Source code

Java tutorial


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* Ephesoft is a Intelligent Document Capture and Mailroom Automation program 
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package com.ephesoft.dcma.tablefinder.share;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;

import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;

import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Column;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Coordinates;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Field.CoordinatesList;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.HocrPages.HocrPage.Spans.Span;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Row;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.common.HocrUtil;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.common.LineDataCarrier;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.TableColumnVO;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.exception.DCMAApplicationException;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.tablefinder.constants.TableExtractionConstants;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.EphesoftStringUtil;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.logger.EphesoftLogger;
import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.logger.EphesoftLoggerFactory;

public class TableExtractionResultModifierUtility {

     * LOGGER to print the logging information.
    private static final EphesoftLogger LOGGER = EphesoftLoggerFactory

     * This method merges the value and coordinates of the multiline rows.
     * @param previousRowColumnsList {@link List}<{@link Column}>
     * @param currentRowColumnsList {@link List}<{@link Column}>
    public static void mergeMultilineRows(final List<Column> previousRowColumnsList,
            final List<Column> currentRowColumnsList) {
        LOGGER.trace("Entering method to Merge data of mutilple rows.");
        if (null != previousRowColumnsList && null != currentRowColumnsList) {
            Iterator<Column> previousRowColumnsListIterator = previousRowColumnsList.iterator();
            Iterator<Column> currentRowColumnsListIterator = currentRowColumnsList.iterator();
            while (previousRowColumnsListIterator.hasNext() && currentRowColumnsListIterator.hasNext()) {
                final Column previousRowColumn =;
                final Column currentRowColumn =;
                mergeColumns(previousRowColumn, currentRowColumn);
        } else {
            LOGGER.error("previousRowColumnsList or currentRowColumnsList is null. Row data merging failed.");
        LOGGER.trace("Exiting method to Merge data of mutilple rows.");

     * Merges column of two rows to first column.
     * @param prevColumnData {@link Column}
     * @param newColumnData {@link Column}
    private static void mergeColumns(final Column prevColumnData, final Column newColumnData) {
        LOGGER.trace("Entering method to merge previous column data with new column data.");
        if (null != prevColumnData && null != newColumnData
                && validateColumnForMerging(prevColumnData, newColumnData)) {
            LOGGER.debug("Column name is : ", newColumnData.getName(), ".\nPrevious data for column is: ",
                    prevColumnData.getValue(), ", new data for column is: ", newColumnData.getValue());

            StringBuilder updatedColumnValue = new StringBuilder();

            // if previous row has some data for this column.
            if (null != prevColumnData.getValue() && !prevColumnData.getValue().isEmpty()) {

            // if current row has some data for this column.
            if (null != newColumnData.getValue() && !newColumnData.getValue().isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Merged value is :", prevColumnData.getValue());
            if (prevColumnData.getCoordinatesList() == null) {
                prevColumnData.setCoordinatesList(new CoordinatesList());
  "Updating coordinates of the merged column.");
            if (!areColumnCoordinatesNull(newColumnData)) {
                for (Coordinates coordinates : newColumnData.getCoordinatesList().getCoordinates()) {
                    if (!areColumnCoordinatesNull(prevColumnData)) {
        LOGGER.trace("Exiting method to merge previous column data with new column data.");

     * Checks if column coordinates are null.
     * @param column {@link Column}
     * @return true if column coordinates are null.
    private static boolean areColumnCoordinatesNull(final Column column) {
        boolean areNull;
        CoordinatesList coordinateList = column.getCoordinatesList();
        if (null == coordinateList) {
            areNull = true;
        } else {
            List<Coordinates> currentCoordinates = coordinateList.getCoordinates();
            if (null == currentCoordinates) {
                areNull = true;
            } else {
                areNull = false;
        return areNull;

