Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2002-2016 Gargoyle Software Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit;

import static com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersionFeatures.DIALOGWINDOW_REFERER;
import static com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersionFeatures.HTTP_REDIRECT_308;
import static com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersionFeatures.JS_XML_SUPPORT_VIA_ACTIVEXOBJECT;
import static com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersionFeatures.PROTOCOL_DATA;
import static com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersionFeatures.URL_MINIMAL_QUERY_ENCODING;
import static com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersionFeatures.WINDOW_EXECUTE_EVENTS;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;

import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException;
import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider;
import org.apache.http.cookie.ClientCookie;
import org.apache.http.cookie.CookieOrigin;
import org.apache.http.cookie.CookieSpec;
import org.apache.http.cookie.MalformedCookieException;
import org.apache.http.message.BufferedHeader;
import org.apache.http.util.CharArrayBuffer;
import org.w3c.css.sac.ErrorHandler;

import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.activex.javascript.msxml.MSXMLActiveXObjectFactory;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.attachment.Attachment;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.attachment.AttachmentHandler;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.gae.GAEUtils;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.BaseFrameElement;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.DomElement;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.DomNode;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.FrameWindow;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HTMLParserListener;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlInlineFrame;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.httpclient.HtmlUnitBrowserCompatCookieSpec;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.JavaScriptEngine;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.JavaScriptErrorListener;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.background.JavaScriptJobManager;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.util.Cookie;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.util.NameValuePair;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.util.UrlUtils;

 * The main starting point in HtmlUnit: this class simulates a web browser.
 * <p>
 * A standard usage of HtmlUnit will start with using the {@link #getPage(String)} method
 * (or {@link #getPage(URL)}) to load a first {@link Page}
 * and will continue with further processing on this page depending on its type.
 * </p>
 * <b>Example:</b><br>
 * <br>
 * <code>
 * final WebClient webClient = new WebClient();<br>
 * final {@link HtmlPage} startPage = webClient.getPage("");<br>
 * assertEquals("HtmlUnit - Welcome to HtmlUnit", startPage.{@link HtmlPage#getTitleText() getTitleText}());
 * </code>
 * <p>
 * Note: a {@link WebClient} instance is <b>not thread safe</b>. It is intended to be used from a single thread.
 * </p>
 * @author <a href="">Mike Bowler</a>
 * @author <a href="">Mike J. Bresnahan</a>
 * @author Dominique Broeglin
 * @author Noboru Sinohara
 * @author <a href="">Chen Jun</a>
 * @author David K. Taylor
 * @author <a href="">Christian Sell</a>
 * @author <a href="">Ben Curren</a>
 * @author Marc Guillemot
 * @author Chris Erskine
 * @author Daniel Gredler
 * @author Sergey Gorelkin
 * @author Hans Donner
 * @author Paul King
 * @author Ahmed Ashour
 * @author Bruce Chapman
 * @author Sudhan Moghe
 * @author Martin Tamme
 * @author Amit Manjhi
 * @author Nicolas Belisle
 * @author Ronald Brill
 * @author Frank Danek
public class WebClient implements Serializable, AutoCloseable {

    /** Logging support. */
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(WebClient.class);

    /** Like the Firefox default value for {@code network.http.redirection-limit}. */
    private static final int ALLOWED_REDIRECTIONS_SAME_URL = 20;

    private transient WebConnection webConnection_;
    private CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider_ = new DefaultCredentialsProvider();
    private CookieManager cookieManager_ = new CookieManager();
    private transient JavaScriptEngine scriptEngine_;
    private final Map<String, String> requestHeaders_ = Collections
            .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, String>(89));
    private IncorrectnessListener incorrectnessListener_ = new IncorrectnessListenerImpl();
    private WebConsole webConsole_;

    private AlertHandler alertHandler_;
    private ConfirmHandler confirmHandler_;
    private PromptHandler promptHandler_;
    private StatusHandler statusHandler_;
    private AttachmentHandler attachmentHandler_;
    private AppletConfirmHandler appletConfirmHandler_;
    private AjaxController ajaxController_ = new AjaxController();

    private BrowserVersion browserVersion_;
    private PageCreator pageCreator_ = new DefaultPageCreator();

    private final Set<WebWindowListener> webWindowListeners_ = new HashSet<>(5);
    private final Stack<TopLevelWindow> topLevelWindows_ = new Stack<>(); // top-level windows
    private final List<WebWindow> windows_ = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<WebWindow>()); // all windows
    private transient List<WeakReference<JavaScriptJobManager>> jobManagers_ = Collections
            .synchronizedList(new ArrayList<WeakReference<JavaScriptJobManager>>());
    private WebWindow currentWindow_;

    private HTMLParserListener htmlParserListener_;
    private ErrorHandler cssErrorHandler_ = new DefaultCssErrorHandler();
    private OnbeforeunloadHandler onbeforeunloadHandler_;
    private Cache cache_ = new Cache();

    /** target "_blank". */
    private static final String TARGET_BLANK = "_blank";
    /** target "_parent". */
    private static final String TARGET_SELF = "_self";
    /** target "_parent". */
    private static final String TARGET_PARENT = "_parent";
    /** target "_top". */
    private static final String TARGET_TOP = "_top";

    /** "about:blank". */
    public static final String ABOUT_BLANK = "about:blank";
    /** URL for "about:blank". */
    public static final URL URL_ABOUT_BLANK = UrlUtils.toUrlSafe(ABOUT_BLANK);

    private Map<String, String> activeXObjectMap_ = Collections.emptyMap();
    private transient MSXMLActiveXObjectFactory msxmlActiveXObjectFactory_;
    private RefreshHandler refreshHandler_ = new NiceRefreshHandler(2);
    private JavaScriptErrorListener javaScriptErrorListener_;

    private WebClientOptions options_ = new WebClientOptions();
    private final StorageHolder storageHolder_ = new StorageHolder();

    private static final WebResponseData responseDataNoHttpResponse_ = new WebResponseData(0, "No HTTP Response",

     * Creates a web client instance using the browser version returned by
     * {@link BrowserVersion#getDefault()}.
    public WebClient() {

     * Creates a web client instance using the specified {@link BrowserVersion}.
     * @param browserVersion the browser version to simulate
    public WebClient(final BrowserVersion browserVersion) {
        WebAssert.notNull("browserVersion", browserVersion);
        init(browserVersion, new ProxyConfig());

     * Creates an instance that will use the specified {@link BrowserVersion} and proxy server.
     * @param browserVersion the browser version to simulate
     * @param proxyHost the server that will act as proxy
     * @param proxyPort the port to use on the proxy server
    public WebClient(final BrowserVersion browserVersion, final String proxyHost, final int proxyPort) {
        WebAssert.notNull("browserVersion", browserVersion);
        WebAssert.notNull("proxyHost", proxyHost);
        init(browserVersion, new ProxyConfig(proxyHost, proxyPort));

     * Generic initialization logic used by all constructors. This method does not perform any
     * parameter validation; such validation must be handled by the constructors themselves.
     * @param browserVersion the browser version to simulate
     * @param proxyConfig the proxy configuration to use
    private void init(final BrowserVersion browserVersion, final ProxyConfig proxyConfig) {
        browserVersion_ = browserVersion;

        webConnection_ = createWebConnection(); // this has to be done after the browser version was set
        scriptEngine_ = new JavaScriptEngine(this);
        // The window must be constructed AFTER the script engine.
        addWebWindowListener(new CurrentWindowTracker(this));
        currentWindow_ = new TopLevelWindow("", this);
        fireWindowOpened(new WebWindowEvent(currentWindow_, WebWindowEvent.OPEN, null, null));

        if (getBrowserVersion().hasFeature(JS_XML_SUPPORT_VIA_ACTIVEXOBJECT)) {

    private void initMSXMLActiveX() {
        msxmlActiveXObjectFactory_ = new MSXMLActiveXObjectFactory();
        // TODO [IE11] initialize in #init or in #initialize?
        try {
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Exception while initializing MSXML ActiveX for the page", e);
            throw new ScriptException(null, e); // BUG: null is not useful.

