Source code

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 * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
 * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either
 * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.



import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.Map;

 * InMemoryObjectEntry represents a GCS StorageObject in-memory by maintaining byte[] contents
 * alongside channels and metadata allowing interaction with the data in a similar way to the
 * equivalent GCS API calls. Intended to be used only internally by the InMemoryGoogleCloudStorage
 * class.
public class InMemoryObjectEntry {
     * We have to delegate because we can't extend from the inner class returned by,
     * Channels.newChannel, and the default version doesn't enforce ClosedChannelException
     * when trying to write to a closed channel; probably because it relies on the underlying
     * output stream throwing when closed. The ByteArrayOutputStream doesn't enforce throwing
     * when closed, so we have to manually do it.
    private class WritableByteChannelImpl implements WritableByteChannel, GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo.Provider {
        private final WritableByteChannel delegateWriteChannel;

        public WritableByteChannelImpl(WritableByteChannel delegateWriteChannel) {
            this.delegateWriteChannel = delegateWriteChannel;

        public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException {
            if (!isOpen()) {
                throw new ClosedChannelException();
            return delegateWriteChannel.write(src);

        public void close() throws IOException {

        public boolean isOpen() {
            return delegateWriteChannel.isOpen();

        public GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo getItemInfo() {
            if (!isOpen()) {
                // Only return the info from the outer class if closed.
                return info;
            return null;

    // This will become non-null only once the associated writeStream has been closed.
    private byte[] completedContents = null;

    // At creation time, this is initialized to act as the writable data buffer underlying the
    // WritableByteChannel callers use to populate this ObjectEntry's data. This is not exposed
    // outside of this ObjectEntry, and serves only to provide a way to "commit" the underlying
    // data buffer into a byte[] when the externally exposed channel is closed.
    private ByteArrayOutputStream writeStream;

    // This is the externally exposed handle for populating the byte data of this ObjectEntry,
    // which simply wraps the internal ByteArrayOutputStream since the GoogleCloudStorage
    // interface uses WritableByteChannels for writing.
    private WritableByteChannel writeChannel;

    // The metadata associated with this ObjectEntry;
    private GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo info;

    public InMemoryObjectEntry(String bucketName, String objectName, long createTimeMillis, String contentType,
            Map<String, byte[]> metadata) {
        // Override close() to commit its completed byte array into completedContents to reflect
        // the behavior that any readable contents are only well-defined if the writeStream is closed.
        writeStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() {
            public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
                synchronized (InMemoryObjectEntry.this) {
                    completedContents = toByteArray();
                    HashCode md5 = Hashing.md5().hashBytes(completedContents);
                    HashCode crc32c = Hashing.crc32c().hashBytes(completedContents);
                    writeStream = null;
                    writeChannel = null;
                    info = new GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo(info.getResourceId(), info.getCreationTime(),
                            completedContents.length, null, null, info.getContentType(), info.getMetadata(),
                            info.getContentGeneration(), 0L,
                            new VerificationAttributes(md5.asBytes(), Ints.toByteArray(crc32c.asInt())));

        // We have to delegate because we can't extend from the inner class returned by,
        // Channels.newChannel, and the default version doesn't enforce ClosedChannelException
        // when trying to write to a closed channel; probably because it relies on the underlying
        // output stream throwing when closed. The ByteArrayOutputStream doesn't enforce throwing
        // when closed, so we have to manually do it.
        WritableByteChannel delegateWriteChannel = Channels.newChannel(writeStream);
        writeChannel = new WritableByteChannelImpl(delegateWriteChannel);

        // Size 0 initially because this object exists, but contains no data.
        info = new GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo(new StorageResourceId(bucketName, objectName), createTimeMillis, 0,
                null, null, contentType, ImmutableMap.copyOf(metadata), createTimeMillis, 0L);

