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 * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Rinde van Lon, iMinds-DistriNet, KU Leuven
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.measure;

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.StatisticalSummary;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics;

import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.pdp.IParcel;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.pdp.ParcelDTO;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.geom.Point;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.pdptw.common.AddParcelEvent;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.pdptw.common.AddVehicleEvent;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.Scenario;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.TimedEvent;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.generator.ScenarioGenerator;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.generator.ScenarioGenerator.TravelTimes;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.util.TimeWindow;

 * @author Rinde van Lon
public final class Metrics {

    private Metrics() {

     * Computes the absolute load at every time instance of the specified
     * scenario. Load is a measure of expected vehicle utilization.
     * @param s The {@link Scenario} to measure.
     * @return A list of load values. The value at index <code>i</code> indicates
     *         the load at time <code>i</code>. All values are always
     *         <code> &ge; 0</code>. All time instances not included in the list
     *         are assumed to have load <code>0</code>.
    static ImmutableList<Double> measureLoad(Scenario s) {
        return measureLoad(s, 1);

    static ImmutableList<Double> measureLoad(Scenario s, int numVehicles) {
        final TravelTimes tt = ScenarioGenerator.createTravelTimes(s);
        final ImmutableList.Builder<LoadPart> loadParts = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (final TimedEvent te : s.getEvents()) {
            if (te instanceof AddParcelEvent) {
                loadParts.addAll(measureLoad((AddParcelEvent) te, tt));
        return sum(0,, numVehicles);

    static ImmutableList<Double> measureRelativeLoad(Scenario s) {
        final int numVehicles = getEventTypeCounts(s).count(AddVehicleEvent.class);
        return measureLoad(s, numVehicles);

    static ImmutableList<LoadPart> measureLoad(AddParcelEvent event, TravelTimes tt) {
        checkArgument(event.getParcelDTO().getPickupTimeWindow().begin() <= event.getParcelDTO()
                .getDeliveryTimeWindow().begin(), "Delivery TW begin may not be before pickup TW begin.");
        checkArgument(event.getParcelDTO().getPickupTimeWindow().end() <= event.getParcelDTO()
                .getDeliveryTimeWindow().end(), "Delivery TW end may not be before pickup TW end.");

        // pickup lower bound,
        final long pickupLb = event.getParcelDTO().getPickupTimeWindow().begin();
        // pickup upper bound
        final long pickupUb = event.getParcelDTO().getPickupTimeWindow().end()
                + event.getParcelDTO().getPickupDuration();
        final double pickupLoad = event.getParcelDTO().getPickupDuration() / (double) (pickupUb - pickupLb);
        final LoadPart pickupPart = new LoadPart(pickupLb, pickupUb, pickupLoad);

        final long expectedTravelTime = tt.getShortestTravelTime(event.getParcelDTO().getPickupLocation(),
        // first possible departure time from pickup location
        final long travelLb = pickupLb + event.getParcelDTO().getPickupDuration();
        // latest possible arrival time at delivery location
        final long travelUb = Math.max(event.getParcelDTO().getDeliveryTimeWindow().end(),
                travelLb + expectedTravelTime);

        final double travelLoad = expectedTravelTime / (double) (travelUb - travelLb);
        final LoadPart travelPart = new LoadPart(travelLb, travelUb, travelLoad);

        // delivery lower bound: the first possible time the delivery can start,
        // normally uses the start of the delivery TW, in case this is not
        // feasible we correct for the duration and travel time.
        final long deliveryLb = Math.max(event.getParcelDTO().getDeliveryTimeWindow().begin(),
                pickupLb + event.getParcelDTO().getPickupDuration() + expectedTravelTime);
        // delivery upper bound: the latest possible time the delivery can end
        final long deliveryUb = Math.max(event.getParcelDTO().getDeliveryTimeWindow().end(), deliveryLb)
                + event.getParcelDTO().getDeliveryDuration();
        final double deliveryLoad = event.getParcelDTO().getDeliveryDuration() / (double) (deliveryUb - deliveryLb);
        final LoadPart deliveryPart = new LoadPart(deliveryLb, deliveryUb, deliveryLoad);

        return ImmutableList.of(pickupPart, travelPart, deliveryPart);

    static ImmutableList<Double> sum(long st, List<LoadPart> parts, int num) {
        checkArgument(num >= 1);
        final ImmutableList.Builder<Double> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
        long i = st;
        final Set<LoadPart> partSet = newLinkedHashSet(parts);
        while (!partSet.isEmpty()) {
            double currentLoadVal = 0d;
            final List<LoadPart> toRemove = newArrayList();
            for (final LoadPart lp : partSet) {
                if (lp.isIn(i)) {
                    currentLoadVal += lp.get(i);
                if (!lp.isBeforeEnd(i)) {

            if (!partSet.isEmpty()) {
                if (num > 1) {
                    currentLoadVal /= num;

