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 * Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;
import static;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.SortedSet;

 * A sorted set that keeps its elements in a sorted {@code ArrayList}. Null
 * elements are allowed when the {@code SortedArraySet} is constructed with an
 * explicit comparator that supports nulls.
 * <p>This class is useful when you may have many sorted sets that only have
 * zero or one elements each. The performance of this implementation does not
 * scale to large numbers of elements as well as {@link java.util.TreeSet}, but
 * it is much more memory-efficient per entry.
 * <p>Each {@code SortedArraySet} has a <i>capacity</i>, because it is backed by
 * an {@code ArrayList}. The capacity is the size of the array used to store the
 * elements in the set. It is always at least as large as the set size. As
 * elements are added to the set, its capacity grows automatically. The details
 * of the growth policy are not specified beyond the fact that adding an element
 * has O(lg n) amortized time cost.
 * <p>An application can increase the capacity of the set before adding a large
 * number of elements using the {@code ensureCapacity} operation. This may
 * reduce the amount of incremental reallocation.
 * <p><b>This implementation is not synchronized.</b> As with {@code ArrayList},
 * external synchronization is needed if multiple threads access a {@code
 * SortedArraySet} instance concurrently and at least one adds or deletes any
 * elements.
 * @author Matthew Harris
 * @author Mike Bostock
public final class SortedArraySet<E> extends AbstractSet<E> implements SortedSet<E>, Serializable {
    private ArrayList<E> contents; // initialized lazily
    private final Comparator<? super E> comparator;

     * Constructs a new empty sorted set, sorted according to the element's
     * natural order, with an initial capacity of ten. All elements inserted into
     * the set must implement the {@code Comparable} interface. Furthermore, all
     * such elements must be <i>mutally comparable</i>: {@code e1.compareTo(e2)}
     * must not throw a {@code ClassCastException} for any elements {@code e1} and
     * {@code e2} in the set. If the user attempts to add an element to the set
     * that violates this constraint (for example, the user attempts to add a
     * string element to a set whose elements are integers), the {@code add}
     * method may throw a {@code ClassCastException}.
     * @see Comparable
     * @see Comparators#naturalOrder
    public SortedArraySet() {

     * Constructs a new empty sorted set, sorted according to the element's
     * natural order, with the specified initial capacity. All elements inserted
     * into the set must implement the {@code Comparable} interface. Furthermore,
     * all such elements must be <i>mutually comparable</i>: {@code
     * e1.compareTo(e2)} must not throw a {@code ClassCastException} for any
     * elements {@code e1} and {@code e2} in the set. If the user attempts to add
     * an element to the set that violates this constraint (for example, the user
     * attempts to add a string element to a set whose elements are integers), the
     * {@code add} method may throw a {@code ClassCastException}.
     * @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the list
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code initialCapacity} is negative
     * @see Comparators#naturalOrder
    public SortedArraySet(int initialCapacity) {
        checkArgument(initialCapacity >= 0);
        comparator = orNaturalOrder(null);
        if (initialCapacity > 0) {
            contents = new ArrayList<E>(initialCapacity);

     * Creates a new empty sorted set, sorted according to the specified
     * comparator, with the initial capacity of ten. All elements inserted into
     * the set must be <i>mutually comparable</i> by the specified comparator:
     * {@code,e2)} must not throw a {@code
     * ClassCastException} for any elements {@code e1} and {@code e2} in the set.
     * If the user attempts to add an element to the set that violates this
     * constraint, the {@code add} method may throw a {@code ClassCastException}.
     * @param comparator the comparator used to sort elements in this set
    public SortedArraySet(Comparator<? super E> comparator) {
        this(comparator, 10);

     * Creates a new empty sorted set, sorted according to the specified
     * comparator, with the specified initial capacity. All elements inserted into
     * the set must be <i>mutually comparable</i> by the specified comparator:
     * {@code,e2)} must not throw a {@code
     * ClassCastException} for any elements {@code e1} and {@code e2} in the set.
     * If the user attempts to add an element to the set that violates this
     * constraint, the {@code add} method may throw a {@code ClassCastException}.
     * @param comparator the comparator used to sort elements in this set
    public SortedArraySet(Comparator<? super E> comparator, int initialCapacity) {
        this.comparator = comparator;
        if (initialCapacity > 0) {
            contents = new ArrayList<E>(initialCapacity);

