Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * (c) 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This software is released under the Eclipse Public License. The details can be found in the file LICENSE. 
 * Any dependent libraries supplied by third parties are provided under their own open source licenses as 
 * described in their own LICENSE files, generally named .LICENSE.txt. The libraries supplied by Cisco as 
 * part of the Composite Information Server/Cisco Data Virtualization Server, particularly csadmin-XXXX.jar, 
 * csarchive-XXXX.jar, csbase-XXXX.jar, csclient-XXXX.jar, cscommon-XXXX.jar, csext-XXXX.jar, csjdbc-XXXX.jar, 
 * csserverutil-XXXX.jar, csserver-XXXX.jar, cswebapi-XXXX.jar, and customproc-XXXX.jar (where -XXXX is an 
 * optional version number) are provided as a convenience, but are covered under the licensing for the 
 * Composite Information Server/Cisco Data Virtualization Server. They cannot be used in any way except 
 * through a valid license for that product.
 * This software is released AS-IS!. Support for this software is not covered by standard maintenance agreements with Cisco. 
 * Any support for this software by Cisco would be covered by paid consulting agreements, and would be billable work.

/** Initial Version:   Mike Tinius :: 6/8/2011      
 * Modifications:   initials :: Date


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;


public class ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl implements ResourceCacheDAO {

    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.class);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, import, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, Boolean)
    public void takeResourceCacheAction(String actionName, String resourceCachePath, String resourceCacheType,
            CacheConfig resourceCacheConfig, String serverId, String pathToServersXML,
            Boolean validateResourceExists) throws CompositeException {

        // For debugging
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

                    "ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.takeResourceCacheAction(actionName, resourceCachePath, resourceCacheType, resourceCacheConfig, serverId, pathToServersXML, validateResourceExists)."
                            + "  actionName=" + actionName + "  resourceCachePath=" + resourceCachePath
                            + "  resourceCacheType=" + resourceCacheType + "  resourceCacheConfig:" + "  serverId="
                            + serverId + "  pathToServersXML=" + pathToServersXML + "  validateResourceExists="
                            + validateResourceExists);
        String command = null;

        // read target server properties from xml and build target server object based on target server name 
        CompositeServer targetServer = WsApiHelperObjects.getServerLogger(serverId, pathToServersXML,
                "ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.takeResourceCacheAction(" + actionName + ")", logger);
        // Ping the Server to make sure it is alive and the values are correct.
        WsApiHelperObjects.pingServer(targetServer, true);

        // Construct the resource port based on target server name
        ResourcePortType port = CisApiFactory.getResourcePort(targetServer);

        try {

            if (actionName.equalsIgnoreCase( {
                if (validateResourceExists) {
                    // Make sure the resource exists before executing any actions
                    if (!DeployManagerUtil.getDeployManager().resourceExists(serverId, resourceCachePath,
                            resourceCacheType, pathToServersXML)) {
                        //.doResourceExist(serverId, resourceCachePath, pathToServersXML)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The resource " + resourceCachePath + " does not exist.");

                Holder<CacheConfig> cacheConfig = new Holder<CacheConfig>(resourceCacheConfig);

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    String clearRule = null;
                    String refreshMode = null;
                    String expirationPeriod = null;
                    int scheduleCount = 0;
                    String scheduleInterval = null;
                    String scheduleRecurringDay = null;
                    String scheduleEndTimeInADay = null;
                    String scheduleFromTimeInADay = null;
                    String scheduleMode = null;
                    String schedulePeriod = null;
                    String scheduleStartTime = null;
                    String storagePath = null;
                    String storageMode = null;
                    int storageTargetEntrySize = 0;
                    String cacheConfigText = "";
                    if (resourceCacheConfig != null) {
                        if (resourceCacheConfig.getExpirationPeriod() != null)
                            expirationPeriod = resourceCacheConfig.getExpirationPeriod().toString();
                        if (resourceCacheConfig.getClearRule() != null)
                            clearRule = resourceCacheConfig.getClearRule().toString();

