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 * Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


import static;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.TouchDelegate;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
import android.widget.Checkable;
import android.widget.TextView;
import com.googlecode.eyesfree.utils.LogUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;

 * Representation of a {@link View} hierarchy for accessibility checking
 * <p>
 * These views hold references to surrounding {@link ViewHierarchyElement}s in its local view
 * hierarchy and the containing {@link WindowHierarchyElement}. An individual view may be uniquely
 * identified in the context of its containing {@link WindowHierarchyElement} by the {@code id}
 * value returned by {@link #getId()}, or it may be uniquely identified in the context of its
 * containing {@link AccessibilityHierarchy} by the {@code long} returned by
 * {@link #getCondensedUniqueId()}.
public class ViewHierarchyElement {
    private static final boolean AT_18 = (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2);
    private static final boolean AT_16 = (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN);
    private static final boolean AT_11 = (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB);

    private final int id;
    private final @Nullable Integer parentId;

    // Created lazily, because many views are leafs.
    private @MonotonicNonNull List<Integer> childIds;

    // This field is set to a non-null value after construction.
    private @MonotonicNonNull WindowHierarchyElement windowElement;

    private final @Nullable CharSequence packageName;
    private final @Nullable CharSequence className;
    private final @Nullable CharSequence accessibilityClassName;
    private final @Nullable String resourceName;
    private final @Nullable SpannableString contentDescription;
    private final @Nullable SpannableString text;
    private final boolean importantForAccessibility;
    private final @Nullable Boolean visibleToUser;
    private final boolean clickable;
    private final boolean longClickable;
    private final boolean focusable;
    private final @Nullable Boolean editable;
    private final @Nullable Boolean scrollable;
    private final @Nullable Boolean canScrollForward;
    private final @Nullable Boolean canScrollBackward;
    private final @Nullable Boolean checkable;
    private final @Nullable Boolean checked;
    private final @Nullable Boolean hasTouchDelegate;
    private final @Nullable Rect boundsInScreen;
    private final @Nullable Integer nonclippedHeight;
    private final @Nullable Integer nonclippedWidth;
    private final @Nullable Float textSize;
    private final @Nullable Integer textColor;
    private final @Nullable Integer backgroundDrawableColor;
    private final @Nullable Integer typefaceStyle;
    private final boolean enabled;

    // Populated only after a hierarchy is constructed
    private @Nullable Long labeledById;
    private @Nullable Long accessibilityTraversalBeforeId;
    private @Nullable Long accessibilityTraversalAfterId;

    ViewHierarchyElement(int id, @Nullable ViewHierarchyElement parent, AccessibilityNodeInfo fromInfo) {
        // Bookkeeping = id;
        this.parentId = (parent != null) ? parent.getId() : null;

        // API 18+ properties
        this.resourceName = AT_18 ? fromInfo.getViewIdResourceName() : null;
        this.editable = AT_18 ? fromInfo.isEditable() : null;

        // API 16+ properties
        this.visibleToUser = AT_16 ? fromInfo.isVisibleToUser() : null;

        // Base properties
        this.className = fromInfo.getClassName();
        this.packageName = fromInfo.getPackageName();
        this.accessibilityClassName = fromInfo.getClassName();
        this.contentDescription = SpannableString.valueOf(fromInfo.getContentDescription());
        this.text = SpannableString.valueOf(fromInfo.getText());
        this.importantForAccessibility = true;
        this.clickable = fromInfo.isClickable();
        this.longClickable = fromInfo.isLongClickable();
        this.focusable = fromInfo.isFocusable();
        this.scrollable = fromInfo.isScrollable();
        this.canScrollForward = ((fromInfo.getActions() & AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD) != 0);
        this.canScrollBackward = ((fromInfo.getActions() & AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD) != 0);
        this.checkable = fromInfo.isCheckable();
        this.checked = fromInfo.isChecked();
        this.hasTouchDelegate = false; /* Touch delegates are not considered by AccessibilityServices */ tempRect = new;
        this.boundsInScreen = new Rect(tempRect);
        this.nonclippedHeight = null; /* AccessibilityServices cannot discover nonclipped dimensions */
        this.nonclippedWidth = null; /* AccessibilityServices cannot discover nonclipped dimensions */
        this.textSize = null;
        this.textColor = null;
        this.backgroundDrawableColor = null;
        this.typefaceStyle = null;
        this.enabled = fromInfo.isEnabled();

