Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


* Ephesoft is a Intelligent Document Capture and Mailroom Automation program 
* developed by Ephesoft, Inc. Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Ephesoft Inc. 
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the 
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added 
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK 
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more 
* details. 
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with 
* this program; if not, see or write to the Free 
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 
* 02110-1301 USA. 
* You can contact Ephesoft, Inc. headquarters at 111 Academy Way, 
* Irvine, CA 92617, USA. or at email address 
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions 
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under 
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. 
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, 
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Ephesoft" logo. 
* If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for 
* technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words 
* "Powered by Ephesoft". 

package com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.constant.BatchConstants;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.dao.impl.BatchPluginPropertyContainer.BatchPluginConfiguration;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.dao.xml.BatchSchemaDao;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.dao.xml.HocrSchemaDao;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Batch;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Coordinates;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.DocField;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Field;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.HocrPages;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Page;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.DocField.AlternateValues;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document.DocumentLevelFields;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document.Pages;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.HocrPages.HocrPage;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.HocrPages.HocrPage.Spans;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.HocrPages.HocrPage.Spans.Span;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Page.PageLevelFields;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.DCMAException;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.EphesoftProperty;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.TesseractVersionProperty;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.DCMABusinessException;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.FileType;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.UserType;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.component.ICommonConstants;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.exception.DCMAApplicationException;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.threadpool.AbstractRunnable;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.threadpool.BatchInstanceThread;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchClass;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchClassCloudConfig;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchClassDynamicPluginConfig;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchClassModule;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchClassModuleConfig;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchClassPlugin;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchClassPluginConfig;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.KVPageProcess;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchClassCloudConfigService;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchClassModuleService;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchClassService;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchInstanceService;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.ApplicationConfigProperties;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.BackUpFileService;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.CustomFileFilter;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.FileFormatException;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.FileNameFormatter;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.IUtilCommonConstants;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.OCREngineUtil;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.PDFUtil;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.TIFFUtil;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.XMLUtil;
import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;

 * This is a service to read and write data required by Batch Schema. Api's are present to move, rearrange, delete, create, swap the
 * document and pages from one to each other. On the basis of batch instance id and base folder location will read the batch.xml file
 * and rearrange the attribute of the xml file.
 * @author Ephesoft
 * @version 1.0
 * @see com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.BatchSchemaService
 * @see com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.dao.xml.BatchSchemaDao
public class BatchSchemaServiceImpl implements BatchSchemaService {

     * LOGGER to print the logging information.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BatchSchemaServiceImpl.class);

     * Name of TESSERACT HOCR Plugin.
    private static final String TESSERACT_HOCR_PLUGIN = "TESSERACT_HOCR";

     * Name of HOCR file name.
    public static final String HOCR_FILE_NAME = "_HOCR.xml";

     * The USER_TYPE {@link String} is a constant for user type property key.
    private static final String USER_TYPE = "user_type";

     * Reference of BatchSchemaDao.
    private BatchSchemaDao batchSchemaDao;

     * Reference of ScannerSchemaDao.
    private HocrSchemaDao hocrSchemaDao;

     * Reference of BatchClassService.
    private BatchClassService batchClassService;

     * The batchClassCloudService {@link BatchClassCloudConfigService} is used for using batch class cloud service.
    private BatchClassCloudConfigService batchClassCloudService;

     * Instance of BatchClassPluginPropertiesService.
    private PluginPropertiesService batchClassPluginPropertiesService;

     * Instance of BatchClassModuleService.
    private BatchClassModuleService batchClassModuleService;

     * Instance of BatchInstanceService.
    private BatchInstanceService batchInstanceService;

     * An API to return the complete local folder location path.
     * @return String localFolderLocation
    public boolean isZipSwitchOn() {
        boolean isZipSwitchOn = true;
        try {
            final ApplicationConfigProperties prop = ApplicationConfigProperties.getApplicationConfigProperties();
            isZipSwitchOn = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(ICommonConstants.ZIP_SWITCH));
        } catch (final IOException ioe) {
            LOGGER.error("Unable to read the zip switch value. Taking default value as false.Exception thrown is:"
                    + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
        return isZipSwitchOn;

     * An API to return the complete local folder location path.
     * @return String localFolderLocation
    public String getLocalFolderLocation() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getLocalFolderLocation();

     * To set the local folder location.
     * @param localFolderLocation String
    public void setLocalFolderLocation(final String localFolderLocation) {
        if (null != localFolderLocation && !localFolderLocation.isEmpty()) {

     * To get Base Sample FD Lock.
     * @return String
    public String getBaseSampleFDLock() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getBaseSampleFdLoc();

     * To get Script Folder Name.
     * @return String
    public String getScriptFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getScriptFolderName();

     * To get Cmis Plugin Mapping Folder Name.
     * @return String
    public String getCmisPluginMappingFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getCmisPluginMappingFolderName();

     * An API to return the sample path for search classification.
     * @param batchClassIdentifier String
     * @param createDir boolean
     * @return String searchClassSamplePath
    public String getSearchClassSamplePath(final String batchClassIdentifier, final boolean createDir) {
        return getAbsolutePath(batchClassIdentifier, batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getSearchSampleName(),

     * An API to return the index folder for search classification.
     * @param batchClassIdentifier String
     * @param createDir boolean
     * @return String searchClassSamplePath
    public String getSearchClassIndexFolder(final String batchClassIdentifier, final boolean createDir) {
        return getAbsolutePath(batchClassIdentifier, batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getSearchIndexFolderName(),

     * An API to return the base folder path for imagemagick.
     * @param batchClassIdentifier String
     * @param createDir boolean
     * @return String searchClassSamplePath
    public String getImageMagickBaseFolderPath(final String batchClassIdentifier, final boolean createDir) {
        return getAbsolutePath(batchClassIdentifier,
                batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getImageMagickBaseFolderName(), createDir);

     * An API to return the Index folder for fuzzy db.
     * @param batchClassIdentifier String
     * @param createDir boolean
     * @return String searchClassSamplePath
    public String getFuzzyDBIndexFolder(final String batchClassIdentifier, final boolean createDir) {
        return getAbsolutePath(batchClassIdentifier, batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getFuzzyDBIndexFolderName(),

     * An API to return the complete export folder location path.
     * @return String exportFolderLocation.
    public String getExportFolderLocation() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getExportFolderLocation();

     * An API to return the base http url path.
     * @return String base http url path.
    public String getBaseHttpURL() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getBaseHttpURL();

     * An API to get the absolute path of the directory. It will create the directory if it is not exits and createDir boolean is true
     * otherwise not.
     * @param batchClassIdentifier String
     * @param directoryName String
     * @param createDir boolean
     * @return absolute path of the directory.
    public String getAbsolutePath(final String batchClassIdentifier, final String directoryName,
            final boolean createDir) {

        String absolutePath = null;
        if (null == batchClassIdentifier || null == directoryName || "".equals(batchClassIdentifier)
                || "".equals(directoryName)) {
            LOGGER.error("batchClassIdentifier/directoryName is null or empty.");
        } else {
            absolutePath = batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getBaseSampleFdLoc() + File.separator
                    + batchClassIdentifier + File.separator + directoryName;
            if (createDir) {
                try {
                    // Create multiple directories
                    final boolean success = new File(absolutePath).mkdirs();
                    if (success) {
               + absolutePath + BatchConstants.CREATED);
                    } else {
               + absolutePath + BatchConstants.NOT_CREATED);
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.error(BatchConstants.DIRECTORIES + absolutePath + BatchConstants.NOT_CREATED);

        return absolutePath;

     * An API to create the Batch object.
     * @param batch Batch
    public void createBatch(final Batch batch) {
        if (null == batch) {
        } else {
            this.batchSchemaDao.create(batch, batch.getBatchInstanceIdentifier(), null,
                    ICommonConstants.UNDERSCORE_BATCH_XML, false, batch.getBatchLocalPath());

     * An API to create the hocrPages object.
     * @param batch {@link Batch}
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier {@link String}
     * @param pageId {@link String}
    public void createHocr(final HocrPages hocrPages, final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String pageId) {
        if (null == hocrPages) {
        } else {
            this.hocrSchemaDao.create(hocrPages, batchInstanceIdentifier, pageId, HOCR_FILE_NAME, true,

     * An API to get the HocrPages object for an input of HOCR.XML.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier Serializable
     * @param pageId {@link String}
     * @return {@link HocrPages}
    public HocrPages getHocrPages(final Serializable batchInstanceIdentifier, final String pageId) {
        HocrPages hocrPages = null;
        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier) {
        } else {
            hocrPages = this.hocrSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier, pageId, HOCR_FILE_NAME,
        return hocrPages;

     * API to update the batch object.
     * @param hocrPages {@link HocrPages}
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier Serializable
     * @param pageId {@link String}
    public void update(final HocrPages hocrPages, final Serializable batchInstanceIdentifier, final String pageId) {
        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier) {
        } else {
            this.hocrSchemaDao.update(hocrPages, batchInstanceIdentifier, HOCR_FILE_NAME, pageId, false,

     * An API to get the Batch object for an input of batchInstanceIdentifier.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier Serializable
     * @return Batch
    public Batch getBatch(final Serializable batchInstanceIdentifier) {
        Batch batch = null;
        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier) {
        } else {
            batch = this.batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,
        return batch;

     * An API to update the Batch object.
     * @param batch Batch
    public void updateBatch(final Batch batch) {
        if (null == batch) {
        } else {
            this.batchSchemaDao.update(batch, batch.getBatchInstanceIdentifier(), false, batch.getBatchLocalPath());

     * An API to update the Batch object.
     * @param batch Batch
     * @param isFirstTimeUpdate
    public void updateBatch(final Batch batch, final boolean isFirstTimeUpdate) {
        if (null == batch) {
        } else {
            this.batchSchemaDao.update(batch, batch.getBatchInstanceIdentifier(), isFirstTimeUpdate,

     * An API to store all files to base folder location.
     * @param identifier Serializable
     * @param files File[]
    public void storeFiles(final Serializable identifier, final File[] files) {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == identifier || null == files) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters id/files are null.";
            throw new DCMABusinessException(errMsg);

        boolean preserveFileDate = false;
        String newPath = null;
        final String localFolderLocation = batchInstanceService

        for (final File srcFile : files) {

            final String path = srcFile.getPath();

            newPath = localFolderLocation + File.separator + identifier + BatchConstants.UNDER_SCORE + path;
            // The target file name to which the source file will be copied.
            final File destFile = new File(newPath);

            try {
                FileUtils.copyFile(srcFile, destFile, preserveFileDate);
                errMsg = "Successfully copy of the file for the batch Instance Id : " + identifier;
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                errMsg = "Unable to copy the file for the batch Instance Id : " + identifier;

