Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2017 Oleksandr Finchuk
 * This file is part of ClockPlus.
 * ClockPlus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * ClockPlus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with ClockPlus.  If not, see <>.

package com.finchuk.clock2.alarms.ui;

import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
import android.text.format.DateFormat;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;

import com.finchuk.clock2.alarms.misc.AlarmController;
import com.finchuk.clock2.alarms.misc.AlarmPreferences;
import com.finchuk.clock2.dialogs.AddLabelDialog;
import com.finchuk.clock2.list.BaseViewHolder;
import com.finchuk.clock2.util.FragmentTagUtils;
import com.finchuk.clock2.util.TimeTextUtils;
import com.finchuk.clock2.R;
import com.finchuk.clock2.alarms.Alarm;
import com.finchuk.clock2.dialogs.AddLabelDialogController;
import com.finchuk.clock2.dialogs.TimePickerDialogController;
import com.finchuk.clock2.list.OnListItemInteractionListener;
import com.philliphsu.bottomsheetpickers.time.BottomSheetTimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener;
import com.finchuk.clock2.timepickers.Utils;

import java.util.Date;

import butterknife.Bind;
import butterknife.OnCheckedChanged;
import butterknife.OnClick;
import butterknife.OnTouch;

import static android.view.View.GONE;
import static android.view.View.VISIBLE;
import static com.finchuk.clock2.util.TimeFormatUtils.formatTime;

 * Created by Oleksandr Finchuk on 07/06/2017.
public abstract class BaseAlarmViewHolder extends BaseViewHolder<Alarm> {
    private static final String TAG = "BaseAlarmViewHolder";

    private final AlarmController mAlarmController;
    private final AddLabelDialogController mAddLabelDialogController;
    private final TimePickerDialogController mTimePickerDialogController;

    // TODO: Should we use VectorDrawable type?
    private final Drawable mDismissNowDrawable;
    private final Drawable mCancelSnoozeDrawable;

    final FragmentManager mFragmentManager;

    TextView mTime;
    SwitchCompat mSwitch;
    TextView mLabel;
    Button mDismissButton;

    public BaseAlarmViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, @LayoutRes int layoutRes,
            OnListItemInteractionListener<Alarm> listener, AlarmController controller) {
        super(parent, layoutRes, listener);
        mAlarmController = controller;
        // Because of VH binding, setting drawable resources on views would be bad for performance.
        // Instead, we create and cache the Drawables once.
        mDismissNowDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(getContext(), R.drawable.ic_dismiss_alarm_24dp);
        mCancelSnoozeDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(getContext(), R.drawable.ic_cancel_snooze);

        // TODO: This is bad! Use a Controller/Presenter instead...
        // or simply pass in an instance of FragmentManager to the ctor.
        AppCompatActivity act = (AppCompatActivity) getContext();
        mFragmentManager = act.getSupportFragmentManager();
        mAddLabelDialogController = new AddLabelDialogController(mFragmentManager,
                new AddLabelDialog.OnLabelSetListener() {
                    public void onLabelSet(String label) {
                        final Alarm oldAlarm = getAlarm();
                        Alarm newAlarm = oldAlarm.toBuilder().label(label).build();
                        persistUpdatedAlarm(newAlarm, false);
        mTimePickerDialogController = new TimePickerDialogController(mFragmentManager, getContext(),
                new OnTimeSetListener() {
                    public void onTimeSet(ViewGroup viewGroup, int hourOfDay, int minute) {
                        final Alarm oldAlarm = getAlarm();
                        // I don't think we need this; scheduling a new alarm that is considered
                        // equal to a previous alarm will overwrite the previous alarm.
                        //                        mAlarmController.cancelAlarm(oldAlarm, false);
                        Alarm newAlarm = oldAlarm.toBuilder().hour(hourOfDay).minutes(minute).build();
                        // -------------------------------------------
                        // TOneverDO: precede copyMutableFieldsTo()
                        newAlarm.setEnabled(true); // Always enabled, esp. if oldAlarm is not enabled
                        // ----------------------------------------------
                        persistUpdatedAlarm(newAlarm, true);

    public void onBind(Alarm alarm) {
        // Items that are not in view will not be bound. If in one orientation the item was in view
        // and in another it is out of view, then the callback for that item will not be restored
        // for the new orientation.

     * Exposed to subclasses if they have different visibility criteria.
     * The default criteria for visibility is if {@code label} has
     * a non-zero length.
    protected void bindLabel(boolean visible, String label) {
        setVisibility(mLabel, visible);

     * Exposed to subclasses if they have visibility logic for their views.
    protected final void setVisibility(@NonNull View view, boolean visible) {
        view.setVisibility(visible ? VISIBLE : GONE);

    protected final Alarm getAlarm() {
        return getItem();

    void dismiss() {
        Alarm alarm = getAlarm();
        if (!alarm.hasRecurrence()) {
            // This is a single-use alarm, so turn it off completely.
            mSwitch.setPressed(true); // needed so the OnCheckedChange event calls through
            bindSwitch(false); // fires OnCheckedChange to turn off the alarm for us
        } else {
            // Dismisses the current upcoming alarm and handles scheduling the next alarm for us.
            // Since changes are saved to the database, this prompts a UI refresh.
            mAlarmController.cancelAlarm(alarm, true, true);
        // TOneverDO: AlarmUtils.cancelAlarm() otherwise it will be called twice
        AlarmUtils.cancelAlarm(getContext(), getAlarm());
        if (!getAlarm().isEnabled()) {
        // TOneverDO: mSwitch.setPressed(true);
        bindSwitch(false); // will fire OnCheckedChange, but switch isn't set as pressed so nothing happens.
        bindCountdown(false, -1);
        bindDismissButton(false, ""); // Will be set to correct text the next time we bind.
        // If cancelAlarm() modified the alarm's fields, then it will save changes for you.

