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 * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileChecksum;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.GlobPattern;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * This class provides a Hadoop compatible File System on top of Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
 * <p>It is implemented as a thin abstraction layer on top of GCS. The layer hides any specific
 * characteristics of the underlying store and exposes FileSystem interface understood by the Hadoop
 * engine.
 * <p>Users interact with the files in the storage using fully qualified URIs. The file system
 * exposed by this class is identified using the 'gs' scheme. For example, {@code
 * gs://dir1/dir2/file1.txt}.
 * <p>This implementation translates paths between hadoop Path and GCS URI with the convention that
 * the Hadoop root directly corresponds to the GCS "root", e.g. gs:/. This is convenient for many
 * reasons, such as data portability and close equivalence to gsutil paths, but imposes certain
 * inherited constraints, such as files not being allowed in root (only 'directories' can be placed
 * in root), and directory names inside root have a more limited set of allowed characters.
 * <p>One of the main goals of this implementation is to maintain compatibility with behavior of
 * HDFS implementation when accessed through FileSystem interface. HDFS implementation is not very
 * consistent about the cases when it throws versus the cases when methods return false. We run GHFS
 * tests and HDFS tests against the same test data and use that as a guide to decide whether to
 * throw or to return false.
public abstract class GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase extends FileSystem implements FileSystemDescriptor {
    /** Logger. */
    public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase.class);

    /** Default value of replication factor. */
    public static final short REPLICATION_FACTOR_DEFAULT = 3;

    /** We report this value as a file's owner/group name. */
    private static final String USER_NAME = System.getProperty("");

    /** Splitter for list values stored in a single configuration value */
    private static final Splitter CONFIGURATION_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(',');

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Configuration settings.

     * Key for the permissions that we report a file or directory to have. Can either be octal or
     * symbolic mode accepted by {@link FsPermission#FromString(String)}
    public static final String PERMISSIONS_TO_REPORT_KEY = "";

     * Default value for the permissions that we report a file or directory to have. Note: We do not
     * really support file/dir permissions but we need to report some permission value when Hadoop
     * calls getFileStatus(). A MapReduce job fails if we report permissions more relaxed than the
     * value below and this is the default File System.
    public static final String PERMISSIONS_TO_REPORT_DEFAULT = "700";

    /** Configuration key for setting IO buffer size. */
    // TODO(user): rename the following to indicate that it is read buffer size.
    public static final String BUFFERSIZE_KEY = "";

     * Hadoop passes 4096 bytes as buffer size which causes poor perf. Default value of {@link
     * GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#BUFFERSIZE_KEY}.
    public static final int BUFFERSIZE_DEFAULT = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

    /** Configuration key for setting write buffer size. */
    public static final String WRITE_BUFFERSIZE_KEY = "";

    /** Default value of {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#WRITE_BUFFERSIZE_KEY}. */
    // chunk size etc. Get the following value from GCSWC class in a better way. For now, we hard code
    // it to a known good value.
    public static final int WRITE_BUFFERSIZE_DEFAULT = 64 * 1024 * 1024;

    /** Configuration key for default block size of a file. */
    public static final String BLOCK_SIZE_KEY = "";

    /** Default value of {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#BLOCK_SIZE_KEY}. */
    public static final int BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT = 64 * 1024 * 1024;

    /** Prefix to use for common authentication keys. */
    public static final String AUTHENTICATION_PREFIX = "";

     * Configuration key for enabling GCE service account authentication. This key is deprecated. See
     * {@link HadoopCredentialConfiguration} for current key names.
    public static final String ENABLE_GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_AUTH_KEY = "";

     * Configuration key specifying the email address of the service-account with which to
     * authenticate. Only required if {@link
     * GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#ENABLE_GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_AUTH_KEY} is true AND we're using
     * to authenticate with a private keyfile. NB: Once GCE
     * supports setting multiple service account email addresses for metadata auth, this key will also
     * be used in the metadata auth flow. This key is deprecated. See {@link
     * HadoopCredentialConfiguration} for current key names.
    public static final String SERVICE_ACCOUNT_AUTH_EMAIL_KEY = "";

     * Configuration key specifying local file containing a service-account private .p12 keyfile. Only
     * used if {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#ENABLE_GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_AUTH_KEY} is true; if
     * provided, the keyfile will be used for service-account authentication. Otherwise, it is assumed
     * that we are on a GCE VM with metadata-authentication for service-accounts enabled, and the
     * metadata server will be used instead. Default value: none This key is deprecated. See {@link
     * HadoopCredentialConfiguration} for current key names.
    public static final String SERVICE_ACCOUNT_AUTH_KEYFILE_KEY = "";

    /** Configuration key for GCS project ID. Default value: none */
    public static final String GCS_PROJECT_ID_KEY = "";

     * Configuration key for GCS client ID. Required if {@link
     * GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#ENABLE_GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_AUTH_KEY} == false. Default value: none
     * This key is deprecated. See {@link HadoopCredentialConfiguration} for current key names.
    public static final String GCS_CLIENT_ID_KEY = "";

     * Configuration key for GCS client secret. Required if {@link
     * GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#ENABLE_GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_AUTH_KEY} == false. Default value: none
     * This key is deprecated. See HadoopCredentialConfiguration for current key names.
    public static final String GCS_CLIENT_SECRET_KEY = "";

     * Configuration key for system bucket name. It is a fall back for the rootBucket of
     * GoogleHadoopFileSystem in gs:///path URIs . Default value: none This key is deprecated. Always
     * init the FileSystem with a bucket.
    public static final String GCS_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY = "";

     * Configuration key for flag to indicate whether system bucket should be created if it does not
     * exist. This key is deprecated. See {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY}.
    public static final String GCS_CREATE_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY = "";

    /** Default value of {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_CREATE_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY}. */
    public static final boolean GCS_CREATE_SYSTEM_BUCKET_DEFAULT = true;

    /** Configuration key for initial working directory of a GHFS instance. Default value: '/' */
    public static final String GCS_WORKING_DIRECTORY_KEY = "";

     * Configuration key for setting 250GB upper limit on file size to gain higher write throughput.
    // TODO(user): remove it once blobstore supports high throughput without limiting size.
    public static final String GCS_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_250GB = "";

    /** Default value of {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_250GB}. */
    public static final boolean GCS_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_250GB_DEFAULT = false;

     * Configuration key for using a local metadata cache to supplement GCS API "list" results; this
     * allows same-client create() to immediately be visible to a subsequent list() call.
    public static final String GCS_ENABLE_METADATA_CACHE_KEY = "";

    /** Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_ENABLE_METADATA_CACHE_KEY}. */
    public static final boolean GCS_ENABLE_METADATA_CACHE_DEFAULT = true;

     * Configuration key for using a local item cache to supplement GCS API "getFile" results. This
     * provides faster access to recently queried data. Because the data is cached, modifications made
     * outside of this instance may not be immediately reflected. The performance cache can be used in
     * conjunction with other caching options.
    public static final String GCS_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_KEY = "";

    /** Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_KEY}. */
    public static final boolean GCS_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_DEFAULT = false;

     * Configuration key for maximum number of milliseconds a GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo will remain
     * "valid" in the performance cache before it's invalidated.
    public static final String GCS_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_AGE_MILLIS_KEY = "";

     * Default value for {@link
    public static final long GCS_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_AGE_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 3000L;

    /** Configuration key for whether or not to enable list caching for the performance cache. */
    public static final String GCS_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_LIST_CACHING_ENABLE_KEY = "";

     * Default value for {@link
    public static final boolean GCS_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_LIST_CACHING_ENABLE_DEFAULT = true;

     * Configuration key for whether or not we should update timestamps for parent directories when we
     * create new files in them.
    public static final String GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_ENABLE_KEY = "";

     * Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_ENABLE_KEY}.
    public static final boolean GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_ENABLE_DEFAULT = true;

     * Configuration key for specifying which implementation of DirectoryListCache to use for
     * supplementing GCS API "list" results. Supported implementations:
     * <p>IN_MEMORY: Enforces immediate consistency within same Java process.
     * <p>FILESYSTEM_BACKED: Enforces consistency across all cooperating processes pointed at the same
     * local mirror directory, which may be an NFS directory for distributed coordination.
    public static final String GCS_METADATA_CACHE_TYPE_KEY = "";

