Source code

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Here is the source code for


package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv;

import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.FormatSchema;

 * Simple {@link FormatSchema} sub-type that defines properties of
 * a CSV document to read or write.
 * Properties supported currently are:
 * <li>columns (List of ColumnDef) [default: empty List]: Ordered list of columns (which may be empty, see below).
 *   Each column has name (mandatory)  as well as type (optional; if not
 *   defined, defaults to "String").
 *   Note that
 *  </li>
 * <li>useHeader (boolean) [default: false]: whether the first line of physical document defines
 *    column names (true) or not (false): if enabled, parser will take
 *    first-line values to define column names; and generator will output
 *    column names as the first line
 *  </li>
 * <li>quoteChar (char) [default: double-quote ('")]: character used for quoting values
 *   that contain quote characters or linefeeds.
 *  </li>
 * <li>columnSeparator (char) [default: comma (',')]: character used to separate values.
 *     Other commonly used values include tab ('\t') and pipe ('|')
 *  </li>
 * <li>lineSeparator (String) [default: "\n"]: character used to separate data rows.
 *    Only used by generator; parser accepts three standard linefeeds ("\r", "\r\n", "\n").
 *  </li>
 * <li>escapeChar (int) [default: -1 meaning "none"]: character, if any, used to
 *   escape values. Most commonly defined as backslash ('\'). Only used by parser;
 *   generator only uses quoting, including doubling up of quotes to indicate quote char
 *   itself.
 *  </li>
 * <li>skipFirstDataRow (boolean) [default: false]: whether the first data line (either
 *    first line of the document, if useHeader=false, or second, if useHeader=true)
 *    should be completely ignored by parser. Needed to support CSV-like file formats
 *    that include additional non-data content before real data begins (specifically
 *    some database dumps do this)
 *  </li>
 * </ul>
 * Note that schemas without any columns are legal, but if no columns
 * are added, behavior of parser/generator is usually different and
 * content will be exposed as logical Arrays instead of Objects.
 * There are 4 ways to create <code>CsvSchema</code> instances:
 * <li>Manually build one, using {@link Builder}
 *  </li>
 * <li>Modify existing schema (using <code>withXxx</code> methods
 *    or {@link #rebuild} for creating {@link Builder})
 *  </li>
 * <li>Create schema based on a POJO definition (Class), using
 *    {@link CsvMapper} methods like {@link CsvMapper#schemaFor(java.lang.Class)}.
 *  </li>
 * <li>Request that {@link CsvParser} reads schema from the first line:
 *    enable "useHeader" property for the initial schema, and let parser
 *    read column names from the document itself.
 *  </li>
 * @since 1.9
public class CsvSchema implements FormatSchema, Iterable<CsvSchema.Column> {
    /* Constants

    protected final static Column[] NO_COLUMNS = new Column[0];

    public final static char DEFAULT_COLUMN_SEPARATOR = ',';

    public final static char DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR = '"';

     * By default, no escape character is used -- this is denoted by
     * int value that does not map to a valid character
    public final static int DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHAR = -1;

    public final static char[] DEFAULT_LINEFEED = "\n".toCharArray();

     * By default we do NOT expect the first line to be header.
    public final static boolean DEFAULT_USE_HEADER = false;

    public final static boolean DEFAULT_SKIP_FIRST_DATA_ROW = false;

    /* Helper classes

     * Enumeration that defines optional type indicators that can be passed
     * with schema. If used type is used to determine type of
     * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken}
     * that column values are exposed as.
    public enum ColumnType {
         * Default type if not explicitly defined; value will
         * be presented as <code>VALUE_STRING</code> by parser,
         * that is, no type-inference is performed, and value is
         * not trimmed.

         * Value is considered to be a String, except that tokens
         * "null", "true" and "false" are recognized as matching
         * tokens and reported as such;
         * and values are trimmed (leading/trailing white space)

         * Value should be a number, but literals "null", "true" and "false"
         * are also understood, and an empty String is considered null.
         * Values are also trimmed (leading/trailing white space)
         * Other non-numeric Strings will cause parsing exception.

