Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Rinde van Lon, iMinds-DistriNet, KU Leuven
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.github.rinde.rinsim.pdptw.common;

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableCollection;

import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.measure.Measure;
import javax.measure.quantity.Duration;
import javax.measure.quantity.Length;
import javax.measure.quantity.Velocity;
import javax.measure.unit.Unit;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.pdp.Depot;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.pdp.PDPModel;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.pdp.PDPModel.ParcelState;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.pdp.PDPModel.VehicleState;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.pdp.Parcel;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.pdp.Vehicle;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.pdp.VehicleDTO;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.road.RoadModel;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.road.RoadModels;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.time.TimeLapse;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.event.Event;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.event.Listener;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.fsm.AbstractState;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.fsm.StateMachine;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.fsm.StateMachine.StateMachineEvent;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.fsm.StateMachine.StateTransitionEvent;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.geom.Point;

 * A simple vehicle implementation that follows a route comprised of
 * {@link Parcel}s. At every stop in the route, the corresponding parcel is
 * serviced (either picked up or delivered). The route can be set via
 * {@link #setRoute(Iterable)}. The vehicle attempts route diversion when the
 * underlying {@link PDPRoadModel} allows it, otherwise it will change its route
 * at the next possible instant.
 * <p>
 * This vehicle uses a strategy that postpones traveling towards a parcel such
 * that any waiting time <i>at the parcel's site is minimized</i>.
 * <p>
 * If it is the end of the day (as defined by {@link #isEndOfDay(TimeLapse)})
 * and the route is empty, the vehicle will automatically return to the depot.
 * <p>
 * <b>Extension</b> The behavior of this vehicle can be altered by modifying the
 * state machine that is used internally. This can be done by overriding
 * {@link #createStateMachine()}.
 * @author Rinde van Lon
public class RouteFollowingVehicle extends Vehicle {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RouteFollowingVehicle.class);

     * The state machine that defines the states and the allowed transitions
     * between them.
    protected final StateMachine<StateEvent, RouteFollowingVehicle> stateMachine;

     * The wait state: {@link Wait}.
    protected final Wait waitState;

     * The goto state: {@link Goto}.
    protected final Goto gotoState;

     * The wait at service state: {@link WaitAtService}.
    protected final WaitAtService waitForServiceState;

     * The service state: {@link Service}.
    protected final Service serviceState;

    Queue<Parcel> route;
    Optional<? extends Queue<Parcel>> newRoute;
    Optional<Depot> depot;
    Optional<TimeLapse> currentTime;
    boolean isDiversionAllowed;

    private Optional<Measure<Double, Velocity>> speed;
    private final boolean allowDelayedRouteChanges;
    private final RouteAdjuster routeAdjuster;

     * Initializes the vehicle.
     * @param dto The {@link VehicleDTO} that defines this vehicle.
     * @param allowDelayedRouteChanging This boolean changes the behavior of the
     *          {@link #setRoute(Iterable)} method.
    public RouteFollowingVehicle(VehicleDTO dto, boolean allowDelayedRouteChanging) {
        this(dto, allowDelayedRouteChanging, RouteAdjusters.NOP);

     * Initializes the vehicle.
     * @param dto The {@link VehicleDTO} that defines this vehicle.
     * @param allowDelayedRouteChanging This boolean changes the behavior of the
     *          {@link #setRoute(Iterable)} method.
     * @param adjuster Allows to set a route adjuster to 'fix' routes if
     *          necessary.
    public RouteFollowingVehicle(VehicleDTO dto, boolean allowDelayedRouteChanging, RouteAdjuster adjuster) {
        depot = Optional.absent();
        speed = Optional.absent();
        route = newLinkedList();
        newRoute = Optional.absent();
        currentTime = Optional.absent();
        allowDelayedRouteChanges = allowDelayedRouteChanging;
        routeAdjuster = adjuster;

        stateMachine = createStateMachine();
        waitState = stateMachine.getStateOfType(Wait.class);
        gotoState = stateMachine.getStateOfType(Goto.class);
        waitForServiceState = stateMachine.getStateOfType(WaitAtService.class);
        serviceState = stateMachine.getStateOfType(Service.class);

        final String v = Integer.toHexString(hashCode());
        stateMachine.getEventAPI().addListener(new Listener() {
            public void handleEvent(Event e) {
                verify(e instanceof StateTransitionEvent<?, ?>);
                final StateTransitionEvent<?, ?> event = (StateTransitionEvent<?, ?>) e;
                LOGGER.trace("vehicle({}) - {} + {} -> {}", v, event.previousState, event.trigger, event.newState);
        }, StateMachineEvent.STATE_TRANSITION);

