Source code

Java tutorial


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   Codelet: Copyright (C) 2014, Jeff Epstein (aliteralmind __DASH__ github __AT__ yahoo __DOT__ com)
   This software is dual-licensed under the:
   - Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3.0 or, at your option, any later version;
   - Apache Software License (ASL) version 2.0.
   Either license may be applied at your discretion. More information may be found at
   The text of both licenses is available in the root directory of this project, under the names "LICENSE_lgpl-3.0.txt" and "LICENSE_asl-2.0.txt". The latest copies may be downloaded at:
   - LGPL 3.0:
   - ASL 2.0:
package com.github.aliteralmind.codelet.util;

import com.github.xbn.array.CrashIfArray;
import com.github.xbn.array.Duplicates;
import com.github.xbn.array.NullContainer;
import com.github.xbn.array.NullElement;
import com.github.xbn.lang.CrashIfObject;
import com.github.xbn.regexutil.IgnoreCase;
import com.github.xbn.text.CrashIfString;
import com.github.xbn.util.DefaultValueFor;
import com.github.xbn.util.EnumUtil;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static com.github.xbn.lang.XbnConstants.*;

   <p>For black- or white-listing file paths or fully-qualified class names, with overrides. This is based on <code>{@link FilenameUtils}.{@link, String, IOCase) wildcardMatch}(String, String, IOCase)</code>, with the exception paths and all wildcard patterns must be non-{@code null} and non-empty.</p>
{@.codelet.and.out com.github.aliteralmind.codelet.examples.util.BlackWhiteListForJavaClasses%eliminateCommentBlocksAndPackageDecl()}
 * @since  0.1.0
 * @author  Copyright (C) 2014, Jeff Epstein ({@code aliteralmind __DASH__ github __AT__ yahoo __DOT__ com}), dual-licensed under the LGPL (version 3.0 or later) or the ASL (version 2.0). See source code for details. <a href="">{@code}</a>, <a href="">{@code}</a>
public class FilenameBlackWhiteList {
    private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = {};
    private final boolean isWhitelist;
    private final IOCase caseSensitivity;
    private final List<String> propersImtblList;
    private final List<String> overridesImtblList;
    private final TextAppenter dbgAptr;

       <p>Create a new instance.</p>
     * @param  type  May not be {@code null}. Get with {@link #isWhitelist() isWhitelist}{@code ()}.
     * @param  case_sensitivity  May not be {@code null}. Get with {@link #getCaseSensitivity() getCaseSensitivity}{@code ()}.
     * @param  proper_items  The wildcard-match strings that define this black-or-white list. May not be {@code null} or empty, or contain {@code null} or duplicate elements.
     * @param  override_items  If non-{@code null} and non-empty, the wildcard-match strings that should trump any proper items. When non-{@code null}, may not contain any {@code null} or duplicate elements, and each item <i>should</i> be a valid subset of those items in {@code proper_items}.
     * @see  #FilenameBlackWhiteList(FilenameBlackWhiteList, BlackOrWhite, IOCase, Appendable)
    public FilenameBlackWhiteList(BlackOrWhite type, IOCase case_sensitivity, String[] proper_items,
            String[] override_items, Appendable dbgAccept_ifNonNull) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(case_sensitivity, "case_sensitivity");
        try {
            isWhitelist = type.isWhite();
        } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
            throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(type, "type", null, rx);
        CrashIfArray.bad(proper_items, "proper_items", NullContainer.BAD, 1, null, NullElement.BAD, 1, null,
        CrashIfArray.bad(override_items, "override_items", NullContainer.BAD, 0, null, NullElement.BAD, 1, null,
        caseSensitivity = case_sensitivity;
        propersImtblList = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(proper_items));

        if (override_items == null) {
            override_items = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
        overridesImtblList = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(override_items));
        dbgAptr = NewTextAppenterFor.appendableUnusableIfNull(dbgAccept_ifNonNull);

