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 * Copyright 2017-present Facebook, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
 * a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package com.facebook.buck.features.rust;

import static com.facebook.buck.cxx.CxxDescriptionEnhancer.createSharedLibrarySymlinkTreeTarget;

import com.facebook.buck.core.description.arg.HasDefaultPlatform;
import com.facebook.buck.core.exceptions.HumanReadableException;
import com.facebook.buck.core.model.BuildTarget;
import com.facebook.buck.core.model.Flavor;
import com.facebook.buck.core.rules.ActionGraphBuilder;
import com.facebook.buck.core.rules.BuildRule;
import com.facebook.buck.core.rules.BuildRuleParams;
import com.facebook.buck.core.rules.SourcePathRuleFinder;
import com.facebook.buck.core.rules.impl.SymlinkTree;
import com.facebook.buck.core.rules.tool.BinaryWrapperRule;
import com.facebook.buck.core.sourcepath.ForwardingBuildTargetSourcePath;
import com.facebook.buck.core.sourcepath.SourcePath;
import com.facebook.buck.core.sourcepath.resolver.SourcePathResolver;
import com.facebook.buck.core.sourcepath.resolver.impl.DefaultSourcePathResolver;
import com.facebook.buck.core.toolchain.tool.Tool;
import com.facebook.buck.core.toolchain.tool.impl.CommandTool;
import com.facebook.buck.core.util.graph.AbstractBreadthFirstTraversal;
import com.facebook.buck.cxx.CxxDescriptionEnhancer;
import com.facebook.buck.cxx.CxxGenruleDescription;
import com.facebook.buck.cxx.toolchain.CxxPlatform;
import com.facebook.buck.cxx.toolchain.CxxPlatforms;
import com.facebook.buck.cxx.toolchain.linker.Linker;
import com.facebook.buck.cxx.toolchain.linker.Linker.LinkableDepType;
import com.facebook.buck.cxx.toolchain.linker.Linkers;
import com.facebook.buck.cxx.toolchain.nativelink.NativeLinkable;
import com.facebook.buck.cxx.toolchain.nativelink.NativeLinkables;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.args.Arg;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.args.SourcePathArg;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.args.StringArg;
import com.facebook.buck.util.RichStream;
import com.facebook.buck.util.environment.Architecture;
import com.facebook.buck.util.types.Pair;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

/** Utilities to generate various kinds of Rust compilation. */
public class RustCompileUtils {
    private RustCompileUtils() {

    protected static BuildTarget getCompileBuildTarget(BuildTarget target, CxxPlatform cxxPlatform,
            CrateType crateType) {
        return target.withFlavors(cxxPlatform.getFlavor(), crateType.getFlavor());

    // Construct a RustCompileRule with:
    // - all sources
    // - rustc
    // - linker
    // - rustc optim / feature / cfg / user-specified flags
    // - linker args
    // - `--extern <crate>=<rlibpath>` for direct dependencies
    // - `-L dependency=<dir>` for transitive dependencies
    // - `-C relocation-model=pic/static/default/dynamic-no-pic` according to flavor
    // - `--emit metadata` if flavor is "check"
    // - `-Zsave-analysis` if flavor is "save-analysis"
    // - `--crate-type lib/rlib/dylib/cdylib/staticlib` according to flavor
    private static RustCompileRule createBuild(BuildTarget target, String crateName,
            ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem, BuildRuleParams params, ActionGraphBuilder graphBuilder,
            SourcePathRuleFinder ruleFinder, RustPlatform rustPlatform, RustBuckConfig rustConfig,
            ImmutableList<String> extraFlags, ImmutableList<String> extraLinkerFlags, Iterable<Arg> linkerInputs,
            CrateType crateType, Optional<String> edition, LinkableDepType depType, boolean rpath,
            ImmutableSortedSet<SourcePath> sources, SourcePath rootModule, boolean forceRlib, boolean preferStatic,
            Iterable<BuildRule> ruledeps, Optional<String> incremental) {
        CxxPlatform cxxPlatform = rustPlatform.getCxxPlatform();
        ImmutableList.Builder<Arg> linkerArgs = ImmutableList.builder();

        Optional<String> filename = crateType.filenameFor(target, crateName, cxxPlatform);

        if (crateType == CrateType.CDYLIB) {
            String soname = filename.get();
            Linker linker = cxxPlatform.getLd().resolve(graphBuilder);