     * An API to create backup of all files to input folder location.
     * @param identifier Serializable
     * @param files File[]
    public void backUpFiles(final Serializable identifier, final File[] files) {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == identifier || null == files) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters id/files are null.";
            throw new DCMABusinessException(errMsg);

        boolean preserveFileDate = false;
        String newAbsPath = null;

        for (final File srcFile : files) {

            final String absPath = srcFile.getAbsolutePath();
            final String path = srcFile.getPath();

            final String[] arr = absPath.split(path);
            if (null != arr && arr.length >= BatchConstants.ZERO) {
                newAbsPath = arr[BatchConstants.ZERO] + BatchConstants.UNDER_SCORE + identifier + "_backUp_" + path;

            if (null == newAbsPath) {

            // The target file name to which the source file will be copied.
            final File destFile = new File(newAbsPath);

            try {
                FileUtils.copyFile(srcFile, destFile, preserveFileDate);
                errMsg = "Successfully copy of the file for the batch Instance Id : " + identifier;
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                errMsg = "Unable to copy the file for the batch Instance Id : " + identifier;

     * An API to get the URL object for the specified file name.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param fileName String
     * @return URL object.
    public URL getURL(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String fileName) {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == fileName || "".equals(fileName)) {
            errMsg = "File name is null or empty.";
            throw new DCMABusinessException(errMsg);

        URL url = null;
        final String pathName = getBatchFolderURL(batchInstanceIdentifier) + BatchConstants.SLASH
                + batchInstanceIdentifier + BatchConstants.SLASH + fileName;

        try {
            url = new URL(pathName);
        } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
            errMsg = "File name does not exists at the specified path location.";
            throw new DCMABusinessException(errMsg, e);

        return url;

     * An API to get the File object for the specified file name.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param fileName String
     * @return File object.
    public File getFile(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String fileName) {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == fileName || "".equals(fileName)) {
            errMsg = "File name is null or empty.";
            throw new DCMABusinessException(errMsg);

        File file = null;
        final String pathName = batchInstanceService.getSystemFolderForBatchInstanceId(batchInstanceIdentifier)
                + File.separator + batchInstanceIdentifier + File.separator + fileName;
        file = new File(pathName);
        FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
        try {
            fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
        } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
            errMsg = "File name does not exists at the specified path location. file : " + file.getName()
                    + " , filepath : " + file.getAbsolutePath();
            throw new DCMABusinessException(errMsg + e.getMessage(), e);
        } finally {
            if (fileInputStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (final IOException e) {
                    LOGGER.error("could not cloose the fileInputStream . file + " + file.getAbsolutePath()
                            + e.getMessage(), e);

        return file;

     * An API to get the input stream object for the specified file name.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param fileName String
     * @return InputStream object.
    public InputStream getInputStream(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String fileName) {

        String errMsg = null;

        InputStream inputStream = null;
        final String pathName = batchInstanceService.getSystemFolderForBatchInstanceId(batchInstanceIdentifier)
                + File.separator + batchInstanceIdentifier + File.separator + fileName;

        // Open the file that is the first
        // command line parameter
        try {
            inputStream = new FileInputStream(pathName);
        } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
            errMsg = e.getMessage();
            throw new DCMABusinessException(errMsg, e);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            errMsg = e.getMessage();
            throw new DCMABusinessException(errMsg, e);

        return inputStream;

     * An API to move the page of one document to to another document. Position of the page in new document will depend on the to page
     * ID. If the isAfterToPageID boolean is true then from page ID is added after the to page ID other wise before the to page ID.
     * After the movement API will delete the from page ID from the from doc ID.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param fromDocID String
     * @param fromPageID String
     * @param toDocID String
     * @param toPageID String from page ID position relative to this page ID.
     * @param isAfterToPageID boolean true means add after the to page ID. false means add before the to page ID.
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If not able to find fromDocID, fromPageID or toDocID. If not able to find fromPageID within
     *             fromDocID.
    public void movePageOfDocument(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String fromDocID,
            final String fromPageID, final String toDocID, final String toPageID, final boolean isAfterToPageID)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier || null == fromDocID || null == fromPageID || null == toDocID
                || null == toPageID) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters batchInstanceIdentifier/fromDocID/fromPageID/toDocID/toPageID are null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();


        final int fromDocIndex = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, fromDocID);

        final int fromPageIndex = getPageTypeIndex(docTypesList, fromDocIndex, fromPageID);

        final Document fromDocType = docTypesList.get(fromDocIndex);
        final Pages fromPages = fromDocType.getPages();
        final List<Page> fromPageTypeList = fromPages.getPage();
        final Page fromPgType = fromPageTypeList.get(fromPageIndex);

        final int toDocIndex = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, toDocID);
        final int toPageIndex = getPageTypeIndex(docTypesList, toDocIndex, toPageID);
        int newPageIndex = -BatchConstants.ONE;
        if (isAfterToPageID) {
            newPageIndex = toPageIndex + BatchConstants.ONE;
        } else {
            newPageIndex = toPageIndex;
        final Document toDocType = docTypesList.get(toDocIndex);
        final Pages toPages = toDocType.getPages();
        final List<Page> toPageTypeList = toPages.getPage();

        if (newPageIndex < BatchConstants.ZERO) {
            errMsg = "newPageIndex is not valid for toDocID : " + toDocID + " and toPageID" + toPageID;
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        // remove the page from document type.

        if (newPageIndex > toPageTypeList.size()) {
            newPageIndex = toPageTypeList.size();

        toPageTypeList.add(newPageIndex, fromPgType);

        // Add a check for single page document. If a document have single page
        // and we are moving that page means delete the whole document.

        if (fromPageTypeList.isEmpty()) {

        batchSchemaDao.update(batch, batchInstanceIdentifier);


     * An API to remove the page of document. This will remove all the information available to page. This will delete all the files
     * present at page level fields. If a document have single page and we are deleting that page means delete the whole document.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param docID String
     * @param removePageID String
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If not able to find docID, removePageID. If not able to find removePageID within docID.
    public void removePageOfDocument(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String docID,
            final String removePageID) throws DCMAApplicationException {"inside removePageOfDocument method.");
        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier || null == docID || null == removePageID) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters batchInstanceIdentifier/docID/removePageID are null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

        final DocPageCarrier docPageCarrier = getDocPageCarrier(batch, docID, removePageID);

        final int pageIndex = docPageCarrier.getPageIndex();
        final int docIndex = docPageCarrier.getDocIndex();
        final List<Document> docTypesList = docPageCarrier.getDocTypesList();

        final List<Page> pageTypeList = docTypesList.get(docIndex).getPages().getPage();

        // Remove the page from the document.

        // Add a check for single page document. If a document have single page
        // and we are deleting that page means delete the whole document.

        if (pageTypeList.isEmpty()) {
        }"updating batch xml.");
        batchSchemaDao.update(batch, batchInstanceIdentifier);"Exiting method removePageOfDocument.");

     * An API to create duplicate page of document. This will create duplicate for all the information available to page. This will
     * create duplicate for all the files present at page level fields.
     * @param batchInstanceId String
     * @param docID String
     * @param duplicatePageID String
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If not able to find docID, duplicatePageID. If not able to find removePageID within
     *             duplicatePageID.
    public void duplicatePageOfDocument(final String batchInstanceId, final String docID,
            final String duplicatePageID) throws DCMAApplicationException {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceId || null == docID || null == duplicatePageID) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters batchInstanceIdentifier/docID/duplicatePageID are null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceId,

        final DocPageCarrier docPageCarrier = getDocPageCarrier(batch, docID, duplicatePageID);

        final String localFolLoc = batchInstanceService.getSystemFolderForBatchInstanceId(batchInstanceId);
        final String batchInstanceFolderPath = localFolLoc + File.separator + batchInstanceId;

        final int pageIndex = docPageCarrier.getPageIndex();"pageIndex : " + pageIndex);
        final int docIndex = docPageCarrier.getDocIndex();
        final List<Document> docTypesList = docPageCarrier.getDocTypesList();


        final Page duplicatePageType = docTypesList.get(docIndex).getPages().getPage().get(pageIndex);

        final String newPageTypeID = getNewPageTypeID(batchInstanceFolderPath);

        final Page duplicateCopyPage = duplicatePageFiles(duplicatePageType, batchInstanceId, newPageTypeID,

        // Add the duplicate page type to the end of the document.

        batchSchemaDao.update(batch, batchInstanceId);


     * An API to re order pages of document. This will re order the pages for the input document id.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param docID String
     * @param reOrderOfPageIDs String
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If not able to find docID, reOrderOfPageIDs. If not able to find all reOrderOfPageIDs within
     *             duplicatePageID.
    public void reOrderPagesOfDocument(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String docID,
            final List<String> reOrderOfPageIDs) throws DCMAApplicationException {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier || null == docID || null == reOrderOfPageIDs) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters batchInstanceIdentifier/docID/reOrderOfPageIDs are null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

        final List<Document> docTypesList = validateParams(batch);

        final int docIndex = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, docID);"Document type index : " + docIndex);

        final Document docType = docTypesList.get(docIndex);
        final Pages pages = docType.getPages();
        if (null == pages) {
            errMsg = "There are zero pages for document ID : " + docID;
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final List<Page> pageTypeList = pages.getPage();

        if (reOrderOfPageIDs.size() != pageTypeList.size()) {
            errMsg = "ReOrderOfPageID's list are not valid for document ID : " + docID;
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Pages reOrdPages = new Pages();
        final List<Page> reOrderPageTypeList = reOrdPages.getPage();

        for (final String reOrderPgID : reOrderOfPageIDs) {
            for (final Page pgLt : pageTypeList) {
                final String pgID = pgLt.getIdentifier();
                if (null != pgID && null != reOrderPgID && pgID.equals(reOrderPgID)) {


        batchSchemaDao.update(batch, batchInstanceIdentifier);

     * An API to swap pages of document. This will swap the pages for the input document id.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param docID String
     * @param swapPageIDOne String
     * @param swapPageIDTwo String
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If not able to find docID, swapPageIDOne or swapPageIDTwo. If not able to find all
     *             swapPageIDOne and swapPageIDTwo within docID.
    public void swapPageOfDocument(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String docID,
            final String swapPageIDOne, final String swapPageIDTwo) throws DCMAApplicationException {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier || null == docID || null == swapPageIDOne || null == swapPageIDTwo) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters batchInstanceIdentifier/docID/pageID are null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();


        final int docIndex = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, docID);

        final int swapPageIndexOne = getPageTypeIndex(docTypesList, docIndex, swapPageIDOne);

        final int swapPageIndexTwo = getPageTypeIndex(docTypesList, docIndex, swapPageIDTwo);

        final Document docType = docTypesList.get(docIndex);
        final Pages pages = docType.getPages();
        final List<Page> pageTypeList = pages.getPage();
        final Page swapPageTypeOne = pageTypeList.get(swapPageIndexOne);
        final Page swapPageTypeTwo = pageTypeList.get(swapPageIndexTwo);

        pageTypeList.set(swapPageIndexOne, swapPageTypeTwo);
        pageTypeList.set(swapPageIndexTwo, swapPageTypeOne);

        batchSchemaDao.update(batch, batchInstanceIdentifier);

