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 * Copyright (c) 2012 Jonathan Tyers, Steve Ash
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.github.steveash.typedconfig.resolver.type.container;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.SubnodeConfiguration;
import com.github.steveash.typedconfig.ConfigBinding;
import com.github.steveash.typedconfig.ConfigFactoryContext;
import com.github.steveash.typedconfig.Option;
import com.github.steveash.typedconfig.exception.InvalidProxyException;
import com.github.steveash.typedconfig.resolver.ValueResolver;
import com.github.steveash.typedconfig.resolver.ValueResolverFactory;
import com.github.steveash.typedconfig.resolver.ValueType;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

 * The base factory which knows how to handle container types.  Implementors just need to be able to produce
 * the type of collection that they want to use and then are also given an opportunity
 * @author Steve Ash
public abstract class AbstractContainerValueResolverFactory implements ValueResolverFactory {
    public ValueResolver makeForThis(final ConfigBinding containerBinding, final HierarchicalConfiguration config,
            final ConfigFactoryContext context) {
        return new ValueResolver() {
            public Object resolve() {
                TypeToken<?> thisType = getContainedType(containerBinding.getDataType());
                ConfigBinding childBinding = containerBinding.withKey("").withDataType(thisType)

                ValueResolverFactory childFactory = context.getRegistry().lookup(childBinding);

                switch (childFactory.getValueType()) {
                case Simple:
                    return makeForSimpleType(childBinding, childFactory);
                case Nested:
                    return makeForNestedType(childBinding, childFactory);
                    throw new InvalidProxyException("The proxy method returning " + containerBinding.getDataType()
                            + " for configuration key " + containerBinding.getConfigKeyToLookup()
                            + " uses a container type " + "which returns " + thisType
                            + " which is also a container type.  You can't have "
                            + "containers of container types.");

            private Object makeForNestedType(ConfigBinding childBinding, ValueResolverFactory childFactory) {
                List<HierarchicalConfiguration> childConfigs = config
                Collection<Object> values = makeEmptyCollection(childConfigs.size());
                for (HierarchicalConfiguration childConfig : childConfigs) {
                    SubnodeConfiguration childConfigAsSub = (SubnodeConfiguration) childConfig;
                    ConfigBinding subBinding = childBinding.withKey(childConfigAsSub.getSubnodeKey());
                    ValueResolver r = childFactory.makeForThis(subBinding, childConfig, context);
                return makeReturnValueFrom(values, containerBinding);

            private Object makeForSimpleType(ConfigBinding childBinding, ValueResolverFactory childFactory) {
                ValueResolver childResolver = childFactory.makeForThis(childBinding, config, context);
                List<Object> configValues = config.getList(containerBinding.getConfigKeyToLookup());

                Collection<Object> containedValues = makeEmptyCollection(configValues.size());
                for (Object o : configValues) {
                    if (!(o instanceof String))
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                "Can only use Configuration instances which return string "
                                        + "representations of the values which we will then convert. XMLConfiguration does this");

                    containedValues.add(childResolver.convertDefaultValue((String) o));
                return makeReturnValueFrom(containedValues, containerBinding);

            public Object convertDefaultValue(String defaultValue) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("cannot specify a defaults for container types");

            public String configurationKeyToLookup() {
                return containerBinding.getConfigKeyToLookup();

     * Implementors must be able to provide a (possibly temporary) collection that the resolver will use to
     * collect values.  This collection will then be passed to #makeReturnValueFrom which can then transform it
     * however the implementor sees fit.  Note that the default implementation of makeReturnValueFrom just is
     * the identity function so if you create the final type here then that's all you need to do
     * @param size
     * @return
    protected abstract Collection<Object> makeEmptyCollection(int size);

     * If the type returned from #makeEmptyCollection is not the final return type, then implementors can transform
     * the values here and return whatever type they like (for example, immutableList might make a copy)
     * @param containedValues
     * @param binding
     * @return
    protected Object makeReturnValueFrom(Collection<Object> containedValues, ConfigBinding binding) {
        return containedValues;

    protected TypeToken<?> getContainedType(TypeToken<?> returnType) {
        try {
            TypeToken<?> iteratorType = returnType
            return iteratorType.resolveType(Iterator.class.getMethod("next").getGenericReturnType());
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw Throwables.propagate(e);

    public ValueType getValueType() {
        return ValueType.Container;