Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.



import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobID;

import java.util.UUID;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

 * AppEngineJobContext extends Hadoop's JobContext to make extracting
 * information relevant to running a job on AppEngine easier.
 * <p>Essentially, this class handles all reading of configuration variables,
 * delegating appropriately to the configuration or the request state.
public class AppEngineJobContext extends JobContext {
    // TODO(user): Make these private after we figure out our equivalent of JobConf.

    // Key names for values serialized in the configuration

     * The {@code Configuration} key for the entry naming the task queue to
     * enqueue controller tasks in.
    public static final String CONTROLLER_QUEUE_KEY = "mapreduce.appengine.controller.queue";

     * The {@code Configuration} key for the entry naming the task queue to
     * enqueue worker tasks in.
    public static final String WORKER_QUEUE_KEY = "mapreduce.appengine.mapper.queue";

     * The {@code Configuration} key for the entry naming the task queue to
     * enqueue the done callback in.
    public static final String DONE_CALLBACK_QUEUE_KEY = "mapreduce.appengine.donecallback.queue";

     * The {@code Configuration} key for the entry denoting the maximum overall
     * rate of map() calls/second.
    public static final String MAPPER_INPUT_PROCESSING_RATE_KEY = "mapreduce.mapper.inputprocessingrate";

     * The {@code Configuration} key for the entry denoting the number of parallel
     * mapper worker shards to start in parallel.
    public static final String MAPPER_SHARD_COUNT_KEY = "mapreduce.mapper.shardcount";

     * The {@code Configuration} key for the entry containing the URL to be given
     * to the task queue for the done callback.
    public static final String DONE_CALLBACK_URL_KEY = "mapreduce.appengine.donecallback.url";

    // Parameter names for values serialized in the request
    // All VisibleForTesting
    public static final String CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_NAME = "configuration";
    public static final String JOB_ID_PARAMETER_NAME = "jobID";
    public static final String SLICE_NUMBER_PARAMETER_NAME = "sliceNumber";

     * Default rate of map() calls
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAP_INPUT_PROCESSING_RATE = 1000;

     * Default number of mappers to run in parallel.
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAPPER_SHARD_COUNT = 8;
    public static final String QUEUE_NAME_HEADER = "X-AppEngine-QueueName";

    private final String queueName;
    private final int sliceNumber;

     * Initializes a JobContext from a request.
     * @param request the request to initialize from
    public AppEngineJobContext(HttpServletRequest request) {
        this(getConfigurationFromRequest(request, false), getJobIDFromRequest(request), request);

    private AppEngineJobContext(Configuration configuration, JobID jobId, HttpServletRequest request) {
        this(configuration, jobId, request.getHeader(QUEUE_NAME_HEADER),

    private AppEngineJobContext(Configuration configuration, JobID jobId, String queueName, int sliceNumber) {
        super(configuration, jobId);
        this.queueName = queueName != null ? queueName : "default";
        this.sliceNumber = sliceNumber;

     * Create context for new mapreduce job.
    public static AppEngineJobContext createContextForNewJob(Configuration configuration) {
        return new AppEngineJobContext(configuration, generateNewJobID(), null, 0);

    // VisibleForTesting
    // TODO(user): kill this method
    public static AppEngineJobContext createContextForTesting(Configuration configuration, JobID jobId,
            HttpServletRequest request) {
        return new AppEngineJobContext(configuration, jobId, request);

     * Gets the Configuration that was passed to this request.
     * The request must have a {@link #CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_NAME} parameter.
     * @param req the request currently being processed
     * @param startRequest whether or not this request is for the start handler
     * @return the corresponding configuration
    protected static Configuration getConfigurationFromRequest(HttpServletRequest req, boolean startRequest) {
        String serializedConf;
        if (startRequest) {
            serializedConf = req.getParameter(CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_NAME);
        } else {
            JobID jobId = getJobIDFromRequest(req);
            try {
                MapReduceState state = MapReduceState
                        .getMapReduceStateFromJobID(DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(), jobId);
                serializedConf = state.getConfigurationXML();
            } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
                // Likewise, this should have a real exception class but it's temporary.
                throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find MR with job ID: " + jobId);

        return ConfigurationXmlUtil.getConfigurationFromXml(serializedConf);

     * Generates a new unique Hadoop job ID.
     * There's a whole idiom for how JobID is constructed.
     * See
     * <a href="">
     * TaskAttemptID</a> and the linked classes for details.
     * In the interest of making everyone happy, we pretend like we're the world's
     * worst job tracker. It restarts each time we start a new MR. On the plus
     * side, every job is job #1!
    protected static JobID generateNewJobID() {
        return new JobID(("" + System.currentTimeMillis() + UUID.randomUUID()).replace("-", ""), 1);

     * Gets the Job ID from the given request.
     * @param req a servlet request with the job ID stored in the
     * {@link #JOB_ID_PARAMETER_NAME} parameter
     * @return the job ID
    // VisibleForTesting
    static JobID getJobIDFromRequest(HttpServletRequest req) {
        String jobIdString = req.getParameter(JOB_ID_PARAMETER_NAME);
        if (jobIdString == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get Job ID for request. Aborting!");
        return JobID.forName(jobIdString);

     * Given a {@code queueKey} that may exist in this context's
     * {@link Configuration}, attempts to retrieve the queue name corresponding to
     * the key, falling back on reasonable defaults otherwise.
    // VisibleForTesting
    String getQueueName(String queueKey) {
        return getConfiguration().get(queueKey, queueName);

     * Gets the taskqueue to enqueue worker tasks in.
     * @return the worker taskqueue
    public Queue getWorkerQueue() {
        return QueueFactory.getQueue(getQueueName(WORKER_QUEUE_KEY));

     * Gets the task queue to enqueue controller tasks in.
     * @return the controller taskqueue
    public Queue getControllerQueue() {
        return QueueFactory.getQueue(getQueueName(CONTROLLER_QUEUE_KEY));

     * Gets the task queue to enqueue the done callback task in.
     * @return the done callback taskqueue
    public Queue getDoneCallbackQueue() {
        return QueueFactory.getQueue(getQueueName(DONE_CALLBACK_QUEUE_KEY));

     * Returns the input processing rate: this is the number of map() calls
     * that can be made per second.
    public int getInputProcessingRate() {

     * Returns true if this job has a done callback registered in the configuration.
    public boolean hasDoneCallback() {
        return getDoneCallbackUrl() != null;

     * Returns the done callback url
    public String getDoneCallbackUrl() {
        return getConfiguration().get(DONE_CALLBACK_URL_KEY);

     * Returns the shard count: this is the number of parallel worker task
     * queue chains running at a time.
    public int getMapperShardCount() {
        return getConfiguration().getInt(MAPPER_SHARD_COUNT_KEY, DEFAULT_MAPPER_SHARD_COUNT);

     * Returns the slice number of this task queue execution. This is a
     * counter that is increased with each sequential execution in a particular
     * task queue chain.
    public int getSliceNumber() {
        return sliceNumber;