Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (C) 2013 Siddhesh S Shetye 
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package com.commonsdroid.dialoghelper;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Toast;

import com.commonsdroid.dialoginterface.AlertButtonsClickListener;
import com.commonsdroid.dialoginterface.ListDialogListener;
import com.commonsdroid.dialoginterface.OnDateTimeSetListener;
import com.commonsdroid.dialoginterface.OnNumberSetListener;
import com.commonsdroid.dialoginterface.ViewDialogListener;
import com.commonsdroid.fragmentdialog.AlertFragmentDialog;
import com.commonsdroid.fragmentdialog.AlertFragmentDialog.Builder;
import com.commonsdroid.fragmentdialog.NumberPickerDialog;
import com.commonsdroid.fragmentdialog.ProgressHUD;
import com.commonsdroid.fragmentdialog.ViewDialogFragment;

 * The Class DialogHelper.
 * This class acts as a helper to to show specified dialog
 * @author Siddhesh S Shetye
 * @since 1.0
public final class DialogHelper {

    /** The Constant CANCELABLE and NOT_CANCELABLE. */
    public static final boolean CANCELABLE = true, NOT_CANCELABLE = false;

    private static final int DATE_DIALOG = 214, /**DATE picker dialog*/
            TIME_DIALOG = 686;

    /** Time picker Dialog. */
    private static ProgressDialog sProgressDialog;

    /** The progress dialog. */
    private static ProgressHUD progressDialogHUD;

     * Show dialog.
     * Shows a dialog with given title and message with OK button and cancelable true.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param message the message
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDialog(FragmentManager fm, int title, int message, int identifier, Context context) {
        showDialog(fm, context.getResources().getString(title), context.getResources().getString(message), null,
                AlertFragmentDialog.DIALOG_TYPE_OK, CANCELABLE, null, null, identifier);

     * Show dialog.
     * Shows a dialog with given title and message with OK button and cancelable true.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title text
     * @param message the message
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDialog(FragmentManager fm, String title, String message, int identifier) {
        showDialog(fm, title, message, null, AlertFragmentDialog.DIALOG_TYPE_OK, CANCELABLE, null, null,

     * Show dialog.
     * Shows a dialog with given title,message with OK button,cancelable true and specified positive
     * button text.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param message the message
     * @param positiveText the positive text
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDialog(FragmentManager fm, int title, int message, String positiveText, int identifier,
            Context context) {
        showDialog(fm, context.getResources().getString(title), context.getResources().getString(message), null,
                AlertFragmentDialog.DIALOG_TYPE_OK, true, positiveText, null, identifier);


     * Show dialog.
     * Shows a dialog with given title,message with OK button,cancelable true and specified positive
     * button text.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param message the message
     * @param positiveText the positive text
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDialog(FragmentManager fm, String title, String message, String positiveText,
            int identifier) {
        showDialog(fm, title, message, null, AlertFragmentDialog.DIALOG_TYPE_OK, true, positiveText, null,

     * Show dialog.
     * Shows a dialog with given title and message with OK button, 
     * cancelable true and <code>AlertButtonsClickInterface</code> object for invoking 
     * code on alert button clicks .
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param message the message
     * @param alertFrag the alert AlertButtonsClickInterface
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDialog(FragmentManager fm, int title, int message, AlertButtonsClickListener alertFrag,
            int identifier, Context context) {
        showDialog(fm, context.getResources().getString(title), context.getResources().getString(message),
                alertFrag, AlertFragmentDialog.DIALOG_TYPE_OK, true, null, null, identifier);

     * Show dialog.
     * Shows a dialog with given title and message with OK button, 
     * cancelable true and <code>AlertButtonsClickInterface</code> object for invoking 
     * code on alert button clicks .
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param message the message
     * @param alertFrag the alert AlertButtonsClickInterface
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDialog(FragmentManager fm, String title, String message,
            AlertButtonsClickListener alertFrag, int identifier) {
        showDialog(fm, title, message, alertFrag, AlertFragmentDialog.DIALOG_TYPE_OK, true, null, null, identifier);

     * Show dialog.
     * Shows a dialog with given title and message with positive button with specified text,
     * cancelable true and <code>AlertButtonsClickInterface</code> object for invoking
     * code on alert button clicks .
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param message the message
     * @param alertFrag the alert <code>AlertButtonsClickInterface</code>
     * @param positiveText the positive text
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDialog(FragmentManager fm, int title, int message, AlertButtonsClickListener alertFrag,
            String positiveText, int identifier, Context context) {
        showDialog(fm, context.getResources().getString(title), context.getResources().getString(message),
                alertFrag, AlertFragmentDialog.DIALOG_TYPE_OK, true, positiveText, null, identifier);