    ViewHierarchyElement(int id, @Nullable ViewHierarchyElement parent, View fromView) {
        // Bookkeeping = id;
        this.parentId = (parent != null) ? parent.getId() : null;

        // API 16+ properties
        this.scrollable = AT_16 ? fromView.isScrollContainer() : null;

        // API 11+ properties
        this.backgroundDrawableColor = (AT_11 && (fromView != null)
                && (fromView.getBackground() instanceof ColorDrawable))
                        ? ((ColorDrawable) fromView.getBackground()).getColor()
                        : null;

        // Base properties
        this.visibleToUser = ViewAccessibilityUtils.isVisibleToUser(fromView);
        this.className = fromView.getClass().getName();
        this.accessibilityClassName = null;
        this.packageName = fromView.getContext().getPackageName();
        this.resourceName = (fromView.getId() != View.NO_ID)
                ? ViewAccessibilityUtils.getResourceNameForView(fromView)
                : null;
        this.contentDescription = SpannableString.valueOf(fromView.getContentDescription());
        this.enabled = fromView.isEnabled();
        if (fromView instanceof TextView) {
            TextView textView = (TextView) fromView;
            // Hint text takes precedence if no text is present.
            CharSequence text = textView.getText();
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
                text = textView.getHint();
            this.text = SpannableString.valueOf(text);
            this.textSize = textView.getTextSize();
            this.textColor = textView.getCurrentTextColor();
            this.typefaceStyle = (textView.getTypeface() != null) ? textView.getTypeface().getStyle() : null;
        } else {
            this.text = null;
            this.textSize = null;
            this.textColor = null;
            this.typefaceStyle = null;

        this.importantForAccessibility = ViewAccessibilityUtils.isImportantForAccessibility(fromView);
        this.clickable = fromView.isClickable();
        this.longClickable = fromView.isLongClickable();
        this.focusable = fromView.isFocusable();
        this.editable = ViewAccessibilityUtils.isViewEditable(fromView);
        this.canScrollForward = (ViewCompat.canScrollVertically(fromView, 1)
                || ViewCompat.canScrollHorizontally(fromView, 1));
        this.canScrollBackward = (ViewCompat.canScrollVertically(fromView, -1)
                || ViewCompat.canScrollHorizontally(fromView, -1));
        this.checkable = (fromView instanceof Checkable);
        this.checked = (fromView instanceof Checkable) ? ((Checkable) fromView).isChecked() : null;
        this.hasTouchDelegate = (fromView.getTouchDelegate() != null);

        // There may be subtle differences between the bounds from a View instance compared to that of
        // its AccessibilityNodeInfo. The latter uses a @hide getBoundsOnScreen method, which clips to
        // parent bounds. tempRect = new;
        if (fromView.getGlobalVisibleRect(tempRect)) {
            this.boundsInScreen = new Rect(tempRect);
        } else {
            this.boundsInScreen = null;
        this.nonclippedHeight = fromView.getHeight();
        this.nonclippedWidth = fromView.getWidth();

