Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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under the License.    
package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth;

import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;


import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;

import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.InternalWikiException;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiEngine;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiException;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiSession;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.*;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.permissions.AllPermission;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.permissions.GroupPermission;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.permissions.PermissionFactory;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.permissions.WikiPermission;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.user.UserDatabase;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.user.UserProfile;

 * Helper class for verifying JSPWiki's security configuration. Invoked by
 * <code>admin/SecurityConfig.jsp</code>.
 * @author Andrew Jaquith
 * @since 2.4
public final class SecurityVerifier {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3859563355089169941L;

    private WikiEngine m_engine;

    private boolean m_isSecurityPolicyConfigured = false;

    private Principal[] m_policyPrincipals = new Principal[0];

    private WikiSession m_session;

    /** Message prefix for errors. */
    public static final String ERROR = "Error.";

    /** Message prefix for warnings. */
    public static final String WARNING = "Warning.";

    /** Message prefix for information messages. */
    public static final String INFO = "Info.";

    /** Message topic for policy errors. */
    public static final String ERROR_POLICY = "Error.Policy";

    /** Message topic for policy warnings. */
    public static final String WARNING_POLICY = "Warning.Policy";

    /** Message topic for policy information messages. */
    public static final String INFO_POLICY = "Info.Policy";

    /** Message topic for JAAS errors. */
    public static final String ERROR_JAAS = "Error.Jaas";

    /** Message topic for JAAS warnings. */
    public static final String WARNING_JAAS = "Warning.Jaas";

    /** Message topic for role-checking errors. */
    public static final String ERROR_ROLES = "Error.Roles";

    /** Message topic for role-checking information messages. */
    public static final String INFO_ROLES = "Info.Roles";

    /** Message topic for user database errors. */
    public static final String ERROR_DB = "Error.UserDatabase";

    /** Message topic for user database warnings. */
    public static final String WARNING_DB = "Warning.UserDatabase";

    /** Message topic for user database information messages. */
    public static final String INFO_DB = "Info.UserDatabase";

    /** Message topic for group database errors. */
    public static final String ERROR_GROUPS = "Error.GroupDatabase";

    /** Message topic for group database warnings. */
    public static final String WARNING_GROUPS = "Warning.GroupDatabase";

    /** Message topic for group database information messages. */
    public static final String INFO_GROUPS = "Info.GroupDatabase";

    /** Message topic for JAAS information messages. */
    public static final String INFO_JAAS = "Info.Jaas";

    private static final String[] CONTAINER_ACTIONS = new String[] { "View pages", "Comment on existing pages",
            "Edit pages", "Upload attachments", "Create a new group", "Rename an existing page", "Delete pages" };

    private static final String[] CONTAINER_JSPS = new String[] { "/Wiki.jsp", "/Comment.jsp", "/Edit.jsp",
            "/Upload.jsp", "/NewGroup.jsp", "/Rename.jsp", "/Delete.jsp" };

    private static final String BG_GREEN = "bgcolor=\"#c0ffc0\"";

    private static final String BG_RED = "bgcolor=\"#ffc0c0\"";

    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SecurityVerifier.class.getName());

     * Constructs a new SecurityVerifier for a supplied WikiEngine and WikiSession.
     * @param engine the wiki engine
     * @param session the wiki session (typically, that of an administrator)
    public SecurityVerifier(WikiEngine engine, WikiSession session) {
        m_engine = engine;
        m_session = session;
        try {
        } catch (WikiException e) {
            m_session.addMessage(ERROR_ROLES, e.getMessage());

     * Returns an array of unique Principals from the JSPWIki security policy
     * file. This array will be zero-length if the policy file was not
     * successfully located, or if the file did not specify any Principals in
     * the policy.
     * @return the array of principals
    public final Principal[] policyPrincipals() {
        return m_policyPrincipals;

     * Formats and returns an HTML table containing sample permissions and what
     * roles are allowed to have them. This method will throw an
     * {@link IllegalStateException} if the authorizer is not of type
     * {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.WebContainerAuthorizer}
     * @return the formatted HTML table containing the result of the tests
    public final String policyRoleTable() {
        Principal[] roles = m_policyPrincipals;
        String wiki = m_engine.getApplicationName();

