Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (C) 2008-2013, fluid Operations AG
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

package com.fluidops.iwb.server;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import javax.servlet.DispatcherType;
import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException;
import org.openrdf.OpenRDFException;
import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;
import org.openrdf.model.impl.ValueFactoryImpl;
import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
import org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException;
import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException;
import org.openrdf.query.QueryResult;
import org.openrdf.query.TupleQueryResult;
import org.openrdf.query.impl.GraphQueryResultImpl;
import org.openrdf.query.impl.TupleQueryResultImpl;

import com.fluidops.ajax.FSession;
import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FHTML;
import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FPage;
import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FPopupWindow;
import com.fluidops.iwb.api.EndpointImpl;
import com.fluidops.iwb.api.ReadDataManagerImpl;
import com.fluidops.iwb.api.ReadDataManagerImpl.SparqlQueryType;
import com.fluidops.iwb.api.query.AdHocSearchResultsWidgetSelectorImpl;
import com.fluidops.iwb.keywordsearch.KeywordSearchProvider;
import com.fluidops.iwb.keywordsearch.SearchProvider;
import com.fluidops.iwb.keywordsearch.SearchProviderFactory;
import com.fluidops.iwb.keywordsearch.SparqlSearchProvider;
import com.fluidops.iwb.layout.AdHocSearchTabWidgetContainer;
import com.fluidops.iwb.model.MultiPartMutableTupleQueryResultImpl;
import com.fluidops.iwb.model.MutableTupleQueryResultImpl;
import com.fluidops.iwb.model.Vocabulary;
import com.fluidops.iwb.server.RedirectService.RedirectType;
import com.fluidops.iwb.widget.AbstractWidget;
import com.fluidops.iwb.widget.SearchResultWidget;
import com.fluidops.iwb.widget.Widget;
import com.fluidops.util.Rand;

 * Hybrid search servlet combining structured and unstructured queries.
 * @author Andreas Schwarte, christian.huetter, andriy.nikolov
public class HybridSearchServlet extends IWBHttpServlet {

    public static class BooleanQueryResult implements QueryResult<Boolean> {
        private boolean res;
        private boolean seen;

        public BooleanQueryResult(boolean res) {
            this.res = res;
            seen = false;

        public void close() {
            // nothing to do

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return !seen;

        public Boolean next() {
            if (seen)
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            seen = true;
            return res;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    private static class ErrorRecord {
        public int errorCode;
        public String message;
        public String queryTarget;

        public ErrorRecord(int errorCode, String message, String queryTarget) {
            this.errorCode = errorCode;
            this.message = message;
            this.queryTarget = queryTarget;

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1145307972797973995L;
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HybridSearchServlet.class);

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        handle(req, resp);

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        handle(req, resp);

    protected SearchPageContext createPageContext(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
        // the main object passed between processing steps
        PageContext superPc = super.createPageContext(req, resp);
        SearchPageContext tempPc = new SearchPageContext();
        tempPc.title = getPageTitle();
        tempPc.httpResponse = superPc.httpResponse;
        tempPc.repository = superPc.repository;

        // page context
        tempPc.contextPath = req.getContextPath();
        // Generic resource associated with the search result page.
        // To be changed to a meaningful unique identifier of the query request.
        tempPc.value = Vocabulary.SYSTEM.SEARCH_VALUE_CONTEXT;
        return tempPc;


    protected SearchPageContext getPageContext() {
        return (SearchPageContext) super.getPageContext();

     * Retrieve the query from request, do the token based security check and
     * evaluate the query.
     * @param req
     * @param resp
     * @throws IOException, ServletException 
    protected void handle(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException, ServletException {
        // register search page
        String uri = null;
        if (req.getDispatcherType() == DispatcherType.FORWARD)
            uri = (String) req.getAttribute(RequestDispatcher.FORWARD_REQUEST_URI);
            uri = req.getRequestURI();

        // Done to avoid processing of a request from TimelineWidget.
        if (uri.endsWith("__history__.html")) {

        FSession.registerPage(uri, FPage.class);


        // get session and page
        FSession session = FSession.getSession(req);
        FPage page;
        try {
            page = (FPage) session.getComponentById(uri, req);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.warn("Could not get the page for request: " + uri, e);
            resp.sendRedirect(RedirectService.getRedirectURL(RedirectType.PAGE_NOT_FOUND, req));

