Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

import static;
import static;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;

/** Orders imports in Java source code. */
public class ImportOrderer {

    private static final Splitter DOT_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('.');

     * Reorder the inputs in {@code text}, a complete Java program. On success, another complete Java
     * program is returned, which is the same as the original except the imports are in order.
     * @throws FormatterException if the input could not be parsed.
    public static String reorderImports(String text, Style style) throws FormatterException {
        ImmutableList<Tok> toks = JavaInput.buildToks(text, CLASS_START);
        return new ImportOrderer(text, toks, style).reorderImports();

     * Reorder the inputs in {@code text}, a complete Java program, in Google style. On success,
     * another complete Java program is returned, which is the same as the original except the imports
     * are in order.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #reorderImports(String, Style)} instead
     * @throws FormatterException if the input could not be parsed.
    public static String reorderImports(String text) throws FormatterException {
        return reorderImports(text, Style.GOOGLE);

    private String reorderImports() throws FormatterException {
        int firstImportStart;
        Optional<Integer> maybeFirstImport = findIdentifier(0, IMPORT_OR_CLASS_START);
        if (!maybeFirstImport.isPresent() || !tokenAt(maybeFirstImport.get()).equals("import")) {
            // No imports, so nothing to do.
            return text;
        firstImportStart = maybeFirstImport.get();
        int unindentedFirstImportStart = unindent(firstImportStart);

        ImportsAndIndex imports = scanImports(firstImportStart);
        int afterLastImport = imports.index;

        // Make sure there are no more imports before the next class (etc) definition.
        Optional<Integer> maybeLaterImport = findIdentifier(afterLastImport, IMPORT_OR_CLASS_START);
        if (maybeLaterImport.isPresent() && tokenAt(maybeLaterImport.get()).equals("import")) {
            throw new FormatterException("Imports not contiguous (perhaps a comment separates them?)");

        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        String prefix = tokString(0, unindentedFirstImportStart);
        if (!prefix.isEmpty() && Newlines.getLineEnding(prefix) == null) {

        List<String> tail = new ArrayList<>();
        tail.add(CharMatcher.whitespace().trimLeadingFrom(tokString(afterLastImport, toks.size())));
        if (!toks.isEmpty()) {
            Tok lastTok = getLast(toks);
            int tailStart = lastTok.getPosition() + lastTok.length();
        if ( -> !s.isEmpty())) {

        return result.toString();

     * {@link TokenKind}s that indicate the start of a type definition. We use this to avoid scanning
     * the whole file, since we know that imports must precede any type definition.
    private static final ImmutableSet<TokenKind> CLASS_START = ImmutableSet.of(TokenKind.CLASS, TokenKind.INTERFACE,

     * We use this set to find the first import, and again to check that there are no imports after
     * the place we stopped gathering them. An annotation definition ({@code @interface}) is two
     * tokens, the second which is {@code interface}, so we don't need a separate entry for that.
    private static final ImmutableSet<String> IMPORT_OR_CLASS_START = ImmutableSet.of("import", "class",
            "interface", "enum");

     * A {@link Comparator} that orders {@link Import}s by Google Style, defined at
    private static final Comparator<Import> GOOGLE_IMPORT_COMPARATOR = Comparator
            .comparing(Import::isStatic, trueFirst()).thenComparing(Import::imported);

     * A {@link Comparator} that orders {@link Import}s by AOSP Style, defined at
     * and implemented
     * in IntelliJ at
    private static final Comparator<Import> AOSP_IMPORT_COMPARATOR = Comparator
            .comparing(Import::isStatic, trueFirst()).thenComparing(Import::isAndroid, trueFirst())
            .thenComparing(Import::isThirdParty, trueFirst()).thenComparing(Import::isJava, trueFirst())

     * Determines whether to insert a blank line between the {@code prev} and {@code curr} {@link
     * Import}s based on Google style.
    private static boolean shouldInsertBlankLineGoogle(Import prev, Import curr) {
        return prev.isStatic() && !curr.isStatic();