    /** Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_METADATA_CACHE_TYPE_KEY}. */
    public static final String GCS_METADATA_CACHE_TYPE_DEFAULT = "IN_MEMORY";

     * Only used if is FILESYSTEM_BACKED, specifies the local path to use as
     * the base path for storing mirrored GCS metadata. Must be an absolute path, must be a directory,
     * and must be fully readable/writable/executable by any user running processes which use the GCS
     * connector.
    public static final String GCS_METADATA_CACHE_DIRECTORY_KEY = "";

    /** Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_METADATA_CACHE_DIRECTORY_KEY}. */
    public static final String GCS_METADATA_CACHE_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT = "/tmp/gcs_connector_metadata_cache";

     * Maximum number of milliseconds a cache entry will remain in the list-consistency cache, even as
     * an id-only entry (no risk of stale GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo). In general, entries should be
     * allowed to expire fully from the cache once reasonably certain the remote GCS API's list-index
     * is up-to-date to save memory and computation when trying to supplement new results using the
     * cache.
    public static final String GCS_METADATA_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_AGE_KEY = "";

    /** Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_METADATA_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_AGE_KEY}. */
    public static final long GCS_METADATA_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_AGE_DEFAULT = DirectoryListCache.Config.MAX_ENTRY_AGE_MILLIS_DEFAULT;

     * Maximum number of milliseconds a GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo will remain "valid" in the
     * list-consistency cache, after which the next attempt to fetch the itemInfo will require
     * fetching fresh info from a GoogleCloudStorage instance.
    public static final String GCS_METADATA_CACHE_MAX_INFO_AGE_KEY = "";

    /** Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_METADATA_CACHE_MAX_INFO_AGE_KEY}. */
    public static final long GCS_METADATA_CACHE_MAX_INFO_AGE_DEFAULT = DirectoryListCache.Config.MAX_INFO_AGE_MILLIS_DEFAULT;

     * Configuration key containing a comma-separated list of sub-strings that when matched will cause
     * a particular directory to not have its modification timestamp updated. Includes take precedence
     * over excludes.
    public static final String GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_EXCLUDES_KEY = "";

     * Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_EXCLUDES_KEY}.
    public static final String GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT = "/";

    /** Configuration key for the MR intermediate done dir. */
    public static final String MR_JOB_HISTORY_INTERMEDIATE_DONE_DIR_KEY = "mapreduce.jobhistory.intermediate-done-dir";

    /** Configuration key of the MR done directory. */
    public static final String MR_JOB_HISTORY_DONE_DIR_KEY = "mapreduce.jobhistory.done-dir";

     * Configuration key containing a comma-separated list of sub-strings that when matched will cause
     * a particular directory to have its modification timestamp updated. Includes take precedence
     * over excludes.
    public static final String GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_INCLUDES_KEY = "";

     * Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_INCLUDES_KEY}.
    public static final String GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_INCLUDES_DEFAULT = String.format("${%s},${%s}",

     * Configuration key for enabling automatic repair of implicit directories whenever detected
     * inside listStatus and globStatus calls, or other methods which may indirectly call listStatus
     * and/or globaStatus.
    public static final String GCS_ENABLE_REPAIR_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_KEY = "";

     * Default value for {@link
    public static final boolean GCS_ENABLE_REPAIR_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_DEFAULT = true;

    /** Configuration key for changing the path codec from legacy to 'uri path encoding'. */
    public static final String PATH_CODEC_KEY = "";

    /** Use new URI_ENCODED_PATH_CODEC. */
    public static final String PATH_CODEC_USE_URI_ENCODING = "uri-path";

    /** Use LEGACY_PATH_CODEC. */
    public static final String PATH_CODEC_USE_LEGACY_ENCODING = "legacy";

    /** Use the default path codec. */

     * Instance value of {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_ENABLE_REPAIR_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_KEY}
     * based on the initial Configuration.
    private boolean enableAutoRepairImplicitDirectories = GCS_ENABLE_REPAIR_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_DEFAULT;

     * Configuration key for enabling automatic inference of implicit directories. If set, we create
     * and return in-memory directory objects on the fly when no backing object exists, but we know
     * there are files with the same prefix. The ENABLE_REPAIR flag takes precedence over this flag:
     * if both are set, the repair is attempted, and only if it fails does the setting of this flag
     * kick in.
    public static final String GCS_ENABLE_INFER_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_KEY = "";

     * Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_ENABLE_INFER_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_KEY}.
    public static final boolean GCS_ENABLE_INFER_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_DEFAULT = true;

     * Instance value of {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_ENABLE_INFER_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_KEY}
     * based on the initial Configuration.
    private boolean enableInferImplicitDirectories = GCS_ENABLE_INFER_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_DEFAULT;

     * Configuration key for enabling the use of a large flat listing to pre-populate possible glob
     * matches in a single API call before running the core globbing logic in-memory rather than
     * sequentially and recursively performing API calls.
    public static final String GCS_ENABLE_FLAT_GLOB_KEY = "";

    /** Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_ENABLE_FLAT_GLOB_KEY}. */
    public static final boolean GCS_ENABLE_FLAT_GLOB_DEFAULT = true;

     * Configuration key for enabling the use of marker files during file creation. When running
     * non-MR applications that make use of the FileSystem, it is a idea to enable marker files to
     * better mimic HDFS overwrite and locking behavior.
    public static final String GCS_ENABLE_MARKER_FILE_CREATION_KEY = "";

    /** Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_ENABLE_MARKER_FILE_CREATION_KEY}. */
    public static final boolean GCS_ENABLE_MARKER_FILE_CREATION_DEFAULT = false;

    /** Configuration key for number of items to return per call to the list* GCS RPCs. */
    public static final String GCS_MAX_LIST_ITEMS_PER_CALL = "";

    /** Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_MAX_LIST_ITEMS_PER_CALL}. */
    public static final long GCS_MAX_LIST_ITEMS_PER_CALL_DEFAULT = 1024;

     * Configuration key for setting a proxy for the connector to use to connect to GCS. The proxy
     * must be an HTTP proxy of the form "host:port".
    public static final String GCS_PROXY_ADDRESS_KEY = "";

    /** Default to no proxy. */
    public static final String GCS_PROXY_ADDRESS_DEFAULT = null;

     * Configuration key for the name of HttpTransport class to use for connecting to GCS. Must be the
     * name of an HttpTransportFactory.HttpTransportType (APACHE or JAVA_NET).
    public static final String GCS_HTTP_TRANSPORT_KEY = "";

    /** Default to the default specified in HttpTransportFactory. */
    public static final String GCS_HTTP_TRANSPORT_DEFAULT = null;

    /** Configuration key for adding a suffix to the GHFS application name sent to GCS. */
    public static final String GCS_APPLICATION_NAME_SUFFIX_KEY = "";

    /** Default suffix to add to the application name. */
    public static final String GCS_APPLICATION_NAME_SUFFIX_DEFAULT = "";

     * Configuration key for which type of output stream to use; different options may have different
     * degrees of support for advanced features like hsync() and different performance
     * characteristics. Options:
     * <p>BASIC: Stream is closest analogue to direct wrapper around low-level HTTP stream into GCS.
     * <p>SYNCABLE_COMPOSITE: Stream behaves similarly to BASIC when used with basic
     * create/write/close patterns, but supports hsync() by creating discrete temporary GCS objects
     * which are composed onto the destination object. Has a hard upper limit of number of components
     * which can be composed onto the destination object.
    public static final String GCS_OUTPUTSTREAM_TYPE_KEY = "";

    /** Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_OUTPUTSTREAM_TYPE_KEY}. */
    public static final String GCS_OUTPUTSTREAM_TYPE_DEFAULT = "BASIC";

    /** Available types for use with {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_OUTPUTSTREAM_TYPE_KEY}. */
    public static enum OutputStreamType {

