Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2000-2011 Enonic AS
package com.enonic.vertical.userservices;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import com.enonic.esl.containers.ExtendedMap;
import com.enonic.esl.util.StringUtil;
import com.enonic.esl.xml.XMLTool;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalRemoveException;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalSecurityException;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalUpdateException;

import com.enonic.cms.core.service.UserServicesService;


import com.enonic.cms.domain.CalendarUtil;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.SiteKey;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.ContentAccessEntity;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.ContentAndVersion;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.ContentEntity;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.ContentKey;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.ContentLocation;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.ContentLocationSpecification;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.ContentLocations;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.ContentVersionEntity;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.ContentVersionKey;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.binary.BinaryData;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.binary.BinaryDataAndBinary;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.binary.BinaryDataKey;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.category.CategoryEntity;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.category.CategoryKey;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.portal.PrettyPathNameCreator;

 * Base class for userservices servlets related to modifying content from "public" sites.  This class will take care of custom content. All
 * the other content types should extend this class to implement special logic for generating XML and changing the database.
public class ContentHandlerBaseController extends AbstractUserServicesHandlerController
        implements InitializingBean {
    protected final static int ERR_MISSING_CATEGORY_KEY = 100;

    protected final static int SECONDS_IN_WEEK = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;

    protected int WORD_BREAK_LIMIT;

    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
        WORD_BREAK_LIMIT = verticalProperties

    protected String breakString(String string) {
        int cCounter = 0;
        StringBuffer newstring = new StringBuffer(string.length());
        char c;
        for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) {
            c = string.charAt(i);

            if (c == ' ' || c == '.' || c == '!' || c == '?') {
                cCounter = 0;
            } else {

            if (cCounter == WORD_BREAK_LIMIT && (i + 1) < string.length() && string.charAt(i + 1) != '-'
                    && c != '-') {
                cCounter = 0;

        return newstring.toString();

    protected void buildContentTypeXML(UserServicesService userServices, Element contentdataElem,
            ExtendedMap formItems, boolean skipEmptyElements)
            throws VerticalUserServicesException, RemoteException {
        Document doc = contentdataElem.getOwnerDocument();
        Element moduleElement = (Element) formItems.get("__module_element");

        contentdataElem.setAttribute("version", "1.0");

        // Date conversion objects
        NodeList blockElements;
        try {
            blockElements = XMLTool.selectNodes(moduleElement, "form/block");

            for (int k = 0; k < blockElements.getLength(); ++k) {
                Element blockElement = (Element) blockElements.item(k);
                NodeList inputElements = XMLTool.selectNodes(blockElement, "input");

                boolean groupBlock = false;
                String groupXPath = blockElement.getAttribute("group");
                if (groupXPath != null && groupXPath.length() > 0) {
                    groupBlock = true;

                if (!groupBlock) {
                    createNormalBlock(formItems, doc, contentdataElem, inputElements, skipEmptyElements);
                } else {
                    createGroupBlock(formItems, doc, contentdataElem, inputElements, groupXPath, k + 1);
        } catch (ParseException pe) {
            String message = "Failed to parse a date: %t";
            VerticalUserServicesLogger.warnUserServices(this.getClass(), 3, message, pe);

    protected String buildXML(UserServicesService userServices, User user, ExtendedMap formItems, SiteKey siteKey,
            int contentTypeKey, String contentTitle, boolean skipEmptyElements)
            throws VerticalUserServicesException, RemoteException {

        Document doc;
        Element contentElem;
        Element contentdataElem;
        int contentKey = formItems.getInt("key", -1);

        if (contentKey == -1) {
            contentKey = formItems.getInt("contentkey", -1);

        if (contentKey == -1) {
            doc = XMLTool.createDocument("content");
            contentElem = doc.getDocumentElement();

            int categoryKey = formItems.getInt("categorykey");
            CategoryEntity categoryEntity = categoryDao.findByKey(new CategoryKey(categoryKey));

            if (categoryEntity.getAutoMakeAvailableAsBoolean()) {
                contentElem.setAttribute("publishfrom", CalendarUtil.formatCurrentDate());
                contentElem.setAttribute("status", "2");
            } else {
                // new content is created as draft
                contentElem.setAttribute("status", "0");

            contentElem.setAttribute("contenttypekey", String.valueOf(contentTypeKey));
            contentElem.setAttribute("priority", "0");