       <p>Create a new instance from the lists in an existing {@code FilenameBlackWhiteList}.</p>
     * @param  to_copyItemsFrom  May not be {@code null}.
     * @param  type  May not be {@code null}. Get with {@link #isWhitelist() isWhitelist}{@code ()}.
     * @param  case_sensitivity  May not be {@code null}. Get with {@link #getCaseSensitivity() getCaseSensitivity}{@code ()}.
     * @see  #FilenameBlackWhiteList(BlackOrWhite, IOCase, String[], String[], Appendable)
    public FilenameBlackWhiteList(FilenameBlackWhiteList to_copyItemsFrom, BlackOrWhite type,
            IOCase case_sensitivity, Appendable dbgAccept_ifNonNull) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(case_sensitivity, "case_sensitivity");
        try {
            isWhitelist = type.isWhite();
        } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
            throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(type, "type", null, rx);
        caseSensitivity = case_sensitivity;
        propersImtblList = to_copyItemsFrom.propersImtblList;
        overridesImtblList = to_copyItemsFrom.overridesImtblList;
        dbgAptr = NewTextAppenterFor.appendableUnusableIfNull(dbgAccept_ifNonNull);

       <p>Is this a whitelist?.</p>
     * @return  <ul>
     <li>{@code true}: {@linkplain #isMatchedByProper(String) Proper matching} paths, when not {@linkplain #isMatchedByOverride(String) overridden}, are {@linkplain #doAccept(String) accepted}</li>
     <li>{@code false}: Proper matching paths, when not overridden, are not accepted.</li>
     * @see  #FilenameBlackWhiteList(BlackOrWhite, IOCase, String[], String[], Appendable)
    public boolean isWhitelist() {
        return isWhitelist;

       <p>Is case ignored, required, or system-determined?.</p>
     * @return  <ul>
     <li><code>{@link}.{@link INSENSITIVE}</code>: If case is ignored.</li>
     <li><code>IOCase.{@link SENSITIVE}</code>: If case is not ignored.</li>
     <li><code>IOCase.{@link SYSTEM}</code>: If the underlying operation system determines case sensitivity.</li>
     * @see  #isMatchedByProper(String) isMatchedByProper(s)
     * @see  #isMatchedByOverride(String) isMatchedByOverride(s)
     * @see, String)
    public IOCase getCaseSensitivity() {
        return caseSensitivity;

       <p>The unmodifiable list of wildcard items that, when matched--and not overridden--are either acceptable (white-listed) or unacceptable (black-listed).</p>
     * @see  #getImmutableOverrideList()
     * @see  #isMatchedByProper(String) isMatchedByProper(s)
     * @see  #FilenameBlackWhiteList(BlackOrWhite, IOCase, String[], String[], Appendable) FilenameBlackWhiteList(bow,ioc,s[],s[])
    public List<String> getImmutableProperList() {
        return propersImtblList;

       <p>The unmodifiable list of wildcard items that, when matched, override the &quot;proper&quot; finding. This is ignored when no proper item is matched.</p>
     * @see  #getImmutableProperList()
     * @see  #isMatchedByOverride(String) isMatchedByOverride(s)
     * @see  #FilenameBlackWhiteList(BlackOrWhite, IOCase, String[], String[], Appendable) FilenameBlackWhiteList(bow,ioc,s[],s[])
    public List<String> getImmutableOverrideList() {
        return overridesImtblList;

    public String toString() {
        return appendToString(new StringBuilder()).toString();

    public StringBuilder appendToString(StringBuilder to_appendTo) {
        try {
            return to_appendTo.append(BlackOrWhite.getBlackIfTrue(!isWhitelist())).append(" (")
                    .append(getCaseSensitivity()).append("), propers=")
                    .append(Arrays.toString(getImmutableProperList().toArray())).append(", overrides=")
        } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
            throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(to_appendTo, "to_appendTo", null, rx);

       <p>Is the path (or fully-qualified class name) accepted?.</p>
     * @param  path  May not be {@code null} or empty.
     * @return  <TABLE ALIGN="left" BORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" BGCOLOR="#EEEEEE"><TR ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">
     <TD>{@code isMatchedByProper(path)}</TD>
     <TD>{@code isMatchedByOverride(path)}</TD>
     <TD>{@code isWhitelist()}</TD>
     <TD>{@code true}</TD>
     <TD>{@code true}</TD>
     <TD>{@code true}</TD>
     <TD><b>{@code false}</b></TD>
     <TD>{@code true}</TD>
     <TD>{@code true}</TD>
     <TD>{@code false}</TD>
     <TD><b>{@code true}</b></TD>
     <TD>{@code true}</TD>
     <TD>{@code false}</TD>
     <TD>{@code true}</TD>
     <TD><b>{@code true}</b></TD>
     <TD>{@code true}</TD>
     <TD>{@code false}</TD>
     <TD>{@code false}</TD>
     <TD><b>{@code false}</b></TD>
     <TD>{@code false}</TD>
     <TD>{@code true}</TD>
     <TD><b>{@code false}</b></TD>
     <TD>{@code false}</TD>
     <TD>{@code false}</TD>
     <TD><b>{@code true}</b></TD>
     * @see
    public boolean doAccept(String path) {
        if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
            dbgAptr.appentln("doAccept? path=\"" + path + "\"");
        CrashIfString.nullEmpty(path, "path", null);