     * Checks whether the vehicles defined for the specified scenario have the
     * same speed. If the speed is the same it is returned, otherwise an exception
     * is thrown.
     * @param s The {@link Scenario} to get the speed from.
     * @return The vehicle speed if all vehicles have the same speed.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either: not all vehicles have the same
     *           speed, or there are no vehicles.
    public static double getVehicleSpeed(Scenario s) {
        double vehicleSpeed = -1d;
        for (final TimedEvent te : s.getEvents()) {
            if (te instanceof AddVehicleEvent) {
                if (vehicleSpeed == -1d) {
                    vehicleSpeed = ((AddVehicleEvent) te).getVehicleDTO().getSpeed();
                } else {
                    checkArgument(vehicleSpeed == ((AddVehicleEvent) te).getVehicleDTO().getSpeed(),
                            "All vehicles are expected to have the same speed.");
        checkArgument(vehicleSpeed > 0, "There are no vehicles in the scenario.");
        return vehicleSpeed;

     * Computes the number of occurrences of each event type in the specified
     * {@link Scenario}.
     * @param s The scenario to check.
     * @return A {@link ImmutableMultiset} of event types.
    public static ImmutableMultiset<Class<?>> getEventTypeCounts(Scenario s) {
        final Multiset<Class<?>> set = LinkedHashMultiset.create();
        for (final TimedEvent te : s.getEvents()) {
        final List<Class<?>> toMove = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final Class<?> c : set.elementSet()) {
            if (!Modifier.isPublic(c.getModifiers()) && TimedEvent.class.isAssignableFrom(c.getSuperclass())
                    && !set.contains(c.getSuperclass())) {
        for (final Class<?> c : toMove) {
            set.add(c.getSuperclass(), set.count(c));
            set.remove(c, set.count(c));
        return ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(set);

     * Checks the time window strictness of the specified {@link Scenario}. A time
     * window is strict if:
     * <ul>
     * <li><code>dtw.begin &ge; ptw.begin + pd + travelTime</code></li>
     * <li><code>ptw.end + pd + travelTime &le; dtw.end</code></li>
     * </ul>
     * Where:
     * <ul>
     * <li><code>dtw</code> is {@link ParcelDTO#getDeliveryTimeWindow()}</li>
     * <li><code>ptw</code> is {@link ParcelDTO#getPickupTimeWindow()}</li>
     * <li><code>pd</code> is {@link ParcelDTO#getPickupDuration()}</li>
     * <li><code>travelTime</code> is the time to travel the shortest path from
     * {@link ParcelDTO#getPickupLocation()} to
     * {@link ParcelDTO#getDeliveryLocation()}</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param s The scenario to check.
    public static void checkTimeWindowStrictness(Scenario s) {
        final TravelTimes tt = ScenarioGenerator.createTravelTimes(s);
        for (final TimedEvent te : s.getEvents()) {
            if (te instanceof AddParcelEvent) {
                checkParcelTWStrictness((AddParcelEvent) te, tt);

     * Checks whether the TWs are not unnecessarily big.
    static void checkParcelTWStrictness(AddParcelEvent event, TravelTimes travelTimes) {
        final long firstDepartureTime = event.getParcelDTO().getPickupTimeWindow().begin()
                + event.getParcelDTO().getPickupDuration();
        final long latestDepartureTime = event.getParcelDTO().getPickupTimeWindow().end()
                + event.getParcelDTO().getPickupDuration();

        final double travelTime = travelTimes.getShortestTravelTime(event.getParcelDTO().getPickupLocation(),

        checkArgument(event.getParcelDTO().getDeliveryTimeWindow().begin() >= firstDepartureTime + travelTime,
                "The begin of the delivery time window (%s) is too early, " + "should be >= %s.",
                event.getParcelDTO().getDeliveryTimeWindow(), firstDepartureTime + travelTime);
        checkArgument(latestDepartureTime + travelTime <= event.getParcelDTO().getDeliveryTimeWindow().end(),
                "The end of the pickup time window %s is too late, or end of delivery " + "is too early.",

     * Collects all event arrival times of the specified {@link Scenario}.
     * @param s The scenario.
     * @return {@link ImmutableList} containing event arrival times.
    public static ImmutableList<Long> getArrivalTimes(Scenario s) {
        final ImmutableList.Builder<Long> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (final TimedEvent te : s.getEvents()) {
            if (te instanceof AddParcelEvent) {

     * Computes a histogram for the inputs. The result is a multiset with an entry
     * for each bin in ascending order, the count of each entry indicates the size
     * of the bin. A bin is indicated by its leftmost value, for example if the
     * <code>binSize</code> is <code>2</code> and the result contains
     * <code>4</code> with count <code>3</code> this means that there are
     * <code>3</code> values in range <code>2 &le; x &lt; 4</code>.
     * @param input The values to compute the histogram of.
     * @param binSize The size of the bins.
     * @return An {@link ImmutableSortedMultiset} representing the histogram.
    public static ImmutableSortedMultiset<Double> computeHistogram(Iterable<Double> input, double binSize) {
        final ImmutableSortedMultiset.Builder<Double> builder = ImmutableSortedMultiset.naturalOrder();
        for (final double d : input) {
            checkArgument(!Double.isInfinite(d) && !Double.isNaN(d), "Only finite numbers are accepted, found %s.",
            builder.add(Math.floor(d / binSize) * binSize);

    static long pickupUrgency(AddParcelEvent event) {
        return pickupUrgency(event.getParcelDTO());

    static long pickupUrgency(IParcel dto) {
        return dto.getPickupTimeWindow().end() - dto.getOrderAnnounceTime();

    enum Urgency implements Function<AddParcelEvent, Long> {
        PICKUP {
            public Long apply(@Nullable AddParcelEvent input) {
                return pickupUrgency(verifyNotNull(input));

    static StatisticalSummary toStatisticalSummary(Iterable<? extends Number> values) {
        final SummaryStatistics ss = new SummaryStatistics();
        for (final Number n : values) {
        return ss.getSummary();