            // category:
            Element category = XMLTool.createElement(doc, contentElem, "categoryname");
            category.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(categoryKey));

            // content title
            XMLTool.createElement(doc, contentElem, "title", contentTitle);

            // content data
            contentdataElem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, contentElem, "contentdata");
        } else {
            doc = XMLTool.domparse(userServices.getContent(user, contentKey, false, 0, 0, 0));
            Element rootElem = doc.getDocumentElement();
            contentElem = XMLTool.getFirstElement(rootElem);
            doc.replaceChild(contentElem, rootElem);

            // modifier/@key
            Element modifierElem = XMLTool.getElement(contentElem, "modifier");
            XMLTool.removeChildFromParent(contentElem, modifierElem);
            modifierElem = XMLTool.createElement(contentElem, "modifier");
            modifierElem.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(user.getKey()));

            // version/@key
            int versionKey = userServices.getCurrentVersionKey(contentKey);
            contentElem.setAttribute("versionkey", String.valueOf(versionKey));

            // content title
            Element title = XMLTool.getElement(contentElem, "title");
            XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, title, contentTitle);

            // content data
            contentdataElem = XMLTool.getElement(contentElem, "contentdata");
            XMLTool.removeChildNodes(contentdataElem, true);

        buildContentTypeXML(userServices, contentdataElem, formItems, skipEmptyElements);

        return XMLTool.documentToString(doc);

    protected String cleanBody(String body) {

        StringBuffer newBody = new StringBuffer(body.length());
        String delimiters = " .,:;!?/\\+-*=<>()[]{}";
        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(body, delimiters, true);

        while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
            if (token.length() > WORD_BREAK_LIMIT) {
                newBody.append(token.substring(0, WORD_BREAK_LIMIT - 1));
                newBody.append(token.substring(WORD_BREAK_LIMIT - 1));
            } else {

        return newBody.toString();

     * Handle remove content.
    protected void handlerRemove(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, HttpSession session,
            ExtendedMap formItems, UserServicesService userServices, SiteKey siteKey)
            throws VerticalUserServicesException, VerticalRemoveException, VerticalSecurityException,
            RemoteException {
        User user = securityService.getOldUserObject();
        UserEntity runningUser = securityService.getUser(user);

        ContentKey contentKey = new ContentKey(formItems.getInt("key"));
        ContentEntity content = contentDao.findByKey(contentKey);

        if (content != null && !content.isDeleted()) {
            // just to avoid any effects of the delete function, we find the content's locations before we delete it
            ContentLocationSpecification contentLocationSpecification = new ContentLocationSpecification();
            ContentLocations contentLocations = content.getLocations(contentLocationSpecification);

            contentService.deleteContent(runningUser, content);

            for (ContentLocation contentLocation : contentLocations.getAllLocations()) {
                PageCacheService pageCacheService = siteCachesService

        redirectToPage(request, response, formItems);

    protected void handlerUpdate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, HttpSession session,
            ExtendedMap formItems, UserServicesService userServices, SiteKey siteKey)
            throws VerticalUserServicesException, VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException,
            RemoteException {
        User oldTypeUser = securityService.getOldUserObject();

        int contentKey = formItems.getInt("key", -1);

        if (contentKey == -1) {
            String message = "Content key not specified.";
            VerticalUserServicesLogger.warn(this.getClass(), 0, message, null);
            redirectToErrorPage(request, response, formItems, ERR_MISSING_CATEGORY_KEY, null);

        BinaryData[] binaries = fetchUploadedFiles(formItems);

        List<BinaryDataKey> binariesToRemoveAsBinaryDataKey = null;
        List<BinaryDataAndBinary> binariesToAdd = BinaryDataAndBinary.createNewFrom(binaries);