     * Show dialog.
     * Shows a dialog with given title and message with positive button with specified text,
     * cancelable true and <code>AlertButtonsClickInterface</code> object for invoking
     * code on alert button clicks .
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param message the message
     * @param alertFrag the alert <code>AlertButtonsClickInterface</code>
     * @param positiveText the positive text
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDialog(FragmentManager fm, String title, String message,
            AlertButtonsClickListener alertFrag, String positiveText, int identifier) {
        showDialog(fm, title, message, alertFrag, AlertFragmentDialog.DIALOG_TYPE_OK, true, positiveText, null,

     * Show dialog.
     * Shows a dialog with given title and message with OK button, 
     * Cancelable true, <code>AlertButtonsClickInterface</code> object for invoking 
     * code on alert button clicks, type OK or OK_Cancel and isCancelable.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param message the message
     * @param alertFrag the alert AlertButtonsClickInterface
     * @param type the type
     * @param cancelable the cancelable use <code>DialogHelper.CANCELABLE</code> or <code>DialogHelper.NOT_CANCELABLE</code>
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDialog(FragmentManager fm, String title, String message,
            AlertButtonsClickListener alertFrag, int type, boolean cancelable, int identifier) {
        //       DialogFragment newFragment = AlertFragmentDialog.newInstance(title,message,alertFrag,type,null,null,identifier);
        //       newFragment.setCancelable(cancelable);
        //, "dialog");
        new Builder(type, identifier).setTitle(title).setMessage(message).setAlertButtonClickListener(alertFrag)
                .setCancelable(cancelable).build(fm, "");

     * Show dialog.
     * Shows a dialog with given title and message with positive button with specified 
     * text & negative button with specified text,
     * cancelable true, AlertButtonsClickInterface object for invoking
     * code on alert button clicks, type <code>AlertFragmentDialog.DIALOG_TYPE_OK</code> or <code>AlertFragmentDialog.DIALOG_TYPE_YES_NO</code> and isCancelable.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param message the message
     * @param alertFrag the alert AlertButtonsClickInterface
     * @param type the type
     * @param cancelable the cancelable use <code>DialogHelper.CANCELABLE</code> or <code>DialogHelper.NOT_CANCELABLE</code>
     * @param positiveText the positive text
     * @param negativeText the negative text
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDialog(FragmentManager fm, String title, String message,
            AlertButtonsClickListener alertFrag, int type, boolean cancelable, String positiveText,
            String negativeText, int identifier) {
        //       DialogFragment newFragment = AlertFragmentDialog.newInstance(title,message,alertFrag,type,positiveText,negativeText,identifier);
        //       newFragment.setCancelable(cancelable);
        //, "dialog");
        new Builder(type, identifier).setTitle(title).setMessage(message).setAlertButtonClickListener(alertFrag)
                .build(fm, "");


     * Gets the view dialog builder.
     * This function is used to get the object of <code>AlertFragmentDialog.Builder</code> for custom view.
     * @param view the view
     * @param viewDialogListener the view dialog listener
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @return the view dialog builder
    public static ViewDialogFragment.Builder getViewDialogBuilder(Integer view,
            ViewDialogListener viewDialogListener, int identifier) {
        ViewDialogFragment.Builder viewDialogFragmentBuilder = new ViewDialogFragment.Builder(view,
                viewDialogListener, identifier);
        return viewDialogFragmentBuilder;

     * Show date dialog.
     * This function is used to show the date picker dialog.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param dateListener the date listener
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDateDialog(FragmentManager fm, OnDateTimeSetListener dateListener, int identifier) {
        //      DialogFragment newFragment = AlertFragmentDialog.newInstance(true,dateListener,DATE_DIALOG,identifier);
        //, "dialog");
        new Builder(DATE_DIALOG, identifier).setIs24Hour(true).setOnDateTimeSetListener(dateListener).build(fm, "");

     * Show date dialog.
     * This function is used to show the date picker dialog.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param dateListener the date listener
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showDateDialog(FragmentManager fm, OnDateTimeSetListener dateListener, int identifier,
            Calendar cal) {
        //      DialogFragment newFragment = AlertFragmentDialog.newInstance(true,dateListener,DATE_DIALOG,identifier,cal);
        //, "dialog");
        new Builder(DATE_DIALOG, identifier).setIs24Hour(true).setCalendar(cal)
                .setOnDateTimeSetListener(dateListener).build(fm, "");

