Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2014 pengjianbo(, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.


import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;


 * Created by Oleksii Shliama (
 * <p/>
 * Builder class to ease Intent setup.
public class UCrop {

    public static final int REQUEST_CROP = 69;
    public static final int RESULT_ERROR = 96;

    private static final String EXTRA_PREFIX = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID;

    public static final String EXTRA_INPUT_URI = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".InputUri";
    public static final String EXTRA_OUTPUT_URI = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".OutputUri";
    public static final String EXTRA_ERROR = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".Error";

    public static final String EXTRA_ASPECT_RATIO_SET = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".AspectRatioSet";
    public static final String EXTRA_ASPECT_RATIO_X = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".AspectRatioX";
    public static final String EXTRA_ASPECT_RATIO_Y = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".AspectRatioY";

    public static final String EXTRA_MAX_SIZE_SET = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".MaxSizeSet";
    public static final String EXTRA_MAX_SIZE_X = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".MaxSizeX";
    public static final String EXTRA_MAX_SIZE_Y = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".MaxSizeY";

    public static final String EXTRA_OPTIONS = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".Options";

    private Intent mCropIntent;

     * This method creates new Intent builder and sets both source and destination image URIs.
     * @param source      Uri for image to crop
     * @param destination Uri for saving the cropped image
    public static UCrop of(@NonNull Uri source, @NonNull Uri destination) {
        return new UCrop(source, destination);

    private UCrop(@NonNull Uri source, @NonNull Uri destination) {
        mCropIntent = new Intent();
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_INPUT_URI, source);
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_OUTPUT_URI, destination);

     * Set an aspect ratio for crop bounds.
     * User won't see the menu with other ratios options.
     * @param x aspect ratio X
     * @param y aspect ratio Y
    public UCrop withAspectRatio(@IntRange(from = 1) int x, @IntRange(from = 1) int y) {
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_ASPECT_RATIO_SET, true);
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_ASPECT_RATIO_X, x);
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_ASPECT_RATIO_Y, y);
        return this;

     * Set an aspect ratio for crop bounds that is evaluated from source image width and height.
     * User won't see the menu with other ratios options.
    public UCrop useSourceImageAspectRatio() {
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_ASPECT_RATIO_SET, true);
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_ASPECT_RATIO_X, 0);
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_ASPECT_RATIO_Y, 0);
        return this;

     * Set maximum size for result cropped image.
     * @param width  max cropped image width
     * @param height max cropped image height
    public UCrop withMaxResultSize(@IntRange(from = 100) int width, @IntRange(from = 100) int height) {
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_MAX_SIZE_SET, true);
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_MAX_SIZE_X, width);
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_MAX_SIZE_Y, height);
        return this;

    public UCrop withOptions(@NonNull Options options) {
        mCropIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_OPTIONS, options.getOptionBundle());
        return this;

     * Send the crop Intent from an Activity
     * @param activity Activity to receive result
    public void start(@NonNull Activity activity) {
        start(activity, REQUEST_CROP);

     * Send the crop Intent from an Activity with a custom request code
     * @param activity    Activity to receive result
     * @param requestCode requestCode for result
    public void start(@NonNull Activity activity, int requestCode) {
        activity.startActivityForResult(getIntent(activity), requestCode);

     * Send the crop Intent from a Fragment
     * @param fragment Fragment to receive result
    public void start(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Fragment fragment) {
        start(context, fragment, REQUEST_CROP);

     * Send the crop Intent from a support library Fragment
     * @param fragment Fragment to receive result
    public void start(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull fragment) {
        start(context, fragment, REQUEST_CROP);

     * Send the crop Intent with a custom request code
     * @param fragment    Fragment to receive result
     * @param requestCode requestCode for result
    public void start(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Fragment fragment, int requestCode) {
        fragment.startActivityForResult(getIntent(context), requestCode);

     * Send the crop Intent with a custom request code
     * @param fragment    Fragment to receive result
     * @param requestCode requestCode for result
    public void start(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull fragment,
            int requestCode) {
        fragment.startActivityForResult(getIntent(context), requestCode);

     * Get Intent to start {@link UCropActivity}
     * @return Intent for {@link UCropActivity}
    public Intent getIntent(@NonNull Context context) {
        mCropIntent.setClass(context, UCropActivity.class);
        return mCropIntent;

     * Retrieve cropped image Uri from the result Intent
     * @param intent crop result intent
    public static Uri getOutput(@NonNull Intent intent) {
        return intent.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_OUTPUT_URI);

     * Method retrieves error from the result intent.
     * @param result crop result Intent
     * @return Throwable that could happen while image processing
    public static Throwable getError(@NonNull Intent result) {
        return (Throwable) result.getSerializableExtra(EXTRA_ERROR);

     * Class that helps to setup advanced configs that are not commonly used.
     * Use it with method {@link #withOptions(Options)}
    public static class Options {

        public static final String EXTRA_COMPRESSION_FORMAT_NAME = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".CompressionFormatName";
        public static final String EXTRA_COMPRESSION_QUALITY = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".CompressionQuality";

        public static final String EXTRA_ALLOWED_GESTURES = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".AllowedGestures";

        public static final String EXTRA_MAX_BITMAP_SIZE = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".MaxBitmapSize";
        public static final String EXTRA_MAX_SCALE_MULTIPLIER = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".MaxScaleMultiplier";
                + ".ImageToCropBoundsAnimDuration";

        public static final String EXTRA_DIMMED_LAYER_COLOR = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".DimmedLayerColor";
        public static final String EXTRA_OVAL_DIMMED_LAYER = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".OvalDimmedLayer";