        Document ctDoc = XMLTool.domparse(userServices.getContentTypeByContent(contentKey));
        String xmlData = buildContent(userServices, oldTypeUser, formItems, siteKey, ctDoc, false);

        boolean asNewVersion = true;
        updateContent(oldTypeUser, xmlData, binariesToRemoveAsBinaryDataKey, binariesToAdd, asNewVersion);

        redirectToPage(request, response, formItems);

    protected ContentVersionKey updateContent(User oldTypeUser, String xmlData,
            List<BinaryDataKey> binariesToRemoveAsBinaryDataKey, List<BinaryDataAndBinary> binariesToAdd,
            boolean asNewVersion) {
        UserEntity runningUser = securityService.getUser(oldTypeUser);

        boolean parseContentData = true;
        ContentAndVersion parsedContentAndVersion = contentParserService.parseContentAndVersion(xmlData, null,
        ContentEntity parsedContent = parsedContentAndVersion.getContent();
        ContentVersionEntity parsedVersion = parsedContentAndVersion.getVersion();
        CategoryEntity parsedCategory = parsedContent.getCategory();

        ContentEntity persistedContent = contentDao.findByKey(parsedContent.getKey());
        addExistingAccessRights(parsedContent, persistedContent);

        UpdateContentCommand updateContentCommand;

        if (asNewVersion) {
            updateContentCommand = UpdateContentCommand
        } else {
            updateContentCommand = UpdateContentCommand





        UpdateContentResult updateContentResult = contentService.updateContent(updateContentCommand);

        if (updateContentResult.isAnyChangesMade()) {
            new PageCacheInvalidatorForContent(siteCachesService)

        return updateContentResult.getTargetedVersionKey();

    private BinaryData[] fetchUploadedFiles(ExtendedMap formItems) {
        BinaryData[] binaries = null;

        if (formItems.hasFileItems()) {
            FileItem[] fileItems = formItems.getFileItems();
            binaries = new BinaryData[fileItems.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < fileItems.length; i++) {
                binaries[i] = createBinaryData(fileItems[i]);

        return binaries;

    private void addExistingAccessRights(ContentEntity parsedContent, ContentEntity persistedContent) {
        for (ContentAccessEntity contentAccess : persistedContent.getContentAccessRights()) {

    protected void handlerCreate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, HttpSession session,
            ExtendedMap formItems, UserServicesService userServices, SiteKey siteKey)
            throws VerticalUserServicesException, VerticalSecurityException, RemoteException {
        User oldUser = securityService.getOldUserObject();

        int categoryKey = formItems.getInt("categorykey", -1);

        if (categoryKey == -1) {
            String message = "Category key not specified.";
            VerticalUserServicesLogger.warn(this.getClass(), 0, message, null);
            redirectToErrorPage(request, response, formItems, ERR_MISSING_CATEGORY_KEY, null);

        BinaryData[] binaries = fetchUploadedFiles(formItems);

        Document ctDoc = XMLTool.domparse(userServices.getContentTypeByCategory(categoryKey));
        String xmlData = buildContent(userServices, oldUser, formItems, siteKey, ctDoc, false);

        storeNewContent(oldUser, binaries, xmlData);

        redirectToPage(request, response, formItems);

    protected ContentKey storeNewContent(User oldUser, BinaryData[] binaries, String xmlData) {
        UserEntity runningUser = securityService.getUser(oldUser);
        List<BinaryDataAndBinary> binaryDataAndBinaries = BinaryDataAndBinary.createNewFrom(binaries);

        boolean parseContentData = true; // always parse content data when creating content

        ContentAndVersion parsedContentAndVersion = contentParserService.parseContentAndVersion(xmlData, null,
        ContentEntity parsedContent = parsedContentAndVersion.getContent();
        ContentVersionEntity parsedVersion = parsedContentAndVersion.getVersion();