     * Returns the object that will resolve all URL requests.
     * @return the connection that will be used
    public WebConnection getWebConnection() {
        return webConnection_;

     * Sets the object that will resolve all URL requests.
     * @param webConnection the new web connection
    public void setWebConnection(final WebConnection webConnection) {
        WebAssert.notNull("webConnection", webConnection);
        webConnection_ = webConnection;

     * Send a request to a server and return a Page that represents the
     * response from the server. This page will be used to populate the provided window.
     * <p>
     * The returned {@link Page} will be created by the {@link PageCreator}
     * configured by {@link #setPageCreator(PageCreator)}, if any.
     * <p>
     * The {@link DefaultPageCreator} will create a {@link Page} depending on the content type of the HTTP response,
     * basically {@link HtmlPage} for HTML content, {@link com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.xml.XmlPage} for XML content,
     * {@link TextPage} for other text content and {@link UnexpectedPage} for anything else.
     * @param webWindow the WebWindow to load the result of the request into
     * @param webRequest the web request
     * @param <P> the page type
     * @return the page returned by the server when the specified request was made in the specified window
     * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs
     * @throws FailingHttpStatusCodeException if the server returns a failing status code AND the property
     *         {@link WebClientOptions#setThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode(boolean)} is set to true
     * @see WebRequest
    public <P extends Page> P getPage(final WebWindow webWindow, final WebRequest webRequest)
            throws IOException, FailingHttpStatusCodeException {

        final Page page = webWindow.getEnclosedPage();

        if (page != null) {
            final URL prev = page.getUrl();
            final URL current = webRequest.getUrl();
            if (page.getWebResponse().getWebRequest().isCloneForHistoryAPI() || (current.sameFile(prev)
                    && current.getRef() != null && !StringUtils.equals(current.getRef(), prev.getRef()))) {
                // We're just navigating to an anchor within the current page.
                final Window window = (Window) webWindow.getScriptableObject();
                if (window != null) { // js enabled
                return (P) page;

            if (page.isHtmlPage()) {
                final HtmlPage htmlPage = (HtmlPage) page;
                if (!htmlPage.isOnbeforeunloadAccepted()) {
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("The registered OnbeforeunloadHandler rejected to load a new page.");
                    return (P) page;

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Get page for window named '" + webWindow.getName() + "', using " + webRequest);

        final WebResponse webResponse;
        final String protocol = webRequest.getUrl().getProtocol();
        if ("javascript".equals(protocol)) {
            webResponse = makeWebResponseForJavaScriptUrl(webWindow, webRequest.getUrl(), webRequest.getCharset());
            if (webWindow.getEnclosedPage() != null
                    && webWindow.getEnclosedPage().getWebResponse() == webResponse) {
                // a javascript:... url with result of type undefined didn't changed the page
                return (P) webWindow.getEnclosedPage();
        } else {
            webResponse = loadWebResponse(webRequest);

        loadWebResponseInto(webResponse, webWindow);

        // start execution here
        // note: we have to do this also if the server reports an error!
        //       e.g. if the server returns a 404 error page that includes javascript
        if (scriptEngine_ != null) {

        // check and report problems if needed
        return (P) webWindow.getEnclosedPage();

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span><br>
     * <p>Open a new web window and populate it with a page loaded by
     * {@link #getPage(WebWindow,WebRequest)}</p>
     * @param opener the web window that initiated the request
     * @param target the name of the window to be opened (the name that will be passed into the
     *        JavaScript <tt>open()</tt> method)
     * @param params any parameters
     * @param <P> the page type
     * @return the new page
     * @throws FailingHttpStatusCodeException if the server returns a failing status code AND the property
     *         {@link WebClientOptions#setThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode(boolean)} is set to true.
     * @throws IOException if an IO problem occurs
    public <P extends Page> P getPage(final WebWindow opener, final String target, final WebRequest params)
            throws FailingHttpStatusCodeException, IOException {
        return (P) getPage(openTargetWindow(opener, target, TARGET_SELF), params);

     * Convenient method to build an URL and load it into the current WebWindow as it would be done
     * by {@link #getPage(WebWindow, WebRequest)}.
     * @param url the URL of the new content
     * @param <P> the page type
     * @return the new page
     * @throws FailingHttpStatusCodeException if the server returns a failing status code AND the property
     *         {@link WebClientOptions#setThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode(boolean)} is set to true.
     * @throws IOException if an IO problem occurs
     * @throws MalformedURLException if no URL can be created from the provided string
    public <P extends Page> P getPage(final String url)
            throws IOException, FailingHttpStatusCodeException, MalformedURLException {
        return (P) getPage(UrlUtils.toUrlUnsafe(url));

     * Convenient method to load a URL into the current top WebWindow as it would be done
     * by {@link #getPage(WebWindow, WebRequest)}.
     * @param url the URL of the new content
     * @param <P> the page type
     * @return the new page
     * @throws FailingHttpStatusCodeException if the server returns a failing status code AND the property
     *         {@link WebClientOptions#setThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode(boolean)} is set to true.
     * @throws IOException if an IO problem occurs
    public <P extends Page> P getPage(final URL url) throws IOException, FailingHttpStatusCodeException {
        return (P) getPage(getCurrentWindow().getTopWindow(),
                new WebRequest(url, getBrowserVersion().getHtmlAcceptHeader()));

     * Convenient method to load a web request into the current top WebWindow.
     * @param request the request parameters
     * @param <P> the page type
     * @return the new page
     * @throws FailingHttpStatusCodeException if the server returns a failing status code AND the property
     *         {@link WebClientOptions#setThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode(boolean)} is set to true.
     * @throws IOException if an IO problem occurs
     * @see #getPage(WebWindow,WebRequest)
    public <P extends Page> P getPage(final WebRequest request) throws IOException, FailingHttpStatusCodeException {
        return (P) getPage(getCurrentWindow().getTopWindow(), request);

     * <p>Creates a page based on the specified response and inserts it into the specified window. All page
     * initialization and event notification is handled here.</p>
     * <p>Note that if the page created is an attachment page, and an {@link AttachmentHandler} has been
     * registered with this client, the page is <b>not</b> loaded into the specified window; in this case,
     * the page is loaded into a new window, and attachment handling is delegated to the registered
     * <tt>AttachmentHandler</tt>.</p>
     * @param webResponse the response that will be used to create the new page
     * @param webWindow the window that the new page will be placed within
     * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs
     * @throws FailingHttpStatusCodeException if the server returns a failing status code AND the property
     *         {@link WebClientOptions#setThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode(boolean)} is set to true
     * @return the newly created page
     * @see #setAttachmentHandler(AttachmentHandler)
    public Page loadWebResponseInto(final WebResponse webResponse, final WebWindow webWindow)
            throws IOException, FailingHttpStatusCodeException {

        WebAssert.notNull("webResponse", webResponse);
        WebAssert.notNull("webWindow", webWindow);

        if (webResponse.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) {
            return webWindow.getEnclosedPage();

        if (attachmentHandler_ != null && Attachment.isAttachment(webResponse)) {
            final WebWindow w = openWindow(null, null, webWindow);
            final Page page = pageCreator_.createPage(webResponse, w);
            return page;

        final Page oldPage = webWindow.getEnclosedPage();
        if (oldPage != null) {
            // Remove the old windows before create new ones.
        Page newPage = null;
        if (windows_.contains(webWindow) || getBrowserVersion().hasFeature(WINDOW_EXECUTE_EVENTS)) {
            newPage = pageCreator_.createPage(webResponse, webWindow);

            if (windows_.contains(webWindow)) {
                fireWindowContentChanged(new WebWindowEvent(webWindow, WebWindowEvent.CHANGE, oldPage, newPage));

                // The page being loaded may already have been replaced by another page via JavaScript code.
                if (webWindow.getEnclosedPage() == newPage) {
                    // hack: onload should be fired the same way for all type of pages
                    // here is a hack to handle non HTML pages
                    if (webWindow instanceof FrameWindow && !newPage.isHtmlPage()) {
                        final FrameWindow fw = (FrameWindow) webWindow;
                        final BaseFrameElement frame = fw.getFrameElement();
                        if (frame.hasEventHandlers("onload")) {
                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                LOG.debug("Executing onload handler for " + frame);
                            final Event event = new Event(frame, Event.TYPE_LOAD);
                            ((Node) frame.getScriptableObject()).executeEventLocally(event);
        return newPage;

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span>
     * <p>Logs the response's content if its status code indicates a request failure and
     * {@link WebClientOptions#getPrintContentOnFailingStatusCode()} returns {@code true}.
     * @param webResponse the response whose content may be logged
    public void printContentIfNecessary(final WebResponse webResponse) {
        final String contentType = webResponse.getContentType();
        final int statusCode = webResponse.getStatusCode();
        final boolean successful = statusCode >= HttpStatus.SC_OK && statusCode < HttpStatus.SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES;
        if (getOptions().getPrintContentOnFailingStatusCode() && !successful) {
  "statusCode=[" + statusCode + "] contentType=[" + contentType + "]");