                        // Check the refresh entry
                        if (resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh() != null) {
                            if (resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getMode() != null)
                                refreshMode = resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getMode().toString();
                            if (resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule() != null) {
                                if (resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getCount() != null)
                                    scheduleCount = resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getCount();
                                if (resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getInterval() != null)
                                    scheduleInterval = resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getInterval()
                                if (resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getRecurringDay() != null)
                                    scheduleRecurringDay = resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule()
                                if (resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getEndTimeInADay() != null)
                                    scheduleEndTimeInADay = resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule()
                                if (resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getFromTimeInADay() != null)
                                    scheduleFromTimeInADay = resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule()
                                if (resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getMode() != null)
                                    scheduleMode = resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getMode()
                                if (resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getPeriod() != null)
                                    schedulePeriod = resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getPeriod()
                                if (resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule().getStartTime() != null)
                                    scheduleStartTime = resourceCacheConfig.getRefresh().getSchedule()

                        // Check the storage entry
                        if (resourceCacheConfig.getStorage() != null) {
                            if (resourceCacheConfig.getStorage().getStorageDataSourcePath() != null)
                                storagePath = resourceCacheConfig.getStorage().getStorageDataSourcePath();
                            if (resourceCacheConfig.getStorage().getMode() != null)
                                storageMode = resourceCacheConfig.getStorage().getMode().toString();
                            if (resourceCacheConfig.getStorage().getStorageTargets() != null
                                    && resourceCacheConfig.getStorage().getStorageTargets().getEntry() != null)
                                storageTargetEntrySize = resourceCacheConfig.getStorage().getStorageTargets()
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n               expirationPeriod=" + expirationPeriod;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                      clearRule=" + clearRule;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                    RefreshMode=" + refreshMode;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                    RefreshSchedule:";
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                                       Count="
                                + scheduleCount;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                                    Interval="
                                + scheduleInterval;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                              RecurringDaynt="
                                + scheduleRecurringDay;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                               EndTimeInADay="
                                + scheduleEndTimeInADay;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                              FromTimeInADay="
                                + scheduleFromTimeInADay;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                                        Mode="
                                + scheduleMode;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                                      Period="
                                + schedulePeriod;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                                   StartTime="
                                + scheduleStartTime;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                            Storage:";
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                              DataSourcePath="
                                + storagePath;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                                        Mode="
                                + storageMode;
                        cacheConfigText = cacheConfigText + "\n                            TargetsEntrySize="
                                + storageTargetEntrySize;
                    logger.debug("ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.takeResourceCacheAction(" + actionName
                            + ").  Invoking port.updateResourceCacheConfig(" + "\n                  path=\""
                            + resourceCachePath + "\"," + "\n                  type=\"" + resourceCacheType + "\","
                            + "\n           detailLevel=\"FULL\"," + "\n           cacheConfig:" + cacheConfigText
                            + ").");
                command = "updateResourceCacheConfig";

                // Don't execute if -noop (NO_OPERATION) has been set otherwise execute under normal operation.
                if (CommonUtils.isExecOperation()) {
                    port.updateResourceCacheConfig(resourceCachePath, ResourceType.valueOf(resourceCacheType),
                            DetailLevel.FULL, cacheConfig);

                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.takeResourceCacheAction(" + actionName
                                + ").  Success: port.updateResourceCacheConfig().");
                } else {
          "\n\nWARNING - NO_OPERATION: COMMAND [" + command + "], ACTION [" + actionName
                            + "] WAS NOT PERFORMED.\n");