     * Show time dialog.
     * This function is used to show the time picker dialog.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param is24Hour the is24 hour
     * @param dateListener the date listener
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showTimeDialog(FragmentManager fm, boolean is24Hour, OnDateTimeSetListener dateListener,
            int identifier) {
        //      DialogFragment newFragment = AlertFragmentDialog.newInstance(is24Hour,dateListener,TIME_DIALOG,identifier);
        //, "dialog");
        new Builder(TIME_DIALOG, identifier).setIs24Hour(is24Hour).setOnDateTimeSetListener(dateListener).build(fm,

     * Gets the number picker dialog builder.
     * @param title the title
     * @param headerText the header text
     * @param numberListener the number listener
     * @param lowerRange the lower range
     * @param upperRange the upper range
     * @param defaultRange the default range
     * @param interval the interval
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @return the number picker dialog builder
    public static NumberPickerDialog.Builder getNumberPickerDialogBuilder(int title, String headerText,
            OnNumberSetListener numberListener, int lowerRange, int upperRange, int defaultRange, int interval,
            int identifier) {
        NumberPickerDialog.Builder numberPickerDialogBuilder = new NumberPickerDialog.Builder(title, headerText,
                numberListener, lowerRange, upperRange, defaultRange, interval, identifier);
        return numberPickerDialogBuilder;

     * Show simple list dialog.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param list the list
     * @param listDialogListener the list dialog listener
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showSimpleListDialog(FragmentManager fm, int title, ArrayList<String> list,
            ListDialogListener listDialogListener, int identifier, Context context) {
        //      DialogFragment newFragment = AlertFragmentDialog.newInstance(context.getResources().getString(title),list,listDialogListener,AlertFragmentDialog.SIMPLE_LIST_DIALOG,identifier);
        //, "dialog");
        new Builder(AlertFragmentDialog.SIMPLE_LIST_DIALOG, identifier)
                .setListDialogListener(listDialogListener).build(fm, "");

     * Show simple list dialog.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param list the list
     * @param listDialogListener the list dialog listener
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showSimpleListDialog(FragmentManager fm, String title, ArrayList<String> list,
            ListDialogListener listDialogListener, int identifier) {
        //      DialogFragment newFragment = AlertFragmentDialog.newInstance(title,list,listDialogListener,AlertFragmentDialog.SIMPLE_LIST_DIALOG,identifier);
        //, "dialog");
        new Builder(AlertFragmentDialog.SIMPLE_LIST_DIALOG, identifier).setTitle(title).setDialogList(list)
                .setListDialogListener(listDialogListener).build(fm, "");

     * Show single choice list dialog.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param list the list
     * @param listDialogListener the list dialog listener
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showSingleChoiceListDialog(FragmentManager fm, int title, ArrayList<String> list,
            ListDialogListener listDialogListener, int identifier, Context context) {
        //      DialogFragment newFragment = AlertFragmentDialog.newInstance(context.getResources().getString(title),list,listDialogListener,AlertFragmentDialog.SINGLE_CHOICE_LIST_DIALOG,identifier);
        //, "dialog");
        new Builder(AlertFragmentDialog.SINGLE_CHOICE_LIST_DIALOG, identifier)
                .setListDialogListener(listDialogListener).build(fm, "");

     * Show single choice list dialog.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param list the list
     * @param listDialogListener the list dialog listener
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showSingleChoiceListDialog(FragmentManager fm, String title, ArrayList<String> list,
            ListDialogListener listDialogListener, int identifier) {
        //      DialogFragment newFragment = AlertFragmentDialog.newInstance(title,list,listDialogListener,AlertFragmentDialog.SINGLE_CHOICE_LIST_DIALOG,identifier);
        //, "dialog");
        new Builder(AlertFragmentDialog.SINGLE_CHOICE_LIST_DIALOG, identifier).setTitle(title).setDialogList(list)
                .setListDialogListener(listDialogListener).build(fm, "");

     * Show multiple choice list dialog.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param list the list
     * @param listDialogListener the list dialog listener
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showMultipleChoiceListDialog(FragmentManager fm, int title, ArrayList<String> list,
            ListDialogListener listDialogListener, int identifier, Context context) {
        //      DialogFragment newFragment = AlertFragmentDialog.newInstance(context.getResources().getString(title),list,listDialogListener,AlertFragmentDialog.MULTI_CHOICE_LIST_DIALOG,identifier);
        //, "dialog");
        new Builder(AlertFragmentDialog.MULTI_CHOICE_LIST_DIALOG, identifier)
                .setListDialogListener(listDialogListener).build(fm, "");