        SearchPageContext pc = getPageContext();

        // register FPage = page;
        pc.session = session;

        // get and decode query
        pc.query = getQueryFromRequest(req);
        if (pc.query == null) {
            // use empty query if no query is given
            pc.query = "";

        pc.query = pc.query.trim();

        List<String> queryTargets = SearchProviderFactory.getDefaultQueryTargets();

        String[] vals;
        if ((vals = req.getParameterValues("queryTarget")) != null && (vals.length > 0)) {
            queryTargets = Lists.newArrayList(vals);

        SparqlQueryType qt = null;

        // Currently, the special query language protocol can be passed in two ways:
        // - as a prefix to the query: e.g., "sql:".
        // - as a request parameter "queryLanguage".
        // If no query language is given explicitly, then the default routine is performed:
        // First, we check that the query is a valid SPARQL query and then, if it is not the case, it is interpreted as a 
        // keyword query.
        pc.queryLanguage = determineQueryLanguage(pc.query, req);

        // If the query language was provided as a prefix, we no longer need the prefix
        if (!pc.queryLanguage.equals("DEFAULT")
                && pc.query.toUpperCase().startsWith(pc.queryLanguage.toUpperCase() + ":")) {
            pc.query = pc.query.substring(pc.queryLanguage.length() + 1).trim();

        if (pc.queryLanguage.equals("SPARQL") || pc.queryLanguage.equals("DEFAULT")) {
            try {
                qt = ReadDataManagerImpl.getSparqlQueryType(pc.query, true);
                // We managed to parse it as SPARQL, so it's SPARQL anyway.
                pc.queryLanguage = "SPARQL";
                // since ASK queries are used in bigowlim for several control functionalities
                // we do not want to support them right now. Same for UPDATE
                if (qt == SparqlQueryType.ASK || qt == SparqlQueryType.UPDATE) {
                    error(resp, 403, "Not allowed to execute ASK or UPDATE queries.");
            } catch (MalformedQueryException e) {
                // if the SPARQL prefix was provided explicitly: throw an error 
                if (pc.queryLanguage.equals("SPARQL")) {
                    error(resp, 400, "Malformed query:\n\n" + pc.query + "\n\n" + e.getMessage());
                // ignore: not a valid SPARQL query, treat it as keyword query

        //////////////////SECURITY CHECK/////////////////////////
        // remarks:
        // queries are checked, keywords and invalid queries are always allowed
        String securityToken = req.getParameter("st");
        if (!EndpointImpl.api().getUserManager().hasQueryPrivileges(pc.query, qt, securityToken)) {
            error(resp, 403, "Not enough rights to execute query.");

        // value to be used in queries instead of ??
        String _resolveValue = req.getParameter("value");
        Value resolveValue = _resolveValue != null ? ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance().createURI(_resolveValue) : null;

        boolean infer = false; // default value for inferencing is false

        if (req.getParameter("infer") != null)
            infer = Boolean.parseBoolean(req.getParameter("infer"));

        pc.infer = infer;

        List<ErrorRecord> errorRecords = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(queryTargets.size());

        // empty query --> empty result
        if (pc.query.isEmpty()) {
            pc.queryLanguage = "KEYWORD";
            pc.queryType = "KEYWORD";

            try {
                pc.queryResult = new MutableTupleQueryResultImpl(new TupleQueryResultImpl(
                        Collections.<String>emptyList(), Collections.<BindingSet>emptyList().iterator()));
            } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) {
                log.warn("Could not produce a mutable tuple query result");
                log.debug("Details: ", e);
        // allowed SPARQL queries
        else if (pc.queryLanguage.equals("SPARQL")) {
            pc.queryType = qt.toString();

            QueryResult<?> queryRes = null;

            List<SparqlSearchProvider> sparqlProviders = SearchProviderFactory.getInstance()

            for (SparqlSearchProvider sparqlProvider : sparqlProviders) {

                try {
                    QueryResult<?> currentQueryRes =, qt, resolveValue, infer);
                    queryRes = ReadDataManagerImpl.mergeQueryResults(queryRes, currentQueryRes);
                } catch (MalformedQueryException e) {
                    // If a SPARQL query is malformed, no need to send it to all search providers
                    error(resp, 400, e.getMessage());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    errorRecords.add(createErrorRecord(e, sparqlProvider, pc));


            if (queryRes == null) {
                if (qt == SparqlQueryType.CONSTRUCT) {
                    queryRes = new GraphQueryResultImpl(
                } else {
                    queryRes = new MutableTupleQueryResultImpl(Lists.newArrayList("Results"),
            pc.queryResult = queryRes;