     * @return <code>true</code> if this vehicle is allowed to divert.
    public boolean isDiversionAllowed() {
        return isDiversionAllowed;

     * Indicates whether delayed route changing is allowed for this vehicle, see
     * {@link #setRoute(Iterable)} for more information about delayed route
     * changing.
     * @return <code>true</code> if this vehicle allows delayed route changing,
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean isDelayedRouteChangingAllowed() {
        return allowDelayedRouteChanges;

     * Change the route this vehicle is following. The route must adhere to the
     * following requirements:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Parcels that have not yet been picked up can at maximum occur twice in
     * the route.</li>
     * <li>Parcels that have been picked up can occur at maximum once in the
     * route.</li>
     * <li>Parcels that are delivered may not occur in the route.</li>
     * </ul>
     * These requirements are <b>not</b> checked defensively! It is the callers
     * responsibility to make sure this is the case. Note that the underlying
     * models normally <i>should</i> throw exceptions whenever a vehicle attempts
     * to revisit an already delivered parcel.
     * <p>
     * In some cases the models do not allow this vehicle to change its route
     * immediately. If this is the case the route is changed the next time this
     * vehicle enters its {@link #waitState}. If
     * {@link #isDelayedRouteChangingAllowed()} is set to <code>false</code> any
     * attempts to do this will result in a runtime exception, in this case the
     * caller must ensure that a route can be changed immediately or call this
     * method at a later time. The situations when the route is changed
     * immediately are:
     * <ul>
     * <li>If the vehicle is waiting.</li>
     * <li>If diversion is allowed and the vehicle is not currently servicing.
     * </li>
     * <li>If the current route is empty.</li>
     * <li>If the first destination in the new route equals the first destination
     * of the current route.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param r The route to set. The elements are copied from the
     *          {@link Iterable} using its iteration order.
    public void setRoute(Iterable<? extends Parcel> r) {
        final Iterable<Parcel> adjustedRoute = routeAdjuster.adjust(r, this);
        LOGGER.trace("{} setRoute {}", this, adjustedRoute);

        // note: the following checks can not detect if a parcel has been set to
        // multiple vehicles at the same time
        final Multiset<Parcel> routeSet = LinkedHashMultiset.create(adjustedRoute);
        for (final Parcel dp : routeSet.elementSet()) {
            final ParcelState state = getPDPModel().getParcelState(dp);
                    "A parcel that is already delivered can not be part of a route. " + "Parcel %s in route %s.",
                    dp, adjustedRoute);
            if (state.isTransitionState()) {
                if (state == ParcelState.PICKING_UP) {
                    checkArgument(getPDPModel().getVehicleState(this) == VehicleState.PICKING_UP,
                            "When a parcel in the route is in PICKING UP state the vehicle "
                                    + "must also be in that state, route: %s.",
                            adjustedRoute, getPDPModel().getVehicleState(this));
                } else {
                    checkArgument(getPDPModel().getVehicleState(this) == VehicleState.DELIVERING,
                            "When a parcel in the route is in DELIVERING state the vehicle"
                                    + " must also be in that state.");
                checkArgument(getPDPModel().getVehicleActionInfo(this).getParcel() == dp,
                        "A parcel in the route that is being serviced should be serviced by"
                                + " this truck. This truck is servicing %s.",

            final int frequency = routeSet.count(dp);
            if (state.isPickedUp()) {
                        "A parcel that is in cargo state must be in cargo of this " + "vehicle.");
                checkArgument(frequency <= 1, "A parcel that is in cargo may not occur more than once in a route,"
                        + " found %s instance(s) of %s.", frequency, dp, state);
            } else {
                checkArgument(frequency <= 2,
                        "A parcel that is available may not occur more than twice in a "
                                + "route, found %s instance(s) of %s (with state %s). Route: %s.",
                        frequency, dp, state, adjustedRoute);