        public static final String EXTRA_SHOW_CROP_FRAME = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".ShowCropFrame";
        public static final String EXTRA_CROP_FRAME_COLOR = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".CropFrameColor";
        public static final String EXTRA_CROP_FRAME_STROKE_WIDTH = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".CropFrameStrokeWidth";

        public static final String EXTRA_SHOW_CROP_GRID = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".ShowCropGrid";
        public static final String EXTRA_CROP_GRID_ROW_COUNT = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".CropGridRowCount";
        public static final String EXTRA_CROP_GRID_COLUMN_COUNT = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".CropGridColumnCount";
        public static final String EXTRA_CROP_GRID_COLOR = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".CropGridColor";
        public static final String EXTRA_CROP_GRID_STROKE_WIDTH = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".CropGridStrokeWidth";

        public static final String EXTRA_TOOL_BAR_COLOR = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".ToolbarColor";
        public static final String EXTRA_STATUS_BAR_COLOR = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".StatusBarColor";
        public static final String EXTRA_UCROP_COLOR_WIDGET_ACTIVE = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".UcropColorWidgetActive";

        public static final String EXTRA_UCROP_TITLE_COLOR_TOOLBAR = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".UcropToolbarTitleColor";

        private final Bundle mOptionBundle;

        public Options() {
            mOptionBundle = new Bundle();

        public Bundle getOptionBundle() {
            return mOptionBundle;

         * Set one of {@link Bitmap.CompressFormat} that will be used to save resulting Bitmap.
        public void setCompressionFormat(@NonNull Bitmap.CompressFormat format) {

         * Set compression quality [0-100] that will be used to save resulting Bitmap.
        public void setCompressionQuality(@IntRange(from = 0) int compressQuality) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_COMPRESSION_QUALITY, compressQuality);

         * Choose what set of gestures will be enabled on each tab - if any.
        public void setAllowedGestures(@UCropActivity.GestureTypes int tabScale,
                @UCropActivity.GestureTypes int tabRotate, @UCropActivity.GestureTypes int tabAspectRatio) {
            mOptionBundle.putIntArray(EXTRA_ALLOWED_GESTURES, new int[] { tabScale, tabRotate, tabAspectRatio });

         * This method sets multiplier that is used to calculate max image scale from min image scale.
         * @param maxScaleMultiplier - (minScale * maxScaleMultiplier) = maxScale
        public void setMaxScaleMultiplier(@FloatRange(from = 1.0, fromInclusive = false) float maxScaleMultiplier) {
            mOptionBundle.putFloat(EXTRA_MAX_SCALE_MULTIPLIER, maxScaleMultiplier);

         * This method sets animation duration for image to wrap the crop bounds
         * @param durationMillis - duration in milliseconds
        public void setImageToCropBoundsAnimDuration(@IntRange(from = 100) int durationMillis) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_IMAGE_TO_CROP_BOUNDS_ANIM_DURATION, durationMillis);

         * Setter for max size for both width and height of bitmap that will be decoded from an input Uri and used in the view.
         * @param maxBitmapSize - size in pixels
        public void setMaxBitmapSize(@IntRange(from = 100) int maxBitmapSize) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_MAX_BITMAP_SIZE, maxBitmapSize);

         * @param color - desired color of dimmed area around the crop bounds
        public void setDimmedLayerColor(@ColorInt int color) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_DIMMED_LAYER_COLOR, color);

         * @param isOval - set it to true if you want dimmed layer to have an oval inside
        public void setOvalDimmedLayer(boolean isOval) {
            mOptionBundle.putBoolean(EXTRA_OVAL_DIMMED_LAYER, isOval);

         * @param show - set to true if you want to see a crop frame rectangle on top of an image
        public void setShowCropFrame(boolean show) {
            mOptionBundle.putBoolean(EXTRA_SHOW_CROP_FRAME, show);

         * @param color - desired color of crop frame
        public void setCropFrameColor(@ColorInt int color) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_CROP_FRAME_COLOR, color);

         * @param width - desired width of crop frame line in pixels
        public void setCropFrameStrokeWidth(@IntRange(from = 0) int width) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_CROP_FRAME_STROKE_WIDTH, width);

         * @param show - set to true if you want to see a crop grid/guidelines on top of an image
        public void setShowCropGrid(boolean show) {
            mOptionBundle.putBoolean(EXTRA_SHOW_CROP_GRID, show);

         * @param count - crop grid rows count.
        public void setCropGridRowCount(@IntRange(from = 0) int count) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_CROP_GRID_ROW_COUNT, count);

         * @param count - crop grid columns count.
        public void setCropGridColumnCount(@IntRange(from = 0) int count) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_CROP_GRID_COLUMN_COUNT, count);

         * @param color - desired color of crop grid/guidelines
        public void setCropGridColor(@ColorInt int color) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_CROP_GRID_COLOR, color);

         * @param width - desired width of crop grid lines in pixels
        public void setCropGridStrokeWidth(@IntRange(from = 0) int width) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_CROP_GRID_STROKE_WIDTH, width);

         * @param color - desired resolved color of the toolbar
        public void setToolbarColor(@ColorInt int color) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_TOOL_BAR_COLOR, color);

         * @param color - desired resolved color of the statusbar
        public void setStatusBarColor(@ColorInt int color) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_STATUS_BAR_COLOR, color);

         * @param color - desired resolved color of the active and selected widget (default is orange) and progress wheel middle line
        public void setActiveWidgetColor(@ColorInt int color) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_UCROP_COLOR_WIDGET_ACTIVE, color);

         * @param color - desired resolved color of Toolbar text and buttons (default is darker orange)
        public void setToolbarTitleTextColor(@ColorInt int color) {
            mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_UCROP_TITLE_COLOR_TOOLBAR, color);