     * Computes a {@link StatisticalSummary} object for all urgency values of a
     * {@link Scenario}.
     * @param s The scenario to measure.
     * @return A statistical summary of the urgency values in the specified
     *         scenario.
    public static StatisticalSummary measureUrgency(Scenario s) {
        final List<Long> urgencyValues = FluentIterable.from(s.getEvents()).filter(AddParcelEvent.class)
        return toStatisticalSummary(urgencyValues);

     * Measures the degree of dynamism of the specified scenario.
     * @param s The scenario to measure.
     * @return A double in range [0,1].
    public static double measureDynamism(Scenario s) {
        return measureDynamism(s, s.getTimeWindow().end());

     * Measures the degree of dynamism of the specified scenario using the
     * specified length of day.
     * @param s The scenario to measure.
     * @param lengthOfDay The length of the day.
     * @return A double in range [0,1].
    public static double measureDynamism(Scenario s, long lengthOfDay) {
        return measureDynamism(convert(getOrderArrivalTimes(s)), lengthOfDay);

    // Best version as of March 6th, 2014
     * Computes degree of dynamism of the specified arrival times and length of
     * day.
     * @param arrivalTimes A list of event arrival times.
     * @param lengthOfDay The length of the day.
     * @return A number in range [0, 1].
    public static double measureDynamism(Iterable<Double> arrivalTimes, double lengthOfDay) {
        final List<Double> times = newArrayList(arrivalTimes);
        checkArgument(times.size() >= 2, "At least two arrival times are required, found %s time(s).",
        for (final double time : times) {
            checkArgument(time >= 0 && time < lengthOfDay, "all specified times should be >= 0 and < %s. Found %s.",
                    lengthOfDay, time);

        final int numEvents = times.size();

        // this is the expected interarrival time
        final double expectedInterArrivalTime = lengthOfDay / numEvents;

        // deviation to expectedInterArrivalTime
        double sumDeviation = 0;
        double maxDeviation = (numEvents - 1) * expectedInterArrivalTime;
        double prevDeviation = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numEvents - 1; i++) {
            // compute interarrival time
            final double delta = times.get(i + 1) - times.get(i);
            if (delta < expectedInterArrivalTime) {
                final double diff = expectedInterArrivalTime - delta;
                final double scaledPrev = diff / expectedInterArrivalTime * prevDeviation;
                final double cur = diff + scaledPrev;
                sumDeviation += cur;
                maxDeviation += scaledPrev;
                prevDeviation = cur;
            } else {
                prevDeviation = 0;
        return 1d - sumDeviation / maxDeviation;

     * Returns an {@link ImmutableList} containing all service points of
     * {@link Scenario}. The scenario must contain {@link AddParcelEvent}s.
     * @param s The scenario to extract the points from.
     * @return A list containing all service points in order of occurrence in the
     *         scenario event list.
    public static ImmutableList<Point> getServicePoints(Scenario s) {
        final ImmutableList.Builder<Point> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (final TimedEvent se : s.getEvents()) {
            if (se instanceof AddParcelEvent) {
                builder.add(((AddParcelEvent) se).getParcelDTO().getPickupLocation());
                builder.add(((AddParcelEvent) se).getParcelDTO().getDeliveryLocation());

    static ImmutableList<Long> getOrderArrivalTimes(Scenario s) {
        final ImmutableList.Builder<Long> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (final TimedEvent se : s.getEvents()) {
            if (se instanceof AddParcelEvent) {
                builder.add(((AddParcelEvent) se).getParcelDTO().getOrderAnnounceTime());

    static ImmutableList<Double> convert(List<Long> in) {
        final ImmutableList.Builder<Double> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (final Long l : in) {
            builder.add(new Double(l));

    // to use for parts of the timeline to avoid excessively long list with
    // mostly 0s.
    static class LoadPart {
        private final double load;
        private final TimeWindow tw;

        LoadPart(long st, long end, double value) {
            tw = TimeWindow.create(st, end);
            load = value;

        boolean isBeforeEnd(long i) {
            return tw.isBeforeEnd(i);

        boolean isIn(long i) {
            return tw.isIn(i);

        long begin() {
            return tw.begin();

        long end() {
            return tw.end();

        long length() {
            return tw.length();

        double get(long i) {
            if (tw.isIn(i)) {
                return load;
            return 0d;

        public String toString() {
            return MoreObjects.toStringHelper("LoadPart").add("begin", tw.begin()).add("end", tw.end())
                    .add("load", load).toString();