    ViewHierarchyElement(int id, @Nullable ViewHierarchyElement parent, Parcel in) {
        // Bookkeeping = id;
        this.parentId = (parent != null) ? parent.getId() : null;

        packageName = ParcelUtils.readNullableString(in);
        className = ParcelUtils.readNullableString(in);
        resourceName = ParcelUtils.readNullableString(in);
        contentDescription = (in.readInt() == 1) ? in.readParcelable(getClass().getClassLoader()) : null;
        text = (in.readInt() == 1) ? in.readParcelable(getClass().getClassLoader()) : null;
        importantForAccessibility = in.readInt() != 0;
        visibleToUser = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in);
        clickable = in.readInt() != 0;
        longClickable = in.readInt() != 0;
        focusable = in.readInt() != 0;
        editable = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in);
        scrollable = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in);
        canScrollForward = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in);
        canScrollBackward = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in);
        checkable = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in);
        checked = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in);
        hasTouchDelegate = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in);
        enabled = in.readInt() != 0;
        boundsInScreen = (in.readInt() == 1) ? Rect.CREATOR.createFromParcel(in) : null;
        nonclippedHeight = ParcelUtils.readNullableInteger(in);
        nonclippedWidth = ParcelUtils.readNullableInteger(in);
        textSize = ParcelUtils.readNullableFloat(in);
        textColor = ParcelUtils.readNullableInteger(in);
        backgroundDrawableColor = ParcelUtils.readNullableInteger(in);
        typefaceStyle = ParcelUtils.readNullableInteger(in);
        labeledById = ParcelUtils.readNullableLong(in);
        accessibilityClassName = ParcelUtils.readNullableString(in);
        accessibilityTraversalBeforeId = ParcelUtils.readNullableLong(in);
        accessibilityTraversalAfterId = ParcelUtils.readNullableLong(in);

    ViewHierarchyElement(ViewHierarchyElementProto proto) {

        // Bookkeeping = proto.getId();
        this.parentId = (proto.getParentId() != -1) ? proto.getParentId() : null;
        if (proto.getChildIdsCount() > 0) {
            this.childIds = new ArrayList<>(proto.getChildIdsCount());

        packageName = proto.hasPackageName() ? proto.getPackageName() : null;
        className = proto.hasClassName() ? proto.getClassName() : null;
        accessibilityClassName = proto.hasAccessibilityClassName() ? proto.getAccessibilityClassName() : null;
        resourceName = proto.hasResourceName() ? proto.getResourceName() : null;
        contentDescription = proto.hasContentDescription() ? new SpannableString(proto.getContentDescription())
                : null;
        text = proto.hasText() ? new SpannableString(proto.getText()) : null;
        importantForAccessibility = proto.getImportantForAccessibility();
        visibleToUser = proto.hasVisibleToUser() ? proto.getVisibleToUser() : null;
        clickable = proto.getClickable();
        longClickable = proto.getLongClickable();
        focusable = proto.getFocusable();
        editable = proto.hasEditable() ? proto.getEditable() : null;
        scrollable = proto.hasScrollable() ? proto.getScrollable() : null;
        canScrollForward = proto.hasCanScrollForward() ? proto.getCanScrollForward() : null;
        canScrollBackward = proto.hasCanScrollBackward() ? proto.getCanScrollBackward() : null;
        checkable = proto.hasCheckable() ? proto.getCheckable() : null;
        checked = proto.hasChecked() ? proto.getChecked() : null;
        hasTouchDelegate = proto.hasHasTouchDelegate() ? proto.getHasTouchDelegate() : null;
        this.boundsInScreen = proto.hasBoundsInScreen() ? new Rect(proto.getBoundsInScreen()) : null;
        nonclippedHeight = proto.hasNonclippedHeight() ? proto.getNonclippedHeight() : null;
        nonclippedWidth = proto.hasNonclippedWidth() ? proto.getNonclippedWidth() : null;
        textSize = proto.hasTextSize() ? proto.getTextSize() : null;
        textColor = proto.hasTextColor() ? proto.getTextColor() : null;
        backgroundDrawableColor = proto.hasBackgroundDrawableColor() ? proto.getBackgroundDrawableColor() : null;
        typefaceStyle = proto.hasTypefaceStyle() ? proto.getTypefaceStyle() : null;
        enabled = proto.getEnabled();
        labeledById = proto.hasLabeledById() ? proto.getLabeledById() : null;
        accessibilityTraversalBeforeId = proto.hasAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId()
                ? proto.getAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId()
                : null;
        accessibilityTraversalAfterId = proto.hasAccessibilityTraversalAfterId()
                ? proto.getAccessibilityTraversalAfterId()
                : null;

