Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * (c) 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This software is released under the Eclipse Public License. The details can be found in the file LICENSE. 
 * Any dependent libraries supplied by third parties are provided under their own open source licenses as 
 * described in their own LICENSE files, generally named .LICENSE.txt. The libraries supplied by Cisco as 
 * part of the Composite Information Server/Cisco Data Virtualization Server, particularly csadmin-XXXX.jar, 
 * csarchive-XXXX.jar, csbase-XXXX.jar, csclient-XXXX.jar, cscommon-XXXX.jar, csext-XXXX.jar, csjdbc-XXXX.jar, 
 * csserverutil-XXXX.jar, csserver-XXXX.jar, cswebapi-XXXX.jar, and customproc-XXXX.jar (where -XXXX is an 
 * optional version number) are provided as a convenience, but are covered under the licensing for the 
 * Composite Information Server/Cisco Data Virtualization Server. They cannot be used in any way except 
 * through a valid license for that product.
 * This software is released AS-IS!. Support for this software is not covered by standard maintenance agreements with Cisco. 
 * Any support for this software by Cisco would be covered by paid consulting agreements, and would be billable work.

import java.math.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;


 * This class is based on the original Perftest utility. Is uses most its functionality;  
 * modifications were made in exception types, parameter passing, and JDBC connection handling. 
 * @author Mike Tinius
 * @since  2012-06-05
 * @modified 
 *    2013-02-13 (mtinius): added support for variables for all fields in RegressionModule.xml
 *  2013-05-08 (mtinius): fixed issue with catalog, schema, view, ws operation names containing spaces, special characters and reserved words by double quoting them.
public class RegressionPerfTestDAOImpl implements RegressionPerfTestDAO {
    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(RegressionPerfTestDAOImpl.class);
    private static String propertyFile = RegressionManagerImpl.propertyFile;

    static RegressionItem item;
    // Stats per print execution
    static AtomicInteger numStatExecs = new AtomicInteger();
    static AtomicInteger numExecs = new AtomicInteger();
    static AtomicInteger numRows = new AtomicInteger();
    static AtomicLong numLatency = new AtomicLong();
    static AtomicLong firstRowLatency = new AtomicLong();
    // Totals stats per query exeuction
    static int execsTotal = 0;
    static BigDecimal tpsTotal = new BigDecimal(0);
    static BigDecimal rptTotal = new BigDecimal(0);
    static BigDecimal latTotal = new BigDecimal(0);
    static BigDecimal frTotal = new BigDecimal(0);
    static BigDecimal durTotal = new BigDecimal(0);

    static long endTime;
    static String logDelim = "|"; // Log File delimiter character
    static String outputDelimiter = "|";// Output File delimiter
    static String padChar = " "; // pad characters
    static String HEADER = "  HEADER";
    static String DETAIL = "  DETAIL";
    static String TOTALS = "  TOTALS";
    static String outputFile;
    static int perfTestThreads; // The number of threads to create when doing performance testing.
    static int perfTestDuration; // The duration in seconds to execute the performance test for.
    static int perfTestSleepPrint; // The number of seconds to sleep in between printing stats when executing the performance test.
    static int perfTestSleepExec; // The number of seconds to sleep in between query executions when executing the performance test.
    static int totalRows = 0;
    static String errorMessage = null;
    static boolean errorFound = false;
    // Test Types from Regression XML schema
    static final String FUNCTIONAL = "functional";
    static final String MIGRATION = "migration";
    static final String PERFORMANCE = "performance";

    static final String QUERY = "QUERY";
    static final String PROCEDURE = "PROCEDURE";
    static final String WS = "WS";

    private static CompositeServer cisServerConfig = null;
    private static RegressionTestType regressionConfig = null;
    private static String printOutputType = "verbose";

    *  Map of published datasource names to established JDBC connections to CIS
    private static HashMap<String, Connection> cisConnections = null;