        Stream.concat(rustPlatform.getLinkerArgs().stream(), -> !x.isEmpty())


        ImmutableList.Builder<Arg> args = ImmutableList.builder();
        ImmutableList.Builder<Arg> depArgs = ImmutableList.builder();

        String relocModel;
        if (crateType.isPic()) {
            relocModel = "pic";
        } else {
            relocModel = "static";

        Stream<String> checkArgs;
        if (crateType.isCheck()) {
            checkArgs = rustPlatform.getRustCheckFlags().stream();
        } else {
            checkArgs = Stream.of();

        if (crateType.isSaveAnalysis()) {
            // This is an unstable option - not clear what the path to stabilization is.

        Stream.of(Stream.of(String.format("--crate-name=%s", crateName),
                String.format("--crate-type=%s", crateType), String.format("-Crelocation-model=%s", relocModel)),
      , checkArgs).flatMap(x -> x).map(StringArg::of).forEach(args::add);

        if (edition.isPresent()) {
            args.add(StringArg.of(String.format("--edition=%s", edition.get())));

        if (incremental.isPresent()) {
            Path path = projectFilesystem.getBuckPaths().getTmpDir().resolve("rust-incremental")

            for (Flavor f : target.getFlavors()) {
                path = path.resolve(f.getName());
            args.add(StringArg.of(String.format("-Cincremental=%s", path)));

        LinkableDepType rustDepType;
        // If we're building a CDYLIB then our Rust dependencies need to be static
        // Alternatively, if we're using forceRlib then anything else needs rlib deps.
        if (depType == LinkableDepType.SHARED && (forceRlib || crateType == CrateType.CDYLIB)) {
            rustDepType = LinkableDepType.STATIC_PIC;
        } else {
            rustDepType = depType;

        // Find direct and transitive Rust deps. We do this in two passes, since a dependency that's
        // both direct and transitive needs to be listed on the command line in each form.
        // This could end up with a lot of redundant parameters (lots of rlibs in one directory),
        // but Arg isn't comparable, so we can't put it in a Set.

        // First pass - direct deps
                rule -> ((RustLinkable) rule).getLinkerArg(true, crateType.isCheck(), rustPlatform, rustDepType))

        // Second pass - indirect deps
        new AbstractBreadthFirstTraversal<BuildRule>(RichStream.from(ruledeps).filter(RustLinkable.class)
                .flatMap(r -> RichStream.from(r.getRustLinakbleDeps(rustPlatform)))
                .collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList())) {
            public Iterable<BuildRule> visit(BuildRule rule) {
                Iterable<BuildRule> deps = ImmutableSortedSet.of();
                if (rule instanceof RustLinkable) {
                    deps = ((RustLinkable) rule).getRustLinakbleDeps(rustPlatform);

                    Arg arg = ((RustLinkable) rule).getLinkerArg(false, crateType.isCheck(), rustPlatform,

                return deps;

        // A native crate output is no longer intended for consumption by the Rust toolchain;
        // it's either an executable, or a native library that C/C++ can link with. Rust DYLIBs
        // also need all dependencies available.
        if (crateType.needAllDeps()) {
            ImmutableList<Arg> nativeArgs = NativeLinkables
                    .getTransitiveNativeLinkableInput(cxxPlatform, graphBuilder, ruledeps, depType,
                            r -> r instanceof RustLinkable
                                    ? Optional.of(((RustLinkable) r).getRustLinakbleDeps(rustPlatform))
                                    : Optional.empty())

            // Add necessary rpaths if we're dynamically linking with things
            if (rpath && depType == Linker.LinkableDepType.SHARED) {


