Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Funambol is a mobile platform developed by Funambol, Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Funambol, Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission
 * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see or write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 * MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * You can contact Funambol, Inc. headquarters at 643 Bair Island Road, Suite
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 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
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 * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
 * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the
 * "Powered by Funambol" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably
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 * the words "Powered by Funambol".

package com.funambol.server.cleanup;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junitx.util.PrivateAccessor;



 * Test cases for ClientLogCleanUpAgent class.
 * @version $Id$
public class ClientLogCleanUpAgentTest extends TestCase {

    // --------------------------------------------------------------- Constants
    private static final String BASE_DIR = "src/test/data/com/funambol/server/cleanup/";
    private static final String TARGET_DIR = "target/test/data/com/funambol/server/cleanup/";

    private static final String ARCHIVE_DIR = TARGET_DIR + "archive-logs";
    private static final String EXCEEDED_ARCHIVE_DIR = TARGET_DIR + "exceeded-archive-logs";
    private static final String LOGS_DIR = TARGET_DIR + "clients-log";

    // ------------------------------------------------------------ Private data
    private String clientsLogDir = LOGS_DIR;
    private String targetArchivationDirectory = ARCHIVE_DIR;
    private int activationThreshold = 2;
    private int maxNumberOfArchivedFiles = 5;
    private int numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete = 3;
    private long timeToRest = 1000L;
    private String lockName = "lock";

    private ClientLogCleanUpAgent agent = null;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructors
    public ClientLogCleanUpAgentTest(String testName) {

    // ------------------------------------------------------- Protected methods
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {

        agent = new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(clientsLogDir, targetArchivationDirectory, activationThreshold,
                maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);

        try {
            FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(TARGET_DIR));
            FileUtils.cleanDirectory(new File(TARGET_DIR));
            FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(BASE_DIR), new File(TARGET_DIR),
                    new NotFileFilter(new SuffixFileFilter(".svn")));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            assertTrue("Unable to handle target dir", true);

    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

        FileUtils.cleanDirectory(new File(TARGET_DIR));

    // -------------------------------------------------------------- Test cases
    public void testAgentInitialization_NullLogDir() {

        clientsLogDir = null;

        try {
            new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(clientsLogDir, targetArchivationDirectory, activationThreshold,
                    maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);
            fail("Expected an IllegalArgumentException on null log dir");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            assertTrue("Thrown an IllegalArgumentException", true);

    public void testAgentInitialization_NegativeTimeToRest() {

        timeToRest = -1000L;

        try {
            new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(clientsLogDir, targetArchivationDirectory, activationThreshold,
                    maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);
            fail("Expected an IllegalArgumentException on negative rest time");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            assertTrue("Thrown an IllegalArgumentException", true);

    public void testAgentInitialization_NegativeActivationThreshold() {

        activationThreshold = -2;

        try {
            new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(clientsLogDir, targetArchivationDirectory, activationThreshold,
                    maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);
            fail("Expected an IllegalArgumentException on negative " + "activation Threshold");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            assertTrue("Thrown an IllegalArgumentException", true);

    public void testAgentInitialization_NegativeMaxNumberOfArchivedFiles() {

        maxNumberOfArchivedFiles = -5;

        try {
            new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(clientsLogDir, targetArchivationDirectory, activationThreshold,
                    maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);
            fail("Expected an IllegalArgumentException on negative " + "max number of archived files");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            assertTrue("Thrown an IllegalArgumentException", true);

    public void testAgentInitialization_NegativeNumberOfArchivedFilesToDelete() {

        numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete = -3;

        try {
            new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(clientsLogDir, targetArchivationDirectory, activationThreshold,
                    maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);
            fail("Expected an IllegalArgumentException on negative " + "number of archived files to be deleted");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            assertTrue("Thrown an IllegalArgumentException", true);

    public void testArchivationNeeded_NotValidLogDir() throws Throwable {

        ClientLogCleanUpAgent instance = new ClientLogCleanUpAgent("file.txt", targetArchivationDirectory,
                activationThreshold, maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);

        assertFalse("Accepted a not valid log dir", invokeArchivationNeeded(instance));