        final boolean firstEqualsFirst = firstEqualsFirstInRoute(adjustedRoute);
        final boolean divertable = isDiversionAllowed && !stateMachine.stateIs(serviceState);

        if (stateMachine.stateIs(waitState) || route.isEmpty() || divertable || firstEqualsFirst) {
            route = newLinkedList(adjustedRoute);
            newRoute = Optional.absent();
        } else {
                    "Diversion is not allowed in current state and delayed route changes "
                            + "are also not allowed, rejected route: %s.",
            newRoute = Optional.of(newLinkedList(adjustedRoute));

    boolean isPickingUp(Parcel p) {
        return getPDPModel().getVehicleState(this) == VehicleState.PICKING_UP
                && getPDPModel().getVehicleActionInfo(this).getParcel().equals(p);

     * @return The route that is currently being followed.
    public Collection<Parcel> getRoute() {
        return unmodifiableCollection(route);

     * Helper method for checking whether the first parcels in two routes are
     * equal.
     * @param r The route to compare with the current route in
     *          {@link RouteFollowingVehicle#getRoute()}.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the first item in <code>r</code> equals the
     *         first item in {@link RouteFollowingVehicle#getRoute()}. If not
     *         equal or if either of the routes are empty <code>false</code> is
     *         returned.
    protected final boolean firstEqualsFirstInRoute(Iterable<? extends Parcel> r) {
        return !Iterables.isEmpty(r) && !route.isEmpty() && r.iterator().next().equals(route.element());

    public void initRoadPDP(RoadModel pRoadModel, PDPModel pPdpModel) {
        super.initRoadPDP(pRoadModel, pPdpModel);
        final Set<Depot> depots = getRoadModel().getObjectsOfType(Depot.class);
        checkArgument(depots.size() == 1, "This vehicle requires exactly 1 depot, found %s depots.", depots.size());
        checkArgument(getRoadModel() instanceof PDPRoadModel, "This vehicle requires the PDPRoadModel.");
        isDiversionAllowed = ((PDPRoadModel) getRoadModel()).isVehicleDiversionAllowed();
        depot = Optional.of(depots.iterator().next());
        speed = Optional.of(Measure.valueOf(getSpeed(), getRoadModel().getSpeedUnit()));

     * This method can optionally be overridden to change route of this vehicle by
     * calling {@link #setRoute(Iterable)} from within this method.
     * @param time The current time.
    protected void preTick(TimeLapse time) {

    protected final void tickImpl(TimeLapse time) {
        currentTime = Optional.of(time);

     * Check if leaving in the specified {@link TimeLapse} to the specified
     * {@link Parcel} would mean a too early arrival time. When this method
     * returns <code>true</code> it is not necessary to leave already, when
     * <code>false</code> is returned the vehicle should leave as soon as
     * possible.
     * <p>
     * Calculates the latest time to leave (lttl) to be just in time at the parcel
     * location. In case lttl is in this {@link TimeLapse} or has already passed,
     * this method returns <code>false</code>, returns <code>true</code>
     * otherwise.
     * @param p The parcel to travel to.
     * @param time The current time.
     * @return <code>true</code> when leaving in this tick would mean arriving too
     *         early, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    protected boolean isTooEarly(Parcel p, TimeLapse time) {
        final ParcelState parcelState = getPDPModel().getParcelState(p);
        checkArgument(!parcelState.isTransitionState() && !parcelState.isDelivered(),
                "Parcel state may not be a transition state nor may it be delivered, " + "it is %s.", parcelState,
                parcelState.isTransitionState() ? getPDPModel().getVehicleActionInfo(this).timeNeeded() : null);
        final boolean isPickup = !parcelState.isPickedUp();
        // if it is available, we know we can't be too early
        if (isPickup && parcelState == ParcelState.AVAILABLE) {
            return false;
        final Point loc = isPickup ? p.getDto().getPickupLocation() : p.getDeliveryLocation();
        final long travelTime = computeTravelTimeTo(loc, time.getTimeUnit());
        final long openingTime = isPickup ? p.getPickupTimeWindow().begin() : p.getDeliveryTimeWindow().begin();
        final long latestTimeToLeave = openingTime - travelTime;
        return latestTimeToLeave >= time.getEndTime();