     * Validates a column for merging.
     * @param prevColumn {@link Column}
     * @param column {@link Column}
     * @return {@code boolean} True if column is valid for merging.
    private static boolean validateColumnForMerging(final Column prevColumn, final Column column) {
        boolean isValid;
        if (column != null && null != prevColumn && !EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(column.getValue())) {
            CoordinatesList columnCoordinatesList = column.getCoordinatesList();
            CoordinatesList prevColumnCoordinatesList = prevColumn.getCoordinatesList();
            if (null != columnCoordinatesList && !columnCoordinatesList.getCoordinates().isEmpty()) {
                if (null == prevColumnCoordinatesList
                        || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(prevColumnCoordinatesList.getCoordinates())) {
                    isValid = true;
                } else {
                    Coordinates prevColumnCoordinates = HocrUtil
                    if (null == prevColumnCoordinates) {
                        isValid = true;
                    } else {
                        Coordinates columnCoordinates = HocrUtil
                        isValid = isColumnValidWithPrevColumnCoordinate(prevColumnCoordinates.getX0(),
                                prevColumnCoordinates.getX1(), columnCoordinates.getX0(),
            } else {
                isValid = false;
        } else {
            isValid = false;
        return isValid;

     * Checks if new column data is in same alignment with previous column data
     * @param prevColumnX0 {@link BigInteger}
     * @param prevColumnX1 {@link BigInteger}
     * @param columnX0 {@link BigInteger}
     * @param columnX1 {@link BigInteger}
     * @return {@code boolean} True if new column data value coordinates.
    private static boolean isColumnValidWithPrevColumnCoordinate(final BigInteger prevColumnX0,
            final BigInteger prevColumnX1, final BigInteger columnX0, final BigInteger columnX1) {
        LOGGER.trace("Entering method isColumnValidWithPrevColumnCoordinate.....");
        boolean isValid = false;
        LOGGER.debug("New Column Coordinates: X0=", columnX0, " ,X1=", columnX1);
        LOGGER.debug("Previous column Coordinates: X0=", prevColumnX0, " ,X1=", prevColumnX1);
        if (prevColumnX0 != null && prevColumnX1 != null && columnX0 != null && columnX0 != null) {
            if ((columnX0.compareTo(prevColumnX0) == 1 && columnX0.compareTo(prevColumnX1) == -1)
                    || (columnX1.compareTo(prevColumnX0) == 1 && columnX1.compareTo(prevColumnX1) == -1)
                    || (columnX0.compareTo(prevColumnX0) == -1 && columnX1.compareTo(prevColumnX1) == 1)
                    || columnX0.compareTo(prevColumnX0) == 0 || columnX1.compareTo(prevColumnX1) == 0
                    || TableRowFinderUtility.isApproxEqual(columnX1.intValue(), prevColumnX0.intValue())
                    || TableRowFinderUtility.isApproxEqual(columnX0.intValue(), prevColumnX1.intValue())) {
                isValid = true;
        }"Is value coordinates valid with column coordinates : ", isValid);
        LOGGER.trace("Exiting method isColumnValidWithColCoord.....");
        return isValid;

     * This method gets the rectangle coordinates for the new merged row value.
     * @param coordinatesList {@link Row}
     * @param currentRow {@link Row}
    public static void setMergedRowCoordinates(final Row previousRow, final Row currentRow) {
        LOGGER.trace("Entering method to merge coordinates of multiline column row.");
        if (null == previousRow || null == currentRow) {
            LOGGER.error("PreviousRow or currentRow is null. Coordinates of row could not be set.");
        } else {
            BigInteger minX0 = BigInteger.ZERO;
            BigInteger minY0 = BigInteger.ZERO;
            BigInteger maxX1 = BigInteger.ZERO;
            BigInteger maxY1 = BigInteger.ZERO;

            final Coordinates previousRowCoordinates = previousRow.getRowCoordinates();
            final Coordinates currentRowCoordinates = currentRow.getRowCoordinates();
            if (null == previousRowCoordinates || null == currentRowCoordinates) {
                        "previousRowCoordinates or currentRowCoordinates are null. Coordinates of row could not be set.");
            } else {
                final BigInteger previousRowX0 = previousRowCoordinates.getX0();
                final BigInteger previousRowY0 = previousRowCoordinates.getY0();
                final BigInteger previousRowX1 = previousRowCoordinates.getX1();
                final BigInteger previousRowY1 = previousRowCoordinates.getY1();

                final BigInteger currentRowX0 = currentRowCoordinates.getX0();
                final BigInteger currentRowY0 = currentRowCoordinates.getY0();
                final BigInteger currentRowX1 = currentRowCoordinates.getX1();
                final BigInteger currentRowY1 = currentRowCoordinates.getY1();