     * If true, the returned FSDataInputStream from the open(Path) method will hold an internal
     * ByteBuffer of size which it pre-fills on each read, and can efficiently
     * seek within the internal buffer. Otherwise, calls are delegated straight through to a lower
     * level channel and the value of {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#BUFFERSIZE_KEY} is passed
     * through for the lower-level channel to interpret as it sees fit.
    public static final String GCS_INPUTSTREAM_INTERNALBUFFER_ENABLE_KEY = "";

     * Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_INPUTSTREAM_INTERNALBUFFER_ENABLE_KEY}.
    public static final boolean GCS_INPUTSTREAM_INTERNALBUFFER_ENABLE_DEFAULT = false;

     * If true, input streams will proactively check the "content-encoding" header of underlying
     * objects during reads for special handling of cases where content-encoding causes the reported
     * object sizes to not match the actual number of read bytes due to the content being decoded
     * in-transit; such encoded objects also aren't suitable for splitting or resuming on failure, so
     * the underlying channel will restart from byte 0 and discard the requisite number of bytes to
     * seek to a desired position or resume in such cases. In general, content-encoded objects are
     * *not* well-suited for FileSystem-style access, and will break most of the split computations in
     * the Hadoop subsystem anyways. To avoid paying the cost of an extra metadata GET on every single
     * opened channel in the usual case where no content-encoded objects are present, it may be
     * desirable to set this to 'false'.

     * Default value for {@link

     * If true, on opening a file we will proactively perform a metadata GET to check whether the
     * object exists, even though the underlying channel will not open a data stream until read() is
     * actually called so that streams can seek to nonzero file positions without incurring an extra
     * stream creation. This is necessary to technically match the expected behavior of Hadoop
     * filesystems, but incurs extra latency overhead on open(). If the calling code can handle late
     * failures on not-found errors, or has independently already ensured that a file exists before
     * calling open(), then set this to false for more efficient reads.
    public static final String GCS_INPUTSTREAM_FAST_FAIL_ON_NOT_FOUND_ENABLE_KEY = "";

     * Default value for {@link
    public static final boolean GCS_INPUTSTREAM_FAST_FAIL_ON_NOT_FOUND_ENABLE_DEFAULT = true;

     * If forward seeks are within this many bytes of the current position, seeks are performed by
     * reading and discarding bytes in-place rather than opening a new underlying stream.
    public static final String GCS_INPUTSTREAM_INPLACE_SEEK_LIMIT_KEY = "";

     * Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_INPUTSTREAM_INPLACE_SEEK_LIMIT_KEY}.
    public static final long GCS_INPUTSTREAM_INPLACE_SEEK_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 8 * 1024 * 1024L;

     * If true, recursive delete on a path that refers to a GCS bucket itself ('/' for any
     * bucket-rooted GoogleHadoopFileSystem) or delete on that path when it's empty will result in
     * fully deleting the GCS bucket. If false, any operation that normally would have deleted the
     * bucket will be ignored instead. Setting to 'false' preserves the typical behavior of "rm -rf /"
     * which translates to deleting everything inside of root, but without clobbering the filesystem
     * authority corresponding to that root path in the process.
    public static final String GCE_BUCKET_DELETE_ENABLE_KEY = "";

    /** Default value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCE_BUCKET_DELETE_ENABLE_KEY}. */
    public static final boolean GCE_BUCKET_DELETE_ENABLE_DEFAULT = false;

    /** Default PathFilter that accepts all paths. */
    public static final PathFilter DEFAULT_FILTER = new PathFilter() {
        public boolean accept(Path path) {
            return true;

    /** A resource file containing GCS related build properties. */
    public static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "";

    /** The key in the PROPERTIES_FILE that contains the version built. */
    public static final String VERSION_PROPERTY = "gcs.connector.version";

    /** The version returned when one cannot be found in properties. */
    public static final String UNKNOWN_VERSION = "0.0.0";

    /** Current version. */
    public static final String VERSION;

    /** Identifies this version of the GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase library. */
    public static final String GHFS_ID;

    static {
        VERSION = PropertyUtil.getPropertyOrDefault(GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase.class, PROPERTIES_FILE,
                VERSION_PROPERTY, UNKNOWN_VERSION);"GHFS version: {}", VERSION);
        GHFS_ID = String.format("GHFS/%s", VERSION);

     * Instance value of {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_ENABLE_FLAT_GLOB_KEY} based on the
     * initial Configuration.
    private boolean enableFlatGlob = GCS_ENABLE_FLAT_GLOB_DEFAULT;

    /** The URI the File System is passed in initialize. */
    protected URI initUri;

     * The retrieved configuration value for {@link GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY}.
     * Used as a fallback for a root bucket, when required.
    protected String systemBucket;

    /** Underlying GCS file system object. */
    protected GoogleCloudStorageFileSystem gcsfs;

     * Current working directory; overridden in initialize() if {@link
     * GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase#GCS_WORKING_DIRECTORY_KEY} is set.
    private Path workingDirectory;

    /** Buffer size to use instead of what Hadoop passed. */
    private int bufferSizeOverride = BUFFERSIZE_DEFAULT;

     * Default block size. Note that this is the size that is reported to Hadoop FS clients. It does
     * not modify the actual block size of an underlying GCS object, because GCS JSON API does not
     * allow modifying or querying the value. Modifying this value allows one to control how many
     * mappers are used to process a given file.
    protected long defaultBlockSize = BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT;

    /** The fixed reported permission of all files. */
    private FsPermission reportedPermissions;

    /** Map of counter values */
    protected final ImmutableMap<Counter, AtomicLong> counters = createCounterMap();

    protected ImmutableMap<Counter, AtomicLong> createCounterMap() {
        ImmutableMap.Builder<Counter, AtomicLong> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
        for (Counter counter : Counter.values()) {
            builder.put(counter, new AtomicLong());

     * Behavior of listStatus when a path is not found.
    protected enum ListStatusFileNotFoundBehavior {
        Hadoop1 {
            public FileStatus[] handle(String path) throws IOException {
                return null;
        Hadoop2 {
            public FileStatus[] handle(String path) throws IOException {
                throw new FileNotFoundException(String.format("Path '%s' does not exist.", path));

         * Perform version specific handling for a missing path.
         * @param path The missing path
        public abstract FileStatus[] handle(String path) throws IOException;

         * Get the ListStatusFileNotFoundBehavior for the currently running Hadoop version.
        public static ListStatusFileNotFoundBehavior get() {
            return get(HadoopVersionInfo.getInstance());

         * Get the ListStatusFileNotFoundBehavior for the given hadoop version/
         * @param hadoopVersionInfo The hadoop version.
        public static ListStatusFileNotFoundBehavior get(HadoopVersionInfo hadoopVersionInfo) {
            if (hadoopVersionInfo.isGreaterThan(2, 0) || hadoopVersionInfo.isEqualTo(0, 23)) {
                return Hadoop2;
            return Hadoop1;

    // Behavior when a path is not found in listStatus()
    protected ListStatusFileNotFoundBehavior listStatusFileNotFoundBehavior = ListStatusFileNotFoundBehavior.get();

    protected void setListStatusFileNotFoundBehavior(ListStatusFileNotFoundBehavior behavior) {
        this.listStatusFileNotFoundBehavior = behavior;

     * Defines names of counters we track for each operation.
     * There are two types of counters:
     * -- METHOD_NAME      : Number of successful invocations of method METHOD.
     * -- METHOD_NAME_TIME : Total inclusive time spent in method METHOD.
    public enum Counter {

     * A predicate that processes individual directory paths and evaluates the conditions set in
     *, and
     * to determine if a path should be ignored
     * when running directory timestamp updates. If no match is found in either include or
     * exclude and updates are enabled, the directory timestamp will be updated.
    public static class ParentTimestampUpdateIncludePredicate
            implements GoogleCloudStorageFileSystemOptions.TimestampUpdatePredicate {

         * Create a new ParentTimestampUpdateIncludePredicate from the passed Hadoop configuration
         * object.
        public static ParentTimestampUpdateIncludePredicate create(Configuration config) {
            boolean enableDirectoryTimestampUpdating = config.getBoolean(GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_ENABLE_KEY,
            LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_ENABLE_KEY, enableDirectoryTimestampUpdating);