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span>
     * <p>Throws a {@link FailingHttpStatusCodeException} if the request's status code indicates a request
     * failure and {@link WebClientOptions#isThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode()} returns {@code true}.
     * @param webResponse the response which may trigger a {@link FailingHttpStatusCodeException}
    public void throwFailingHttpStatusCodeExceptionIfNecessary(final WebResponse webResponse) {
        final int statusCode = webResponse.getStatusCode();
        final boolean successful = (statusCode >= HttpStatus.SC_OK && statusCode < HttpStatus.SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES)
                || statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_USE_PROXY || statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED;
        if (getOptions().isThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode() && !successful) {
            throw new FailingHttpStatusCodeException(webResponse);

     * Adds a header which will be sent with EVERY request from this client.
     * @param name the name of the header to add
     * @param value the value of the header to add
     * @see #removeRequestHeader(String)
    public void addRequestHeader(final String name, final String value) {
        if ("cookie".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Do not add 'Cookie' header, use .getCookieManager() instead");
        requestHeaders_.put(name, value);

     * Removes a header from being sent with EVERY request from this client.
     * @param name the name of the header to remove
     * @see #addRequestHeader
    public void removeRequestHeader(final String name) {

     * Sets the credentials provider that will provide authentication information when
     * trying to access protected information on a web server. This information is
     * required when the server is using Basic HTTP authentication, NTLM authentication,
     * or Digest authentication.
     * @param credentialsProvider the new credentials provider to use to authenticate
    public void setCredentialsProvider(final CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider) {
        WebAssert.notNull("credentialsProvider", credentialsProvider);
        credentialsProvider_ = credentialsProvider;

     * Returns the credentials provider for this client instance. By default, this
     * method returns an instance of {@link DefaultCredentialsProvider}.
     * @return the credentials provider for this client instance
    public CredentialsProvider getCredentialsProvider() {
        return credentialsProvider_;

     * This method is intended for testing only - use at your own risk.
     * @return the current JavaScript engine (never {@code null})
    public JavaScriptEngine getJavaScriptEngine() {
        return scriptEngine_;

     * This method is intended for testing only - use at your own risk.
     * @param engine the new script engine to use
    public void setJavaScriptEngine(final JavaScriptEngine engine) {
        if (engine == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't set JavaScriptEngine to null");
        scriptEngine_ = engine;

     * Returns the cookie manager used by this web client.
     * @return the cookie manager used by this web client
    public CookieManager getCookieManager() {
        return cookieManager_;

     * Sets the cookie manager used by this web client.
     * @param cookieManager the cookie manager used by this web client
    public void setCookieManager(final CookieManager cookieManager) {
        WebAssert.notNull("cookieManager", cookieManager);
        cookieManager_ = cookieManager;

     * Sets the alert handler for this webclient.
     * @param alertHandler the new alerthandler or null if none is specified
    public void setAlertHandler(final AlertHandler alertHandler) {
        alertHandler_ = alertHandler;

     * Returns the alert handler for this webclient.
     * @return the alert handler or null if one hasn't been set
    public AlertHandler getAlertHandler() {
        return alertHandler_;

     * Sets the handler that will be executed when the JavaScript method Window.confirm() is called.
     * @param handler the new handler or null if no handler is to be used
    public void setConfirmHandler(final ConfirmHandler handler) {
        confirmHandler_ = handler;

     * Returns the confirm handler.
     * @return the confirm handler or null if one hasn't been set
    public ConfirmHandler getConfirmHandler() {
        return confirmHandler_;

     * Sets the handler that will be executed when the JavaScript method Window.prompt() is called.
     * @param handler the new handler or null if no handler is to be used
    public void setPromptHandler(final PromptHandler handler) {
        promptHandler_ = handler;

     * Returns the prompt handler.
     * @return the prompt handler or null if one hasn't been set
    public PromptHandler getPromptHandler() {
        return promptHandler_;

     * Sets the status handler for this webclient.
     * @param statusHandler the new status handler or null if none is specified
    public void setStatusHandler(final StatusHandler statusHandler) {
        statusHandler_ = statusHandler;

     * Returns the status handler for this webclient.
     * @return the status handler or null if one hasn't been set
    public StatusHandler getStatusHandler() {
        return statusHandler_;

     * Sets the javascript error listener for this webclient.
     * @param javaScriptErrorListener the new JavaScriptErrorListener or null if none is specified
    public void setJavaScriptErrorListener(final JavaScriptErrorListener javaScriptErrorListener) {
        javaScriptErrorListener_ = javaScriptErrorListener;

     * Returns the javascript error listener for this webclient.
     * @return the javascript error listener or null if one hasn't been set
    public JavaScriptErrorListener getJavaScriptErrorListener() {
        return javaScriptErrorListener_;

     * Returns the current browser version.
     * @return the current browser version
    public BrowserVersion getBrowserVersion() {
        return browserVersion_;

     * Returns the "current" window for this client. This window (or its top window) will be used
     * when <tt>getPage(...)</tt> is called without specifying a window.
     * @return the "current" window for this client
    public WebWindow getCurrentWindow() {
        return currentWindow_;

     * Sets the "current" window for this client. This is the window that will be used when
     * <tt>getPage(...)</tt> is called without specifying a window.
     * @param window the new "current" window for this client
    public void setCurrentWindow(final WebWindow window) {
        WebAssert.notNull("window", window);
        if (currentWindow_ == window) {
        // onBlur event is triggered for focused element of old current window
        if (currentWindow_ != null && !currentWindow_.isClosed()) {
            final Page enclosedPage = currentWindow_.getEnclosedPage();
            if (enclosedPage != null && enclosedPage.isHtmlPage()) {
                final DomElement focusedElement = ((HtmlPage) enclosedPage).getFocusedElement();
                if (focusedElement != null) {
        currentWindow_ = window;

        // when marking an iframe window as current we have no need to move the focus
        final boolean isIFrame = currentWindow_ instanceof FrameWindow
                && ((FrameWindow) currentWindow_).getFrameElement() instanceof HtmlInlineFrame;
        if (!isIFrame) {
            //1. activeElement becomes focused element for new current window
            //2. onFocus event is triggered for focusedElement of new current window
            final Page enclosedPage = currentWindow_.getEnclosedPage();
            if (enclosedPage != null && enclosedPage.isHtmlPage()) {
                final Window jsWindow = (Window) currentWindow_.getScriptableObject();
                if (jsWindow != null) {
                    final HTMLElement activeElement = ((HTMLDocument) jsWindow.getDocument()).getActiveElement();
                    if (activeElement != null) {
                        ((HtmlPage) enclosedPage).setFocusedElement(activeElement.getDomNodeOrDie(), true);

     * Adds a listener for {@link WebWindowEvent}s. All events from all windows associated with this
     * client will be sent to the specified listener.
     * @param listener a listener
    public void addWebWindowListener(final WebWindowListener listener) {
        WebAssert.notNull("listener", listener);

     * Removes a listener for {@link WebWindowEvent}s.
     * @param listener a listener
    public void removeWebWindowListener(final WebWindowListener listener) {
        WebAssert.notNull("listener", listener);

    private void fireWindowContentChanged(final WebWindowEvent event) {
        for (final WebWindowListener listener : new ArrayList<>(webWindowListeners_)) {

    private void fireWindowOpened(final WebWindowEvent event) {
        for (final WebWindowListener listener : new ArrayList<>(webWindowListeners_)) {

    private void fireWindowClosed(final WebWindowEvent event) {
        for (final WebWindowListener listener : new ArrayList<>(webWindowListeners_)) {

     * Open a new window with the specified name. If the URL is non-null then attempt to load
     * a page from that location and put it in the new window.
     * @param url the URL to load content from or null if no content is to be loaded
     * @param windowName the name of the new window
     * @return the new window
    public WebWindow openWindow(final URL url, final String windowName) {
        WebAssert.notNull("windowName", windowName);
        return openWindow(url, windowName, getCurrentWindow());