         * Value is taken to be a number (if it matches valid JSON number
         * formatting rules), literal (null, true or false) or String,
         * depending on best match.
         * Values are also trimmed (leading/trailing white space)


    public static class Column {
        private final String _name;
        private final int _index;
        private final ColumnType _type;

        public Column(int index, String name) {
            this(index, name, ColumnType.STRING);

        public Column(int index, String name, ColumnType type) {
            _index = index;
            _name = name;
            _type = type;

        public Column withName(String newName) {
            return new Column(_index, newName, _type);

        public Column withType(ColumnType newType) {
            return new Column(_index, _name, newType);

        public int getIndex() {
            return _index;

        public String getName() {
            return _name;

        public ColumnType getType() {
            return _type;

     * Class used for building {@link CsvSchema} instances.
    public static class Builder {
        protected final ArrayList<Column> _columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        protected boolean _useHeader = DEFAULT_USE_HEADER;

        protected boolean _skipFirstDataRow = DEFAULT_SKIP_FIRST_DATA_ROW;

        protected char _columnSeparator = DEFAULT_COLUMN_SEPARATOR;

        protected char _quoteChar = DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR;

        // note: need to use int to allow -1 for 'none'
        protected int _escapeChar = DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR;

        protected char[] _lineSeparator = DEFAULT_LINEFEED;

        public Builder() {

         * "Copy" constructor which creates builder that has settings of
         * given source schema
        public Builder(CsvSchema src) {
            for (Column col : src._columns) {
            _useHeader = src._useHeader;
            _columnSeparator = src._columnSeparator;
            _quoteChar = src._quoteChar;
            _escapeChar = src._escapeChar;
            _lineSeparator = src._lineSeparator;
            _skipFirstDataRow = src._skipFirstDataRow;

        public Builder addColumn(String name) {
            int index = _columns.size();
            return addColumn(new Column(index, name));

        public Builder addColumn(String name, ColumnType type) {
            int index = _columns.size();
            return addColumn(new Column(index, name, type));

        public Builder addColumn(Column c) {
            return this;

        public void replaceColumn(int index, Column c) {
            _columns.set(index, c);

        public void renameColumn(int index, String newName) {
            _columns.set(index, _columns.get(index).withName(newName));

        public void setColumnType(int index, ColumnType type) {
            _columns.set(index, _columns.get(index).withType(type));

        public Builder clearColumns() {
            return this;

        public int size() {
            return _columns.size();

        public Iterator<Column> getColumns() {
            return _columns.iterator();

         * Method for specifying whether Schema should indicate that
         * a header line (first row that contains column names) is to be
         * used for reading and writing or not.
        public Builder setUseHeader(boolean b) {
            _useHeader = b;
            return this;

        public Builder setSkipFirstDataRow(boolean b) {
            _skipFirstDataRow = b;
            return this;

         * Method for specifying character used to separate column
         * values.
         * Default is comma (',').
        public Builder setColumnSeparator(char c) {
            _columnSeparator = c;
            return this;

         * Method for specifying character used for optional quoting
         * of values.
         * Default is double-quote ('"').
        public Builder setQuoteChar(char c) {
            _quoteChar = c;
            return this;

         * Method for specifying character used for optional escaping
         * of characters in quoted String values.
         * Default is "not used", meaning that no escaping used.
        public Builder setEscapeChar(char c) {
            _escapeChar = c;
            return this;

         * Method for specifying that no escape character is to be used
         * with CSV documents this schema defines.
        public Builder disableEscapeChar() {
            _escapeChar = -1;
            return this;

        public Builder setLineSeparator(String lf) {
            _lineSeparator = lf.toCharArray();
            return this;

        public Builder setLineSeparator(char lf) {
            _lineSeparator = new char[] { lf };
            return this;

        public CsvSchema build() {
            Column[] cols = _columns.toArray(new Column[_columns.size()]);
            return new CsvSchema(cols, _useHeader, _skipFirstDataRow, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar,

        protected void _checkIndex(int index) {
            if (index < 0 || index >= _columns.size()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Illegal index " + index + "; only got " + _columns.size() + " columns");

    /* Configuration, construction

     * Column definitions, needed for optional header and/or mapping
     * of field names to column positions.
    protected final Column[] _columns;

    protected final Map<String, Column> _columnsByName;

    protected final boolean _useHeader;

    protected final boolean _skipFirstDataRow;

    protected final char _columnSeparator;

    protected final char _quoteChar;

    protected final int _escapeChar;

    protected final char[] _lineSeparator;

    public CsvSchema(Column[] columns, boolean useHeader, boolean skipFirstDataRow, char columnSeparator,
            char quoteChar, int escapeChar, char[] lineSeparator) {
        if (columns == null) {
            columns = NO_COLUMNS;
        _columns = columns;
        _useHeader = useHeader;
        _skipFirstDataRow = skipFirstDataRow;
        _columnSeparator = columnSeparator;
        _quoteChar = quoteChar;
        _escapeChar = escapeChar;
        _lineSeparator = lineSeparator;

        // and then we may need to create a mapping
        if (_columns.length == 0) {
            _columnsByName = Collections.emptyMap();
        } else {
            _columnsByName = new HashMap<String, Column>(4 + _columns.length);
            for (Column c : _columns) {
                _columnsByName.put(c.getName(), c);