     * Computes the travel time for this vehicle to any point.
     * @param p The point to calculate travel time to.
     * @param timeUnit The time unit used in the simulation.
     * @return The travel time in the used time unit.
    protected long computeTravelTimeTo(Point p, Unit<Duration> timeUnit) {
        final Measure<Double, Length> distance = Measure
                .valueOf(Point.distance(getRoadModel().getPosition(this), p), getRoadModel().getDistanceUnit());

        return DoubleMath.roundToLong(RoadModels.computeTravelTime(speed.get(), distance, timeUnit),

     * @param time The time to use as 'now'.
     * @return <code>true</code> if it is the end of the day or if this vehicle
     *         has to leave before the end of this tick to arrive back at the
     *         depot right before the end of the day, <code>false</code>
     *         otherwise.
    protected boolean isEndOfDay(TimeLapse time) {
        final long travelTime = computeTravelTimeTo(getRoadModel().getPosition(depot.get()), time.getTimeUnit());
        return time.getEndTime() - 1 >= getAvailabilityTimeWindow().end() - travelTime;

     * @return the depot
    protected Depot getDepot() {
        return depot.get();

     * @return the currentTime
    protected TimeLapse getCurrentTimeLapse() {
        return currentTime.get();

     * @return the current time.
    protected long getCurrentTime() {
        if (currentTime.isPresent()) {
            return currentTime.get().getTime();
        return 0L;

     * Creates the {@link StateMachine} that is used in this vehicle. This method
     * is (and should) called only once during the life time of a vehicle.
     * <p>
     * <b>Extension</b>This method can optionally be overridden to change the
     * behavior of the vehicle. When overriding make sure that:
     * <ul>
     * <li>The resulting state machine contains at least four states of the
     * following types: {@link Wait}, {@link Goto}, {@link WaitAtService} and
     * {@link Service}. Subclasses are allowed, multiple instances of the same
     * type may result in unexpected behavior.</li>
     * <li>This method does not have any side effects. It should not call any
     * instance methods or set any global variables.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return A newly created {@link StateMachine} that controls this vehicle.
    protected StateMachine<StateEvent, RouteFollowingVehicle> createStateMachine() {
        final Wait wait = new Wait();
        final Goto gotos = new Goto();
        final WaitAtService waitAtService = new WaitAtService();
        final Service service = new Service();
        return StateMachine.create(wait).explicitRecursiveTransitions()
                .addTransition(wait, DefaultEvent.GOTO, gotos).addTransition(gotos, DefaultEvent.NOGO, wait)
                .addTransition(gotos, DefaultEvent.ARRIVED, waitAtService)
                .addTransition(gotos, DefaultEvent.REROUTE, gotos)
                .addTransition(waitAtService, DefaultEvent.REROUTE, gotos)
                .addTransition(waitAtService, DefaultEvent.NOGO, wait)
                .addTransition(waitAtService, DefaultEvent.READY_TO_SERVICE, service)
                .addTransition(service, DefaultEvent.DONE, wait).build();

    void checkCurrentParcelOwnership() {
                "Parcel is already being serviced by another vehicle. Parcel state: %s",

     * Fixes routes that have become invalid due to natural progressing of time.
     * Invalidation over time can for example occur in case of a real-time
     * simulation where the route is calculated in a separate thread, in this case
     * it is possible that the simulated world has already changed in such a way
     * that the route is invalid. This method detects such changes and adapts the
     * specified route to make it valid again. Note that this method assumes that
     * the specified route was valid at some point in the past, if this isn't true
     * this {@link RouteAdjuster} may yield unexpected results. If the route is
     * valid at the time this adjuster is used the route will be left unchanged.
     * <p>
     * There are four situations that are fixed by this adjuster:
     * <ul>
     * <li>A parcel that occurs in the route has been delivered, all occurrences
     * of this parcel will be removed from the route.</li>
     * <li>A parcel that occurs in the route has been picked up by another vehicle
     * (or is in the process of being picked up), all occurrences of this parcel
     * will be removed from the route.</li>
     * <li>A parcel that occurs twice in the route but has already been picked up
     * by this vehicle, the first occurrence in the route will be removed.</li>
     * <li>A parcel that no longer occurs in the route but is in the cargo of the
     * vehicle, the parcel will be added at the end of the route.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return The route adjuster.
    public static RouteAdjuster delayAdjuster() {
        return RouteAdjusters.DELAY_ADJUSTER;

