Source code

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 * Copyright [2012] [Datasalt Systems S.L.]
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.mapred;

import com.datasalt.pangool.PangoolRuntimeException;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.Criteria;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.Criteria.Order;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.Criteria.SortElement;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.SerializationInfo;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.TupleMRConfig;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.TupleMRConfigBuilder;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.serialization.TupleSerialization;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import static*;

 * Tuple-based MapRed job binary comparator. It decodes the binary serialization
 * performed by {@link TupleSerialization}.
 * <p/>
 * Used to group tuples according to
 * {@link TupleMRConfigBuilder#setOrderBy(com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.OrderBy)}
public class SortComparator implements RawComparator<ITuple>, Configurable {

    protected Configuration conf;
    protected TupleMRConfig tupleMRConf;
    protected SerializationInfo serInfo;

    protected final SerializerComparator serializerComparator = new SerializerComparator();

    private static final class Offsets {
        protected int offset1 = 0;
        protected int offset2 = 0;

    private static final class Nulls {
        protected BitField nulls1 = new BitField();
        protected BitField nulls2 = new BitField();

    protected Offsets offsets = new Offsets();
    protected Nulls nulls = new Nulls();
    protected boolean isMultipleSources;

    public TupleMRConfig getConfig() {
        return tupleMRConf;

    public SortComparator() {

     * Never called in MapRed jobs. Just for completion and test purposes
    public int compare(ITuple w1, ITuple w2) {
        if (isMultipleSources) {
            int schemaId1 = tupleMRConf.getSchemaIdByName(w1.getSchema().getName());
            int schemaId2 = tupleMRConf.getSchemaIdByName(w2.getSchema().getName());
            int[] indexes1 = serInfo.getCommonSchemaIndexTranslation(schemaId1);
            int[] indexes2 = serInfo.getCommonSchemaIndexTranslation(schemaId2);
            Criteria c = tupleMRConf.getCommonCriteria();
            int comparison = compare(serInfo.getCommonSchema(), c, w1, indexes1, w2, indexes2,
            if (comparison != 0) {
                return comparison;
            } else if (schemaId1 != schemaId2) {
                int r = schemaId1 - schemaId2;
                return (tupleMRConf.getSchemasOrder() == Order.ASC) ? r : -r;
            int schemaId = schemaId1;
            c = tupleMRConf.getSpecificOrderBys().get(schemaId);
            if (c != null) {
                int[] indexes = serInfo.getSpecificSchemaIndexTranslation(schemaId);
                return compare(serInfo.getSpecificSchema(schemaId), c, w1, indexes, w2, indexes,
            } else {
                return 0;
        } else {
            int[] indexes = serInfo.getCommonSchemaIndexTranslation(0);
            Criteria c = tupleMRConf.getCommonCriteria();
            return compare(serInfo.getCommonSchema(), c, w1, indexes, w2, indexes,


    public int compare(Schema schema, Criteria c, ITuple w1, int[] index1, ITuple w2, int[] index2,
            Serializer[] serializers) {
        for (int i = 0; i < c.getElements().size(); i++) {
            Field field = schema.getField(i);
            SortElement e = c.getElements().get(i);
            Object o1 = w1.get(index1[i]);
            Object o2 = w2.get(index2[i]);

            // Handling with null values
            if (o1 == null || o2 == null) {
                int cmp = nullCompare(o1, o2, e);
                if (cmp != 0) {
                    return cmp;
                } else {

            // At this point we know that both values are not null.
            Serializer serializer = (serializers == null) ? null : serializers[i];
            int comparison = compareObjects(o1, o2, e.getCustomComparator(), field.getType(), serializer);
            if (comparison != 0) {
                return (e.getOrder() == Order.ASC ? comparison : -comparison);
        return 0;

     * Compares two objects. Uses the given custom comparator if present. If the
     * type is {@link Type#OBJECT} and no raw comparator is present, then a serializer
     * comparator is used.
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public int compareObjects(Object elem1, Object elem2, RawComparator comparator, Type type,
            Serializer serializer) {
        // If custom, just use custom.
        if (comparator != null) {
            return, elem2);

        if (type == Type.OBJECT) {
            return, serializer, elem2, serializer);
        } else {
            return compareObjects(elem1, elem2);