        String[] pages = new String[] { "Main", "Index", "GroupTest", "GroupAdmin" };
        String[] pageActions = new String[] { "view", "edit", "modify", "rename", "delete" };

        String[] groups = new String[] { "Admin", "TestGroup", "Foo" };
        String[] groupActions = new String[] { "view", "edit", null, null, "delete" };

        // Calculate column widths
        String colWidth;
        if (pageActions.length > 0 && roles.length > 0) {
            colWidth = String.valueOf(67f / (pageActions.length * roles.length)) + "%";
        } else {
            colWidth = "67%";

        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();

        // Write the table header
        s.append("<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\">\n");
        s.append("  <colgroup span=\"1\" width=\"33%\"/>\n");
        s.append("  <colgroup span=\"" + pageActions.length * roles.length + "\" width=\"" + colWidth
                + "\" align=\"center\"/>\n");
        s.append("  <tr>\n");
        s.append("    <th rowspan=\"2\" valign=\"bottom\">Permission</th>\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
            s.append("    <th colspan=\"" + pageActions.length + "\" title=\"" + roles[i].getClass().getName()
                    + "\">" + roles[i].getName() + "</th>\n");
        s.append("  </tr>\n");

        // Print a column for each role
        s.append("  <tr>\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
            for (String pageAction : pageActions) {
                String action = pageAction.substring(0, 1);
                s.append("    <th title=\"" + pageAction + "\">" + action + "</th>\n");
        s.append("  </tr>\n");

        // Write page permission tests first
        for (String page : pages) {
            s.append("  <tr>\n");
            s.append("    <td>PagePermission \"" + wiki + ":" + page + "\"</td>\n");
            for (Principal role : roles) {
                for (String pageAction : pageActions) {
                    Permission permission = PermissionFactory.getPagePermission(wiki + ":" + page, pageAction);
                    s.append(printPermissionTest(permission, role, 1));
            s.append("  </tr>\n");

        // Now do the group tests
        for (String group : groups) {
            s.append("  <tr>\n");
            s.append("    <td>GroupPermission \"" + wiki + ":" + group + "\"</td>\n");
            for (Principal role : roles) {
                for (String groupAction : groupActions) {
                    Permission permission = null;
                    if (groupAction != null) {
                        permission = new GroupPermission(wiki + ":" + group, groupAction);
                    s.append(printPermissionTest(permission, role, 1));
            s.append("  </tr>\n");

        // Now check the wiki-wide permissions
        String[] wikiPerms = new String[] { "createGroups", "createPages", "login", "editPreferences",
                "editProfile" };
        for (String wikiPerm : wikiPerms) {
            s.append("  <tr>\n");
            s.append("    <td>WikiPermission \"" + wiki + "\",\"" + wikiPerm + "\"</td>\n");
            for (Principal role : roles) {
                Permission permission = new WikiPermission(wiki, wikiPerm);
                s.append(printPermissionTest(permission, role, pageActions.length));
            s.append("  </tr>\n");

        // Lastly, check for AllPermission
        s.append("  <tr>\n");
        s.append("    <td>AllPermission \"" + wiki + "\"</td>\n");
        for (Principal role : roles) {
            Permission permission = new AllPermission(wiki);
            s.append(printPermissionTest(permission, role, pageActions.length));
        s.append("  </tr>\n");

        // We're done!
        return s.toString();

     * Prints a &lt;td&gt; HTML element with the results of a permission test.
     * @param perm the permission to format
     * @param allowed whether the permission is allowed
    private final String printPermissionTest(Permission permission, Principal principal, int cols) {
        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
        if (permission == null) {
            s.append("    <td colspan=\"" + cols + "\" align=\"center\" title=\"N/A\">");
        } else {
            boolean allowed = verifyStaticPermission(principal, permission);
            s.append("    <td colspan=\"" + cols + "\" align=\"center\" title=\"");
            s.append(allowed ? "ALLOW: " : "DENY: ");
            s.append(" &quot;");
            if (permission.getName() != null) {
            s.append(" ");
            s.append(" &quot;");
            s.append(allowed ? BG_GREEN + ">" : BG_RED + ">");
        return s.toString();