        // forcing owner and modifer to running user

        CreateContentCommand command = new CreateContentCommand();



        if (StringUtils.isBlank(command.getContentName())) {


        ContentKey newContentKey = contentService.createContent(command);
        return newContentKey;

    private String buildContent(UserServicesService services, User user, ExtendedMap formItems, SiteKey siteKey,
            Document contentType, boolean skipEmptyElements) throws VerticalUserServicesException, RemoteException {

        Element rootElement = contentType.getDocumentElement();
        Element contentTypeElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "contenttype");
        Element moduleDataElement = XMLTool.getElement(contentTypeElement, "moduledata");
        Element moduleElement = XMLTool.getElement(moduleDataElement, "config");
        formItems.put("__module_element", moduleElement);

        // we want to keep a reference for later
        Element formElement = XMLTool.getElement(moduleElement, "form");
        String titleName = XMLTool.getElement(formElement, "title").getAttribute("name");

        int contentTypeKey = Integer.parseInt(contentTypeElement.getAttribute("key"));
        String contentTitle = formItems.getString(titleName);
        return buildXML(services, user, formItems, siteKey, contentTypeKey, contentTitle, skipEmptyElements);

    private BinaryData createBinaryData(String fileName, InputStream inputStream)
            throws VerticalUserServicesException {
        BinaryData binaryData = new BinaryData();
        try {
            binaryData.fileName = fileName;
            ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            byte[] buf = new byte[1024 * 16];
            int size;

            while ((size = > 0) {
                bao.write(buf, 0, size);
   = bao.toByteArray();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            VerticalUserServicesLogger.errorUserServices(this.getClass(), 20, "Failed to read binary data: %t",

        return binaryData;

    protected BinaryData createBinaryData(FileItem fileItem) throws VerticalUserServicesException {
        String fileName = FileUtil.getFileName(fileItem);
        StringTokenizer nameTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(fileName, "\\/:");
        while (nameTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
            fileName = nameTokenizer.nextToken();
        try {
            return createBinaryData(fileName, fileItem.getInputStream());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            String message = "Failed to read file item stream: %t";
            VerticalUserServicesLogger.errorUserServices(this.getClass(), 0, message, ioe);
        return null;

    private void createGroupBlock(ExtendedMap formItems, Document doc, Element contentdata, NodeList inputElements,
            String groupXPath, int groupCounter) throws ParseException {
        // get number of block instances
        int instances = 1;
        if (isArrayFormItem(formItems, "group" + groupCounter + "_counter")) {
            instances = ((String[]) formItems.get("group" + groupCounter + "_counter")).length;

        Element[] blocks = new Element[instances];

        for (int k = 0; k < instances; ++k) {
            // First, create the elements in the xpath:
            blocks[k] = createXPathElements(contentdata, groupXPath, 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < inputElements.getLength(); ++i) {
            Element inputElem = (Element) inputElements.item(i);
            String name = inputElem.getAttribute("name");
            String xpath = XMLTool.getElementText(inputElem, "xpath");
            String type = inputElem.getAttribute("type");

            if (xpath != null) {
                // Then store the data.
                // Some types may need to be treated separatly.

                // date
                if (type.equals("date")) {
                    if (instances > 1) {
                        String[] values = (String[]) formItems.get(name);

                        for (int j = 0; j < instances; ++j) {
                            if (values[j] != null && values[j].length() > 0) {
                                Date tempDate = dateFormatFrom.parse(values[j]);
                                XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, createXPathElements(blocks[j], xpath, 0),
                    } else if (formItems.containsKey(name)) {
                        String tmp = formItems.getString(name);
                        if (tmp.length() > 0) {
                            Date tempDate = dateFormatFrom.parse(tmp);
                            XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, createXPathElements(blocks[0], xpath, 0),


                // file
                else if (type.equals("file")) {
                    if (instances > 1) {
                        String[] values = (String[]) formItems.get(name);

                        for (int j = 0; j < instances; ++j) {
                            if (values[j] != null && values[j].length() > 0) {
                                Element file = XMLTool.createElement(doc, createXPathElements(blocks[j], xpath, 0),
                                file.setAttribute("key", values[j]);
                    } else if (formItems.containsKey(name)) {
                        Element file = XMLTool.createElement(doc, createXPathElements(blocks[0], xpath, 0), "file");
                        file.setAttribute("key", formItems.getString(name));

