Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) Interactive Information R & D (I2RD) LLC.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * This software is confidential and proprietary information of
 * I2RD LLC ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose
 * such Confidential Information and shall use it only in
 * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered
 * into with I2RD.


import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.PropertySource;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.aspectj.EnableSpringConfigured;
import org.springframework.context.event.ContextRefreshedEvent;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.EnableAsync;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.EnableScheduling;

import com.i2rd.hibernate.util.LocationQualifier;

import net.proteusframework.config.ProteusWebAppConfig;
import net.proteusframework.core.locale.xml.StaticKeyDataConfig;

import static com.i2rd.hibernate.util.LocationQualifier.Type.entity_location;
import static com.i2rd.hibernate.util.LocationQualifier.Type.orm_location;

 * Project Configuration.
 * @author Russ Tennant (
@SuppressWarnings({ "SameReturnValue" })
@ComponentScan({ "" }/*Scan for spring components in my package hierarchy*/)
@PropertySource( /* SPLIT PropertySource -> */
        name = ProteusWebAppConfig.PROTEUSFRAMEWORK_PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME, value = {
@PropertySource(name = "your-app-props", value = { "classpath:/com/example/app/config/",
public class ProjectConfig implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> {
    /** Project Schema. */
    public static final String PROJECT_SCHEMA = "app";
    /** Discriminator Column. */
    public static final String DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMN = "disc_type";
    /** The database schema for envers audit tables */
    public static final String ENVERS_SCHEMA = "audit";
    /** Data conversion identifier. */
    public static final String DC_IDENTIFIER = "starter-app";
    /** Logger. */
    private static final Logger _logger = LogManager.getLogger(ProjectConfig.class);
     * If you would like to setup your own servlets or filters either
     * 1) implement a WebApplicationInitializer
     *   OR
     * 2) add a /META-INF/web-fragment.xml resource file.
     * both will be picked up automatically by the servlet container when
     * your app starts. If you are using Cms.main to launch the app, you
     * will need to register the package of your web app initializer due
     * to a bug in Jetty. See "Cms.ServerOptions.configurationPackage"
     * you'll probably want to keep "net.proteusframework.config" as one of
     * the option values for the configurationPackage option.

     * Example scheduled-task
    // @Scheduled(cron="*/5 * * * * MON-FRI")
    //    public void doScheduledExample()
    //    {
    // Requires @EnableAsync and @EnableScheduling to be uncommented above.
     * Work to be done goes here.
    //    }

     * Package to scan for annotated entities.
     * @return bean.
    public String annotatedEntityScanComExample() {
        return "";

     * Example to test if weaving is working.
     * @param event the event.
    public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {

        if (!new AspectWeavingTest().isConfigured()) {
            ApplicationContext applicationContext = event.getApplicationContext();
            try {
                if (applicationContext instanceof AbstractApplicationContext)
                    ((AbstractApplicationContext) applicationContext).close();
            } finally {
                ApplicationContextException ex = new ApplicationContextException(
                        "AspectJ weaving is not working. Configure compile-time or load-time weaving.");
                _logger.fatal("AspectJ weaving misconfiguration.", ex);


     * Scan com.example for HBM XML files.
     * @return bean.
    public String ormLocationComExample() {
        return "classpath*:com/example/app/**/*.hbm.xml";

     * Static key config.
     * @return bean.
    public StaticKeyDataConfig staticKeyDataConfig() {
        StaticKeyDataConfig config = new StaticKeyDataConfig();
        return config;