        // If we want shared deps or are building a dynamic rlib, make sure we prefer
        // dynamic dependencies (esp to get dynamic dependency on standard libs)
        if ((!preferStatic && depType == Linker.LinkableDepType.SHARED) || crateType == CrateType.DYLIB) {

        return RustCompileRule.from(ruleFinder, target, projectFilesystem, params, filename,
                CxxGenruleDescription.fixupSourcePaths(graphBuilder, ruleFinder, cxxPlatform, sources),
                CxxGenruleDescription.fixupSourcePath(graphBuilder, ruleFinder, cxxPlatform, rootModule),

    public static RustCompileRule requireBuild(BuildTarget buildTarget, ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem,
            BuildRuleParams params, ActionGraphBuilder graphBuilder, SourcePathRuleFinder ruleFinder,
            RustPlatform rustPlatform, RustBuckConfig rustConfig, ImmutableList<String> extraFlags,
            ImmutableList<String> extraLinkerFlags, Iterable<Arg> linkerInputs, String crateName,
            CrateType crateType, Optional<String> edition, LinkableDepType depType,
            ImmutableSortedSet<SourcePath> sources, SourcePath rootModule, boolean forceRlib, boolean preferStatic,
            Iterable<BuildRule> deps, Optional<String> incremental) {
        return (RustCompileRule) graphBuilder.computeIfAbsent(
                getCompileBuildTarget(buildTarget, rustPlatform.getCxxPlatform(), crateType),
                target -> createBuild(target, crateName, projectFilesystem, params, graphBuilder, ruleFinder,
                        rustPlatform, rustConfig, extraFlags, extraLinkerFlags, linkerInputs, crateType, edition,
                        depType, true, sources, rootModule, forceRlib, preferStatic, deps, incremental));

    public static Linker.LinkableDepType getLinkStyle(BuildTarget target,
            Optional<Linker.LinkableDepType> linkStyle) {
        Optional<RustBinaryDescription.Type> type = RustBinaryDescription.BINARY_TYPE.getValue(target);
        Linker.LinkableDepType ret;

        if (type.isPresent()) {
            ret = type.get().getLinkStyle();
        } else {
            ret = linkStyle.orElse(LinkableDepType.STATIC);

        // XXX rustc always links executables with "-pie", which requires all objects to be built
        // with a PIC relocation model (-fPIC or -Crelocation-model=pic). Rust code does this by
        // default, but we need to make sure any C/C++ dependencies are also PIC.
        // So for now, remap STATIC -> STATIC_PIC, until we can control rustc's use of -pie.
        if (ret == Linker.LinkableDepType.STATIC) {
            ret = Linker.LinkableDepType.STATIC_PIC;

        return ret;

    public static RustPlatform getRustPlatform(RustToolchain rustToolchain, BuildTarget target,
            HasDefaultPlatform hasDefaultPlatform) {
        return rustToolchain.getRustPlatforms().getValue(target)
                        .map(flavor -> rustToolchain.getRustPlatforms().getValue(flavor))

    static Iterable<BuildTarget> getPlatformParseTimeDeps(RustPlatform rustPlatform) {
        ImmutableSet.Builder<BuildTarget> deps = ImmutableSet.builder();
        rustPlatform.getLinker().ifPresent(l -> deps.addAll(l.getParseTimeDeps()));

    public static Iterable<BuildTarget> getPlatformParseTimeDeps(RustToolchain rustToolchain,
            BuildTarget buildTarget, HasDefaultPlatform hasDefaultPlatform) {
        return getPlatformParseTimeDeps(getRustPlatform(rustToolchain, buildTarget, hasDefaultPlatform));

    public static BinaryWrapperRule createBinaryBuildRule(BuildTarget buildTarget,
            ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem, BuildRuleParams params, ActionGraphBuilder graphBuilder,
            RustBuckConfig rustBuckConfig, RustPlatform rustPlatform, Optional<String> crateName,
            Optional<String> edition, ImmutableSortedSet<String> features, Iterator<String> rustcFlags,
            Iterator<String> linkerFlags, LinkableDepType linkStyle, boolean rpath,
            ImmutableSortedSet<SourcePath> srcs, Optional<SourcePath> crateRoot, ImmutableSet<String> defaultRoots,
            CrateType crateType, Iterable<BuildRule> deps) {
        SourcePathRuleFinder ruleFinder = new SourcePathRuleFinder(graphBuilder);
        SourcePathResolver pathResolver = DefaultSourcePathResolver.from(ruleFinder);

        ImmutableList.Builder<String> rustcArgs = ImmutableList.builder();

        RustCompileUtils.addFeatures(buildTarget, features, rustcArgs);

        RustCompileUtils.addTargetTripleForFlavor(rustPlatform.getFlavor(), rustcArgs);

        ImmutableList.Builder<String> linkerArgs = ImmutableList.builder();

        String crate = crateName.orElse(ruleToCrateName(buildTarget.getShortName()));