    public static int compareObjects(Object element1, Object element2) {
        if (element1 == null) {
            return (element2 == null) ? 0 : -1;
        } else if (element2 == null) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            if (element1 instanceof String) {
                element1 = new Utf8((String) element1);
            if (element2 instanceof String) {
                element2 = new Utf8((String) element2);
            if (element1 instanceof byte[]) {
                byte[] buffer1 = (byte[]) element1;
                if (element2 instanceof byte[]) {
                    byte[] buffer2 = (byte[]) element2;
                    return compareBytes(buffer1, 0, buffer1.length, buffer2, 0, buffer2.length);
                } else if (element2 instanceof ByteBuffer) {
                    ByteBuffer buffer2 = (ByteBuffer) element2;
                    int start2 = buffer2.arrayOffset() + buffer2.position();
                    int len2 = buffer2.limit() - buffer2.position();
                    return compareBytes(buffer1, 0, buffer1.length, buffer2.array(), start2, len2);
                } else {
                    throw new PangoolRuntimeException("Can't compare byte[] with " + element2.getClass());
            } else if (element1 instanceof ByteBuffer) {
                ByteBuffer buffer1 = (ByteBuffer) element1;
                int pos1 = buffer1.position();
                int start1 = buffer1.arrayOffset() + pos1;
                int len1 = buffer1.limit() - pos1;
                if (element2 instanceof byte[]) {
                    byte[] buffer2 = (byte[]) element2;
                    return compareBytes(buffer1.array(), start1, len1, buffer2, 0, buffer2.length);
                } else if (element2 instanceof ByteBuffer) {
                    ByteBuffer buffer2 = (ByteBuffer) element2;
                    int pos2 = buffer2.position();
                    int start2 = buffer2.arrayOffset() + pos2;
                    int len2 = buffer2.limit() - pos2;
                    return compareBytes(buffer1.array(), start1, len1, buffer2.array(), start2, len2);
                } else {
                    throw new PangoolRuntimeException("Can't compare byte[] with " + element2.getClass());
            } else if (element1 instanceof Comparable) {
                return ((Comparable) element1).compareTo(element2);
            } else if (element2 instanceof Comparable) {
                return -((Comparable) element2).compareTo(element1);
            } else {
                throw new PangoolRuntimeException(
                        "Not comparable elements:" + element1.getClass() + " with object " + element2.getClass());

    public int nullCompare(Object o1, Object o2, SortElement se) {
        int res = -2;
        if (o1 == null) {
            res = (o2 == null) ? 0 : -1;
        } else if (o2 == null) {
            res = 1;
        if (res == -2) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "None of the two object passed as parameters are null. " + "That is not allowed");
        return (se.getNullOrder() == Criteria.NullOrder.NULL_SMALLEST && se.getOrder() == Order.ASC) ? res : -res;

    public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
        try {
            return (isMultipleSources) ? compareMultipleSources(b1, s1, l1, b2, s2, l2)
                    : compareOneSource(b1, s1, l1, b2, s2, l2);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    protected int compareMultipleSources(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) throws IOException {
        Schema commonSchema = serInfo.getCommonSchema();
        Criteria commonOrder = tupleMRConf.getCommonCriteria();

        int comparison = compare(b1, s1, b2, s2, commonSchema, commonOrder, offsets, nulls);
        if (comparison != 0) {
            return comparison;

        int schemaId1 = readVInt(b1, offsets.offset1);
        int schemaId2 = readVInt(b2, offsets.offset2);
        if (schemaId1 != schemaId2) {
            int r = schemaId1 - schemaId2;
            return (tupleMRConf.getSchemasOrder() == Order.ASC) ? r : -r;

        int vintSize = WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b1[offsets.offset1]);
        offsets.offset1 += vintSize;
        offsets.offset2 += vintSize;

        // sources are the same
        Criteria criteria = tupleMRConf.getSpecificOrderBys().get(schemaId1);
        if (criteria == null) {
            return 0;

        Schema specificSchema = serInfo.getSpecificSchema(schemaId1);
        return compare(b1, offsets.offset1, b2, offsets.offset2, specificSchema, criteria, offsets, nulls);


    private int compareOneSource(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) throws IOException {
        Schema commonSchema = serInfo.getCommonSchema();
        Criteria commonOrder = tupleMRConf.getCommonCriteria();
        return compare(b1, s1, b2, s2, commonSchema, commonOrder, offsets, nulls);

    protected int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, byte[] b2, int s2, Schema schema, Criteria criteria, Offsets o,
            Nulls n) throws IOException {
        o.offset1 = s1;
        o.offset2 = s2;

        // Reading nulls bit field, if present
        if (schema.containsNullableFields()) {
            o.offset1 += n.nulls1.deser(b1, s1);
            o.offset2 += n.nulls2.deser(b2, s2);

        for (int depth = 0; depth < criteria.getElements().size(); depth++) {
            Field field = schema.getField(depth);
            Field.Type type = field.getType();
            SortElement sortElement = criteria.getElements().get(depth);
            Order sort = sortElement.getOrder();
            RawComparator comparator = sortElement.getCustomComparator();