     * For internal use in getShallowCopy(2).
    private InMemoryObjectEntry() {

     * Returns true if the initial WritableByteChannel associated with this InMemoryObjectEntry has
     * been closed. If false, it is illegal to read or get a copy of this InMemoryObjectEntry. If
     * true, there is no longer any way to write/modify its byte contents.
    private synchronized boolean isCompleted() {
        return completedContents != null;

     * Returns the objectName initially provided at construction-time of this InMemoryObjectEntry; it
     * will never change over the lifetime of this InMemoryObjectEntry.
    public synchronized String getObjectName() {
        return info.getObjectName();

     * Returns the bucketName initially provided at construction-time of this InMemoryObjectEntry; it
     * will never change over the lifetime of this InMemoryObjectEntry.
    public synchronized String getBucketName() {
        return info.getBucketName();

     * Returns a copy of this InMemoryObjectEntry which shares the underlying completedContents data;
     * it is illegal to call this method if the write channel has not yet been closed.
    public synchronized InMemoryObjectEntry getShallowCopy(String bucketName, String objectName)
            throws IOException {
        if (!isCompleted()) {
            throw new IOException("Cannot getShallowCopy() before the writeChannel has been closed!");
        InMemoryObjectEntry copy = new InMemoryObjectEntry();
        copy.completedContents = completedContents;
        copy.writeStream = writeStream;
        copy.writeChannel = writeChannel;
        // TODO(user): Check if the creation time should change too, add copy constructor. = new GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo(new StorageResourceId(bucketName, objectName),
                info.getCreationTime(), info.getSize(), null, null, info.getContentType(), info.getMetadata(),
                info.getContentGeneration(), 0L);
        return copy;

     * Returns a WritableByteChannel for this InMemoryObjectEntry's byte contents; the same channel is
     * returned on each call, and it is illegal to call this method if the channel has ever been
     * closed already.
    public synchronized WritableByteChannel getWriteChannel() throws IOException {
        if (isCompleted()) {
            throw new IOException("Cannot getWriteChannel() once it has already been closed!");
        return writeChannel;

     * Returns a SeekableByteChannel pointing at this InMemoryObjectEntry's byte contents;
     * a previous writer must have already closed the associated WritableByteChannel to commit
     * the byte contents and make them available for reading.
    public synchronized SeekableByteChannel getReadChannel() throws IOException {
        return getReadChannel(GoogleCloudStorageReadOptions.DEFAULT);

     * Returns a SeekableByteChannel pointing at this InMemoryObjectEntry's byte contents;
     * a previous writer must have already closed the associated WritableByteChannel to commit
     * the byte contents and make them available for reading.
    public synchronized SeekableByteChannel getReadChannel(GoogleCloudStorageReadOptions readOptions)
            throws IOException {
        if (!isCompleted()) {
            throw new IOException(
                    String.format("Cannot getReadChannel() before writes have been committed! Object = %s",
        return new InMemoryObjectReadChannel(completedContents, readOptions);

     * Gets the {@code GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo} associated with this InMemoryObjectEntry, whose
     * 'size' is only updated when the initial writer has finished closing the channel.
    public synchronized GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo getInfo() {
        if (!isCompleted()) {
            return GoogleCloudStorageImpl.createItemInfoForNotFound(info.getResourceId());
        return info;

     * Updates the metadata associated with this InMemoryObjectEntry. Any key in newMetadata which
     * has a corresponding null value will be removed from the object's metadata. All other values
     * will be added.
    public synchronized void patchMetadata(Map<String, byte[]> newMetadata) throws IOException {
        if (!isCompleted()) {
            throw new IOException(String.format(
                    "Cannot patchMetadata() before writes have been committed! Object = %s", this.getObjectName()));
        Map<String, byte[]> mergedMetadata = Maps.newHashMap(info.getMetadata());

        for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> entry : newMetadata.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue() == null && mergedMetadata.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
            } else if (entry.getValue() != null) {
                mergedMetadata.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

        info = new GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo(info.getResourceId(), info.getCreationTime(),
                completedContents.length, null, null, info.getContentType(), mergedMetadata, 0L, 0L);