Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright (C) 2007-20013  BlueXML -
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.collections15.Predicate;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;


import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.filters.EdgePredicateFilter;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.filters.VertexPredicateFilter;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph;

public class GraphFilter<V, E> {
    static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GraphFilter.class);
    Graph<V, E> graph;

    String edgesfilter;
    String vertexFilter;
    boolean includesAscendant;
    boolean includesdecendant;
    boolean caseSensitive;
    String vertexTypeFilter;

    public GraphFilter(Graph<V, E> graph, String edgesfilter, String vertexFilter, String vertexTypeFilter,
            boolean includesAscendant, boolean includesdecendant, boolean caseSensitive) {
        this.graph = graph;
        this.edgesfilter = edgesfilter;
        this.vertexFilter = vertexFilter;
        this.includesAscendant = includesAscendant;
        this.caseSensitive = caseSensitive;
        this.vertexTypeFilter = vertexTypeFilter;
        this.includesdecendant = includesdecendant;

    public Graph<V, E> filter() {
        Graph<V, E> graph_ = graph;

        graph_ = applyEdgesFilter(graph_, edgesfilter);

        graph_ = applyVertexTypeFilter(graph_, vertexTypeFilter, includesAscendant, includesdecendant,

        graph_ = applyVertexNameFilter(graph_, vertexFilter, includesAscendant, includesdecendant, caseSensitive);

        return graph_;

    public static <V, E> Graph<V, E> applyEdgesFilter(final Graph<V, E> graph, String edgesfilter) {
        logger.debug("Apply Edges Filter" + edgesfilter);
        if (!edgesfilter.equals("")) {

            final List<String[]> l = new ArrayList<String[]>();

            String[] split = edgesfilter.split(",");
            for (String string : split) {

            Predicate<E> edge_pred = new Predicate<E>() {

                public boolean evaluate(E object) {
                    V source = graph.getSource(object);
                    V dest = graph.getDest(object);
                    boolean sok = false;
                    for (String[] strings : l) {
                        if (testClassName(source, strings[0].trim())) {
                            sok = true;
                    boolean dok = false;
                    for (String[] strings : l) {
                        if (testClassName(dest, strings[1].trim())) {
                            dok = true;

                    return sok && dok;

            EdgePredicateFilter<V, E> pred = new EdgePredicateFilter<V, E>(edge_pred);
            return pred.transform(graph);
        } else {
            return graph;

    public static boolean testClassName(Object o, String name) {
        Class<?> forName;
        try {
            forName = Class.forName("" + name);
            return forName.isInstance(o);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return false;

    public static <V, E> Graph<V, E> applyVertexNameFilter(final Graph<V, E> graph, final String vertexNameFilter,
            final boolean includesAscendant, final boolean includesdecendant, final boolean caseSensitive) {
        logger.debug("Apply Vertex Name Filter" + vertexNameFilter);
        if (!vertexNameFilter.equals("")) {
            Predicate<V> vertex_pred = new Predicate<V>() {

                public boolean evaluate(V object) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                    boolean matches = match(vertexNameFilter, object);
                    boolean isAscendant = false, isdescendant = false;

                    if (includesAscendant) {
                        // search if this vertex is an ascendent of matching vertex
                        isAscendant = ascandantMatches(vertexNameFilter, object);

                    if (includesdecendant) {
                        isdescendant = decendantMatches(vertexNameFilter, object);
                    return matches || isAscendant || isdescendant;

                private boolean ascandantMatches(final String vertexPatern, V object) {
                    boolean matches = match(vertexPatern, object);
                    if (!matches) {
                        // try to search for children
                        Collection<V> successors = graph.getSuccessors(object);
                        for (V componant : successors) {
                            if (ascandantMatches(vertexPatern, componant)) {
                                matches = true;
                    return matches;

                private boolean decendantMatches(final String vertexPatern, V object) {
                    boolean matches = match(vertexPatern, object);
                    if (!matches) {
                        // try to search for ancestor that match
                        Collection<V> predecessors = graph.getPredecessors(object);
                        for (V componant : predecessors) {
                            if (decendantMatches(vertexPatern, componant)) {
                                matches = true;
                    return matches;

                private boolean match(String vertexPatern, V object) {
                    String string = object.toString();
                    if (!caseSensitive) {
                        string = string.toLowerCase();
                        vertexPatern = vertexPatern.toLowerCase();
                    boolean matches = string.matches(vertexPatern);
                    if (matches && object instanceof Component) {
                        logger.debug("vertex match " + vertexPatern + " :" + string);
                        ((Component) object).setFilterMatch(true);
                    return matches;

            VertexPredicateFilter<V, E> vf = new VertexPredicateFilter<V, E>(vertex_pred);

            return vf.transform(graph);
        } else {
            return graph;

    public static <V, E> Graph<V, E> applyVertexTypeFilter(final Graph<V, E> graph, final String vertexTypeFilter,
            final boolean includesAscendant, final boolean includesdescendant, final boolean caseSensitive) {
        logger.debug("Apply Vertex Type Filter" + vertexTypeFilter);
        if (!vertexTypeFilter.equals("")) {

            final List<String> vertexTypes = new ArrayList<String>();

            String[] split = vertexTypeFilter.split(",");
            for (String string : split) {

            Predicate<V> vertex_pred = new Predicate<V>() {
                public boolean evaluate(V object) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                    boolean matches = match(vertexTypes, object);
                    boolean isAscendant = false, isdecendant = false;

                    if (includesAscendant) {
                        // search if this vertex is an ascendent of matching vertex

                        isAscendant = ascandantMatches(vertexTypes, object);

                    if (includesdescendant) {
                        isdecendant = descendantMatches(vertexTypes, object);
                    return matches || isAscendant || isdecendant;

                private boolean ascandantMatches(final List<String> vertexTypes, V object) {
                    boolean matches = match(vertexTypes, object);
                    if (!matches) {
                        // try to search for children
                        Collection<V> successors = graph.getSuccessors(object);
                        for (V componant : successors) {
                            if (ascandantMatches(vertexTypes, componant)) {
                                matches = true;
                    return matches;

                private boolean descendantMatches(final List<String> vertexTypes, V object) {
                    boolean matches = match(vertexTypes, object);
                    if (!matches) {
                        // try to search for children
                        Collection<V> predecessors = graph.getPredecessors(object);
                        for (V componant : predecessors) {
                            if (descendantMatches(vertexTypes, componant)) {
                                matches = true;
                    return matches;

                private boolean match(List<String> vertexTypes, V object) {
                    boolean ok = false;
                    for (String string2 : vertexTypes) {
                        ok = testClassName(object, string2);
                    return ok;

            VertexPredicateFilter<V, E> vf = new VertexPredicateFilter<V, E>(vertex_pred);

            return vf.transform(graph);
        } else {
            return graph;

    public static <V, E> Graph<V, E> applyVertexRemoveOrphelanFilter(final Graph<V, E> graph) {

        Predicate<V> vertex_pred = new Predicate<V>() {
            public boolean evaluate(V object) {
                return graph.getNeighborCount(object) != 0;

        VertexPredicateFilter<V, E> vf = new VertexPredicateFilter<V, E>(vertex_pred);

        return vf.transform(graph);