    //   @Override
    public void executePerformanceTest(CompositeServer cisServerConfig, RegressionTestType regressionConfig,
            List<RegressionTestType> regressionList) throws CompositeException {
        // 0. Check the input parameter values:
        if (cisServerConfig == null || regressionConfig == null) {
            throw new CompositeException(
                    "XML Configuration objects are not initialized when trying to run Regression test.");
        if (this.cisServerConfig == null) {
            this.cisServerConfig = cisServerConfig;
        if (this.regressionConfig == null) {
            this.regressionConfig = regressionConfig;

        // To do: take a look at the authenticator from the original pubtest
        Authenticator.setDefault(new BasicAuthenticator(cisServerConfig));

        // Initialize start time and format
        java.util.Date startDate = new java.util.Date();
        Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");

        // 1. Initialize configuration items: 
        String prefix = "executePerformanceTest";
        // Get items from config file:
        // Get input file path
        String inputFilePath = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getInputFilePath(),
                propertyFile, true);
        // Test for zero length before testing for null
        if (inputFilePath != null && inputFilePath.length() == 0)
            inputFilePath = null;
        // Now test for null
        if (inputFilePath == null)
            throw new CompositeException("Input file path is not defined in the regression XML file.");

        // Get the test type
        String testType = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getTestType(),
                propertyFile, false);

        // Get the base directory where the files should be stored
        String baseDir = null;
        if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getBaseDir() != null) {
            baseDir = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getBaseDir().trim(),
                    propertyFile, true);
            if (baseDir != null && baseDir.length() > 0) {
                baseDir = baseDir.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("/"));
                baseDir = baseDir.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("/"));
                // Make the sub-directory for the base directory which is where the result files go for each execution
                boolean res = CommonUtils.mkdirs(baseDir);
            } else {
                baseDir = null;

        // Get log file delimiter
        if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogDelimiter() != null) {
            logDelim = RegressionManagerUtils.getDelimiter(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                    regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogDelimiter().toString(), propertyFile, false));

        // Get output file delimiter
        if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getDelimiter() != null) {
            outputDelimiter = RegressionManagerUtils.getDelimiter(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                    regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getDelimiter().toString(), propertyFile, false));

        // Get the printOutput variable
        if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPrintOutput() != null)
            printOutputType = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                    regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPrintOutput(), propertyFile, false);

        // Get the regression log location
        String logFilePath = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogFilePath(), propertyFile, true);
        if (logFilePath == null || logFilePath.length() == 0) {
            throw new CompositeException(
                    "The log file path testRunParams.logFilePath may not be null or empty in the regression XML file.");
        String logAppend = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogAppend(),
                propertyFile, false);
        if (logAppend == null || logAppend.length() == 0) {
            throw new CompositeException(
                    "The log file append testRunParams.logAppend may not be null or empty in the regression XML file.");

        String content = CommonUtils.rpad("Result", 8, padChar) + logDelim
                + CommonUtils.rpad("ExecutionStartTime", 26, padChar) + logDelim
                + CommonUtils.rpad("Duration", 20, padChar) + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("Rows", 20, padChar)
                + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("Database", 30, padChar) + logDelim
                + CommonUtils.rpad("Query", 70, padChar) + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("Type", 11, padChar)
                + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("OutputFile", 50, padChar) + logDelim + "Message" + "\r\n";

        // Write out the header log entry -- if it does not exist the sub-directories will automatically be created.
        if (RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(logAppend)) {
            CommonUtils.appendContentToFile(logFilePath, content);
        } else {
            // create a new file
            CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(logFilePath, content);

        // Check for performance test threads and duration
        perfTestThreads = 1;
        if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPerfTestThreads() != null)
            perfTestThreads = regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPerfTestThreads();
        perfTestDuration = 60;
        if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPerfTestThreads() != null)
            perfTestDuration = regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPerfTestDuration();
        perfTestSleepPrint = 5;
        if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPerfTestSleepPrint() != null) {
            perfTestSleepPrint = regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPerfTestSleepPrint();
            // Must be a minimum of 5 seconds otherwise too much log activity will be generated
            if (perfTestSleepPrint == 0)
                perfTestSleepPrint = 5;
        perfTestSleepExec = 0;
        if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPerfTestSleepExec() != null)
            perfTestSleepExec = regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPerfTestSleepExec();

