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// Copyright 2014 Cloudera Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package com.cloudera.impala.util;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair.AllocationFileLoaderService;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;

import com.cloudera.impala.common.ByteUnits;
import com.cloudera.impala.thrift.TPoolConfigResult;
import com.cloudera.impala.thrift.TResolveRequestPoolParams;
import com.cloudera.impala.thrift.TResolveRequestPoolResult;
import com.cloudera.impala.thrift.TStatusCode;

 * Unit tests for the user to pool resolution, authorization, and getting configuration
 * parameters via {@link RequestPoolService}. Sets a configuration file and ensures the
 * appropriate user to pool resolution, authentication, and pool configs are returned.
 * This also tests that updating the files after startup causes them to be reloaded and
 * the updated values are returned.
 * TODO: Move tests to C++ to test the API that's actually used.
public class TestRequestPoolService {
    // Pool definitions and includes memory resource limits, copied to a temporary file
    private static final String ALLOCATION_FILE = "fair-scheduler-test.xml";

    // A second allocation file which overwrites the temporary file to check for changes.
    private static final String ALLOCATION_FILE_MODIFIED = "fair-scheduler-test2.xml";
    private static final String ALLOCATION_FILE_EMPTY = "fair-scheduler-empty.xml";
    private static final String ALLOCATION_FILE_GROUP_RULE = "fair-scheduler-group-rule.xml";

    // Contains per-pool configurations for maximum number of running queries and queued
    // requests.
    private static final String LLAMA_CONFIG_FILE = "llama-site-test.xml";

    // A second Llama config which overwrites the temporary file to check for changes.
    private static final String LLAMA_CONFIG_FILE_MODIFIED = "llama-site-test2.xml";
    private static final String LLAMA_CONFIG_FILE_EMPTY = "llama-site-empty.xml";

    // Set the file check interval to something short so we don't have to wait long after
    // changing the file.
    private static final long CHECK_INTERVAL_MS = 100L;

    // Temp folder where the config files are copied so we can modify them in place.
    // The JUnit @Rule creates and removes the temp folder between every test.
    public TemporaryFolder tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder();

    private RequestPoolService poolService_;
    private File allocationConfFile_;
    private File llamaConfFile_;

     * Creates the poolService_ with the specified configuration.
     * @param allocationFile The file on the classpath of the allocation conf.
     * @param llamaConfFile The file on the classpath of the Llama conf. May be null to
     *                      create a RequestPoolService with no llama-conf.xml as it is
     *                      not required.
    void createPoolService(String allocationFile, String llamaConfFile) throws Exception {
        allocationConfFile_ = tempFolder.newFile("fair-scheduler-temp-file.xml");
        Files.copy(getClasspathFile(allocationFile), allocationConfFile_);

        String llamaConfPath = null;
        if (llamaConfFile != null) {
            llamaConfFile_ = tempFolder.newFile("llama-conf-temp-file.xml");
            Files.copy(getClasspathFile(llamaConfFile), llamaConfFile_);
            llamaConfPath = llamaConfFile_.getAbsolutePath();
        poolService_ = new RequestPoolService(allocationConfFile_.getAbsolutePath(), llamaConfPath);

        // Lower the wait times on the AllocationFileLoaderService and RequestPoolService so
        // the test doesn't have to wait very long to test that file changes are reloaded.
        Field f = AllocationFileLoaderService.class.getDeclaredField("reloadIntervalMs");
        f.set(poolService_.allocLoader_, CHECK_INTERVAL_MS);
        if (llamaConfFile != null) {

    public void cleanUp() throws Exception {
        if (poolService_ != null)

     * Returns a {@link File} for the file on the classpath.
    private File getClasspathFile(String filename) throws URISyntaxException {
        return new File(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(filename).toURI());

    public void testPoolResolution() throws Exception {
        createPoolService(ALLOCATION_FILE, LLAMA_CONFIG_FILE);
        Assert.assertEquals("root.queueA", poolService_.assignToPool("root.queueA", "userA"));
        Assert.assertNull(poolService_.assignToPool("queueC", "userA"));

    public void testResolvePrincipalName() throws Exception {
        // Tests that we can resolve user names that are Kerberos principals/LDAP users.
        createPoolService(ALLOCATION_FILE, LLAMA_CONFIG_FILE);
        TResolveRequestPoolResult result = poolService_
                .resolveRequestPool(new TResolveRequestPoolParams("", "root.queueA"));
        Assert.assertEquals(TStatusCode.OK, result.getStatus().getStatus_code());
        Assert.assertEquals("root.queueA", result.getResolved_pool());

        result = poolService_.resolveRequestPool(
                new TResolveRequestPoolParams("userA/", "root.queueA"));
        Assert.assertEquals(TStatusCode.OK, result.getStatus().getStatus_code());
        Assert.assertEquals("root.queueA", result.getResolved_pool());

    public void testUserNoGroupsError() throws Exception {
        // Test fix for IMPALA-922: "Return helpful errors with Yarn group rules"
        TResolveRequestPoolResult result = poolService_
                .resolveRequestPool(new TResolveRequestPoolParams("userA", "root.NOT_A_POOL"));
        Assert.assertEquals(false, result.isSetResolved_pool());
        Assert.assertEquals(false, result.isSetHas_access());
        Assert.assertEquals(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, result.getStatus().getStatus_code());

