        long expectedFileSize = 0;
        for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables) {
            long size = sstable.length();
            expectedFileSize = expectedFileSize + size;
        return expectedFileSize;

     *  Find the maximum size file in the list .
    SSTableReader getMaxSizeFile(Iterable<SSTableReader> sstables) {
        long maxSize = 0L;
        SSTableReader maxFile = null;
        for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables) {
            if (sstable.length() > maxSize) {
                maxSize = sstable.length();
                maxFile = sstable;
        return maxFile;

    void forceCleanup() {

    public Table getTable() {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    void markCompacted(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables) throws IOException {

    boolean isCompleteSSTables(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables) {
        return ssTables_.getSSTables().equals(new HashSet<SSTableReader>(sstables));

    void replaceCompactedSSTables(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables, Iterable<SSTableReader> replacements)
            throws IOException {
        ssTables_.replace(sstables, replacements);

     * submits flush sort on the flushSorter executor, which will in turn submit to flushWriter when sorted.
     * TODO because our executors use CallerRunsPolicy, when flushSorter fills up, no writes will proceed
     * because the next flush will start executing on the caller, mutation-stage thread that has the
     * flush write lock held.  (writes aquire this as a read lock before proceeding.)
     * This is good, because it backpressures flushes, but bad, because we can't write until that last
     * flushing thread finishes sorting, which will almost always be longer than any of the flushSorter threads proper
     * (since, by definition, it started last).
    Condition submitFlush(IFlushable flushable) {"Enqueuing flush of " + flushable);
        final Condition condition = new SimpleCondition();
        flushable.flushAndSignal(condition, flushSorter_, flushWriter_);
        return condition;

    public boolean isSuper() {
        return isSuper_;

    public int getMemtableColumnsCount() {
        return getMemtableThreadSafe().getCurrentOperations();

    public int getMemtableDataSize() {
        return getMemtableThreadSafe().getCurrentThroughput();

    public int getMemtableSwitchCount() {
        return memtableSwitchCount;

     * get the current memtable in a threadsafe fashion.  note that simply "return memtable_" is
     * incorrect; you need to lock to introduce a thread safe happens-before ordering.
     * do NOT use this method to do either a put or get on the memtable object, since it could be
     * flushed in the meantime (and its executor terminated).
     * also do NOT make this method public or it will really get impossible to reason about these things.
     * @return
    private Memtable getMemtableThreadSafe() {
        try {
            return memtable_;
        } finally {

    public Iterator<DecoratedKey> memtableKeyIterator(DecoratedKey startWith)
            throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
        try {
            return memtable_.getKeyIterator(startWith);
        } finally {

    public Collection<SSTableReader> getSSTables() {
        return ssTables_.getSSTables();

    public long getReadCount() {
        return readStats_.getOpCount();

    public double getRecentReadLatencyMicros() {
        return readStats_.getRecentLatencyMicros();

    public long[] getLifetimeReadLatencyHistogramMicros() {
        return readStats_.getTotalLatencyHistogramMicros();

    public long[] getRecentReadLatencyHistogramMicros() {
        return readStats_.getRecentLatencyHistogramMicros();

    public long getTotalReadLatencyMicros() {
        return readStats_.getTotalLatencyMicros();

    // TODO this actually isn't a good meature of pending tasks
    public int getPendingTasks() {
        return Table.flusherLock.getQueueLength();

    public long getWriteCount() {
        return writeStats_.getOpCount();

    public long getTotalWriteLatencyMicros() {
        return writeStats_.getTotalLatencyMicros();

    public double getRecentWriteLatencyMicros() {
        return writeStats_.getRecentLatencyMicros();

    public long[] getLifetimeWriteLatencyHistogramMicros() {
        return writeStats_.getTotalLatencyHistogramMicros();

    public long[] getRecentWriteLatencyHistogramMicros() {
        return writeStats_.getRecentLatencyHistogramMicros();

    public ColumnFamily getColumnFamily(String key, QueryPath path, byte[] start, byte[] finish, boolean reversed,
            int limit) throws IOException {
        return getColumnFamily(new SliceQueryFilter(key, path, start, finish, reversed, limit));

    public ColumnFamily getColumnFamily(QueryFilter filter) throws IOException {
        return getColumnFamily(filter, CompactionManager.getDefaultGCBefore());

    private ColumnFamily cacheRow(String key) throws IOException {
        ColumnFamily cached;
        if ((cached = ssTables_.getRowCache().get(key)) == null) {
            cached = getTopLevelColumns(new IdentityQueryFilter(key, new QueryPath(columnFamily_)),
            if (cached == null)
                return null;
            ssTables_.getRowCache().put(key, cached);
        return cached;