        boolean isMatchedByProper = isMatchedByProper(path);
        boolean isMatchedByOverride = isMatchedByOverride(path);

        if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
            dbgAptr.appentln("  - isMatchedByProper(path)=" + isMatchedByProper);
            dbgAptr.appentln("  - isMatchedByOverride(path)=" + isMatchedByOverride);
            dbgAptr.appentln("  - isWhitelist()=" + isWhitelist());

        boolean doAccept = false;
        if (isMatchedByProper) {
            doAccept = (isMatchedByOverride ? !isWhitelist() : isWhitelist());

        } else {
            doAccept = (!isWhitelist());

        if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
            dbgAptr.appentln("  - " + (doAccept ? "ACCEPTED" : "unacceptable"));

        return doAccept;

       <p>Does the path match a main item?.</p>
       <p>For each item in the {@linkplain #getImmutableProperList() proper-list}, this calls</p>
    <blockquote><pre>{@link FilenameUtils}.{@link, String, IOCase) wildcardMatch}(path, <i>[proper-item]</i>, {@link #getCaseSensitivity() getCaseSensitivity}())</pre></blockquote>
       <p>If this returns {@code true} for any element, <i>this</i> function returns {@code true}. If it returns {@code false} for every element, <i>this</i> function returns {@code false}.</p>
     * @see  #doAccept(String)
    public boolean isMatchedByProper(String path) {
        return isMatchedByProper(false, path);

    private boolean isMatchedByProper(boolean doCrashIfPath_nullEmpty, String path) {
        if (doCrashIfPath_nullEmpty) {
            CrashIfString.nullEmpty(path, "path", null);
        for (String proper : getImmutableProperList()) {
            if (FilenameUtils.wildcardMatch(path, proper, getCaseSensitivity())) {
                return true;
        return false;

       <p>Does the path match an override item?. This should only be used after a proper item is matched.</p>
       <p>For each item in the {@linkplain #getImmutableOverrideList() override-list}, this calls</p>
    <blockquote><pre>{@link FilenameUtils}.{@link, String, IOCase) wildcardMatch}(path, <i>[proper-item]</i>, {@link #getCaseSensitivity() getCaseSensitivity}())</pre></blockquote>
       <p>If this returns {@code true} for any element, <i>this</i> function returns {@code true}. If it returns {@code false} for every element, <i>this</i> function returns {@code false}.</p>
     * @see  #doAccept(String)
    public boolean isMatchedByOverride(String path) {
        return isMatchedByOverride(false, path);

    private boolean isMatchedByOverride(boolean doCrashIfPath_nullEmpty, String path) {
        if (doCrashIfPath_nullEmpty) {
            CrashIfString.nullEmpty(path, "path", null);
        for (String override : getImmutableOverrideList()) {
            if (FilenameUtils.wildcardMatch(path, override, getCaseSensitivity())) {
                return true;
        return false;

        @return  <code>true</code> If {@code to_compareTo} is non-{@code null}, a {@code FilenameBlackWhiteList}, and all its fields {@linkplain #areFieldsEqual(FilenameBlackWhiteList) are equal}. This is implemented as suggested by Joshua Bloch in &quot;Effective Java&quot; (2nd ed, item 8, page 46).
    public boolean equals(Object to_compareTo) {
        //Check for object equality first, since it's faster than instanceof.
        if (this == to_compareTo) {
            return true;
        if (!(to_compareTo instanceof FilenameBlackWhiteList)) {
            //to_compareTo is either null or not an FilenameBlackWhiteList.
            // "For any non-null reference value x, x.equals(null) should return false."
            //See the bottom of this class for a counter-argument (which I'm not going with).
            return false;

        //Safe to cast
        FilenameBlackWhiteList o = (FilenameBlackWhiteList) to_compareTo;

        //Finish with field-by-field comparison.
        return areFieldsEqual(o);