     * Open a new window with the specified name. If the URL is non-null then attempt to load
     * a page from that location and put it in the new window.
     * @param url the URL to load content from or null if no content is to be loaded
     * @param windowName the name of the new window
     * @param opener the web window that is calling openWindow
     * @return the new window
    public WebWindow openWindow(final URL url, final String windowName, final WebWindow opener) {
        final WebWindow window = openTargetWindow(opener, windowName, TARGET_BLANK);
        final HtmlPage openerPage = (HtmlPage) opener.getEnclosedPage();
        if (url != null) {
            try {
                final WebRequest request = new WebRequest(url, getBrowserVersion().getHtmlAcceptHeader());
                if (getBrowserVersion().hasFeature(DIALOGWINDOW_REFERER) && openerPage != null) {
                    final String referer = openerPage.getUrl().toExternalForm();
                    request.setAdditionalHeader("Referer", referer);
                getPage(window, request);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                LOG.error("Error loading content into window", e);
        } else {
        return window;

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span><br>
     * Open the window with the specified name. The name may be a special
     * target name of _self, _parent, _top, or _blank. An empty or null
     * name is set to the default. The special target names are relative to
     * the opener window.
     * @param opener the web window that is calling openWindow
     * @param windowName the name of the new window
     * @param defaultName the default target if no name is given
     * @return the new window
    public WebWindow openTargetWindow(final WebWindow opener, final String windowName, final String defaultName) {

        WebAssert.notNull("opener", opener);
        WebAssert.notNull("defaultName", defaultName);

        String windowToOpen = windowName;
        if (windowToOpen == null || windowToOpen.isEmpty()) {
            windowToOpen = defaultName;

        WebWindow webWindow = resolveWindow(opener, windowToOpen);

        if (webWindow == null) {
            if (TARGET_BLANK.equals(windowToOpen)) {
                windowToOpen = "";
            webWindow = new TopLevelWindow(windowToOpen, this);
            fireWindowOpened(new WebWindowEvent(webWindow, WebWindowEvent.OPEN, null, null));

        if (webWindow instanceof TopLevelWindow && webWindow != opener.getTopWindow()) {
            ((TopLevelWindow) webWindow).setOpener(opener);

        return webWindow;

    private WebWindow resolveWindow(final WebWindow opener, final String name) {
        if (name == null || name.isEmpty() || TARGET_SELF.equals(name)) {
            return opener;

        if (TARGET_PARENT.equals(name)) {
            return opener.getParentWindow();

        if (TARGET_TOP.equals(name)) {
            return opener.getTopWindow();

        if (TARGET_BLANK.equals(name)) {
            return null;

        // first search for frame windows inside our window hierarchy
        WebWindow window = opener;
        while (true) {
            final Page page = window.getEnclosedPage();
            if (page != null && page.isHtmlPage()) {
                try {
                    final FrameWindow frame = ((HtmlPage) page).getFrameByName(name);
                    return frame;
                } catch (final ElementNotFoundException e) {
                    // Fall through

            if (window == window.getParentWindow()) {
                // TODO: should getParentWindow() return null on top windows?
            window = window.getParentWindow();

        try {
            return getWebWindowByName(name);
        } catch (final WebWindowNotFoundException e) {
            // Fall through - a new window will be created below
        return null;

     * <p><span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span></p>
     * Opens a new dialog window.
     * @param url the URL of the document to load and display
     * @param opener the web window that is opening the dialog
     * @param dialogArguments the object to make available inside the dialog via <tt>window.dialogArguments</tt>
     * @return the new dialog window
     * @throws IOException if there is an IO error
    public DialogWindow openDialogWindow(final URL url, final WebWindow opener, final Object dialogArguments)
            throws IOException {

        WebAssert.notNull("url", url);
        WebAssert.notNull("opener", opener);

        final DialogWindow window = new DialogWindow(this, dialogArguments);
        fireWindowOpened(new WebWindowEvent(window, WebWindowEvent.OPEN, null, null));

        final HtmlPage openerPage = (HtmlPage) opener.getEnclosedPage();
        final WebRequest request = new WebRequest(url, getBrowserVersion().getHtmlAcceptHeader());
        if (getBrowserVersion().hasFeature(DIALOGWINDOW_REFERER) && openerPage != null) {
            final String referer = openerPage.getUrl().toExternalForm();
            request.setAdditionalHeader("Referer", referer);

        getPage(window, request);

        return window;

     * Sets the object that will be used to create pages. Set this if you want
     * to customize the type of page that is returned for a given content type.
     * @param pageCreator the new page creator
    public void setPageCreator(final PageCreator pageCreator) {
        WebAssert.notNull("pageCreator", pageCreator);
        pageCreator_ = pageCreator;

     * Returns the current page creator.
     * @return the page creator
    public PageCreator getPageCreator() {
        return pageCreator_;

     * Returns the first {@link WebWindow} that matches the specified name.
     * @param name the name to search for
     * @return the {@link WebWindow} with the specified name
     * @throws WebWindowNotFoundException if the {@link WebWindow} can't be found
     * @see #getWebWindows()
     * @see #getTopLevelWindows()
    public WebWindow getWebWindowByName(final String name) throws WebWindowNotFoundException {
        WebAssert.notNull("name", name);

        for (final WebWindow webWindow : windows_) {
            if (name.equals(webWindow.getName())) {
                return webWindow;

        throw new WebWindowNotFoundException(name);

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span><br>
     * Initializes a new web window for JavaScript.
     * @param webWindow the new WebWindow
    public void initialize(final WebWindow webWindow) {
        WebAssert.notNull("webWindow", webWindow);

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span><br>
     * Initializes a new page for JavaScript.
     * @param newPage the new page
    public void initialize(final Page newPage) {
        WebAssert.notNull("newPage", newPage);
        ((Window) newPage.getEnclosingWindow().getScriptableObject()).initialize(newPage);

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span><br>
     * Initializes a new empty window for JavaScript.
     * @param webWindow the new WebWindow
    public void initializeEmptyWindow(final WebWindow webWindow) {
        WebAssert.notNull("webWindow", webWindow);
        ((Window) webWindow.getScriptableObject()).initialize();

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span><br>
     * Adds a new window to the list of available windows.
     * @param webWindow the new WebWindow
    public void registerWebWindow(final WebWindow webWindow) {
        WebAssert.notNull("webWindow", webWindow);
        // register JobManager here but don't deregister in deregisterWebWindow as it can live longer
        jobManagers_.add(new WeakReference<>(webWindow.getJobManager()));

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span><br>
     * Removes a window from the list of available windows.
     * @param webWindow the window to remove
    public void deregisterWebWindow(final WebWindow webWindow) {
        WebAssert.notNull("webWindow", webWindow);
        if (windows_.remove(webWindow)) {
                    new WebWindowEvent(webWindow, WebWindowEvent.CLOSE, webWindow.getEnclosedPage(), null));

     * Expands a relative URL relative to the specified base. In most situations
     * this is the same as <code>new URL(baseUrl, relativeUrl)</code> but
     * there are some cases that URL doesn't handle correctly. See
     * <a href="">RFC1808</a>
     * regarding Relative Uniform Resource Locators for more information.
     * @param baseUrl the base URL
     * @param relativeUrl the relative URL
     * @return the expansion of the specified base and relative URLs
     * @throws MalformedURLException if an error occurred when creating a URL object
    public static URL expandUrl(final URL baseUrl, final String relativeUrl) throws MalformedURLException {
        final String newUrl = UrlUtils.resolveUrl(baseUrl, relativeUrl);
        return UrlUtils.toUrlUnsafe(newUrl);

    private WebResponse makeWebResponseForDataUrl(final WebRequest webRequest) throws IOException {
        final URL url = webRequest.getUrl();
        final List<NameValuePair> responseHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
        final DataUrlDecoder decoder;
        try {
            decoder = DataUrlDecoder.decode(url);
        } catch (final DecoderException e) {
            throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
                new NameValuePair("content-type", decoder.getMediaType() + ";charset=" + decoder.getCharset()));
        final DownloadedContent downloadedContent = HttpWebConnection.downloadContent(url.openStream(),
        final WebResponseData data = new WebResponseData(downloadedContent, 200, "OK", responseHeaders);
        return new WebResponse(data, url, webRequest.getHttpMethod(), 0);

    private WebResponse makeWebResponseForAboutUrl(final URL url) {
        final String urlWithoutQuery = StringUtils.substringBefore(url.toExternalForm(), "?");
        if (!"blank".equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.substringAfter(urlWithoutQuery, "about:"))) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(url + " is not supported, only about:blank is supported now.");
        return new StringWebResponse("", URL_ABOUT_BLANK);