        CxxPlatform cxxPlatform = rustPlatform.getCxxPlatform();

        Pair<SourcePath, ImmutableSortedSet<SourcePath>> rootModuleAndSources = getRootModuleAndSources(buildTarget,
                graphBuilder, pathResolver, ruleFinder, cxxPlatform, crate, crateRoot, defaultRoots, srcs);

        // The target to use for the link rule.
        BuildTarget binaryTarget = buildTarget.withAppendedFlavors(crateType.getFlavor());

        if (crateType.isCheck() || !rustBuckConfig.getUnflavoredBinaries()) {
            binaryTarget = binaryTarget.withAppendedFlavors(cxxPlatform.getFlavor());

        boolean forceRlib = rustBuckConfig.getForceRlib();
        boolean preferStatic = rustBuckConfig.getPreferStaticLibs();

        CommandTool.Builder executableBuilder = new CommandTool.Builder();

        // Special handling for dynamically linked binaries.
        if (linkStyle == Linker.LinkableDepType.SHARED) {

            // Create a symlink tree with for all native shared (NativeLinkable) libraries
            // needed by this binary.
            SymlinkTree sharedLibraries = (SymlinkTree) graphBuilder.computeIfAbsent(
                    createSharedLibrarySymlinkTreeTarget(buildTarget, cxxPlatform.getFlavor()),
                    target -> CxxDescriptionEnhancer.createSharedLibrarySymlinkTree(target, projectFilesystem,
                            graphBuilder, ruleFinder, cxxPlatform, deps,
                            r -> r instanceof RustLinkable
                                    ? Optional.of(((RustLinkable) r).getRustLinakbleDeps(rustPlatform))
                                    : Optional.empty()));

            // Embed a origin-relative library path into the binary so it can find the shared libraries.
            // The shared libraries root is absolute. Also need an absolute path to the linkOutput
            Path absBinaryDir = buildTarget.getCellPath()
                    .resolve(RustCompileRule.getOutputDir(binaryTarget, projectFilesystem));

                    String.format("%s/%s", cxxPlatform.getLd().resolve(graphBuilder).origin(),

            // Add all the shared libraries and the symlink tree as inputs to the tool that represents
            // this binary, so that users can attach the proper deps.

            // Also add Rust shared libraries as runtime deps. We don't need these in the symlink tree
            // because rustc will include their dirs in rpath by default. We won't have any if we're
            // forcing the use of rlibs.
            Map<String, SourcePath> rustSharedLibraries = getTransitiveRustSharedLibraries(rustPlatform, deps,

        RustCompileRule buildRule = (RustCompileRule) graphBuilder.computeIfAbsent(binaryTarget,
                target -> createBuild(target, crate, projectFilesystem, params, graphBuilder, ruleFinder,
                        rustPlatform, rustBuckConfig,,,
                        /* linkerInputs */ ImmutableList.of(), crateType, edition, linkStyle, rpath,
                        rootModuleAndSources.getSecond(), rootModuleAndSources.getFirst(), forceRlib, preferStatic,
                        deps, rustBuckConfig.getIncremental(rustPlatform.getFlavor().getName())));

        // Add the binary as the first argument.

        CommandTool executable =;

        return new BinaryWrapperRule(buildTarget, projectFilesystem, params.copyAppendingExtraDeps(buildRule)) {

            public Tool getExecutableCommand() {
                return executable;

            public SourcePath getSourcePathToOutput() {
                return ForwardingBuildTargetSourcePath.of(getBuildTarget(), buildRule.getSourcePathToOutput());

     * Given a list of sources, return the one which is the root based on the defaults and user
     * parameters.
     * @param resolver SourcePathResolver for rule
     * @param crate Name of crate
     * @param defaults Default names for this rule (library, binary, etc)
     * @param sources List of sources
     * @return The matching source
    public static Optional<SourcePath> getCrateRoot(SourcePathResolver resolver, String crate,
            ImmutableSet<String> defaults, Stream<SourcePath> sources) {
        String crateName = String.format("", crate);
        ImmutableList<SourcePath> res = sources.filter(src -> {
            String name = resolver.getRelativePath(src).getFileName().toString();
            return defaults.contains(name) || name.equals(crateName);

        if (res.size() == 1) {
            return Optional.of(res.get(0));
        } else {
            return Optional.empty();

    public static void addFeatures(BuildTarget buildTarget, Iterable<String> features,
            ImmutableList.Builder<String> args) {
        for (String feature : features) {
            if (feature.contains("\"")) {
                throw new HumanReadableException("%s contains an invalid feature name %s",
                        buildTarget.getFullyQualifiedName(), feature);

            args.add("--cfg", String.format("feature=\"%s\"", feature));

    public static String ruleToCrateName(String rulename) {
        return rulename.replace('-', '_');