     * An API to swap one page of one document to second page of other document.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param swapDocIDOne String
     * @param swapPageIDOne String
     * @param swapDocIDTwo String
     * @param swapPageIDTwo String
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If not able to find swapDocIDOne, swapPageIDOne, swapDocIDTwo or swapPageIDTwo. If not able to
     *             find all swapPageIDOne and swapPageIDTwo within swapDocIDOne and swapDocIDTwo respectively.
    public void swapPageOfDocuments(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String swapDocIDOne,
            final String swapPageIDOne, final String swapDocIDTwo, final String swapPageIDTwo)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier || null == swapDocIDOne || null == swapPageIDOne || null == swapDocIDTwo
                || null == swapPageIDTwo) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters batchInstanceIdentifier/swapDocIDOne/swapPageIDOne/"
                    + "swapDocIDTwo/swapPageIDTwo are null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();


        final int swapDocIndexOne = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, swapDocIDOne);

        final int swapPageIndexOne = getPageTypeIndex(docTypesList, swapDocIndexOne, swapPageIDOne);

        final int swapDocIndexTwo = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, swapDocIDTwo);

        final int swapPageIndexTwo = getPageTypeIndex(docTypesList, swapDocIndexTwo, swapPageIDTwo);

        final Document docTypeOne = docTypesList.get(swapDocIndexOne);
        final Pages pagesOne = docTypeOne.getPages();
        final List<Page> pageTypeListOne = pagesOne.getPage();
        final Page swapPageTypeOne = pageTypeListOne.get(swapPageIndexOne);

        final Document docTypeTwo = docTypesList.get(swapDocIndexTwo);
        final Pages pagesTwo = docTypeTwo.getPages();
        final List<Page> pageTypeListTwo = pagesTwo.getPage();
        final Page swapPageTypeTwo = pageTypeListTwo.get(swapPageIndexTwo);

        pageTypeListOne.set(swapPageIndexOne, swapPageTypeTwo);
        pageTypeListTwo.set(swapPageIndexTwo, swapPageTypeOne);

        batchSchemaDao.update(batch, batchInstanceIdentifier);

     * An API to merge two different documents to a single document. This will merge all the pages of second document to first
     * document.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param docIDOne String
     * @param mergeDocID String
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any of the input parameter is null.
    public Batch mergeDocuments(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String docIDOne,
            final String mergeDocID) throws DCMAApplicationException {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier || null == docIDOne || null == mergeDocID) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters batchInstanceIdentifier/docIDOne/mergeDocID" + " are null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();


        final int mergeDocIndexOne = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, docIDOne);

        final int mergeDocIndexTwo = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, mergeDocID);

        final Document mergeDocTypeOne = docTypesList.get(mergeDocIndexOne);
        final Pages mergePagesOne = mergeDocTypeOne.getPages();
        final List<Page> mergePageTypeListOne = mergePagesOne.getPage();

        final Document mergeDocTypeTwo = docTypesList.get(mergeDocIndexTwo);
        final Pages mergePagesTwo = mergeDocTypeTwo.getPages();
        final List<Page> pageTypeListTwo = mergePagesTwo.getPage();


        batchSchemaDao.update(batch, batchInstanceIdentifier);
        return batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

     * An API to split the document for given input page id. This will create a new document starting from input page id to the last
     * page id.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param docID String
     * @param pageID String
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any one of the parameter is null or pageID is not present in docID.
    public void splitDocument(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String docID, final String pageID)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {
        validatingArgumentsInfo(batchInstanceIdentifier, docID, pageID);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier);
        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();


        final int docIndex = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, docID);
        final int pageIndex = getPageTypeIndex(docTypesList, docIndex, pageID);
        final Document docType = docTypesList.get(docIndex);
        final Pages pages = docType.getPages();
        final List<Page> pageTypeList = pages.getPage();

        // create new document.
        final String newDocID = getNewDocumentTypeID(docTypesList);
        final Document newDocType = createNewDocument(docType, newDocID);

        final Pages newPages = new Pages();
        final List<Page> listOfNewPages = newPages.getPage();
        final List<String> listOfNewPageIdentifiers = new ArrayList<String>();
        // create the new document for split pages.
        for (Page pgType : pageTypeList) {


        // remove the pages from the older document.
        for (int index = pageTypeList.size() - 1; index >= pageIndex; index--) {

        final DocumentLevelFields documentLevelFields = docType.getDocumentLevelFields();
        if (documentLevelFields != null) {
            final List<DocField> docFields = documentLevelFields.getDocumentLevelField();
            final DocumentLevelFields documentLevelFieldsForNewDoc = new DocumentLevelFields();
            final List<DocField> docFieldsForNewDoc = documentLevelFieldsForNewDoc.getDocumentLevelField();
            setDocLevelFieldsInfo(pageTypeList, listOfNewPages, listOfNewPageIdentifiers, docFields,
        } else {
        docTypesList.add(docIndex + 1, newDocType);
        batchSchemaDao.update(batch, batchInstanceIdentifier);

    private void setDocLevelFieldsInfo(final List<Page> pageTypeList, final List<Page> listOfNewPages,
            final List<String> listOfNewPageIdentifiers, final List<DocField> docFields,
            final List<DocField> docFieldsForNewDoc) {
        if (docFields != null) {
            for (final DocField docField : docFields) {
                final DocField docFieldForNewDoc = new DocField();
                if (listOfNewPageIdentifiers.contains(docField.getPage())) {
                } else {
                    if (docField.getPage() != null && !docField.getPage().isEmpty()) {
                    } else {
                final AlternateValues alternateValuesForNewDoc = new AlternateValues();
                final List<Field> fieldsForNewDoc = alternateValuesForNewDoc.getAlternateValue();
                final AlternateValues alternateValues = docField.getAlternateValues();
                if (alternateValues != null) {
                    final List<Field> alternateValueFields = alternateValues.getAlternateValue();
                    if (alternateValueFields != null) {
                        for (final Field field : alternateValueFields) {
                            final Field fieldForNewDoc = new Field();
                            if (listOfNewPageIdentifiers.contains(field.getPage())) {
                            } else {
                                if (field.getPage() != null && !field.getPage().isEmpty()) {
                                } else {

    private void validatingArgumentsInfo(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String docID,
            final String pageID) throws DCMAApplicationException {
        String errMsg = null;
        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier || null == docID || null == pageID) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters batchInstanceIdentifier/docID/pageID are null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

    private void checkDocTypeList(final List<Document> docTypesList) throws DCMAApplicationException {
        String errMsg;
        if (null == docTypesList) {
            errMsg = BatchConstants.DOC_TYPE_LIST_NULL;
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

    private Document createNewDocument(final Document docType, final String newDocID) {
        final Document newDocType = new Document();
        newDocType.setIdentifier(EphesoftProperty.DOCUMENT.getProperty() + newDocID);
        return newDocType;

     * An API to update the document type name and document level fields for the input doc type ID.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param docID String
     * @param docTypeName String
     * @param documentLevelFields DocumentLevelFields
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any one of the parameter is null or docID is not present in batch.
    public void updateDocTypeName(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String docID,
            final String docTypeName, final DocumentLevelFields documentLevelFields)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier || null == docID || null == docTypeName
                || null == documentLevelFields) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters batchInstanceIdentifier/docID/docTypeName/"
                    + "documentLevelFields are null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();


        final int docIndex = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, docID);

        final Document docType = docTypesList.get(docIndex);

        batchSchemaDao.update(batch, batchInstanceIdentifier);

     * @param batch Batch
     * @param docID String
     * @param reOrderOfPageIDs List<String>
     * @return List<DocumentType>
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any one of the parameter is null or empty.
    private List<Document> validateParams(final Batch batch) throws DCMAApplicationException {
        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();
        return docTypesList;

     * @param batch Batch
     * @param docID String
     * @param pageID String
     * @param xmlUtil XMLUtil
     * @return DocPageCarrier
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any one of the parameter is null or empty.
    private DocPageCarrier getDocPageCarrier(final Batch batch, final String docID, final String pageID)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {
        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();
        final int docIndex = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, docID);

        final int pageIndex = getPageTypeIndex(docTypesList, docIndex, pageID);

        final DocPageCarrier docPageCarrier = new DocPageCarrier();

        return docPageCarrier;

     * @param docTypesList List<DocumentType>
     * @param docIndex int
     * @param pageID String
     * @return int page type index.
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any one of the parameter is null or empty.
    private int getPageTypeIndex(final List<Document> docTypesList, final int docIndex, final String pageID)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {

        String errMsg = null;
        final Pages pages = docTypesList.get(docIndex).getPages();

        if (null == pages) {
            errMsg = "Page id not found for the input document id.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final List<Page> pageTypeList = pages.getPage();

        int pageIndex = 0;
        // PageType removePageType = null;
        for (final Page pageType : pageTypeList) {
            final String curPageID = pageType.getIdentifier();
            if (null == curPageID) {
                errMsg = "Page ID is null.";
                throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);
            if (curPageID.equals(pageID)) {
                // removePageType = pageType;

        if (pageIndex >= pageTypeList.size()) {
            errMsg = "Page id is not found for the input page id : " + pageID;
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        return pageIndex;

     * @param docTypesList List<DocumentType>
     * @param docID String
     * @return int document type index.
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any one of the parameter is null or empty.
    private int getDocumentTypeIndex(final List<Document> docTypesList, final String docID)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {
        String errMsg = null;
        int docIndex = 0;
        for (final Document docType : docTypesList) {
            final String curDocID = docType.getIdentifier();
            if (null == curDocID) {
                errMsg = "Document ID is null.";
                throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);
            if (curDocID.equals(docID)) {

        if (docIndex >= docTypesList.size()) {
            errMsg = "Document id is not found for the input document id : " + docID;
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        return docIndex;

     * An internal method to get unique page id.
     * @param batchInstanceFolderPath String
     * @return String next page type id.
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException
    private String getNewPageTypeID(final String batchInstanceFolderPath) throws DCMAApplicationException {
        String errMsg = null;
        String maxPageTypeID = null;
        if (batchInstanceFolderPath != null) {
            final File folderToCheck = new File(batchInstanceFolderPath);
            if (folderToCheck != null && folderToCheck.exists() && folderToCheck.isDirectory()) {
                final String[] listOfHtmlFiles = folderToCheck
                        .list(new CustomFileFilter(false, BatchConstants.HTML_EXTENSION));
                maxPageTypeID = String.valueOf(listOfHtmlFiles.length);
            } else {
                errMsg = BatchConstants.UNABLE_TO_GET_UNIQUE_PAGE_ID;
                throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);
        return maxPageTypeID;