       <p>Are <i>all</i> fields equal?.</p>
     * @param  to_compareTo  May not be {@code null}.
    public boolean areFieldsEqual(FilenameBlackWhiteList to_compareTo) {
        try {
            return (to_compareTo.isWhitelist() == isWhitelist()
                    && to_compareTo.getCaseSensitivity() == getCaseSensitivity()
                    && to_compareTo.getImmutableProperList().equals(getImmutableProperList())
                    && to_compareTo.getImmutableOverrideList().equals(getImmutableOverrideList()));
        } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
            throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(to_compareTo, "to_compareTo", null, rx);

       <p>Creates a new white-or-blacklist from a set of properties.</p>
       <p>All {@code "Name"} parameters must be the name of existing properties in {@code props}.</p>
     * @param  props  May not be {@code null}, and must contain properties named as in the {@code "*Name"} parameters.
     * @return  <code>{@link #newFromConfigStringVars(String, String, String, String, String, Appendable, Appendable) newFromConfigStringVars}(black_white_off, ignore_require_system, separator, separated_propers, separated_overrides, dbgLoading_ifNonNull, dbgAccept_ifNonNull)</code>
       <br/>Where all variables (except {@code separator}) are the values of the properties with an empty-string default. Such as
       <br/> &nbsp; &nbsp; <code>String ignore_require_system = props.getProperty(ignore_require_systemName, &quot;&quot;)</code>
    public static final FilenameBlackWhiteList newFromProperties(Properties props, String separator,
            String black_white_offName, String ignore_require_systemName, String separated_propersName,
            String separated_overridesName, Appendable dbgLoading_ifNonNull, Appendable dbgAccept_ifNonNull) {
        TextAppenter dbgAptr = NewTextAppenterFor.appendableUnusableIfNull(dbgLoading_ifNonNull);
        String black_white_off = null;
        try {
            black_white_off = props.getProperty(black_white_offName, "");
        } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
            throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(props, "props", null, rx);
        String ignore_require_system = props.getProperty(ignore_require_systemName, "");
        String separated_propers = props.getProperty(separated_propersName, "");
        String separated_overrides = props.getProperty(separated_overridesName, "");

        if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
            dbgAptr.appentln(" - " + black_white_offName + "=" + black_white_off);
            dbgAptr.appentln(" - " + ignore_require_systemName + "=" + ignore_require_system);
            dbgAptr.appentln(" - " + separated_propersName + "=" + separated_propers);
            dbgAptr.appentln(" - " + separated_overridesName + "=" + separated_overrides);

        try {
            return newFromConfigStringVars(black_white_off, ignore_require_system, separator, separated_propers,
                    separated_overrides, dbgLoading_ifNonNull, dbgAccept_ifNonNull);
        } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "separator=\"" + separator + "\", " + black_white_offName + "=\"" + black_white_off + "\""
                            + LINE_SEP + " - " + ignore_require_systemName + "=\"" + ignore_require_system + "\""
                            + LINE_SEP + " - " + separated_propersName + "=\"" + separated_propers + "\"" + LINE_SEP
                            + " - " + separated_overridesName + "=\"" + separated_overrides + "\"",

       <p>Creates a new white-or-blacklist from a set of string-variables as found in a configuration text file.</p>
     * @param  black_white_off  Is this a {@linkplain com.github.aliteralmind.codelet.util.BlackOrWhite#BLACK blacklist}, {@linkplain com.github.aliteralmind.codelet.util.BlackOrWhite#WHITE whitelist}, or nothing? Must be {@code "black"}, {@code "white"}, or {@code "off"} (the case of this parameter's value is ignored). If {@code "off"}, this function <i><b>returns</b></i> a new {@code FilenameBlackWhiteList} that {@linkplain #newForAcceptAll(Appendable) accepts everything}.
     * @param  ignore_require_system  Should case be {@linkplain ignored}, {@linkplain <i>not</i> ignored}, or determined by the operating {@linkplain system}? Must be {@code "ignore"}, {@code "require"}, or {@code "system"} (the case of <i>this parameter's value</i> is ignored).
     * @param  separator  The character used to separate each proper and override value. Such as a comma ({@code ","}), {@linkplain com.github.xbn.lang.XbnConstants#LINE_SEP line-separator} ({@code "\r\n"}), or tab ({@code "\t"}). May not be {@code null}, empty, or contain any letters, digits, underscores ({@code '_'}), question-marks ({@code '?'}), or asterisks ({@code '*'}).
     * @param  separated_propers  The separated list of &quot;proper&quot; items. Must be separated by {@code separator}, and otherwise must conform to the restrictions for the {@link #FilenameBlackWhiteList(BlackOrWhite, IOCase, String[], String[], Appendable) proper_items} constructor parameter.
     * @param  separated_overrides  The separated list of override items. Must be non-{@code null} (if none, this must be the empty string: {@code ""}), separated by {@code separator}, and otherwise must conform to the restrictions for the {@code override_items} constructor parameter.
     * @see  #newFromProperties(Properties, String, String, String, String, String, Appendable, Appendable) newFromProperties
    public static final FilenameBlackWhiteList newFromConfigStringVars(String black_white_off,
            String ignore_require_system, String separator, String separated_propers, String separated_overrides,
            Appendable dbgLoading_ifNonNull, Appendable dbgAccept_ifNonNull) {
        TextAppenter dbgAptr = NewTextAppenterFor.appendableUnusableIfNull(dbgLoading_ifNonNull);