     * get a list of columns starting from a given column, in a specified order.
     * only the latest version of a column is returned.
     * @return null if there is no data and no tombstones; otherwise a ColumnFamily
    public ColumnFamily getColumnFamily(QueryFilter filter, int gcBefore) throws IOException {
        assert columnFamily_.equals(filter.getColumnFamilyName());

        long start = System.nanoTime();
        try {
            if (filter.path.superColumnName == null) {
                if (ssTables_.getRowCache().getCapacity() == 0)
                    return removeDeleted(getTopLevelColumns(filter, gcBefore), gcBefore);

                ColumnFamily cached = cacheRow(filter.key);
                ColumnIterator ci = filter.getMemColumnIterator(memtable_, cached, getComparator()); // TODO passing memtable here is confusing since it's almost entirely unused
                ColumnFamily returnCF = ci.getColumnFamily();
                filter.collectCollatedColumns(returnCF, ci, gcBefore);
                return removeDeleted(returnCF, gcBefore);

            // we are querying subcolumns of a supercolumn: fetch the supercolumn with NQF, then filter in-memory.
            ColumnFamily cf;
            SuperColumn sc;
            if (ssTables_.getRowCache().getCapacity() == 0) {
                QueryFilter nameFilter = new NamesQueryFilter(filter.key, new QueryPath(columnFamily_),
                cf = getTopLevelColumns(nameFilter, gcBefore);
                if (cf == null || cf.getColumnCount() == 0)
                    return cf;

                assert cf.getSortedColumns().size() == 1;
                sc = (SuperColumn) cf.getSortedColumns().iterator().next();
            } else {
                cf = cacheRow(filter.key);
                if (cf == null)
                    return null;
                sc = (SuperColumn) cf.getColumn(filter.path.superColumnName);
                if (sc == null)
                    return null;
                sc = (SuperColumn) sc.cloneMe();

            // filterSuperColumn only looks at immediate parent (the supercolumn) when determining if a subcolumn
            // is still live, i.e., not shadowed by the parent's tombstone.  so, bump it up temporarily to the tombstone
            // time of the cf, if that is greater.
            long deletedAt = sc.getMarkedForDeleteAt();
            if (cf.getMarkedForDeleteAt() > deletedAt)
                sc.markForDeleteAt(sc.getLocalDeletionTime(), cf.getMarkedForDeleteAt());

            SuperColumn scFiltered = filter.filterSuperColumn(sc, gcBefore);
            ColumnFamily cfFiltered = cf.cloneMeShallow();
            scFiltered.markForDeleteAt(sc.getLocalDeletionTime(), deletedAt); // reset sc tombstone time to what it should be

            return removeDeleted(cfFiltered, gcBefore);
        } finally {
            readStats_.addNano(System.nanoTime() - start);

    private ColumnFamily getTopLevelColumns(QueryFilter filter, int gcBefore) throws IOException {
        // we are querying top-level columns, do a merging fetch with indexes.
        List<ColumnIterator> iterators = new ArrayList<ColumnIterator>();
        try {
            final ColumnFamily returnCF;
            ColumnIterator iter;

            /* add the current memtable */
            try {
                iter = filter.getMemColumnIterator(memtable_, getComparator());
                // TODO this is a little subtle: the Memtable ColumnIterator has to be a shallow clone of the source CF,
                // with deletion times set correctly, so we can use it as the "base" CF to add query results to.
                // (for sstable ColumnIterators we do not care if it is a shallow clone or not.)
                returnCF = iter.getColumnFamily();
            } finally {

            /* add the memtables being flushed */
            for (Memtable memtable : getMemtablesPendingFlush()) {
                iter = filter.getMemColumnIterator(memtable, getComparator());