     * @param docTypesList List<DocumentType>
     * @return String next document type id.
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any one of the parameter is null or empty.
    private String getNewDocumentTypeID(final List<Document> docTypesList) throws DCMAApplicationException {

        String errMsg = null;


        Long maxDocumentTypeID = 1L;

        for (final Document docType : docTypesList) {
            String curDocID = docType.getIdentifier();
            if (null == curDocID) {
                errMsg = "Document ID is null.";
                throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

            curDocID = curDocID.replaceAll(EphesoftProperty.DOCUMENT.getProperty(), "");
            final Long curPageIDLg = Long.parseLong(curDocID, BatchConstants.RADIX_BASE);

            if (curPageIDLg > maxDocumentTypeID) {
                maxDocumentTypeID = curPageIDLg;

        final String maxDocStr = Long.toString(maxDocumentTypeID + 1L);

        return maxDocStr;

     * An internal method to create duplicate pages and its physical contents.
     * @param duplicatePageType PageType
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param newPageTypeID String
     * @param batchInstanceFolderPath String
     * @return PageType
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException
    private Page duplicatePageFiles(final Page duplicatePageType, final String batchInstanceIdentifier,
            final String newPageTypeID, final String batchInstanceFolderPath) throws DCMAApplicationException {
        // Create duplicatePageType for all the images present at this page
        // type.
        String errMsg = null;
        final Page duplicateCopyPageType = new Page();
        duplicateCopyPageType.setIdentifier(EphesoftProperty.PAGE.getProperty() + newPageTypeID);
                .setOldFileName(newPageTypeID + BatchConstants.UNDER_SCORE + duplicatePageType.getOldFileName());
        final PageLevelFields pPageLevelFields = duplicatePageType.getPageLevelFields();
        final PageLevelFields copyPageLevelFields = new PageLevelFields();
        final List<DocField> pageLevelField = pPageLevelFields.getPageLevelField();
        final List<DocField> copyPageLevelField = copyPageLevelFields.getPageLevelField();

        final String newFileName = duplicatePageType.getNewFileName();
        String displayFileName = duplicatePageType.getDisplayFileName();
        final String hocrFileName = duplicatePageType.getHocrFileName();
        final String thumbnailFileName = duplicatePageType.getThumbnailFileName();
        final String oCRInputFileName = duplicatePageType.getOCRInputFileName();
        String originalXmlFile = batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator + batchInstanceIdentifier
                + BatchConstants.UNDER_SCORE + duplicatePageType.getIdentifier() + HOCR_FILE_NAME;

        FileNameFormatter fileNameFormatter = null;
        try {
            fileNameFormatter = new FileNameFormatter();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            errMsg = BatchConstants.FILE_NAME_FORMATTER_NOT_CREATED;
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg, e);
        setDuplicateNewFileName(batchInstanceFolderPath, duplicateCopyPageType, newFileName, fileNameFormatter,
                batchInstanceIdentifier, newPageTypeID);

        setDuplicateDisplayFileName(batchInstanceFolderPath, duplicateCopyPageType, displayFileName,
                fileNameFormatter, batchInstanceIdentifier, newPageTypeID);

        setDuplicateHocrFileName(batchInstanceFolderPath, duplicateCopyPageType, hocrFileName, fileNameFormatter,
                batchInstanceIdentifier, newPageTypeID);

        setDupliateThumbnailFileName(batchInstanceFolderPath, duplicateCopyPageType, thumbnailFileName,
                fileNameFormatter, batchInstanceIdentifier, newPageTypeID);

        setDuplicateOCRFileName(batchInstanceFolderPath, duplicateCopyPageType, oCRInputFileName, fileNameFormatter,
                batchInstanceIdentifier, newPageTypeID);

        if (null != originalXmlFile) {
            try {
                StringBuilder xmlFileName = new StringBuilder(batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator
                        + batchInstanceIdentifier + BatchConstants.UNDER_SCORE
                        + duplicateCopyPageType.getIdentifier() + HOCR_FILE_NAME);
                final String zipFileName = originalXmlFile + FileType.ZIP.getExtensionWithDot();
                File srcFileHocrFileName = new File(zipFileName);
                if (srcFileHocrFileName.exists()) {
                    originalXmlFile = zipFileName;
                } else {
                    srcFileHocrFileName = new File(originalXmlFile);
                final File destFileHocrFileName = new File(xmlFileName.toString());
      "srcFileHocrFileName : " + srcFileHocrFileName);
      "destFileHocrFileName : " + destFileHocrFileName);
                FileUtils.copyFile(srcFileHocrFileName, destFileHocrFileName, false);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                errMsg = "Not able to create duplicate the xml file  " + originalXmlFile + BatchConstants.SPACE
                        + e.getMessage();
            try {
                final HocrPages hocrPages = getHocrPages(batchInstanceIdentifier,
                if (null != hocrPages) {
                    final HocrPage pages = hocrPages.getHocrPage().get(BatchConstants.ZERO);
                    if (pages != null) {
                        update(hocrPages, batchInstanceIdentifier, duplicateCopyPageType.getIdentifier());
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error("Error in updating the xml file for new page type " + e.getMessage());

        return duplicateCopyPageType;

     * API to set Duplicate OCR file name.
     * @param batchInstanceFolderPath {@link String}
     * @param duplicateCopyPage {@link Page}
     * @param oCRInputFileName {@link String}
     * @param fileNameFormatter {@link FileNameFormatter}
     * @param batchInstanceId {@link String}
     * @param newPageTypeID {@link String}
    private void setDuplicateOCRFileName(final String batchInstanceFolderPath, final Page duplicateCopyPage,
            final String oCRInputFileName, final FileNameFormatter fileNameFormatter, final String batchInstanceId,
            final String newPageTypeID) {
        String errMsg;
        if (null != oCRInputFileName) {
            final String localOCRInputFileName = oCRInputFileName.trim();

            try {
                final String oCRInputFileNameFormatter = fileNameFormatter.getOCRInputFileName(
                        String.valueOf(batchInstanceId), null, null, BatchConstants.PNG_EXTENSION,
            } catch (final FileFormatException e) {
                        .setOCRInputFileName(newPageTypeID + BatchConstants.UNDER_SCORE + localOCRInputFileName);
            try {
                final File srcFileOCRInputFileName = new File(
                        batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator + localOCRInputFileName);
                final File destFileOCRInputFileName = new File(
                        batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator + duplicateCopyPage.getOCRInputFileName());
      "srcFileOCRInputFileName : " + srcFileOCRInputFileName);
      "destFileOCRInputFileName : " + destFileOCRInputFileName);
                FileUtils.copyFile(srcFileOCRInputFileName, destFileOCRInputFileName, false);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                errMsg = "Not able to create duplicate the file oCRInputFileName: " + localOCRInputFileName + " "
                        + e.getMessage();

     * API to set Duplicate Thumbnail file name.
     * @param batchInstanceFolderPath {@link String}
     * @param duplicateCopyPageType {@link Page}
     * @param thumbnailFileName {@link String}
     * @param fileNameFormatter {@link FileNameFormatter}
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier {@link String}
     * @param newPageTypeID {@link String}
    private void setDupliateThumbnailFileName(final String batchInstanceFolderPath,
            final Page duplicateCopyPageType, final String thumbnailFileName,
            final FileNameFormatter fileNameFormatter, final String batchInstanceIdentifier,
            final String newPageTypeID) {
        String errMsg;
        if (null != thumbnailFileName) {
            final String localThumbnailFileName = thumbnailFileName.trim();
            try {
                final String thumbnailFileNameFormatter = fileNameFormatter.getDisplayThumbnailFileName(
                        String.valueOf(batchInstanceIdentifier), null, null, null, BatchConstants.PNG_EXTENSION,
            } catch (final FileFormatException e) {
                        .setThumbnailFileName(newPageTypeID + BatchConstants.UNDER_SCORE + localThumbnailFileName);
            try {
                final File srcFileThumbnailFileName = new File(
                        batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator + localThumbnailFileName);
                final File destFileThumbnailFileName = new File(
                        batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator + duplicateCopyPageType.getThumbnailFileName());
      "srcFileThumbnailFileName : " + srcFileThumbnailFileName);
      "destFileThumbnailFileName : " + destFileThumbnailFileName);
                FileUtils.copyFile(srcFileThumbnailFileName, destFileThumbnailFileName, false);
                if (duplicateCopyPageType.isIsRotated()) {
                    final File destFileThumbnailDirectionFileName = new File(batchInstanceFolderPath
                            + File.separator + duplicateCopyPageType.getDirection().toString() + File.separator
                            + duplicateCopyPageType.getThumbnailFileName());
                    FileUtils.copyFile(srcFileThumbnailFileName, destFileThumbnailDirectionFileName, false);

            } catch (final IOException e) {
                errMsg = "Not able to create duplicate the file thumbnailFileName: " + localThumbnailFileName
                        + BatchConstants.SPACE + e.getMessage();

     * API to set Duplicate HOCR file name.
     * @param batchInstanceFolderPath {@link String}
     * @param duplicateCopyPageType {@link Page}
     * @param hocrFileName {@link String}
     * @param fileNameFormatter {@link FileNameFormatter}
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier {@link String}
     * @param newPageTypeID {@link String}
    private void setDuplicateHocrFileName(final String batchInstanceFolderPath, final Page duplicateCopyPageType,
            final String hocrFileName, final FileNameFormatter fileNameFormatter,
            final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String newPageTypeID) {
        String errMsg;
        if (null != hocrFileName) {
            final String localHocrFileName = hocrFileName.trim();
            try {
                final String hocrFileNameFormatter = fileNameFormatter.getHocrFileName(
                        String.valueOf(batchInstanceIdentifier), null, null, null, BatchConstants.HTML_EXTENSION,
                        String.valueOf(newPageTypeID), false);
            } catch (final FileFormatException e) {
                        .setHocrFileName(newPageTypeID + BatchConstants.UNDER_SCORE + localHocrFileName);
            // create the copy of each file.
            try {
                final File srcFileHocrFileName = new File(
                        batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator + localHocrFileName);
                final File destFileHocrFileName = new File(
                        batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator + duplicateCopyPageType.getHocrFileName());
      "srcFileHocrFileName : " + srcFileHocrFileName);
      "destFileHocrFileName : " + destFileHocrFileName);
                FileUtils.copyFile(srcFileHocrFileName, destFileHocrFileName, false);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                errMsg = "Not able to create duplicate the file hocrFileName: " + localHocrFileName + " "
                        + e.getMessage();

