Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2015, Raymond R Douglass III. All rights reserved. DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS
 * This file is part of XMLTV-to-MXF.
 * XMLTV-to-MXF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * XMLTV-to-MXF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with XMLTV-to-MXF. If not, see
 * <>.
package com.dontocsata.xmltv.db;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.mapdb.DB;

import com.dontocsata.xmltv.XmlTvParser.ProgramPair;
import com.dontocsata.xmltv.model.XmlTvChannel;
import com.dontocsata.xmltv.model.XmlTvProgram;
import com.dontocsata.xmltv.mxf.Program;
import com.dontocsata.xmltv.mxf.Season;
import com.dontocsata.xmltv.mxf.SeriesInfo;
import com.dontocsata.xmltv.mxf.Service;

public class DataStorage {

    private Map<String, XmlTvChannel> channels;
    private Collection<XmlTvProgram> xmlTvPrograms;
    private Map<String, Service> services;
    private Map<String, SeriesInfo> series;
    private Map<String, Season> seasons;
    private Map<String, Program> idProgramMap;
    // XmlTvChannel ID=>Program & XmlTvProgram
    private Multimap<String, ProgramPair> channelProgramMap;

    public DataStorage() {
        channels = new HashMap<>();
        xmlTvPrograms = new ArrayList<>();
        services = new HashMap<>();
        series = new HashMap<>();
        seasons = new HashMap<>();
        idProgramMap = new HashMap<>();
        channelProgramMap = Multimaps.newSortedSetMultimap(new HashMap<>(), TreeSet::new);

    public DataStorage(DB db) {
        channels = db.createHashMap("channels").makeOrGet();
        xmlTvPrograms = db.createHashSet("xmlTvPrograms").makeOrGet();
        services = db.createHashMap("services").makeOrGet();
        series = db.createHashMap("series").makeOrGet();
        seasons = db.createHashMap("seasons").makeOrGet();
        idProgramMap = db.createHashMap("idProgramMap").makeOrGet();
        channelProgramMap = Multimaps.newSortedSetMultimap(db.createHashMap("channelProgramMap").makeOrGet(),

    public void save(Service service) {
        services.put(service.getUid(), service);

    public Service getService(String uid) {
        return services.get(uid);

    public Collection<Service> getServices() {
        return services.values();

    public void save(SeriesInfo series) {
        this.series.put(series.getUid(), series);

    public SeriesInfo getSeries(String uid) {
        return series.get(uid);

    public Collection<SeriesInfo> getSeries() {
        return series.values();

    public void save(Season season) {
        seasons.put(season.getUid(), season);

    public Season getSeason(String uid) {
        return seasons.get(uid);

    public Collection<Season> getSeasons() {
        return seasons.values();

    public void save(Program program) {
        idProgramMap.put(program.getUid(), program);

    public Program getProgram(String uid) {
        return idProgramMap.get(uid);

    public Collection<Program> getPrograms() {
        return idProgramMap.values();

    public void addProgramPair(String xmlTvChannelId, ProgramPair program) {
        channelProgramMap.put(xmlTvChannelId, program);

    public Collection<ProgramPair> getPrograms(String xmlTvChannelId) {
        return channelProgramMap.get(xmlTvChannelId);

    public int getNumberOfPrograms() {
        return channelProgramMap.size();

    public void save(XmlTvChannel channel) {
        channels.put(channel.getId(), channel);

    public XmlTvChannel getChannel(String id) {
        return channels.get(id);

    public Collection<XmlTvChannel> getChannels() {
        return channels.values();

    public void save(XmlTvProgram program) {

    public Collection<XmlTvProgram> getXmlTvPrograms() {
        return xmlTvPrograms;