     * Builds a WebResponse for a file URL.
     * This first implementation is basic.
     * It assumes that the file contains an HTML page encoded with the specified encoding.
     * @param url the file URL
     * @param charset encoding to use
     * @return the web response
     * @throws IOException if an IO problem occurs
    private WebResponse makeWebResponseForFileUrl(final WebRequest webRequest) throws IOException {
        URL cleanUrl = webRequest.getUrl();
        if (cleanUrl.getQuery() != null) {
            // Get rid of the query portion before trying to load the file.
            cleanUrl = UrlUtils.getUrlWithNewQuery(cleanUrl, null);
        if (cleanUrl.getRef() != null) {
            // Get rid of the ref portion before trying to load the file.
            cleanUrl = UrlUtils.getUrlWithNewRef(cleanUrl, null);

        String fileUrl = cleanUrl.toExternalForm();
        fileUrl = URLDecoder.decode(fileUrl, "UTF-8");
        final File file = new File(fileUrl.substring(5));
        if (!file.exists()) {
            // construct 404
            final List<NameValuePair> compiledHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
            compiledHeaders.add(new NameValuePair("Content-Type", "text/html"));
            final WebResponseData responseData = new WebResponseData(
                    TextUtil.stringToByteArray("File: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), "UTF-8"), 404, "Not Found",
            return new WebResponse(responseData, webRequest, 0);

        final String contentType = guessContentType(file);

        final DownloadedContent content = new DownloadedContent.OnFile(file, false);
        final List<NameValuePair> compiledHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
        compiledHeaders.add(new NameValuePair("Content-Type", contentType));
        final WebResponseData responseData = new WebResponseData(content, 200, "OK", compiledHeaders);
        return new WebResponse(responseData, webRequest, 0);

     * Tries to guess the content type of the file.<br>
     * This utility could be located in an helper class but we can compare this functionality
     * for instance with the "Helper Applications" settings of Mozilla and therefore see it as a
     * property of the "browser".
     * @param file the file
     * @return "application/octet-stream" if nothing could be guessed
    public String guessContentType(final File file) {
        String contentType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(file.getName());
        if (file.getName().endsWith(".xhtml")) {
            // Java's mime type map doesn't know about XHTML files (at least in Sun JDK5).
            contentType = "application/xhtml+xml";
        if (contentType == null) {
            InputStream inputStream = null;
            try {
                inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
                contentType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(inputStream);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                // Ignore silently.
            } finally {
        if (contentType == null) {
            if (file.getName().endsWith(".js")) {
                contentType = "text/javascript";
            } else {
                contentType = "application/octet-stream";
        return contentType;

    private WebResponse makeWebResponseForJavaScriptUrl(final WebWindow webWindow, final URL url,
            final String charset) throws FailingHttpStatusCodeException, IOException {

        final HtmlPage page;
        if (webWindow instanceof FrameWindow) {
            final FrameWindow frameWindow = (FrameWindow) webWindow;
            page = (HtmlPage) frameWindow.getEnclosedPage();
        } else {
            Page currentPage = webWindow.getEnclosedPage();
            if (currentPage == null) {
                // Starting with a JavaScript URL; quickly fill an "about:blank".
                currentPage = getPage(webWindow, new WebRequest(WebClient.URL_ABOUT_BLANK));
            page = (HtmlPage) currentPage;

        final ScriptResult r = page.executeJavaScriptIfPossible(url.toExternalForm(), "JavaScript URL", 1);
        if ((r != null && r.getJavaScriptResult() == null) || ScriptResult.isUndefined(r)) {
            // No new WebResponse to produce.
            return webWindow.getEnclosedPage().getWebResponse();

        final String contentString = r.getJavaScriptResult().toString();
        final StringWebResponse response = new StringWebResponse(contentString, charset, url);
        return response;

     * Loads a {@link WebResponse} from the server.
     * @param webRequest the request
     * @throws IOException if an IO problem occurs
     * @return the WebResponse
    public WebResponse loadWebResponse(final WebRequest webRequest) throws IOException {
        final WebResponse response;
        final String protocol = webRequest.getUrl().getProtocol();
        if ("about".equals(protocol)) {
            response = makeWebResponseForAboutUrl(webRequest.getUrl());
        } else if ("file".equals(protocol)) {
            response = makeWebResponseForFileUrl(webRequest);
        } else if ("data".equals(protocol)) {
            if (browserVersion_.hasFeature(PROTOCOL_DATA)) {
                response = makeWebResponseForDataUrl(webRequest);
            } else {
                throw new MalformedURLException("Unknown protocol: data");
        } else {
            response = loadWebResponseFromWebConnection(webRequest, ALLOWED_REDIRECTIONS_SAME_URL);

        return response;

     * Loads a {@link WebResponse} from the server through the WebConnection.
     * @param webRequest the request
     * @param allowedRedirects the number of allowed redirects remaining
     * @throws IOException if an IO problem occurs
     * @return the resultant {@link WebResponse}
    private WebResponse loadWebResponseFromWebConnection(final WebRequest webRequest, final int allowedRedirects)
            throws IOException {

        URL url = webRequest.getUrl();
        final HttpMethod method = webRequest.getHttpMethod();
        final List<NameValuePair> parameters = webRequest.getRequestParameters();

        WebAssert.notNull("url", url);
        WebAssert.notNull("method", method);
        WebAssert.notNull("parameters", parameters);

        url = UrlUtils.encodeUrl(url, getBrowserVersion().hasFeature(URL_MINIMAL_QUERY_ENCODING),

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Load response for " + method + " " + url.toExternalForm());

        // If the request settings don't specify a custom proxy, use the default client proxy...
        if (webRequest.getProxyHost() == null) {
            final ProxyConfig proxyConfig = getOptions().getProxyConfig();
            if (proxyConfig.getProxyAutoConfigUrl() != null) {
                if (!proxyConfig.getProxyAutoConfigUrl().equals(url.toExternalForm())) {
                    String content = proxyConfig.getProxyAutoConfigContent();
                    if (content == null) {
                        content = getPage(proxyConfig.getProxyAutoConfigUrl()).getWebResponse()
                    final String allValue = ProxyAutoConfig.evaluate(content, url);
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("Proxy Auto-Config: value '" + allValue + "' for URL " + url);
                    String value = allValue.split(";")[0].trim();
                    if (value.startsWith("PROXY")) {
                        value = value.substring(6);
                        final int colonIndex = value.indexOf(':');
                        webRequest.setProxyHost(value.substring(0, colonIndex));
                        webRequest.setProxyPort(Integer.parseInt(value.substring(colonIndex + 1)));
                    } else if (value.startsWith("SOCKS")) {
                        value = value.substring(6);
                        final int colonIndex = value.indexOf(':');
                        webRequest.setProxyHost(value.substring(0, colonIndex));
                        webRequest.setProxyPort(Integer.parseInt(value.substring(colonIndex + 1)));
            // ...unless the host needs to bypass the configured client proxy!
            else if (!proxyConfig.shouldBypassProxy(webRequest.getUrl().getHost())) {

        // Add the headers that are sent with every request.

        // Retrieve the response, either from the cache or from the server.
        final WebResponse fromCache = getCache().getCachedResponse(webRequest);
        final WebResponse webResponse;
        if (fromCache != null) {
            webResponse = new WebResponseFromCache(fromCache, webRequest);
        } else {
            try {
                webResponse = getWebConnection().getResponse(webRequest);
            } catch (final NoHttpResponseException e) {
                return new WebResponse(responseDataNoHttpResponse_, webRequest, 0);
            getCache().cacheIfPossible(webRequest, webResponse, null);

        // Continue according to the HTTP status code.
        final int status = webResponse.getStatusCode();
        if (status == HttpStatus.SC_USE_PROXY) {
            getIncorrectnessListener().notify("Ignoring HTTP status code [305] 'Use Proxy'", this);
        } else if (status >= HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
                && status <= (getBrowserVersion().hasFeature(HTTP_REDIRECT_308) ? 308 : 307)
                && status != HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED && getOptions().isRedirectEnabled()) {

            final URL newUrl;
            String locationString = null;
            try {
                locationString = webResponse.getResponseHeaderValue("Location");
                if (locationString == null) {
                    return webResponse;
                newUrl = expandUrl(url, locationString);
            } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
                getIncorrectnessListener().notify("Got a redirect status code [" + status + " "
                        + webResponse.getStatusMessage() + "] but the location is not a valid URL ["
                        + locationString + "]. Skipping redirection processing.", this);
                return webResponse;