        // Check to see what should be executed
        boolean runQueries = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getRunQueries(), propertyFile, false));
        boolean runProcs = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getRunProcedures(), propertyFile, false));
        boolean runWs = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getRunWS(), propertyFile, false));
        boolean useAllDatasources = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(
                prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getUseAllDatasources(), propertyFile, false));

        // Get the list of items from the input file
        RegressionItem[] items = RegressionManagerUtils.parseItems(inputFilePath);

        // Initialize counters
        //   Initialize Success Counters
        int totalSuccessTests = 0;
        int totalSuccessQueries = 0;
        int totalSuccessProcs = 0;
        int totalSuccessWS = 0;
        //   Initialize Skipped Counters
        int totalSkippedTests = 0;
        int totalSkippedQueries = 0;
        int totalSkippedProcs = 0;
        int totalSkippedWS = 0;
        //   Initialize Error Counters
        int totalFailedTests = 0;
        int totalFailedQueries = 0;
        int totalFailedProcs = 0;
        int totalFailedWS = 0;

        // 2. Execute items: 
        // Execute each item from the input file
        for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            // Initialize the overall start time
            java.util.Date beginDate = new java.util.Date();
            String executionStartTime = formatter.format(beginDate);
            // Initialize the item object
            item = items[i];

             * For Performance Test we do not write to an output file.
            outputFile = null;

            String message = null;
            errorMessage = null;
            errorFound = false;
            String detailContent = null;
            String duration = "";
            String database = item.database;
            totalRows = 0;
            String query = "";
            String resourceType = "";
            String resourceURL = "";

            // Setup Query
            if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY) {
                resourceType = QUERY;
                query = item.input;
                query = query.replaceAll("\n", " ");
                resourceURL = RegressionManagerUtils.getTableUrl(query); // Retrieve only the FROM clause table URL with no where clause and no SELECT * FROM projections
                 * For Performance Test we do not write to an output file.
                //if (baseDir != null) 
                //   outputFile = (baseDir + "/" + database + "/" + resourceURL + ".txt").replaceAll("//", "/");

            // Setup Procedures
            if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_PROCEDURE) {
                resourceType = PROCEDURE;
                query = item.input;
                query = query.replaceAll("\n", " ");
                resourceURL = RegressionManagerUtils.getTableUrl(query); // Retrieve only the FROM clause procedure URL with no where clause and no SELECT * FROM projections and no parameters.
                 * For Performance Test we do not write to an output file.
                //if (baseDir != null) 
                //   outputFile = (baseDir + "/" + database + "/" + resourceURL + ".txt").replaceAll("//", "/");               

            // Setup Web Services
            if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS) {
                resourceType = WS;
                query = (item.path + "/" + item.action).replaceAll("//", "/");
                resourceURL = (item.path + "/" + item.action).replaceAll("//", "/").replaceAll("/", "."); // construct ws path from the path and action combined.
                if (resourceURL.indexOf(".") == 0)
                    resourceURL = resourceURL.substring(1);
                 * For Performance Test we do not write to an output file.
                //if (baseDir != null) 
                //   outputFile = (baseDir + "/" + database + "/" + resourceURL + ".txt").replaceAll("//", "/");             

             *  If testRunParams.useAllDatasources is set to true in then use all datasource queries in the input file 
             *  otherwise determine if the database in the input file is in the testRunParams.datasource list in the XML file
             *  and process it if it is.
             *  See if database exists in this list then process if it is.
             *          <datasources>
            *            <dsName>MYTEST</dsName>
            *            <dsName>testWebService00</dsName>
            *         </datasources>   
            boolean databaseMatch = true;
            if (!useAllDatasources)
                databaseMatch = RegressionManagerUtils.findDatabaseMatch(database,
                        regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getDatasources(), propertyFile);

