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 * Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
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 * the License.


import htsjdk.samtools.util.SequenceUtil;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * Utilities for dealing with genomics {@link Annotation}s. Provides some very
 * basic functions for determining the effect of a given mutation on a
 * transcript.
public class AnnotationUtils {
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AnnotationUtils.class.getName());
    private static final char STOP = '*';
    private static final Map<String, Character> AMINO_ACIDS = ImmutableMap.<String, Character>builder()
            .put("TTT", 'F').put("TTC", 'F').put("TTA", 'L').put("TTG", 'L').put("TCT", 'S').put("TCC", 'S')
            .put("TCA", 'S').put("TCG", 'S').put("TAT", 'Y').put("TAC", 'Y').put("TAA", STOP).put("TAG", STOP)
            .put("TGT", 'C').put("TGC", 'C').put("TGA", STOP).put("TGG", 'W').put("CTT", 'L').put("CTC", 'L')
            .put("CTA", 'L').put("CTG", 'L').put("CCT", 'P').put("CCC", 'P').put("CCA", 'P').put("CCG", 'P')
            .put("CAT", 'H').put("CAC", 'H').put("CAA", 'Q').put("CAG", 'Q').put("CGT", 'R').put("CGC", 'R')
            .put("CGA", 'R').put("CGG", 'R').put("ATT", 'I').put("ATC", 'I').put("ATA", 'I').put("ATG", 'M')
            .put("ACT", 'T').put("ACC", 'T').put("ACA", 'T').put("ACG", 'T').put("AAT", 'N').put("AAC", 'N')
            .put("AAA", 'K').put("AAG", 'K').put("AGT", 'S').put("AGC", 'S').put("AGA", 'R').put("AGG", 'R')
            .put("GTT", 'V').put("GTC", 'V').put("GTA", 'V').put("GTG", 'V').put("GCT", 'A').put("GCC", 'A')
            .put("GCA", 'A').put("GCG", 'A').put("GAT", 'D').put("GAC", 'D').put("GAA", 'E').put("GAG", 'E')
            .put("GGT", 'G').put("GGC", 'G').put("GGA", 'G').put("GGG", 'G').build();

    private AnnotationUtils() {

     * Describes the effect of a given variant on a transcript. Subset of the
     * annotations API field {@code VariantAnnotation.effect}.
    public enum VariantEffect {

     * Determines the effect of the given allele at the given position within a
     * transcript. Currently, this routine is relatively primitive: it only works
     * with SNPs and only computes effects on coding regions of the transcript.
     * This utility currently does not handle any splice sites well, including
     * splice site disruption and codons which span two exons.
     * @param variantStart 0-based absolute start for the variant.
     * @param allele Bases to substitute at {@code variantStart}.
     * @param transcript The affected transcript.
     * @param transcriptBases The reference bases which span the provided
     *     {@code transcript}. Must match the exact length of the
     *     {@code transcript.position}.
     * @return The effect of this variant on the given transcript, or null if
     *     unknown.
    public static VariantEffect determineVariantTranscriptEffect(long variantStart, String allele,
            Annotation transcript, String transcriptBases) {
        long txLen = transcript.getEnd() - transcript.getStart();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(transcriptBases.length() == txLen,
                "transcriptBases must have equal length to the transcript; got " + transcriptBases.length()
                        + " and " + txLen + ", respectively");
        if (allele.length() != 1) {
            LOG.fine("determineVariantTranscriptEffects() only supports SNPs, ignoring " + allele);
            return null;
        if (transcript.getTranscript().getCodingSequence() == null) {
            LOG.fine("determineVariantTranscriptEffects() only supports intersection with coding "
                    + "transcript, ignoring ");
            return null;

        long variantEnd = variantStart + 1;
        Range<Long> variantRange = Range.closedOpen(variantStart, variantEnd);
        Range<Long> codingRange = Range.closedOpen(transcript.getTranscript().getCodingSequence().getStart(),
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(transcript.getReverseStrand())) {
            allele = SequenceUtil.reverseComplement(allele);
        for (Exon exon : transcript.getTranscript().getExons()) {
            // For now, only compute effects on variants within the coding region of an exon.
            Range<Long> exonRange = Range.closedOpen(exon.getStart(), exon.getEnd());
            if (exonRange.isConnected(codingRange) && exonRange.intersection(codingRange).isConnected(variantRange)
                    && !exonRange.intersection(codingRange).intersection(variantRange).isEmpty()) {
                // Get the bases which correspond to this exon.
                int txOffset = transcript.getStart().intValue();
                String exonBases = transcriptBases.substring(exon.getStart().intValue() - txOffset,
                        exon.getEnd().intValue() - txOffset);
                int variantExonOffset = (int) (variantStart - exon.getStart());

                if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(transcript.getReverseStrand())) {
                    // Normalize the offset and bases to 5' -> 3'.
                    exonBases = SequenceUtil.reverseComplement(exonBases);
                    variantExonOffset = (int) (exon.getEnd() - variantEnd);

                // Determine the indices for the codon which contains this variant.
                if (exon.getFrame() == null) {
                    LOG.fine("exon lacks frame data, cannot determine effect");
                    return null;
                int offsetWithinCodon = (variantExonOffset + exon.getFrame()) % 3;
                int codonExonOffset = variantExonOffset - offsetWithinCodon;
                if (codonExonOffset < 0 || exonBases.length() <= codonExonOffset + 3) {
                    LOG.fine("variant codon spans multiple exons, this case is not yet handled");
                    return null;
                String fromCodon = exonBases.substring(codonExonOffset, codonExonOffset + 3);
                String toCodon = fromCodon.substring(0, offsetWithinCodon) + allele
                        + fromCodon.substring(offsetWithinCodon + 1);
                return codonChangeToEffect(fromCodon, toCodon);
        return null;

    private static VariantEffect codonChangeToEffect(String fromCodon, String toCodon) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(AMINO_ACIDS.containsKey(fromCodon), "no such codon: " + fromCodon);
        Preconditions.checkArgument(AMINO_ACIDS.containsKey(toCodon), "no such codon: " + toCodon);
        char fromAA = AMINO_ACIDS.get(fromCodon);
        char toAA = AMINO_ACIDS.get(toCodon);
        if (fromAA == toAA) {
            return VariantEffect.SYNONYMOUS_SNP;
        } else if (toAA == STOP) {
            return VariantEffect.STOP_GAIN;
        } else if (fromAA == STOP) {
            return VariantEffect.STOP_LOSS;
        } else {
            return VariantEffect.NONSYNONYMOUS_SNP;