Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
 * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
 * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain 
 * a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
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 * =================================================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the
 * Apache Software Foundation. For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
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 * +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | License:                                  |
 * | Author: Yong.Teng <>                                        |
 * | Copyright @ 2013-2014 Inc.                                          |
 * +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
package com.buession.oauth.provider.impl;

import java.util.List;

import org.scribe.exceptions.OAuthException;
import org.scribe.model.OAuthConfig;
import org.scribe.model.SignatureType;
import org.scribe.model.Token;
import org.scribe.up.credential.OAuthCredential;
import org.scribe.up.profile.JsonHelper;
import org.scribe.up.profile.UserProfile;
import org.scribe.up.provider.BaseOAuth20Provider;
import org.scribe.up.provider.BaseOAuthProvider;
import org.scribe.up.provider.exception.HttpException;

import com.buession.oauth.api.QqApi;
import com.buession.oauth.profile.OAuthAttributesDefinitions;
import com.buession.oauth.profile.qq.QqAttributesDefinition;
import com.buession.oauth.profile.qq.QqProfile;
import com.buession.oauth.service.QqOAuth20ServiceImpl;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;

 * QQ OAuth 2.0 Provider
 * @author Yong.Teng <>
public class QqProvider extends BaseOAuth20Provider {

     * Retrieve the user profile from OAuth credential.
     * @param credential
     * @return the user profile object
     * @throws HttpException
    public UserProfile retrieveUserProfile(final OAuthCredential credential) throws HttpException {

        final Token accessToken = getAccessToken(credential);
        return retrieveUserProfile(accessToken);

    public UserProfile getUserProfile(final OAuthCredential credential) {
        try {
            return retrieveUserProfile(credential);
        } catch (final HttpException e) {
            return null;

    protected BaseOAuthProvider newProvider() {
        return new QqProvider();

    protected void internalInit() {
        service = new QqOAuth20ServiceImpl(new QqApi(),
                new OAuthConfig(key, secret, callbackUrl, SignatureType.Header, null, null), proxyHost, proxyPort);

    protected String getProfileUrl() {
        return QqApi.BASE_URL + "user/get_user_info";

     * ? openid url
     * @return ? openid url
    protected String getOpenIdUrl() {
        return QqApi.BASE_URL + "oauth2.0/me";

     * Retrieve the user profile from the access token.
     * @param accessToken
     * @return the user profile object
     * @throws HttpException
    protected UserProfile retrieveUserProfile(final Token accessToken) throws HttpException {
        String openIdUrl = getOpenIdUrl();
        logger.debug("get openid from: " + openIdUrl);
        String body = sendRequestForData(accessToken, openIdUrl);
        if (body == null) {
            return null;

        String str = body.replace("callback( ", "").replace(" );", "");

        JsonNode json = JsonHelper.getFirstNode(str);
        JsonNode clientid = json.get("client_id");
        JsonNode openid = json.get("openid");

        if (openid == null) {
            throw new OAuthException("Response body is incorrect. Can't extract a openid from this: '" + body + "'",

        String url = getProfileUrl() + "?oauth_consumer_key=" + clientid.textValue() + "&openid="
                + openid.textValue();
        logger.debug("get user profile by clientid<" + clientid + "> and openid<" + openid + "> from: " + url);

        body = sendRequestForData(accessToken, url);

        final UserProfile profile = extractUserProfile(body);

        addAccessTokenToProfile(profile, accessToken);

        return profile;

    protected UserProfile extractUserProfile(String body) {
        final QqProfile profile = new QqProfile();
        JsonNode json = JsonHelper.getFirstNode(body);

        if (json != null) {
            List<String> principalAttributes = OAuthAttributesDefinitions.qqDefinition.getPrincipalAttributes();
            for (final String name : principalAttributes) {
                Object value = JsonHelper.get(json, name);
                profile.addAttribute(name, value);

                if (QqAttributesDefinition.NICKNAME.equals(name) == true) {
                    profile.addAttribute(QqAttributesDefinition.USERNAME, value);

        return profile;