            /* Determine if the specific resource should be compared by checking the XML resource list.
             * If the resourceURL pattern matches what is in this list then process it.
             *       <resources>
             *         <resource>TEST1.*</resource>
             *         <resource>TEST1.SCH.*</resource>
             *         <resource>TEST1.SCH.VIEW1</resource>
             *      </resources>
            boolean resourceMatch = RegressionManagerUtils.findResourceMatch(resourceURL,
                    regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getResources(), propertyFile);

            try {
                RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                        "------------------------ Test " + (i + 1) + " -----------------------------",
                        "Test " + (i + 1) + " ... ");
                if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY && runQueries && databaseMatch
                        && resourceMatch) {
                    // Initialize the file
                    if (outputFile != null)
                        CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(outputFile, "");

                    // Establish a JDBC connection for this database
                    cisConnections = RegressionManagerUtils.establishJdbcConnection(item.database, cisConnections,
                            cisServerConfig, regressionConfig, propertyFile); // don't need to check for null here.

                    // Print out the line to the command line
                    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                            "Execute Query:  " + item.input, "");

                    // Execute the performance test for a query
                    detailContent = executePerformanceTestWorkers();

                    if (errorMessage == null) {
                        result = "SUCCESS";
                    } else {
                        result = "ERROR";
                        logger.error("Item Input Details: " + item.toString());

                } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_PROCEDURE && runProcs && databaseMatch
                        && resourceMatch) {
                    // Initialize the file
                    if (outputFile != null)
                        CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(outputFile, "");

                    // Establish a JDBC connection for this database
                    cisConnections = RegressionManagerUtils.establishJdbcConnection(item.database, cisConnections,
                            cisServerConfig, regressionConfig, propertyFile); // don't need to check for null here.

                    // Print out the line to the command line
                    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                            "Execute Procedure:  " + item.input, "");

                    // Execute the performance test for a procedure
                    detailContent = executePerformanceTestWorkers();

                    if (errorMessage == null) {
                        result = "SUCCESS";
                    } else {
                        result = "ERROR";
                        logger.error("Item Input Details: " + item.toString());
                } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS && runWs && databaseMatch && resourceMatch) {
                    // Initialize the file
                    if (outputFile != null)
                        CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(outputFile, "");

                    // Print out the line to the command line
                    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                            "Execute Web Service:  " + item.path, "");
                    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary", item.input, "");

                    // Execute the performance test for a web service
                    detailContent = executePerformanceTestWorkers();

                    if (errorMessage == null) {
                        result = "SUCCESS";
                    } else {
                        result = "ERROR";
                        logger.error("Item Input Details: " + item.toString());
                } else {
                    // Skip this test
                    if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS) {
                        message = "  ::Reason: type=" + resourceType + "  runWs=" + runWs + "  databaseMatch="
                                + databaseMatch + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                        RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                                "Test Skipped: " + resourceURL + message + "\n", "");
                    } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY) {
                        message = "  ::Reason: type=" + resourceType + "  runQueries=" + runQueries
                                + "  databaseMatch=" + databaseMatch + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                        RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                                "Test Skipped: " + query + message + "\n", "");
                    } else {
                        message = "  ::Reason: type=" + resourceType + "  runProcedures=" + runProcs
                                + "  databaseMatch=" + databaseMatch + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                        RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                                "Test Skipped: " + query + message + "\n", "");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                result = "ERROR";
                errorMessage = e.getMessage().replace("\n", " ").replaceAll("\r", " ");
                logger.error("Item Input Details: " + item.toString());

            // Setup message line to be output to the log file
            if (message == null)
                message = "";
            if (errorMessage != null) {
                message = "  ::ERROR: " + errorMessage + "  " + message;
                // Don't output the detail content if no DETAIL entries exist
                if (detailContent != null && !detailContent.contains("DETAIL"))
                    detailContent = null;

            // Setup outputFile to be blank if it was never set in the first place which is valid.
            if (outputFile == null)
                outputFile = "";

            // Setup the detailContent rows
            if (detailContent != null) {
                detailContent = "\n" + detailContent;
                if (detailContent.lastIndexOf("\n") > 0) {
                    detailContent = detailContent.substring(0, detailContent.length() - 1);
            } else {
                detailContent = "";

            // Get the final total duration
            duration = CommonUtils.getElapsedTime(beginDate);