     * Formats and returns an HTML table containing the roles the web container
     * is aware of, and whether each role maps to particular JSPs. This method
     * throws an {@link IllegalStateException} if the authorizer is not of type
     * {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.WebContainerAuthorizer}
     * @return the formatted HTML table containing the result of the tests
     * @throws WikiException if tests fail for unexpected reasons
    public final String containerRoleTable() throws WikiException {

        AuthorizationManager authorizationManager = m_engine.getAuthorizationManager();
        Authorizer authorizer = authorizationManager.getAuthorizer();

        // If authorizer not WebContainerAuthorizer, print error message
        if (!(authorizer instanceof WebContainerAuthorizer)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Authorizer should be WebContainerAuthorizer");

        // Now, print a table with JSP pages listed on the left, and
        // an evaluation of each pages' constraints for each role
        // we discovered
        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
        Principal[] roles = authorizer.getRoles();
        s.append("<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\">\n");
        s.append("  <tr>\n");
        s.append("    <th rowspan=\"2\">Action</th>\n");
        s.append("    <th rowspan=\"2\">Page</th>\n");
        s.append("    <th colspan=\"" + roles.length + 1 + "\">Roles</th>\n");
        s.append("  </tr>\n");
        s.append("  <tr>\n");
        s.append("    <th>Anonymous</th>\n");
        for (Principal role : roles) {
            s.append("    <th>" + role.getName() + "</th>\n");

        try {
            WebContainerAuthorizer wca = (WebContainerAuthorizer) authorizer;
            for (int i = 0; i < CONTAINER_ACTIONS.length; i++) {
                String action = CONTAINER_ACTIONS[i];
                String jsp = CONTAINER_JSPS[i];

                // Print whether the page is constrained for each role
                boolean allowsAnonymous = !wca.isConstrained(jsp, Role.ALL);
                s.append("  <tr>\n");
                s.append("    <td>" + action + "</td>\n");
                s.append("    <td>" + jsp + "</td>\n");
                s.append("    <td title=\"");
                s.append(allowsAnonymous ? "ALLOW: " : "DENY: ");
                s.append(" Anonymous");
                s.append(allowsAnonymous ? BG_GREEN + ">" : BG_RED + ">");
                for (Principal role : roles) {
                    boolean allowed = allowsAnonymous || wca.isConstrained(jsp, (Role) role);
                    s.append("    <td title=\"");
                    s.append(allowed ? "ALLOW: " : "DENY: ");
                    s.append(" ");
                    s.append(" &quot;");
                    s.append(allowed ? BG_GREEN + ">" : BG_RED + ">");
                s.append("  </tr>\n");
        } catch (JDOMException e) {
            // If we couldn't evaluate constraints it means
            // there's some sort of IO mess or parsing issue
            LOG.error("Malformed XML in web.xml", e);
            throw new InternalWikiException(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());

        return s.toString();

     * Returns <code>true</code> if the Java security policy is configured
     * correctly, and it verifies as valid.
     * @return the result of the configuration check
    public final boolean isSecurityPolicyConfigured() {
        return m_isSecurityPolicyConfigured;

     * If the active Authorizer is the WebContainerAuthorizer, returns the roles
     * it knows about; otherwise, a zero-length array.
     * @return the roles parsed from <code>web.xml</code>, or a zero-length array
     * @throws WikiException if the web authorizer cannot obtain the list of roles
    public final Principal[] webContainerRoles() throws WikiException {
        Authorizer authorizer = m_engine.getAuthorizationManager().getAuthorizer();
        if (authorizer instanceof WebContainerAuthorizer) {
            return ((WebContainerAuthorizer) authorizer).getRoles();
        return new Principal[0];