     * @return The value uniquely identifying this window within the context of its containing
     *         {@link WindowHierarchyElement}
    public int getId() {
        return id;

     * @return a value uniquely representing this {@link ViewHierarchyElement} and its containing
     *         {@link WindowHierarchyElement} in the context of it's containing
     *         {@link AccessibilityHierarchy}.
    public long getCondensedUniqueId() {
        return (((long) getWindow().getId() << 32) | getId());

     * @return The parent {@link ViewHierarchyElement} of this view, or {@code null} if this is a root
     *     view.
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getParent()
     * @see View#getParent()
    public @Nullable ViewHierarchyElement getParentView() {
        return (parentId != null) ? getWindow().getViewById(parentId) : null;

     * @return The number of child {@link ViewHierarchyElement}s rooted at this view
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getChildCount()
     * @see ViewGroup#getChildCount()
    public int getChildViewCount() {
        return (childIds == null) ? 0 : childIds.size();

     * @param atIndex The index of the child {@link ViewHierarchyElement} to obtain. Must be &ge 0 and
     *        &lt {@link #getChildViewCount()}.
     * @return The requested child, or {@code null} if no such child exists at the given
     *         {@code atIndex}
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if {@code atIndex} is less than 0 or greater than
     *         {@code getChildViewCount() - 1}
    public ViewHierarchyElement getChildView(int atIndex) {
        if ((atIndex < 0) || (childIds == null) || (atIndex >= childIds.size())) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return getWindow().getViewById(childIds.get(atIndex));

     * @return an unmodifiable {@link List} containing this {@link ViewHierarchyElement} and any
     *         descendants, direct or indirect, in depth-first ordering.
    public List<ViewHierarchyElement> getSelfAndAllDescendants() {
        List<ViewHierarchyElement> listToPopulate = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < getChildViewCount(); ++i) {

        return Collections.unmodifiableList(listToPopulate);

     * @return The containing {@link WindowHierarchyElement} of this view.
    public WindowHierarchyElement getWindow() {

        // The type is explicit because the @MonotonicNonNull field is not read as @Nullable.
        return Preconditions.<@Nullable WindowHierarchyElement>checkNotNull(windowElement);

     * @return The package name to which this view belongs, or {@code null} if one cannot be
     *     determined
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getPackageName()
     * @see Context#getPackageName()
    public @Nullable CharSequence getPackageName() {
        return packageName;

     * @return The class name to which this view belongs, or {@code null} if one cannot be determined
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getPackageName()
     * @see View#getClass()
    public @Nullable CharSequence getClassName() {
        return className;

     * @return The view id's associated resource name, or {@code null} if one cannot be determined or
     *     is not available
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getViewIdResourceName()
     * @see View#getId()
     * @see Resources#getResourceName(int)
    public @Nullable String getResourceName() {
        return resourceName;

     * Check if the {@link View} this element represents matches a particular class.
     * @param referenceClass the class to check against the class of this element
     * @return {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the {@code View} this element represents is an instance of the
     *     class whose name is {@code referenceClass}. {@link Boolean#FALSE} if it does not. {@code
     *     null} if a determination cannot be made.
    public @Nullable Boolean checkInstanceOf(Class<?> referenceClass) {
        if ((className == null) || (referenceClass == null)) {
            return null;

        Class<?> targetClass = null;
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        try {
            if (classLoader != null) {
                targetClass = classLoader.loadClass(className.toString());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // Do nothing

        if (targetClass == null) {
            LogUtils.log(this, Log.WARN, "Unsuccessful attempt to resolve class %1$s while comparing against %2$s",
                    className, referenceClass);
            return null;

        return referenceClass.isAssignableFrom(targetClass);