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Got a redirect status code [" + status + "] new location = [" + locationString + "]");

            if (allowedRedirects == 0) {
                throw new FailingHttpStatusCodeException(
                        "Too much redirect for " + webResponse.getWebRequest().getUrl(), webResponse);
            } else if (status == HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY || status == HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY
                    || status == HttpStatus.SC_SEE_OTHER) {
                final WebRequest wrs = new WebRequest(newUrl, HttpMethod.GET);
                for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : webRequest.getAdditionalHeaders().entrySet()) {
                    wrs.setAdditionalHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                return loadWebResponseFromWebConnection(wrs, allowedRedirects - 1);
            } else if (status == HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT || status == 308) {
                final WebRequest wrs = new WebRequest(newUrl, webRequest.getHttpMethod());
                for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : webRequest.getAdditionalHeaders().entrySet()) {
                    wrs.setAdditionalHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                return loadWebResponseFromWebConnection(wrs, allowedRedirects - 1);

        return webResponse;

     * Adds the headers that are sent with every request to the specified {@link WebRequest} instance.
     * @param wrs the <tt>WebRequestSettings</tt> instance to modify
    private void addDefaultHeaders(final WebRequest wrs) {
        // Add standard HtmlUnit headers.
        if (!wrs.isAdditionalHeader("Accept-Language")) {
            wrs.setAdditionalHeader("Accept-Language", getBrowserVersion().getBrowserLanguage());
        // Add user-specified headers last so that they can override HtmlUnit defaults.

     * Returns an immutable list of open web windows (whether they are top level windows or not).
     * This is a snapshot; future changes are not reflected by this list.
     * @return an immutable list of open web windows (whether they are top level windows or not)
     * @see #getWebWindowByName(String)
     * @see #getTopLevelWindows()
    public List<WebWindow> getWebWindows() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(windows_));

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span><br>
     * Returns true if the list of WebWindows contains the provided one.
     * This method is there to improve the performance of some internal checks because
     * calling getWebWindows().contains(.) creates some objects without any need.
     * @param webWindow the window to check
     * @return true or false
    public boolean containsWebWindow(final WebWindow webWindow) {
        return windows_.contains(webWindow);

     * Returns an immutable list of open top level windows.
     * This is a snapshot; future changes are not reflected by this list.
     * @return an immutable list of open top level windows
     * @see #getWebWindowByName(String)
     * @see #getWebWindows()
    public List<TopLevelWindow> getTopLevelWindows() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(topLevelWindows_));

     * Sets the handler to be used whenever a refresh is triggered. Refer
     * to the documentation for {@link RefreshHandler} for more details.
     * @param handler the new handler
    public void setRefreshHandler(final RefreshHandler handler) {
        if (handler == null) {
            refreshHandler_ = new NiceRefreshHandler(2);
        } else {
            refreshHandler_ = handler;

     * Returns the current refresh handler.
     * The default refresh handler is a {@link NiceRefreshHandler NiceRefreshHandler(2)} (since HtmlUnit-2.12).
     * @return the current RefreshHandler
    public RefreshHandler getRefreshHandler() {
        return refreshHandler_;

     * Sets the active X object map for this webclient. The <code>Map</code> is used to map the
     * string passed into the <code>ActiveXObject</code> constructor to a java class name. Therefore
     * you can emulate <code>ActiveXObject</code>s in a web page's JavaScript by mapping the object
     * name to a java class to emulate the active X object.
     * @param activeXObjectMap the new preprocessor or null if none is specified
    public void setActiveXObjectMap(final Map<String, String> activeXObjectMap) {
        activeXObjectMap_ = activeXObjectMap;

     * Returns the active X object map for this webclient.
     * @return the active X object map
    public Map<String, String> getActiveXObjectMap() {
        return activeXObjectMap_;

     * Returns the MSXML ActiveX object factory (if supported).
     * @return the msxmlActiveXObjectFactory
    public MSXMLActiveXObjectFactory getMSXMLActiveXObjectFactory() {
        return msxmlActiveXObjectFactory_;

     * Sets the listener for messages generated by the HTML parser.
     * @param listener the new listener, {@code null} if messages should be totally ignored
    public void setHTMLParserListener(final HTMLParserListener listener) {
        htmlParserListener_ = listener;

     * Gets the configured listener for messages generated by the HTML parser.
     * @return {@code null} if no listener is defined (default value)
    public HTMLParserListener getHTMLParserListener() {
        return htmlParserListener_;

     * Returns the CSS error handler used by this web client when CSS problems are encountered.
     * @return the CSS error handler used by this web client when CSS problems are encountered
     * @see DefaultCssErrorHandler
     * @see SilentCssErrorHandler
    public ErrorHandler getCssErrorHandler() {
        return cssErrorHandler_;

     * Sets the CSS error handler used by this web client when CSS problems are encountered.
     * @param cssErrorHandler the CSS error handler used by this web client when CSS problems are encountered
     * @see DefaultCssErrorHandler
     * @see SilentCssErrorHandler
    public void setCssErrorHandler(final ErrorHandler cssErrorHandler) {
        WebAssert.notNull("cssErrorHandler", cssErrorHandler);
        cssErrorHandler_ = cssErrorHandler;

     * Sets the number of milliseconds that a script is allowed to execute before being terminated.
     * A value of 0 or less means no timeout.
     * @param timeout the timeout value, in milliseconds
    public void setJavaScriptTimeout(final long timeout) {

     * Returns the number of milliseconds that a script is allowed to execute before being terminated.
     * A value of 0 or less means no timeout.
     * @return the timeout value, in milliseconds
    public long getJavaScriptTimeout() {
        return scriptEngine_.getJavaScriptTimeout();

     * Gets the current listener for encountered incorrectness (except HTML parsing messages that
     * are handled by the HTML parser listener). Default value is an instance of
     * {@link IncorrectnessListenerImpl}.
     * @return the current listener (not {@code null})
    public IncorrectnessListener getIncorrectnessListener() {
        return incorrectnessListener_;

     * Returns the current HTML incorrectness listener.
     * @param listener the new value (not {@code null})
    public void setIncorrectnessListener(final IncorrectnessListener listener) {
        if (listener == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Null incorrectness listener.");
        incorrectnessListener_ = listener;

     * Returns the WebConsole.
     * @return the web console
    public WebConsole getWebConsole() {
        if (webConsole_ == null) {
            webConsole_ = new WebConsole();
        return webConsole_;

     * Gets the current AJAX controller.
     * @return the controller
    public AjaxController getAjaxController() {
        return ajaxController_;

     * Sets the current AJAX controller.
     * @param newValue the controller
    public void setAjaxController(final AjaxController newValue) {
        if (newValue == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        ajaxController_ = newValue;

     * Sets the attachment handler.
     * @param handler the new attachment handler
    public void setAttachmentHandler(final AttachmentHandler handler) {
        attachmentHandler_ = handler;

     * Returns the current attachment handler.
     * @return the current attachment handler
    public AttachmentHandler getAttachmentHandler() {
        return attachmentHandler_;

     * Sets the applet confirm handler.
     * @param handler the new applet confirm handler handler
    public void setAppletConfirmHandler(final AppletConfirmHandler handler) {
        appletConfirmHandler_ = handler;

     * Returns the current applet confirm handler.
     * @return the current applet confirm handler
    public AppletConfirmHandler getAppletConfirmHandler() {
        return appletConfirmHandler_;

     * Sets the onbeforeunload handler for this webclient.
     * @param onbeforeunloadHandler the new onbeforeunloadHandler or null if none is specified
    public void setOnbeforeunloadHandler(final OnbeforeunloadHandler onbeforeunloadHandler) {
        onbeforeunloadHandler_ = onbeforeunloadHandler;

     * Returns the onbeforeunload handler for this webclient.
     * @return the onbeforeunload handler or null if one hasn't been set
    public OnbeforeunloadHandler getOnbeforeunloadHandler() {
        return onbeforeunloadHandler_;

     * Gets the cache currently being used.
     * @return the cache (may not be null)
    public Cache getCache() {
        return cache_;

     * Sets the cache to use.
     * @param cache the new cache (must not be {@code null})
    public void setCache(final Cache cache) {
        if (cache == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cache should not be null!");
        cache_ = cache;

     * Keeps track of the current window. Inspired by WebTest's logic to track the current response.
    private static final class CurrentWindowTracker implements WebWindowListener, Serializable {
        private final WebClient webClient_;

        private CurrentWindowTracker(final WebClient webClient) {
            webClient_ = webClient;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void webWindowClosed(final WebWindowEvent event) {
            final WebWindow window = event.getWebWindow();
            if (window instanceof TopLevelWindow) {
                if (window == webClient_.getCurrentWindow()) {
                    if (webClient_.topLevelWindows_.isEmpty()) {
                        // Must always have at least window, and there are no top-level windows left; must create one.
                        final TopLevelWindow newWindow = new TopLevelWindow("", webClient_);
                    } else {
                        // The current window is now the previous top-level window.
            } else if (window == webClient_.getCurrentWindow()) {
                // The current window is now the last top-level window.