                if (previousRowX0.compareTo(currentRowX0) < 0) {
                    minX0 = previousRowX0;
                } else {
                    minX0 = currentRowX0;
                if (previousRowY0.compareTo(currentRowY0) < 0) {
                    minY0 = previousRowY0;
                } else {
                    minY0 = currentRowY0;
                if (previousRowX1.compareTo(currentRowX1) > 0) {
                    maxX1 = previousRowX1;
                } else {
                    maxX1 = currentRowX1;
                if (previousRowY1.compareTo(currentRowY1) > 0) {
                    maxY1 = previousRowY1;
                } else {
                    maxY1 = currentRowY1;

                final Coordinates coordinates = new Coordinates();
                LOGGER.debug("Coordinates of row could are set: (X0, Y0, X1, Y1) are (", minX0, minY0, maxX1, maxY1,
        LOGGER.trace("Exiting method to merge coordinates of multiline column row.");

     * Populates the extracted value from another column after applying regex pattern to that value.
     * @param lineDataCarrier {@link LineDataCarrier} The instance of LineDataCarrier.
     * @param tableColumn {@link TableColumnVO} The table column info object.
     * @param listColumns {@link List <{@link Column}> List of Column details.
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException {@link DCMAApplicationException} The exception being thrown.
    public static void populateExtractedColumnValue(final LineDataCarrier lineDataCarrier,
            final TableColumnVO tableColumn, final List<Column> listColumns) throws DCMAApplicationException {
        final Column extractedColumn = getExtractedColumn(tableColumn, listColumns);
        if (extractedColumn != null) {
            applyRegexPatternOnExtractedValue(lineDataCarrier, tableColumn, listColumns, extractedColumn);

     * Returns the Column details from which user needs to extract the data.
     * @param tableColumn {@link TableColumnVO} The table column info object.
     * @param listColumns {@link List <{@link Column}> List of Column details.
     * @return the column object from which user needs to extract the data.
    private static Column getExtractedColumn(final TableColumnVO tableColumn, final List<Column> listColumns) {
        Column extractedColumn = null;
        for (Column column : listColumns) {
            if (column != null && column.getName() != null
                    && column.getName().equals(tableColumn.getExtractedDataColumnName())) {
                extractedColumn = column;
        return extractedColumn;

     * Applies the regex pattern on the value of the column from which data need to be extracted and set the value to that column after
     * regex pattern is being applied.
     * @param lineDataCarrier {@link LineDataCarrier} The instance of LineDataCarrier.
     * @param tableColumn {@link TableColumnVO} The table column info object.
     * @param listColumns {@link List <{@link Column}> List of Column details.
     * @param extractedColumn {@link Column} The extracted column Object.
     * @throws DCMAApplicationException The exception being thrown.
    private static void applyRegexPatternOnExtractedValue(final LineDataCarrier lineDataCarrier,
            final TableColumnVO tableColumn, final List<Column> listColumns, final Column extractedColumn)
            throws DCMAApplicationException {
        if (extractedColumn != null) {
            final String extractedColumnValue = extractedColumn.getValue();
            final List<Coordinates> listCoordinates = extractedColumn.getCoordinatesList().getCoordinates();
            List<Span> listSpans = null;
            Span span = null;
            String pageID = null;
            String patternOfColumnData = null;
            List<DataCarrier> dataCarrierList = null;

            for (Column column : listColumns) {
                if (column != null && column.getName().equals(tableColumn.getColumnName())) {
                    listSpans = new ArrayList<Span>();
                    span = new Span();
                    pageID = lineDataCarrier.getPageID();
                    LOGGER.debug("Extracting column data for column = ", tableColumn.getColumnName());
                    patternOfColumnData = tableColumn.getColumnPattern();
          "Column Pattern : ", patternOfColumnData);
                    if (!EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(patternOfColumnData)) {
                        dataCarrierList = TableRowFinderUtility.findPattern(extractedColumnValue,
                                patternOfColumnData, listSpans);
                        if (null == dataCarrierList || dataCarrierList.isEmpty()) {
                  "No data found for table column = ", tableColumn.getColumnName());
                        } else {
                            setExtractedColumnValue(column, dataCarrierList, pageID, listCoordinates);