            String includedParentPaths = config.get(GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_INCLUDES_KEY,
            LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_INCLUDES_KEY, includedParentPaths);
            List<String> splitIncludedParentPaths = CONFIGURATION_SPLITTER.splitToList(includedParentPaths);

            String excludedParentPaths = config.get(GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_EXCLUDES_KEY,
            LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_PARENT_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE_EXCLUDES_KEY, excludedParentPaths);
            List<String> splitExcludedParentPaths = CONFIGURATION_SPLITTER.splitToList(excludedParentPaths);

            return new ParentTimestampUpdateIncludePredicate(enableDirectoryTimestampUpdating,
                    splitIncludedParentPaths, splitExcludedParentPaths);

        // Include and exclude lists are intended to be small N and checked relatively
        // infrequently. If that becomes not that case, consider Aho-Corasick or similar matching
        // algorithms.
        private final List<String> includeSubstrings;
        private final List<String> excludeSubstrings;
        private final boolean enableTimestampUpdates;

        public ParentTimestampUpdateIncludePredicate(boolean enableTimestampUpdates, List<String> includeSubstrings,
                List<String> excludeSubstrings) {
            this.includeSubstrings = includeSubstrings;
            this.excludeSubstrings = excludeSubstrings;
            this.enableTimestampUpdates = enableTimestampUpdates;

         * Determine if updating directory timestamps should be ignored.
         * @return True if the directory timestamp should not be updated. False to indicate it should
         * be updated.
        public boolean shouldUpdateTimestamp(URI uri) {
            if (!enableTimestampUpdates) {
                LOG.debug("Timestamp updating disabled. Not updating uri {}", uri);
                return false;

            for (String include : includeSubstrings) {
                if (uri.toString().contains(include)) {
                    LOG.debug("Path %s matched included path %s. Updating timestamps.", uri, include);
                    return true;

            for (String exclude : excludeSubstrings) {
                if (uri.toString().contains(exclude)) {
                    LOG.debug("Path %s matched excluded path %s. Not updating timestamps.", uri, exclude);
                    return false;

            return true;

     * Constructs an instance of GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase; the internal
     * GoogleCloudStorageFileSystem will be set up with config settings when initialize() is called.
    public GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase() {

     * Constructs an instance of GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase using the provided
     * GoogleCloudStorageFileSystem; initialize() will not re-initialize it.
    public GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase(GoogleCloudStorageFileSystem gcsfs) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(gcsfs != null, "gcsfs must not be null");
        this.gcsfs = gcsfs;

     * Returns an unqualified path without any leading slash, relative to the filesystem root,
     * which serves as the home directory of the current user; see {@code getHomeDirectory} for
     * a description of what the home directory means.
    protected abstract String getHomeDirectorySubpath();

     * Gets Hadoop path corresponding to the given GCS path.
     * @param gcsPath Fully-qualified GCS path, of the form gs://<bucket>/<object>.
    public abstract Path getHadoopPath(URI gcsPath);

     * Gets GCS path corresponding to the given Hadoop path, which can be relative or absolute,
     * and can have either gs://<path> or gs:/<path> forms.
     * @param hadoopPath Hadoop path.
    public abstract URI getGcsPath(Path hadoopPath);

     * Gets the default value of working directory.
    public abstract Path getDefaultWorkingDirectory();

    // =================================================================
    // Methods implementing FileSystemDescriptor interface; these define the way
    // paths are translated between Hadoop and GCS.
    // =================================================================

    public abstract Path getFileSystemRoot();

    public abstract String getScheme();

    public String getHadoopScheme() {
        return getScheme();

     * <p> Overridden to make root it's own parent. This is POSIX compliant, but more importantly
     * guards against poor directory accounting in the PathData class of Hadoop 2's FsShell.
    public Path makeQualified(Path path) {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.makeQualified: path: {}", path);
        Path qualifiedPath = super.makeQualified(path);

        URI uri = qualifiedPath.toUri();

        Preconditions.checkState("".equals(uri.getPath()) || qualifiedPath.isAbsolute(),
                "Path '%s' must be fully qualified.", qualifiedPath);

        // Strip initial '..'s to make root is its own parent.
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(uri.getPath());
        while (sb.indexOf("/../") == 0) {
            // Leave a preceding slash, so path is still absolute.
            sb.delete(0, 3);

        String strippedPath = sb.toString();

        // Allow a Path of gs://someBucket to map to gs://someBucket/
        if (strippedPath.equals("/..") || strippedPath.equals("")) {
            strippedPath = "/";

        Path result = new Path(uri.getScheme(), uri.getAuthority(), strippedPath);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.makeQualified:=> {}", result);
        return result;

    protected void checkPath(Path path) {
        URI uri = path.toUri();
        String scheme = uri.getScheme();
        // Only check that the scheme matches. The authority and path will be
        // validated later.
        if (scheme == null || scheme.equalsIgnoreCase(getScheme())) {
        } else {
            String msg = String.format("Wrong FS scheme: %s, in path: %s, expected scheme: %s", scheme, path,
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

     * See {@link #initialize(URI, Configuration, boolean)} for details; calls with third arg
     * defaulting to 'true' for initializing the superclass.
     * @param path URI of a file/directory within this file system.
     * @param config Hadoop configuration.
    public void initialize(URI path, Configuration config) throws IOException {
        // initSuperclass == true.
        initialize(path, config, true);

     * Initializes this file system instance.
     * Note:
     * The path passed to this method could be path of any file/directory.
     * It does not matter because the only thing we check is whether
     * it uses 'gs' scheme. The rest is ignored.
     * @param path URI of a file/directory within this file system.
     * @param config Hadoop configuration.
     * @param initSuperclass if false, doesn't call super.initialize(path, config); avoids
     *     registering a global Statistics object for this instance.
    public void initialize(URI path, Configuration config, boolean initSuperclass) throws IOException {
        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(path != null, "path must not be null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(config != null, "config must not be null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(path.getScheme() != null, "scheme of path must not be null");
        if (!path.getScheme().equals(getScheme())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI scheme not supported: " + path);
        initUri = path;
        LOG.debug("GHFS.initialize: {}", path);

        if (initSuperclass) {
            super.initialize(path, config);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("Initializing 'statistics' as an instance not attached to the static FileSystem map");
            // Provide an ephemeral Statistics object to avoid NPE, but still avoid registering a global
            // statistics object.
            statistics = new Statistics(getScheme());

        long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
        increment(Counter.INIT_TIME, duration);

     * Returns a URI of the root of this FileSystem.
    public URI getUri() {
        return getFileSystemRoot().toUri();

     * The default port is listed as -1 as an indication that ports are not used.
    protected int getDefaultPort() {
        int result = -1;
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getDefaultPort:=> {}", result);
        return result;

    // TODO(user): Improve conversion of exceptions to 'false'.
    // Hadoop is inconsistent about when methods are expected to throw
    // and when they should return false. The FileSystem documentation
    // is unclear on this and many other aspects. For now, we convert
    // all IOExceptions to false which is not the right thing to do.
    // We need to find a way to only convert known cases to 'false'
    // and let the other exceptions bubble up.