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void webWindowContentChanged(final WebWindowEvent event) {
            final WebWindow window = event.getWebWindow();
            boolean use = false;
            if (window instanceof DialogWindow) {
                use = true;
            } else if (window instanceof TopLevelWindow) {
                use = event.getOldPage() == null;
            } else if (window instanceof FrameWindow) {
                final FrameWindow fw = (FrameWindow) window;
                final String enclosingPageState = fw.getEnclosingPage().getDocumentElement().getReadyState();
                final URL frameUrl = fw.getEnclosedPage().getUrl();
                if (!DomNode.READY_STATE_COMPLETE.equals(enclosingPageState) || frameUrl == URL_ABOUT_BLANK) {

                // now looks at the visibility of the frame window
                final BaseFrameElement frameElement = fw.getFrameElement();
                if (frameElement.isDisplayed()) {
                    final HTMLElement htmlElement = (HTMLElement) frameElement.getScriptableObject();
                    final ComputedCSSStyleDeclaration style = htmlElement.getWindow().getComputedStyle(htmlElement,
                    use = (style.getCalculatedWidth(false, false) != 0)
                            && (style.getCalculatedHeight(false, false) != 0);
            if (use) {

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void webWindowOpened(final WebWindowEvent event) {
            final WebWindow window = event.getWebWindow();
            if (window instanceof TopLevelWindow) {
                final TopLevelWindow tlw = (TopLevelWindow) window;
            // Page is not loaded yet, don't set it now as current window.

     * Closes all opened windows, stopping all background JavaScript processing.
     * @deprecated as of 2.16, please use {@link #close()}, or {@code try}-with-resources statement
    // Do not remove before March 2016
    public void closeAllWindows() {

     * Closes all opened windows, stopping all background JavaScript processing.
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void close() {
        // NB: this implementation is too simple as a new TopLevelWindow may be opened by
        // some JS script while we are closing the others
        final List<TopLevelWindow> topWindows = new ArrayList<>(topLevelWindows_);
        for (final TopLevelWindow topWindow : topWindows) {
            if (topLevelWindows_.contains(topWindow)) {

        // do this after closing the windows, otherwise some unload event might
        // start a new window that will start the thread again
        if (scriptEngine_ != null) {

        try {
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Exception while closing the connection", e);


     * <p><span style="color:red">Experimental API: May be changed in next release
     * and may not yet work perfectly!</span></p>
     * <p>This method blocks until all background JavaScript tasks have finished executing. Background
     * JavaScript tasks are JavaScript tasks scheduled for execution via <tt>window.setTimeout</tt>,
     * <tt>window.setInterval</tt> or asynchronous <tt>XMLHttpRequest</tt>.</p>
     * <p>If a job is scheduled to begin executing after <tt>(now + timeoutMillis)</tt>, this method will
     * wait for <tt>timeoutMillis</tt> milliseconds and then return a value greater than <tt>0</tt>. This
     * method will never block longer than <tt>timeoutMillis</tt> milliseconds.</p>
     * <p>Use this method instead of {@link #waitForBackgroundJavaScriptStartingBefore(long)} if you
     * don't know when your background JavaScript is supposed to start executing, but you're fairly sure
     * that you know how long it should take to finish executing.</p>
     * @param timeoutMillis the maximum amount of time to wait (in milliseconds)
     * @return the number of background JavaScript jobs still executing or waiting to be executed when this
     *         method returns; will be <tt>0</tt> if there are no jobs left to execute
    public int waitForBackgroundJavaScript(final long timeoutMillis) {
        int count = 0;
        final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMillis;
        for (Iterator<WeakReference<JavaScriptJobManager>> i = jobManagers_.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            final JavaScriptJobManager jobManager;
            final WeakReference<JavaScriptJobManager> reference;
            try {
                reference =;
                jobManager = reference.get();
                if (jobManager == null) {
            } catch (final ConcurrentModificationException e) {
                i = jobManagers_.iterator();
                count = 0;

            final long newTimeout = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
            count += jobManager.waitForJobs(newTimeout);
        if (count != getAggregateJobCount()) {
            final long newTimeout = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
            return waitForBackgroundJavaScript(newTimeout);
        return count;

     * <p><span style="color:red">Experimental API: May be changed in next release
     * and may not yet work perfectly!</span></p>
     * <p>This method blocks until all background JavaScript tasks scheduled to start executing before
     * <tt>(now + delayMillis)</tt> have finished executing. Background JavaScript tasks are JavaScript
     * tasks scheduled for execution via <tt>window.setTimeout</tt>, <tt>window.setInterval</tt> or
     * asynchronous <tt>XMLHttpRequest</tt>.</p>
     * <p>If there is no background JavaScript task currently executing, and there is no background JavaScript
     * task scheduled to start executing within the specified time, this method returns immediately -- even
     * if there are tasks scheduled to be executed after <tt>(now + delayMillis)</tt>.</p>
     * <p>Note that the total time spent executing a background JavaScript task is never known ahead of
     * time, so this method makes no guarantees as to how long it will block.</p>
     * <p>Use this method instead of {@link #waitForBackgroundJavaScript(long)} if you know roughly when
     * your background JavaScript is supposed to start executing, but you're not necessarily sure how long
     * it will take to execute.</p>
     * @param delayMillis the delay which determines the background tasks to wait for (in milliseconds)
     * @return the number of background JavaScript jobs still executing or waiting to be executed when this
     *         method returns; will be <tt>0</tt> if there are no jobs left to execute
    public int waitForBackgroundJavaScriptStartingBefore(final long delayMillis) {
        int count = 0;
        final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + delayMillis;
        for (Iterator<WeakReference<JavaScriptJobManager>> i = jobManagers_.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            final JavaScriptJobManager jobManager;
            final WeakReference<JavaScriptJobManager> reference;
            try {
                reference =;
                jobManager = reference.get();
                if (jobManager == null) {
            } catch (final ConcurrentModificationException e) {
                i = jobManagers_.iterator();
                count = 0;
            final long newDelay = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
            count += jobManager.waitForJobsStartingBefore(newDelay);
        if (count != getAggregateJobCount()) {
            final long newDelay = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
            return waitForBackgroundJavaScriptStartingBefore(newDelay);
        return count;

     * Returns the aggregate background JavaScript job count across all windows.
     * @return the aggregate background JavaScript job count across all windows
    private int getAggregateJobCount() {
        int count = 0;
        for (Iterator<WeakReference<JavaScriptJobManager>> i = jobManagers_.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            final JavaScriptJobManager jobManager;
            final WeakReference<JavaScriptJobManager> reference;
            try {
                reference =;
                jobManager = reference.get();
                if (jobManager == null) {
            } catch (final ConcurrentModificationException e) {
                i = jobManagers_.iterator();
                count = 0;
            final int jobCount = jobManager.getJobCount();
            count += jobCount;
        return count;

     * When we deserialize, re-initializie transient fields.
     * @param in the object input stream
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an error occurs
    private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

        webConnection_ = createWebConnection();
        scriptEngine_ = new JavaScriptEngine(this);
        jobManagers_ = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<WeakReference<JavaScriptJobManager>>());

        if (getBrowserVersion().hasFeature(JS_XML_SUPPORT_VIA_ACTIVEXOBJECT)) {

    private WebConnection createWebConnection() {
        if (GAEUtils.isGaeMode()) {
            return new UrlFetchWebConnection(this);

        return new HttpWebConnection(this);

    private static class LoadJob {
        private final WebWindow requestingWindow_;
        private final String target_;
        private final WebResponse response_;
        private final URL urlWithOnlyHashChange_;
        private final WeakReference<Page> originalPage_;
        private final WebRequest request_;