     * Copy constructor used for creating variants using
     * <code>withXxx()</code> methods.
    protected CsvSchema(Column[] columns, boolean useHeader, boolean skipFirstDataRow, char columnSeparator,
            char quoteChar, int escapeChar, char[] lineSeparator, Map<String, Column> columnsByName) {
        _columns = columns;
        _useHeader = useHeader;
        _skipFirstDataRow = skipFirstDataRow;
        _columnSeparator = columnSeparator;
        _quoteChar = quoteChar;
        _escapeChar = escapeChar;
        _lineSeparator = lineSeparator;
        _columnsByName = columnsByName;

    public static Builder builder() {
        return new Builder();

     * Accessor for creating a "default" CSV schema instance, with following
     * settings:
     * <li>Does NOT use header line
     *  </li>
     * <li>Uses double quotes ('"') for quoting of field values (if necessary)
     *  </li>
     * <li>Uses comma (',') as the field separator
     *  </li>
     * <li>Uses Unix linefeed ('\n') as row separator
     *  </li>
     * <li>Does NOT use any escape characters
     *  </li>
     * <li>Does NOT have any columns defined
     *  </li>
     * </ul>
    public static CsvSchema emptySchema() {
        return builder().build();

     * Helper method for constructing Builder that can be used to create modified
     * schema.
    public Builder rebuild() {
        return new Builder(this);

    public CsvSchema withUseHeader(boolean state) {
        return (_useHeader == state) ? this
                : new CsvSchema(_columns, state, _skipFirstDataRow, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar,
                        _lineSeparator, _columnsByName);

     * Helper method for construcing and returning schema instance that
     * is similar to this one, except that it will be using header line.
    public CsvSchema withHeader() {
        return withUseHeader(true);

     * Helper method for construcing and returning schema instance that
     * is similar to this one, except that it will not be using header line.
    public CsvSchema withoutHeader() {
        return withUseHeader(false);

    public CsvSchema withSkipFirstDataRow(boolean state) {
        return (_skipFirstDataRow == state) ? this
                : new CsvSchema(_columns, _useHeader, state, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar,
                        _lineSeparator, _columnsByName);

    public CsvSchema withColumnSeparator(char sep) {
        return (_columnSeparator == sep) ? this
                : new CsvSchema(_columns, _useHeader, _skipFirstDataRow, sep, _quoteChar, _escapeChar,
                        _lineSeparator, _columnsByName);

    public CsvSchema withQuoteChar(char c) {
        return (_quoteChar == c) ? this
                : new CsvSchema(_columns, _useHeader, _skipFirstDataRow, _columnSeparator, c, _escapeChar,
                        _lineSeparator, _columnsByName);

    public CsvSchema withEscapeChar(char c) {
        return (_escapeChar == c) ? this
                : new CsvSchema(_columns, _useHeader, _skipFirstDataRow, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, c,
                        _lineSeparator, _columnsByName);

    public CsvSchema withoutEscapeChar() {
        return (_escapeChar == -1) ? this
                : new CsvSchema(_columns, _useHeader, _skipFirstDataRow, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, -1,
                        _lineSeparator, _columnsByName);

    public CsvSchema withLineSeparator(String sep) {
        return new CsvSchema(_columns, _useHeader, _skipFirstDataRow, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar,
                sep.toCharArray(), _columnsByName);

    public CsvSchema withoutColumns() {
        return new CsvSchema(NO_COLUMNS, _useHeader, _skipFirstDataRow, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar,
                _lineSeparator, _columnsByName);

    /* Public API, FormatSchema

    public String getSchemaType() {
        return "CSV";

    /* Public API, extended, properties

    public boolean useHeader() {
        return _useHeader;

    public boolean skipFirstDataRow() {
        return _skipFirstDataRow;

    public char getColumnSeparator() {
        return _columnSeparator;

    public char getQuoteChar() {
        return _quoteChar;

    public int getEscapeChar() {
        return _escapeChar;

    public char[] getLineSeparator() {
        return _lineSeparator;

    /* Public API, extended; column access

    public Iterator<Column> iterator() {
        return Arrays.asList(_columns).iterator();

    public int size() {
        return _columns.length;

    public Column column(int index) {
        return _columns[index];

    public Column column(String name) {
        return _columnsByName.get(name);

     * Method for getting description of column definitions in
     * developer-readable form
    public String getColumnDesc() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
        for (Column col : _columns) {
            if (sb.length() == 0) {
            } else {
        return sb.toString();

    /* Other

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(150);
        sb.append("[CsvSchema: ").append("columns=");
        boolean first = true;
        for (Column col : _columns) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
            } else {

        return sb.toString();