     * API to set Duplicate Display file name.
     * @param batchInstanceFolderPath {@link String}
     * @param duplicateCopyPageType {@link Page}
     * @param displayFileName {@link String}
     * @param fileNameFormatter {@link FileNameFormatter}
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier {@link String}
     * @param newPageTypeID {@link String}
    private void setDuplicateDisplayFileName(final String batchInstanceFolderPath, final Page duplicateCopyPageType,
            final String displayFileName, final FileNameFormatter fileNameFormatter,
            final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String newPageTypeID) {
        String errMsg;
        if (null != displayFileName) {
            final String localDisplayFileName = displayFileName.trim();
            try {
                final String displayFileNameFormatter = fileNameFormatter.getOCRInputFileName(
                        String.valueOf(batchInstanceIdentifier), null, null, BatchConstants.PNG_EXTENSION,
            } catch (final FileFormatException e) {
                        .setDisplayFileName(newPageTypeID + BatchConstants.UNDER_SCORE + localDisplayFileName);
            // create the copy of each file.
            try {
                final File srcFileDisplayFileName = new File(
                        batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator + localDisplayFileName);
                final File destFileDisplayFileName = new File(
                        batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator + duplicateCopyPageType.getDisplayFileName());
      "srcFileDisplayFileName : " + srcFileDisplayFileName);
      "destFileDisplayFileName : " + destFileDisplayFileName);
                FileUtils.copyFile(srcFileDisplayFileName, destFileDisplayFileName, false);
                if (duplicateCopyPageType.isIsRotated()) {
                    final File destFileDisplayDirectionFileName = new File(batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator
                            + duplicateCopyPageType.getDirection().toString() + File.separator
                            + duplicateCopyPageType.getDisplayFileName());
                    FileUtils.copyFile(srcFileDisplayFileName, destFileDisplayDirectionFileName, false);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                errMsg = "Not able to create duplicate the file displayFileName: " + localDisplayFileName + " "
                        + e.getMessage();

     * API to set Duplicate new file name.
     * @param batchInstanceFolderPath {@link String}
     * @param duplicateCopyPageType {@link Page}
     * @param newFileName {@link String}
     * @param fileNameFormatter {@link FileNameFormatter}
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier {@link String}
     * @param newPageTypeID {@link String}
    private void setDuplicateNewFileName(final String batchInstanceFolderPath, final Page duplicateCopyPageType,
            final String newFileName, final FileNameFormatter fileNameFormatter,
            final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String newPageTypeID) {
        String errMsg;
        if (null != newFileName) {
            final String localNewFileName = newFileName.trim();
            try {
                final String newFileNameFormatter = fileNameFormatter.getNewFileName(
                        String.valueOf(batchInstanceIdentifier), null, String.valueOf(newPageTypeID),
            } catch (final FileFormatException e) {
                duplicateCopyPageType.setNewFileName(newPageTypeID + BatchConstants.UNDER_SCORE + localNewFileName);
            // create the copy of each file.
            try {
                final File srcFileNewFileName = new File(
                        batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator + localNewFileName);
                final File destFileNewFileName = new File(
                        batchInstanceFolderPath + File.separator + duplicateCopyPageType.getNewFileName());
      "srcFileNewFileName : " + srcFileNewFileName);
      "destFileNewFileName : " + destFileNewFileName);
                FileUtils.copyFile(srcFileNewFileName, destFileNewFileName, false);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                errMsg = "Not able to create duplicate the file newFileName: " + localNewFileName
                        + BatchConstants.SPACE + e.getMessage();

     * Data carrier.
     * @author Ephesoft.
    private class DocPageCarrier {

         * pageIndex int.
        private int pageIndex;
         * docIndex int.
        private int docIndex;
         * docTypesList List<Document>.
        private List<Document> docTypesList;

         * To get page index.
         * @return int
        public int getPageIndex() {
            return pageIndex;

         * To set page index.
         * @param pageIndex int
        public void setPageIndex(final int pageIndex) {
            this.pageIndex = pageIndex;

         * To get doc index.
         * @return int
        public int getDocIndex() {
            return docIndex;

         * To set doc index.
         * @param docIndex int
        public void setDocIndex(final int docIndex) {
            this.docIndex = docIndex;

         * To get Doc Types List.
         * @return List<Document>
        public List<Document> getDocTypesList() {
            return docTypesList;

         * To set Doc Types List.
         * @param docTypesList List<Document>
        public void setDocTypesList(final List<Document> docTypesList) {
            this.docTypesList = docTypesList;


     * An API to get the URL object for the batch ID.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @return URL object.
    public URL getBatchContextURL(final String batchInstanceIdentifier) {
        try {
            return new URL(this.getBatchFolderURL(batchInstanceIdentifier) + ICommonConstants.FORWARD_SLASH
                    + batchInstanceIdentifier);
        } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new DCMABusinessException(e.getMessage(), e);

     * An API which will return true if the review is required other wise false.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @return boolean true if isReviewRequired other wise false.
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any of the parameter is not valid.
    public boolean isReviewRequired(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final boolean checkReviewFlag)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {
        return isReviewRequired(batchInstanceIdentifier, checkReviewFlag, false);


    private boolean isReviewRequired(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final boolean checkReviewFlag,
            final boolean setDocumentReviewStatus) throws DCMAApplicationException {

        boolean isReviewRequired = false;

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier) {
            errMsg = "Input parameter batchInstanceIdentifier is null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();

        boolean isBatchReviewed = true;
        for (final Document document : docTypesList) {
            if (!document.isReviewed()) {
                isBatchReviewed = false;

        if (!isBatchReviewed) {
            if (!setDocumentReviewStatus) {
                for (final Document document : docTypesList) {
                    final String docType = document.getType();
                    if (null != docType && docType.equals(EphesoftProperty.UNKNOWN.getProperty())) {
                        isReviewRequired = true;
                    if (checkReviewFlag) {
                        isReviewRequired = !document.isReviewed();
                        if (isReviewRequired) {
                    } else {
                        final float confidence = document.getConfidence();
                        final float confidenceThreshold = document.getConfidenceThreshold();
                        if (confidenceThreshold >= confidence) {
                            isReviewRequired = true;
            } else {
                for (final Document document : docTypesList) {
                    final String docType = document.getType();
                    if (null != docType && docType.equals(EphesoftProperty.UNKNOWN.getProperty())) {
                        isReviewRequired = true;
                    } else {
                        final float confidence = document.getConfidence();
                        final float confidenceThreshold = document.getConfidenceThreshold();
                        if (confidenceThreshold >= confidence) {
                            isReviewRequired = true;
                        } else {
        return isReviewRequired;

     * An API which will return true if the review is required other wise false.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @return boolean true if isReviewRequired other wise false.
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any of the parameter is not valid.
    public boolean isReviewRequired(final String batchInstanceIdentifier) throws DCMAApplicationException {
        return isReviewRequired(batchInstanceIdentifier, false, true);

     * An API which will return true if the validation is required for the document level fields other wise false.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @return boolean true if isValidationRequired other wise false.
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any of the parameter is not valid.
    public boolean isValidationRequired(final String batchInstanceIdentifier) throws DCMAApplicationException {

        boolean isValidationRequired = false;

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier) {
            errMsg = "Input parameter batchInstanceIdentifier is null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();


        for (final Document document : docTypesList) {
            // Add a check to insure that no document have document type "Unknown"
            // We can remove this check if isReviewRequired is handled properly.
            final String docType = document.getType();
            if (null != docType && docType.equals(EphesoftProperty.UNKNOWN.getProperty())) {
                isValidationRequired = true;
            // End of check.
            final boolean boolIsValid = document.isValid();
            if (!boolIsValid) {
                isValidationRequired = true;

        return isValidationRequired;

     * An API to generate all the folder structure for samples.
     * @param batchClassIDList List<List<String>>
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException If any of the parameter is not valid.
    public void sampleGeneration(final List<List<String>> batchIdDocPgNameList) throws DCMAApplicationException {
        String errMsg = null;
        final String baseSampleFdLoc = batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getBaseSampleFdLoc();
        final String sampleFolders = batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getSampleFolders();

        if (null == batchIdDocPgNameList || batchIdDocPgNameList.isEmpty() || null == baseSampleFdLoc
                || null == sampleFolders) {
            errMsg = "Input parameter batchClassIDList are null or empty.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final String[] nameOfFoldersArr = sampleFolders.split(BatchConstants.SEMI_COLON);
        boolean isFodlerNameAdded = true;
        for (final String fdName : nameOfFoldersArr) {
            final String dirPath = baseSampleFdLoc;
            for (final List<String> batchIdDocPgName : batchIdDocPgNameList) {
                final StringBuilder subDirPath = new StringBuilder();
                isFodlerNameAdded = true;
                for (final String dirName : batchIdDocPgName) {
                    if (null == dirName) {
                    if (isFodlerNameAdded) {
                        isFodlerNameAdded = false;
                final String strManyDirectories = subDirPath.toString();
                try {
                    // Create multiple directories
                    boolean success = new File(strManyDirectories).mkdirs();
                    if (success) {
              "Directories: " + strManyDirectories + " created.");
                    } else {
              "Directories: " + strManyDirectories + " not created.");
                } catch (final Exception e) {
          "Directories: " + strManyDirectories + " not created.");

     * To delete the document type folder.
     * @param docTypeNameList List<String>
     * @param batchClassIdentifier String
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException if input parameter is null or empty
    public void deleteDocTypeFolder(final List<String> docTypeNameList, final String batchClassIdentifier)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {
        String errMsg = null;
        final String baseSampleFdLoc = batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getBaseSampleFdLoc();
        final String sampleFolders = batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getSampleFolders();

        if (null == docTypeNameList || docTypeNameList.isEmpty() || null == baseSampleFdLoc
                || null == sampleFolders) {
            errMsg = "Input parameter docTypeNameList are null or empty.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final String[] nameOfFoldersArr = sampleFolders.split(BatchConstants.SEMI_COLON);
        final StringBuilder docTypeDirPath = new StringBuilder(baseSampleFdLoc);

        final String batchClassFolderPath = docTypeDirPath.toString();
        String docTypePath = null;
        String baseFolPath = null;
        for (final String fdName : nameOfFoldersArr) {
            baseFolPath = batchClassFolderPath + File.separator + fdName;
            for (final String docTypeName : docTypeNameList) {
                docTypePath = baseFolPath + File.separator + docTypeName;
                docTypePath = docTypePath.trim();
                try {
                    final File docTypeFileName = new File(docTypePath);
          "docTypeFileName : " + docTypeFileName);
                } catch (final IOException e) {
                    errMsg = "Not able to delete the file docTypeFilePath: " + docTypePath + BatchConstants.SPACE
                            + e.getMessage();