    boolean slide(MotionEvent event) {
        if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
            mSwitch.setPressed(true); // needed so the OnCheckedChange event calls through
        return false; // proceed as usual

    //    // Changed in favor of OnCheckedChanged
    //    @Deprecated
    //    @OnClick(
    //    void toggle() {
    //        Alarm alarm = getAlarm();
    //        alarm.setEnabled(mSwitch.isChecked());
    //        if (alarm.isEnabled()) {
    //            AlarmUtils.scheduleAlarm(getContext(), alarm);
    //            bindCountdown(true, alarm.ringsIn());
    //            bindDismissButton(alarm);
    //        } else {
    //            AlarmUtils.cancelAlarm(getContext(), alarm); // might save repo
    //            bindCountdown(false, -1);
    //            bindDismissButton(false, "");
    //        }
    //        save();
    //    }

    void toggle(boolean checked) {
        if (mSwitch.isPressed()) { // filters out automatic calls from VH binding
            // don't need to toggle the switch state
            Alarm alarm = getAlarm();
            if (alarm.isEnabled()) {
                // TODO: On 21+, upcoming notification doesn't post immediately
                persistUpdatedAlarm(alarm, true);
            } else {
                mAlarmController.cancelAlarm(alarm, true, false);
                // cancelAlarm() already calls save() for you.
            mSwitch.setPressed(false); // clear the pressed focus, esp. if setPressed(true) was called manually

    void openTimePicker() {
        Alarm alarm = getAlarm();, alarm.minutes(), makeTag(;

    void openLabelEditor() {, makeTag(;

     * Helper method that should be called each time a change is made to the underlying alarm.
     * We should schedule a new alarm with the AlarmManager any time a change is made, even when
     * it was not the alarm's time that changed. This is so that we cancel and update the
     * PendingIntent's extra data with the most up-to-date Alarm's values. The effect of this
     * is to guarantee that the Intent that will launch RingtoneActivity has the most up-to-date
     * extra data about the updated alarm.
     * @param newAlarm The new alarm that has the updated values
    final void persistUpdatedAlarm(Alarm newAlarm, boolean showSnackbar) {
        mAlarmController.scheduleAlarm(newAlarm, showSnackbar);;

    private void bindTime(Alarm alarm) {
        String time = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(getContext()).format(new Date(alarm.ringsAt()));
        if (DateFormat.is24HourFormat(getContext())) {
        } else {
            TimeTextUtils.setText(time, mTime);

        // Use a mock TextView to get our colors, because its ColorStateList is never
        // mutated for the lifetime of this ViewHolder (even when reused).
        // This solution is robust against dark/light theme changes, whereas using
        // color resources is not.
        TextView colorsSource = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(;
        ColorStateList colors = colorsSource.getTextColors();
        int def = colors.getDefaultColor();
        // Too light
        //        int disabled = colors.getColorForState(new int[] {-android.R.attr.state_enabled}, def);
        // Material guidelines say text hints and disabled text should have the same color.
        int disabled = colorsSource.getCurrentHintTextColor();
        // However, digging around in the system's textColorHint for 21+ says its 50% black for our
        // light theme. I'd like to follow what the guidelines says, but I want code that is robust
        // against theme changes. Alternatively, override the attribute values to what you want
        // in both your dark and light themes...
        //        int disabled = ContextCompat.getColor(getContext(), R.color.text_color_disabled_light);
        // We only have two states, so we don't care about losing the other state colors.
        mTime.setTextColor(alarm.isEnabled() ? def : disabled);

    private void bindSwitch(boolean enabled) {

    private void bindDismissButton(Alarm alarm) {
        final int hoursBeforeUpcoming = AlarmPreferences.hoursBeforeUpcoming(getContext());
        boolean upcoming = hoursBeforeUpcoming > 0 && alarm.ringsWithinHours(hoursBeforeUpcoming);
        boolean snoozed = alarm.isSnoozed();
        boolean visible = alarm.isEnabled() && (upcoming || snoozed);
        String buttonText = snoozed
                ? getContext().getString(R.string.title_snoozing_until,
                        formatTime(getContext(), alarm.snoozingUntil()))
                : getContext().getString(R.string.dismiss_now);
        setVisibility(mDismissButton, visible);
        // Set drawable start
        Drawable icon = upcoming ? mDismissNowDrawable : mCancelSnoozeDrawable;
        Utils.setTint(icon, mDismissButton.getCurrentTextColor());
        mDismissButton.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(icon, null, null, null);

    private void bindLabel(String label) {
        boolean visible = label.length() > 0;
        bindLabel(visible, label);

    private String makeTag(@IdRes int viewId) {
        return FragmentTagUtils.makeTag(BaseAlarmViewHolder.class, viewId, getItemId());