        LoadJob(final WebRequest request, final WebWindow requestingWindow, final String target,
                final WebResponse response) {
            request_ = request;
            requestingWindow_ = requestingWindow;
            target_ = target;
            response_ = response;
            urlWithOnlyHashChange_ = null;
            originalPage_ = new WeakReference<>(requestingWindow.getEnclosedPage());

        LoadJob(final WebRequest request, final WebWindow requestingWindow, final String target,
                final URL urlWithOnlyHashChange) {
            request_ = request;
            requestingWindow_ = requestingWindow;
            target_ = target;
            response_ = null;
            urlWithOnlyHashChange_ = urlWithOnlyHashChange;
            originalPage_ = new WeakReference<>(requestingWindow.getEnclosedPage());

        public boolean isOutdated() {
            if (target_ != null && !target_.isEmpty()) {
                return false;
            } else if (requestingWindow_.isClosed()) {
                return true;
            } else if (requestingWindow_.getEnclosedPage() != originalPage_.get()) {
                return true;

            return false;

    private final List<LoadJob> loadQueue_ = new ArrayList<>();

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span><br>
     * Perform the downloads and stores it for loading later into a window.
     * In the future downloads should be performed in parallel in separated threads.
     * TODO: refactor it before next release.
     * @param requestingWindow the window from which the request comes
     * @param target the name of the target window
     * @param request the request to perform
     * @param checkHash if true check for hashChenage
     * @param forceLoad if true always load the request even if there is already the same in the queue
     * @param description information about the origin of the request. Useful for debugging.
    public void download(final WebWindow requestingWindow, final String target, final WebRequest request,
            final boolean checkHash, final boolean forceLoad, final String description) {
        final WebWindow win = resolveWindow(requestingWindow, target);
        final URL url = request.getUrl();
        boolean justHashJump = false;

        if (!request.isCloneForHistoryAPI()) {
            if (win != null && HttpMethod.POST != request.getHttpMethod()) {
                final Page page = win.getEnclosedPage();
                if (page != null) {
                    if (page.isHtmlPage() && !((HtmlPage) page).isOnbeforeunloadAccepted()) {

                    if (checkHash) {
                        final URL current = page.getUrl();
                        justHashJump = HttpMethod.GET == request.getHttpMethod() && url.sameFile(current)
                                && null != url.getRef();

            synchronized (loadQueue_) {
                // verify if this load job doesn't already exist
                for (final LoadJob loadJob : loadQueue_) {
                    if (loadJob.response_ == null) {
                    final WebRequest otherRequest = loadJob.request_;
                    final URL otherUrl = otherRequest.getUrl();

                    // TODO: investigate but it seems that IE considers query string too but not FF
                    if (!forceLoad && url.getPath().equals(otherUrl.getPath()) // fail fast
                            && url.toString().equals(otherUrl.toString())
                            && request.getRequestParameters().equals(otherRequest.getRequestParameters())
                            && StringUtils.equals(request.getRequestBody(), otherRequest.getRequestBody())) {
                        return; // skip it;

        final LoadJob loadJob;
        if (justHashJump || request.isCloneForHistoryAPI()) {
            loadJob = new LoadJob(request, requestingWindow, target, url);
        } else {
            try {
                final WebResponse response = loadWebResponse(request);
                loadJob = new LoadJob(request, requestingWindow, target, response);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        synchronized (loadQueue_) {

     * <span style="color:red">INTERNAL API - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span><br>
     * Loads downloaded responses into the corresponding windows.
     * TODO: refactor it before next release.
     * @throws IOException in case of exception
     * @throws FailingHttpStatusCodeException in case of exception
    public void loadDownloadedResponses() throws FailingHttpStatusCodeException, IOException {
        final List<LoadJob> queue;

        // synchronize access to the loadQueue_,
        // to be sure no job is ignored
        synchronized (loadQueue_) {
            if (loadQueue_.isEmpty()) {
            queue = new ArrayList<>(loadQueue_);

        final HashSet<WebWindow> updatedWindows = new HashSet<>();
        for (int i = queue.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            final LoadJob downloadedResponse = queue.get(i);
            if (downloadedResponse.isOutdated()) {
      "No usage of download: " + downloadedResponse);
            final WebWindow window = resolveWindow(downloadedResponse.requestingWindow_,
            if (!updatedWindows.contains(window)) {
                final WebWindow win = openTargetWindow(downloadedResponse.requestingWindow_,
                        downloadedResponse.target_, "_self");
                if (downloadedResponse.urlWithOnlyHashChange_ != null) {
                    final HtmlPage page = (HtmlPage) downloadedResponse.requestingWindow_.getEnclosedPage();
                    final String oldURL = page.getUrl().toExternalForm();

                    // update location.hash
                    final Window jsWindow = (Window) win.getScriptableObject();
                    if (null != jsWindow) {
                        final Location location = jsWindow.getLocation();
                        location.setHash(oldURL, downloadedResponse.urlWithOnlyHashChange_.getRef());
                } else {
                    final Page pageBeforeLoad = win.getEnclosedPage();
                    loadWebResponseInto(downloadedResponse.response_, win);

                    // start execution here.
                    if (scriptEngine_ != null) {

                    if (pageBeforeLoad != win.getEnclosedPage()) {

                    // check and report problems if needed
            } else {
      "No usage of download: " + downloadedResponse);

     * Returns the options object of this WebClient.
     * @return the options object
    public WebClientOptions getOptions() {
        return options_;

     * Gets the holder for the different storages.
     * <p><span style="color:red">Experimental API: May be changed in next release!</span></p>
     * @return the holder
    public StorageHolder getStorageHolder() {
        return storageHolder_;

     * Returns the currently configured cookies applicable to the specified URL, in an unmodifiable set.
     * If disabled, this returns an empty set.
     * @param url the URL on which to filter the returned cookies
     * @return the currently configured cookies applicable to the specified URL, in an unmodifiable set
    public synchronized Set<Cookie> getCookies(final URL url) {
        final CookieManager cookieManager = getCookieManager();

        if (!cookieManager.isCookiesEnabled()) {
            return Collections.<Cookie>emptySet();

        final URL normalizedUrl = cookieManager.replaceForCookieIfNecessary(url);

        final String host = normalizedUrl.getHost();
        // URLs like "about:blank" don't have cookies and we need to catch these
        // cases here before HttpClient complains
        if (host.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptySet();

        final String path = normalizedUrl.getPath();
        final String protocol = normalizedUrl.getProtocol();
        final boolean secure = "https".equals(protocol);

        final int port = cookieManager.getPort(normalizedUrl);

        // discard expired cookies
        cookieManager.clearExpired(new Date());

        final List<org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie> all = Cookie.toHttpClient(cookieManager.getCookies());
        final List<org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie> matches = new ArrayList<>();

        if (all.size() > 0) {
            final CookieOrigin cookieOrigin = new CookieOrigin(host, port, path, secure);
            final CookieSpec cookieSpec = new HtmlUnitBrowserCompatCookieSpec(getBrowserVersion());
            for (final org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie cookie : all) {
                if (cookieSpec.match(cookie, cookieOrigin)) {

        final Set<Cookie> cookies = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(cookies);

     * Parses the given cookie and adds this to our cookie store.
     * @param cookieString the string to parse
     * @param pageUrl the url of the page that likes to set the cookie
     * @param origin the requester
    public void addCookie(final String cookieString, final URL pageUrl, final Object origin) {
        final CookieManager cookieManager = getCookieManager();
        if (cookieManager.isCookiesEnabled()) {
            final CharArrayBuffer buffer = new CharArrayBuffer(cookieString.length() + 22);
            buffer.append("Set-Cookie: ");

            final BrowserVersion browserVersion = getBrowserVersion();
            final CookieSpec cookieSpec = new HtmlUnitBrowserCompatCookieSpec(browserVersion);

            try {
                final List<org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie> cookies = cookieSpec.parse(new BufferedHeader(buffer),

                for (org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie cookie : cookies) {
                    final Cookie htmlUnitCookie = new Cookie((ClientCookie) cookie);

                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("Added cookie: '" + cookieString + "'");
            } catch (final MalformedCookieException e) {
                getIncorrectnessListener().notify("set-cookie http-equiv meta tag: invalid cookie '" + cookieString
                        + "'; reason: '" + e.getMessage() + "'.", origin);
        } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Skipped adding cookie: '" + cookieString + "'");