     * Creates a new sorted set with the same elements as the specified
     * collection. If the specified collection is a {@code SortedSet} instance,
     * this constructor behaves identically to {@link #SortedArraySet(SortedSet)}.
     * Otherwise, the elements are sorted according to the elements' natural
     * order; see {@link #SortedArraySet()}.
     * @param collection the elements that will comprise the new set
     * @throws ClassCastException if the elements in the specified collection are
     *     not mutually comparable
    public SortedArraySet(Collection<? extends E> collection) {
        if (collection instanceof SortedSet<?>) {
            comparator = orNaturalOrder(((SortedSet<E>) collection).comparator());
        } else {
            comparator = orNaturalOrder(null);
        addAll(collection); // careful if we make this class non-final

     * Creates a new sorted set with the same elements and the same ordering as
     * the specified sorted set.
     * @param set the set whose elements will comprise the new set
    public SortedArraySet(SortedSet<E> set) {
        comparator = orNaturalOrder(set.comparator());
        addAll(set); // careful if we make this class non-final

     * Increases the capacity of this sorted set, if necessary, to ensure that it
     * can hold at least the number of elements specified by the minimum capacity
     * argument.
     * @param minCapacity the desired minimum capacity
    public void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) {
        if (contents == null) {
            if (minCapacity > 0) {
                contents = new ArrayList<E>(minCapacity);
        } else {

     * Trims the capacity of this sorted set to be the set's current size. An
     * application can use this operation to minimize the storage of a sorted
     * set.
    public void trimToSize() {
        if (size() == 0) {
            contents = null;
        } else {

    public boolean add(E o) {
        if (contents == null) {
            contents = new ArrayList<E>(1);
            return true;
        int pos = binarySearch(o);
        if (pos < 0) {
            contents.add(-pos - 1, o);
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
        // optimize the case where c is sorted and we're empty
        if (((contents == null) || contents.isEmpty()) && !c.isEmpty() && (c instanceof SortedSet<?>)) {
            Comparator<?> comparator2 = ((SortedSet<?>) c).comparator();
            if (((comparator == Comparators.naturalOrder()) && (comparator2 == null))
                    || (comparator == comparator2)) {
                if (contents == null) {
                    contents = new ArrayList<E>(c);
                } else {
                return true;
        return super.addAll(c);

    public void clear() {
        contents = null;

    public boolean contains(Object o) {
        return binarySearch(o) >= 0;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this) {
            return true;
        if (o instanceof SortedArraySet<?>) {
            SortedArraySet<?> set = (SortedArraySet<?>) o;
            if (comparator == set.comparator) {
                int n = size();
                return (n == set.size()) // beware of null contents
                        && ((n == 0) || contents.equals(set.contents));
        return super.equals(o);

    public Iterator<E> iterator() {
        return (contents == null) ? Iterators.<E>emptyIterator() : contents.iterator();

    public boolean remove(Object o) {
        int pos = binarySearch(o);
        if (pos < 0) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public int size() {
        return (contents == null) ? 0 : contents.size();

     * Returns the comparator associated with this sorted set, or {@code
     * Comparators.naturalOrder} if it uses its elements' natural ordering.
    public Comparator<? super E> comparator() {
        return comparator;

    public SortedSet<E> subSet(E fromElement, E toElement) {
        checkArgument(, fromElement) >= 0);
        return new SubSet(fromElement, toElement, true, true);

    public SortedSet<E> headSet(E toElement) {
        return new SubSet(null, toElement, false, true);

    public SortedSet<E> tailSet(E fromElement) {
        return new SubSet(fromElement, null, true, false);

    public E first() {
        if (isEmpty()) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return get(0);

    public E last() {
        if (isEmpty()) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return get(size() - 1);

