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package com.fasterxml.jackson.module.jsonSchema;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.As;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.Id;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.BeanProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonTypeIdResolver;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsonFormatVisitors.JsonFormatTypes;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.jsonSchema.types.*;

 * The type wraps the json schema specification at :
 * <a href=""> Json JsonSchema
 * Draft </a> <blockquote> JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) JsonSchema defines the
 * media type "application/schema+json", a JSON based format for defining the
 * structure of JSON data. JSON JsonSchema provides a contract for what JSON data is
 * required for a given application and how to interact with it. JSON JsonSchema is
 * intended to define validation, documentation, hyperlink navigation, and
 * interaction control of JSON data. </blockquote>
 * <blockquote> JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) JsonSchema is a JSON media type
 * for defining the structure of JSON data. JSON JsonSchema provides a contract for
 * what JSON data is required for a given application and how to interact with
 * it. JSON JsonSchema is intended to define validation, documentation, hyperlink
 * navigation, and interaction control of JSON data. </blockquote>
 * An example JSON JsonSchema provided by the JsonSchema draft:
 * <pre>
 *    {
 *      "name":"Product",
 *      "properties":{
 *        "id":{
 *          "type":"number",
 *          "description":"Product identifier",
 *          "required":true
 *        },
 *        "name":{
 *          "description":"Name of the product",
 *          "type":"string",
 *          "required":true
 *        },
 *        "price":{
 *          "required":true,
 *          "type": "number",
 *          "minimum":0,
 *          "required":true
 *        },
 *        "tags":{
 *          "type":"array",
 *          "items":{
 *            "type":"string"
 *          }
 *        }
 *      },
 *      "links":[
 *        {
 *          "rel":"full",
 *          "href":"{id}"
 *        },
 *        {
 *          "rel":"comments",
 *          "href":"comments/?id={id}"
 *        }
 *      ]
 *    }
 * </pre>
 * @author jphelan
@JsonTypeInfo(use = Id.CUSTOM, include = As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
public abstract class JsonSchema {
     * This attribute defines a URI of a schema that contains the full
     * representation of this schema. When a validator encounters this
     * attribute, it SHOULD replace the current schema with the schema
     * referenced by the value's URI (if known and available) and re- validate
     * the instance. This URI MAY be relative or absolute, and relative URIs
     * SHOULD be resolved against the URI of the current schema.
    private String $ref;

     * This attribute defines a URI of a JSON JsonSchema that is the schema of the
     * current schema. When this attribute is defined, a validator SHOULD use
     * the schema referenced by the value's URI (if known and available) when
     * resolving Hyper JsonSchema (Section 6) links (Section 6.1).
     * A validator MAY use this attribute's value to determine which version of
     * JSON JsonSchema the current schema is written in, and provide the appropriate
     * validation features and behavior. Therefore, it is RECOMMENDED that all
     * schema authors include this attribute in their schemas to prevent
     * conflicts with future JSON JsonSchema specification changes.
    private String $schema;

     * This attribute takes the same values as the "type" attribute, however if
     * the instance matches the type or if this value is an array and the
     * instance matches any type or schema in the array, then this instance is
     * not valid.
    private JsonSchema[] disallow;
     * The value of this property MUST be another schema which will provide a
     * base schema which the current schema will inherit from. The inheritance
     * rules are such that any instance that is valid according to the current
     * schema MUST be valid according to the referenced schema. This MAY also be
     * an array, in which case, the instance MUST be valid for all the schemas
     * in the array. A schema that extends another schema MAY define additional
     * attributes, constrain existing attributes, or add other constraints.
     * Conceptually, the behavior of extends can be seen as validating an
     * instance against all constraints in the extending schema as well as the
     * extended schema(s). More optimized implementations that merge schemas are
     * possible, but are not required. An example of using "extends":
     * { "description":"An adult", "properties":{"age":{"minimum": 21}},
     * "extends":"person" } { "description":"Extended schema",
     * "properties":{"deprecated":{"type": "boolean"}},
     * "extends":"" }
    private JsonSchema[] extendsextends;

     * This attribute defines the current URI of this schema (this attribute is
     * effectively a "self" link). This URI MAY be relative or absolute. If the
     * URI is relative it is resolved against the current URI of the parent
     * schema it is contained in. If this schema is not contained in any parent
     * schema, the current URI of the parent schema is held to be the URI under
     * which this schema was addressed. If id is missing, the current URI of a
     * schema is defined to be that of the parent schema. The current URI of the
     * schema is also used to construct relative references such as for $ref.
    private String id;

     * This attribute indicates if the instance must have a value, and not be
     * undefined. This is false by default, making the instance optional.
    private Boolean required = null;

     * This attribute indicates if the instance is not modifiable.
     * This is false by defaul, making the instance modifiable.
    private Boolean readonly = null;

     * This attribute is a string that provides a full description of the of
     * purpose the instance property.
    private String description;

    * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as an {@link AnySchema}
    * @return this as an AnySchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public AnySchema asAnySchema() {
        return null;

     * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as an {@link ArraySchema}
     * @return this as an ArraySchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public ArraySchema asArraySchema() {
        return null;

     * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as a {@link BooleanSchema}
     * @return this as a BooleanSchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public BooleanSchema asBooleanSchema() {
        return null;

     * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as a {@link ContainerTypeSchema}
     * @return this as an ContainerTypeSchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public ContainerTypeSchema asContainerSchema() {
        return null;

     * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as an {@link IntegerSchema}
     * @return this as an IntegerSchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public IntegerSchema asIntegerSchema() {
        return null;

     * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as a {@link NullSchema}
     * @return this as a NullSchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public NullSchema asNullSchema() {
        return null;

     * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as a {@link NumberSchema}
     * @return this as a NumberSchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public NumberSchema asNumberSchema() {
        return null;

     * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as an {@link ObjectSchema}
     * @return this as an ObjectSchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public ObjectSchema asObjectSchema() {
        return null;

     * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as a {@link SimpleTypeSchema}
     * @return this as a SimpleTypeSchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public SimpleTypeSchema asSimpleTypeSchema() {
        return null;

     * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as a {@link StringSchema}
     * @return this as a StringSchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public StringSchema asStringSchema() {
        return null;

     * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as an {@link UnionTypeSchema}
     * @return this as a UnionTypeSchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public UnionTypeSchema asUnionTypeSchema() {
        return null;

     * Attempt to return this JsonSchema as a {@link ValueTypeSchema}
     * @return this as a ValueTypeSchema if possible, or null otherwise
    public ValueTypeSchema asValueSchemaSchema() {
        return null;

     * A utility method allowing to easily chain calls to equals() on members
     * without taking any risk regarding the ternary operator precedence.
     * @return (object1 == null ? object2 == null : object1.equals(object2))
    protected static boolean equals(Object object1, Object object2) {
        return (object1 == null ? object2 == null : object1.equals(object2));

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj == this)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (!(obj instanceof JsonSchema))
            return false;
        JsonSchema that = ((JsonSchema) obj);
        return equals(getType(), getType()) && equals(getRequired(), that.getRequired())
                && equals(getReadonly(), that.getReadonly()) && equals(get$ref(), that.get$ref())
                && equals(get$schema(), that.get$schema()) && equals(getDisallow(), that.getDisallow())
                && equals(getExtends(), that.getExtends());

    public String get$ref() {
        return $ref;

    public String get$schema() {
        return $schema;

    public JsonSchema[] getDisallow() {
        return disallow;

    public JsonSchema[] getExtends() {
        return extendsextends;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public Boolean getRequired() {
        return required;

    public Boolean getReadonly() {
        return readonly;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public abstract JsonFormatTypes getType();

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link AnySchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an AnySchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isAnySchema() {
        return false;

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link ArraySchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an ArraySchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isArraySchema() {
        return false;

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link BooleanSchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an BooleanSchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isBooleanSchema() {
        return false;

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link ContainerTypeSchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an ContainerTypeSchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isContainerTypeSchema() {
        return false;

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link IntegerSchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an IntegerSchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isIntegerSchema() {
        return false;

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link NullSchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an NullSchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isNullSchema() {
        return false;

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link NumberSchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an NumberSchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isNumberSchema() {
        return false;

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link ObjectSchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an ObjectSchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isObjectSchema() {
        return false;

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link SimpleTypeSchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an SimpleTypeSchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isSimpleTypeSchema() {
        return false;

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link StringSchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an StringSchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isStringSchema() {
        return false;

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link UnionTypeSchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an UnionTypeSchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isUnionTypeSchema() {
        return false;

     * determine if this JsonSchema is an {@link ValueTypeSchema}.
     * @return true if this JsonSchema is an ValueTypeSchema, false otherwise
    public boolean isValueTypeSchema() {
        return false;

    public void set$ref(String $ref) {
        this.$ref = $ref;

    public void set$schema(String $schema) {
        this.$schema = $schema;

    public void setDisallow(JsonSchema[] disallow) {
        this.disallow = disallow;

    public void setExtends(JsonSchema[] extendsextends) {
        this.extendsextends = extendsextends;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public void setRequired(Boolean required) {
        this.required = required;

    public void setReadonly(Boolean readonly) {
        this.readonly = readonly;

    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

    * Override this to add information specific to the property of bean
    * For example, bean validation annotations could be used to specify
    * value constraints in the schema
    * @param beanProperty
    public void enrichWithBeanProperty(BeanProperty beanProperty) {

     * Create a schema which verifies only that an object is of the given format.
     * @param format the format to expect
     * @return the schema verifying the given format
    public static JsonSchema minimalForFormat(JsonFormatTypes format) {
        switch (format) {
        case ARRAY:
            return new ArraySchema();
        case OBJECT:
            return new ObjectSchema();
        case BOOLEAN:
            return new BooleanSchema();
        case INTEGER:
            return new IntegerSchema();
        case NUMBER:
            return new NumberSchema();
        case STRING:
            return new StringSchema();
        case NULL:
            return new NullSchema();

            return new AnySchema();