     * Set extracted value for column.
     * @param column {@link Column}
     * @param dataCarrierList {@link List}<{@link DataCarrier}>
     * @param pageID {@link String}
     * @param listCoordinates {@link List}<{@link Coordinates}>
    private static void setExtractedColumnValue(final Column column, final List<DataCarrier> dataCarrierList,
            final String pageID, final List<Coordinates> listCoordinates) {
        if (null != column && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(dataCarrierList)) {
            List<Coordinates> coordinatesList = null;
            float maxConfidence = 0;
            int indexOfMostConfidenceDataCarrier = TableExtractionConstants.START_INDEX;
            int dataListSize = dataCarrierList.size();
            int dataCarrierListIndex = 0;
            while (dataCarrierListIndex < dataListSize) {
                DataCarrier outputDataCarrier = dataCarrierList.get(dataCarrierListIndex);
                if (outputDataCarrier == null) {
                float dataCarrierConfidence = outputDataCarrier.getConfidence();
                if (dataCarrierConfidence > maxConfidence) {
                    maxConfidence = dataCarrierConfidence;
                    indexOfMostConfidenceDataCarrier = dataCarrierListIndex;
            dataCarrierListIndex = 0;
            while (dataCarrierListIndex < dataListSize) {
                DataCarrier outputDataCarrier = dataCarrierList.get(dataCarrierListIndex);
                if (outputDataCarrier == null) {
                if (dataCarrierListIndex == indexOfMostConfidenceDataCarrier) {
                    List<Span> spans = outputDataCarrier.getSpans();
                    if (null != spans) {
                        coordinatesList = new ArrayList<Coordinates>(spans.size());
                        for (Span dataCarrierSpan : spans) {
                    TableRowFinderUtility.setColumnCoordinates(coordinatesList, column);
                } else {
                    TableRowFinderUtility.addAlternateValues(column, outputDataCarrier.getValue(),
                            outputDataCarrier.getConfidence(), listCoordinates);

     * This method validates the table column value with the table column validation pattern.
     * @param tableColumn {@link TableColumnVO} The table column virtual object.
     * @param column {@link Column} The column.
    public static void validateColumnByValidationPattern(final TableColumnVO tableColumn, final Column column) {
        if (null != column && null != tableColumn) {
            try {
                final String validationPattern = tableColumn.getValidationPattern();
                final String columnValue = column.getValue();
                column.setValid(isValidWithPattern(columnValue, validationPattern));
            } catch (final PatternSyntaxException patternSyntaxException) {
      "Exception occured in Pattern Matching. ", patternSyntaxException);

     * Checks if a string matches with regex pattern.
     * @param value {@link String}
     * @param pattern {@link String}
     * @return boolean True if value matches pattern else false.
    public static boolean isValidWithPattern(final String value, final String pattern) {
        boolean isValid = true;
        if (!EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(pattern) && value != null) {
  "Validation Pattern for the Column is : ", pattern);
            isValid = Pattern.matches(pattern, value.trim());
        return isValid;

     * Performs a) Extraction of column data from other column data. b) Check if row is valid for all required columns, if not removes
     * that row from rowList. c) validates column is valid w.r.t validation pattern.
     * @param tableColumnList {@link List}<{@link TableColumnVO}>
     * @param rowList {@link List}<{@link Row}>
     * @param isRowValidForAllRequiredColumns boolean
     * @param previousRow {@link Row}
     * @param lineDataCarrier {@link LineDataCarrier}
     * @return boolean true if currently last row in rowList is valid for all required columns.
     * @throws{@link DCMAApplicationException}
    public static boolean finishTasksForPreviousRow(final List<TableColumnVO> tableColumnList,
            final List<Row> rowList, boolean isRowValidForAllRequiredColumns, Row previousRow,
            final LineDataCarrier lineDataCarrier) throws DCMAApplicationException {
        if (previousRow.getColumns() != null) {
            final List<Column> previousRowColumnsList = previousRow.getColumns().getColumn();
            for (int index = 0; index < tableColumnList.size(); index++) {
                TableColumnVO tableColumn = tableColumnList.get(index);
                Column column = previousRowColumnsList.get(index);
                if (tableColumn != null
                        && !EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(tableColumn.getExtractedDataColumnName())) {
                    populateExtractedColumnValue(lineDataCarrier, tableColumn, previousRowColumnsList);
                validateColumnByValidationPattern(tableColumn, column);
                if (null != column && tableColumn.isRequired() && !column.isValid()) {
          "Data not valid for required column: ", column.getName());
                    isRowValidForAllRequiredColumns = false;
        if (null != rowList && !isRowValidForAllRequiredColumns) {
        return isRowValidForAllRequiredColumns;