     * Collect all the shared libraries generated by {@link RustLinkable}s found by transitively
     * traversing all unbroken dependency chains of {@link
     * com.facebook.buck.features.rust.RustLinkable} objects found via the passed in {@link BuildRule}
     * roots.
     * @return a mapping of library name to the library {@link SourcePath}.
    public static Map<String, SourcePath> getTransitiveRustSharedLibraries(RustPlatform rustPlatform,
            Iterable<? extends BuildRule> inputs, boolean forceRlib) {
        ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<String, SourcePath> libs = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder();

        new AbstractBreadthFirstTraversal<BuildRule>(inputs) {
            public Iterable<BuildRule> visit(BuildRule rule) {
                Iterable<BuildRule> deps = ImmutableSet.of();
                if (rule instanceof RustLinkable) {
                    RustLinkable rustLinkable = (RustLinkable) rule;

                    if (!rustLinkable.isProcMacro()) {
                        deps = rustLinkable.getRustLinakbleDeps(rustPlatform);

                        if (!forceRlib && rustLinkable.getPreferredLinkage() != NativeLinkable.Linkage.STATIC) {
                return deps;


    static Pair<SourcePath, ImmutableSortedSet<SourcePath>> getRootModuleAndSources(BuildTarget target,
            ActionGraphBuilder graphBuilder, SourcePathResolver pathResolver, SourcePathRuleFinder ruleFinder,
            CxxPlatform cxxPlatform, String crate, Optional<SourcePath> crateRoot,
            ImmutableSet<String> defaultRoots, ImmutableSortedSet<SourcePath> srcs) {

        ImmutableSortedSet<SourcePath> fixedSrcs = CxxGenruleDescription.fixupSourcePaths(graphBuilder, ruleFinder,
                cxxPlatform, srcs);

        Optional<SourcePath> rootModule =
                .orElse(getCrateRoot(pathResolver, crate, defaultRoots,;

        return new Pair<>(rootModule.orElseThrow(
                () -> new HumanReadableException("Can't find suitable top-level source file for %s: %s",
                        target.getFullyQualifiedName(), fixedSrcs)),

     * Approximate what Cargo does - it computes a hash based on the crate version and its
     * dependencies. Buck will deal with the dependencies and we don't need to worry about the
     * version, but we do need to make sure that two crates with the same name in the build are
     * distinct - so compute the hash from the full target path.
     * @param target Which target we're computing the hash for
     * @return Truncated MD5 hash of the target path
    static String hashForTarget(BuildTarget target) {
        String name = target.getUnflavoredBuildTarget().getFullyQualifiedName();
        Hasher hasher = Hashing.md5().newHasher();
        HashCode hash = hasher.putString(name, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).hash();
        return hash.toString().substring(0, 16);

    /** Given a Rust flavor, return a target triple or null if none known. */
    public static @Nullable String targetTripleForFlavor(Flavor flavor) {
        List<String> parts = Splitter.on('-').limit(2).splitToList(flavor.getName());

        if (parts.size() != 2) {
            return null;

        String platform = parts.get(0);
        if (!platform.equals(ApplePlatform.IPHONEOS.getName())
                && !platform.equals(ApplePlatform.IPHONESIMULATOR.getName())) {
            return null;

        String rawArch = parts.get(1);
        String rustArch;
        if (rawArch.equals("armv7")) {
            // armv7 is not part of Architecture.
            rustArch = "armv7";
        } else {
            Architecture arch = Architecture.fromName(parts.get(1));
            rustArch = arch.toString();

        return rustArch + "-apple-ios";

    /** Add the appropriate --target option to the given rustc args if the given flavor is known. */
    public static void addTargetTripleForFlavor(Flavor flavor, ImmutableList.Builder<String> args) {
        String triple = targetTripleForFlavor(flavor);
        if (triple != null) {
            args.add("--target", triple);