     * Verifies that the roles given in the security policy are reflected by the
     * container <code>web.xml</code> file.
     * @throws WikiException if the web authorizer cannot verify the roles
    protected final void verifyPolicyAndContainerRoles() throws WikiException {
        Authorizer authorizer = m_engine.getAuthorizationManager().getAuthorizer();
        Principal[] containerRoles = authorizer.getRoles();
        boolean missing = false;
        for (Principal principal : m_policyPrincipals) {
            if (principal instanceof Role) {
                Role role = (Role) principal;
                boolean isContainerRole = ArrayUtils.contains(containerRoles, role);
                if (!Role.isBuiltInRole(role) && !isContainerRole) {
                            "Role '" + role.getName() + "' is defined in security policy but not in web.xml.");
                    missing = true;
        if (!missing) {
                    "Every non-standard role defined in the security policy was also found in web.xml.");

     * Verifies that the group datbase was initialized properly, and that
     * user add and delete operations work as they should.
    protected final void verifyGroupDatabase() {
        GroupManager mgr = m_engine.getGroupManager();
        GroupDatabase db = null;
        try {
            db = m_engine.getGroupManager().getGroupDatabase();
        } catch (WikiSecurityException e) {
            m_session.addMessage(ERROR_GROUPS, "Could not retrieve GroupManager: " + e.getMessage());

        // Check for obvious error conditions
        if (mgr == null || db == null) {
            if (mgr == null) {
                        "GroupManager is null; JSPWiki could not " + "initialize it. Check the error logs.");
            if (db == null) {
                        "GroupDatabase is null; JSPWiki could not " + "initialize it. Check the error logs.");

        // Everything initialized OK...

        // Tell user what class of database this is.
        m_session.addMessage(INFO_GROUPS, "GroupDatabase is of type '" + db.getClass().getName()
                + "'. It appears to be initialized properly.");

        // Now, see how many groups we have.
        int oldGroupCount = 0;
        try {
            Group[] groups = db.groups();
            oldGroupCount = groups.length;
            m_session.addMessage(INFO_GROUPS, "The group database contains " + oldGroupCount + " groups.");
        } catch (WikiSecurityException e) {
            m_session.addMessage(ERROR_GROUPS, "Could not obtain a list of current groups: " + e.getMessage());

        // Try adding a bogus group with random name
        String name = "TestGroup" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
        Group group = null;
        try {
            // Create dummy test group
            group = mgr.parseGroup(name, "", true);
            Principal user = new WikiPrincipal("TestUser");
  , new WikiPrincipal("SecurityVerifier"));

            // Make sure the group saved successfully
            if (db.groups().length == oldGroupCount) {
                m_session.addMessage(ERROR_GROUPS, "Could not add a test group to the database.");
            m_session.addMessage(INFO_GROUPS, "The group database allows new groups to be created, as it should.");
        } catch (WikiSecurityException e) {
            m_session.addMessage(ERROR_GROUPS, "Could not add a group to the database: " + e.getMessage());

        // Now delete the group; should be back to old count
        try {
            if (db.groups().length != oldGroupCount) {
                m_session.addMessage(ERROR_GROUPS, "Could not delete a test group from the database.");
            m_session.addMessage(INFO_GROUPS, "The group database allows groups to be deleted, as it should.");
        } catch (WikiSecurityException e) {
                    "Could not delete a test group from the database: " + e.getMessage());

        m_session.addMessage(INFO_GROUPS, "The group database configuration looks fine.");

     * Verfies the JAAS configuration. The configuration is valid if value of the
     * <code><code> property
     * {@value com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.AuthenticationManager#PROP_LOGIN_MODULE}
     * resolves to a valid class on the classpath.
    protected final void verifyJaas() {
        // See if JAAS is on
        AuthorizationManager authMgr = m_engine.getAuthorizationManager();
        if (!authMgr.isJAASAuthorized()) {
                    "JSPWiki's JAAS-based authentication "
                            + "and authorization system is turned off (your file "
                            + "contains the setting ' = container'. This "
                            + "setting disables authorization checks and is meant for testing "
                            + "and troubleshooting only. The test results on this page will not "
                            + "be reliable as a result. You should set this to 'jaas' "
                            + "so that security works properly.");

