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 * Copyright 2012-2015, the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.flipkart.phantom.thrift.impl;

import com.flipkart.phantom.task.spi.TaskContext;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * An extension of {@link ThriftProxy}. Adds additional methods required by Hystrix. Uses the Thrift call name as the
 * HystrixCommand name for display on the dashboard.
 * @author Regunath B
 * @version 1.0, 28 March, 2013
public abstract class HystrixThriftProxy extends ThriftProxy {

    /** The default executor timeout in millis*/
    private static final int DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT = 1000;

    /** The overall proxy level execution timeout */
    private int proxyExecutorTimeout = HystrixThriftProxy.DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT;

    /** The proxy level thread pool size*/
    private Integer proxyThreadPoolSize;

     * Map of command names and their respective executor timeouts in milliseconds
    protected Map<String, Integer> executorTimeouts = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

     * Executes this fallback request when {@link "#proxyThriftRequest(org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport)"} fails
     * @param clientTransport the Thrift {@link org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport} of the invoking client
     * @throws RuntimeException in case of errors
    public abstract void fallbackThriftRequest(TTransport clientTransport, TaskContext taskContext);

     * Optional. Gets the GroupName this ThriftProxy should be assigned to. 
     * @return the Group name. Returns null for default
    public String getGroupName() {
        return super.getName();

     * Optional. Gets the ThreadPoolName this ThriftProxy should be assigned to. 
     * @return the Thread pool name. Returns null for default
    public String getThreadPoolName() {
        return super.getName();

     * Optional. Gets the Hystrix Properties set by this ThriftProxy
     * @return HystrixCommandProperties.Setter, null for default
    public HystrixCommandProperties.Setter getHystrixProperties() {
        return null;

     * Abstract method implementation
     * @see com.flipkart.phantom.task.spi.AbstractHandler#getDetails()
    public String getDetails() {
        String details = "Service Class: " + this.getThriftServiceClass() + "\n";
        details += "Endpoint: " + this.getThriftServer() + ":" + this.getThriftPort() + "\n";
        details += "Timeout: " + this.getThriftTimeoutMillis() + "ms\n";
        details += "Executor Timeout: " + this.getProxyExecutorTimeout() + "ms\n";
        details += "Methods: " + StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(processMap.keySet(), ", ") + "\n";
        return details;

     * Returns a command specific executor timeout. Default implementation returns {@value HystrixThriftProxy#DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT}
     * @param commandName the command name being executed
     * @return the executor timeout value in milli seconds
    public int getExecutorTimeout(String commandName) {
        Integer timeout = this.getExecutorTimeouts().get(commandName); //check if command level timeout has been specified
        if (timeout != null) {
            return timeout;
        if (this.getProxyExecutorTimeout() != HystrixThriftProxy.DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT) { // check if proxy level timeout is set
            return this.getProxyExecutorTimeout();
        return HystrixThriftProxy.DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT;

    /** Getter/Setter methods */
    public Map<String, Integer> getExecutorTimeouts() {
        return this.executorTimeouts;

    public void setExecutorTimeouts(Map<String, Integer> executorTimeouts) {
        this.executorTimeouts = executorTimeouts;

    public int getProxyExecutorTimeout() {
        return this.proxyExecutorTimeout;

    public void setProxyExecutorTimeout(int proxyExecutorTimeout) {
        this.proxyExecutorTimeout = proxyExecutorTimeout;

    public Integer getProxyThreadPoolSize() {
        return this.proxyThreadPoolSize;

    public void setProxyThreadPoolSize(Integer proxyThreadPoolSize) {
        this.proxyThreadPoolSize = proxyThreadPoolSize;