        // query with a pre-defined custom protocol
        else if (!pc.queryLanguage.equals("DEFAULT")) {
            pc.queryType = "KEYWORD";

            QueryResult<?> queryRes = null;

            List<SearchProvider> providers = SearchProviderFactory.getInstance()
                    .getSearchProvidersSupportingQueryLanguage(queryTargets, pc.queryLanguage);

            QueryResult<?> currentQueryResult;

            for (SearchProvider provider : providers) {
                // If the query protocol was provided, we assume that the target knows how to deal with it.
                try {
                    currentQueryResult =, pc.query);
                    queryRes = ReadDataManagerImpl.mergeQueryResults(queryRes, currentQueryResult);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    errorRecords.add(createErrorRecord(e, provider, pc));

            pc.queryResult = (queryRes != null) ? queryRes : createEmptyKeywordQueryResult();

        // keyword query
        else {

            try {
                handleKeywordQuery(pc, queryTargets);

            } catch (ParseException e) {
                error(resp, 400, "Malformed keyword query:\n\n" + pc.query + "\n\n" + e.getMessage());
            } catch (SearchException e) {
                errorRecords.add(createErrorRecord(e, pc));


        // calculate facets
        // legacy code faceted search, currently not active
        //         String facetsAsString = "";
        //         if (Config.getConfig().getFacetedSearch().equals("standard")) 
        //         {
        //            FacetCalculator facetter = new FacetCalculator( pc );
        //            FContainer facetContainer = facetter.getFacetContainer();
        //            page.register(facetContainer);
        //            facetsAsString = facetContainer.htmlAnchor().toString();
        //            facetContainer.drawAdvHeader(true);
        //            facetContainer.drawHeader(false);
        //         }

        // page title
        pc.title = (pc.queryLanguage.equals("SPARQL") && !pc.queryType.equals("KEYWORD") || pc.query.isEmpty())
                ? "Search result"
                : "Search result: " + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(pc.query);

        // TODO: activeLabel

        // select widgets to display search results
        selectWidgets(pc, infer);

        // layout result page
        populateContainer(pc, errorRecords);

        // print response
        EndpointImpl.api().getPrinter().print(pc, resp);

     * Helper method that processes KEYWORD queries using the 
     * {@link KeywordSearchProvider}s which are available for
     * the given query targets.
    void handleKeywordQuery(SearchPageContext pc, List<String> queryTargets)
            throws ParseException, SearchException {
        pc.queryLanguage = "KEYWORD";
        pc.queryType = "KEYWORD";

        MultiPartMutableTupleQueryResultImpl queryRes = null;

        TupleQueryResult currentQueryResult;

        List<KeywordSearchProvider> providers = SearchProviderFactory.getInstance()

        for (KeywordSearchProvider provider : providers) {
            try {
                currentQueryResult =;
                queryRes = ReadDataManagerImpl.mergeQueryResults(queryRes, currentQueryResult,
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                throw e;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new SearchException(e, provider);

        pc.queryResult = (queryRes != null) ? queryRes : createEmptyKeywordQueryResult();

    private static ErrorRecord createErrorRecord(SearchException e, SearchPageContext pc) {
        // special exception to transport information
        return createErrorRecord((Exception) e.getCause(), e.searchProvider, pc);

    private static ErrorRecord createErrorRecord(Exception e, SearchProvider provider, SearchPageContext pc) {
        int errorCode = 500;
        String errorMessage;
        if (e instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
            errorMessage = "Search provider returned illegal output: " + e.getMessage();
        } else if (e instanceof MalformedQueryException) {
            errorCode = 400;
            errorMessage = "Malformed query:\n\n" + pc.query + "\n\n" + e.getMessage();
        } else if (e instanceof ParseException) {
            errorCode = 400;
            errorMessage = "Malformed keyword query:\n\n" + pc.query + "\n\n" + e.getMessage();
        } else if (e instanceof QueryEvaluationException) {
            errorMessage = "Error occured while processing the query:\n\n" + pc.query + "\n\n"
                    + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage();
        } else if (e instanceof OpenRDFException) {
            // e.g. if client connection was closed, must not be an error
            errorMessage = "Error occured while processing the query:\n\n" + pc.query + "\n\n"
                    + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage();
        } else {
            errorMessage = "Unexpected error occured while processing the query:\n\n" + pc.query + "\n\n"
                    + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage();
        log.debug("Details: ", e);
        return new ErrorRecord(errorCode, errorMessage, provider.getShortName());

    private static MutableTupleQueryResultImpl createEmptyKeywordQueryResult() {

        return new MutableTupleQueryResultImpl(Lists.newArrayList("Subject", "Property", "Value", "Type"),