                Update the cache configuration for a resource.
                Request Elements:
                    path: The path of a cacheable resource.
                    type: The type of a cached resource may be "TABLE" or "PROCEDURE".   
                    detail: The level of detail of resources in the response.  May be "NONE", "SIMPLE",
                       or "FULL".
                    cacheConfig: The cache configuration of the given resource.
                configured (optional): "true" if caching should be configured for the given
                   resource; otherwise "false".  If not provided, the configured setting will
                   be left unaltered.  If configured is "false" all other elements will be ignored.
                enabled (optional): "true" if the cache is enabled; otherwise "false".
                   If not provided, the enable setting will be left unaltered.
                storage (optional): How the cached is stored.  If not provided, the storage
                   settings will be left unaltered.
                    mode: Storage type used for the cache. May be either "AUTOMATIC" or "DATA_SOURCE"
                    storageDataSourcePath (optional): If the mode is "DATA_SOURCE", this
                       identifies the path to the data source being used to store cache data.
                    storageTargets (optional): If the mode is "DATA_SOURCE", this identifies
                       the tables used for storing cache data
                            targetName: For a TABLE resource this is always "result".
                               For a PROCEDURE resource, this is the name of a cursor parameter,
                               or an empty string for the scalar output parameters.
                            path: The path to the table used for storing this data.
                            type: Always "TABLE"
                refresh (optional): How the cache should be refreshed.  If not provided, the
                   refresh settings will be left unaltered.
                    mode: How the cache should be refreshed.  May be "MANUAL" or "SCHEDULED".
                    schedule (optional): If the mode is "SCHEDULED", this element will exist
                        with the following child elements:
                        mode: Always "INTERVAL".
                        startTime: When the first refresh should occur.
                        interval: The number of seconds between refreshes.
                expirationPeriod: The amount of time in milliseconds that the cache will be
                   cleared after it is refreshed.  If less than zero, the period will be set to
                   zero.  If zero then the cache will never expire.  If not provided, the enable
                   setting will be left unaltered.
                clearRule: One of "NONE", "ON_LOAD", or "ON_FAILURE".  Normally old cache data
                   is cleared on expiration and when a cache refresh successfully completes.
                   In the latter case the old cache data is replaced by the new cached data.
                   If "NONE", then the normal behavior will be used.  If "ON_LOAD", in addition
                   to the normal behavior the old cache data will be cleared when a refresh is
                   started.  If "ON_FAILURE", in addition to the normal behavior the old cache
                   data will be cleared when a refresh fails.  If not provided, the enable
                   setting will be left unaltered.
                Response Elements:
                    cacheConfig (optional): The cache configuration of the given resource.  This element
                       is only present in the response if the detail level is not "NONE".
                    IllegalArgument: If the path is malformed or an illegal type is provided.
                    IllegalState: If the resource type does not support caching.
                    NotFound: If the resource or any portion of the path to the resource does not exist.
                    Security: The user must have READ access on all items in the path.
                    Security: If the user does not have WRITE access on the last item in the path.
                    Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.   
            } else if (actionName.equalsIgnoreCase( {
                command = "refreshResourceCache";

                if (isCacheEnabled(resourceCachePath, resourceCacheType, serverId, pathToServersXML)) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.takeResourceCacheAction(" + actionName
                                + ").  Invoking port.refreshResourceCache(\"" + resourceCachePath + "\", \""
                                + resourceCacheType + "\").");

                    // Don't execute if -noop (NO_OPERATION) has been set otherwise execute under normal operation.
                    if (CommonUtils.isExecOperation()) {
                        port.refreshResourceCache(resourceCachePath, ResourceType.valueOf(resourceCacheType));

                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug("ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.takeResourceCacheAction(" + actionName
                                    + ").  Success: port.refreshResourceCache().");
                    } else {
              "\n\nWARNING - NO_OPERATION: COMMAND [" + command + "], ACTION [" + actionName
                                + "] WAS NOT PERFORMED.\n");
                Refreshes the cache on a resource.
                Also see "updateResourceCacheConfig" for enabling and disabling caching.
                Request Elements:
                    path: The path of the resource with caching enabled.
                    type: The type of the resource may be either "TABLE" or "PROCEDURE".
                Response Elements:
                    IllegalArgument: If the path is malformed or an illegal type is provided.
                    IllegalState: If the cache is disabled or the resource type does not support caching.
                    NotFound: If the resource or any portion of the path to the resource does not exist.
                    Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in the path other than
                       the last one.
                    Security: If the user does not have WRITE access to the last item in the path.
                    Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.
                    ServerError: If any problems with connecting to or retrieving data from the data
                       source when refreshing.
            } else if (actionName.equalsIgnoreCase( {
                command = "clearResourceCache";

                if (isCacheEnabled(resourceCachePath, resourceCacheType, serverId, pathToServersXML)) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.takeResourceCacheAction(" + actionName
                                + ").  Invoking port.clearResourceCache(\"" + resourceCachePath + "\", \""
                                + resourceCacheType + "\").");