     * @return This view's content description, or {@code null} if one is not present
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getContentDescription()
     * @see View#getContentDescription()
    public @Nullable SpannableString getContentDescription() {
        return contentDescription;

     * Indicates whether the element is important for accessibility and would be reported to
     * accessibility services.
     * @see View#isImportantForAccessibility()
     * @see ViewAccessibilityUtils#isImportantForAccessibility(View)
    public boolean isImportantForAccessibility() {
        return importantForAccessibility;

     * @return This view's text content, or {@code null} if none is present
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getText()
     * @see TextView#getText()
     * @see TextView#getHint()
    public @Nullable SpannableString getText() {
        return text;

     * @return {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the element is visible to the user, {@link Boolean#FALSE} if
     *     not, or {@code null} if this cannot be determined.
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#isVisibleToUser()
     * @see ViewAccessibilityUtils#isVisibleToUser(View)
    public @Nullable Boolean isVisibleToUser() {
        return visibleToUser;

     * Indicates whether this view reports that it reacts to click events or not.
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#isClickable()
     * @see View#isClickable()
    public boolean isClickable() {
        return clickable;

     * Indicates whether this view reports that it reacts to long click events or not.
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#isLongClickable()
     * @see View#isLongClickable()
    public boolean isLongClickable() {
        return longClickable;

     * Indicates whether this view reports that it is currently able to take focus.
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#isFocusable()
     * @see View#isFocusable()
    public boolean isFocusable() {
        return focusable;

     * @return {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the element is editable, {@link Boolean#FALSE} if not, or
     *     {@code null} if this cannot be determined.
    public @Nullable Boolean isEditable() {
        return editable;

     * @return {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the element is potentially scrollable or indicated as a
     *     scrollable container, {@link Boolean#FALSE} if not, or {@code null} if this cannot be
     *     determined. Scrollable in this context refers only to a element's potential for being
     *     scrolled, and doesn't indicate if the container holds enough wrapped content to scroll. To
     *     determine if an element is actually scrollable based on contents use {@link
     *     #canScrollForward} or {@link #canScrollBackward}.
    public @Nullable Boolean isScrollable() {
        return scrollable;

     * @return {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the element is scrollable in the "forward" direction, typically
     *         meaning either vertically downward or horizontally to the right (in left-to-right
     *         locales), {@link Boolean#FALSE} if not, or {@code null if this cannot be determined.
    public @Nullable Boolean canScrollForward() {
        return canScrollForward;

     * @return {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the element is scrollable in the "backward" direction,
     *         typically meaning either vertically downward or horizontally to the right (in
     *         left-to-right locales), {@link Boolean#FALSE} if not, or {@code null if this cannot be
     *         determined.
    public @Nullable Boolean canScrollBackward() {
        return canScrollBackward;

     * @return {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the element is checkable, {@link Boolean#FALSE} if not, or
     *     {@code null} if this cannot be determined.
    public @Nullable Boolean isCheckable() {
        return checkable;

     * @return {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the element is checked, {@link Boolean#FALSE} if not, or {@code
     *     null} if this cannot be determined.
    public @Nullable Boolean isChecked() {
        return checked;

     * @return {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the element has a {@link TouchDelegate}, {@link Boolean#FALSE}
     *     if not, or {@code null} if this cannot be determined.
    public @Nullable Boolean hasTouchDelegate() {
        return hasTouchDelegate;

     * Retrieves the visible bounds of this element in absolute screen coordinates.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: This method provides dimensions that may be reduced in size due to clipping effects from
     * parent elements. To determine nonclipped dimensions, consider using
     * {@link #getNonclippedHeight()} and {@link #getNonclippedWidth}.
     * @return the view's bounds, or {@link Rect#EMPTY} if the view's bounds are unavailable, such as
     * when it is positioned off-screen.
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getBoundsInScreen(
     * @see View#getGlobalVisibleRect(
    public Rect getBoundsInScreen() {
        return (boundsInScreen != null) ? boundsInScreen : Rect.EMPTY;