            /* add the SSTables on disk */
            for (SSTableReader sstable : ssTables_) {
                iter = filter.getSSTableColumnIterator(sstable);
                if (iter.getColumnFamily() != null) {

            Comparator<IColumn> comparator = filter.getColumnComparator(getComparator());
            Iterator collated = IteratorUtils.collatedIterator(comparator, iterators);
            filter.collectCollatedColumns(returnCF, collated, gcBefore);
            return removeDeleted(returnCF, gcBefore);
        } finally {
            /* close all cursors */
            for (ColumnIterator ci : iterators) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable th) {
                    logger_.error("error closing " + ci, th);

     * @param range: either a Bounds, which includes start key, or a Range, which does not.
     * @param maxResults
     * @return list of keys between startWith and stopAt
       TODO refactor better.  this is just getKeyRange w/o the deletion check, for the benefit of
       range_slice.  still opens one randomaccessfile per key, which sucks.  something like compactioniterator
       would be better.
    private void getKeyRange(List<String> keys, final AbstractBounds range, int maxResults)
            throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
        final DecoratedKey startWith = new DecoratedKey(range.left, null);
        final DecoratedKey stopAt = new DecoratedKey(range.right, null);
        // create a CollatedIterator that will return unique keys from different sources
        // (current memtable, historical memtables, and SSTables) in the correct order.
        final List<Iterator<DecoratedKey>> iterators = new ArrayList<Iterator<DecoratedKey>>();

        // we iterate through memtables with a priority queue to avoid more sorting than necessary.
        // this predicate throws out the keys before the start of our range.
        Predicate<DecoratedKey> p = new Predicate<DecoratedKey>() {
            public boolean apply(DecoratedKey key) {
                return startWith.compareTo(key) <= 0 && (stopAt.isEmpty() || key.compareTo(stopAt) <= 0);

        // current memtable keys.  have to go through the CFS api for locking.
        iterators.add(Iterators.filter(memtableKeyIterator(startWith), p));
        // historical memtables
        for (Memtable memtable : memtablesPendingFlush) {
            iterators.add(Iterators.filter(memtable.getKeyIterator(startWith), p));

        // sstables
        for (SSTableReader sstable : ssTables_) {
            final SSTableScanner scanner = sstable.getScanner(KEY_RANGE_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE);
            Iterator<DecoratedKey> iter = new CloseableIterator<DecoratedKey>() {
                public boolean hasNext() {
                    return scanner.hasNext();

                public DecoratedKey next() {

                public void remove() {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

                public void close() throws IOException {
            assert iter instanceof Closeable; // otherwise we leak FDs

        Iterator<DecoratedKey> collated = IteratorUtils.collatedIterator(DecoratedKey.comparator, iterators);
        Iterable<DecoratedKey> reduced = new ReducingIterator<DecoratedKey, DecoratedKey>(collated) {
            DecoratedKey current;

            public void reduce(DecoratedKey current) {
                this.current = current;

            protected DecoratedKey getReduced() {
                return current;

        try {
            // pull keys out of the CollatedIterator
            boolean first = true;
            for (DecoratedKey current : reduced) {
                if (!stopAt.isEmpty() && stopAt.compareTo(current) < 0) {

                if (range instanceof Bounds || !first || !current.equals(startWith)) {
                    if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger_.debug("scanned " + current);
                first = false;

                if (keys.size() >= maxResults) {
        } finally {
            for (Iterator iter : iterators) {
                if (iter instanceof Closeable) {
                    ((Closeable) iter).close();