                    // Don't execute if -noop (NO_OPERATION) has been set otherwise execute under normal operation.
                    if (CommonUtils.isExecOperation()) {
                        port.clearResourceCache(resourceCachePath, ResourceType.valueOf(resourceCacheType));

                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug("ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.takeResourceCacheAction(" + actionName
                                    + ").  Success: port.clearResourceCache().");
                    } else {
              "\n\nWARNING - NO_OPERATION: COMMAND [" + command + "], ACTION [" + actionName
                                + "] WAS NOT PERFORMED.\n");
                Clears an existing resource cache. Only purposefully configured resources of type TABLE and
                PROCEDURE support caching in this release.  Procedure variants are cleared from the cache along 
                with any cached results.
                Use the refreshResourceCache procedure to initiate an immediate refresh of a table or cached view,
                or allow the cache to get refreshed on next use of the resource.
                Request Elements:
                    path: The path of the resource configured to use caching.
                    type: The type of the resource. Valid values are "TABLE" and "PROCEDURE".
                Response Elements:
                    IllegalArgument: If the path is malformed or an illegal type is provided.
                    IllegalState: If the cache is disabled.
                    NotAllowed: The resource type must support caching.  Only TABLE and PROCEDURE
                       resources support caching in this release.
                    NotFound: If the resource or any portion of the path to the resource does not exist.
                    Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in the path other than
                       the last one.
                    Security: If the user does not have WRITE access to the last item in the path.
                    Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.takeResourceCacheAction::success for action=" + actionName);
        } catch (UpdateResourceCacheConfigSoapFault e) {
            CompositeLogger.logException(e, DeployUtil.constructMessage(,
          , "ResourceCache", resourceCachePath, targetServer),
            throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage(), e);

        } catch (RefreshResourceCacheSoapFault e) {
            CompositeLogger.logException(e, DeployUtil.constructMessage(,
          , "ResourceCache", resourceCachePath, targetServer),
            throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage(), e);

        } catch (ClearResourceCacheSoapFault e) {
                  , "ResourceCache", resourceCachePath, targetServer),
            throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage(), e);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, Boolean)
    //   @Override
    public CacheConfig getResourceCacheConfig(String resourceCachePath, String resourceCacheType, String serverId,
            String pathToServersXML, Boolean validateResourceExists) throws CompositeException {
        Only TABLE and PROCEDURE resources support caching in this release.
        Request Elements:
            path: The path of a cacheable resource.
            type: The type of the resource. A valid input is either "TABLE" or "PROCEDURE".
        Response Elements:
            cacheConfig: The cache configuration of the given resource.
                configured: "true" if caching should be configured for the given resource;
                   otherwise "false".  If configured is "false" all other elements will be
                enabled: "true" if the cache is enabled; otherwise "false".
                storage: How the cached is stored.
        mode: The type of storage used for the cache.  May be "AUTOMATIC" or
        storageDataSourcePath: If the mode is "DATA_SOURCE", this identifies the
           path to the data source being used to store cache data.
        storageTargets: If the mode is "DATA_SOURCE", this identifies the tables
           used for storing cache data
                targetName: For a TABLE resource this is always "result".
                   For a PROCEDURE resource, this is the name of a cursor parameter,
                   or an empty string for the scalar output parameters.
                path: The path to the table used for storing this data.
                type: Always "TABLE"
                refresh: How the cache should be refreshed.
        mode: How the cache should be refreshed.  May be "MANUAL" or "SCHEDULED".
        schedule (optional): If the mode is "SCHEDULED", this element will exist
           with the following child elements:
            mode: Always "INTERVAL".
            startTime: When the first refresh should occur.
            interval: The number of seconds between refreshes.
                expirationPeriod: The amount of time in milliseconds that the cache will be
                   cleared after it is refreshed.  If zero then the cache will never expire.
                clearRule: One of "NONE", "ON_LOAD", or "ON_FAILURE".  Normally old cache
                   data is cleared on expiration and when a cache refresh successfully completes.
                   In the latter case the old cache data is replaced by the new cached data.
                   If "NONE", then the normal behavior will be used.  If "ON_LOAD", in addition
                   to the normal behavior the old cache data will be cleared when a refresh is
                   started.  If "ON_FAILURE", in addition to the normal behavior the old cache
                   data will be cleared when a refresh fails.
            IllegalArgument: If the path is malformed or an illegal type is provided.
            IllegalState: If the resource type does not support caching.
            NotFound: If the resource or any portion of the path to the resource does not exist.
            Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in the path.
            Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    "ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.getResourceCacheConfig(resourceCachePath , resourceCacheType, serverId, pathToServersXML, validateResourceExists).  resourceCachePath="
                            + resourceCachePath + "  resourceCacheType=" + resourceCacheType + "  serverId="
                            + serverId + "  pathToServersXML=" + pathToServersXML + "  validateResourceExists="
                            + validateResourceExists);