        if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
            dbgAptr.appentln("FilenameBlackWhiteList newFromConfigStringVars:");

        try {
            if (black_white_off.toLowerCase().equals("off")) {
                if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
                    dbgAptr.appentln(" - newForAcceptAll(dbgAccept_ifNonNull). DONE");
                return newForAcceptAll(dbgAccept_ifNonNull);
        } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
            throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(black_white_off, "black_white_off", null, rx);

        BlackOrWhite bw = EnumUtil.toValueWithNullDefault(black_white_off, "black_white_off", IgnoreCase.YES,
                DefaultValueFor.NOTHING, BlackOrWhite.BLACK);

        if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
            dbgAptr.appentln(" - BlackOrWhite." + bw);

        IOCase ioc = null;
        try {
            switch (ignore_require_system.toUpperCase()) {
            case "IGNORE":
                ioc = IOCase.INSENSITIVE;
            case "REQUIRE":
                ioc = IOCase.SENSITIVE;
            case "SYSTEM":
                ioc = IOCase.SYSTEM;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "ignore_require_system.toUpperCase() (\"" + ignore_require_system.toUpperCase()
                                + "\") does not equal \"IGNORE\", \"REQUIRE\", or \"SYSTEM\".");
        } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
            throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(ignore_require_system, "ignore_require_system", null, rx);

        if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
            dbgAptr.appentln(" - IOCase." + ioc);

        CrashIfString.nullEmpty(separator, "separator", null);
        if (Pattern.compile("[?*\\w]").matcher(separator).find()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("separator (\"" + separator + "\") contains an illegal character.");

        if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
            dbgAptr.appentln(" - separator valid: \"" + separator + "\"");

        String[] propers = null;
        try {
            propers = separated_propers.split(separator);
        } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
            throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(separated_propers, "separated_propers", null, rx);

        if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
            dbgAptr.appentln(" - Propers: " + Arrays.toString(propers));

        String[] overrides = null;
        try {
            if (separated_overrides.length() == 0) {
                overrides = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
            } else {
                overrides = separated_overrides.split(separator);
        } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
            throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(separated_overrides, "separated_overrides", null, rx);

        if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
            dbgAptr.appentln(" - Overrides: " + Arrays.toString(overrides) + "...DONE");

        return new FilenameBlackWhiteList(bw, ioc, propers, overrides, dbgAccept_ifNonNull);

       <p>A new instance that accepts everything.</p>
     * @return  <code>new {@link #FilenameBlackWhiteList(BlackOrWhite, IOCase, String[], String[], Appendable) FilenameBlackWhiteList}({@link com.github.aliteralmind.codelet.util.BlackOrWhite BlackOrWhite}.{@link com.github.aliteralmind.codelet.util.BlackOrWhite#WHITE WHITE}, {@link IOCase}.{@link INSENSITIVE}, (new String[]{&quot;*&quot;}), (new String[]{}), dbgAccept_ifNonNull)</code>.
    public static final FilenameBlackWhiteList newForAcceptAll(Appendable dbgAccept_ifNonNull) {
        return (new FilenameBlackWhiteList(BlackOrWhite.WHITE, IOCase.INSENSITIVE, (new String[] { "*" }),
                EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY, dbgAccept_ifNonNull));