     * To get Thumb nail File Path.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param documentId String
     * @param pageId String
     * @return String
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException if input parameters are null
    public String getThumbnailFilePath(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String documentId,
            final String pageId) throws DCMAApplicationException {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier || null == documentId || null == pageId) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters batchInstanceIdentifier/documentId/pageId are null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();


        final int docIndex = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, documentId);

        final int pageIndex = getPageTypeIndex(docTypesList, docIndex, pageId);

        final Document docType = docTypesList.get(docIndex);
        final Pages pages = docType.getPages();
        final List<Page> pageTypeList = pages.getPage();
        final Page page = pageTypeList.get(pageIndex);
        final String thumbnailFileName = page.getThumbnailFileName();

        final String thumbnailPath = batchInstanceService.getSystemFolderForBatchInstanceId(batchInstanceIdentifier)
                + File.separator + batchInstanceIdentifier + File.separator + thumbnailFileName;

        return thumbnailPath;

     * To get displayed image file path.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @param documentId String
     * @param pageId String
     * @return String
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException if input parameters are null
    public String getDisplayImageFilePath(final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String documentId,
            final String pageId) throws DCMAApplicationException {

        String errMsg = null;

        if (null == batchInstanceIdentifier || null == documentId || null == pageId) {
            errMsg = "Input parameters batchInstanceIdentifier/documentId/pageId are null.";
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(errMsg);

        final Batch batch = batchSchemaDao.get(batchInstanceIdentifier,

        final List<Document> docTypesList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();


        final int docIndex = getDocumentTypeIndex(docTypesList, documentId);

        final int pageIndex = getPageTypeIndex(docTypesList, docIndex, pageId);

        final Document docType = docTypesList.get(docIndex);
        final Pages pages = docType.getPages();
        final List<Page> pageTypeList = pages.getPage();
        final Page page = pageTypeList.get(pageIndex);
        final String displayFileName = page.getDisplayFileName();

        final String displayFilePath = batchInstanceService
                .getSystemFolderForBatchInstanceId(batchInstanceIdentifier) + File.separator
                + batchInstanceIdentifier + File.separator + displayFileName;

        return displayFilePath;

     * An API to generate the xml file for all the htmls generated by image process plug-ins.
     * @return batchInstanceIdentifier String
     * @throws DCMAException If any error occurs.
    public void htmlToXmlGeneration(final String batchInstanceIdentifier) throws DCMAException {
        try {
        } catch (final DCMABusinessException e) {
            throw new DCMAException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (final DCMAApplicationException e) {
            throw new DCMAException(e.getMessage(), e);

    private void htmlOutputGeneration(final String batchInstanceIdentifier)
            throws DCMAApplicationException, DCMABusinessException {
        final String actualFolderLocation = batchInstanceService.getSystemFolderForBatchInstanceId(
                batchInstanceIdentifier) + File.separator + batchInstanceIdentifier + File.separator;

        final Batch batch = getBatch(batchInstanceIdentifier);
        String outputFileName = "tempFile";
        String outputFilePath = null;

        final List<Document> xmlDocuments = batch.getDocuments().getDocument();
        final BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread = new BatchInstanceThread(batchInstanceIdentifier);
        outputFilePath = actualFolderLocation + outputFileName;
        String outputFilePathLocal = null;
        if (null != xmlDocuments) {
            for (final Document document : xmlDocuments) {
                final List<Page> listOfPages = document.getPages().getPage();
                if (null != listOfPages) {
                    for (final Page page : listOfPages) {
                        outputFilePathLocal = outputFilePath + page.getIdentifier();
                        hOCRGenerationUsingThreadpool(batchInstanceThread, batchInstanceIdentifier,
                                actualFolderLocation, outputFilePathLocal, page);
            try {
      "Creating HOCR for all pages using threadpool.");
      "HOCRgenerated succussfully for all pages.");
            } catch (final DCMAApplicationException dcmae) {
                LOGGER.error("Error while genmerating hOCR from html using threadpool");
                throw new DCMAApplicationException(
                        "Error while genmerating hOCR from html using threadpool ." + dcmae.getMessage(), dcmae);


    private void hOCRGenerationUsingThreadpool(final BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread,
            final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String actualFolderLocation, final String outputFilePath,
            final Page page) {
        batchInstanceThread.add(new AbstractRunnable() {

            public void run() {
                String pageID;
                String hocrFileName;
                String pathOfHOCRFile;
                FileInputStream inputStream = null;
                final HocrPages hocrPages = new HocrPages();
                final List<HocrPage> hocrPageList = hocrPages.getHocrPage();

                final HocrPage hocrPage = new HocrPage();
                pageID = page.getIdentifier();
                hocrFileName = page.getHocrFileName();
                pathOfHOCRFile = actualFolderLocation + hocrFileName;
      "Creating hOCR for page : " + pageID);
                try {
                    inputStream = hocrGenerationInternal(actualFolderLocation, outputFilePath, pageID,
                            pathOfHOCRFile, hocrPage);
                } catch (final IOException e) {
                    LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                } finally {
                    try {
                        if (inputStream != null) {
                    } catch (final IOException e) {
                        LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                createHocr(hocrPages, batchInstanceIdentifier, pageID);
                try {
          "Deleting temp file : " + outputFilePath);
                    FileUtils.forceDelete(new File(outputFilePath));
                } catch (final IOException e) {
          "Deleting the temp file." + e.getMessage());


     * API to generate HOCR.
     * @param workingDir String
     * @param pageID String
     * @param pathOfHOCRFile String
     * @param hocrPage HocrPage
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws XPathExpressionException
     * @throws TransformerException
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException
     * @throws SAXException
    public void hocrGenerationAPI(final String workingDir, final String pageID, final String pathOfHOCRFile,
            final HocrPage hocrPage) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, XPathExpressionException,
            TransformerException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
        final String outputFilePath = workingDir + File.separator + "tempFile" + pageID;
        FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
        try {
            fileInputStream = hocrGenerationInternal(workingDir, outputFilePath, pageID, pathOfHOCRFile, hocrPage);
        } finally {
            if (fileInputStream != null) {

     * Method extracted to be reused for Ephesoft Web Services.
     * @param actualFolderLocation
     * @param outputFilePath
     * @param pageID
     * @param pathOfHOCRFile
     * @param hocrPage
     * @return FileInputStream
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws TransformerException
     * @throws XPathExpressionException
     * @throws SAXException
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException
    private FileInputStream hocrGenerationInternal(final String actualFolderLocation, final String outputFilePath,
            final String pageID, final String pathOfHOCRFile, final HocrPage hocrPage)
            throws XPathExpressionException, TransformerException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException,
            SAXException {

        XMLUtil.htmlOutputStream(pathOfHOCRFile, outputFilePath);
        OCREngineUtil.formatHOCRForTesseract(outputFilePath, actualFolderLocation, pageID);

        final FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(outputFilePath);
        final org.w3c.dom.Document doc = XMLUtil.createDocumentFrom(inputStream);
        final NodeList titleNodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName(BatchConstants.TITLE);
        if (null != titleNodeList) {
            for (int index = 0; index < titleNodeList.getLength(); index++) {
                final Node node = titleNodeList.item(index);
                final NodeList childNodeList = node.getChildNodes();
                final Node nodeChild = childNodeList.item(BatchConstants.ZERO);
                if (null != nodeChild) {
                    final String value = nodeChild.getNodeValue();
                    if (value != null) {

        final NodeList spanNodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName("span");
        final Spans spans = new Spans();
        final List<Span> spanList = spans.getSpan();
        if (null != spanNodeList) {
            final StringBuilder hocrContent = new StringBuilder();
            for (int index = BatchConstants.ZERO; index < spanNodeList.getLength(); index++) {
                final Node node = spanNodeList.item(index);
                final NodeList childNodeList = node.getChildNodes();
                final Node nodeChild = childNodeList.item(BatchConstants.ZERO);
                final Span span = new Span();
                if (null != nodeChild) {
                    final String value = nodeChild.getNodeValue();
                final NamedNodeMap map = node.getAttributes();
                final Node nMap = map.getNamedItem(BatchConstants.TITLE);
                Coordinates hocrCoordinates = null;
                hocrCoordinates = getHOCRCoordinates(nMap, hocrCoordinates);
                if (null == hocrCoordinates) {
                    hocrCoordinates = new Coordinates();
        return inputStream;

     * This API is used to generate the HocrPage object for input hocr file.
     * @param pageName {@link String}
     * @param pathOfHOCRFile {@link String}
     * @param outputFilePath {@link String}
     * @param batchClassIdentifier {@link String}
     * @param ocrEngineName {@link String}
     * @return {@link HocrPage}
    public HocrPage generateHocrPage(final String pageName, final String pathOfHOCRFile,
            final String outputFilePath, final String batchClassIdentifier, final String ocrEngineName) {

        if (null == pathOfHOCRFile || null == outputFilePath) {
            return null;
        final BatchPluginConfiguration[] pluginConfiguration = batchClassPluginPropertiesService
                .getPluginProperties(batchClassIdentifier, TESSERACT_HOCR_PLUGIN,
        String tesseractVersion = BatchConstants.EMPTY;
        if (pluginConfiguration != null && pluginConfiguration.length > BatchConstants.ZERO
                && pluginConfiguration[BatchConstants.ZERO].getValue() != null
                && pluginConfiguration[BatchConstants.ZERO].getValue().length() > BatchConstants.ZERO) {
            tesseractVersion = pluginConfiguration[BatchConstants.ZERO].getValue();
        final HocrPage hocrPage = new HocrPage();
        FileInputStream inputStream = null;
        try {
            if (ocrEngineName.equalsIgnoreCase(IUtilCommonConstants.TESSERACT_HOCR_PLUGIN) && tesseractVersion
                    .equalsIgnoreCase(TesseractVersionProperty.TESSERACT_VERSION_3.getPropertyKey())) {
                XMLUtil.htmlOutputStream(pathOfHOCRFile, outputFilePath);
                final String actualFolderLocation = new File(outputFilePath).getParent();
                OCREngineUtil.formatHOCRForTesseract(outputFilePath, actualFolderLocation, pageName);
            } else {
                XMLUtil.htmlOutputStream(pathOfHOCRFile, outputFilePath);
            inputStream = new FileInputStream(outputFilePath);
            final org.w3c.dom.Document doc = XMLUtil.createDocumentFrom(inputStream);
            final NodeList titleNodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName(BatchConstants.TITLE);
            if (null != titleNodeList) {
                for (int index = BatchConstants.ZERO; index < titleNodeList.getLength(); index++) {
                    final Node node = titleNodeList.item(index);
                    final NodeList childNodeList = node.getChildNodes();
                    final Node nodeChild = childNodeList.item(BatchConstants.ZERO);
                    if (null != nodeChild) {
                        final String value = nodeChild.getNodeValue();
                        if (value != null) {