                // image
                else if (type.equals("image")) {
                    if (instances > 1) {
                        String[] values = (String[]) formItems.get(name);
                        String[] textValues = (String[]) formItems.get(name + "text");

                        for (int j = 0; j < instances; ++j) {
                            Element tmpElem = createXPathElements(blocks[j], xpath, 0);

                            if (values[j] != null && values[j].length() > 0) {
                                tmpElem.setAttribute("key", values[j]);
                                if ("true".equals(inputElem.getAttribute("imagetext"))) {
                                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, "text", textValues[j]);
                    } else {
                        String value = formItems.getString(name, null);
                        String text = formItems.getString(name + "text", null);
                        Element tmpElem = createXPathElements(blocks[0], xpath, 0);

                        if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
                            tmpElem.setAttribute("key", value);
                            if ("true".equals(inputElem.getAttribute("imagetext"))) {
                                XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, "text", text);


                // checkbox
                else if (type.equals("checkbox")) {
                    if (instances > 1) {
                        String[] values = (String[]) formItems.get(name);

                        for (int j = 0; j < instances; ++j) {
                            Element tmpElem = createXPathElements(blocks[j], xpath, 0);

                            if ("true".equals(values[j])) {
                                XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, tmpElem, "true");
                            } else {
                                XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, tmpElem, "false");
                    } else {
                        Element tmpElem = createXPathElements(blocks[0], xpath, 0);

                        if ("true".equals(formItems.getString(name, "false"))) {
                            XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, tmpElem, "true");
                        } else {
                            XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, tmpElem, "false");

                // normal text
                else {
                    if (instances > 1) {
                        String[] values = (String[]) formItems.get(name);

                        for (int j = 0; j < instances; ++j) {
                            if (values[j] != null && values[j].length() > 0) {
                                Element tmpElem = createXPathElements(blocks[j], xpath, 0);

                                if (type.equals("htmlarea") || type.equals("simplehtmlarea")) {
                                    XMLTool.createXHTMLNodes(doc, tmpElem, values[j], true);
                                } else {
                                    XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, tmpElem, values[j]);
                    } else {
                        Element tmpElem = createXPathElements(blocks[0], xpath, 0);

                        String value = formItems.getString(name, "false");
                        if (type.equals("htmlarea") || type.equals("simplehtmlarea")) {
                            XMLTool.createXHTMLNodes(doc, tmpElem, value, true);
                        } else {
                            XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, tmpElem, value);

    private void createNormalBlock(ExtendedMap formItems, Document doc, Element contentdata, NodeList inputElements,
            boolean skipEmptyElements) throws ParseException {
        for (int i = 0; i < inputElements.getLength(); ++i) {
            Element inputElem = (Element) inputElements.item(i);
            String name = inputElem.getAttribute("name");
            String xpath = XMLTool.getElementText(inputElem, "xpath");
            String type = inputElem.getAttribute("type");

            if (xpath != null) {
                // First, create the elements in the xpath:
                Element tmpElem = createXPathElements(contentdata, xpath, 1);

                // Then store the data.
                // Some types may need to be treated separatly.

                // date
                if (type.equals("date")) {
                    if (formItems.containsKey(name)) {
                        String date = formItems.getString(name);
                        if (date.length() > 0) {
                            Date tempDate = dateFormatFrom.parse(date);
                            XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, tmpElem, dateFormatTo.format(tempDate));

                // images
                else if (type.equals("images")) {
                    if (isArrayFormItem(formItems, name)) {
                        String[] images = (String[]) formItems.get(name);
                        String[] text = (String[]) formItems.get(name + "text");
                        for (int k = 0; k < images.length; k++) {
                            if (images[k] == null || images[k].length() == 0) {
                            Element image = XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, "image");
                            image.setAttribute("key", images[k]);
                            XMLTool.createElement(doc, image, "text", text[k]);