     * Returns the query string from the requests, parameter "query" or "q"
     * @param req
     * @return
     *          the query string or null if no query is specified
    protected String getQueryFromRequest(HttpServletRequest req) {
        // for this servlet we do not use XSS Filter, any output must be controlled.
        if (req instanceof XssSafeHttpRequest) {
            req = ((XssSafeHttpRequest) req).getXssUnsafeHttpRequest();

        String query = req.getParameter("q");
        if (query == null) {
            return req.getParameter("query");
        return query;

     * Perform widget selection
     * @see com.fluidops.iwb.api.WidgetSelectorImpl.selectWidgets(PageContext)
     * @param pc
    private void selectWidgets(SearchPageContext pc, boolean infer) {
        pc.widgets = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();

        // always add result table
        pc.widgets.add(new SearchResultWidget());

        AdHocSearchResultsWidgetSelectorImpl impl = new AdHocSearchResultsWidgetSelectorImpl();

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {


     * Populate widget container
     * @see com.fluidops.iwb.api.LayouterImpl.populateContainer(PageContext)
     * @param pc
    private void populateContainer(PageContext pc, List<ErrorRecord> errorRecords) {
        pc.container = new AdHocSearchTabWidgetContainer();;

        if (errorRecords != null && !errorRecords.isEmpty()) {
            initializeErrorPopup(pc, errorRecords);
        // add widgets
        for (Widget<?> w : pc.widgets) {
            if (!(w instanceof AbstractWidget<?>))
                throw new RuntimeException("Widgets does not extend AbstractWidget<?>: " + w);

            pc.container.add((AbstractWidget<?>) w, "search" + Rand.getIncrementalFluidUUID());


    private static void initializeErrorPopup(PageContext pc, List<ErrorRecord> errorRecords) {
        FPopupWindow popup =;

        popup.setTitle("Search error");

        StringBuilder errorTableBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        errorTableBuilder.append("The following errors occurred while searching: ");
        for (ErrorRecord errorRecord : errorRecords) {
            errorTableBuilder.append("<img src='");
            errorTableBuilder.append("Could not process the query on " + errorRecord.queryTarget + ". Error "
                    + errorRecord.errorCode + ", cause: " + errorRecord.message);
        popup.add(new FHTML(Rand.getIncrementalFluidUUID(), errorTableBuilder.toString()));


     * Send the specified error message to the client (if the connection is
     * still open).
     * @param resp
     * @param errorCode
     * @param message
    protected static void error(HttpServletResponse resp, int errorCode, String message) {

        try {
  "Error (" + errorCode + "): " + message);
            if (!resp.isCommitted())
                resp.sendError(errorCode, message);
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            // should never occur
            log.warn("Error message could not be send. Stream is committed: " + message);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Error message could not be sent", e);

    private static String determineQueryLanguage(String query, HttpServletRequest req) {

        String queryLanguage = req.getParameter("queryLanguage");

        if (queryLanguage != null && SearchProviderFactory.getInstance().isValidQueryLanguage(queryLanguage))
            return queryLanguage.toUpperCase();

        queryLanguage = "DEFAULT";

        int index;
        if ((index = query.indexOf(':')) != -1) {
            String tmp = query.substring(0, index);
            if (SearchProviderFactory.getInstance().getValidQueryLanguages().contains(tmp.toUpperCase()))
                queryLanguage = tmp.toUpperCase();

        return queryLanguage;

    protected String getPageTitle() {
        return "Hybrid Search Servlet";

     * A special exception which contains additional information
     * about the {@link SearchProvider}. This exception allows
     * to create {@link ErrorRecord}s using 
     * {@link HybridSearchServlet#createErrorRecord(SearchException, SearchPageContext)
    static class SearchException extends Exception {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -144313072352868756L;
        public final SearchProvider searchProvider;

        public SearchException(Exception cause, SearchProvider provider) {
            this.searchProvider = provider;