     * Opens the given file for reading.
     * Note:
     * This function overrides the given bufferSize value with a higher
     * number unless further overridden using configuration
     * parameter
     * @param hadoopPath File to open.
     * @param bufferSize Size of buffer to use for IO.
     * @return A readable stream.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if the given path does not exist.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs.
    public FSDataInputStream open(Path hadoopPath, int bufferSize) throws IOException {

        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(hadoopPath != null, "hadoopPath must not be null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(bufferSize > 0, "bufferSize must be a positive integer: %s", bufferSize);


        LOG.debug(" {}, bufferSize: {} (override: {})", hadoopPath, bufferSize, bufferSizeOverride);
        bufferSize = bufferSizeOverride;
        URI gcsPath = getGcsPath(hadoopPath);
        GoogleHadoopFSInputStream in = new GoogleHadoopFSInputStream(this, gcsPath, bufferSize, statistics);

        long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
        increment(Counter.OPEN_TIME, duration);
        return new FSDataInputStream(in);

     * Opens the given file for writing.
     * Note:
     * This function overrides the given bufferSize value with a higher
     * number unless further overridden using configuration
     * parameter
     * @param hadoopPath The file to open.
     * @param permission Permissions to set on the new file. Ignored.
     * @param overwrite If a file with this name already exists, then if true,
     *        the file will be overwritten, and if false an error will be thrown.
     * @param bufferSize The size of the buffer to use.
     * @param replication Required block replication for the file. Ignored.
     * @param blockSize The block-size to be used for the new file. Ignored.
     * @param progress Progress is reported through this. Ignored.
     * @return A writable stream.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs.
     * @see #setPermission(Path, FsPermission)
    public FSDataOutputStream create(Path hadoopPath, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, int bufferSize,
            short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException {

        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(hadoopPath != null, "hadoopPath must not be null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(bufferSize > 0, "bufferSize must be a positive integer: %s", bufferSize);
        Preconditions.checkArgument(replication > 0, "replication must be a positive integer: %s", replication);
        Preconditions.checkArgument(blockSize > 0, "blockSize must be a positive integer: %s", blockSize);


        LOG.debug("GHFS.create: {}, overwrite: {}, bufferSize: {} (override: {})", hadoopPath, overwrite,
                bufferSize, bufferSizeOverride);
        bufferSize = bufferSizeOverride;

        URI gcsPath = getGcsPath(hadoopPath);

        OutputStreamType type = OutputStreamType
        OutputStream out;
        switch (type) {
        case BASIC:
            out = new GoogleHadoopOutputStream(this, gcsPath, bufferSize, statistics,
                    new CreateFileOptions(overwrite));
            out = new GoogleHadoopSyncableOutputStream(this, gcsPath, bufferSize, statistics,
                    new CreateFileOptions(overwrite));
            throw new IOException(String.format("Unsupported output stream type given for key '%s': '%s'",
                    GCS_OUTPUTSTREAM_TYPE_KEY, type));

        long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
        increment(Counter.CREATE_TIME, duration);
        return new FSDataOutputStream(out);

     * Appends to an existing file (optional operation). Not supported.
     * @param hadoopPath The existing file to be appended.
     * @param bufferSize The size of the buffer to be used.
     * @param progress For reporting progress if it is not null.
     * @return A writable stream.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs.
    public FSDataOutputStream append(Path hadoopPath, int bufferSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException {

        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(hadoopPath != null, "hadoopPath must not be null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(bufferSize > 0, "bufferSize must be a positive integer: %s", bufferSize);

        LOG.debug("GHFS.append: {}, bufferSize: {} (override: {})", hadoopPath, bufferSize, bufferSizeOverride);
        bufferSize = bufferSizeOverride;

        long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
        increment(Counter.APPEND_TIME, duration);
        throw new IOException("The append operation is not supported.");

     * Renames src to dst. Src must not be equal to the filesystem root.
     * @param src Source path.
     * @param dst Destination path.
     * @return true if rename succeeds.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if src does not exist.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs.
    public boolean rename(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
        // Even though the underlying GCSFS will also throw an IAE if src is root, since our filesystem
        // root happens to equal the global root, we want to explicitly check it here since derived
        // classes may not have filesystem roots equal to the global root.
        if (src.makeQualified(this).equals(getFileSystemRoot())) {
            LOG.debug("GHFS.rename: src is root: '{}'", src);
            return false;

        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(src != null, "src must not be null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(dst != null, "dst must not be null");


        try {
            LOG.debug("GHFS.rename: {} -> {}", src, dst);

            URI srcPath = getGcsPath(src);
            URI dstPath = getGcsPath(dst);
            gcsfs.rename(srcPath, dstPath);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.debug("GHFS.rename", e);
            return false;

        long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
        increment(Counter.RENAME_TIME, duration);
        return true;

    /** Delete a file. */
    /** @deprecated Use {@code delete(Path, boolean)} instead */
    public boolean delete(Path f) throws IOException {

        return delete(f, true);

     * Deletes the given file or directory.
     * @param hadoopPath The path to delete.
     * @param recursive If path is a directory and set to
     * true, the directory is deleted, else throws an exception.
     * In case of a file, the recursive parameter is ignored.
     * @return  true if delete is successful else false.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs.
    public boolean delete(Path hadoopPath, boolean recursive) throws IOException {

        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(hadoopPath != null, "hadoopPath must not be null");


        LOG.debug("GHFS.delete: {}, recursive: {}", hadoopPath, recursive);
        URI gcsPath = getGcsPath(hadoopPath);
        try {
            gcsfs.delete(gcsPath, recursive);
        } catch (DirectoryNotEmptyException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.debug("GHFS.delete", e);
            return false;

        long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
        increment(Counter.DELETE_TIME, duration);
        return true;

     * Lists file status. If the given path points to a directory then the status
     * of children is returned, otherwise the status of the given file is returned.
     * @param hadoopPath Given path.
     * @return File status list or null if path does not exist.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs.
    public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path hadoopPath) throws IOException {
        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(hadoopPath != null, "hadoopPath must not be null");


        LOG.debug("GHFS.listStatus: {}", hadoopPath);

        URI gcsPath = getGcsPath(hadoopPath);
        List<FileStatus> status = new ArrayList<>();

        try {
            List<FileInfo> fileInfos = gcsfs.listFileInfo(gcsPath, enableAutoRepairImplicitDirectories);
            for (FileInfo fileInfo : fileInfos) {
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
            LOG.debug("Got fnfe: ", fnfe);
            return listStatusFileNotFoundBehavior.handle(gcsPath.toString());

        long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
        increment(Counter.LIST_STATUS_TIME, duration);
        return status.toArray(new FileStatus[0]);

     * Sets the current working directory to the given path.
     * @param hadoopPath New working directory.
    public void setWorkingDirectory(Path hadoopPath) {
        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(hadoopPath != null, "hadoopPath must not be null");

        LOG.debug("GHFS.setWorkingDirectory: {}", hadoopPath);
        URI gcsPath = getGcsPath(hadoopPath);
        gcsPath = FileInfo.convertToDirectoryPath(gcsfs.getPathCodec(), gcsPath);
        Path newPath = getHadoopPath(gcsPath);

        // Ideally we should check (as we did earlier) if the given path really points to an existing
        // directory. However, it takes considerable amount of time for that check which hurts perf.
        // Given that HDFS code does not do such checks either, we choose to not do them in favor of
        // better performance.

        workingDirectory = newPath;
        LOG.debug("GHFS.setWorkingDirectory: => {}", workingDirectory);

        long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
        increment(Counter.SET_WD_TIME, duration);

     * Gets the current working directory.
     * @return The current working directory.
    public Path getWorkingDirectory() {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getWorkingDirectory: {}", workingDirectory);
        return workingDirectory;

     * Makes the given path and all non-existent parents directories.
     * Has the semantics of Unix 'mkdir -p'.
     * @param hadoopPath Given path.
     * @param permission Permissions to set on the given directory.
     * @return true on success, false otherwise.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs.
    public boolean mkdirs(Path hadoopPath, FsPermission permission) throws IOException {

        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(hadoopPath != null, "hadoopPath must not be null");


        LOG.debug("GHFS.mkdirs: {}, perm: {}", hadoopPath, permission);
        URI gcsPath = getGcsPath(hadoopPath);
        try {
        } catch (java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException faee) {
            // Need to convert to the Hadoop flavor of FileAlreadyExistsException.
            throw (FileAlreadyExistsException) (new FileAlreadyExistsException(faee.getMessage()).initCause(faee));

        long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
        increment(Counter.MKDIRS_TIME, duration);

        return true;

     * Gets the default replication factor.
    public short getDefaultReplication() {

     * Gets status of the given path item.
     * @param hadoopPath The path we want information about.
     * @return A FileStatus object for the given path.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist;
     * @throws IOException on other errors.
    public FileStatus getFileStatus(Path hadoopPath) throws IOException {

        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(hadoopPath != null, "hadoopPath must not be null");


