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 Copyright (c) 2016, EPAM SYSTEMS INC
 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.

package com.epam.dlab.backendapi.dao;

import com.epam.dlab.dto.UserInstanceStatus;
import com.epam.dlab.dto.base.edge.EdgeInfo;
import com.epam.dlab.dto.keyload.KeyLoadStatus;
import com.epam.dlab.dto.keyload.UserKeyDTO;
import com.epam.dlab.exceptions.DlabException;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Updates;
import org.bson.Document;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Optional;

import static com.epam.dlab.backendapi.dao.MongoCollections.USER_EDGE;
import static com.epam.dlab.backendapi.dao.MongoCollections.USER_KEYS;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.*;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.*;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Updates.set;

 * DAO for manage the user key.
public abstract class KeyDAO extends BaseDAO {
    static final String EDGE_STATUS = "edge_status";
    private static final String KEY_CONTENT = "content";

     * Store the user key to Mongo database.
     * @param user    user name
     * @param content key
    public void insertKey(final String user, String content) {
        UserKeyDTO key = new UserKeyDTO().withContent(content).withStatus(KeyLoadStatus.NEW.getStatus());
        insertOne(USER_KEYS, key, user);

     * Write the status of user key to Mongo database.
     * @param user   user name
     * @param status the status of user key.
    public void updateKey(String user, String status) {
        updateOne(USER_KEYS, eq(ID, user), set(STATUS, status));

     * Delete the user key from Mongo database.
     * @param user user name
    public void deleteKey(String user) {
        mongoService.getCollection(USER_KEYS).deleteOne(eq(ID, user));

     * Inserts ('insertRequired' equals 'true') or updates ('insertRequired' equals 'false') the user key to/in Mongo
     * database.
     * @param user           user name
     * @param content        key content
     * @param insertRequired true/false
    public void upsertKey(final String user, String content, boolean insertRequired) {
        Document doc = new Document(SET,
                new Document().append(ID, user).append(KEY_CONTENT, content)
                                insertRequired ? KeyLoadStatus.NEW.getStatus() : KeyLoadStatus.SUCCESS.getStatus())
                        .append(TIMESTAMP, new Date()));
        updateOne(USER_KEYS, eq(ID, user), doc, insertRequired);

     * Finds and returns the user key.
     * @param user user name.
    public UserKeyDTO fetchKey(String user) {
        Optional<UserKeyDTO> opt = findOne(USER_KEYS, eq(ID, user), UserKeyDTO.class);

        if (opt.isPresent()) {
            return opt.get();
        throw new DlabException("Key of user " + user + " not found.");

     * Finds and returns the user key with the specified status
     * @param user   user name.
     * @param status key status
    public UserKeyDTO fetchKey(String user, KeyLoadStatus status) {
        return findOne(USER_KEYS, and(eq(ID, user), eq(STATUS, status.getStatus())), UserKeyDTO.class)
                .orElseThrow(() -> new DlabException(
                        String.format("Key of user %s with status %s not found", user, status.getStatus())));

     * Store the EDGE of user to Mongo database.
     * @param user     user name
     * @param edgeInfo the EDGE of user
    public void updateEdgeInfo(String user, EdgeInfo edgeInfo) {
        Document d = new Document(SET, convertToBson(edgeInfo).append(ID, user));
        updateOne(USER_EDGE, eq(ID, user), d, true);

    public abstract EdgeInfo getEdgeInfo(String user);

    public <T extends EdgeInfo> T getEdgeInfo(String user, Class<T> target, T defaultValue) {
        return findOne(USER_EDGE, eq(ID, user), target).orElse(defaultValue);

    public abstract Optional<? extends EdgeInfo> getEdgeInfoWhereStatusIn(String user,
            UserInstanceStatus... statuses);

    protected <T extends EdgeInfo> Optional<T> getEdgeInfoWhereStatusIn(String user, Class<T> target,
            UserInstanceStatus... statuses) {
        return findOne(USER_EDGE, and(eq(ID, user), in(EDGE_STATUS, statusList(statuses))), target);

     * Finds and returns the status of user key.
     * @param user user name
    public KeyLoadStatus findKeyStatus(String user) {
        return findOne(USER_KEYS, eq(ID, user), UserKeyDTO.class).map(UserKeyDTO::getStatus)

     * Updates the status of EDGE node.
     * @param user   user name
     * @param status status of EDGE node
    public void updateEdgeStatus(String user, String status) {
        updateOne(USER_EDGE, eq(ID, user), Updates.set(EDGE_STATUS, status));

    public void deleteEdge(String user) {
        mongoService.getCollection(USER_EDGE).deleteOne(eq(ID, user));

     * Return the status of EDGE node.
     * @param user user name
    public String getEdgeStatus(String user) {
        Document d = findOne(USER_EDGE, eq(ID, user), fields(include(EDGE_STATUS), excludeId())).orElse(null);
        return (d == null ? "" : d.getString(EDGE_STATUS));

    public boolean edgeNodeExist(String user) {
        return findOne(USER_EDGE, and(eq(ID, user), not(in(EDGE_STATUS, UserInstanceStatus.TERMINATING.toString(),

     * Updates the field 'reupload_key_required' of EDGE node.
     * @param user                user name
     * @param reuploadKeyRequired true/false
     * @param edgeStatuses        allowable edge statuses
    public void updateEdgeReuploadKey(String user, boolean reuploadKeyRequired,
            UserInstanceStatus... edgeStatuses) {
        updateOne(USER_EDGE, and(eq(ID, user), in(EDGE_STATUS, statusList(edgeStatuses))),
                Updates.set(REUPLOAD_KEY_REQUIRED, reuploadKeyRequired));