     * Show multiple choice list dialog.
     * @param fm the fragment manager
     * @param title the title
     * @param list the list
     * @param listDialogListener the list dialog listener
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @deprecated
    public static void showMultipleChoiceListDialog(FragmentManager fm, String title, ArrayList<String> list,
            ListDialogListener listDialogListener, int identifier) {
        //      DialogFragment newFragment = AlertFragmentDialog.newInstance(title,list,listDialogListener,AlertFragmentDialog.MULTI_CHOICE_LIST_DIALOG,identifier);
        //, "dialog");
        new Builder(AlertFragmentDialog.MULTI_CHOICE_LIST_DIALOG, identifier).setTitle(title).setDialogList(list)
                .setListDialogListener(listDialogListener).build(fm, "");

     * Show toast for <code>Toast.LENGTH_SHORT</code>.
     * @param ctx the context
     * @param msg the message to show
    public static void showShortToast(Context ctx, String msg) {
        Toast.makeText(ctx, msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

     * Show toast for <code>Toast.LENGTH_LONG</code>.
     * @param ctx the context
     * @param msg the message to show
    public static void showLongToast(Context ctx, String msg) {
        Toast.makeText(ctx, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

     * Show custom toast.
     * @param context the context
     * @param view the view
    public static void showCustomToast(Context context, View view) {
        Toast newCustomToast = new Toast(context);

     * Show custom toast.
     * @param context the context
     * @param view the view
     * @param Duration the duration e.g <code>Toast.LENGTH_SHORT</code> , <code>Toast.LENGTH_LONG</code>
    public static void showCustomToast(Context context, View view, int Duration) {
        Toast newCustomToast = new Toast(context);

     * Show custom toast.
     * @param context the context
     * @param view the view
     * @param gravity the gravity e.g <code>GRAVITY.BOTTOM</code> , <code>GRAVITY.CENTER_VERTICAL</code> , etc
     * @param xoffset the x offset
     * @param yoffset the y offset
    public static void showCustomToast(Context context, View view, int gravity, int xoffset, int yoffset) {
        Toast newCustomToast = new Toast(context);
        newCustomToast.setGravity(gravity, xoffset, yoffset);;

     * Show custom toast.
     * @param context the context
     * @param view the view
     * @param Duration the duration e.g <code>Toast.LENGTH_SHORT</code> , <code>Toast.LENGTH_LONG</code>
     * @param gravity the gravity e.g <code>GRAVITY.BOTTOM</code> , <code>GRAVITY.CENTER_VERTICAL</code> , etc
     * @param xoffset the x offset
     * @param yoffset the y offset
    public static void showCustomToast(Context context, View view, int Duration, int gravity, int xoffset,
            int yoffset) {
        Toast newCustomToast = new Toast(context);
        newCustomToast.setGravity(gravity, xoffset, yoffset);;

     * Show progress dialog.
     * @param context the context
    public static void showProgressDialog(Context context) {
        showProgressDialog(context, true, "");

     * Show progress dialog.
     * @param context the context
     * @param isCancelable cancelable
    public static void showProgressDialog(Context context, boolean isCancelable) {
        showProgressDialog(context, isCancelable, "");

     * Show progress dialog.
     * @param context the context
     * @param message the message
    public static void showProgressDialog(Context context, String message) {
        showProgressDialog(context, true, message);

     * Show progress dialog.
     * @param context the context
     * @param isCancelable the is cancelable
     * @param message the message
    public static void showProgressDialog(Context context, boolean isCancelable, String message) {
        if (sProgressDialog == null)
            sProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(context);
        if (sProgressDialog.isShowing())

     * Show i phone progress dialog.
     * @param context the context
    public static void showIPhoneProgressDialog(Context context) {
        showIPhoneProgressDialog(context, "", true);

     * Show i phone progress dialog.
     * @param context the context
     * @param message the message
    public static void showIPhoneProgressDialog(Context context, String message) {
        showIPhoneProgressDialog(context, message, true);

     * Show i phone progress dialog.
     * @param context the context
     * @param isCancelable the is cancelable
    public static void showIPhoneProgressDialog(Context context, boolean isCancelable) {
        showIPhoneProgressDialog(context, "", isCancelable);

     * Show i phone progress dialog.
     * @param context the context
     * @param message the message
     * @param isCancelable the is cancelable
    public static void showIPhoneProgressDialog(Context context, String message, boolean isCancelable) {
        progressDialogHUD =, message, isCancelable);

     * Close progress dialog.
    public static void closeIPhoneProgressDialog() {
        if (progressDialogHUD != null && progressDialogHUD.isShowing()) {
            progressDialogHUD = null;

    public static void closeProgressDialog() {
        if (sProgressDialog != null && sProgressDialog.isShowing()) {
            sProgressDialog = null;
