Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 ** Copyright 2016 General Electric Company
 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 ** limitations under the License.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;


 * Cleans a dataset and writes it to a CSV file.
public class DataCleaner {

    // keys for json cleaning spec
    public final static String JSON_KEY_SPLIT = "SPLIT";
    public final static String JSON_KEY_LOWERCASE = "LOWERCASE";
    public final static String JSON_KEY_REMOVE_NULLS = "REMOVE_NULLS";
    public final static String JSON_KEY_REMOVE_NA = "REMOVE_NA";

    private final static String[] UNSUPPORTED_SPLIT_DELIMITERS = { "\n", "^", " " }; // noticed that these don't work so disallow them for now...add to this list as we find more      

    private Dataset dataset; // the dataset to clean
    private ArrayList<String> headers; // headers from the dataset to clean
    private BufferedWriter writer; // writer for the cleaned dataset
    private CSVPrinter csvPrinter; // csv writer for the cleaned dataset
    private final int BATCH_SIZE = 2; // TODO make this configurable?

    // store setup info about how to clean
    private HashMap<String, String> columnsToSplit = new HashMap<String, String>(); // key is column header, value is split delimiter (e.g. ~)   
    private HashSet<String> columnsToLowerCase = new HashSet<String>(); // key is column header   
    private boolean removeNulls = false; // if true, replace all occurrences of "null" string (as a whole entry) with ""
    private boolean removeNA = false; // if true, replace all occurrences of "N/A" or "n/a" string (as a whole entry) with ""

    // store counts
    private int numRowsProcessed; // num original records 
    private int numRowsProduced; // num cleaned records produced

     * Constructor that takes no cleaning spec - expect it to be added programmatically using addSplit(), etc
     * @param dataset the dataset to clean
     * @param cleanedFilePathStr the file to write cleaned data to
    public DataCleaner(Dataset dataset, String cleanedFilePathStr) throws Exception {
        this(dataset, cleanedFilePathStr, null);

     * Constructor that takes the cleaning spec as JSON
     * @param dataset the dataset to clean
     * @param cleanedFilePathStr the file to write cleaned data to
     * @param cleanSpecJson the cleaning spec in JSON format, e.g. {"LOWERCASE":["child_names","has_pool"],"SPLIT":{"pet_names":"##","child_names":"~"},"REMOVE_NULLS":"true"}
    public DataCleaner(Dataset dataset, String cleanedFilePathStr, JSONObject cleanSpecJson) throws Exception {
        this.dataset = dataset;
        this.headers = dataset.getColumnNamesinOrder();
        this.writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(cleanedFilePathStr));
        this.csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(this.writer, CSVFormat.DEFAULT);

        // add the specs for cleaning

        // write the headers

     * Parse a JSON object containing the cleaning specs
    private void parseCleanSpecJson(JSONObject cleanSpecJson) throws Exception {

        if (cleanSpecJson == null) {

        // add lower case specs
        JSONArray lowercaseObj = (JSONArray) cleanSpecJson.get(JSON_KEY_LOWERCASE);
        if (lowercaseObj != null) {
            for (Object jObj : (JSONArray) cleanSpecJson.get(JSON_KEY_LOWERCASE)) {
                addToLowerCase((String) jObj);

        // add split specs
        JSONObject splitObj = (JSONObject) cleanSpecJson.get(JSON_KEY_SPLIT);
        if (splitObj != null) {
            for (String s : (Set<String>) splitObj.keySet()) {
                addSplit(s, (String) splitObj.get(s));

        // add remove nulls specs
        String removeNullsVal = (String) cleanSpecJson.get(JSON_KEY_REMOVE_NULLS);
        if (removeNullsVal != null) {
            if (removeNullsVal.toString().toLowerCase().equals("true")) {
                removeNulls = true;

        // add remove N/A specs
        String removeNAVal = (String) cleanSpecJson.get(JSON_KEY_REMOVE_NA);
        if (removeNAVal != null) {
            if (removeNAVal.toString().toLowerCase().equals("true")) {
                removeNA = true;


     * Specify a column to split
     * @param columnHeader (e.g. "personnel")
     * @param delimiter (e.g. "~")
     * @throws Exception 
    public void addSplit(String columnHeader, String delimiter) throws Exception {

        // error if column does not exist
        if (headers.indexOf(columnHeader) == -1) {
            throw new Exception("Cannot clean nonexistent column " + columnHeader);

        // error if delimiter is unsupported
        if (ArrayUtils.indexOf(UNSUPPORTED_SPLIT_DELIMITERS, delimiter) > -1) {
            throw new Exception("Cannot yet support splitting on delimiter " + delimiter);
        // error if there is already a split on this column
        if (columnsToSplit.get(columnHeader) != null) {
            throw new Exception("Already splitting column using " + columnsToSplit.get(columnHeader)
                    + ", cannot add another split");