     * @param super_column
     * @param range: either a Bounds, which includes start key, or a Range, which does not.
     * @param keyMax maximum number of keys to process, regardless of startKey/finishKey
     * @param sliceRange may be null if columnNames is specified. specifies contiguous columns to return in what order.
     * @param columnNames may be null if sliceRange is specified. specifies which columns to return in what order.      @return list of key->list<column> tuples.
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ExecutionException
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public RangeSliceReply getRangeSlice(byte[] super_column, final AbstractBounds range, int keyMax,
            SliceRange sliceRange, List<byte[]> columnNames)
            throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
        List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
        assert range instanceof Bounds || (!((Range) range).isWrapAround()
                || range.right.equals(StorageService.getPartitioner().getMinimumToken())) : range;
        getKeyRange(keys, range, keyMax);
        List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>(keys.size());
        final QueryPath queryPath = new QueryPath(columnFamily_, super_column, null);
        final SortedSet<byte[]> columnNameSet = new TreeSet<byte[]>(getComparator());
        if (columnNames != null)
        for (String key : keys) {
            QueryFilter filter = sliceRange == null ? new NamesQueryFilter(key, queryPath, columnNameSet)
                    : new SliceQueryFilter(key, queryPath, sliceRange.start, sliceRange.finish, sliceRange.reversed,
            rows.add(new Row(key, getColumnFamily(filter)));

        return new RangeSliceReply(rows);

    public AbstractType getComparator() {
        return DatabaseDescriptor.getComparator(table_, columnFamily_);

     * Take a snap shot of this columnfamily store.
     * @param snapshotName the name of the associated with the snapshot 
    public void snapshot(String snapshotName) throws IOException {
        try {
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new AssertionError(e);

        for (SSTableReader ssTable : ssTables_) {
            // mkdir
            File sourceFile = new File(ssTable.getFilename());
            File dataDirectory = sourceFile.getParentFile().getParentFile();
            String snapshotDirectoryPath = Table.getSnapshotPath(dataDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), table_,

            // hard links
            File targetLink = new File(snapshotDirectoryPath, sourceFile.getName());
            CLibrary.createHardLink(sourceFile, targetLink);

            sourceFile = new File(ssTable.indexFilename());
            targetLink = new File(snapshotDirectoryPath, sourceFile.getName());
            CLibrary.createHardLink(sourceFile, targetLink);

            sourceFile = new File(ssTable.filterFilename());
            targetLink = new File(snapshotDirectoryPath, sourceFile.getName());
            CLibrary.createHardLink(sourceFile, targetLink);

            if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
                logger_.debug("Snapshot for " + table_ + " table data file " + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()
                        + " created as " + targetLink.getAbsolutePath());

    public boolean hasUnreclaimedSpace() {
        return ssTables_.getLiveSize() < ssTables_.getTotalSize();

    public long getTotalDiskSpaceUsed() {
        return ssTables_.getTotalSize();

    public long getLiveDiskSpaceUsed() {
        return ssTables_.getLiveSize();

    public int getLiveSSTableCount() {
        return ssTables_.size();

    /** raw cached row -- does not fetch the row if it is not present.  not counted in cache statistics.  */
    public ColumnFamily getRawCachedRow(String key) {
        return ssTables_.getRowCache().getCapacity() == 0 ? null : ssTables_.getRowCache().getInternal(key);

    void invalidateCachedRow(String key) {

    public void forceMajorCompaction() {

    public void invalidateRowCache() {

    public int getRowCacheCapacity() {
        return ssTables_.getRowCache().getCapacity();

    public int getKeyCacheCapacity() {
        return ssTables_.getKeyCache().getCapacity();

    public int getRowCacheSize() {
        return ssTables_.getRowCache().getSize();

    public int getKeyCacheSize() {
        return ssTables_.getKeyCache().getSize();

    public static Iterable<ColumnFamilyStore> all() {
        Iterable<ColumnFamilyStore>[] stores = new Iterable[DatabaseDescriptor.getTables().size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (Table table : Table.all()) {
            stores[i++] = table.getColumnFamilyStores();
        return Iterables.concat(stores);

    public Iterable<IndexSummary.KeyPosition> allIndexPositions() {
        Collection<SSTableReader> sstables = getSSTables();
        Iterable<IndexSummary.KeyPosition>[] positions = new Iterable[sstables.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables) {
            positions[i++] = sstable.getIndexPositions();
        return Iterables.concat(positions);