                // image
                else if (type.equals("image")) {
                    String image = formItems.getString(name, "");
                    String text = formItems.getString(name + "text", null);
                    tmpElem.setAttribute("key", image);
                    if ("true".equals(inputElem.getAttribute("imagetext"))) {
                        XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, "text", text);

                // related content
                else if (type.equals("relatedcontent")) {
                    if (isArrayFormItem(formItems, name)) {
                        String[] content = (String[]) formItems.get(name);
                        for (String aContent : content) {
                            if (aContent == null || aContent.length() == 0) {
                            Element contentElem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, "content");
                            contentElem.setAttribute("key", aContent);
                    } else if (formItems.containsKey(name)) {
                        if (!"false".equals(inputElem.getAttribute("multiple"))) {
                            String content = formItems.getString(name);
                            Element contentElem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, "content");
                            contentElem.setAttribute("key", content);
                        } else {
                            String content = formItems.getString(name);
                            tmpElem.setAttribute("key", content);


                // files
                else if (type.equals("files")) {
                    if (isArrayFormItem(formItems, name)) {
                        //logCategory.debug("multiple files");
                        String[] files = (String[]) formItems.get(name);
                        for (String file1 : files) {
                            if (file1 != null && file1.length() > 0) {
                                Element file = XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, "file");
                                file.setAttribute("key", file1);
                    } else if (formItems.containsKey(name)) {
                        //logCategory.debug("single file");
                        Element file = XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, "file");
                        file.setAttribute("key", formItems.getString(name));

                // file
                else if (type.equals("file")) {
                    //logCategory.debug("single file");
                    if (formItems.containsKey(name)) {
                        Element file = XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, "file");
                        file.setAttribute("key", formItems.getString(name));

                // uploaded binary file
                else if (type.equals("uploadfile")) {
                    if (formItems.containsKey(name)) {
                        FileItem fileItem = formItems.getFileItem(name);
                        String fileName = FileUtil.getFileName(fileItem);
                        Element binaryElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, "binarydata");
                        binaryElement.setAttribute("key", "%0");
                        tmpElem.setAttribute("filename", fileName);
                    } else if (formItems.containsKey(name + "_key")) {
                        String keyStr = formItems.getString(name + "_key");
                        if (keyStr != null && keyStr.length() > 0) {
                            Element binaryElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, "binarydata");
                            binaryElement.setAttribute("key", keyStr);

                // checkbox
                else if (type.equals("checkbox")) {
                    String value = formItems.getString(name, skipEmptyElements ? null : "false");
                    if (value != null) {
                        if ("true".equals(value)) {
                            XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, tmpElem, "true");
                        } else {
                            XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, tmpElem, "false");

                // normal text
                else {
                    String value = formItems.getString(name, skipEmptyElements ? null : "");

                    if (value != null) {
                        if (type.equals("htmlarea") || type.equals("simplehtmlarea")) {
                            XMLTool.createXHTMLNodes(doc, tmpElem, value, true);
                        } else {
                            XMLTool.createTextNode(doc, tmpElem, value);

    private Element createXPathElements(Element parentElement, String xpath, int startIdx) {
        Document doc = parentElement.getOwnerDocument();

        // First, create the elements in the xpath:
        String[] xpathSplit = StringUtil.splitString(xpath, '/');
        Element tmpElem = null;

        for (int j = startIdx; j < xpathSplit.length; ++j) {
            if (tmpElem == null) {
                if (j != (xpathSplit.length - 1) && XMLTool.getElement(parentElement, xpathSplit[j]) != null) {
                    tmpElem = XMLTool.getElement(parentElement, xpathSplit[j]);
                } else {
                    tmpElem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, parentElement, xpathSplit[j]);
            } else {
                if (j != (xpathSplit.length - 1) && XMLTool.getElement(tmpElem, xpathSplit[j]) != null) {
                    tmpElem = XMLTool.getElement(tmpElem, xpathSplit[j]);
                } else {
                    tmpElem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, tmpElem, xpathSplit[j]);

        return tmpElem;

    protected SimpleDateFormat dateFormatTo = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");