    public void testArchivationNeeded_ThresholdNotReached() throws Throwable {

        activationThreshold = 10;
        ClientLogCleanUpAgent instance = new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(LOGS_DIR, ARCHIVE_DIR, activationThreshold,
                maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);

        assertFalse("Not need to invoke the archivation", invokeArchivationNeeded(instance));

    public void testArchivationNeeded_ThresholdReached() throws Throwable {

        activationThreshold = 5;
        ClientLogCleanUpAgent instance = new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(LOGS_DIR, ARCHIVE_DIR, activationThreshold,
                maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);

        assertTrue("Need to invoke the archivation", invokeArchivationNeeded(instance));

    public void testInternalRun_ArchivationRequiredCleanup() throws Throwable {
        ClientLogCleanUpAgent instance = new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(LOGS_DIR, "", activationThreshold,
                maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);

        PrivateAccessor.invoke(instance, "internalRun", null, null);

        File f = new File(LOGS_DIR);
        assertTrue("Log dir does not exist", f.exists());
        String[] childs = f.list();
        assertTrue("Log dir contains more children", childs.length == 1);
        assertTrue("Log dir contains only lock file", childs[0].endsWith(".lck"));

    public void testInternalRun_ArchivationRequiredArchive() throws Throwable {
        // archive dir:
        // - exists
        // - is a dir
        // - does not contain more children than the maxNumberOfArchivedFiles
        ClientLogCleanUpAgent instance = new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(LOGS_DIR, ARCHIVE_DIR, activationThreshold,
                maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);

        PrivateAccessor.invoke(instance, "internalRun", null, null);

        File archive = new File(ARCHIVE_DIR);
        assertTrue("Archive dir does not exist", archive.exists());
        String[] childs = archive.list();
        assertTrue("Archive dir contains more children", childs.length == 1);
        assertTrue("Archive dir contains only lock file", childs[0].endsWith(".zip"));

        File log = new File(LOGS_DIR);
        assertTrue("Log dir does not exist", log.exists());
        String[] logChilds = log.list();
        assertTrue("Log dir contains more children", logChilds.length == 1);
        assertTrue("Log dir contains only lock file", logChilds[0].endsWith(".lck"));

    public void testInternalRun_ArchivationRequiredArchive_ArchiveDirNotExit() throws Throwable {

        String archiveDir = TARGET_DIR + "notexist";

        ClientLogCleanUpAgent instance = new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(LOGS_DIR, archiveDir, activationThreshold,
                maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);

        PrivateAccessor.invoke(instance, "internalRun", null, null);

        File f = new File(archiveDir);
        assertTrue("Archive dir does not exist", f.exists());
        String[] childs = f.list();
        assertTrue("Archive dir contains more children", childs.length == 1);
        assertTrue("Archive dir contains only lock file", childs[0].endsWith(".zip"));

    public void testInternalRun_ArchivationRequiredArchive_ArchiveDirIsAFile() throws Throwable {

        String archiveDir = TARGET_DIR + "notdir.txt";
        File test = new File(archiveDir);
        IOTools.writeFile("hello", test);

        ClientLogCleanUpAgent instance = new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(LOGS_DIR, archiveDir, activationThreshold,
                maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);

        try {
            PrivateAccessor.invoke(instance, "internalRun", null, null);
            fail("Expected an IllegalArgumentException");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            assertTrue("Unable to recognize the input as a file", true);

    public void testInternalRun_ArchivationRequiredArchive_ExceededMaxArchivedFile() throws Throwable {

        File f = new File(EXCEEDED_ARCHIVE_DIR);
        assertTrue("Archive dir does not exist", f.exists());
        File[] childs = f.listFiles();
        assertTrue("Wrong number of children contained", childs.length == 6);

        List<String> oldestFiles = new ArrayList<String>();

        File child = null;
        String fileName = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
            child = childs[i];

            fileName = child.getName();

            if (oldestFiles.contains(fileName)) {
                assertTrue("Unable to set last modified for '" + fileName + "'",
                        child.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000));
            } else {
                assertTrue("Unable to set last modified for '" + fileName + "'",

        // archive dir contain more children than the maxNumberOfArchivedFiles
        ClientLogCleanUpAgent instance = new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(LOGS_DIR, EXCEEDED_ARCHIVE_DIR,
                activationThreshold, maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);