     * for testing.  no effort is made to clear historical memtables.
    void clearUnsafe() {

    public Set<Memtable> getMemtablesPendingFlush() {
        return memtablesPendingFlush;

    public long getBloomFilterFalsePositives() {
        long count = 0L;
        for (SSTableReader sstable : getSSTables()) {
            count += sstable.getBloomFilterFalsePositiveCount();
        return count;

    public long getRecentBloomFilterFalsePositives() {
        long count = 0L;
        for (SSTableReader sstable : getSSTables()) {
            count += sstable.getRecentBloomFilterFalsePositiveCount();
        return count;

    public double getBloomFilterFalseRatio() {
        Long falseCount = 0L;
        Long trueCount = 0L;
        for (SSTableReader sstable : getSSTables()) {
            falseCount += sstable.getBloomFilterFalsePositiveCount();
            trueCount += sstable.getBloomFilterTruePositiveCount();
        if (falseCount.equals(0L) && trueCount.equals(0L))
            return 0d;
        return falseCount.doubleValue() / (trueCount.doubleValue() + falseCount.doubleValue());

    public double getRecentBloomFilterFalseRatio() {
        Long falseCount = 0L;
        Long trueCount = 0L;
        for (SSTableReader sstable : getSSTables()) {
            falseCount += sstable.getRecentBloomFilterFalsePositiveCount();
            trueCount += sstable.getRecentBloomFilterTruePositiveCount();
        if (falseCount.equals(0L) && trueCount.equals(0L))
            return 0d;
        return falseCount.doubleValue() / (trueCount.doubleValue() + falseCount.doubleValue());

    public long estimateKeys() {
        return ssTables_.estimatedKeys();

    // BIGDATA:
    public double getRecentReadThroughput() {
        return readStats_.getRecentThroughput();

    // BIGDATA:
    public double getRecentWriteThroughput() {
        return writeStats_.getRecentThroughput();

    // BIGDATA:
    public CFMetaData getCFMetaData() {
        return cfMetaData;

    // BIGDATA:
    public int getStatus() {
        return status;

    // BIGDATA:
    public String getStatusString() {
        String str;
        if (status == CF_STATUS_NORMAL)
            str = "NORMAL";
        else if (status == CF_STATUS_RESETING)
            str = "RESETING";
            str = "UNKNOWN";
        return str;

    // BIGDATA:
    public long getStatusTimestamp() {
        return statusTimestamp;

    // BIGDATA:
    public synchronized void setStatus(int newStatus, long timestamp, boolean persistent) {
        this.status = newStatus;
        this.statusTimestamp = timestamp;
        if (persistent) {
            // keep the local values same as which in SystemTable.
            SystemTable.setCFStatus(table_, columnFamily_, status, statusTimestamp);

    // BIGDATA:
    public void reset() {
        String kscfName = SystemTable.kscfName(table_, columnFamily_);

        if (logger_.isInfoEnabled())
  "Begin reseting CF: " + kscfName);

        // mark all live sstables as compacted to be delete by GC.
        // markCompacted before flush memtable, can avoid the flush trigger new compaction.
        // ~but, there is still a missing when there is running compaction, we let it a limitation.
        // TODO: the complete implementation should cancel and disable compaction on this CF!
        if (logger_.isInfoEnabled())
  "Marking all live sstables compacted to be delete by GC, of CF: " + kscfName);
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger_.error("IOException marking all live sstables compacted to be delete by GC, of CF: " + kscfName
                    + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e));

        // flush memtable, a new sstable may be generated, and commitlog will be discarded.
        if (logger_.isInfoEnabled())
  "Flushing memtable of CF: " + kscfName);
        try {
            forceBlockingFlush(); // wait the memtable flush complete, and the new sstable to be live.
            forceBlockingFlushBinary(); // wait flush complete, and the new sstable to be live.
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger_.error("Exception when flushing memtable of CF: " + kscfName + "\n"
                    + ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e));

        // we do not care commitlog here, since the memtable flusher will trigger to discard commitlog. 

        // mark the new flushed sstable as compacted to be delete by GC.
        if (logger_.isInfoEnabled())
  "Marking the new flushed sstable as compacted to be delete by GC, of CF: " + kscfName);
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger_.error("IOException marking all live sstables compacted to be delete by GC, of CF: " + kscfName
                    + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e));

        // set status to NORMAL and save to system table.
        setStatus(CF_STATUS_NORMAL, System.currentTimeMillis(), true);

        if (logger_.isInfoEnabled())
  "Finish reseting CF : " + kscfName);

        // perform GC to trigger delete/reclaim the disk space of markCompacted sstable files.