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 * Copyright (C) 2014 Dasasian (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.dasasian.chok.lucene;

import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.VersionedProtocol;


 * The public interface to the back end LuceneServer. These are all the
 * methods that the Hadoop RPC will call.
public interface ILuceneServer extends VersionedProtocol {

     * Returns all Hits that match the query. This might be significant slower as
     * {@link #search(QueryWritable, DocumentFrequencyWritable, String[], long, int)} since we
     * replace count with Integer.MAX_VALUE.
     * @param query      The query to run.
     * @param freqs      Term frequency information for term weighting.
     * @param shardNames A array of shard names to search in.
     * @param timeout    How long the query is allowed to run before getting interrupted
     * @return A list of hits from the search.
     * @throws IOException If the search had a problem reading files.
    public HitsMapWritable search(QueryWritable query, DocumentFrequencyWritable freqs, String[] shardNames,
            long timeout) throws IOException;

     * @param query      The query to run.
     * @param freqs      Term frequency information for term weighting.
     * @param shardNames A array of shard names to search in.
     * @param timeout    How long the query is allowed to run before getting interrupted
     * @param count      The top n high score hits.
     * @return A list of hits from the search.
     * @throws IOException If the search had a problem reading files.
    public HitsMapWritable search(QueryWritable query, DocumentFrequencyWritable freqs, String[] shardNames,
            long timeout, int count) throws IOException;

     * Sorts the returned hits based on the sort parameter.
     * @param query      The query to run.
     * @param freqs      Term frequency information for term weighting.
     * @param shardNames A array of shard names to search in.
     * @param timeout    How long the query is allowed to run before getting interrupted
     * @param count      The top n high score hits.
     * @param sort       sort criteria for returned hits
     * @return A list of hits from the search.
     * @throws IOException If the search had a problem reading files.
    public HitsMapWritable search(QueryWritable query, DocumentFrequencyWritable freqs, String[] shardNames,
            long timeout, int count, SortWritable sort) throws IOException;

     * Sorts the returned hits based on the sort parameter.
     * @param query      The query to run.
     * @param freqs      Term frequency information for term weighting.
     * @param shardNames A array of shard names to search in.
     * @param timeout    How long the query is allowed to run before getting interrupted
     * @param count      The top n high score hits.
     * @param filter     A query filter.
     * @return A list of hits from the search.
     * @throws IOException If the search had a problem reading files.
    public HitsMapWritable search(QueryWritable query, DocumentFrequencyWritable freqs, String[] shardNames,
            long timeout, int count, FilterWritable filter) throws IOException;

     * Sorts the returned hits based on the sort parameter.
     * @param query      The query to run.
     * @param freqs      Term frequency information for term weighting.
     * @param shardNames A array of shard names to search in.
     * @param timeout    How long the query is allowed to run before getting interrupted
     * @param count      The top n high score hits.
     * @param sort       sort criteria for returned hits
     * @param filter     A query filter.
     * @return A list of hits from the search.
     * @throws IOException If the search had a problem reading files.
    public HitsMapWritable search(QueryWritable query, DocumentFrequencyWritable freqs, String[] shardNames,
            long timeout, int count, SortWritable sort, FilterWritable filter) throws IOException;

     * Returns the number of documents a term occurs in. In a distributed search
     * environment, we need to get this first and then query all nodes again with
     * this information to ensure we compute TF IDF correctly. See
     * <a href="">Lucene's Similarity</a>
     * @param input  TODO is this really just a Lucene query?
     * @param shards The shards to search in.
     * @return A list of hits from the search.
     * @throws IOException If the search had a problem reading files.
    public DocumentFrequencyWritable getDocFreqs(QueryWritable input, String[] shards) throws IOException;

     * Returns only the requested fields of a lucene document.  The fields are returned
     * as a map.
     * @param shards The shards to ask for the document.
     * @param docId  The document that is desired.
     * @param fields The fields to return.
     * @return details of the document
     * @throws IOException when and error occurs
    public MapWritable getDetails(String[] shards, int docId, String[] fields) throws IOException;

     * Returns the lucene document. Each field:value tuple of the lucene document
     * is inserted into the returned map. In most cases
     * {@link #getDetails(String[], int, String[])} would be a better choice for
     * performance reasons.
     * @param shards The shards to ask for the document.
     * @param docId  The document that is desired.
     * @return details of the document
     * @throws IOException when and error occurs
    public MapWritable getDetails(String[] shards, int docId) throws IOException;

     * Returns the number of documents that match the given query. This the
     * fastest way in case you just need the number of documents. Note that the
     * number of matching documents is also included in HitsMapWritable.
     * @param query the query
     * @param shards the shards
     * @param timeout How long the query is allowed to run before getting interrupted
     * @return number of documents
     * @throws IOException when and error occurs
    public int getResultCount(QueryWritable query, String[] shards, long timeout) throws IOException;

     * Returns the number of documents that match the given query. This the
     * fastest way in case you just need the number of documents. Note that the
     * number of matching documents is also included in HitsMapWritable.
     * @param query the query
     * @param filter the filter
     * @param shards the shards
     * @param timeout How long the query is allowed to run before getting interrupted
     * @return number of documents
     * @throws IOException when and error occurs
    public int getResultCount(QueryWritable query, FilterWritable filter, String[] shards, long timeout)
            throws IOException;