Source code

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Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
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import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

 * Contains information describing the format of an Android device's frame
 * buffer. This includes the x and y resolution, and the number of bits per
 * pixel. This class also has helper methods for retrieving and converting frame
 * buffer data from a device.
 * <p>Palletized and grayscale color modes are not currently supported.
 * Supported {@code bitsPerPixel} values are 15, 16, and 32.
 * <p>This class is largely based on C code from the open source Android
 * Screenshot Library, in particular the
 * {@link <a href="">fbshot.c file</a>}.
 * @author Matt DeVore
public class FrameBufferFormat {
     * The request code invoked on the frame buffer device. This request code can
     * be passed to {@link AdbConnection#doIoctlForReading(String, int, int)}, and
     * is used to get the frame buffer format information.
     * <p>Value: {@code 0x4600}
     * @see {@code linux/fb.h}
    protected static final int FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO = 0x4600;

     * The device file which represents the frame buffer, supplied as a constant
     * for convenience.
     * <p>Value: {@code /dev/graphics/fb0}
    public static final String FB_DEVICEFILE = "/dev/graphics/fb0";

    // The number of bytes we need to read from the fb_var_screeninfo structure
    // (defined in linux/fb.h), and the byte offsets of the important values.
    // This structure is read from the output of the ioctl command, executed with
    // AdbConnection#doIoctlForReading.
    private static final int FB_VAR_SCREENINFO_XRESOLUTION_OFFSET = 0;
    private static final int FB_VAR_SCREENINFO_YRESOLUTION_OFFSET = 4;
    private static final int FB_VAR_SCREENINFO_BITSPERPIXEL_OFFSET = 24;
    private static final int FB_VAR_SCREENINFO_STRUCTSIZE = 28;

    private final int xResolution, yResolution, bitsPerPixel;

    public FrameBufferFormat(int xResolution, int yResolution, int bitsPerPixel) {
        this.xResolution = xResolution;
        this.yResolution = yResolution;
        this.bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel;

    private static boolean isSupportedBitsPerPixel(int bitsPerPixel) {
        return bitsPerPixel == 15 || bitsPerPixel == 16 || bitsPerPixel == 32;

     * Determines the format of the frame buffer of the device corresponding to
     * the given {@code AdbConnection}. This is accomplished by issuing an
     * {@code ioctl} request through {@code adb}.
    public static FrameBufferFormat ofDevice(AdbConnection adb) {
        byte[] varScreenInfo = adb.doIoctlForReading(FB_DEVICEFILE, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO,

        int xResolution = readLittleEndianInteger32(varScreenInfo, FB_VAR_SCREENINFO_XRESOLUTION_OFFSET);
        int yResolution = readLittleEndianInteger32(varScreenInfo, FB_VAR_SCREENINFO_YRESOLUTION_OFFSET);
        int bitsPerPixel = readLittleEndianInteger32(varScreenInfo, FB_VAR_SCREENINFO_BITSPERPIXEL_OFFSET);

        return new FrameBufferFormat(xResolution, yResolution, bitsPerPixel);

    public int getXResolution() {
        return xResolution;

    public int getYResolution() {
        return yResolution;

    public int getBitsPerPixel() {
        return bitsPerPixel;

    private static int readLittleEndianInteger32(byte[] source, int byteIndex) {
        byte byte4 = source[byteIndex++];
        byte byte3 = source[byteIndex++];
        byte byte2 = source[byteIndex++];
        byte byte1 = source[byteIndex];
        return Ints.fromBytes(byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4);

     * Converts raw frame buffer data to 32-bit ARGB pixels. The number of pixels
     * converted is equal to the length of the {@code into} array. For non-32-bit
     * frame buffer color depths, this algorithm duplicates the highest bits of
     * each color field into the lower bits of the 32-bit translated color. For
     * instance, if the 16-bit color is (in binary) {@code abcde fghijk lmnop},
     * the 32-bit translated color is {@code 11111111 abcdeabc fghijkfg lmnoplmn}.
     * @param frameBuffer stream from which to read the frame buffer data. The
     *        format of the data should match with the format specified by this
     *        {@code FrameBufferFormat} instance.
     * @param into where to write the converted pixel data
    protected void convertToRgba32(DataInput frameBuffer, int[] into) {
        try {
            switch (bitsPerPixel) {
            case 15:
                for (int x = 0; x < into.length; x++) {
                    int rgb = frameBuffer.readShort() & 0x7fff;
                    int red = rgb >> 10;
                    red = (red << 3) | (red >> 2);
                    int green = (rgb >> 5) & 31;
                    green = (green << 3) | (green >> 2);
                    int blue = rgb & 31;
                    blue = (blue << 3) | (blue >> 2);
                    into[x] = 0xff000000 | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
            case 16:
                for (int x = 0; x < into.length; x++) {
                    int rgb = frameBuffer.readShort() & 0xffff;
                    int red = rgb >> 11;
                    red = (red << 3) | (red >> 2);
                    int green = (rgb >> 5) & 63;
                    green = (green << 2) | (green >> 4);
                    int blue = rgb & 31;
                    blue = (blue << 3) | (blue >> 2);
                    into[x] = 0xff000000 | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
            case 32:
                for (int x = 0; x < into.length; x++) {
                    into[x] = frameBuffer.readInt();
        } catch (IOException exception) {
            throw new AdbException("IOException when reading screenshot data over adb.", exception);

     * Copies the frame buffer data from an {@code InputStream] to a given
     * location in a {@code BufferedImage}.
     * @param source the source to read the raw frame buffer data from. The format
     *        of the data should correspond to the format represented by this
     *        instance
     * @param destination the image to which to write the converted image data
    public void copyFrameBufferToImage(InputStream source, BufferedImage destination) {
        DataInput sourceDataStream = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(source);
        int[] oneLine = new int[getXResolution()];

        for (int y = 0; y < yResolution; y++) {
            convertToRgba32(sourceDataStream, oneLine);
            destination.setRGB(0, y, xResolution, 1, oneLine, 0, xResolution);

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("{FrameBufferFormat xres: %d, yres: %d, bpp: %d}", xResolution, yResolution,