            final NodeList spanNodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName("span");
            final Spans spans = new Spans();
            final List<Span> spanList = spans.getSpan();
            if (null != spanNodeList) {
                final StringBuilder hocrContent = new StringBuilder();
                for (int index = 0; index < spanNodeList.getLength(); index++) {
                    final Node node = spanNodeList.item(index);
                    final NodeList childNodeList = node.getChildNodes();
                    final Node nodeChild = childNodeList.item(BatchConstants.ZERO);
                    final Span span = new Span();
                    if (null != nodeChild) {
                        final String value = nodeChild.getNodeValue();
                    final NamedNodeMap map = node.getAttributes();
                    final Node nMap = map.getNamedItem(BatchConstants.TITLE);
                    Coordinates hocrCoordinates = null;
                    hocrCoordinates = getHOCRCoordinates(nMap, hocrCoordinates);
                    if (null == hocrCoordinates) {
                        hocrCoordinates = new Coordinates();
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        } finally {
        return hocrPage;

    private Coordinates getHOCRCoordinates(final Node nMap, Coordinates hocrCoordinates) {
        Coordinates localHocrCoordinates = hocrCoordinates;
        try {
            final String coordinates = nMap.getNodeValue();
            final String[] arr = coordinates.split(BatchConstants.SPACE);
            if (null != arr && arr.length >= 4) {
                localHocrCoordinates = new Coordinates();
                localHocrCoordinates.setX0(new BigInteger(arr[1]));
                localHocrCoordinates.setX1(new BigInteger(arr[3]));
                localHocrCoordinates.setY0(new BigInteger(arr[2]));
                localHocrCoordinates.setY1(new BigInteger(arr[4]));
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return localHocrCoordinates;

     * An API to fetch the image URL's excluding the imagename.
     * @return the URL to be appended to the image name.
    public String getWebScannerScannedImagesURL() {
        return getBaseHttpURL() + BatchConstants.SLASH
                + batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getWebScannerScannedImagesFolderPath();

     * An API to fetch the folder in which the scanned images are being kept.
     * @return the scanned images folder path.
    public String getWebScannerScannedImagesFolderPath() {
        return getBaseFolderLocation() + File.separator
                + batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getWebScannerScannedImagesFolderPath();

     * API to create a temp folder for scanned images for the given name.
     * @param folderName {@link String}
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException if file not created
    public void createWebScannerFolder(final String folderName) {
        String errMsg = null;
        final File newDirectory = new File(getWebScannerScannedImagesFolderPath() + File.separator + folderName);
        try {
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            errMsg = "Not able to create the file " + folderName + " " + e.getMessage();

     * API to copy all the .tiff and .tif files from the sourcePath+folderName to the batchPath+folderName.
     * @param sourcePath {@link String} the path containing the folder to be copied
     * @param folderName {@link String} the folder to be copied.
     * @param batchClassID {@link String} the identifier of batch to which the batch is to be copied
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException if error occurs
    public void copyFolder(final String sourcePath, final String folderName, final String batchClassID)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {
        final String scannedImagesPath = sourcePath + File.separator + folderName;
        final File scannedImagesDirectory = new File(scannedImagesPath);
        final CustomFileFilter validFilesFilter = new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot(),
        List<File> validFilesToBeCopied = null;
        try {
            validFilesToBeCopied = getFiles(scannedImagesPath, validFilesFilter);
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        if (validFilesToBeCopied == null || validFilesToBeCopied.isEmpty()) {
            throw new DCMAApplicationException("Error: No files scanned.");

        final CustomFileFilter filesToBeDeletedFilter = new CustomFileFilter(true,
                FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot(), FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot(),
                FileType.SER.getExtensionWithDot(), FileType.XML.getExtensionWithDot());
        final BatchClass batchClass = batchClassService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassID);
        final File uncFolder = new File(batchClass.getUncFolder() + File.separator + folderName);
        try {
            for (final File file : getFiles(scannedImagesPath, filesToBeDeletedFilter)) {
                try {
          "Deleting File : " + file.getAbsolutePath());
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.error("Unable to delete file : " + file.getAbsolutePath());
            FileUtils.copyDirectory(scannedImagesDirectory, uncFolder);
  "Copying directory " + scannedImagesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "to "
                    + uncFolder.getAbsolutePath());
  "Deleting directory :" + scannedImagesDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(e.getMessage(), e);

     * API to copy all the files from the sourcePath+folderName to the batchPath+folderName. Valid file types are specified by the
     * filter.
     * @param sourcePath {@link String} the path containing the folder to be copied
     * @param folderName {@link String} the folder to be copied.
     * @param batchClassID {@link String} the identifier of batch to which the batch is to be copied
     * @param fileFilter {@link CustomFileFilter} the file filter specifying the valid file types to copy
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException if error occurs in deleting
    public void copyFolderWithFileFilter(final String sourcePath, final String folderName,
            final String batchClassID, final CustomFileFilter fileFilter) throws DCMAApplicationException {
        final String scannedImagesPath = sourcePath + File.separator + folderName;
        final File scannedImagesDirectory = new File(scannedImagesPath);
        final BatchClass batchClass = batchClassService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassID);
        final File uncFolder = new File(batchClass.getUncFolder() + File.separator + folderName);
        try {
            for (final File file : getFiles(scannedImagesPath, fileFilter)) {
                try {
          "Deleting File : " + file.getAbsolutePath());
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.error("Unable to delete file : " + file.getAbsolutePath());
            FileUtils.copyDirectory(scannedImagesDirectory, uncFolder);
  "Copying directory " + scannedImagesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "to "
                    + uncFolder.getAbsolutePath());
  "Deleting directory :" + scannedImagesDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(e.getMessage(), e);

    private List<File> getFiles(final String srcPath, final CustomFileFilter fileFilter) throws IOException {
        final File srcDir = new File(srcPath);
        final List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>();
        if (srcDir != null && srcDir.list(fileFilter) != null) {
            for (final String imagename : srcDir.list(fileFilter)) {
                fileList.add(new File(srcPath + File.separator + imagename));
        return fileList;

     * API to return base folder location.
     * @return String
    public String getBaseFolderLocation() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getBaseFolderLocation();

     * An API to generate the xml file for all the htmls generated by image process plug-ins.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier {@link String}
     * @throws DCMAException If any error occurs.
    public void htmlToXmlGeneration(final BatchInstanceID batchInstanceID, final String pluginWorkflow)
            throws DCMAException {
        final String batchInstanceIdentifier = batchInstanceID.getID();
        try {
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new DCMAException(e.getMessage(), e);
        }"Copying File : " + batchInstanceID);
        BackUpFileService.backUpBatch(batchInstanceIdentifier, pluginWorkflow,

     * An API to fetch project File Base Folder location.
     * @return String
    public String getProjectFileBaseFolder() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getProjectFilesBaseFolder();

     * An API to get the project files for the given document type and batch class identifier.
     * @param batchClassIdentifier {@link String}
     * @param documentType {@link String}
     * @return List<String>
     * @throws DCMAException if error occurs
    public List<String> getProjectFilesForDocumentType(final String batchClassIdentifier, final String documentType)
            throws DCMAException {
        final List<String> returnList = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (batchClassIdentifier != null && batchClassIdentifier.length() > BatchConstants.ZERO) {
            final String projectFileBaseFolder = batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getProjectFilesBaseFolder();
            final File projectFilesFolder = new File(getBaseFolderLocation() + File.separator + batchClassIdentifier
                    + File.separator + projectFileBaseFolder);
            if (projectFilesFolder.exists()) {
                final String[] allProjectFiles = projectFilesFolder.list();
                if (allProjectFiles != null && allProjectFiles.length > BatchConstants.ZERO) {
                    for (final String string : allProjectFiles) {
                        if (string.endsWith(".rsp")) {
        return returnList;

     * An API to fetch Email Base Folder location using Http protocol.
     * @return String
    public String getHttpEmailFolderPath() {
        return getBaseHttpURL() + ICommonConstants.FORWARD_SLASH
                + batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getEmailFolderName();

     * An API to fetch Batches Folder location.
     * @param batchInstanceIdentifier {@link String}
     * @return String
    public String getBatchFolderURL(String batchInstanceIdentifier) {
        final File file = new File(batchInstanceService.getSystemFolderForBatchInstanceId(batchInstanceIdentifier));
        return getBaseHttpURL() + ICommonConstants.FORWARD_SLASH + file.getName();

     * An API to fetch Email Base Folder location.
     * @return String
    public String getEmailFolderPath() {
        return getBaseSampleFDLock() + File.separator + batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getEmailFolderName();

     * API to get test kv extraction folder path.
     * @param batchClassID {@link BatchClassID}
     * @param createDirectory boolean
     * @return String absolute folder location
    public String getTestKVExtractionFolderPath(final BatchClassID batchClassID, final boolean createDirectory) {
        return getAbsolutePath(batchClassID.getID(),
                batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getTestKVExtractionFolderName(), createDirectory);

     * An API to return the complete export batch class folder location path.
     * @return String Batch Export Folder Location
    public String getBatchExportFolderLocation() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getBatchExportFolder();

     * An API to return the Index folder name for fuzzy db.
     * @return String fuzzyDb Index Folder Path
    public String getFuzzyDBIndexFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getFuzzyDBIndexFolderName();

     * An API to return the Index folder name for fuzzy db.
     * @return String fuzzyDb Index Folder Path
    public String getImagemagickBaseFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getImageMagickBaseFolderName();

     * An API to return the Index folder name for fuzzy db.
     * @return String fuzzyDb Index Folder Path
    public String getSearchIndexFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getSearchIndexFolderName();

     * An API to return the Index folder name for fuzzy db.
     * @return String fuzzyDb Index Folder Path
    public String getSearchSampleName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getSearchSampleName();

     * An API to return the test kv_extraction sample folder name.
     * @return String test kv_extraction sample folder name
    public String getTestKVExtractionFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getTestKVExtractionFolderName();

     * An API to return the Batch Class Serializable File.
     * @return String name of batch Class Serializable Description as appearing on the UI
    public String getBatchClassSerializableFile() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getBatchClassSerializableFile();

     * API to get File bound Plugin Mapping Folder Name.
     * @return String Name of filebound plugin mapping folder
    public String getFileboundPluginMappingFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getFileboundPluginMappingFolderName();

     * API to get the temp folder location for a batch class.
     * @return {@link String}
    public String getTempFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getTempFolder();