     * @return A no-operation {@link RouteAdjuster}.
    public static RouteAdjuster nopAdjuster() {
        return RouteAdjusters.NOP;

     * Marker interface for events. When defining new events simply implement this
     * interface.
     * @author Rinde van Lon
    protected interface StateEvent {

     * The default event types of the state machine.
     * @author Rinde van Lon
    protected enum DefaultEvent implements StateEvent {
         * Indicates that waiting is over, the vehicle is going to a parcel.

         * Indicates that the vehicle no longer has a destination.

         * Indicates that the vehicle has arrived at a service location.

         * Indicates that the vehicle is at a service location and that the vehicle
         * and the parcel are both ready to start the servicing.

         * Indicates that the vehicle is going to a new destination. This event only
         * occurs when the vehicle was previously waiting at a service point.

         * Indicates that servicing is finished.

     * Base state class, can be subclassed to define custom states.
     * @author Rinde van Lon
    protected abstract class AbstractTruckState extends AbstractState<StateEvent, RouteFollowingVehicle> {
        public String toString() {
            return this.getClass().getSimpleName();

     * Implementation of waiting state, is also responsible for driving back to
     * the depot.
     * @author Rinde van Lon
    protected class Wait extends AbstractTruckState {

         * New instance.
        protected Wait() {

        public void onEntry(StateEvent event, RouteFollowingVehicle context) {
            checkState(getPDPModel().getVehicleState(context) == VehicleState.IDLE,
                    "We can only be in Wait state when the vehicle is idle, " + "vehicle is %s.",
            if (event == DefaultEvent.NOGO) {
            if (context.newRoute.isPresent()) {

        public DefaultEvent handle(@Nullable StateEvent event, RouteFollowingVehicle context) {
            if (!route.isEmpty()) {
                if (!isTooEarly(route.peek(), currentTime.get())) {
                    return DefaultEvent.GOTO;
                // else it is too early, and we do nothing
            } else if (currentTime.get().hasTimeLeft() && isEndOfDay(currentTime.get())
                    && !getRoadModel().equalPosition(context, depot.get())) {
                // check if it is time to go back to the depot
                getRoadModel().moveTo(context, depot.get(), currentTime.get());
            return null;

     * State responsible for moving to a service location.
     * @author Rinde van Lon
    protected class Goto extends AbstractTruckState {
         * Field for storing the destination.
        protected Optional<Parcel> destination;
         * Field for storing the previous destination.
        protected Optional<Parcel> prevDestination;

         * New instance.
        protected Goto() {
            destination = Optional.absent();
            prevDestination = Optional.absent();

        public void onEntry(StateEvent event, RouteFollowingVehicle context) {
            if (event == DefaultEvent.REROUTE) {
            destination = Optional.of(route.element());

        public DefaultEvent handle(@Nullable StateEvent event, RouteFollowingVehicle context) {
            if (route.isEmpty()) {
                return DefaultEvent.NOGO;
            } else if (destination.get() != route.element()) {
                return DefaultEvent.REROUTE;

            final Parcel cur = route.element();
            if (getRoadModel().equalPosition(context, cur)) {
                return DefaultEvent.ARRIVED;
            getRoadModel().moveTo(context, cur, currentTime.get());
            if (getRoadModel().equalPosition(context, cur) && currentTime.get().hasTimeLeft()) {
                return DefaultEvent.ARRIVED;
            return null;

        public void onExit(StateEvent event, RouteFollowingVehicle context) {
            prevDestination = destination;
            destination = Optional.absent();

         * @return The destination of the vehicle.
         * @throws IllegalStateException if there is no destination.
        public Parcel getDestination() {
            return destination.get();