            // Control for nulls, if field is nullable.
            if (field.isNullable()) {
                Criteria.NullOrder nullOrder = sortElement.getNullOrder();
                if (n.nulls1.isSet(schema.getNullablePositionFromIndex(depth))) {
                    if (n.nulls2.isSet(schema.getNullablePositionFromIndex(depth))) {
                        // Both are null, so both are equal. No space is used. Continue.
                    } else {
                        // First is null
                        return (nullOrder == Criteria.NullOrder.NULL_SMALLEST && sort == Order.ASC) ? -1 : 1;
                } else if (n.nulls2.isSet(schema.getNullablePositionFromIndex(depth))) {
                    // Second is null
                    return (nullOrder == Criteria.NullOrder.NULL_SMALLEST && sort == Order.ASC) ? 1 : -1;

            if (comparator != null) {
                //custom comparator for OBJECT
                int length1 = WritableComparator.readVInt(b1, o.offset1);
                int length2 = WritableComparator.readVInt(b2, o.offset2);
                o.offset1 += WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b1[o.offset1]);
                o.offset2 += WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b2[o.offset2]);
                int comparison =, o.offset1, length1, b2, o.offset2, length2);
                o.offset1 += length1;
                o.offset2 += length2;
                if (comparison != 0) {
                    return (sort == Order.ASC) ? comparison : -comparison;
            } else {
                //not custom comparator
                switch (type) {
                case INT:
                case ENUM: {
                    int value1 = readVInt(b1, o.offset1);
                    int value2 = readVInt(b2, o.offset2);
                    if (value1 > value2) {
                        return (sort == Order.ASC) ? 1 : -1;
                    } else if (value1 < value2) {
                        return (sort == Order.ASC) ? -1 : 1;
                    int vintSize = WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b1[o.offset1]);
                    o.offset1 += vintSize;
                    o.offset2 += vintSize;
                case LONG: {
                    long value1 = readVLong(b1, o.offset1);
                    long value2 = readVLong(b2, o.offset2);
                    if (value1 > value2) {
                        return (sort == Order.ASC) ? 1 : -1;
                    } else if (value1 < value2) {
                        return (sort == Order.ASC) ? -1 : 1;
                    int vIntSize = WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b1[o.offset1]);
                    o.offset1 += vIntSize;
                    o.offset2 += vIntSize;
                case FLOAT: {
                    float value1 = readFloat(b1, o.offset1);
                    float value2 = readFloat(b2, o.offset2);
                    int comp =, value2);
                    if (comp != 0) {
                        return (sort == Order.ASC) ? comp : -comp;
                    o.offset1 += Float.SIZE / 8;
                    o.offset2 += Float.SIZE / 8;
                case DOUBLE: {
                    double value1 = readDouble(b1, o.offset1);
                    double value2 = readDouble(b2, o.offset2);
                    int comp =, value2);
                    if (comp != 0) {
                        return (sort == Order.ASC) ? comp : -comp;
                    o.offset1 += Double.SIZE / 8;
                    o.offset2 += Double.SIZE / 8;
                case BOOLEAN: {
                    byte value1 = b1[o.offset1++];
                    byte value2 = b2[o.offset2++];
                    if (value1 > value2) {
                        return (sort == Order.ASC) ? 1 : -1;
                    } else if (value1 < value2) {
                        return (sort == Order.ASC) ? -1 : 1;
                case STRING:
                case OBJECT:
                case BYTES: {
                    int length1 = readVInt(b1, o.offset1);
                    int length2 = readVInt(b2, o.offset2);
                    o.offset1 += WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b1[o.offset1]);
                    o.offset2 += WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b2[o.offset2]);
                    int comparison = compareBytes(b1, o.offset1, length1, b2, o.offset2, length2);
                    o.offset1 += length1;
                    o.offset2 += length2;
                    if (comparison != 0) {
                        return (sort == Order.ASC) ? comparison : (-comparison);
                    throw new IOException("Not supported comparison for type:" + type);
        return 0; // equals

    public Configuration getConf() {
        return conf;

    public void setConf(Configuration conf) {
        try {
            if (conf != null) {
                this.conf = conf;
                TupleMRConfigBuilder.initializeComparators(conf, this.tupleMRConf);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    private void setTupleMRConf(TupleMRConfig config) {
        if (this.tupleMRConf != null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("TupleMR config is already set");
        this.tupleMRConf = config;
        this.serInfo = tupleMRConf.getSerializationInfo();
        this.isMultipleSources = tupleMRConf.getNumIntermediateSchemas() >= 2;