     * API to copy all the files from the Email download folder to the UNC Folder.
     * @param sourcePath {@link String} the path containing the folder to be copied
     * @param folderName {@link String} the folder to be copied.
     * @param batchClassID {@link String} the identifier of batch to which the batch is to be copied
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException if error occurs.
    public void copyEmailFolderToUNC(final String sourcePath, final String folderName, final String batchClassID)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {
        // Getting Ephesoft cloud user type
        final Integer userType = getUserType();
        final String scannedImagesPath = sourcePath + File.separator + folderName;
        final File scannedImagesDirectory = new File(scannedImagesPath);
        // Discard file after limit is crossed
        discardOutOfLimitFile(scannedImagesDirectory, batchClassID, userType);
        final BatchClass batchClass = batchClassService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassID);
        final File uncFolder = new File(batchClass.getUncFolder() + File.separator + folderName);
        try {
            FileUtils.copyDirectory(scannedImagesDirectory, uncFolder);
  "Copying directory " + scannedImagesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "to "
                    + uncFolder.getAbsolutePath());
  "Deleting directory :" + scannedImagesDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new DCMAApplicationException(e.getMessage(), e);

     * API to get test table folder path.
     * @param batchClassID {@link BatchClassID}
     * @param createDirectory {@link boolean}
     * @return {@link String} absolute folder location
    public String getTestTableFolderPath(final BatchClassID batchClassID, final boolean createDirectory) {
        return getAbsolutePath(batchClassID.getID(), batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getTestTableFolderName(),

     * API to create the batch XML at the end of the specified plugin.
     * @param batchInstanceID {@link BatchInstanceID}
     * @param pluginWorkflow {@link String}
    public void backUpBatchXML(final BatchInstanceID batchInstanceID, final String pluginWorkflow) {
        final String batchInstanceIdentifier = batchInstanceID.getID();
        BackUpFileService.backUpBatch(batchInstanceIdentifier, pluginWorkflow,

     * An API to return the test table sample folder name.
     * @return {@link String} test table sample folder name

    public String getTestTableFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getTestTableFolderName();

     * API to return the ValidationScriptName.
     * @return {@link String} ValidationScriptName
    public String getValidationScriptName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getValidationScriptName();

     * API to return the threadpool lock folder. This folder signifies if any thread is currently running for this batch instance at
     * any point of time.
     * @return {@link String} thread pool lock folder name
    public String getThreadpoolLockFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getThreadpoolLockFolder();

     * API to add new table.
     * @return {@link String} AddNewTableScriptName
    public String getAddNewTableScriptName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getAddNewTableScriptName();

     * API to set local folder.
     * @param testFolderLocation {@link String}
    public void setTestFolderLocation(final String testFolderLocation) {
        if (null != testFolderLocation && !testFolderLocation.isEmpty()) {

     * API to return test folder.
     * @return {@link String}
    public String getTestFolderLocation() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getTestFolderLocation();

     * API to get Script Config Folder Name.
     * @return {@link String}
    public String getScriptConfigFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getScriptConfigFolderName();

     * API to set base folder of the project.
     * @param baseFolderLocation {@link String}
    public void setBaseFolderLocation(final String baseFolderLocation) {
        if (null != baseFolderLocation && !baseFolderLocation.isEmpty()) {


     * API to get the detached batch class module object for a batch class.
     * @param batchClassIdentifier {@link String}
     * @param moduleName {@link String}
     * @return {@link BatchClassModule}
    public BatchClassModule getDetachedBatchClassModuleByName(final String batchClassIdentifier,
            final String workflowName) {
        final BatchClassModule batchClassModule = batchClassModuleService
                .getBatchClassModuleByWorkflowName(batchClassIdentifier, workflowName);
        BatchClassModule detachedBatchClassModule = null;
        if (batchClassModule == null) {
  "No module found with workflowName:" + workflowName + " in batch class id:"
                    + batchClassIdentifier + ". Skipping the updates for this module.");
        } else {
            detachedBatchClassModule = new BatchClassModule();



            final List<BatchClassModuleConfig> moduleConfigs = batchClassModule.getBatchClassModuleConfig();
            final List<BatchClassModuleConfig> newModuleConfigList = new ArrayList<BatchClassModuleConfig>();
            for (final BatchClassModuleConfig moduleConfig : moduleConfigs) {

            final List<BatchClassPlugin> batchClassPlugins = batchClassModule.getBatchClassPlugins();
            final List<BatchClassPlugin> newBatchClassPluginsList = new ArrayList<BatchClassPlugin>();
            for (final BatchClassPlugin batchClassPlugin : batchClassPlugins) {

                final List<BatchClassPluginConfig> batchClassPluginConfigs = batchClassPlugin
                final List<BatchClassPluginConfig> newBatchClassPluginConfigsList = new ArrayList<BatchClassPluginConfig>();
                for (final BatchClassPluginConfig batchClassPluginConfig : batchClassPluginConfigs) {

                    final List<KVPageProcess> kvPageProcess = batchClassPluginConfig.getKvPageProcesses();
                    final List<KVPageProcess> newKvPageProcessList = new ArrayList<KVPageProcess>();
                    for (final KVPageProcess kVPageProcessChild : kvPageProcess) {

                final List<BatchClassDynamicPluginConfig> batchClassDynamicPluginConfigs = batchClassPlugin
                final List<BatchClassDynamicPluginConfig> newBatchClassDynamicPluginConfigsList = new ArrayList<BatchClassDynamicPluginConfig>();
                for (final BatchClassDynamicPluginConfig batchClassDynamicPluginConfig : batchClassDynamicPluginConfigs) {

                    final List<BatchClassDynamicPluginConfig> children = batchClassDynamicPluginConfig
                    final List<BatchClassDynamicPluginConfig> newChildrenList = new ArrayList<BatchClassDynamicPluginConfig>();
                    for (final BatchClassDynamicPluginConfig child : children) {

        return detachedBatchClassModule;

     * API to get the upload batch folder path.
     * @return {@link String}
    public String getUploadBatchFolder() {
        return getBaseFolderLocation() + File.separator + batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getUploadBatchFolder();

     * API to get the Web services folder name.
     * @return {@link String}
    public String getWebServicesFolderPath() {
        return getBaseFolderLocation() + File.separator
                + batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getWebServicesFolderPath();

     * API to get advanced test extraction folder path.
     * @param batchClassIdentifier {@link String}
     * @param createDirectory {@link boolean}
     * @return {@link String}
    public String getTestAdvancedKvExtractionFolderPath(final String batchClassIdentifier,
            final boolean createDirectory) {
        return getAbsolutePath(batchClassIdentifier,
                batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getTestAdvancedKvExtractionFolderName(), createDirectory);

     * API to get advanced test extraction folder name.
     * @return {@link String}
    public String getTestAdvancedKVExtractionFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getTestAdvancedKvExtractionFolderName();

     * API to update the batch object to the file path specified.
     * @param batch {@link Batch}
     * @param filePath {@link String}
    public void update(final Batch batch, final String filePath) {
        if (null == batch) {
  "batch class is null.");
        } else if (null == filePath || filePath.isEmpty()) {
  "File path is either null or empty.");
        } else {
            this.batchSchemaDao.update(batch, filePath);

     * API to get the HOCR Pages using the file path specified.
     * @param xmlFilePath {@link String}
     * @return {@link HocrPages}
    public HocrPages getHOCR(final String xmlFilePath) {
        HocrPages hocrPages = null;
        hocrPages = this.hocrSchemaDao.getObjectFromFilePath(xmlFilePath);
        return hocrPages;

     * API to get the advanced test table folder path.
     * @param batchClassId {@link String}
     * @param createDir {@link boolean}
     * @return String
    public String getAdvancedTestTableFolderPath(final String batchClassId, final boolean createDir) {
        return getAbsolutePath(batchClassId, batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getAdvancedTestTableFolder(),

     * API to get advanced test table folder name.
     * @return {@link String}
    public String getAdvancedTestTableFolderName() {
        return this.batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getAdvancedTestTableFolder();

     * DB Export plugin mapping folder name.
     * @return {@link String} DB Export plugin mapping folder name.
    public String getDbExportMappingFolderName() {
        return batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getDbExportPluginMappingFolderName();

     * The <code>getUserType</code> method is used to retrieve user type from properties file.
     * @return {@link Integer} Ephesoft Cloud user type
    private Integer getUserType() {
        Integer userType = null;
        try {
            userType = Integer
        } catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatException) {
            userType = UserType.OTHERS.getUserType();
            LOGGER.error("user type property is in wrong format in property file");
        } catch (IOException ioException) {
            userType = UserType.OTHERS.getUserType();
            LOGGER.error("user type property is missing from property file");
        return userType;

     * The <code>getFileType</code> method is used to get the file type.
     * @param file {@link File} file
     * @return {@link String} file type
    private String getFileType(File file) {
        String fileType = null;
        if (null != file) {
            String fileName = file.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault());
            if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.PDF.getExtensionWithDot())) {
                fileType = FileType.PDF.getExtension();
            } else if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot())) {
                fileType = FileType.TIF.getExtension();
            } else if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())) {
                fileType = FileType.TIFF.getExtension();
        return fileType;

     * The <code>discardOutOfLimitFile</code> method is used to discard file after limit is crossed.
     * @param scannedImagesDirectory {@link File} email download directory file
     * @param batchClassID {@link String} batch class identifier
     * @param userType {@link Integer} Ephesoft Cloud user type
    private void discardOutOfLimitFile(File scannedImagesDirectory, String batchClassID, Integer userType) {
        if (userType.intValue() == UserType.LIMITED.getUserType() && null != batchClassID
                && null != scannedImagesDirectory && scannedImagesDirectory.exists()) {
            BatchClassCloudConfig batchClassCloudConfig = batchClassCloudService
            Integer pageLimit = null;
            if (null != batchClassCloudConfig) {
                pageLimit = batchClassCloudConfig.getPageCount();
            if (null != pageLimit) {
                int currentCounter = BatchConstants.ZERO;
                for (File file : scannedImagesDirectory.listFiles()) {
                    String fileType = getFileType(file);
                    if (null != fileType && currentCounter < pageLimit) {
                        String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
                        int pageCount = fileType.equals(FileType.PDF.getExtension())
                                ? PDFUtil.getPDFPageCount(filePath)
                                : TIFFUtil.getTIFFPageCount(filePath);
                        if ((currentCounter + pageCount) > pageLimit) {
                            int selectPage = pageLimit - currentCounter;
                            currentCounter = pageLimit;
                            if (fileType.equals(FileType.PDF.getExtension())) {
                                try {
                                    PDFUtil.getSelectedPdfFile(file, selectPage);
                                } catch (IOException e) {
                                    LOGGER.error("Error occured in reading file: " + filePath);
                                } catch (DocumentException de) {
                                    LOGGER.error("Error occurred in creating within limit file");
                            } else {
                                try {
                                    TIFFUtil.getSelectedTiffFile(file, selectPage);
                                } catch (IOException e) {
                                    LOGGER.error("Error occured in reading file: " + filePath);
                        } else {
                            currentCounter += pageCount;
                    } else {
                        if (null != fileType) {