     * Retrieves the visible bounds of this element in absolute screen coordinates. Suitable for use
     * in Android runtime environments.
     * <p>NOTE: This method provides dimensions that may be reduced in size due to clipping effects
     * from parent elements. To determine nonclipped dimensions, consider using {@link
     * #getNonclippedHeight()} and {@link #getNonclippedWidth}.
     * @param outBounds The destination {@link} into which the view's bounds are
     *     copied, or if this view has no bounds, {@code outBounds}' {@link
     *} will return {@code true}.
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getBoundsInScreen(
     * @see View#getGlobalVisibleRect(
    public void getBoundsInScreen( outBounds) {
        if (boundsInScreen != null) {
        } else {

     * @return the height of this element (in raw pixels) not taking into account clipping effects
     *     applied by parent elements.
     * @see View#getHeight()
    public @Nullable Integer getNonclippedHeight() {
        return nonclippedHeight;

     * @return the width of this element (in raw pixels) not taking into account clipping effects
     *     applied by parent elements.
     * @see View#getWidth()
    public @Nullable Integer getNonclippedWidth() {
        return nonclippedWidth;

     * @return The size (in raw pixels) of the default text appearing in this view, or {@code null} if
     *     this cannot be determined
     * @see TextView#getTextSize()
    public @Nullable Float getTextSize() {
        return textSize;

     * @return The color of the default text appearing in this view, or {@code null} if this cannot be
     *     determined
     * @see TextView#getCurrentTextColor()
    public @Nullable Integer getTextColor() {
        return textColor;

     * @return The color of this View's background drawable, or {@code null} if the view does not have
     *     a {@link ColorDrawable} background
     * @see View#getBackground()
     * @see ColorDrawable#getColor()
    public @Nullable Integer getBackgroundDrawableColor() {
        return backgroundDrawableColor;

     * @return The style attributes of the {@link Typeface} of the default text appearing in this
     *     view, or @code null} if this cannot be determined.
     * @see TextView#getTypeface()
     * @see Typeface#getStyle()
     * @see Typeface#NORMAL
     * @see Typeface#BOLD
     * @see Typeface#ITALIC
     * @see Typeface#BOLD_ITALIC
    public @Nullable Integer getTypefaceStyle() {
        return typefaceStyle;

     * Returns the enabled status for this view.
     * @see View#isEnabled()
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#isEnabled()
    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return enabled;

     * @return The class name as reported to accessibility services, or {@code null} if this cannot be
     *     determined
     *     <p>NOTE: Unavailable for instances originally created from a {@link View}
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getClassName()
    public @Nullable CharSequence getAccessibilityClassName() {
        return accessibilityClassName;

     * @return the {@link ViewHierarchyElement} which acts as a label for this element, or
     *    {@code null} if this element is not labeled by another
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getLabeledBy()
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getLabelFor()
     * @see View#getLabelFor()
    public @Nullable ViewHierarchyElement getLabeledBy() {
        return getViewHierarchyElementById(labeledById);

     * @return a view before which this one is visited in accessibility traversal
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getTraversalBefore()
     * @see View#getAccessibilityTraversalBefore()
    public @Nullable ViewHierarchyElement getAccessibilityTraversalBefore() {
        return getViewHierarchyElementById(accessibilityTraversalBeforeId);