     * Determines whether to insert a blank line between the {@code prev} and {@code curr} {@link
     * Import}s based on AOSP style.
    private static boolean shouldInsertBlankLineAosp(Import prev, Import curr) {
        if (prev.isStatic() && !curr.isStatic()) {
            return true;
        // insert blank line between "" from "com.anythingelse"
        if (prev.isAndroid() && !curr.isAndroid()) {
            return true;
        return !prev.topLevel().equals(curr.topLevel());

    private final String text;
    private final ImmutableList<Tok> toks;
    private final String lineSeparator;
    private final Comparator<Import> importComparator;
    private final BiFunction<Import, Import, Boolean> shouldInsertBlankLineFn;

    private ImportOrderer(String text, ImmutableList<Tok> toks, Style style) {
        this.text = text;
        this.toks = toks;
        this.lineSeparator = Newlines.guessLineSeparator(text);
        if (style.equals(Style.GOOGLE)) {
            this.importComparator = GOOGLE_IMPORT_COMPARATOR;
            this.shouldInsertBlankLineFn = ImportOrderer::shouldInsertBlankLineGoogle;
        } else if (style.equals(Style.AOSP)) {
            this.importComparator = AOSP_IMPORT_COMPARATOR;
            this.shouldInsertBlankLineFn = ImportOrderer::shouldInsertBlankLineAosp;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported code style: " + style);

    /** An import statement. */
    class Import {
        private final String imported;
        private final boolean isStatic;
        private final String trailing;

        Import(String imported, String trailing, boolean isStatic) {
            this.imported = imported;
            this.trailing = trailing;
            this.isStatic = isStatic;

        /** The name being imported, for example {@code java.util.List}. */
        String imported() {
            return imported;

        /** True if this is {@code import static}. */
        boolean isStatic() {
            return isStatic;

        /** The top-level package of the import. */
        String topLevel() {
            return DOT_SPLITTER.split(imported()).iterator().next();

        /** True if this is an Android import per AOSP style. */
        boolean isAndroid() {
            return Stream.of("android.", "androidx.", "dalvik.", "libcore.", "")

        /** True if this is a Java import per AOSP style. */
        boolean isJava() {
            switch (topLevel()) {
            case "java":
            case "javax":
                return true;
                return false;

         * The {@code //} comment lines after the final {@code ;}, up to and including the line
         * terminator of the last one. Note: In case two imports were separated by a space (which is
         * disallowed by the style guide), the trailing whitespace of the first import does not include
         * a line terminator.
        String trailing() {
            return trailing;

        /** True if this is a third-party import per AOSP style. */
        public boolean isThirdParty() {
            return !(isAndroid() || isJava());

        // One or multiple lines, the import itself and following comments, including the line
        // terminator.
        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("import ");
            if (isStatic()) {
                sb.append("static ");
            if (trailing().trim().isEmpty()) {
            } else {
            return sb.toString();

    private String tokString(int start, int end) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
        return sb.toString();

    private static class ImportsAndIndex {
        final ImmutableSortedSet<Import> imports;
        final int index;

        ImportsAndIndex(ImmutableSortedSet<Import> imports, int index) {
            this.imports = imports;
            this.index = index;

     * Scans a sequence of import lines. The parsing uses this approximate grammar:
     * <pre>{@code
     * <imports> -> (<end-of-line> | <import>)*
     * <import> -> "import" <whitespace> ("static" <whitespace>)?
     *    <identifier> ("." <identifier>)* ("." "*")? <whitespace>? ";"
     *    <whitespace>? <end-of-line>? (<line-comment> <end-of-line>)*
     * }</pre>
     * @param i the index to start parsing at.
     * @return the result of parsing the imports.
     * @throws FormatterException if imports could not parsed according to the grammar.
    private ImportsAndIndex scanImports(int i) throws FormatterException {
        int afterLastImport = i;
        ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<Import> imports = ImmutableSortedSet.orderedBy(importComparator);
        // JavaInput.buildToks appends a zero-width EOF token after all tokens. It won't match any
        // of our tests here and protects us from running off the end of the toks list. Since it is
        // zero-width it doesn't matter if we include it in our string concatenation at the end.
        while (i < toks.size() && tokenAt(i).equals("import")) {
            if (isSpaceToken(i)) {
            boolean isStatic = tokenAt(i).equals("static");
            if (isStatic) {
                if (isSpaceToken(i)) {
            if (!isIdentifierToken(i)) {
                throw new FormatterException("Unexpected token after import: " + tokenAt(i));
            StringAndIndex imported = scanImported(i);
            String importedName = imported.string;
            i = imported.index;
            if (isSpaceToken(i)) {
            if (!tokenAt(i).equals(";")) {
                throw new FormatterException("Expected ; after import");
            while (tokenAt(i).equals(";")) {
                // Extra semicolons are not allowed by the JLS but are accepted by javac.
            StringBuilder trailing = new StringBuilder();
            if (isSpaceToken(i)) {
            if (isNewlineToken(i)) {
            // Gather (if any) all single line comments and accompanied line terminators following this
            // import
            while (isSlashSlashCommentToken(i)) {
                if (isNewlineToken(i)) {
            imports.add(new Import(importedName, trailing.toString(), isStatic));
            // Remember the position just after the import we just saw, before skipping blank lines.
            // If the next thing after the blank lines is not another import then we don't want to
            // include those blank lines in the text to be replaced.
            afterLastImport = i;
            while (isNewlineToken(i) || isSpaceToken(i)) {
        return new ImportsAndIndex(, afterLastImport);