        LOG.debug("GHFS.getFileStatus: {}", hadoopPath);
        URI gcsPath = getGcsPath(hadoopPath);
        FileInfo fileInfo = gcsfs.getFileInfo(gcsPath);
        if (!fileInfo.exists()) {
            LOG.debug("GHFS.getFileStatus: not found: {}", gcsPath);
            String msg = fileInfo.isDirectory() ? "Directory not found : " : "File not found : ";
            msg += hadoopPath.toString();
            throw new FileNotFoundException(msg);
        FileStatus status = getFileStatus(fileInfo);

        long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
        increment(Counter.GET_FILE_STATUS_TIME, duration);
        return status;

     * Determines based on config settings and suitability of {@code fixedPath} whether to use
     * flat globbing logic where we use a single large listing during globStatus to then perform
     * the core globbing logic in-memory.
    boolean shouldUseFlatGlob(Path fixedPath) {
        // Config setting overrides all else.
        if (!enableFlatGlob) {
            return false;

        // Only works for filesystems where the base Hadoop Path scheme matches the underlying URI
        // scheme for GCS.
        if (!getUri().getScheme().equals(GoogleCloudStorageFileSystem.SCHEME)) {
            LOG.debug("Flat glob is on, but doesn't work for scheme '{}'; usig default behavior.",
            return false;

        // The full pattern should have a wildcard, otherwise there's no point doing the flat glob.
        GlobPattern fullPattern = new GlobPattern(fixedPath.toString());
        if (!fullPattern.hasWildcard()) {
            LOG.debug("Flat glob is on, but Path '{}' has no wildcard; using default behavior.", fixedPath);
            return false;

        // To use a flat glob, there must be an authority defined.
        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(fixedPath.toUri().getAuthority())) {
  "Flat glob is on, but Path '{}' has a empty authority, using default behavior.", fixedPath);
            return false;

        // And the authority must not contain a wildcard.
        GlobPattern authorityPattern = new GlobPattern(fixedPath.toUri().getAuthority());
        if (authorityPattern.hasWildcard()) {
  "Flat glob is on, but Path '{}' has a wildcard authority, using default behavior.", fixedPath);
            return false;

        return true;

    String trimToPrefixWithoutGlob(String path) {
        char[] wildcardChars = "*?{[".toCharArray();
        int trimIndex = path.length();

        // Find the first occurence of any one of the wildcard characters, or just path.length()
        // if none are found.
        for (char wildcard : wildcardChars) {
            int wildcardIndex = path.indexOf(wildcard);
            if (wildcardIndex >= 0 && wildcardIndex < trimIndex) {
                trimIndex = wildcardIndex;
        return path.substring(0, trimIndex);

     * Returns an array of FileStatus objects whose path names match pathPattern.
     * Return null if pathPattern has no glob and the path does not exist.
     * Return an empty array if pathPattern has a glob and no path matches it.
     * @param pathPattern A regular expression specifying the path pattern.
     * @return An array of FileStatus objects.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs.
    public FileStatus[] globStatus(Path pathPattern) throws IOException {
        return globStatus(pathPattern, DEFAULT_FILTER);

     * Returns an array of FileStatus objects whose path names match pathPattern
     * and is accepted by the user-supplied path filter. Results are sorted by
     * their path names.
     * Return null if pathPattern has no glob and the path does not exist.
     * Return an empty array if pathPattern has a glob and no path matches it.
     * @param pathPattern A regular expression specifying the path pattern.
     * @param filter A user-supplied path filter.
     * @return An array of FileStatus objects.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs.
    public FileStatus[] globStatus(Path pathPattern, PathFilter filter) throws IOException {


        LOG.debug("GHFS.globStatus: {}", pathPattern);
        // URI does not handle glob expressions nicely, for the purpose of
        // fully-qualifying a path we can URI-encode them.
        // Using toString() to avoid Path(URI) constructor.
        Path encodedPath = new Path(pathPattern.toUri().toString());
        // We convert pathPattern to GCS path and then to Hadoop path to ensure that it ends up in
        // the correct format. See note in getHadoopPath for more information.
        Path fixedPath = getHadoopPath(getGcsPath(encodedPath));
        // Decode URI-encoded path back into a glob path.
        fixedPath = new Path(URI.create(fixedPath.toString()));
        LOG.debug("GHFS.globStatus fixedPath: {} => {}", pathPattern, fixedPath);

        if (shouldUseFlatGlob(fixedPath)) {
            String pathString = fixedPath.toString();
            String prefixString = trimToPrefixWithoutGlob(pathString);
            Path prefixPath = new Path(prefixString);
            URI prefixUri = getGcsPath(prefixPath);

            if (prefixString.endsWith("/") && !prefixPath.toString().endsWith("/")) {
                // Path strips a trailing slash unless it's the 'root' path. We want to keep the trailing
                // slash so that we don't wastefully list sibling files which may match the directory-name
                // as a strict prefix but would've been omitted due to not containing the '/' at the end.
                prefixUri = FileInfo.convertToDirectoryPath(gcsfs.getPathCodec(), prefixUri);

            // Get everything matching the non-glob prefix.
            LOG.debug("Listing everything with prefix '{}'", prefixUri);
            List<FileInfo> fileInfos = gcsfs.listAllFileInfoForPrefix(prefixUri);
            if (fileInfos.isEmpty()) {
                // Let the superclass define the proper logic for finding no matches.
                return super.globStatus(fixedPath, filter);

            // Perform the core globbing logic in the helper filesystem.
            GoogleHadoopFileSystem helperFileSystem = ListHelperGoogleHadoopFileSystem.createInstance(gcsfs,
            FileStatus[] returnList = helperFileSystem.globStatus(pathPattern, filter);

            // If the return list contains directories, we should repair them if they're 'implicit'.
            if (enableAutoRepairImplicitDirectories) {
                List<URI> toRepair = new ArrayList<>();
                for (FileStatus status : returnList) {
                    // Modification time of 0 indicates implicit directory.
                    if (status.isDir() && status.getModificationTime() == 0) {
                if (!toRepair.isEmpty()) {
                    LOG.warn("Discovered {} implicit directories to repair within return values.", toRepair.size());
            return returnList;
        } else {
            FileStatus[] ret = super.globStatus(fixedPath, filter);
            if (ret == null) {
                if (enableAutoRepairImplicitDirectories) {
                    LOG.debug("GHFS.globStatus returned null for '{}', attempting possible repair.", pathPattern);
                    if (gcsfs.repairPossibleImplicitDirectory(getGcsPath(fixedPath))) {
                        LOG.warn("Success repairing '{}', re-globbing.", pathPattern);
                        ret = super.globStatus(fixedPath, filter);
            return ret;

     * Returns home directory of the current user.
     * Note: This directory is only used for Hadoop purposes.
     *       It is not the same as a user's OS home directory.
    public Path getHomeDirectory() {
        Path result = new Path(getFileSystemRoot(), getHomeDirectorySubpath());
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getHomeDirectory:=> {}", result);
        return result;

     * Gets FileStatus corresponding to the given FileInfo value.
    private FileStatus getFileStatus(FileInfo fileInfo) {
        // GCS does not provide modification time. It only provides creation time.
        // It works for objects because they are immutable once created.
        FileStatus status = new FileStatus(fileInfo.getSize(), fileInfo.isDirectory(), REPLICATION_FACTOR_DEFAULT,
                defaultBlockSize, fileInfo.getModificationTime(), /* Last modification time */
                fileInfo.getModificationTime(), /* Last access time */
                reportedPermissions, USER_NAME, USER_NAME, getHadoopPath(fileInfo.getPath()));
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getFileStatus: {} => {}", fileInfo.getPath(), fileStatusToString(status));
        return status;

     * Converts the given FileStatus to its string representation.
     * @param stat FileStatus to convert.
     * @return String representation of the given FileStatus.
    private static String fileStatusToString(FileStatus stat) {
        assert stat != null;

        return String.format("path: %s, isDir: %s, len: %d, owner: %s", stat.getPath().toString(), stat.isDir(),
                stat.getLen(), stat.getOwner());