        // Verify that the specified JAAS moduie corresponds to a class we can load successfully.
        String jaasClass = m_engine.getWikiProperties().getProperty(AuthenticationManager.PROP_LOGIN_MODULE);
        if (jaasClass == null || jaasClass.length() == 0) {
            m_session.addMessage(ERROR_JAAS, "The value of the '" + AuthenticationManager.PROP_LOGIN_MODULE
                    + "' property was null or blank. This is a fatal error. This value should be set to a valid LoginModule implementation "
                    + "on the classpath.");

        // See if we can find the LoginModule on the classpath
        Class c = null;
        try {
            m_session.addMessage(INFO_JAAS, "The property '" + AuthenticationManager.PROP_LOGIN_MODULE
                    + "' specified the class '" + jaasClass + ".'");
            c = Class.forName(jaasClass);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            m_session.addMessage(ERROR_JAAS, "We could not find the the class '" + jaasClass + "' on the "
                    + "classpath. This is fatal error.");

        // Is the specified class actually a LoginModule?
        if (LoginModule.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
            m_session.addMessage(INFO_JAAS, "We found the the class '" + jaasClass + "' on the "
                    + "classpath, and it is a LoginModule implementation. Good!");
        } else {
            m_session.addMessage(ERROR_JAAS, "We found the the class '" + jaasClass + "' on the "
                    + "classpath, but it does not seem to be LoginModule implementation! This is fatal error.");

     * Looks up a file name based on a JRE system property and returns the associated
     * File object if it exists. This method adds messages with the topic prefix 
     * {@link #ERROR} and {@link #INFO} as appropriate, with the suffix matching the 
     * supplied property.
     * @param property the system property to look up
     * @return the file object, or <code>null</code> if not found
    protected final File getFileFromProperty(String property) {
        String propertyValue = null;
        try {
            propertyValue = System.getProperty(property);
            if (propertyValue == null) {
                m_session.addMessage("Error." + property, "The system property '" + property + "' is null.");
                return null;

            //  It's also possible to use "==" to mark a property.  We remove that
            //  here so that we can actually find the property file, then.
            if (propertyValue.startsWith("=")) {
                propertyValue = propertyValue.substring(1);

            try {
                m_session.addMessage("Info." + property,
                        "The system property '" + property + "' is set to: " + propertyValue + ".");

                // Prepend a file: prefix if not there already
                if (!propertyValue.startsWith("file:")) {
                    propertyValue = "file:" + propertyValue;
                URL url = new URL(propertyValue);
                File file = new File(url.getPath());
                if (file.exists()) {
                    m_session.addMessage("Info." + property,
                            "File '" + propertyValue + "' exists in the filesystem.");
                    return file;
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                // Swallow exception because we can't find it anyway
            m_session.addMessage("Error." + property,
                    "File '" + propertyValue + "' doesn't seem to exist. This might be a problem.");
            return null;
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            m_session.addMessage("Error." + property, "We could not read system property '" + property
                    + "'. This is probably because you are running with a security manager.");
            return null;

     * Verfies the Java security policy configuration. The configuration is
     * valid if value of the local policy (at <code>WEB-INF/jspwiki.policy</code>
     * resolves to an existing file, and the policy file contained therein
     * represents a valid policy.
    protected final void verifyPolicy() {
        // Look up the policy file and set the status text.
        URL policyURL = AuthenticationManager.findConfigFile(m_engine, AuthorizationManager.DEFAULT_POLICY);
        String path = policyURL.getPath();
        if (path.startsWith("file:")) {
            path = path.substring(5);
        File policyFile = new File(path);

        // Next, verify the policy
        try {
            // Get the file
            PolicyReader policy = new PolicyReader(policyFile);
            m_session.addMessage(INFO_POLICY, "The security policy '" + policy.getFile() + "' exists.");

            // See if there is a keystore that's valid
            KeyStore ks = policy.getKeyStore();
            if (ks == null) {
                        "Policy file does not have a keystore... at least not one that we can locate. If your policy file "
                                + "does not contain any 'signedBy' blocks, this is probably ok.");
            } else {
                        "The security policy specifies a keystore, and we were able to locate it in the filesystem.");