    // Produces the sorted output based on the imports we have scanned.
    private String reorderedImportsString(ImmutableSortedSet<Import> imports) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(!imports.isEmpty(), "imports");

        // Pretend that the first import was preceded by another import of the same kind, so we don't
        // insert a newline there.
        Import prevImport = imports.iterator().next();

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (Import currImport : imports) {
            if (shouldInsertBlankLineFn.apply(prevImport, currImport)) {
                // Blank line between static and non-static imports.
            prevImport = currImport;
        return sb.toString();

    private static class StringAndIndex {
        private final String string;
        private final int index;

        StringAndIndex(String string, int index) {
            this.string = string;
            this.index = index;

     * Scans the imported thing, the dot-separated name that comes after import [static] and before
     * the semicolon. We don't allow spaces inside the dot-separated name. Wildcard imports are
     * supported: if the input is {@code import java.util.*;} then the returned string will be {@code
     * java.util.*}.
     * @param start the index of the start of the identifier. If the import is {@code import
     *     java.util.List;} then this index points to the token {@code java}.
     * @return the parsed import ({@code java.util.List} in the example) and the index of the first
     *     token after the imported thing ({@code ;} in the example).
     * @throws FormatterException if the imported name could not be parsed.
    private StringAndIndex scanImported(int start) throws FormatterException {
        int i = start;
        StringBuilder imported = new StringBuilder();
        // At the start of each iteration of this loop, i points to an identifier.
        // On exit from the loop, i points to a token after an identifier or after *.
        while (true) {
            if (!tokenAt(i).equals(".")) {
                return new StringAndIndex(imported.toString(), i);
            if (tokenAt(i).equals("*")) {
                return new StringAndIndex(imported.toString(), i + 1);
            } else if (!isIdentifierToken(i)) {
                throw new FormatterException("Could not parse imported name, at: " + tokenAt(i));

     * Returns the index of the first place where one of the given identifiers occurs, or {@code
     * Optional.empty()} if there is none.
     * @param start the index to start looking at
     * @param identifiers the identifiers to look for
    private Optional<Integer> findIdentifier(int start, ImmutableSet<String> identifiers) {
        for (int i = start; i < toks.size(); i++) {
            if (isIdentifierToken(i)) {
                String id = tokenAt(i);
                if (identifiers.contains(id)) {
                    return Optional.of(i);
        return Optional.empty();

    /** Returns the given token, or the preceding token if it is a whitespace token. */
    private int unindent(int i) {
        if (i > 0 && isSpaceToken(i - 1)) {
            return i - 1;
        } else {
            return i;

    private String tokenAt(int i) {
        return toks.get(i).getOriginalText();

    private boolean isIdentifierToken(int i) {
        String s = tokenAt(i);
        return !s.isEmpty() && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(s.codePointAt(0));

    private boolean isSpaceToken(int i) {
        String s = tokenAt(i);
        if (s.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return " \t\f".indexOf(s.codePointAt(0)) >= 0;

    private boolean isSlashSlashCommentToken(int i) {
        return toks.get(i).isSlashSlashComment();

    private boolean isNewlineToken(int i) {
        return toks.get(i).isNewline();