     * @return a view after which this one is visited in accessibility traversal
     * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#getTraversalAfter()
     * @see View#getAccessibilityTraversalAfter()
    public @Nullable ViewHierarchyElement getAccessibilityTraversalAfter() {
        return getViewHierarchyElementById(accessibilityTraversalAfterId);

    void writeToParcel(Parcel out) {
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableString(out, packageName == null ? null : packageName.toString());
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableString(out, className == null ? null : className.toString());
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableString(out, resourceName);
        if (contentDescription != null) {
            out.writeParcelable(contentDescription, 0);
        } else {
        if (text != null) {
            out.writeParcelable(text, 0);
        } else {
        out.writeInt(importantForAccessibility ? 1 : 0);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableBoolean(out, visibleToUser);
        out.writeInt(clickable ? 1 : 0);
        out.writeInt(longClickable ? 1 : 0);
        out.writeInt(focusable ? 1 : 0);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableBoolean(out, editable);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableBoolean(out, scrollable);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableBoolean(out, checkable);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableBoolean(out, checked);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableBoolean(out, canScrollForward);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableBoolean(out, canScrollBackward);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableBoolean(out, hasTouchDelegate);
        out.writeInt(enabled ? 1 : 0);
        if (boundsInScreen != null) {
            boundsInScreen.writeToParcel(out, 0);
        } else {
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableInteger(out, nonclippedHeight);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableInteger(out, nonclippedWidth);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableFloat(out, textSize);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableInteger(out, textColor);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableInteger(out, backgroundDrawableColor);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableInteger(out, typefaceStyle);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableLong(out, labeledById);
                accessibilityClassName == null ? null : accessibilityClassName.toString());
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableLong(out, accessibilityTraversalBeforeId);
        ParcelUtils.writeNullableLong(out, accessibilityTraversalAfterId);

    ViewHierarchyElementProto toProto() {
        ViewHierarchyElementProto.Builder builder = ViewHierarchyElementProto.newBuilder();
        // Bookkeeping
        if (parentId != null) {
        if ((childIds != null) && !childIds.isEmpty()) {

        // View properties
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(packageName)) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(className)) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(resourceName)) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(contentDescription)) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
        if (visibleToUser != null) {
        if (editable != null) {
        if (scrollable != null) {
        if (canScrollForward != null) {
        if (canScrollBackward != null) {
        if (checkable != null) {
        if (checked != null) {
        if (hasTouchDelegate != null) {
        if (boundsInScreen != null) {
        if (nonclippedHeight != null) {
        if (nonclippedWidth != null) {
        if (textSize != null) {
        if (textColor != null) {
        if (backgroundDrawableColor != null) {
        if (typefaceStyle != null) {
        if (labeledById != null) {
        if (accessibilityClassName != null) {
        if (accessibilityTraversalBeforeId != null) {
        if (accessibilityTraversalAfterId != null) {

    /** Set the containing {@link WindowHierarchyElement} of this view. */
    void setWindow(WindowHierarchyElement window) {
        this.windowElement = window;

     * @param child The child {@link ViewHierarchyElement} to add as a child of this view
    void addChild(ViewHierarchyElement child) {
        if (childIds == null) {
            childIds = new ArrayList<>();

     * Denotes that {@code labelingElement} acts as a label for this element
     * @param labelingElement The element that labels this element, or {@code null} if this element is
     *        not labeled by another
    void setLabeledBy(ViewHierarchyElement labelingElement) {
        labeledById = (labelingElement != null) ? labelingElement.getCondensedUniqueId() : null;

     * Sets a view before which this one is visited in accessibility traversal. A screen-reader must
     * visit the content of this view before the content of the one it precedes.
    void setAccessibilityTraversalBefore(ViewHierarchyElement element) {
        accessibilityTraversalBeforeId = element.getCondensedUniqueId();

     * Sets a view after which this one is visited in accessibility traversal. A screen-reader must
     * visit the content of the other view before the content of this one.
    void setAccessibilityTraversalAfter(ViewHierarchyElement element) {
        accessibilityTraversalAfterId = element.getCondensedUniqueId();

    private @Nullable ViewHierarchyElement getViewHierarchyElementById(@Nullable Long id) {
        return (id != null) ? getWindow().getAccessibilityHierarchy().getViewById(id) : null;