        // read target server properties from xml and build target server object based on target server name 
        CompositeServer targetServer = WsApiHelperObjects.getServer(serverId, pathToServersXML);
        // Ping the Server to make sure it is alive and the values are correct.
        WsApiHelperObjects.pingServer(targetServer, true);

        // Construct the resource port based on target server name
        ResourcePortType port = CisApiFactory.getResourcePort(targetServer);

        CacheConfig cacheConfig = null;
        try {
            if (validateResourceExists) {
                // Make sure the resource exists before executing any actions
                if (!DeployManagerUtil.getDeployManager().resourceExists(serverId, resourceCachePath,
                        resourceCacheType, pathToServersXML)) {
                    //.doResourceExist(serverId, resourceCachePath, pathToServersXML)
                    throw new ApplicationException("The resource " + resourceCachePath + " does not exist.");

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.getResourceCacheConfig().  Invoking port.getResourceCacheConfig(\""
                                + resourceCachePath + "\", \"" + resourceCacheType + "\").");

            // Get the cache configuration for the resource path
            cacheConfig = port.getResourceCacheConfig(resourceCachePath, ResourceType.valueOf(resourceCacheType));

            String configured = "false";
            String enabled = "false";
            if (cacheConfig != null) {
                if (cacheConfig.isConfigured() != null)
                    configured = cacheConfig.isConfigured().toString();
                if (cacheConfig.isEnabled() != null)
                    enabled = cacheConfig.isEnabled().toString();
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.takeResourceCacheAction().  Success: port.getResourceCacheConfig(). configured="
                                + configured + "  enabled=" + enabled);
        } catch (GetResourceCacheConfigSoapFault e) {
            CompositeLogger.logException(e, DeployUtil.constructMessage(,
                    "getResourceCacheConfig", "ResourceCache", resourceCachePath, targetServer), e.getFaultInfo());
            throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage(), e);
        return cacheConfig;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
    //   @Override
    public boolean isCacheEnabled(String resourceCachePath, String resourceCacheType, String serverId,
            String pathToServersXML) throws CompositeException {

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    "ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.isCacheEnabled(resourceCachePath , resourceCacheType, serverId, pathToServersXML).  resourceCachePath="
                            + resourceCachePath + "  resourceCacheType=" + resourceCacheType + "  serverId="
                            + serverId + "  pathToServersXML=" + pathToServersXML);
        boolean enabled = false;
        try {
            CacheConfig cacheConfig = getResourceCacheConfig(resourceCachePath, resourceCacheType, serverId,
                    pathToServersXML, true);
            if (cacheConfig != null) {
                if (cacheConfig.isEnabled() != null) {
                    if (cacheConfig.isEnabled()) {
                        enabled = true;
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("ResourceCacheWSDAOImpl.isCacheEnabled::enabled=" + enabled + "  resourcePath="
                        + resourceCachePath);
        } catch (ApplicationException e) {
            CompositeLogger.logException(e, DeployUtil.constructMessage(,
                    "isCacheEnabled", "ResourceCache", resourceCachePath, null));
            throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage(), e);
        return enabled;