        String expectedMessage = "Failed to resolve user 'userA' to a pool while "
                + "evaluating the 'primaryGroup' or 'secondaryGroup' queue placement rules because "
                + "no groups were found for the user. This is likely because the user does not "
                + "exist on the local operating system.";
        Assert.assertEquals(expectedMessage, Iterables.getOnlyElement(result.getStatus().getError_msgs()));

    public void testPoolAcls() throws Exception {
        createPoolService(ALLOCATION_FILE, LLAMA_CONFIG_FILE);
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueA", "userA"));
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueB", "userB"));
        Assert.assertFalse(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueB", "userA"));
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueB", "root"));

    public void testPoolLimitConfigs() throws Exception {
        createPoolService(ALLOCATION_FILE, LLAMA_CONFIG_FILE);
        checkPoolConfigResult("root", 15, 50, -1);
        checkPoolConfigResult("root.queueA", 10, 30, 1024 * ByteUnits.MEGABYTE);
        checkPoolConfigResult("root.queueB", 5, 10, -1);

    public void testDefaultConfigs() throws Exception {
        Assert.assertEquals("root.userA", poolService_.assignToPool("", "userA"));
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.userA", "userA"));
        checkPoolConfigResult("root", 200, 200, -1);

    public void testUpdatingConfigs() throws Exception {
        // Tests updating the config files and then checking the pool resolution, ACLs, and
        // pool limit configs. This tests all three together rather than separating into
        // separate test cases because we updateConfigFiles() will end up waiting around 7
        // seconds, so this helps cut down on the total test execution time.
        // A one second pause is necessary to ensure the file timestamps are unique if the
        // test gets here within one second.
        createPoolService(ALLOCATION_FILE, LLAMA_CONFIG_FILE);
        Files.copy(getClasspathFile(ALLOCATION_FILE_MODIFIED), allocationConfFile_);
        Files.copy(getClasspathFile(LLAMA_CONFIG_FILE_MODIFIED), llamaConfFile_);
        // Wait at least 1 second more than the time it will take for the
        // AllocationFileLoaderService to update the file. The FileWatchService does not
        // have that additional wait time, so it will be updated within 'CHECK_INTERVAL_MS'
        Thread.sleep(1000L + CHECK_INTERVAL_MS + AllocationFileLoaderService.ALLOC_RELOAD_WAIT_MS);

    public void testModifiedConfigs() throws Exception {
        // Tests the results are the same as testUpdatingConfigs() as when we create the
        // pool service with the same modified configs initially (i.e. not updating).

    public void testNullLlamaSite() throws Exception {
        createPoolService(ALLOCATION_FILE_MODIFIED, null);

        // Test pool resolution
        Assert.assertEquals("root.queueA", poolService_.assignToPool("queueA", "userA"));
        Assert.assertNull(poolService_.assignToPool("queueX", "userA"));
        Assert.assertEquals("root.queueC", poolService_.assignToPool("queueC", "userA"));

        // Test pool ACLs
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueA", "userA"));
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueB", "userB"));
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueB", "userA"));
        Assert.assertFalse(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueC", "userA"));
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueC", "root"));

        // Test pool limits
        checkPoolConfigResult("root", 200, 200, -1);
        checkPoolConfigResult("root.queueA", 200, 200, 100000 * ByteUnits.MEGABYTE);
        checkPoolConfigResult("root.queueB", 200, 200, -1);
        checkPoolConfigResult("root.queueC", 200, 200, 128 * ByteUnits.MEGABYTE);

    private void checkModifiedConfigResults() throws IOException {
        // Test pool resolution: now there's a queueC
        Assert.assertEquals("root.queueA", poolService_.assignToPool("queueA", "userA"));
        Assert.assertNull(poolService_.assignToPool("queueX", "userA"));
        Assert.assertEquals("root.queueC", poolService_.assignToPool("queueC", "userA"));

        // Test pool ACL changes
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueA", "userA"));
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueB", "userB"));
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueB", "userA"));
        Assert.assertFalse(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueC", "userA"));
        Assert.assertTrue(poolService_.hasAccess("root.queueC", "root"));

        // Test pool limit changes
        checkPoolConfigResult("root", 15, 100, -1);
        checkPoolConfigResult("root.queueA", 10, 30, 100000 * ByteUnits.MEGABYTE);
        checkPoolConfigResult("root.queueB", 5, 10, -1);
        checkPoolConfigResult("root.queueC", 10, 30, 128 * ByteUnits.MEGABYTE);

     * Helper method to verify the per-pool limits.
    private void checkPoolConfigResult(String pool, long expectedMaxRequests, long expectedMaxQueued,
            long expectedMaxMemUsage) {
        TPoolConfigResult expectedResult = new TPoolConfigResult();
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected config values for pool " + pool, expectedResult,