            // Output the log entry
            content = CommonUtils.rpad(result, 8, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad(executionStartTime, 26, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad(duration.trim(), 20, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad("" + totalRows, 20, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad(database, 30, padChar) + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad(query, 70, padChar)
                    + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad(resourceType, 11, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad(outputFile, 50, padChar) + logDelim + message;
            // content contains the overall output message
            // detailContent contains the DETAIL messages from the performance test
            // The log is written in a way that the overall message is displayed first followed by the content
            CommonUtils.appendContentToFile(logFilePath, content + detailContent);
            // Since the display is being printed in real-time, the detail messages come out first followed by the overall content message.
            RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary", "\n" + content, "");

        } // end of process input file items loop

        // Print out timings
        String duration = CommonUtils.getElapsedTime(startDate);
        String testTypeMessage = "";
        if (PERFORMANCE.equalsIgnoreCase(testType))
            testTypeMessage = "Execute a full query from the query list.";

        int len = 56;"--------------------------------------------------------");"--------- Regression Performance Test Summary ----------");"--------------------------------------------------------");"--------------------------------------------------------");"Test Type: " + testType, len, " "));"  " + testTypeMessage, len, " "));"                                                        ");"Total Successful        Queries: " + totalSuccessQueries, len, " "));"Total Successful     Procedures: " + totalSuccessProcs, len, " "));"Total Successful   Web Services: " + totalSuccessWS, len, " "));"                                 ---------              ");"Total Successful -------> Tests: " + totalSuccessTests, len, " "));"                                                        ");"Total Skipped           Queries: " + totalSkippedQueries, len, " "));"Total Skipped        Procedures: " + totalSkippedProcs, len, " "));"Total Skipped      Web Services: " + totalSkippedWS, len, " "));"                                 ---------              ");"Total Skipped ----------> Tests: " + totalSkippedTests, len, " "));"                                                        ");"Total Failed            Queries: " + totalFailedQueries, len, " "));"Total Failed         Procedures: " + totalFailedProcs, len, " "));"Total Failed       Web Services: " + totalFailedWS, len, " "));"                                 ---------              ");"Total Failed -----------> Tests: " + totalFailedTests, len, " "));"                                                        ");
                "Total Combined ---------> Tests: " + (totalSuccessTests + totalSkippedTests + totalFailedTests),
                len, " "));"                                                        ");"      Performance Test duration: " + duration, len, " "));"                                                        ");"Review \"perftest\" Summary: " + logFilePath);"--------------------------------------------------------");

        String moduleActionMessage = "MODULE_INFO: Performance Summary: Successful=" + totalSuccessTests
                + " Skipped=" + totalSkippedTests + " Failed=" + totalFailedTests;
        System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", moduleActionMessage);

        // 3. Close all connections: 
        JdbcConnector connector = new JdbcConnector();
        if (cisConnections != null) {
            for (Connection nextConnection : cisConnections.values()) // getting all non-null values
            cisConnections = null;
        RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary", "\nCompleted executePerformanceTest()",

    private String executePerformanceTestWorkers() throws CompositeException {
        try {
            // Create all the connections
            Worker[] workers = new Worker[perfTestThreads];
            for (int i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) {
                workers[i] = new Worker();
            // Pause in between query executions
            Thread.sleep(perfTestSleepExec * 1000);

            // Start the clock
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            endTime = startTime + perfTestDuration * 1000;

            // Start the workers
            for (int i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) {

            // Output the Header Rows
            String content = CommonUtils.lpad(HEADER, 7, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad("Threads=" + perfTestThreads, 12, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad("Duration (s)=" + perfTestDuration, 17, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad("Print Sleep (s)=" + perfTestSleepPrint, 19, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad("Exec Sleep (s)=" + perfTestSleepExec, 18, padChar) + logDelim + logDelim
                    + logDelim + logDelim;

            RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary", content, "");
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
            buf.append(content + "\n");

            content = CommonUtils.lpad(HEADER, 8, padChar) + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("Execs", 12, padChar)
                    + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("Execs/sec", 12, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad("Rows/exec", 12, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad("Latency (ms)", 13, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad("1st row (ms)", 13, padChar) + logDelim
                    + CommonUtils.rpad("Duration (ms)", 14, padChar) + logDelim + logDelim;

            RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary", content, "");
            buf.append(content + "\n");

            // Initialize the totals before each query execution.
            execsTotal = 0;
            tpsTotal = new BigDecimal(0);
            rptTotal = new BigDecimal(0);
            latTotal = new BigDecimal(0);
            frTotal = new BigDecimal(0);
            durTotal = new BigDecimal(0);

            /* Safeguard: determine the number of loops by taking the "total duration" divided by the "print stat sleep interval"
             *   This is important because sometimes the timing is off when the end time is calculated and when worker threads are 
             *   still running.  The issue is pointed out below (-->) when there is an extra line printed that throws off the stats.
             *    HEADER|Threads=1   |Duration (s)=10  |Print Sleep (s)=5  |Exec Sleep (s)=0  ||||
             *    HEADER|Execs       |Execs/sec   |Rows/exec   |Latency (ms) |1st row (ms) |Duration (ms) ||
             *    DETAIL|4780        |957.91      |1.00        |1.04         |1.03         |4990.00             ||
             *    DETAIL|5146        |1027.96     |1.00        |0.97         |0.96         |5006.00             ||
             * -->DETAIL|11          |2.19        |1.00        |0.90         |0.90         |5018.00             ||
             *    TOTALS|3312.33     |662.68      |1.00        |0.97         |0.96         |5004.66             ||
            int totalExecLoops = perfTestDuration / perfTestSleepPrint;

            // Print stats periodically
            errorFound = false;
            int loopCounter = 0;
            while (System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime && !errorFound && loopCounter < totalExecLoops) {
                Thread.sleep(perfTestSleepPrint * 1000);
                content = printStats(startTime);
                if (content != null)

                // Reset print stat counters              
                startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            // Wait for the workers to finish
            for (int i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) {

            // Print stats
             * This is @deprecated as it was determined that the last stat line was inconsistent and throwing off the numbers
            content = printStats(startTime);
            if (content != null)

            // Calculate the Total Average Stats for each run and output as a TOTALS line
            if (numStatExecs.get() > 0) {
                // Calculate total average executions
                BigDecimal execAvg = new BigDecimal(execsTotal);
                execAvg = execAvg.divide(new BigDecimal(numStatExecs.get()), 5, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
                execAvg = execAvg.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);

                // Calculate total average execs/sec or tps
                BigDecimal tpsAvg = tpsTotal;
                tpsAvg = tpsAvg.divide(new BigDecimal(numStatExecs.get()), 5, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
                tpsAvg = tpsAvg.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);

                // Calculate total average Rows per Execution
                BigDecimal rptAvg = rptTotal;
                rptAvg = rptAvg.divide(new BigDecimal(numStatExecs.get()), 5, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
                rptAvg = rptAvg.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);

                // Calculate total average Latency
                BigDecimal latAvg = latTotal;
                latAvg = latAvg.divide(new BigDecimal(numStatExecs.get()), 5, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
                latAvg = latAvg.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);

                // Calculate total average First Row Latency
                BigDecimal frAvg = frTotal;
                frAvg = frAvg.divide(new BigDecimal(numStatExecs.get()), 5, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
                frAvg = frAvg.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);

                // Calculate total average Duration
                BigDecimal durAvg = durTotal;
                durAvg = durAvg.divide(new BigDecimal(numStatExecs.get()), 5, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
                durAvg = durAvg.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);

                // Print out the summary Totals line
                content = CommonUtils.lpad(TOTALS, 8, padChar) + logDelim
                        + CommonUtils.rpad("" + execAvg, 12, padChar) + logDelim
                        + CommonUtils.rpad("" + tpsAvg, 12, padChar) + logDelim
                        + CommonUtils.rpad("" + rptAvg, 12, padChar) + logDelim
                        + CommonUtils.rpad("" + latAvg, 13, padChar) + logDelim
                        + CommonUtils.rpad("" + frAvg, 13, padChar) + logDelim
                        + CommonUtils.rpad("" + durAvg, 20, padChar) + logDelim + logDelim;

                RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary", content, "");
                buf.append(content + "\n");

            return buf.toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ApplicationException(e);

    public static String printStats(long startTime) {
        String content = null;
        long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
        if (numExecs.get() == 0 || startTime <= 0 || duration <= 0) {
            return content;
        // Increment the number of print stats executions which is used for averaging totals

        // Calculate total number of executions
        execsTotal = execsTotal + numExecs.get();

        // Calculate Executions per Second or TPS - transactions per second
        double tps = numExecs.get() * 1000.0 / duration;
        BigDecimal tpsBd = new BigDecimal(tps);
        tpsBd = tpsBd.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
        tpsTotal = tpsTotal.add(tpsBd);

        // Calculate Rows per Execution
        double rpt = ((double) numRows.get()) / numExecs.get();
        BigDecimal rptBd = new BigDecimal(rpt);
        rptBd = rptBd.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
        rptTotal = rptTotal.add(rptBd);

        // Calculate Latency
        double latency = ((double) numLatency.get()) / numExecs.get();
        BigDecimal latBd = new BigDecimal(latency);
        latBd = latBd.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
        latTotal = latTotal.add(latBd);

        // Calculate First Row Latency
        double firstRow = ((double) firstRowLatency.get()) / numExecs.get();
        BigDecimal frBd = new BigDecimal(firstRow);
        frBd = frBd.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
        frTotal = frTotal.add(frBd);

        // Calculate Duration
        BigDecimal durBd = new BigDecimal(duration);
        durBd = durBd.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
        durTotal = durTotal.add(durBd);

        content = CommonUtils.lpad(DETAIL, 8, padChar) + logDelim
                + CommonUtils.rpad("" + numExecs.get(), 12, padChar) + logDelim
                + CommonUtils.rpad("" + tpsBd, 12, padChar) + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("" + rptBd, 12, padChar)
                + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("" + latBd, 13, padChar) + logDelim
                + CommonUtils.rpad("" + frBd, 13, padChar) + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("" + durBd, 20, padChar)
                + logDelim + logDelim;
        RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary", content, "");
        content += "\n";
         * Execs       Execs/sec   Rows/exec   Latency (ms) 1st row (ms) Duration (ms)
        *   1191        237.86      9.00        4.19         4.19        5000 
        *   1387        276.90      9.00        3.61         3.61        5003
        return content;

    /************************* workers ****************************/
    static class Worker extends Thread {

        Worker() throws Exception {

        public void run() {

            long start;
            try {
                while ((start = System.currentTimeMillis()) < endTime) {
                    int rowCount = 0;

                    if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY) {
                        RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "debug",
                                "DEBUG: Thread=" + Worker.this.getId() + "  SQL=" + item.input, "");
                        String result = RegressionManagerUtils.executeQuery(item, cisConnections, outputFile,
                                outputDelimiter, printOutputType);
                        String results[] = result.split(":");
                        if (results.length > 1) {
                            rowCount = Integer.valueOf(results[0]);
                    } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_PROCEDURE) {
                        String result = RegressionManagerUtils.executeProcedure(item, cisConnections, outputFile,
                                outputDelimiter, printOutputType);
                        String results[] = result.split(":");
                        if (results.length > 1) {
                            rowCount = Integer.valueOf(results[0]);

                    } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS) {
                        rowCount = RegressionManagerUtils.executeWs(item, outputFile, cisServerConfig,
                                regressionConfig, outputDelimiter, printOutputType);
                    } else {
                        throw new ApplicationException("The query execution type is not supported: " + item.type);

                    totalRows = rowCount;
                    numLatency.addAndGet(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                errorFound = true;
                if (e != null && e.getMessage() != null)
                    errorMessage = e.getMessage().replace("\n", " ").replaceAll("\r", " ");
                //debug:               System.out.println("*************** ERROR ENCOUNTERED IN WORKER THREAD FOR TYPE:"+item.type+" *****************");
                throw new ApplicationException(e);
    } // End of Worker Class