     * Gets buffer size that overrides the default value.
    int getBufferSizeOverride() {
        return bufferSizeOverride;

     * Gets system bucket name.
     * @deprecated Use getUri().authority instead.
    String getSystemBucketName() {
        return systemBucket;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * Returns null, because GHFS does not use security tokens.
    public String getCanonicalServiceName() {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getCanonicalServiceName:=> null");
        return null;

     * Gets GCS FS instance.
    public GoogleCloudStorageFileSystem getGcsFs() {
        return gcsfs;

     * Increments by 1 the counter indicated by key.
    void increment(Counter key) {
        increment(key, 1);

     * Adds value to the counter indicated by key.
    void increment(Counter key, long value) {

     * Gets value of all counters as a formatted string.
    String countersToString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        double numNanoSecPerSec = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1);
        String timeSuffix = "_TIME";
        for (Counter c : Counter.values()) {
            String name = c.toString();
            if (!name.endsWith(timeSuffix)) {
                // Log invocation counter.
                long count = counters.get(c).get();
                sb.append(String.format("%20s = %d calls\n", name, count));

                // Log duration counter.
                String timeCounterName = name + timeSuffix;
                double totalTime = counters.get(Enum.valueOf(Counter.class, timeCounterName)).get()
                        / numNanoSecPerSec;
                sb.append(String.format("%20s = %.2f sec\n", timeCounterName, totalTime));

                // Compute and log average duration per call (== total duration / num invocations).
                String avgName = name + " avg.";
                double avg = totalTime / count;
                sb.append(String.format("%20s = %.2f sec / call\n\n", avgName, avg));
        return sb.toString();

     * Logs values of all counters.
    private void logCounters() {

     * Copy the value of the deprecated key to the new key if a value is present for the deprecated
     * key, but not the new key.
    private static void copyIfNotPresent(Configuration config, String deprecatedKey, String newKey) {
        String deprecatedValue = config.get(deprecatedKey);
        if (config.get(newKey) == null && deprecatedValue != null) {
            LOG.warn("Key {} is deprecated. Copying the value of key {} to new key {}", deprecatedKey,
                    deprecatedKey, newKey);
            config.set(newKey, deprecatedValue);

     * Copy deprecated configuration options to new keys, if present.
    private static void copyDeprecatedConfigurationOptions(Configuration config) {
        copyIfNotPresent(config, ENABLE_GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_AUTH_KEY,
                AUTHENTICATION_PREFIX + HadoopCredentialConfiguration.ENABLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_SUFFIX);
        copyIfNotPresent(config, SERVICE_ACCOUNT_AUTH_KEYFILE_KEY,
                AUTHENTICATION_PREFIX + HadoopCredentialConfiguration.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEYFILE_SUFFIX);
        copyIfNotPresent(config, SERVICE_ACCOUNT_AUTH_EMAIL_KEY,
                AUTHENTICATION_PREFIX + HadoopCredentialConfiguration.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_SUFFIX);
        copyIfNotPresent(config, GCS_CLIENT_ID_KEY,
                AUTHENTICATION_PREFIX + HadoopCredentialConfiguration.CLIENT_ID_SUFFIX);
        copyIfNotPresent(config, GCS_CLIENT_SECRET_KEY,
                AUTHENTICATION_PREFIX + HadoopCredentialConfiguration.CLIENT_SECRET_SUFFIX);

        String oauthClientFileKey = AUTHENTICATION_PREFIX + HadoopCredentialConfiguration.OAUTH_CLIENT_FILE_SUFFIX;
        if (config.get(oauthClientFileKey) == null) {
            // No property to copy, but we can set this fairly safely (it's only invoked if client ID,
            // client secret are set and we're not using service accounts).
            config.set(oauthClientFileKey, System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.credentials/storage.json");

     * Configures GHFS using the supplied configuration.
     * @param config Hadoop configuration object.
    private synchronized void configure(Configuration config) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("GHFS_ID = {}", GHFS_ID);

        if (gcsfs == null) {


            Credential credential;
            try {
                credential = HadoopCredentialConfiguration.newBuilder().withConfiguration(config)
            } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) {
                throw new IOException(gse);

            GoogleCloudStorageFileSystemOptions.Builder optionsBuilder = createOptionsBuilderFromConfig(config);

            PathCodec pathCodec;
            String specifiedPathCodec = config.get(PATH_CODEC_KEY, PATH_CODEC_DEFAULT).toLowerCase();
            LOG.debug("{} = {}", PATH_CODEC_KEY, specifiedPathCodec);
            if (specifiedPathCodec.equals(PATH_CODEC_USE_LEGACY_ENCODING)) {
                pathCodec = GoogleCloudStorageFileSystem.LEGACY_PATH_CODEC;
            } else if (specifiedPathCodec.equals(PATH_CODEC_USE_URI_ENCODING)) {
                pathCodec = GoogleCloudStorageFileSystem.URI_ENCODED_PATH_CODEC;
            } else {
                pathCodec = GoogleCloudStorageFileSystem.LEGACY_PATH_CODEC;
                LOG.warn("Unknwon path codec specified {}. Using default / legacy.", specifiedPathCodec);
            gcsfs = new GoogleCloudStorageFileSystem(credential,;

        bufferSizeOverride = config.getInt(BUFFERSIZE_KEY, BUFFERSIZE_DEFAULT);
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", BUFFERSIZE_KEY, bufferSizeOverride);

        defaultBlockSize = config.getLong(BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT);
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, defaultBlockSize);

        String systemBucketName = config.get(GCS_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY, null);
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY, systemBucketName);

        boolean createSystemBucket = config.getBoolean(GCS_CREATE_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_CREATE_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY, createSystemBucket);

        reportedPermissions = new FsPermission(
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", PERMISSIONS_TO_REPORT_KEY, reportedPermissions);

        configureBuckets(systemBucketName, createSystemBucket);

        // Set initial working directory to root so that any configured value gets resolved
        // against file system root.
        workingDirectory = getFileSystemRoot();

        Path newWorkingDirectory;
        String configWorkingDirectory = config.get(GCS_WORKING_DIRECTORY_KEY);
        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(configWorkingDirectory)) {
            newWorkingDirectory = getDefaultWorkingDirectory();
            LOG.warn("No working directory configured, using default: '{}'", newWorkingDirectory);
        } else {
            newWorkingDirectory = new Path(configWorkingDirectory);

        // Use the public method to ensure proper behavior of normalizing and resolving the new
        // working directory relative to the initial filesystem-root directory.
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_WORKING_DIRECTORY_KEY, getWorkingDirectory());

        // Set this configuration as the default config for this instance.

        LOG.debug("GHFS.configure: done");

     * Validates and possibly creates the system bucket. Should be overridden to configure other
     * buckets.
     * @param systemBucketName Name of system bucket
     * @param createSystemBucket Whether or not to create systemBucketName if it does not exist.
     * @throws IOException if systemBucketName is invalid or cannot be found.
     *     and createSystemBucket is false.
    // TODO(user): Refactor to make protected
    public void configureBuckets(String systemBucketName, boolean createSystemBucket) throws IOException {

        LOG.debug("GHFS.configureBuckets: {}, {}", systemBucketName, createSystemBucket);

        systemBucket = systemBucketName;

        if (systemBucket != null) {
            LOG.debug("GHFS.configureBuckets: Warning is deprecated.");
            // Ensure that system bucket exists. It really must be a bucket, not a GCS path.
            URI systemBucketPath = gcsfs.getPathCodec().getPath(systemBucket, null, true);


            if (!gcsfs.exists(systemBucketPath)) {
                if (createSystemBucket) {
                } else {
                    String msg = String.format("%s: system bucket not found: %s", GCS_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY,
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(msg);


     * Assert that the FileSystem has been initialized and not close()d.
    private void checkOpen() throws IOException {
        if (gcsfs == null) {
            throw new IOException("GoogleHadoopFileSystem has been closed or not initialized.");