         * @return The previous destination of the vehicle.
         * @throws IllegalStateException if there is no previous destination.
        public Parcel getPreviousDestination() {
            return prevDestination.get();

     * State responsible for waiting at a service location to become available.
     * @author Rinde van Lon
    protected class WaitAtService extends AbstractTruckState {
         * New instance.
        protected WaitAtService() {

        public DefaultEvent handle(@Nullable StateEvent event, RouteFollowingVehicle context) {
            // the route has changed (there is no destination anymore)
            if (route.isEmpty()) {
                return DefaultEvent.NOGO;
            final PDPModel pm = getPDPModel();
            final TimeLapse time = currentTime.get();
            final Parcel cur = route.element();
            // we are not at the parcel's position, this means the next parcel has
            // changed in the mean time, so we have to reroute.
            if (!getRoadModel().equalPosition(context, cur)) {
                return DefaultEvent.REROUTE;
            // if parcel is not ready yet, wait
            final boolean pickup = !pm.getContents(context).contains(cur);
            final long timeUntilReady = (pickup ? cur.getDto().getPickupTimeWindow().begin()
                    : cur.getDto().getDeliveryTimeWindow().begin()) - time.getTime();
            if (timeUntilReady > 0) {
                if (time.getTimeLeft() < timeUntilReady) {
                    // in this case we can not yet start servicing
                    return null;
                } else {
            if (time.hasTimeLeft()) {
                return DefaultEvent.READY_TO_SERVICE;
            } else {
                return null;

     * State responsible for servicing a parcel.
     * @author Rinde van Lon
    protected class Service extends AbstractTruckState {
         * New instance.
        protected Service() {

        public void onEntry(StateEvent event, RouteFollowingVehicle context) {
            getPDPModel().service(context, route.peek(), currentTime.get());

        public DefaultEvent handle(@Nullable StateEvent event, RouteFollowingVehicle context) {
            if (getPDPModel().getVehicleState(context) == VehicleState.IDLE) {
                return DefaultEvent.DONE;
            return null;

     * Implementations can modify the incoming route and return the modified
     * version.
     * @author Rinde van Lon
    public interface RouteAdjuster {
         * Adjusts the route. Implementations should be pure functions, i.e. have no
         * side-effects.
         * @param route The incoming route.
         * @param vehicle The vehicle which is owner of the route.
         * @return The outgoing possibly modified route
        Iterable<Parcel> adjust(Iterable<? extends Parcel> route, RouteFollowingVehicle vehicle);

    enum RouteAdjusters implements RouteAdjuster {
        NOP {
            public Iterable<Parcel> adjust(Iterable<? extends Parcel> r, RouteFollowingVehicle vehicle) {
                return (Iterable<Parcel>) r;

            public Iterable<Parcel> adjust(Iterable<? extends Parcel> r, RouteFollowingVehicle vehicle) {
                final List<Parcel> routeList = Lists.<Parcel>newArrayList(r);
                final Multiset<Parcel> routeSet = LinkedHashMultiset.<Parcel>create(r);

                // removals
                for (final Parcel p : routeSet.elementSet()) {
                    final ParcelState state = vehicle.getPDPModel().getParcelState(p);
                    if (state.isDelivered()) {
                        // remove all occurrences
                    } else if (state.isPickedUp()) {
                        // in this case the parcel is either: IN_CARGO or DELIVERING
                        if (!vehicle.getPDPModel().getContents(vehicle).contains(p)) {
                            // if we don't carry the parcel it must have been picked up by
                            // someone else, remove it from our route
                        } else if (routeSet.count(p) == 2) {
                            // in this case it is in cargo and it occurs twice in our route
                            // (which is one too many), therefore first occurrence is removed
                    } else if (state == ParcelState.PICKING_UP && !vehicle.isPickingUp(p)) {
                        // in this case the parcel is being picked up by another vehicle

                // additions
                // loop through cargo, add all parcels that are not in the list
                final Set<Parcel> contents = vehicle.getPDPModel().getContents(vehicle);
                routeList.addAll(Sets.difference(contents, routeSet.elementSet()));
                return routeList;

            public String toString() {
                return RouteFollowingVehicle.class.getSimpleName() + ".delayAdjuster()";