        // add the split
        columnsToSplit.put(columnHeader, delimiter);

     * Specify a column to change to lower case
     * @param columnHeader (e.g. "personnel")
     * @throws Exception 
    public void addToLowerCase(String columnHeader) throws Exception {

        // error if column does not exist
        if (headers.indexOf(columnHeader) == -1) {
            throw new Exception("Cannot clean nonexistent column " + columnHeader);

        // add the column

     * Specify removing nulls or not
     * @param removeNulls true to remove nulls, else false
     * @throws Exception 
    public void addRemoveNulls(boolean removeNulls) throws Exception {
        this.removeNulls = removeNulls;

     * Specify removing "not applicables" or not
     * @param removeNA true to remove N/A and n/a, else false
     * @throws Exception 
    public void addRemoveNA(boolean removeNA) throws Exception {
        this.removeNA = removeNA;

     * Clean each row and write to CSV
     * @return number of clean rows produced (may exceed the number of input rows)
    public int cleanData() throws Exception {

        numRowsProcessed = 0;
        numRowsProduced = 0;

        // iterate through the dataset
        ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> rows;
        while (true) {

            // get more data to clean
            rows = dataset.getNextRecords(BATCH_SIZE);
            if (rows.size() == 0) {
                break; // no more data, done

            // clean each row
            for (ArrayList<String> row : rows) {
                cleanRow(row, headers);


        // clean up
        dataset.close(); // TODO should these be elsewhere to guarantee closure?
        System.out.println("Processed " + numRowsProcessed + " records, produced " + numRowsProduced
                + " clean records. (DONE)");

        return numRowsProduced;

     * Clean a single row of data, producing 1+ rows of cleaned data.
     * @param row the row of data to clean
    private void cleanRow(ArrayList<String> row, ArrayList<String> headers) throws Exception {

        // check inputs
        if (row.size() != headers.size()) {
            throw new Exception("Row does not have the same number of fields as the header list");

        // perform to lower case
        row = performLowerCase(row);

        // remove nulls
        if (removeNulls) {
            row = performRemoveNulls(row);

        // remove "N/A" and "n/a"
        if (removeNA) {
            row = performRemoveNA(row);

        // perform splits
        ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> rowsToWrite = performSplits(row);

        // write to CSV
        for (ArrayList<String> rowToWrite : rowsToWrite) {
            numRowsProduced++; // num clean records produced

     * Take a row of data and converts appropriate values to lower case.
     * @param row the input row of data
     * @return cleaned rows of data
    private ArrayList<String> performLowerCase(ArrayList<String> row) {
        String header;
        String value;
        for (int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++) { // for each value in the row         
            value = row.get(i);
            header = headers.get(i);

            if (columnsToLowerCase.contains(header)) {
                row.set(i, value.toLowerCase());
        return row;

     * Take a row of data and remove null strings
     * @param row the input row of data
     * @return cleaned rows of data
    private ArrayList<String> performRemoveNulls(ArrayList<String> row) {
        String value;
        for (int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++) { // for each value in the row         
            value = row.get(i);
            if (value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { // if's null string
                row.set(i, ""); // change to empty string
        return row;

     * Take a row of data and remove n/a strings
     * @param row the input row of data
     * @return cleaned rows of data
    private ArrayList<String> performRemoveNA(ArrayList<String> row) {
        String value;
        for (int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++) { // for each value in the row         
            value = row.get(i);
            if (value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("n/a")) {
                row.set(i, ""); // change to empty string
        return row;

     * Take a row of data and perform splits, returning a set of rows.
     * @param row the input row of data
     * @return rows of data containing split fields
    private ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> performSplits(ArrayList<String> row) {

        ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> rows = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
        rows.add(row); // start with the input row

        String delimiter;
        String header;
        String value;
        for (int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++) { // for each value in the row         
            value = row.get(i);
            header = headers.get(i);
            delimiter = columnsToSplit.get(header);

            if (delimiter != null && value.contains(delimiter)) { // if this value needs to be split

                String[] splitValues = value.split(delimiter); // split the value
                ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> rowsNew = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();

                // for each previous row, replace with new set of rows with split values
                for (ArrayList<String> rowOld : rows) {
                    for (String splitValue : splitValues) {
                        ArrayList<String> rowNew = (ArrayList<String>) rowOld.clone();
                        rowNew.set(i, splitValue.trim()); // replace the unsplit value with the split value  (trim to remove unwanted spaces, e.g. after commas)
                rows = rowsNew; // overwrite old rows with new rows 
        return rows;