    // =================================================================
    // Overridden functions for debug tracing. The following functions
    // do not change functionality. They just log parameters and call base
    // class' function.
    // =================================================================

    public boolean deleteOnExit(Path f) throws IOException {


        LOG.debug("GHFS.deleteOnExit: {}", f);
        boolean result = super.deleteOnExit(f);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.deleteOnExit:=> {}", result);
        return result;

    protected void processDeleteOnExit() {

    public ContentSummary getContentSummary(Path f) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getContentSummary: {}", f);
        ContentSummary result = super.getContentSummary(f);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getContentSummary:=> {}", result);
        return result;

    public Token<?> getDelegationToken(String renewer) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getDelegationToken: renewer: {}", renewer);
        Token<?> result = super.getDelegationToken(renewer);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getDelegationToken:=> {}", result);
        return result;

    public void copyFromLocalFile(boolean delSrc, boolean overwrite, Path[] srcs, Path dst) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.copyFromLocalFile: delSrc: {}, overwrite: {}, #srcs: {}, dst: {}", delSrc, overwrite,
                srcs.length, dst);
        super.copyFromLocalFile(delSrc, overwrite, srcs, dst);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.copyFromLocalFile:=> ");

    public void copyFromLocalFile(boolean delSrc, boolean overwrite, Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.copyFromLocalFile: delSrc: {}, overwrite: {}, src: {}, dst: {}", delSrc, overwrite, src,
        super.copyFromLocalFile(delSrc, overwrite, src, dst);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.copyFromLocalFile:=> ");

    public void copyToLocalFile(boolean delSrc, Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.copyToLocalFile: delSrc: {}, src: {}, dst: {}", delSrc, src, dst);
        super.copyToLocalFile(delSrc, src, dst);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.copyToLocalFile:=> ");

    public Path startLocalOutput(Path fsOutputFile, Path tmpLocalFile) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.startLocalOutput: out: {}, tmp: {}", fsOutputFile, tmpLocalFile);
        Path result = super.startLocalOutput(fsOutputFile, tmpLocalFile);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.startLocalOutput:=> {}", result);
        return result;

    public void completeLocalOutput(Path fsOutputFile, Path tmpLocalFile) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.startLocalOutput: out: {}, tmp: {}", fsOutputFile, tmpLocalFile);
        super.completeLocalOutput(fsOutputFile, tmpLocalFile);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.completeLocalOutput:=> ");

    public void close() throws IOException {

        // NB: We must *first* have the superclass close() before we close the underlying gcsfs since
        // the superclass may decide to perform various heavyweight cleanup operations (such as
        // deleteOnExit).
        if (gcsfs != null) {
            gcsfs = null;
        LOG.debug("GHFS.close:=> ");

    public long getUsed() throws IOException {
        long result = super.getUsed();
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getUsed:=> {}", result);
        return result;

    public long getDefaultBlockSize() {
        long result = defaultBlockSize;
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getDefaultBlockSize:=> {}", result);
        return result;

    public FileChecksum getFileChecksum(Path f) throws IOException {
        FileChecksum result = super.getFileChecksum(f);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.getFileChecksum:=> {}", result);
        return result;

    public void setVerifyChecksum(boolean verifyChecksum) {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.setVerifyChecksum:=> ");

    public void setPermission(Path p, FsPermission permission) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.setPermission: path: {}, perm: {}", p, permission);
        super.setPermission(p, permission);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.setPermission:=> ");

    public void setOwner(Path p, String username, String groupname) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.setOwner: path: {}, user: {}, group: {}", p, username, groupname);
        super.setOwner(p, username, groupname);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.setOwner:=> ");

    public void setTimes(Path p, long mtime, long atime) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("GHFS.setTimes: path: {}, mtime: {}, atime: {}", p, mtime, atime);
        super.setTimes(p, mtime, atime);
        LOG.debug("GHFS.setTimes:=> ");

    GoogleCloudStorageFileSystemOptions.Builder createOptionsBuilderFromConfig(Configuration config)
            throws IOException {
        GoogleCloudStorageFileSystemOptions.Builder optionsBuilder = GoogleCloudStorageFileSystemOptions

        boolean enableMetadataCache = config.getBoolean(GCS_ENABLE_METADATA_CACHE_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_ENABLE_METADATA_CACHE_KEY, enableMetadataCache);

        boolean enableBucketDelete = config.getBoolean(GCE_BUCKET_DELETE_ENABLE_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCE_BUCKET_DELETE_ENABLE_KEY, enableBucketDelete);

        DirectoryListCache.Type cacheType = DirectoryListCache.Type
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_METADATA_CACHE_TYPE_KEY, cacheType);

        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_METADATA_CACHE_DIRECTORY_KEY, cacheBasePath);

        long cacheMaxEntryAgeMillis = config.getLong(GCS_METADATA_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_AGE_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_METADATA_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_AGE_KEY, cacheMaxEntryAgeMillis);

        long cacheMaxInfoAgeMillis = config.getLong(GCS_METADATA_CACHE_MAX_INFO_AGE_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_METADATA_CACHE_MAX_INFO_AGE_KEY, cacheMaxInfoAgeMillis);

        GoogleCloudStorageFileSystemOptions.TimestampUpdatePredicate updatePredicate = ParentTimestampUpdateIncludePredicate

        enableAutoRepairImplicitDirectories = config.getBoolean(GCS_ENABLE_REPAIR_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_ENABLE_REPAIR_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_KEY, enableAutoRepairImplicitDirectories);

        enableInferImplicitDirectories = config.getBoolean(GCS_ENABLE_INFER_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_ENABLE_INFER_IMPLICIT_DIRECTORIES_KEY, enableInferImplicitDirectories);

        enableFlatGlob = config.getBoolean(GCS_ENABLE_FLAT_GLOB_KEY, GCS_ENABLE_FLAT_GLOB_DEFAULT);
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_ENABLE_FLAT_GLOB_KEY, enableFlatGlob);


        boolean enableMarkerFileCreation = config.getBoolean(GCS_ENABLE_MARKER_FILE_CREATION_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_ENABLE_MARKER_FILE_CREATION_KEY, enableMarkerFileCreation);


        String transportTypeString = config.get(GCS_HTTP_TRANSPORT_KEY, GCS_HTTP_TRANSPORT_DEFAULT);
        String proxyAddress = config.get(GCS_PROXY_ADDRESS_KEY, GCS_PROXY_ADDRESS_DEFAULT);
        HttpTransportFactory.HttpTransportType transportType = HttpTransportFactory


        String projectId = ConfigurationUtil.getMandatoryConfig(config, GCS_PROJECT_ID_KEY);


        long maxListItemsPerCall = config.getLong(GCS_MAX_LIST_ITEMS_PER_CALL, GCS_MAX_LIST_ITEMS_PER_CALL_DEFAULT);


        // Configuration for setting 250GB upper limit on file size to gain higher write throughput.
        boolean limitFileSizeTo250Gb = config.getBoolean(GCS_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_250GB,


        // Configuration for setting GoogleCloudStorageWriteChannel upload buffer size.
        int uploadBufferSize = config.getInt(WRITE_BUFFERSIZE_KEY, WRITE_BUFFERSIZE_DEFAULT);
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", WRITE_BUFFERSIZE_KEY, uploadBufferSize);


        String applicationNameSuffix = config.get(GCS_APPLICATION_NAME_SUFFIX_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_APPLICATION_NAME_SUFFIX_KEY, applicationNameSuffix);

        String applicationName = GHFS_ID;
        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(applicationNameSuffix)) {
            applicationName = applicationName + applicationNameSuffix;

        LOG.debug("Setting GCS application name to {}", applicationName);

        boolean enablePerformanceCache = config.getBoolean(GCS_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_KEY, enablePerformanceCache);

        long performanceCacheMaxEntryAgeMillis = config.getLong(GCS_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_AGE_MILLIS_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_AGE_MILLIS_KEY, performanceCacheMaxEntryAgeMillis);

        boolean listCachingEnabled = config.getBoolean(GCS_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_LIST_CACHING_ENABLE_KEY,
        LOG.debug("{} = {}", GCS_PERFORMANCE_CACHE_LIST_CACHING_ENABLE_KEY, listCachingEnabled);

        return optionsBuilder;