     * Searches the backing list of the specified object using the binary search
     * algorithm.
     * <p>This method runs in O(lg n) time.
     * @param o the object to be searched for
     * @return the index of the found object, if it is contained in the list;
     *     otherwise, {@code (-(insertionpoint) - 1)}. The <i>insertion point</i>
     *     is defined as the point at which the object would be inserted into the
     *     list: the index of the first element greater than the key, or {@code
     *     list.size()}, if all elements in the list are less than the specified
     *     key. Note that this guarantees that the return value will be &gt;= 0 if
     *     and only if the key is found.
     * @throws ClassCastException if the list contains elements that are not
     *     <i>mutually comparable</i> (for example, strings and integers), or the
     *     specified object is not mutually comparable with the elements of the
     *     list
     * @see Collections#binarySearch(java.util.List, Object, Comparator)
    private int binarySearch(Object o) {
        if (contents == null) {
            return -1;
        E e = (E) o;
        return Collections.binarySearch(contents, e, comparator);

     * Returns the element at the specified position in the backing list.
     * @param index the index of the element to return
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if the specified index is out of bounds
    private E get(int index) {
        if (contents == null) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        try {
            return contents.get(index);
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();

     * Returns the specified comparator if not null; otherwise returns {@code
     * Comparators.naturalOrder}. This method is an abomination of generics; the
     * only purpose of this method is to contain the ugly type-casting in one
     * place.
    private Comparator<? super E> orNaturalOrder(@Nullable Comparator<? super E> comparator) {
        if (comparator != null) { // can't use ? : because of javac bug 5080917
            return comparator;
        return (Comparator<E>) Comparators.naturalOrder();

    /** @see #subSet */
    private class SubSet extends AbstractSet<E> implements SortedSet<E> {
        final E head;
        final E tail;
        final boolean hasHead;
        final boolean hasTail;

         * Constructs a subset view into the SortedArraySet.
         * @param fromElement the low endpoint (inclusive) of the subset, or
         *     {@code null}
         * @param toElement the high endpoint (exclusive) of the subset, or
         *     {@code null}
         * @param hasHead whether this subset has a lower bound
         * @param hasTail whether this subset has an upper bound 
        SubSet(@Nullable E fromElement, @Nullable E toElement, boolean hasHead, boolean hasTail) {
            this.head = fromElement;
            this.tail = toElement;
            this.hasHead = hasHead;
            this.hasTail = hasTail;

         * Returns the index of the low endpoint (inclusive) of the subset, or zero
         * if the low endpoint is undefined.
        int headIndex() {
            if (!hasHead) {
                return 0;
            int pos = binarySearch(head);
            return (pos < 0) ? (-pos - 1) : pos;

         * Returns the position of the high endpoint (exclusive) of the subset, or
         * the size of the list if the high endpoint is undefined.
        int tailIndex() {
            if (contents == null) {
                return 0;
            if (!hasTail) {
                return contents.size();
            int pos = binarySearch(tail);
            return (pos < 0) ? (-pos - 1) : pos;

         * Throws an {@code IllegalArgumentException} if the head of this subset
         * does not precede or equal the specified element.
         * @param fromElement the element to compare to the head
        void checkHead(E fromElement) {
            if (hasHead) {
                checkArgument(, head) >= 0);

         * Throws an {@code IllegalArgumentException} if the specified element does
         * not precede the tail of this subset.
         * @param toElement the element to compare to the tail
        void checkTail(E toElement) {
            if (hasTail) {
                checkArgument(, toElement) > 0);

        public int size() {
            return tailIndex() - headIndex();

        public Comparator<? super E> comparator() {
            return comparator;

        public Iterator<E> iterator() {
            return (contents == null) ? Iterators.<E>emptyIterator()
                    : contents.subList(headIndex(), tailIndex()).iterator();

        public boolean contains(Object o) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // throws ClassCastException
            E e = (E) o;
            if ((hasHead && (, head) < 0)) || (hasTail && (, e) <= 0))) {
                return false;
            return SortedArraySet.this.contains(o);

        public SortedSet<E> subSet(E fromElement, E toElement) {
            checkArgument(, fromElement) >= 0);
            return new SubSet(fromElement, toElement, true, true);

        public SortedSet<E> headSet(E toElement) {
            return new SubSet(head, toElement, hasHead, true);

        public SortedSet<E> tailSet(E fromElement) {
            return new SubSet(fromElement, tail, true, hasTail);

        public E first() {
            E o = get(headIndex());
            if (hasTail && (, o) <= 0)) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            return o;

        public E last() {
            E o = get(tailIndex() - 1);
            if (hasHead && (, head) < 0)) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            return o;

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -296929484947694088L;