        PrivateAccessor.invoke(instance, "internalRun", null, null);

        f = new File(EXCEEDED_ARCHIVE_DIR);
        assertTrue("Archive dir does not exist anymore", f.exists());
        String[] childNames = f.list();
        // the old 3 plus the new one
        assertTrue("Archive dir contains more children", childNames.length == 4);

    public void testInternalRun_ArchivationRequiredArchive_LogWithRecentTmp() throws Throwable {

        String userADir = LOGS_DIR + File.separator + "user-a" + File.separator + "uploadinprogress.tmp";
        File tmpFile = new File(userADir);
        IOTools.writeFile("upload in progress..", tmpFile);

        ClientLogCleanUpAgent instance = new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(LOGS_DIR, ARCHIVE_DIR, activationThreshold,
                maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);

        PrivateAccessor.invoke(instance, "internalRun", null, null);

        File f = new File(ARCHIVE_DIR);
        assertTrue("Archive dir does not exist", f.exists());
        String[] childs = f.list();
        assertTrue("Archive dir contains more children", childs.length == 1);
        assertTrue("Archive dir contains only lock file", childs[0].endsWith(".zip"));

        File log = new File(LOGS_DIR);
        assertTrue("Log dir does not exist", log.exists());
        File[] logChilds = log.listFiles();
        // .lck file and user-a directory that contains the .tmp
        assertTrue("Log dir contains more children", logChilds.length == 2);
        assertTrue("The tmp file does not exist anymore", tmpFile.exists());

    public void testInternalRun_ArchivationRequiredArchive_LogWithOldTmp() throws Throwable {

        String userBDir = LOGS_DIR + File.separator + "user-b" + File.separator + "uploadinprogress.tmp";
        File tmpFile = new File(userBDir);
        IOTools.writeFile("upload in progress..", tmpFile);
        assertTrue("Unable to set last modified time",
                tmpFile.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis() - 4000000));

        ClientLogCleanUpAgent instance = new ClientLogCleanUpAgent(LOGS_DIR, ARCHIVE_DIR, activationThreshold,
                maxNumberOfArchivedFiles, numberOfArchivedFilesToDelete, timeToRest, lockName);

        PrivateAccessor.invoke(instance, "internalRun", null, null);

        File f = new File(ARCHIVE_DIR);
        assertTrue("Archive dir does not exist", f.exists());
        String[] childs = f.list();
        assertTrue("Archive dir contains more children", childs.length == 1);
        assertTrue("Archive dir contains only lock file", childs[0].endsWith(".zip"));

        File log = new File(LOGS_DIR);
        assertTrue("Log dir does not exist", log.exists());
        String[] logChilds = log.list();
        assertTrue("Log dir contains more children", logChilds.length == 1);
        assertFalse("The tmp file does not exist anymore", tmpFile.exists());
        assertTrue("Log dir contains only lock file", logChilds[0].endsWith(".lck"));

    public void testBuildTargetFileName() throws Throwable {

        String directory = null;
        Date when = new Date(1289312162656L);
        String result = invokeBuildName(agent, directory, when);
        String expected = "";
        assertEquals("Wrong file name", expected, result);

        directory = "mydir";
        result = invokeBuildName(agent, directory, when);
        expected = "mydir/";
        assertEquals("Wrong file name", expected, result);

        directory = "anotherdir\\";
        result = invokeBuildName(agent, directory, when);
        expected = "anotherdir/";
        assertEquals("Wrong file name", expected, result);

        directory = "seconddir/";
        result = invokeBuildName(agent, directory, when);
        expected = "seconddir/";
        assertEquals("Wrong file name", expected, result);

    // --------------------------------------------------------- Private methods
    private String invokeBuildName(ClientLogCleanUpAgent agent, String directory, Date when) throws Throwable {
        return (String) PrivateAccessor.invoke(agent, "buildTargetFileName",
                new Class[] { String.class, Date.class }, new Object[] { directory, when });

    private boolean invokeArchivationNeeded(ClientLogCleanUpAgent agent) throws Throwable {
        Boolean result = (Boolean) PrivateAccessor.invoke(agent, "archivationNeeded", null, null);

        return result.booleanValue();