            // Verify the file
            List<Exception> errors = policy.getMessages();
            if (errors.size() > 0) {
                for (Exception e : errors) {
                    m_session.addMessage(ERROR_POLICY, e.getMessage());
            } else {
                m_session.addMessage(INFO_POLICY, "The security policy looks fine.");
                m_isSecurityPolicyConfigured = true;

            // Stash the unique principals mentioned in the file,
            // plus our standard roles.
            Set<Principal> principals = new LinkedHashSet<Principal>();
            ProtectionDomain[] domains = policy.getProtectionDomains();
            for (ProtectionDomain domain : domains) {
                for (Principal principal : domain.getPrincipals()) {
            m_policyPrincipals = principals.toArray(new Principal[principals.size()]);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            m_session.addMessage(ERROR_POLICY, e.getMessage());

     * Verifies that a particular Principal possesses a Permission, as defined
     * in the security policy file.
     * @param principal the principal
     * @param permission the permission
     * @return the result, based on consultation with the active Java security
     *         policy
    protected final boolean verifyStaticPermission(Principal principal, final Permission permission) {
        Subject subject = new Subject();
        boolean allowedByGlobalPolicy = ((Boolean) Subject.doAsPrivileged(subject, new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
            public Object run() {
                try {
                    return Boolean.TRUE;
                } catch (AccessControlException e) {
                    return Boolean.FALSE;
        }, null)).booleanValue();

        if (allowedByGlobalPolicy) {
            return true;

        // Check local policy
        Principal[] principals = new Principal[] { principal };
        return m_engine.getAuthorizationManager().allowedByLocalPolicy(principals, permission);

     * Verifies that the user datbase was initialized properly, and that
     * user add and delete operations work as they should.
    protected final void verifyUserDatabase() {
        UserDatabase db = m_engine.getUserManager().getUserDatabase();

        // Check for obvious error conditions
        if (db == null) {
                    "UserDatabase is null; JSPWiki could not " + "initialize it. Check the error logs.");

        if (db instanceof UserManager.DummyUserDatabase) {
                    "UserDatabase is DummyUserDatabase; JSPWiki "
                            + "may not have been able to initialize the database you supplied in "
                            + ", or you left the 'jspwiki.userdatabase' property "
                            + "blank. Check the error logs.");

        // Tell user what class of database this is.
        m_session.addMessage(INFO_DB, "UserDatabase is of type '" + db.getClass().getName()
                + "'. It appears to be initialized properly.");

        // Now, see how many users we have.
        int oldUserCount = 0;
        try {
            Principal[] users = db.getWikiNames();
            oldUserCount = users.length;
            m_session.addMessage(INFO_DB, "The user database contains " + oldUserCount + " users.");
        } catch (WikiSecurityException e) {
            m_session.addMessage(ERROR_DB, "Could not obtain a list of current users: " + e.getMessage());

        // Try adding a bogus user with random name
        String loginName = "TestUser" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
        try {
            UserProfile profile = db.newProfile();
            profile.setFullname("FullName" + loginName);

            // Make sure the profile saved successfully
            if (db.getWikiNames().length == oldUserCount) {
                m_session.addMessage(ERROR_DB, "Could not add a test user to the database.");
            m_session.addMessage(INFO_DB, "The user database allows new users to be created, as it should.");
        } catch (WikiSecurityException e) {
            m_session.addMessage(ERROR_DB, "Could not add a test user to the database: " + e.getMessage());

        // Now delete the profile; should be back to old count
        try {
            if (db.getWikiNames().length != oldUserCount) {
                m_session.addMessage(ERROR_DB, "Could not delete a test user from the database.");
            m_session.addMessage(INFO_DB, "The user database allows users to be deleted, as it should.");
        } catch (WikiSecurityException e) {
            m_session.addMessage(ERROR_DB, "Could not delete a test user to the database: " + e.getMessage());

        m_session.addMessage(INFO_DB, "The user database configuration looks fine.");